PAGE TEN THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 196~ Livestock Judging Campe! ition Held For 4-H Club Growers On Saturday, May 12, the The Bowmanville Lions Club Durharn County Livestock donated the E. A. Summers Judging Competition xas held Memnorial Trophy te the high ln the Bowmanville area. 4-H contcstant in the competition. club members from ail over'This year this trophy xvas won the county congrcgatcd in the by Donald Weish who hada Bowmanville area to judge score of 569. The other trophy dairy and beef cattle, sxine ivas the C.N.E. Shield pre- and sheep. After lunch tbcse sented to the high novice by 4-H club members gave reas- the Canadian National Exhi- ons on these various classes in bition to Sharon Larmer, the Department of Agriculture Nostleton, xvho had a total building in Bowmanville., score of 520. When the reasons were com-! The c'ontests in this compe- pleted the judgcs gave the tition xvere civided inte three official placings and reasons sections, seniors, juniors anc on the various classes. The novices. The novice class competition closed xith the xvas miade up of members who placing of the contestants il' bad net prteviously judged ir this judging, competition and a county liix'stock judgincr the distribution of prize competition. The junior class money. lwas for contestants 15 years o: In this competition thecc cge or under or anyone who were three trophies to dis- had. not judged in three tribute to the xinncrs of the previous competitions. The various classes. Tfhe first of:senior class xvas for contest. these trophies xvas the Coach- ants 16 years of age or over, es Trophy which was presont- 1 who had judged in three or ed by the Federation of Agri- 'more comnpetitions. The top culture to the coach of the fix o contestants in the senior winning team. This trophy section in order of placing was wvon by Donald \Velsh ivere Donald Welsh, Bowman- who was the coach of the ville; David Brackenridge, winnng eamconîstig 0Millbrook; Grant Down, Bow. LynBrown, BrianBadcmanville; Deug Jose, New- Irwin Hamilton and John castie and Donald Riekard, Werr. Cngrtulaion ar Bowmanville. In the junior also extended te the runner-letofrtwsPii is up team coached by Jamnes!loxv, Ida; Brian Bradley, Bow- Coombes, wbo provided them mnanville; Camneron Perrault, withver stff omptiton.Nextenville; John D. Allin, withverystif cometiionBoxvmanville; Lynn Brown, INewxcast le. The first five ir the novice section were Shar- - on Larmner, Nestieton; Terry Malcolm, Janotville; Sylvia î e - e Stewart, Ida; Irwin Hamilton, Bowrnanville, and John And- .0010 -. -. ersn, Port Hope. The competition started ai ,Glen flac Dairy Farm, own- cd by Ross and Bob Stevens xvhec the contestants judged tv/o classes of Hoîsteins. From there they went te the farm V of Lloyd Ayre for twe classes of Hampshires. The next stop pl xvas at the farma of Gerald Brown for the judging of twc classes of Yorkshires and then te the farm of John Riekard for twe classes of Shorthorns. ýe judges for the various classes were Mr. Deug Young, SAssistant Ag. Rep., Victoria $119.00 County for Hoîsteins;Mr US5W fis Deug Kcys, Assec. Ag. Rep., Ontario County, was judge of the Ham pshires; Mr. Dale J AC K B R O U SG Miller, Asst. Ag. Rep. of ]PLUXMBING and HEATING the Yorkçshires and Mr. Andy Watson, Asst. Ag. Rep., North- Division Street South umberland County was judge MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE of the Shortborn class. The cempetition was under the direction of Mr. A. O. THE TWO MOST EFFICIENT PACKAGES ON THE FARM the egg came first but a better and more efficient way ta package grease has yet ta corne JEsso MP grease in cartridges mak-es rcfilling your îgrease gun as simple as loading a shotgun. JLîst slip the cap off a cartridgre and di-op it in the gun, it's done in seconds. You sav tiine and cimiiinate xaste. No dirt wilI evcr get into thie grease, Esso MP grease in cartridgcs means extra protection for your valuable farnî equipmcnit. Get a supply from., your Imperial Esso Agent and sec for yourself. A.H. Sturrock & Sons NA 3-5516 SCUGOG ST. BOW31ANVILLE ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST IAET'S b s nl a NeteoyntdCuc vsfle nSna hrhsad hspoowstknpirt h yvnn o pca eiainsriecnutdb srie h\igM.Rmrladtetreognss evPhipomiloBactckAnc mmn MsChrletaesaeMsLarneMcom dra a1enisal :orpaeteoi oiinia eradMs naSms.Getogns a ora ucae n10 ada la rs a be!D.Ra cemn prsne0yMs elyCmbl nrnmr f_____________ DarmnArclua e ikadhsiaie.I a rsenaie r r l UG~Uare osn nepeso Grhm0st giutrlG'.dMotak oM.C aso eprsnaieadM.Jh enrta ri n eeal _______ r ilBe apSt priaontthjdgsndt thr aiu amr o i fo hecmpttin TaksF r cnU lowing usto-vi--t-he-r----- _____________United__ hr o], Doxvleo Snd vi abotit . ti sba d Thisrpatoly te en prir th evenig fora speial e tionsni c dconduI ho rm- thseretoin g hMy r e adthvereoraiss Rev. hili Romril f Blcr sto Ancwu he G onas Missrouherth e cl e etd r.LarneM lom orgn hd beninsall o rec t he D miin Thear nd inghsAnna the - - rgnit rs. Wurcayne Wstn 100andThan10acrosupsite chosen D.c a y Aiibcgiemn cal losnedb r. ely Capbet tnherCo rînsi suy xoù tent f hostpesstoagbabysboxr a t souce, o the ienandi:, audday viiibo dcotd o c brhese onv Mrda Jamest. thflu914cr mnths sLvetîon aanwooxpretsscon Gaam Hostal whr seltur schoUl w id b a"'moded. ores s efrt tm uh ~ ' derwent surgerand W r.hopeher T1 sodfa lohtin, c. t-Mr.rjccCho ben uderaoe cndition wFrui son egble ruher sttes wilNuotrserbiehes"pafmotrotheoe. pretov. istitutons ad thencdool the varioon thisrsconstructiveinstop in yeuing und old, iture u otheir prograni orhlit-~IT~Y~~ fthe crch hallon. Thrs' SE V Ctin YLI '.J4I tsao iet their polio evaccine. ts lasdacrin os frthecwe in orption o! wian ýcoun-dtin. ek o hsc býs o nuMrs Wilim Blclub aima ýht 1ii em ed ree ,,nýýcv7OURTIC-E Galever0Ten- Hrdt-oe o Mai1Ios)ws ed n Pone Collee0ti,1aPeterboroughntigs efr thel churc heall on Saturo .Sh-] il di .ilas- d lpet nier ing. The!iU.liC.G adiess davl 1RI1our hthe Chch hedis teeortereeton caorest. e2-82 The nUonid hurhinWthe - dehell10vel.cre P c-0inpite r opreti'renplu b2vg es oacn Mr. a y etn .A1 Lced at the o. l-C.l V !jcsuvý,Iipr e the '. \ofuhe sent h e e kcMnd wih. dtl'i h u= r ninh:s-r"ithyj 11cIo1w i n . 0ocruft at- adMrs. E RlOliet rt nOl.oer40 loi50 . & cil m "Il, ", famly Wndsr. r tti jj zn }rj§MOite. Thl sthe v-ce. ucers renaît. dwn hom e hM. WLlod hr Tisie- Si' Mr. ihe' rokct lisTho undertac ' - gerlaa ard xthî r. seint '" wil not o i ':b vtIohe a id t o cuovan aodto fexv da s iith f icnds in .*- -. .. . itu1t'i and ut e 4th, et Niaga e ara-nte'T, .;'P I ' i 'bs x'hi W'la lb" th r. Archieallion Tarcl, TocSE VICE 1p or a rot l'ek i... r to, ent the xoiovce.Pvi' h- K ' 'î" E. s r g taat.ccd. Mr. and M s. We-iliamov i r nalai asroe r 'e e U T ICxE Glaiset udrfoctp-neo Mc. and MTse . . Tî'îsca- R v rie28 2 ,.'Mii tc hr'ra LiMrax, and lls.E .Adon f i mF s en ýN o. 117-C - 'o lý ', ePl-(..- (l; g relai ives in ttie villagce on il, wPee nd. Mr. and Mes. Fred Neorl ham, Powmanville,MP.ic.c Mvrs. Alec PIa nciI'carls3, ter, Toronto, calîcr ilnfre'oi in thie village on Saturcley f termne e. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Krantz Mrs. Dorothy B ry an, Mis Hilda Hall, Oshawva, Mrs. Maý Fraser, Edmonton, Alberta Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Hall, ODshaxv: were xvceked cicsts of Mr and Mrs. B. Huýbbard. A riumber fron here attend- ed the Anniversac-v Servîic at Fnnriikillen on Sundav. Mý,r. and PIcs. Orvius Sm-i and farnily , Mc. aed Pe.a Smith saint tîhe weekcnd ir AlI7onquin Park, Mr. and Mrs. Robert _Mî Dov.'-eIl, INillbank, Miss El-7, Coulter, Toronto, %verc weel- end gucsts of Mr. and Mi's. A E. Ribex'. Mr. and Mrs. Kcnnc'th mer, Petr'î'borough. iMc. Aillai Larmer, Toronto, xvere el end gucsts of Mr. and Mns Harcold Larmer. Mrs. 1. Argue is 57pcnding ,i few davs xith Mc. Russ".] Soinks, 'Oshawa, and PîNr. and Mr,;. C. 1x'de, Tocante. Mr. and Mrs. Len McPai,, and son. Oshawa, w'erc Sun. day gue--ts of Mr. and 'Mns Georgae Allison and f2milv. .Mr. and Mcrs. Arundel Ex- ans and Richard., otr' Espent the weekend ai their facm home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gra- ham, Haydon. _Mc. and Mrs. Pete Ton'linson and famnil. v Bovmanville, viere xeekcnd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. See Coming Events about our Sundav School Anniverg sary Services, Supper and f"nncert. ir, //(, i 'i e C i 1-etce 'a'td I- C'u.:ctî xvwitb Irs. Wnm.:\,le- r r~~ ~r-~r' bp i oi rThe cvcnin, N M N~ ~ L' xve speuit %'.'ork ing on the, M E M L EUL i poeprojeot of dccorating I liait bores xith aIl ladies tait- .~ing part. It v-as decicîed net r. ~te tlda Jue meetie g but tegroli'p -et cclto enjoziceicvcein mclnla Osawa 2S « vt hxî afteward, te fi!-iîh the St.Oi il tht~Fidelis lUnit t' "' ~The Phîci i UnLiit met at the G cv pe lie. Minux'rie ctl L ie. -dvrd Wachur- tnne,ntir ,I surer"s report by PI.Norinin Ade--ir. A Ira- ~.Spading and farking are the ' wie vs ~i" by Mrs. "'no-fun" parts of sarc1ening. i IIeîo'] Steinton on lier jour- r- Let the Tcrry Super-Torque rcv froni bore te Califorti?, e1 Tiller take 'em over! And ail v. thl exptanations of interest the mulching, cultivating and on t'inxvax'. The groupxiill S. wecding, too. ho holding a meeting on June e Designedforeasyhandling. 131h at 1:310 p.m.. xxitb a beauty e Lifetme guaranteed trans- couaicilîor givin g tips on d mission. nuako-up,. aire shoving hoxv te e Adjusts readily ta any till- givefci. Lunch .\ill be ý, ing depthi. scrvecl et 25c ench, as a Unit * Fingertip contrais. pro oct. Al la,dies, are cordial- e Powerful 3 H.P. Briggs and iitdeatn. Stratton engine. '1 JOy 'ulit -noee e Wide selectian of attach- vIrs. Bruce Johnsonoee I ments. the' Jo 'v mýeeting xith a nocai, r followx'ed b,-,, Pics. Don Cowle Corne in for a dernonstration wxilh the mlinuites and collcli 1- vith Il members present. 1IE T Mrs. AI Garden reported on ýLIBERTY th-e fonds taken ia fromn the d b bkciess bake sale. An ex- NUIISII pression of thanks xvas cx- NU S R E tunded te Mrs. Erie Dunharn, it 128 Liberty St. N. Pies. Cecil Simimons on the Mq work put forth on Easter eggs. d Bowmanville MA S-30714 Mrs. Carmnon Thompson re- Dorted on flowers sent to the rch 1 coat; MODERN FARMER,% You are invited toa DEMONSTRAÎIOI 0F Ford Tractors AND Equipment THURS., 1AY 314 1:30 P.M. MORTONS FARM MAPLE GROVE ROAD 1 Mile North of 401 - 1/4 mile South of Ng In case of rain - Fri., lune li SEE and TRY this Modern Equipment SEE radio used io co-ordinate field operati( WIN AN AIRPLANE RIDE Refreshment Booth by ladies of Maple Grove Church Corne and Bring Your Neighbours S. S. Morton & Sc R.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2 St r0. 2 ions. )n 2279 Llveiest of the compacts-Falcon goes rightto the top of the etass for room . .. with comfortable room for six-and a full-sized trunk. Falcon features style. from the trim front grille right back to ther big round taillights. And ail Falcons are famous for pep. Choose the extra economical 144 Six, or the zippy 170 Special Six. Falcorn goes miles fartheron a gallon of regulargas, and up to 6,000 miles Sbetween oul changes. Choose fromn nine frnodels of Falcon-Canada's proven econ- fa1con !',ý my leader! Test drive the Lively FalconI ........... . -- ------Falcon Fordor 4 4 1 . -. quality! * o ~ alaxie quality shows in Its Xii d d I hbunderbirdinspred beauty n in its choice of V-8's or the new, improved Mileage Maker Six. Other Galaxie benefits include 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications; brakes that adjust automnatically; and a Diamond Lustre finish that keeps its brilliance. Ail these features are yours at a price you can afford-witli the Lively Galaxie! the Iiveliest features corne from Faarlane iTudor Sedan Fairlanie-the riew standard rize Ford . F it a quiet ride that outclases ail cern- fai ri ne peition! lt's the result of solid siaie-unit construction; extra Insulation; and four new torque boxes. 1airlane interiors are as roomy as those of big cars of several years ago. You get top performance from the economical Fairlane "Six"; lte 221-cu. in. V-8; or the new, more powerful 260 V-8! Plus Ford's famous Twice-A*Year Maintenance. Drive the lively Fairlaec Certain features illustrated or mentioned ore optlonal at extra cost. SUE YOUR IWCARVETH DEALER NewcastleP Ontario MOTORS USES CAR ustD NIC%8 Phone 3251 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM. ONTARIO PAGE TEN WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1961 -- 1 qi - eUl, MI, e-4 el VIS