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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1962, p. 1

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GoId Cords to Guides luer el uopy IN Ub.lVWL 21 BOWMAVILDu ONAR Onty's Get AriY. Jou rua 962 At an interesting ceremony on Friday evening at the Lions Centre, Leslie Ewert, left and Patricia Gi received Gold Cords presented by Girl Guide Commissioner Mrs. Wm. Rudeil. Miss Ewert is daughter of IDr. and -Mrs. -E-. L. Ewert- and- Miss- Ciiiis dacîg(Ihter of Mr. and Mrs. -Robert -Gui. Students Show Talents Varied Art Forms. Delight Large Crowds Attending Open Ho use HeId by B.H.S. Large ta d joe hu(1 clr. hehbto i- as r ituso Optn House hliat wa ii 1Jkii teTexie Scin1-t nldesg, ad awn v'ille High Sciioollast hur wsas ntutv.deru hbakgod fr he day evening. Ail wr x heewr w o pr siainoiad alr ilgat cedingly inprcs. cd wt iso h e n vbleFslit iPplu splendid Art Exhibit, Iihe f'N- Show' Rom-an H-oliday", and Susan Gray was the able relient displays by i lome Eu- the Assemholv Hall was filleclitfashionl co-ordinator. and the onomics students and the in- ýto capaciîx f or both. A perfect, excel lent commentators were: dustrial Arts Departrncnt, and setting Aith replicas -mf pil- C(TURrI TO PAGE TWO) the delightful Fashion Show.' ý_ --- - - The extensive Art Exhibil «imostatd hedeelpig Pearson Visits Courtice laient, of the students, and "' the fine progressý thcy are i'naking landier the instructit 4)f Mrs. H. McMaster. Pol - traits by Grade 12 puplS were especialiy good. There were. plgturesque iandscitles by Î~her pupils in both ois znd iter colors, charcoa I sket- ~ eN4s, three dîmnensiorial de- ina coll'ction of AI riran rnasks, pen aod iik drawings.! pastels, and realisim paper sculptu re. j'A i-partictilat-vny ernorable * feature in the Art Section -vas "Impressions of Fîiropel 196 ',by Mrs MMaster. The:er beaï,ifui pictures were ne- xnarkabie and included o paintings, cha rcoal sketches, and drawings. Amiong thosc greatly admired were a land- iscape in Switzerland, ail ex- quisite Venetian scene, and a1nother of a fabled castle iii Ba varia. 11we exceptionally good (lis- play in the tndustrial Arts projects were explained by the pupils in aitendance undem' 10e direction of the depart- 1nient head, L.. Johnson. The b)oys' skilis \were depicted In t ol,2exarnples ni xoodwork and metal ohjects on show. *'Accessor i e s Make tIhe Rooin", a 10 minute deiinoiiî' stration by Marjorie Stewart Lnü uaaba-ig"Vie ero a and Rickie Taylor, was given A oî oaabaig"ie euo a several times during the even- welcoined to the Village of Courtice by more than ing in the Homne Econonius, 200 speetatorýs ho listencd t) a brief address, then auloratory. Audiences were lined uip to shake his hand. lHe was accompanied by tascinated by the alrnost crm- Mrs. Pearson and lett after about 15 minutes for a piete transit:rrnation of en- "î,ronmnent ni il o e thrlonugh pienie luncheon in Port Hope. Ilere, he gives a vnanging duussriles an'd or- cordial creetin. in Liberal Candidate foi' Durham, i mamnnts to others of differ-' Russell Honey, righî. Pickersg iiil Blasts Tory Record lë,At the first big Bowmenvilie mneting of the election cempeign over '200 Lib eral supporters ieard lion. John W. Pickersg'iiI speak at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. lnjecting barbed humari mb bis address. he biested the Dief- enbaker government for its manv failures. He is shown et riglit foregrou nd, * greeting ex-Ma 'vor WViifrid Çarrutliers. while Liberal Candidate Russell Honey 3peaks to Laverrue Clemens of H-ampton. Thecir attention xvas diverted some- What by a Pearsoti poster plaçcd mn the aack-rooind by an enthusiesiie Liberal. INI Wins Provincial Speaking Titie ks Display Over 200 day Night - with the playing of the well ýe chosen selections. The band is led by its marshal and color )r party also marched and coun- gter mnarched. Lieutenant W. ýs W. Bagneil was in charge of *the band. The glorious exhibitionof C 3brilliant fireworks started at nine o'colck. There was noth- -ibout the display. It was liberal, successful, and enjoy- Sable. A galaxy of shooting rstars bursting on h gh drew loud "ohs" and "ahs" fromr the crowd. This was followed l *by gold, rose, green, silver and pink rockets. Next came a large collection of radiant silvery comets with burning and gistening le eS uc murapurea crowd appIauded ioudiy. The four towering golden fountains I'reparing for O14'f presented a dlgtu lu The audience was thrilied B ooiBak ys erand astonished yhepsnt Blood Bank ystem ation of four huge catherine wheswhirling golden light Accounts amount i nl g to that the rooms in the older with rosy centres that chan- $15,529.87 were passed for part of the hospital are bei ng ged to romantie pink. Then payment at the meeting of renovated, and that the paint- an exquisite star burst forth the Board of Directors of crs expect to finish this work at a great altitude, and while Memorial Hospital held last by the end of May. it still shone four others came Wednesday evening. This was Mrs. Dîppell, chairman of into being slightly lower. mnoved by James Stutt, and the Grounds Comrnittee, spoke Sky rockets climbed pre- r seconded by James A. Bell. of the gravel to be put down cipitously Up the dark blue Those present at the meet- in the grounds. She moved sky and then showered fortn ing were the chairman, Gien- that quotations be left to, the into dazzling and wide arcs holme Hughs James Stutt, Finance Committee and the scattering every shade of Hary JseNewcastle, Keith Grounds Committee. This was the spectrm ozn fgoldeni Jackson, Mrs. S. G. McMurter, seconded by Harry V. Cry- comets were also viewed af- *James A. Bell, Mrs. Harold derman, the Building Com- terwards. Gibson, Clarke, Mrs. L. W. mittee chairman, and carried. Rose rockets climbed rapid- Bowvnanviile "i Dippeil, H. Barron, Darling- It was movcd by Mrs. iy fromn a fast turning cath-1 Lycett, I11-year-old daugli -ton,' Harry V. Cryderman, Dippeli, sccondcd by Mr. erine wheci, whilie another 1 oaIaaia eil' Thomas Cowan, A. M. Thomp. Jose, that signs and lines be rotating at high speed was RoystsaleCanadian lgioJ son, Dr. E. L. Ewert, Rex Wal- <TURN TO PAGE TWo) <TURN TO PAGE TWOî etspae la'On1i ters, Ray Diliing, the secret- - cent trophy andi a cheque ary-treasurcr, and Bernard and a cat, Damage,. She Hlethe hospital adminis- M n ' > tr c i n o is al ï nterestcd iin batai Mr. Stutt, chairman of thepîo Finance Committec reportcd been rceived 6225,had e Seen ut M orton s Big Liberal Meeting vincial government. On a motion by Mr. Stutt, second- Ne t I.'.M a 3 or e cd by Mr. Jose, it was decid. - J cd to have the transformer A h r . a 1 F re The chairman of the Pro- Mark your caleniar now foi' ment. The place is the farrnm pery omitteMr JackITursay My 3stat1:30 of S. S. Morton on iVaple 1~ I ion reortd o th funis- corne out and get ac- Grove Road and your fotsiT îng of the board room and quainted with the Ford line wilI be S. S. Morton & Sn ~ L E nurses restroom. He statedlof modern tractors and equip- the Ford Tractor dealer 1 I thi aea.Incase of rain, the Fo program wiil be held rd 'y ForAbus~ I You, will have an opportun- -'Jinty of seeing a nuLmber of qýit ari 9 )î cesFord tractors in action, demn- Ne ,r sne C c onstrated by a team from the bas a ,overnrn(,nt I rcati' ERRATA - In a report of Town Council two company. Then, you may trytmGreat Britain as bacillm as !Q' weeks ego, it was mentioned that Councillor Fiee out ihe equipnient for your- rDiefenbaker Governnw'nt ltir' had et one time offered to seli some of his land self,- donc. Hon, John Pickm'r:gil A ounit of pa rticular inter- 1stated at tbm' Towxn I k 1 oni on Waverly Roed for industry et a price of $1, 500 est xii be the Ford Select-O- Tuesday'. Mn.Pikîmi. an acre for five acres. Councilior Fice advises Speed tractor, featuring a formner cabinet mminister iwi that this figure should have been $1,000, NOT romplete "shift -on -the -go'" an outstanding prauut" transmission which is uni- ian, gave a forceful speec'm'b 2 $l,00.que in the field of modem the meeting held b'.' the Bn" w- t t t f t farm power. You will also seelmanville Liberal As, munýji ii. HAZARDS - Photographie coverage of the the Fordson line of Deisei and recceivedi an ovation ti Museum openîng on Friday evening and the High tractors, a Ford Seif-propel- ýthe large and responsivo a iii Schol'sdislayson hurdeyare lotas om- led combine, items of haying. 1 ere. plete s diplannedn The bdack ae noffas our tillage and general purpose plet as lannd, Te bak cae of our equipment, ail designed to The sljx'akc'r n iii injt_ photographer's magazine exposing the film to an make each phase of farming ternis deplored the tru'c'atmm'm: excessive amount of daylight ruining the photos. easier, more efficient and of the British go'merninent i, Dueto hi, pus lnotpebrekdon uesey more economicai. the Conserx'atix'e go\'ernmo ut1 Due o tisplusa lnotpe reakownTueday To add to the interest ofÈhre. He aiso denoumcmd Di, -i night, and the short work week caused by the the show, it is planned to have! fenhaker for lank of achi'v' holiday, a large amount of news has been held an unusual airpiane on dis- ment while in offiec'. co i over, but the ulcers of the staff are going strong. play.. The "Hello Courier" is !with bis g overnlmenti':m- an aircraft speciaiiy designed lses, resultitin iil mic ('ri' to work out of short fields. n itakes which bimelrn'i DISCUSSES HOBBY - E. J. P. Morley, Presi- Through the co-operation ofi grave conseqmic crsICi: 0Canir dent of Bowmanviile's Historicai Society, was St. Maurice Air Transport ofý The president cf i"ii('. -v interviewed on CFTO on Tuesday morning by Three Rivers, Quebec, this1manville Liheral A:miimm Mary Sutherland. The program is calicd "Free remarkable airplane will belGlen Frv', pm'sided. Othcr'm oi and Easy" and Mr. Morley discussed details and on hanid. At last two dozenithe îlatfoi-m xxerc'epa t, rides in the Helio Courier Reeve Ross Stev.ens. %vbmm ni:i showed samples of his collection of Oriental TURN TO PAGE TWO) ýcially weieomnc'd Mm'. , Pmker',- porcelain and other objects of art.---_______- t t t t NEW GOLF COURSE- A fairly reliable report has come in to the effect that Ken Nicks already has a new golf course underway on the farm tormeriy owned by Everton White on the 5th Concession. It will be called "Erinli" and plans eall for an openingr next Spring with 15 holes or the full 18 complete plus a clubhouse and large swimming pool. Negotiations are continu- ing for the eventual tekeover of Mr. Nicks' interests in Southview by a local group. OLD COPY- It's amazing what you wîll find under old linoleum. John Luffmen brought in a 1920 edition of The Canadien Statesman found in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, 165 King W. It is well preserved and makes a valuable addition to our files. PLENTIFUL ELECTIONS- Old and voung voters throughout this district mey be 'some- what confused because of the surfeit of election compaigns in progress. There not only is a fed- eral election on, but high schoois in the area have been having a glorious time, with loads of hectie campaigning for their Student Councils. B.H.S. compieted their election lest Friday and Courtice High wili finalize their voting this weck, but the federel election won't be until June l8th. OPEN BOUSE- Next week, Generai Motors in Oshawa wili provide citizens with an opportun- itv of seeing where so many local people work. They are holding an Open House with complete tours of the htuge plant while it is in operetion. CORRECTION - Under the photo of the dedicet- ing of a new orgen et Nestieton there is an error in the neme of one of the orgenists. Instead of Miss 4nn Samis, it should read Samelis. xced 1)1- v mI reognti on Friday whcn Avelyne ici' of 'dri. ai id rs. Wm. Lycett, Queen St., won the spublic spc'nk iig contest in Toronto. She wvas judged in tli el 'nmentbn' v ,imoul) and received this magnifi- for M Iiss Lvýceîtl spoke of her two pets, a dog Pal is ai (i;d i st:t it ai, Ontario St. Public Sehool and ýl w i nnIim I ným 'cti skating. The provincial contest ii nvi ai ( n nt Hope and J-3n\manvmll(. ~cé-tl Minister àee;baker 'G.ovt. ~ Grea t Brifain n mi hum t. 11cm ,imKl C. I Iibi'a i ian mdidate for CDiioý' i u t mnx E. P,. L- i.~ ~~f thi mi u.i ie Dcmrhamn ,,hoi(-i a m iciitGmm 1 c; I lu- liii mi t'li' * ( 'i mn Tp a i g mi tii I I XX mmmilm mi 'c fo i m mm ficam'aimncdmmnlle- t"~ ~~ti( pm"m m ieLiberai P * ' i' mî i ii 'c'cm,'sc'd i-l mi (os i ' i is iim'cposed iiiiL 1i' dmcr L. . 3 Peci'-- n~~~~~t t m i iiil lan, amid muml ' Ii'mmm Imjmclthat M'.ý 'ut ~ beoni tll rn 'mt u"m e omt f 't i immmcuv spouke rif Xii ra r'. e mm i. ofl v, u mmi"d "Difm'ibak - i ,' i ' " in e mmi commtra - t'~ ~~M Io ' 'inicm'tiGreat! î't'. i i , mmm:lidi r i bbc k i' tlm',I' 1.eaci -tM"J 0 A .F TWOm K iwani s Sale 0f Peanuts Next Monday 'lo raise fonîds foi- lîcîr many projeets, teUic Kiwali:s ('lub w~il] bld a door te rlo<r l'canut Blitz on 3jcii- day niglit, froni 6 to 9 ('ilizens mre urged t« stock un) on fthe mide variet.v Of peantît products w'hir-b mvill lit'on sale. Invidcîîtally, tt ii, ais un Tuesday ev~ening liad a large staff of members oni handa at tihe Jacknîan (lreek arca. wiîcrc they arc work- ing liard to make it mb a heautifaîl îîark. coinplete with good swimming. Somne of the funds colle<'ted froni Ille pemînut sale, xvill be used for luis riga ntiu' su'lieiiie xvliih has b<'i'i <Iiscussed liera' for mn îy year s. Student Council Executive Honored at Banquet A pleesent Inauguration Banquet et St. Juumimi ,s Parish Hall on Tuesday was the first officiai ftmni'îmon foliowing the election of the new BHS Student (îni Executive lest week. Guild ladies served a delimimus turkey dinner. During the evening, toasts ta the m'î- coming and outgoing executive were given by Johmn Twist and Pet Thompson and speeches were math (ýb'.' rctiring president Don Mesterson. (Foaise rucem'erl 'a pest president's pin from ýPrincipal L. Lucas), and 1),( b'-mt usident Nancy Woolscy. A special presen- t J hmiim (If"sk set was made to caretaker E. Fiai- i mît',, ,mmn b c -(,'u'pf on;Alcooreration and assane Tém.c 'u'mi' incddts: front r(>w, left tri right, Sm"'a: (ai'alv' Tennant, President Nanc'y WntAsey, 'lmtant mmucr Lmmnue Muttan; hack î'ow, Gam'th (Iilpin ("'i s':").I st Vice Pat Tlomp.san, 20(1 Vice Judv S: mîm' m, "d 'iu Linda Steel and IXîti Au.,in (.stziff P rese nt Two 1 vTýy ý - l" ý - Successful Project Great Rotary Firewor Enjoyed By Crowd of At Hfigh School Mor The spien d i d Fireworks Dr. W. M. Rudeil, Bill Thies D splay posed by the burger, John Bain and Clarg Bowmanvjl Rotary Club in Garton. Ail the Rotarianý the High School Grounds on helped by selling tickets, oi Monday evening was tremen- assisting on Monday evening dously enjoyed by over 2,000 Bill Forrest, Kirby, wa, men, women, and children the winner of the Lucky Tický from the town and surround- et Prize, a transistor radio ing district. It was a great The winning number was 230 celebration of Victoria Day, and the draw was made dur. and the huge crowd was en- ing a short interval aboul thusiastically appreciative of haif way through the pro. the gigantic and spectacular gram. exhibition. The Ontario Training School > Bob Stevens was chairman for Boys' Bugle Band gave ar iof the committee ini charge excellent concert, which com- of arrangements for the ex- menced at eight o'clock, and citing event. The other mem- continued for almost an hour. bers of the committee werre The huge crowd was pleasec Memorial Hospital Durham County's Great Fainily Journal ý IVOLUME 108 1 -. ; 1 14 Pages l(It- pýr - MTTxeml-iý-qî

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