WFI)NESDAYMY2r.L6 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLF. ONTARIO LONG SAULT ZION w7as1F .f0'~ moved yCucfc pt-ReeBacadRl Mr. and M V r.~~îdMraANrs.Ti F ~ jx!~ Z_, _ iJ[jiJ.jJ~I Darg Co ncil lbycûlici i topa te o ~e Sunday guesîs of M,. Toronto, ýs jied a;i Russel!i----' yLa 24cocrig e freSig Mrs. G.Brou ,iand fuir- Perkins' on Tuezdds_____ te eeî o D :o5 oin fLot . onesson- .Oshaw.Mr. and Mrs.Czorge Goî- - Acio aesActo als tonCouiicillheldocriTI u Dpt R B W2 wspsed n ls l MaY R id . an 'r F d P î p , d n a n d J o h n , M rs. C I R e ( R T T A R YAD V S l sd a v a fte rn o o n n t e 10 O se d e d b c o t o a o 21 o t e r z o -W îe o t s i h o Ba Rdg~ ndMrs. Farmer. Mooru, Oshawa. were Sunda, '11711-hx Hll Hmto, . .,sh, onded tht eCampbeillornf La%, ot 9ocsso2,m.fomarsluint a Toronto, were Sundav visitorS visitors al Keith Slainton's, White was appointed a mem-n-iEstat beormed that the ampbeentheeleaing oayafapyonLtoat of Mr. and mrs. ' Barrett and Mrs. Moore sta.ved over foi .Mrs. Idella McCuIIougirrbroatend1theo dEsaeb ifredta he'a gvnt ber of th Coe itte ut Ad-Township will buy the Camip- p-s-sed. On mto fCu-'o-cetr.Sde mt famil. Ihshoaida. 'ht death occurred Sunda\. ustment for a three year bel property t $2.000., h e econ erni. This iwasDoouglas;onersio hae anyhîngthe iG ST ONH- eihorn Gnea e ecre dM~DugavInnr sa a. Ma131 ,1962, at the Oshawa mvdheBIGS Cal Ccito aur ommuîîiersando mhavaitoiî hpnt thh,, OIc oOrcmlll adJmSanoiset-teiGeneral Hospital of Mrs. Id- Councillor Sidnriw Cornish, Wish to10 kefrom thMtr eot htArl~a h igs eln G lad tb report Mrs. W. Carr weekend iUp n(lia avn lili' eAUCtiOnSEnt 0f HgLsand'Feod Smth. Al mem er carrîedo- is ihprni. nvra, rGrevenhursLllaMcCullough. She died Uepartnient ofpa net0fHghHigad eode x onclorprtqntlJl'I .'1h wa MonhinteCaaia omay'sisoyiTc wesl improvievr anielv rd r.FdBona fter a brief il]ness. and had AUCTION SALE 0F LANDI1 PROPERTY SALE T 07mo hecuclver reseCa odn ,22crtadtuks 0 uismoita w e a l w s h h r a s p e e v r - M . a n M r . F r d B o w n re s id e d at 2 16 C la rk e S tre e t, P R O P E R T Y S A L E N o . T -0 1 2 7 P o i a va r s m r r u s eî o e n r d c s4 9 0 T coverv. ,nd grandson Norman Brown, Aoimî 7ars oeaithe meetingn Bretirevîous recoru montul OL une,3.,11 Mr'.-and Mrs. Normal) Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, Ken ,Approximately ý/2 acre of land,'1ýor less, located on the north; A Court of Revision was nd mantaerinsgsoon etîîe oomhhelpedlclipomn osdrbv ndJennifer ,vere -Monday and Dannv. Port Hope, Mi!Duhe ftelI r mr rlslctdo h side of Highway 401, one andappointed uinder the Assess-an iti sg o te bomh an r.Ewr rdetees ieo iha 1,onelone-quarter olset route to Mosport froni lune Several Bwavleadae eiet h getfMr. and M . h Jauý- nndrsu n i-ot, os- ie9, a ooNv.1,ml otho h neseto o rokent ftR.eve Garne t rd e-idetiofteRodSprn vine, Toronto. and Randv, Bowmanville, 86 nClarke Township, of Highways 35 and 115,pat'a. p atCncssont .oni uyReeve GA. L. Blchard,e1 Mr ndMsRi)!-tjc- ee udayviior tRay ,Durham County. She was lot 21, Concession 10 , own-0f ringCones, ounty uf Dur- niiree CornîshL..Concird eieinfte R. M. Sho r~ iccn ek.Supiigveou h od son and farniiv, Gait, wpe eCameron's. marrîed in Whitby, April 13, ship of Clarke, - îîyof a, lor i-t. C. Muir, and Cou dnci,-R.a Nu.auhor prhbt.A v earpnt hr loapervob cprecn Sund a gess f MLa d r n.andI M i. VR S i t he93 a d lv d in O h w o: D r aSale o be held on 1the prop- flor Smith as members of this" d îe uae sg so"he e c pi n ly g o i es o h n e e e a A . J c and r . F e o ls a u re v n ai a ve r eS ut ir i- t e al 5 v e r .S a le to b e h e ld o n th e p r o p - er ty a : c o u r t w e r e o n ir m e d . t o n h p R a s i l 0 i -O s h a w a r e d n t a e d i v n o e r h e e v y d a rand Mr s . red, Broo-s ay eni g vsîOrs a ni Mrs. M cCulîOLI-11 w as a erty a: i.o A M ...O oi n o O w r n he l c l p a . W rd o es f m edY Chpr us sh a nd w re Sn- ims, O h w .menber of A lbert S treet Ini ý10:30 A . Mf. D .S.T. ..D JU E 2 t î 1 6 . M i s c n e v C ouncillo;, î A t Cee ingiîciî D r-B o w m an vi l da upe ueî. n r z. Alex McMaýter. '.loaiited Clhurch. She was a past WEDNESDAI', JUNE 13, 1961 UEDYJNE26h re- de b.ligoi ownship Cou and Mrs. Earl Penwarden and and Ross, Mrs. F. B. LaPilrTermis: $500.00 Cash or CriSmtcounicil uecideu or- ,anpll dmistre sof Sun h' e Re- Certî: $50.00 ash Trwnsrip-HallChequepto .im ofysate, -uesprheseondtimemando hale"taken on familv werc Monda%' afte!:- attended Tyrone gan îcs sie $00 ChorCrti-i * '0. theueownsehRoadaCom.ission u noon isitos ofMr. aA :Vt's. nd ,ýere uppererms. ,.à fekedLChequeo 2a2ant ameedoheqsae, tmd oSaalurdalace paableithtirtilawas hepU-ted ically toaxteof otheirrayformerlthemip-oveesratwha H .000 pvst r o rR: i. and were a pe r uss a m em ber of the lodge for balance payable in thirty days. (Cheque to be m ade payable is gravel c ruhing contract L lue t rent a 'rojaii j ve e la d o f ue b heire anhe r -b i di g H . M u a vrp . F ' . G . S m i t h ' - s l h l s p i l .o v e r 4 0 y a r s . 5 e w a s a p a s t ( C h e q u e 1 0 b e m a e p y b e 0 t e r a s e r o O n r o . m a d ph Fe ýra n k S o l oI lad er_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. nd rs.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart aod district depuîtv of the Rebe- 10 the Treasurer of Ontario). PRoPeTYSALErTf5Onta pp wt rxiatekyS. (1(100 yards oader îmDsnEup Sund M s ra e Sîu î w re t mNy o d I fl: M. and ahs and a mber of the PROPERTY SALE No. T-0482 Approximatelv 2 u, a rs o or Darlington Tow nship ai fr- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -fI aïevening ueî;Of M:- Mrs. Wýilliami Daît and Billy-, fEastern Star. She xvas also a Approximately 334 acres, more1 land, more 'or less, together the same prices as the County and~~~~~s. Lloyd ~~~~~~Harmer. Scarborough. wene SUindaY rnembeir of the Progressive o es oae ntews ihacruae te hdioîaî a d M rsv . W BbvSrpo iios a lnv D n. Cnevtv oito. side of Highway 115, one mile located n the south side of T"le possibilif v of hirionPCA L1 0 R IE i an a m i . h îb . v r. G or e S nl x M s M s M C-Ju h a p e o t f e in tersectio n O f H ig h w ay 2 at th e e ast lim it o f an a d d itio n a l ni e mibe l, o f staffJ'i Sunday vsitoîs u Nir. ard îîLîa )UK, T 'orontoi i(, decc'ascd by Fier- husband, John Highways 35 and 115, part lot 1eTwîo omnilf\a icseadtemtý Mrs. J. Sawdoîî. Snavwasuî i rdCmdMCfog anay 94 1 Cneso ,Tonhpo lt9is tuei e FiJ , ýýl ý , n-1ýMcC IIogh i Janary 195. 21 Cocesson 9 'lownsip f !partt 9, Concession 1I Towni1cr was referred toteF0- 1 Fletcher Oas bcen u()l 'Llic ýi c: mu SOc is survived by two daugh- Clarke, Courity uf Durhanm. of Bowniariville. Cotînt\, uf ance Commiiittcc forareot lst. 1Mr. aî:d Ms lr Fisher,frs Mrs. B. Cliake (Betty) ISale Io be field on the pn'op-'Du]ýini. Couincillor Cornislh moved that,* O The May H ornîe iaid Sull 'c), sud Patsv i'alled con 10e of Orillia aud Vins. F. Mac- lertv ai: Sae 0beONl o ueNE.H.Vrce tc uldn m eeting w a-z dec .lared -ope n1 r. ve îeInd Fred 1R ed and M rs. D onald(.Joa iî. of O shaw a and 1 : .1. Sal'e c t*\ ai.0 1 le pr p l . I ar o , flc Bil M s. A. Milson. president of RI('(' aP Sunderland. a son.lviie M CuIIIOLogh, New WVEDNESDAY, .IUNE 13. 1962 l 9i lx M is n e ued yso ih l. M urphy,. min- Fraik and David, Scarîo 1 v one oii. Doglas. n i ed Chequ00 a h lim e u t 11:30 A.M. D.S.T. quest hum nul Io proceed with o r L c l D u g s ' h r . -F . -S t metig $l, woe Sif.ay(lisiCash958or Cert-1Fowflship ules.s il is made iAl)~IT ~ ~.1 rend and approveci. 'Pie )ýj ai ilubeit ilcîis. She is also sur\ ived be iuînce balance payable iii Ihiiit3 , fied C'heque at lime of sale,!confi,'m wîth t.11L By-Laws.Rg , lu D vs ad P mvrei 1IýadNis ri(r-Iothei-s. Cccil uf Whitb ':. lid blne payable in thirty days. This was scconded bv o i familles are in charge of thc mariaand famifs', Tvne, Mis, -Uddsodof, Il ig lliand pyale 1 te liof!i'c <l(Cheque lu be inade paya ble ýiIrM iadcridua OcobrmeigPui1 Lah r adM " n odn fOilà Ontario). lu 10te Treasurer of Ontario). illor u ir ndcîi Octobe meeti g. R a Lcarh Mr. a\vM as prececeased 0>' ne bro- AR P R Y S L No. 'g'-5d70!SaleS S bject to a reserve bd fi o s > i e . 12 Plans for 1he 'ainual î,hoot Doîuglas Fîcîl aud famiIl- AmrseI'Or ae14POER44/ crs Frfoie IVasanedluak ee ther Ambrse.Ther are14ipproximately 445 ceFrfrhrinformat ion plealsef I a gedt s ee picole were <lisîiuc'sed uJe ina. Mns. Mlai ."Leach, OsO- g ra tidJc li1d renr. 1more or less, located on the contact: Ltlee, t0e municipal consul- 27th is the date, aud the plac-, iiwa, Mn. Ros>ýw'ell heach and PR-,. S. C. IH. Atkiisoiî, 'lor'- north side of Highway 401, T[he Auctionecu, tant. Io prepare a report sug .11 -Mr. and Mrs. F. Partiier'y ,Ro)ss, Windsor, u~ere SLinday 'no o'eî fOhw one quarter mile east of New- Mi.'. Reid, ~Ctn amendiments foutheIîP R NRe.9c 69 *ii farm. Games and prises ili ,isitors at Norman hcs oîndto, to meroilOsawae-tnilpatJts6ad . nio najZoning BY-Law. No. 2111 as1 If .1111I he o tai ed b M e sr.- Pe - M n. C rl W lbu vis ted vice a f the A rm strong F 'ner- concession 1, T ow nship o 'elepho nle: O r uio 5-R -18 r g r s a d t o s Ii n n~ warden, Baker aîîl cgai0c r agin- i .Mnr'. al Home. Oshawa, ciiiWcd- Clarke, Coîîîîîy uf Durhamî. 0 R (onfiro)iig res itial usesif t UKN egI2 Y l During tire enîcei-tainýme;itRalpO Wilbur ai Mount S5mai i nesclaNv Mav 1 if;.Ictrmenî Sale lu 0e field un thc rpi-p Depanîrnent uf lligliwav,\ -,Agricuttural Zns eodI A E DR part. Mrs. A. McLaggan read H-ospital, Toronto, on Sunday.fooediiMulLanrya:Pntop District Office, inid Ihird readîng ceere given humoroci- poPm l'fc'Mn. Hlbert Tea].I, o lowel i M118aw ryal otHopene-oCO SuaigMl-lgS oll ootvs t re v a il Ton-Cemete.v, Sunshine Reekah 1.30 p.,M. D.S.T. 138 ope St. North, lu byaw 2216 for the G Ir00 H P S E c. 98 9- Sq aio n M ting ad v uenn .T lp oie r528 Mto. on. itd av . Cr I -bn~ od,,e field a service "ies-'WEDNESDAY. .UNE 13. 1962 Port Hope, Ontario. -voning pari ut Lof 17, Con- OGT OT Taylor plavc'd the tune o- l'itIc uMiss lk> un Davicisor, PaIlbearers cye D i,'Iel'ms: $100,00 Cash or Cerli- 'eeOme Unr528 -,vsld h -rn-fîed Clhcque at lime of sale, OR hff n I At of luîiIv lied r Macr es01cr well- parents Mr.isî d iý,r e .r rnd-Pal. arv aîd S'Iit[ii MCul- balance payable in thirty days. To pnt i n aiglfiwavE X A - A X~R g lieM ra unsfioe.prnsM.sds i>rs. otiiih.Edwâîd Fsud Art Bradi- (Cheque to Oc madepybe'fo1 ioReinlOfce,i // Mr.S. Gobie iead a thouglit- Javidson on Mondav evenin-.ic nj0eTea e paale, Downsview, Ontario. iI Provokinz scîcctioui, Somne- Mn. and Mns. Dave McCu!- t he- auero ntario).'elpoe24-441 *DA V f ~ I E t bod's otier» Wlatevci', lough, Mr. and Ms o Dick PROPERTY SALE No'T 1 TI)epartment: 1 248-3444,Pt f ~Rg 5 ~ *f you'ic doing. z.op ior' vjsinson, Oshawva, '\ isited ai ls LW proiatl 21 cesu (nano Mrs. H. Murph\*s .Ijectiojj. Fnank Pascoe's. Leller bIote kdiIor i 1land, mure or, lcss, locatcd on M ~ lE 4 M l, r, _ filled with experieilces ons-Mr n. sudMnýrs. n Pasce te north side of 1-lighway, gS/tJ/5ý 1 chievous children. itciîcld aspc a 'O iDa 401, une quarter mile west of!.j~QAIYCr Educational tiave.lre film- Acres" On Moniclav e\ening! Now thaf Ileartý Moilîli isINewtonville, part lot 10), Coni- r'Tr QULIT Car gi tif'$# NIVEA CREM E .Rg .L 9 îî -about EnglIand auncltheurWest for VIn. and M rs. Athunl over, il s appropriate tu takeiCession J ' Township ut Clarke, 1111( Service', Indies weîe show-n 0v Mn. E. Monce, Enniskileui. for 10cm ýa backwand glance and sa>'Couuit.y ut Durhamî. -SE -~I HL IS iko ansa -Rg 1c 59 lii White. TOe c l-rou ded pro-Sil W r ýedding Aiiti\e isanv.!tharik o i-f o tir sple îdicdSale fiu Oc fild ii fie prop- Si gram was ton ided w it I Ocre was quite a displai suppor .enty ai: I AI M tasty refrestirr-ns Sec ýo iof reworksanound on Moii1Trg ['hoir asifance t0 2:30 11.1H. DS'.IUII~ at the piencn da vnghI (le Heurt Eu ndation v'u'VDES>y .UE 3 96 UQ UEegNI TermS: $10000 Cash or Ceri-71/ tAA ---9---f--- fied Cheque at lime ut salelATH a1 balance payable in thirty days.ýM T RS L Saa i. (Cheque 10o bemade payable' - i MîTED W hiF R iiic D YS R' VR EY PROPERTY SALE No. T-01503' ii IcQueCn.Pres. 'IRD-ARCHE BOWMANCO LNGSDRGSTRVJHSO' DU SOE E 77 in Phnemot- r ess ase tOntrlo) ,e__211__KINGST.__E._____j Il BOWMA ILLE NSTORE Street M'est IN. 3-3:341 South side ofUt-igOway 9, twcî BOW31ANVILIIE tIALIIi' jp Mrn fl " " OOO41 '~7îigFO O D S Pioeand one quarter miles east of;OR'I'S CARS HEAT41NG JUEXMR GI, R Newcastle, part lots .14 and 15 A,,tliorized Dealer for Lii M 5 aaMmkýAI em!~ Cocsin 1 Twnship uti(, LIG PRS ASidl FRY8 OTVET TfI" DAMLV~ Clarke, Cocîntv of Durhani. iITRS ; ABE -_ Sale to be Ocld oni the ---------------------------------- --- ---------------------------- - - - ::0P.3l. D)...* OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAW ODPOUT WEDNESDAY, .IUNE 13, 1962 fTerMS: $5000 Cash or Ccrit 1962 NI K.I elCh que 10 0e me oayle lk nj-. HEINZ s balance payable lu lOir-t> days, Oie owner. lovnilleage, fi i gù to the Treasurer of Ontario). New car guarantee. r/IE PROPERTY SALE No. T-01502: Approximatcly 8 acres, more 1961 Chevrolet LO O K .Or less, located ont t0e souill side of Highway '-], two miles C.onlvertile .,,' mryu .*1.v~i.a cast of N cwcastle, part lot .16,1 .%utom atic, 2-tone paint.(,*M L I U l- '1 À fk Y'ORK OIRSCneso ,"wsi f' whitewall tires, ece.Oe______________ Clrk, outyofDurham. owner. Above average- fl..... D.... FritCoktil Sale Io; be lield on tOe pîop- cniin mato Juice and 0 Don't Let Lack of Ready Cs tpYu ror ~ D~dS fcrt ai: r.iî. .s.i'.1960 Bambler Larns tin 14 tns $1-0 Terms: $50,00 Cash or Ceiti-ý1 Station Wagons e afrLuvvfL 47fied Chelque nt lime of sale, Custom 4-doors, 2 to choose UlA SA~VE 40c SAVE l7e 5SAVE î*20 balance payable in lhirty daysj from, once automnatic, one OUHO E M D R IA C ___________________ (Cheque to Oc made payablel standard shift. Both areca asitw n o the Treasurer of Ontario) local cars with low tnlleage, 111 WHI'E~1VN\BI 'EBONF" IERFOI)PROPERTY SALE No. T-01504 Both arc in new car d VELLOW QUICK Approximately 7!ý acres mr condition. Toilet Tissue MARGARINE Crned111Beef on less, located on ot O f/ 2 1 - 1 Most of ihese Cars ]lave ..been thoruughly checked OSHAWA wooD) PRoDU,(.-,s ui'). Meat uepartmnent >peciaus el\ w-.. av epesedv1i spccial througli our shnp and carry Curie nal inter-est in the figot againsU our nwn Quality 'Used (Car- ~~uli Oui Beef î', (~~o~~eînmcng heart disease as well as yocîr Gunate 'es sn eala'ia - ~ concern for tOc health and: li1spected( Red or Bluîe Brand ' " f well-being ut your commuiiit.. 24-Hour ý' information on Home Nloderilizatigoiu. In thc ar-ca of public service, E XR LEAN FI<j"H FRIE S H BONELESS eO members of the newspaper Towing Service N A \ilE profession have always been Service Station- MA 3-3401 i I HAMBURG PORK LIVER PORK ROAunited in the job of informing After Il p.- MA 3-5645 ADDRESS . 4 ddlvgspcadnw lb $~ .00 lb $~ .00 6 9and viewers, particularîy in! We are noiv a recognîzed fP.,cbcme xrahd ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ th1e eart and blood vesse!s continue 10 0e the number one N'isit our Shleil Service O We carry a large variety of Delicatessen Meats!! cause of disability and death Stationî for your Spring 10 this country, 1 know vo Change-o,.'er. will want 10 continue to give fC AI I top priority 10 lOis major CONTACT: O H W WOOD PRODUCSLiie Fruit and Vegetable Departmnent Specials health problem in vocr news- Earl McQueeiJ E HN~3 EV MARS11 SEEDLES'S L'NKIST Tne scientific programmes VloBrn OshawaOfceadShromMn Office and Show«%room '~'Iftftrft..v AAof Cth1e IHeart Foundationi begin Bud FoggO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GRAP~EFRUIT TOM MES R N E with thc voluntar 'v support of AeRcad hn:7811 the people, where t0ev live .c ihrsPoe 2-11 ORIE-7811 Sincerelv, .im Crombie BWMANVILLE - 728-1i6A11-.Eih -90 $ 0 0BtO SlaneyJc Rcr Io for4 yc 4pikgs. 1.00 3 uoz. $1(Mrs.) Beth Sliac,lc Rc ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ irecter, Public Rclatioiiý Sales L OSHAW A W OOD PRODUCTS SH A W O D P O UTî Onv.'. -cari. Foundation- t-mu pli iat 'st :h. j 'i t 1 . 1 PAGE THIRTEEN