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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1962, p. 6

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PAGE 8= THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLT.~ O!'1~RTfl - - - - ----, -.~ 1VLi.>L~ Oshawa Wholesale Reports 6 7.8 O/Oo Rise trn 1962 Earnings i Oshawa Whoiesale Limitec niet earntngs rose 67.8 per- cen- Sn the first 12 weeks o! fiscal 1962. Earnlngs for the 12 weeli period ended April 21 wese $137,793 compased with $82,- 075 for the sanie pesiad in 1961, a record yeax- for com- pany sales and earnings, ac- cording to Ray D. Wolfe, pre- aident. First quartes sales were $15,238,315, a 25.4 per cent increase oves sales of $12,- 159,253 ln the correspondînîg pesiod last yeax-. Quarterly easn in gs per share on 558,598 outstanding tE shares wex-e 24.67 cents coni- pax-ed with 15.14 cents on 542,138 shares in the sanie pexiod ol 1961- a 62.9 per cent increase. Thsee Food City discount food mar-kets were opened by Oshawa Wbolesaîe Limited in the fisst quarter bsinging Ito five the number of discount food stores operated by the company. One new IGA food max-ket was opened and one enlarged. One policy protects the enfir, family Ilartford's Family Life Pol- icy provides sound life insurance protection for 7oung, growing families. .Protects dad, mother and Îhc children. . . even children yet la corne along! Cail us Loday for full details. about Ibis important protection. STUAIRT 1. JAMIESý INSURANCE REAL ESTATE King St. L Office MA 3-5681 Bowmanville .Residence MIA 3-5493 AepreouùW Hartford Life. Insurance Company, Member Hartford Insun= GrouP, Hartford, Con. Firat Aid Kits - 98e - 2.00 - 4.25 - 7.50 Bactine Spray - 79c, 1.29 Tantel for Burns --85e Unguentlne 79e Vacuum Botties 79e Health Salts 69e 98c size Brisk 79o pHiOpS mA 3-.5695 DRU GSTORE NE WTON VILLE Mss. Heb Gibson and girl! of Newcasti1e, Mr. and Mrs Ackand of Port Hope wer( secent visitars with Mr. and Mss. R. Bruce. Mr-. and Mss. W. Cliftor Robb of Westmnount, havi came up ta spend a few. week. at theix- cottage, bere. Oves 300 persans of vas. ious ages attended the Polic Clinic here last week ta se- ceive the Sabin Vaccine. The ;'olunteer workers in charge were, Mss. C. R. Farrow, Mrss Imlach, Mss. Edgerton, Mrss Jack Eliiott, Mrs. F. Gilmer, Mss. C. H. Lane, Mss. S. Rowe. The regular monthiy meet- ing of Clar-ke Towvnship Schocl Asea Board was heic in Newtonville Schaol last Wednesday evenîng. Due tc resignations, two new teach. ers have been engaged for the faîl term, Mss. Woodiand o: Newcastle for the Junior rom hese, and Miss McArthur ai Omemee for Port Granby. Mr. and Mss. Anthony Ton and Bai-t matored ta Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the holi- day weekend. Mss. Jini Gilmer and child- ien of Port Hope, spent the weekend with ber parents, ÀiVAILABLE FOX NGRBTCAGES BALPH S. JONES Barrîster and Soiicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 Nive& Cream 45c, 73c, 1.33 Noxzenxa_ 49c, 73c. 1.35 Skoiex Cream 1.25 Noxzemz San Tan 01 ---------- 60c, 1.00 Sunilita Cream _-___ 79 Is re id Cs le Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Messr-s. Charles and Iey Allun of Bowmanvil ed ta see Ms. Fred Nec Friday. Ms. and Mrs. M Bruce motored ta Banci the weekend. Mss. W. H. Jones ar Zena Cariaw visited brother, Mr. Alec Messi is a patient in St.J Hospital, Peterborough Friday evening. Mss. George Smith o castle and Miss Dosath: leton of Kingston wer day visitons w-ith Ms. a: G. Stapleton, Ms. and Mss. Bill and daughter went to ing for the holiday1 M. and Ms. Carlisle. Ms. and Mss. Swee Peterborough wese visitars with Mi-. and Huggins and family. The Anniversary Ser oui- church Sunday nr was weii attended an stirring message fi-arn Freeman o! Welcame wi much ta the point. Ti Mi-. Roy Bickle's sl singing vaice, braughi memoies of othes da rnany o! the cangregal is to be hoped that w have the oppartunity ol ing Mx-. and Mss. Bickle in the not too distant fi M. and Mss. Cecil son o! Orano were5 dinner guests ;vith M Mss. Wmn. Stapleton. Stri-dex Pads 98e ClearasIl Cream 69e - 1.19 -Acnomel Cream 2.0o WE FU £RUSSES 1 M. and Ms. Doiph rand Ms. Harris of TI -were Sunday visitai-s -Frank Ovens'. P Ms. and Mrs. Fred E dson wese Saturday e "visitons at Ms. Bey. H son's, in Bowmanville. M. and Ms. R. Bickl, ,dinner guests with Y' d Mss. C. M. Jones, Sun nMr. and Mss. Rod. G Jand famiiy wese ;veeke: itors at Msrs. Lena Ove nMi-. and Mss. Mel1 tnant of Kingston were day visitons at Ms. Wades. Ms. Heard of Part etagether with Mr. anc Trueman Henderson Ms. Clinton Brown, the latter's sister, Mss.1 Dean in Scarbasough' tai on Sunday afternoor Dean was seriously i in a motos accidentg the weekend. Mrs. Frank Ovens anè Bar-bara Ovens wese S vîsitors with Ms. and Bsyan Noble of Taranto Mn. Roy Smith ;vas from Lakefield for the end. Mr. and Mss. Ray Hall the holiday weekend at River. Mn. and Mss. Neil O'C, and famuly ;'isited Mr Mss. S. A. Rowe on St Mr, and Ms. Bud Jon, family, Capseol, spent J weekend with Mss.1 Jones. Mx-. and Mss. Presto Peterborough. wese M, visitons with Ms. and Mi C. Rabb. Sunday night supperi Iwith Ms. and Mss. ( Smith were: Mss. Bessie Jkey, Mss. Ern est Walke: «Wagnes and Mr-. Fred mns of Bowmanville, Mr. Martin of Oshawa, Mr-. per Johnston, Mr. Dave auît and Mr-. Roy Srnul The occasion was a bis celebration in banaux- a Junior, wha is one yeai Mr. and Mss. Sid E and Ms. and Mss. Tnu Hendenson were at The Iows Lodge at Rice Sunday evening. The canvass for the C Relief Fund bas now completed and about $5( lected. Ous thanks t' girls wha assisted: lDosothy Elliott, Joyce C bell, Marilyn 'McDonald, nie Gilmer, Barbai-a Si tan and Mss. Edna Elli( Same o! aur local resi attended the Pee Wee game in Kendal on Mc af tesnoon. Finai score Cal 19, Klendal 6, Mn. and Mss. Rayi Tsim ;vent out ta Pont: Sunday aftesnoon ta, se( exhibition saft-ball game ween Staskville and P pool, won by the latte the score of 4-1. Nev.tonville softball gets stasted an Sunday, 27, when they play the manville team at Newc Mss. J. Glover and son Merili of Warkworth callers at Mss. W. H. J on Manday. LONG SAULT <Intended for last weel Mss. Doreen Cars was esated on last Thursda: Oshawa General Hospital arn glad ta report that s: pxogsessing favourably. connunity wishes he: speedy secovesy. Mn. Bai-iy Preston, Betf anid Miss Losrraine M( Yelventon, wese Sunday per guests of Mr. end Mr 'Davis. Mr. and Mss. Colin Ta Bowunanviile, were Friday Saturday guests, and Ms. Ms-s. D. Oaks and family i and Mss. West, Oshawa, 1Sunday visitai-s of Ms. Mss. Robt. Cameron. Ms. Harvey Gibson, and Mr. Jini Goode, St.( armes, wese Saturday gi o! Mr. and Mi-s. Rye Gib! Mr. and Mns. S. G. Har Erindale, were Thursday ternoon callers of Mr-. Mrss.F. G. Smnith, Mrs. Ken Butsan, Di and Teddy, Burketon,, Friday afternoon visitas Mr. and Mss. B. Johnson. M and <~Mss. Wm. Joli an aily, Lifford, wene day guests o! Ms. and Ms, Johnson. iMr. John Sawdon, Neil Donna, Oshawa, wex-e T, day evening visitors, Mr. Mrs. Stan Huit and fai Oshawa, were Saturday e F s ng visitai-s, Mr. and M-s. ifred Lines and f arnly. *~~~~~oe -n ------- - - -- -- J *'-Ya ne 1I' t eature! Save 6ic! - Sunspun - 24-oz. Jar Aunt Mary's 2-z MISS APHA I. HODGINS Sunday dinner at the home of nany, Bassister, Solicitor 1"' - su-Tempex-ance St. - Bowmanviile i aents-. n s.E aa rsig 4c S 1 __-Mr-. and Ms. Kenneth Hart,, I'eature! Save 2c! . Red & White For Septie Tanks Pkg. -s. N. E. RICHARD LOVEKiN ley, Ricky and Heather, Bar- B.A., LL.B. rie, wese Victoria weekend ayl0T, Barrister, Solicitor guests of hier parents. Mr-. and elPodr3fr25 SEPT0-B C89 andi Phone N22 steM4adMs6SmBatm Fresh Baked! Biscuit Feature! - Supreme 7 and Houx-s: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 spent the ;veekend at their SnemHnyRg 3 oe-ivue -b el were cotg t. li.N TRNG.9 i asBsut 9 andM o r fgag e 3 Mrs. Roy' VanCamp was ai0NNWot otaea I~ thM NU ea. 9 i asBsut 9 Ajax, SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO WCOIfARME1 CAtL sday visnowden, Oha. ____________________________ Cath- Phone 1 r 16 LS~"Mr-. and Mss. Neil Brownell, 'ests Fix-st Mortgage Funds O Valerie and Lee spent the Sv e 5 Varieties FREE! Save 3c! son. Residences - Farins ln ekn t ovleYORK FROZEN 6o.U !PtEaoae ikwt rmer, Business Properties ~~~cottage at Mink Lake. -z tn ofPtE a rte Mlk w h ýaf- Mortgage Loans Ms. and Mss. Reynold Dilla- MuE 6-oz. Butterscotch and prompt, courteous service bough, Avonmose, Ont., wereý E T PE any HAROLD C. PEDWELL Monday visitai-s with Mn. and. 8-os. Size I anny Real Estate and Mss. A. Barnes and family. - were Mortgage Broker Miss Karen Kolenko, Osh-L ,' fNewcastlee Phone 8581EECRawa, I spent teweekend wt'3for th.5c ed(..I P.ITS 29 bh e r g sa n d m o t h e r , M ss . C . W il - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sun 0 f me fr yCTI LD 1Mr Clifford Wilson and Mr.' KEITE A BILLETT, O.D. ACI tPI; ýHarold Wilson, Oshawa, spen.t Prices effective at telse Red & White Food Stores ouly an 4 IgOptometxistot the weekend fishing at Tema- 1us Off11 ice t. . -Bowmanville REFRIGERATION-ELECTRIC garnd s.B. oeko AL RV A KE al rv hus fieHours: By appointmenl Mr SLS-SRVC sawdM. and Mrs lKlno .and Telephone MAx-ket 3-3252 ANTR-SLE EVCEshaa n r n rM PEGO EM R E al rv înily, Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - F-L TV- RADIO - APPLIANE Harold Wilson, Oshawa, wene ~lL eyen- 9 a.m. ta 5 Monday callers with theirCR -AI- Thursday evenlngs iparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wii- IHSM R E rn Mrss Wed. and Sat..- 9 -1il Bor,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6-12 Inseet Repellent 69e, 89o Off Repellent -___ 89eO Noxzema Guard- 75e Off Spray -- 1.39 Fiy-Tox Spray Bomb 98c, 1.49 Band A ids --- 25c, 53c, 79e Absorbine Jr. -- 1.25, 2.50 J & J Antiseptie Cream ----------- 65c, 98e Dettol Antiseptie 75c, 1.25 Nupercainai - 1.15 Polaroid Dee Tee Sunglasses - 2.49 to 4.49 Moth Killer 59o Sunrite Larvex Sungiasses- 2.59 Io 2.98 Bomb .___ 1.98 Tone Ray Moth Sunglasses-- 25c to 2.98 Tox ___ 1.59 Gillette Adjustable Razor and Blades- 1.95 COWLING'S D~VAI MA 3-5589 R OYA BOWMANVILLE FR1., SAT. & SUN., MAY 25 - 27 and "Prisoner of the Iron Mask" ln color MON. to WED., MAY 28 - 30 and "Seven Women fron Hel" P»A=RA OWENS, JOHN KER Aduit entertalnment Brown. Esther Everest and family, comipanving commentai-v on'thanks ta the retiring presi- 1 ton, Mrs. M-%ansel Finnev, MI-w. 1Wes- Oshawa, were Sunday supper !n-the many places of intîerest Ident. Mrs. Addison Scott, andHarvey Davidson, iMrs. ina ille call- guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I ~ y r i ifr visited. They were introdue- secretarv-treasurer Mrs. Ralpli'Palme'r, Mrs. Gervin Mulligan sbitt on Sawdon. i ~M n er C un i ed by the programn convenor,lPreston. and 'Mrs. Walter Neals. Dur- Mr. George Elliott and son,l I Mrs. Hector Morton, andi Plans were made ta attend înlg the social hour, Mr. and aymond Rory Gibbs and Mr. Wm. Carr Accaunts amount i n g ta remove on or before June thanked by Mrs. Harry Ryley.! the East Durham District An- IvIrs. Mulligan were able :0 ,roft for were Sunday guests of Mr.$2,860.62 were passed for pay- 2nd the fence that hie had buiit Terî al a nwrcnual Meeting ta be held avod cuitne Robert Sim. ment at the meeting of Mani- on the road allowance, or b; ACr o heBus"Biibrooia'2r n the village. The president nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille vrTonhpCncl edte to sipwlhaeit MNrs. Walter Neals gave com- short course in Miilinerv ,,,ill'presenited Mrs. Mullig-an with 1their andf a m i 1 y, Bowmanviiie, in Bethany recently. Council removed at his expense. mients on the evening's motta: be applied for. At thue r'quest a basket of flowers. iii, who were Sunday supper guests of authorized the Road Superini- A $25 grant w-as made ta the, "Good heaith and -ood sensýe Of St. Paul's Church eoa' h etig;a t~d Jaseph's Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. tedntasedptaaiit ilrok grctul Soc- are life's greaet lsinsJAuxiliary, the Institute Will bx- manv guest nthsse à, last *;of. $100 on clerical assistance,îety. It was agreed that the'Mr. an- tyetesnewgas ea.m-iaîgbot'iciloc sohi se "Welcomne back" Is extend- with the road accounit books Township supply John Pal- 1, eiected president, chie1terGrdnPrsi u~ )Ne-ed to Mr. and Mrs. John Van- for the balance of the year. mer with enough wire and 30 the e eting. Mrs. Thom as roPr utin ext' ArRilo Semsl f e- ytndKape.- Specifications for a graderfecpsstaeneheWs- Jennings, secretarv - treasurer, year's activities were given T 1 C K E T S e Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Fred BraoKS ta be purchased by the town_ ern limit of his property In read correspondence and min- out and the next meeting fea- TOE R1VH E nd Mrs and Chris, Oshawva, were Sun- ship were approved. Tedr ecag for eighit feet of ites. also commenting on thelturing Historical Research, OE RYH E day dinner guests of Mr. and ;vill close on Thursday, May land ta widen the TownshiP iniancial success of the recent1will be held at the home of, Consuit StcyMrs. H. Murphy. 3lst. Council also decided to Road an the approach to Bowling Banquet which Iu-. MIrs. Clarence Rowan.1 J U R Y~ & L 0 V E tLL iSterl- Mr-. and Mrs. H. Murphy buy 2,000 feet of snow fencing Bethany. stitute members had catered~ Follawing the singing of the, 15 King 8t W. 31A 3-3361 to visit and family were Sunday ev- immediately. The 1961 tax roil in the for. National Anthem lunch ;vas Bowat. ll ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tetwsi lrRs muto 1804 vs Mrs. T. J. Jackson expressed'served by Mrs. Hectar Mor-ý- aneyof . Mrphy Tyone Thetowshi clek, ossaccepted fromn the collector i- neyof . Mrpy, yroe.Davidsan, ;vas instructed ta jwith $19,422.61 stili outstand-' Sunday Mr. F. 0. Smith and Miss notify Dowe VanHalteern a îing. mrs. j. Gloria Smith, Bowmanville, vie i te Smiths upper guests o rvcei teSundays.>Zone Commander Pays norning Our- an.nual balte sale and: d the afternoon tea got under way 'lit LRev. with flying calors on Thurs-lH er O ff icial V isit to ýas very day, May lOth, at 2 p.m. Our, o hear president Mrs. Kathleen Da ;plendid vey bareiy liad time to 'affi-A x li r H r t back ciaily open the sale when the i n A x la y H r _____ ays ta visitors came ini and our lave- Zone Commander Rose Batejoni-thie-Lalze, and ta purchase' tion. It ly display of baking soon van- hi ler officiai visit ta theitwo bonds.1 'e may ished. Proceeds front this ef-' paRprsidepeene s )f hear- fort was $44.55. After the visi- Bowmanville Ladies Auxiiiary Rpotweepsneda Sagain, tors had had thei- lunch anit the Rayai Canadian Legionifoilows: Comrade Bates 'on the future. cpo eCu 0lde seldathe Legion Hall last 1Oshawa G e n e r a 1 Hospital' .u fta lb5 aisst e.Secnrtlte holn aqeCnrd \FrosCiu Robin- tled down ta a weli deserved we cgruatdteBwng aqeCordFmus hiia ~unay iap0f ea s te bke a~emenbers, execui.tve andi offi- Kiiht on the 13ovmanvi]1l,ý r. and was over for anothier year. À:eheeeA.Eyh'udeArlBno vote of thanks ta Pres. Mrs.lachee ntEdh Iude ApiBng, ' Payne Kathleen Davey and ail club: President Audrey Bate un lst 'Vice-Pr-esident flena Bath- l aa raronta members for their work in'behaîf of the au.-cilîary pre- gate, April canteen, Coinrade at Mr. making it a success, and a,1 sented a gift of a Corning warV Bru1ce on thie Parts and Ser- special thanks to ail who pat- casserole to Zone Commander, vice Dinner, President Bate on evCo Juy-Sai fender- ronized our sale. Bate with best wislîes for- lier'the Hockey, Stag Banque,,NwLrp Juc ai vening - -- futur-e happiness. Zone Com Coinrade Barnev Boisvert, so-__ [ender- madrBtwolas held etethnetCorde I UNKIST ORANGES doz. 29c Business uirectory high office for 10 yenrs, is aianv Colmner, berea;'emeiit, ,adCcrrade Doroth% Ricn- F1ull Carton - 15 doz. - -- - --------------- - $3.99 le were brîde-elect. Her marriage will rs ikadas o h e vIr. and Àc co0un îan C Y take place in August, adps. ik n loo teie day. _____ __-_LrgeHea ilîour RAY' J. DILLINGCmreFans Bruce auid Plans were made ta hold a Snlie-LreHa ,d vis- Certified Public Accounitant Comi-ade Anne Dillinig were draw- in conjunction with the ns'. 93 Chiurch Street appointed con;'enors for the'Car Draw ta be held by R S E TC a 9 rousig-____ MArket 3-3861 Dart League Banquet ta beiBrancli 178 of the Royal Cania Su- W.J . OG held on Saturday evening, Ma-yi dian Legioîî. A conîmittee, Lrisp. Florida - No. 1 Grade - Poiy Bag e Sun- IYM. J H. COGINS 9th. Conîirade Millie Bates,composed of Conîrades Bath- i Hry Chartered Accountant the immiediate past presidentIat Kniglît and A Soe econd Fr Blor g and Comrade Florence K.night, ws'foi-m AaBte ed ta select prizes EL W H EA R 3 HoeM NwLbrrsuidn another past presidexît, ;vcrelCoînrade Helen Wallis, the a Mrs Car.hKng em erne33s1 named lunch convenors fo r secretanr-, as asked tao oder -iild, wet Imported - No. 1 Grade P'kg. of 2 Onions visited l the District Sports Day. Theithe tickets.iff A_ Bertha ALFIDLANDER auxiliarv decided ta inake ai Afier tlîe business meeting, PJ S OIOSE9 Hop-& COMPANY generou-s donation ta the Sumn a delicious lunch was served Ho Msi Accountants and Auditors mer T. B__Camp at Niagara- and a social hour was enjoyen. injured ____e Tuse Garden Fresh ROSEBUD - Mix or Match Bunches in Bankruptcy II during 64 King St. E. 725-1621E HNI R D HSorG EN NON 4f 29 d Miss Oshawa, Ontario 1E HND1R DIHSorGEI4O INT4o2 Mudy rs ladr.__B.__________________ Mrs . . Spelleî eniter-'tannîtca Muriel lis tlie tlird 1Ms- andwith a dînner party on girl from Bethany ta win Pro - ____________________________________ MONTEITH - MIONTEITH the occasion of her daughter vincial honors. hame RIEHL & CO. Gay'frtbrha.Too h Bglwfa on week- 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Glds frtbitdy.To e Sar>îBieo la cm est Buy!- Save 8c! -6c Off Soup Bag DJeal leinz ~-zTn Chartered Accountants peetwr hriieL-pee 10 units; Patricia Green' 1spent 728-7527 gan and Mrs. Murray Logan,1 9; Patsv Bigelow and Diaxine 5 P'I Burnt Pax-tners: Laurje Anne Sisson aîîd Mrs., Snith 'received their county 5f * . . Hon. J. W. Manteith, F.C A. Robert Sisson, Ruth and Susan 'honors, Certificate and pinfo Iv v v v6 for6 7 annell A. B. Manteith, B. Cam., C*.A. Richardson, Mrs. George Rich-Icorpleting 6 unîiits; Eleanori WT OSU P6 fo 7 r. and G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. ardson, Lyxîda Speller and Porteous, 4; Marguerite Beer undav. (Licensed Trustee) Mrs. Mervyn Porteous. and Heather Sisson, 3: Sheila' Best Buy! - Save 4c! - Table 1-z u es aiýd G. E. Trethewey, C.A, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ter- Wood, Marguerite Wilson ,2 16ca.Ju tthe- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. -miii and their daughter Pat-ISusan Masters and Joanne 'e- W. H. 1VH.SON & BURROWS ty, Toronto, were guests withi Bruyn, 1. Each girl was pre- Chx-eedAconans Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson1 sented with a silver spoon. O1L D TYM E SYRUP2 7 on of hree conat for the weekend.' They were accom.panied bv: fnday 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Jack Durham, who has beenithe club leader, Mrs. Ralph' rs. W. Partners: In Civie Hospital, Peterbor- Preston alsýo rs. George Best Buv' Save 9c! - Deimoîute Fane»c-z.Tn guests Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ough, siffering froin pne-Neals and Mrs. Jac-k Russeil Carlas G. Edmand Bux-rows, C.A. mani a, is fow xeported as im- women's Institutea' M 5o.Tn SWai- Phone 728-7554 proviîîg.1 At tlîe Woînen's Institute fr4c ym M h. r Miss E v elIyn McKinîiioni meeting held on Mondav iiiglst LI<EAM CORN 5ç r 9c Montreal, Que., was home 'oi n heUnited Church Sunday Tmthe holiday weekend withhrShoCom n n r Tu- G DI MNDCýparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae Gerald Mulligaît of Toroîîto' Best Buy! - Save 16e - Dr. Ballard's Champion, 15-oz. Tins Dep- EDWiropMaNN, D. MeKinnan. showed coîored slides of theïr ft Deh GShrorcrrMs.Jan Edun s recent trip thx-ough England,'i Cf hSi.Office: D Os wnn Ein d thda 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St home agaîn from Civic Hospi' ýIi-elaiid, Scotland, Belgium vu8 fr$ ýf Ry PoneMA 3-5509 tai and making a good recov- France, Switzeriand, Austria, D--O O 8 fo-$ r oln Office Hou-s: By Appintment ery foliowing a rnastoid DpGermany and Italy with a- WiîeDe nia Mrs. R. R. Edniunds, Miil- B SE LN Best Buy! - Save 19c! - 12e Off Pack- Liquid 20-oz, Plastie WLk - e -n f a -1 brook, spent several days last BASEF UNE Laker, fie u y J bi e Bd s d tn s i-E rD ML U DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. week with Mr. aîîd Mrs. Reg. . Sain Battams was lias- C been 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Mr-. and Mx-s. Rober-t Gill-ts tadne aryo us ' E ;0 cl- ffic Hors: ourand hei sonTery o day, May lSth, in aid of the o ca- OficeHous: ous îîdIher ~ er~ ~>Base Line Goad Neighbour ýa the 9 a.m. ta 6 pari. daily Malton and Allan Watling 0f Cl ub. Six ladies and three Best Buy' - Save 4c! - 3c Off Pack, 1-lb. Package MissCiased Saturday and Sunday Weston were guests with MSîîrenwr peet n Zap Office Phone - MA 3-5790 and M-s. Ross Cari- for the îîcicde dnnere was serv d aîe I ~ I 1 o"House Phone - Newcastle 3551 holiday weekend îed iha, e lbD hei~ S O TE I G dents Office in his home Bethany on W e d n e s d a y,:1 held tlîeir regular meeting on! ebail 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville through the NothmerlO'ay1th at the home of Mrs .a' mnday Phone MA 3-5604 and Durham Health UiM ent n r.E rc Value Ch c ' M eats m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,RSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1962 l q PACU IOC

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