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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1962, p. 2

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PAGE TWO case, which had tormerly he: B .o o . iised in the old Tuck Shopý) Blood o the muse um.* Mr. Xalters, chairman of B cmnlc the staff Recruitment Corn- BFO AGNE) mittee, stated that a sial f FOMPAG OEf applîcant had been interv-iewý,- îrepared to assist in parking 'ed for the position of kitchen- n the lot. This also was car- !manager and chef. 1-e movcc rieri. that Frank Kessler, Scarbor- Mr. Thompson, the Publicliough, be hired for this posi- Relatons chairman, turned Ition. This was secondcd t-, his report over ta Mr. Hol- Mrs. Gibson and carriced. dien the administrator, whoý Mr. Stutt, scconded ID'v Ir. ?old of the various groups who Cryderman, moved that ktb had inspected the building and the policy of the board to ts services during Hospital, strive for accreditation as soon XVck. as possible. This w~as cartiedc Mrs McMurter, president unanimously. nf the Women's Hospital Aux- The hospital idnmitistratoi- liary, reported on the inter- Mr. Holden, reported iiat eýstina flegional Meeting of there were 335 admissions to H ospital Auxiliaries h el1d the liospital during April. The here last month. The board average daily cc'nsus was 63 Chairman, Mr Hughes, thank- patients, aduits and childrcn, ed Mrs. McMurter for having and eight newborn babies. the place mats drawing at- "The average length of stav lention tat Hospital Week de-, for aduits and chldren vxuas livcred ta local restaurants. seven days each, and the .Mýr. Thompson, who is also newborn babies five davs ;1 mcmber of the Bowman- each. The increase for aduli ville Museum Board thank- and children days amounts rd the Women's Hospital Aux- ta 40 per cent over 1961" iliary for donating a display Mr. Holden's report stated IUme AT YOUR REXALL STORE BLUSS SHAMPOO For ail types of hais- Reg. $2.00 Valuie - SPECIAL, 88C Rexali MULK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS - 500's $1.25 Reg. $2.49 - SPECIAL Helene Curtis SPRAY NET Pus-se size - Reg. 69c Jury & Loveil VITAMINS 100's - Reg. $6.50 Valute 49c $3.49 The man who knows ti O f United Counties parentage, rais prairie f arm. * Veteran of World War Il. *Mechanic with Trans Canada Air L *D.V.A. trained lawyer. Take a Stand for Tomorrow VOTE LIBER DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO nthat plasterers, pairers, roof-'L A erniment debts at present, Mr. 1 throughout the show was pro- liîng. and floor contractors arp flH A M P T O N Pickersgill drew attention "to vided by- Fred Graham ais: nou, working in the older the fact that the Diefenbaker pianist. areas of the hospital and it is Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall andiSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim governiment is now calling The wide arrayo sar expectedthat thirwor wilI Mr' and MrskiL.len s 1 Woodley and children, Tyrone, theni planned deficits, ever styles shown for young lad- O T c be omplted efor the nd tndedEnnikille Annver-visied Mr. W.Chapanleslasgrrorei.ed stheisvithe wersrsas -:of Julyý. sary and visited Mr. and Mrs.lThursday. "Diefenbaker was given a beautifully finished products -1The Admitting Department John Sîemon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jammer second chance In 1958. June of good taste, marvelous colorS HO dihas been mnoved te its imdiv- Mr. and Ms-s. Sam KeaneI and baby, Oshawa, were Sat- 18th is practically a Iast sense, originality, and almost HO - dual office at the intersec- and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. urday evening visitors with chance for the Canadian peo. professional workman s h i p. tion of the main corridor and Keane Sr., Oshawa, visited Mr. Mr. 'and Mrs. Burrows. Mr. ple. The country is starting ta New ideas for sports clathes ýthe emergency entrance corri- and Mm-. Tam Wray on Sun- and Mrs. Ralph Burrows, Osh- feel the effeets right now of were demanstrated, and the B dor. and is staffed by Mrs. day. awa, visited his parents an the improvident spending of pretty dresses, attrac t i v e ,!Doris Akexy. Mr. Holden aiso Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pres- Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Diefenbaker-Fleming. T h e y skîrts, blouses, and welI eut ereported that M. Taylor, the catt, Rager and Erin, Ennis- Rudy Jammer and baby visit- cannat raise enaugh in taxes tailored suits were aiso much L UI OLbortor Tehnoogit, illkillen, were Sunday night sup- ed his parents on Sunday. ta pay for their spending. admired. be spending a full week with per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dave Laphamn and twa S "When Walter Harris and All shades of green fook A i Ni U dthe Red Cross Blood Transfu- Glen Sihadfml agtr iie nSna t Laurent were in office the the leari among colors. Sun- sion Centre, Toronto, this Mr.SBilH arnfaml. daugwihter vasied ntsurnd Canadian dollar was at $1.06 ny yellows, soft pinks, and, 'mon th in preparatian for t.hp and M. BiFrarsnk , oor-e, witHowerd parts, Srk- an ' S. Toay Canadians visit- gorg-ous bilues were aiso high' Hstasmen lo eodBak onta, called on Mr. and Mrs. ville. ing the States are lucky ta on the list. White as always Hosptalsom.lodBn G. Adcock. Mr. Clarence Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Keefe and get 90 cents for it. Fleming's was modish, and striking tints Mr. ile' report sho\w- cock home on Sunday. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. comie if it were nlot tragic. as well as flower like tones cd ihat during April there Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axford Carrîck. Mr. Bryce and Miss The cost of living will rise proved becoming. Lovely fab- e 213 major operations, spent a recent weekend with Gillian Bryce and Rager, Mirs s"Ithlya eut iswr sdceeladW d e Vad299 minor operations at her brother Mr. Herbert John- Jean Morton and friend, Ham- Inte last year o! Liberal the variety available in 1962 sthe hospital. There were 7~7 ston, North Ray, and attended !Iton, were Sunday visiter,, goverriment 280,000 p e o ple 's Most encouraging. cvisîts to the Emnergency De- the christenin~g o! a nephew. with Mr. and Mrs. Carrick. came ta live in Canada. They Prettv Grade 12 students partnment. It was maved by Last Tuesday Mrs. Axford in Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey found wark here as did 10,06ù made a bit with exquisite tMr. Stutf, seconded by Mr. company with ladies from and family spent Monday witîî young Canadians entering the evening gowns they had made JacKson, that the haspital ad- Trinity United Churcb, spent Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mi, labor mnarket that year. But themselves. The Queen and P R 0 G RAI minstrator's report be adop- a day in Toronto, visiting the and Mrs. Len Player and'Tom-* since then, the Diefenbaker her court appearing lii the jted, und this was carried. United Church House, Victor my, Bowmanville, were Sun- goverrnent lias discouraged finale aise received much 1 ac - Mission, Earlscaurt Home and day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. imigration. la 1961 more applause. Carolyn Tennant is.Mac other points of interest. Sid Kersey. Canadians left Canada tha-n the Queen, and the Princesses 1. Trainfi Mr. and Ms-s. J. S. Eddy- Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon Sr., the number of people who are Karen Barrabali, Marie 3 ul G reart vean, Orono, spent Tuesday Scarborough, visited on Sat- entered this country ta take Cooney, Sharon-Ann Ander- 3 ul afternoon with the A. W. Pres- urday with Mr. and Mrs. John Up residence. son, and Suzanne BaIl. cotts. Lyon and family. "The average number af Mrs. M. Arnott, 'head of the, 4. Cadet R ota ry Messrs. A. W. andi A. L. Mr. and ýMrs. . Ralph Ballard unemplayed In Canada every Home Economics Department, Prescatt spent Wednecaday af- visited Mr. and Mrs. Harr rn onth since 1957 is 450,000 received congratulations for TH-E PUBLIC A] 'ROM PAGE ONE ternoon with their brother, Appleton, Whitby, and Mr.l h itrmnh thýtewneflFsinSo !,i'Io -ted by towering Pili Mr. Edgar Prescott, Enfield, and Mrs. Frank Ballard, Col- been more than haîf a mi,_ she had directeri, and for the Jars of gold, prnk and green. who has had a bad attack of! umbus. lion. It is staggering ta read outstanding suecess of her The tis arelos ispayarthritis. lier friends wihl be pleased hbat the Tories publish a tdns was actually outdone by the Miss Marie Prescott, Tor- to know that Miss Louise election propaganda. In their f lantastically large and twin onto, spent the long weekend Goodman k at bier own homne ittie blue book tbey have twirling of connected caltb- at haone. again. boasted that the Diefenbaker M ecrine wheels of gold, silver. *Mr. Mathias Carrigan, Tor- Mr. Ben Killenis, Douglas goverriment bas increased un- M rose and violet. Tbe ioyous onto, spent tbe weekend with and Linda Lee visited Mr. Rav employment. relief paymentsj Crowd responded witb hearty hi, brother and sister-in-law, Killens. Montreal, over the 847 per cent.roh e applause and cheers. Mr. and 'Mss. John Carrigan. weekend. 'Tatis unemplo - ment re- -rele The magie fantasy that Mr. and Mrs. Patil Kelîx', Messrs. MVarshial Francis e, ntueporiniS carne next presented a won- Port Credit, visited Mrs. Fred Ralph Ballard, Stani Milîson ance. When Jahnny James dierful replica o! an enormous Honey on Sunday. and Alex Carrick attended was a member Of parliament falîs. This Niagara of realis- Mr. and 'IVrs. Rau Clemens the meeting of O.A.T.S. Men's the Liberals bad 900) million tic seeming glistening water and Mr. Murs-ay Axford at- Club District Council al, the dollars in the Unemployment appeared ta plunge from Out tended Enniskillen Anniver- home of Mr. Tom Scott, Park Insurance Funri. It is bank- of the darkened sky. It too sary and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lane Ave., Oshawa, on Tues- rupt today. ..... received deafening applause. Ed.gar Wright. day nigbt of ]ast week. The speaker referred te the Othex' astounding sigbts, On ruesday evening Miss Sunday was osre cancellation of the Avro Ar- .,.* symmetrical shapes, colorful Eva Yeo was hostess for a Rural Life Sunday in the 10w, as the destruction of the and glinting displays were shower for Mr-s, Ronald Ste-. cburch service. The choir greatest industrial effort made beautiful ta behold. There venson. sang a love]" anthein. Rev. in Canada. "This was a tragie was even an amazing and On Tbursdav the polio Sa- Mr. Page's story te the child- .unermad.b.Defehaer mouniting barrage o! poly- bin vaccine was adminstered ren was "Blossoms--the three and resulted in, the loss o! chromatie rackets tollowed at the school and at the Town- lessons we can learii from numbers o! our trained scien-- pulsating lights.I At the church, a Women's on "The Mustard Seed,' and Urging that ail make every Th e highligbl. brarxght ail Institute Ra'hIy was held, diri- the !aitb compared ta it, trýuîy effort ta see that the Hon. L. cinotional gasp from inaîîy ner being served to a large suitable for Rural Life Sun- B. Pearson is given the oppa,- - tboas in extra cheers This numbes- of delegates. da.ttnity after June l8th to pro- was the presentation o! a vast Ms-s. A. E. Billett attended Hampton Girl Guides met vide Canada with stable, s-e- portrait of Her Majesty Queen Enniskillen Anniversary and Monday at 7 Hampton sponsible govern ment, Mr. Elizabeth Il in color with s-e- was a tea guest with Mr, and Tyros met Tuesday at 6:.10 Pickersgill stated this country0 gaI golden crown and spark- Mrs. Har-vey McGili. p..:andri Hampton U.C.. wGwuld then be able to gs-ow lîg iieeklace. The dramatic Ms-s. McîMahon, Bowrnaii-,met Tuesday at 8:15 pan. Hd evoeof sel fina!2 concduded with "Good- ville, called on Mrs. John Bal-I Tyro Hesoeo usi oney's Neyer before has Night" in lettess ormed of son on Thursday. i es, after a few warm mieet- dedication ta the service a! stellar lights. Mrs. .Frank Wilbur. Susan,' ings we now have finished thîs countr-y, and askedý that Kr herhd s h -- -- Brian and Bradley, Oshawa, this season's work. We have a he be given aIl support. "Elect rel h dsc One man*s word is ron nian*visited Mr. and Ms-s. lias-sy review eoming up next and Honey in Durham, and T pre- o ttn igval "iPle nMna.te eerioi rmo itteewl eaLbrlues! word, we should quietly ýheari Miss Mary Wilkins, Oshawax, flash- we hope. govemrment l, Ottawa," lie botb sides.-Goetbe.i visited. on Sunday with Mr. Our next inontis meetings announced.* * and Mrs. Harold Wilkins. ai-e: 1st Tuesday oF June - A heas-ty vote or thanks ta Mr. and Ms-s. Russell Van- "Garnes Night", e v ery o ne Mr. Pickersgill was înoved by -IC A 0L k n r.Wn ibr n usa rJn,"aetssece eeas aeb hos-n, Whitby, called on Mr. needed for tearn games; 2nd Mr7. Woodyard. StimulatingO A an CH R £ Mss. -lesonon.Sunay, Night", noms and. dads and Mr- James, the former mem- Mr. Gea. WatÉon and Cor- relations are asked ta ous- ber of parliament for Durham, parai 1-. M. Watson, Toronto, meeting, when we plan Our and by Mr. Lovekin, president 1 00% Nylon Cover WI TyA mODîiè 4leVf visited Mr. -and Mrs. Sam Me- own program and also receive a! the Durham Liberal Asso- Reg. $299.50 Value Rtuhber *& 'BOY OHboY Reelis. Coarporal H. M. Wat- oui' flashes; 3rd Tuesday aocf to CTOý0 ITHUson, brother of Mrs. Mcfleelis, June, "Gýaxises Ni.ght", teams - SMPRID is naw in Egypt with the R.C. to be there; 4th Tuesday o EXE. June, "Visitors Night," ahl Dr. and Ms-s. A. E. AllUn, boys who were eight years oir Mio rtonl$ 4 5 Fort William, spent the week- before lune 1962 and whol 29 @l s; .end with Mrs. Will White and plan ta become Tyro membesi Miss Nancy Johns. in September can r..aeWtonTso hp aSaeahincF owAEOE Mr. nd stdMr. J ao n lM ros Uni exto hueda, wene K roeh feAGEeclro and Mr. Ritchie Watson, Tor- with aur new membex's ta be. wiîî be offered as attendauxce r e i B d o Cla, s-te Mrn.a.nd t hmrswe prov extwesae len iers. Clr rce . kand wMt-s. Wm. s oethig sdhave lacam- Furthex- interest will be 3-PIECE *..68" TRIPLE DRESSER, 4- visied r. nd rs. m. omehin andhav acom-created by a wos-king dem- Dadson, Peterbor-ough, a n d plished a littie bit, we remain onstration of two-way radio BED, PLATE IVIRROR, Ms-. and Mrs. Don Goode, the eager Hampton Tyros. . communication. The Canadian in Barlk Walnut with Can't-Mar Top. EUNR I- Lakefield. Ms-s. 'M. Van De Belt and Ms-s. Motorola Electronics Company On Suoday M. andairs.J. Lyons.]S planning to bave radio Regular $329.50 Value - NOW ------ Tink visited Mr. and Ms-s. Announcements: -Hold anta equipment on hanri te show -------Charlton McBride at their cot- ail newspapers. magazinres and the effectiveoess of two-way 3- PIECE . . . DOUBLE DRESSER, 4-D tage on Chemong Lake. cas-dboard cartons (broken radia ta co-os-dinate diffes-ent Ms-. and -Mrs. Ber-t Stevens dawn) as there will. be an- phases o! field operatian in CASE BEI>, PLATE MIRROR, attended Enniskillen anniver- othes- paper drive ini the Faîl. the farm equipment business. sary and visited Ms-. Howard Thanks -for your co-operation. A sefseshment booth wiîî Walnut. Reg. $299.50 Value - NO"' Stevenus. be provided by ladies o! Maple Ms-. and Ms-s. Keith Smith Grave Church. TRIPLE DRESSER, FRAMED MIRROR 44" 1) and fazily visited Mr. and Fi e rAI! in ail, this promises ta Ms-s. Harold Keath at their u r be aii arternoon of npasticuilar, PANEL BED, Joan and- Kathy, Pickering, eroment we have net had an'ý visited Mc. and Ms-s. Hogarth goves-nment at ail. They hav*e on Sunday. Mr.Haro1dntcaeoectutv. BOWMANVILLE KIWANIS Thompson and son, Scarbor- thing, except ta complete pro-W Hgrhon Monday. such as the St. Lawr-ence Sea- CLUB Ms-. Jas. Ar-thur- Werry trisit- way, the new Mantreal Air'- ed Ms-. and Mrs. Hogar-th on pas-t, and the pipe line," be ANA Âines. Saturday evening. explained. ANA Ms-. and Ms-s. Fred Holroyd In 1957, twelve years after Jr. and family visited Ms-. and World War II, under Libes-al Ms-s. Amos Brookham, Osh- government the national debt awa, on Manday. had been reduced from 13 bil- Aginc,>urt, visited Ms-. and duction a! about $150 a head P E A N U B L Mrs. Allan Macklin. for the entire Canadian popu- Ms-. and Ms-s. M es-w i n lation, and a substantial Qfl Mountjoy attended Enniskil- achievemnent. the s p e a k e s- len Anniversary Sunday aftes-- stated. A L ck~k.s-s LethByesnoon and were tea guests with "Fleming mnanaged to have -lcsok ae oermn' is er Monday, May 21 hDewell on Tusa. o! World War II, and as-e well 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. W ~~Perey Dewells and Sam Dew- Ms-. Pickecsgill edded thatBE G N R U. . . SU O T J elîs on Saturday. the Taries had added a debt Dr. Wallace Horn, Montreal, o! $200 a head for every man, K W N S W L A E W R lu visited Mr-. and Ms-s. Tom woman, and chîld in this Wray on Thursday morning, country. This is the equivaIer't ps-ier ta leaving on a trip ta for a family of five o! a $1,000 England. mortgage on their home, farm Ms-. and Ms-s. Pus-vis and or business, he added. tTION ths-ee daughters, Tara n to,! Discussing the highes- inter- I visited Ms-s. W. Chapinan on'est sates being paîd on govJ WEDNESDAY, M.AY 23rd, 1962 RIO TRAINING XL FOR BOYS owmanvill e JAt CADET PECTION sday, May 3 0 2:00 p.m. AMME: iPast and Inspectionx ing Demonstrations Band Parade .Gyrnnast Display .RE CORDIALLY JNVITED ipeci*als 100% Nylon- Cover r ufted back. - SPECIAL >m Suites 1-DRAWER CHEST, PAN EL ---- -$269e50 )RAWER CHEST, BOOK. $249.e50 .1 2", 4-DRAWER CHEST, ý .299e5O RFIELD AND T'ES &P Ltd.* FURNISHINGS MA 3-7071 I 'q IL ITZ Bth LOCAL ..emm 1

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