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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1962, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1962 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM VTLLE. ONTARIO BLACKSTOCK St. John's W. A. met in the Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs.1 klarish Hall May lîth, withi M. Devitt were progressi.- President Mrs. J. Hamilton, favorably in hospitals. Mi presiding. Devotional w a s Eva Parr, Dorcas secretar given by Mrs. Ashmore. The reported two quits readv f- Litany was fromn the May js- sale. Canada Packers labc sue of The Living Message. will be collected for aluminu This uas followed by prayer pitchers. Two bake sales ive: frr the prayer partner and planned, one for June 30, ar 4M 1 's Prayer. The Sunshine one civie holiday weeker secretary reported on card3 Anniversary service will sent and received, and that July Ist. Pledges are to1 _______ -met as last year. Presidei closed the meeting w i Svnchildren a t te nd e .MECCA[Messengers meeting Tuesda Fast healing for 'after sehool. For devotion; CUTS, BURNS, BOILSi the story of the Prodigal So INFECTIONS %,versions. Janice DorrolilrE Soothi. ceived the offering. Mrs. I Anhtsptc ç.CC*..~Dorreil told the storv " Loi REf,5a". "rejudice. A il repeated tli -u ec 7~ motto and sang "Jesus Loy. Â,iveil±h15 ,iUseU wit prayer af ter whichi game were played. Unit No. 1 of U.C.W. mic Tuesday afternoon at the bomn af Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs witl WEEKLY TEEN-AGE AND WOMEN'S FLATS AND JET HEELS Blaèk - Brown- White- Beige Sizes 5 to Il Reg. $4.95 ta $8.95 ALL ONE PRICE MEN'S SAVAGE SANDALS Leather with Crepe Soles Available in: White Brown, Rcd 5 to 8, C & E 1 $3.95 81/2 ta 3, C & E $4.45 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES by White Cross and Naturalizer $12.95 -$14.95 MEN'S WORK BOOTS by Sisman $7.95 - and Greb $11.95 Lloyd Ellis Shoes PHONE MA 3-5941 «49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Ghost town or just ee4 i On the surface, a ghost town and a sleeping com- alike. But there's a tremendous difference benec a paused but healthy econon'y ... a population for the next day. Another invisible factor, just below the surfc Insurance in its many lorms protects the comnr awake or asleep - against the risk of loss from fi: IiabiUity, storm and the multitude of other hazi from day ta day. Without the protection which insurance provic Canadian inunicipalities might well be ghost tot protection - which cornes only when the catastro few can be spread among the many - most o which make our Canadian centres prosperous todi been undertaken. The tremendous individual risl aster would have made such enterprises too on( with fate., ALL CANADA INSURANCE rEDERATIC - on behafaf over 200 competing 5.aWaomobüe aad casually iasurance companesg iuiylook much Ail ladies of Catvrz't Cir- AND Port Hope, Sunday. mumty cuit arc invited ta the Pir'-t DECl M. Rupt. Byers, Bowman-ad ith the surface... Con ference cf thc U.C.W. î 'KA N" 'vilie, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin, We Will Remain Open BoLLL Fri. 'il 9 p.m. Plackstock Un'ted Church, WEO ATN Mountjoy, Hampton, visitedý asleep butrea. Rýalp9h Hi:3' cf Trwen SMr.and Mrs. Leith Byers on: but ~~Hi oedfMv OhaT1repm, nnC Sun lay. .1 B R O S w i1I bo guest speaker. S P LE Mrs. Edna Gibson, Bowman-ý I T S ace, is insurance. BGîcy ta report M,,rs. AL. vECALilie, spent the weekend with' abetheome_____Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibsan, 47 IiNG ST. E. Q AIYM TSMA358 nunity when it is from horsptal. AJso that ýMr. and family. "U LT ET"A358 Richaird VanCamnuvas nilXTýN re acietthf .seriouzly injured when bis Ried and Blue Brand Beef Only .ards we ail face tracter upset an to - of î-irn'. LATEX PAINT P rns H I Gray is in Bowmnalville Hos pitli where she underwent bI des, most thriving surcr'v. ______4 5______ wns. Without that Eighît Cuhs and two leaders, * ___________________ __________________ Larry Hoskin and Leslie As- Man Brais Isfl EhreParty phic losses of the selstine, enjoycd a hikean HUDRBNLS outdloar lunch at th.eir camp- in was held on Tuesday evening Df the enterprisesat Memorial Park Clubhouse lbst1bD9 theentrprsessite an Sunday afternoon. I-y the Cerebrai Palsy Par- tess badges, Nadia Swar'îz and Rail or Roomn Lots ling Il tables af cards were in 1 ;ks of sudden dis. Linda Failis planned a dance -1 play. Mrs. David Clark was TENDER, JUICY EXTRA LEAN ,e-ide agamlefor Girl Guides and Boy HyrT V'ri the convenor. ( e-idd gmbeScouts which w-as held in th'e The door prize was won kSek lb. 59c rudCukl. 49c Rerreation Centre Saturdav IAB'LIflI by eGarge Heath. The winners C ukSek rudCukl LCANADA nigch t. Several prizes mee . t Euchre were Mrs. B. Walk- INSURANCE gin ad lunch was served. Pan aIa e y, Mrs. M. Brannigan, Mrs. FEDERATION 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Marlow an&Wlppe. R. Jarvie, E. Skinner, Mrs. Lean, Store Sficed and Anne, -Mr. anc iMrs. Ivan 33 KING STREET W. :George Wiseman and Mrs. D. BR A F SBA Olb6 c Thompson, Elizabeth, Bill andi Mutton. b Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. F. R. Cook was the EP M 14W.Lvdaan4Bbsent ifortunate winner af the Spec- PHONE US FOR FRE M DELIVERY ~~ ~ the weekend camping at Up- __________iai Dr-- - '- " ; a per- WMNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1982 THE CANAD" STATESMAN, BOVMAN-MLLP, C)NTApjo IDAr-qvq nqzxuT.,W ý Pb k il 'g.. marient wave donated by Mr. Morton Henderson is Mother's Day wt i B HS Elections Produce Some N'ovel Cam paigning iactics Wanda's* Beauty Salon, building a new bungalow, the brother Chriswiand family r D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~A delicious lunch was ser- aeetwsdgot trigeryMna on ved by Mrs. R. Bacon, Mrbsmetws u u this trigeryMna on and Mrs. Ralph Campbell, week, it will be interesting ta ng Mr.A.Smeî, n e P watch building operations. Mr. J. Cornish, Mrs. F. Cor- Io' r'sident, David Gray, Newcastle. The site is south-east of the nish, Mrs. Frank Anderson, present building. We wish Miss Beckett and Brenda An- Mr. Henderson every successIderson %vcre dinner gucsts lm in this worth-while venture. 1of Mrs. Williana McHolm on WIEDDING Mr. Neil Anderson spentiMonday, May 4h idELIOTT - ALLIN ~6Y ben the chapel at Western )î, ('Jj)->r>4c ('I gvIIt ~jUnited Church in Weston, on 1<4 .,'14,ie ...-'Iît lýl'( th rdyeei May 18, 1962, ;h Joan Eleanor Allin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun, d Orono, and Neil Wesley El- Judge: "I amn revoking your liott. son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg- driver's lcense, and you wiii jal inald Elliott, Kendal, were unitedt in marriage in a dou- not be ailowed to drive a car rn ble ring ceremony. The offic- for two years. You're a dne ,e- iating clergyman was the Rev.toeesras"anr D.~~î R. E. Spencer of Weston. t eetin. v~ The bride given in marriage thbler father, looked lovely Morst Byuroor inastreet-length dress of 'es ý11dresden Nlue chiffon with a my living depends on It." th matching lace bolero, she es wore a white wedding ring hat with veil and carried a .Tudge: "Yes, and so does nosegay of white munis and theirs Z et red rose buds. Miss Beth Ba- e nesteel of Toronto was brides- E.Lsi h. maid wearing pink chiffon with pink and white access- CLOTHES CARE HINTS: aries and she carried a nase- Your Clothes Best Friend Is your Cleaner. . . there is noG gay of wvhite mumis and pink reason why you should flot look well dressed at ail times. rose buds. Mr. John Janus- zczak of Weston was grooms- Bowmanville Museum Now Open.. man. A receptian for the immed- Tuesday thru Sunday iate familiies followed at the Exciting Displays of 1800's - apartment of the bride and groom, at the Westlyte Apart- ments, Weston. F W:Leaving on their weddiing9 A 5-~-~, trip ta points in the United mo States, the bride travelledi a beige suit with rose and__________ beige accessories, ber corsage - - was of pink carnations and jAinerican Beauty rose buds. ...... ......MORRISII Cartw right Fiery speeches an the campus, dozens of huge ta parade through the main street. These spectacular The regular monthly meet-ns r aieA posters and ather gimmicks featured the Boxvmanville tactics failed ta produce the nccessary votes because ing af the U.C.W. was held C n e v tv so ito i Hligh Schoal electians last week. But one candidate he xvas defeated by Nancy Woalsey. This photo on Thursday, May l5th, at for President of the Student Council really wvent ail shows his entourage, with Allan Fraser in the saggy L:15dp.mar. the memof rs. out. Antan Forster painted signs an his car and gath- kilt, playing the pipes, Tom Cuffe,th capgnnd ne ust rsntTe cordially invite you to a ered up a piper, a campaign manager with a laud manager, assisted by M\,erv. English, Judy Paeden, President, Mrs. Harry Beck- hailer andi several representatives of the female votei Suzanne Bail, Dianne Gilbert and Monica Forster. ett, opened the meeting with prayer, hymn 239 "0 Spirit RecehevlivingciaI 8veningg eight ladies present. The de- of Mrs. Joe Bradburn with Il per Canada Village. SfohclivngGodIws sng votional, Fault Finding, in'ladies and three children prc- Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marla ie re Scripture verses were read by keein wih he crpture,: sent. Leader apencd with a and family, Lively, spent the S Mrhs.LlodpMayrvin. Les lvas given by Mrs. Murraylpoem, "Aspiration". The wor- xeekend with Mr. n r.Togt n rrb r. to meet *Byers. A xery interesting ship peried was conducted hv Wallace Marlow, Mr. and Mrs.Wlla MHom nd rs and enlightcning letter af' Mrs. Lloyd Wright who tookc Neil Werry and family, Mr. withtalsndom he tud Percy Vivian thanks &ýnc telling of theiri as lier subject of meditation and Mrs. Neil Bailey and Mr. Boh aks the lyCrstian -work in Nigeria, was read "The Good Samaritan." This and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Churcf hestoicfrythistdayni from the Wagoners, ta whom1was folowed bv a discussion Nestîton. Lwec hrhi euaepr s this spring. During the bî i-'S VanCamp dcdicated the of- Mauntjay and family, Wark-1 aI hymt n" fo a dthen ness at each unit details for1fering. Mrs. Leith Byers and worth, Mrs. Phena Mountjoy,! etanta sig old edh * hoUC..conference, MyMs Ida Taylor presented *a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hallett and, deotion a perio . Mro 29th, were 'iscur "cd, also pro- skit on "He That Loses Hi ailOhwa ie u y THeersencey tMre Mrtonl:3lp jet orfl ,olýi mee"tin eryheplesnft houruests of 'Mr..and Mrs. Harold ..which was answered by a don- No. 2 Unit met at the home metnS eyplaathu wain and family. ation toward articles needed of Mrs. Ralph Larmer Tues- was spn sa feno e r n r.Enst Swain, for the church kitchen. The B A K T CC H L day evening with Il ladies and a delicious lunch was ser- Mrs. Wilbert Werry, Mr. and, minutes af the April meeting L C S O K H L present. The devotional was ved by the bostess. Mrs. Clarence Marlow, Mrs.' were read and appraved. The given by Mrs. Harold Martyn, Unit No. 4 met at the home Harold Swain, Jack and Helen........ Easter Thankoffering and re- ORCHESTRA- DANCING b and the Bible study led by of Mrs. Harold McLaughlin on attendcd the May Day cele- gular collections were receiv- ETRAN ET - RFEH ET Mrs. Romeril. Wednesday evening with 10 brations at Ontario Ladies'e.ETRAN N EF SH NS No. 3 Unit met at the home members and five visitors pre- College, Whitby, Saturday, A report of the last sale ofEEYOD EC M ___ set. hedevotional on Un- Mrs. Milton Hanlan and'. efrshmntsat oborg ale answered Prayer was given by, Donna have spent twa weeks Barn was given by Mrs. Helen Mrs. Walter Wright. Mrs. and Mr. Hanlan spent this " McHolm, after yng a Jack Nesbitt, Pres y .~Phyllis Sinclair sang a solo.!weekend -%vith hiq parents in' ." Ibills, there remainec1 a balance . ~"I Found Him in My 1-eart." Pernbroke. of $36.21. The return o 'ý Mrs. R. VanCamp introducod f Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- . . O* number af pop bottles may Mrs. J. A. McArthur who led j oy spent two days last week bring this up ta about $40.00. avery interesting discussion .in Toronto. A donation of $17.00 toward on Ncwv Canadians and imni- Mrs. Charlotte Forder, Portt*ý~ , expenses for one or more girls gration. Two nexv Canadiens Perrv, visitedi Mrs. Alma gaing ta Quin-Mo-Lac Camp NOW AVAILABLE 1 were present and spoke frceix' Fowlci, Tulesdav. will be forwarded in due ofter impressions of life in M. avey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Christina Lamb time, a motion was made and Hcatcrigto andDebie.AI-seconded for this purpose. Msds. C. S mi1th, S. Van-, sov"tds~rîcuis agtra r n r Mrs. F. Cornish aI Port10% P R ,-,ison vÂte sverl ousnsClive Lamb, R.R. 4, Bowman- Hope offered ber home for fCamp, P. VanCamp, L. Byers, et the home of Earl Dorreil, ville, will receive bier Bachelor the June meeting. Lunch em Ralh Lrme, E Lamer M.Sunay.of Science in Nursing Degree mittee, Mrs. M. J. Osborne Graham, A. Wright and W. Miss Bannie Mountjoy spent at Western University Gradu- and Mrs. D. Haines, June l9th, îý > ~ ~ ' Archer attended the Women's the weekend with friends in ation Exercises in London, at 8.15 p.m. OAG Institute District Annual la. Langstaff, and Miss Judith Ont., on Saturday, May 26. For the pragramn we were M HmtenveoaIthe 16Explre Charles and Gay Lepkey, Chris attended Shaw's Public entertained by Miss Joan Mar- whancof ther6led oers rs Langstaff, are guests of Mr. and Bowmanville High Schools vn h aeams ne-JU o Rmerl, ttededsevic ina1 amiy.Brue Muntoy ndand graduated from the At-. esting and informai, taik upon body lattented Crv ch fMissAnaSmeî, a-kinson Sehool af Nursing, ber visit ta Toronto early thisA jbod __theUnitd______Mis___________sBOw Toronto Western Hospital, in year as a delegate from Wel-- j Sunday niorning. Four mena- 1960. At present Chris is came Hi-C group ta the con- bers, Gordie Malcolm, Graham nursing at St. Joseph's Hos- ference af Alcohaiic Educa- OAG ÀDuff, Bob Swain and Barry pital, London, Ont., but leaves tion. Some af the highlights Trewin were initiated by Rev. the end af July for Vancouverathscnrecwrevy Romeril. B a n n i e MalcolmnBC. aoeinbr uiets misnfend ece wrtainiyp spoke of the w'ork ancd eirns o Public Hlealth Nurse.-Photo anue etagy p th EolRe.Pussel Carni-. y o%)mao preciated having Joan giS QEeZ tae M r Cr Wright3-3e303 bymanoillemrand renudrti duainlpo QEZ 0> han presentd the TreasuWrefn us some i.dea af work carried

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