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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1962, p. 11

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WEDNESflAY. MAY ~nth. i~2 TEE CANAIitAN ~TATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO FAG~ ELEVEN îl </eicasîle cSocw ci ndi £Jersonal Mr. and Mr;-. Lpslip Kinnefl of Lindsa.v werp Wednesdav visitors with Mr. And Mrs. John Voutt. Mrs. Peter Bradlev and MIrF. William Chester of Oshawa spent a few ra 'vs last weel, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Redknap and together lhey attended ihp Anniversarv Te'a in Npo',vion.ille United Church. Mr. and i -,. John Vout spen' Sag:trcla 'v tn Siloam vis- iting with Vr. and Mrs. Sidney Voutt. Mr. E. R. Lovrkin spent th&- weekpnd nr Niagara FaIls where. in his capacity as MVanaging Edilor of the Crim- ina] Law Qiiarterl 'v, he spoke 1, the annual Conference oi the Ontario Magistrates Assoc- iation on the sîîbject*Lea Publishing'. The coniference ývas hold tnithp Sheraton- Brock Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John Stemp and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Silvers nf Uxbrîdge v,re Sunda *v guesis with Mr. and Mis. Johil Vouitt. The mnariv frinrls in theý village of Mis. Fraok Parker wjlI heo plraserd ti Ibarri that s;he bas retuirned to her home in the villagefn llowing ber lengthy stav 1inVloIrnorial Hos- pîtal. Her man v fricr nds ,i ll he xorry tri ]eain [bat Miss H. FINE QUAITY MO>NUMENTS AND MARKERS 4 t.& h,i . . tI'. y*u. OF STAFFORD ý ff2É BROS. LTD. o Dca/te)r;e Stafford Brothers LIMITEI) Monuments Box 13.3 319 Dundas St. F. Whitby Phone Whltby £Mohawk 8-35M, E WIEWASH GSTABLES ý __MIN SETTANKS- A. 7Mason is a patient in Memn- oriel Hospital in Bowman- ville. A round ofE arewell parties were held ]ast week in lion- our of Mrs. Muriel Brriugh vubo leaves c.î May 3lst for ber bome in England. Io order that sbe mighî enioy a final visît witb a]rif ber rebativet' together, Mrs. Edmund Majer xvas hostess for a Bar-B-Q party in ber honour at the Majer borne when she was the recipient of a pair oE ear- rings and a nen'klace. This party. took the fori of a dou - ble celebration when the 21lA irfhday of Sierd De dring was Plso celebrated. On Monday aRfteî'norin M rs; Brriugh was the guest of lion- nur at a tea -iv'en by lier cousin M\rs. AiE Garrrid and on Wednesday evening Mrs. Sam Breretrin was bostess for a social evening 10 ber honour. During lier stay bere Mrs. Brough bas made rruano riends wbo hope that sbe bai enjriyed ber stay in Newcastle and have expressed the hopse Ihat slîe '.ill return scon. Mr. and Mrs R. B. Rickai'd 'aod 0r. and Mrs. George Wal- ton have been in Hamilton Ibis week wheu'e they were i- teîîdîng the sessions of the District A convention oE th- liîternatinal Assoiciation riE Lions Clubs. Mr. and Mis. .1. H. -Jose Pt- tccded the Anniversar *v Ser- x'ice Pt Eldad Cbuî'ch on Sun- dlay Pnd were supper guests xibh Mr. and Mrg. Grirdon Leask. The Hi-C grriup of the Uni- ted Cburch wibl be making their regular monthly collece- tionr of nid papers in the vil- lage on Monday* v evoning wheri citi'zcns a'e asked tri have tlîeir, papers and maga- zines tied spcurely and placedi at the c'urb nt suppertime. Mr. and Mrs. Han'>' .ose visii.ed witb their so Donald and family in Brampton on Swimming Will Resurr Register on Newcastle-- The Recreatirun Committee will again conduct swimming classes Ibis sum- mler ait the Waltoua Park swimming pool with David Mine rif Bowmanx'ïlle as swimming instructor. Two ap- plications were received by the committee foc the posi- tion rif Assistant Swimming Instruictor With the applica- tion riE Gail Mujlbolland cf Briwman'.ille at the rate of $1.50 per bouc bcbng accepu- ed on motion ntE H. C. Brima- than seconded bY Tlrac,\- m- ble. Registrationis for the swim- ming classes will ho held a, the community hall at 7 p.nî. on Monda'.', dune 111h. Class- es will be for bous and girls 7 vears of age or older on July lst w.ith the fees for thîe first member of a familu be- iîîg set at $2.00 with eacb ad- ditional chibd pavung $1110. Swimming classes will also ho conducted for adulis tny\- in foi' a bronze medal, or for a Royal Life Ssving Modal for those wlîr have tlie bronze. The fee foi' the 8 weeks cou; - se is $4.100 per penson or $6.00t ýper couple. SWimmriîîg class- es will begin on Jtilx' 3rd. Reports weî'e giveîî bY Sami Brerefon and Mrs. Dot) Par- ker on the registration of boxe and girls for softballand o!i moitionî of Trac>' Embîcu. seconded b v Mrs. Parker, 9 softballs andi 2 bats were or- dered purcbased for the Juîn- ioir Bous softball trams. Misses Donna and Sbaruîus F'ecguson bave again been appoiinterd leaders for tb" summer pla.vground for boys and girls 5 tri 10 years cf age Plan Junior Softball Loop For 12-16 Boys' Mondy. Nwcaile o"snthie age - group rrim 12 îo 16 bacc been given a last minute reprie and are going tri bau" the op- prrtunity tri plav soffoall thus R estore summer after ail. Msr.Doug. Waltr'uî aid Ir.McCulnough xxhc aite-r Stret man', years oEf('oaching miiior 7' A.. aji.p.vincial, titleî decided 1lare IL) VN orm al1J1'tire [rrim baseball ast Eail and leave the ield ropen for the Newcastle-- Village house- younger mien. Thiîs spring ni' xives were elated on Monday teams have beeu enteront .aftemnoon tri see the crl and .any basebail league frrieu bb sand trucks wrrking on vil- "village and thrriugb lack ci. lage streets tri restrire thei interest on the part of local bhard surfaced dust free roadsy'oung meni, the teenage, boys enjriyed during recent years, were left without an'.' ou' ýprior tri the installation oft the ganized sport fou' the soimmer, !municipal water* system. Messrs. Wallon and McCul- lough, seeing the piigbt of thbo Last summer it was flot fea- boys, bave comne out of re- sible tr irulimhe roads until itirement. and bave deuided in the trenches wbere the water form a Junior Toxwn Sotball mains had beeni laid. bad be- League. Th(- Recreation Com- corme properly settled and m'ittee hav'e goume aiong wuilli ritizens have been plagued : th, ides and are purcbasîng * with dust and dirt ever since.isoftballs and b ats fuir the Monday a fresb coat oriloitleague. and sand xvas laid and, aften Ail bri>s iii the age groiup ai ew davs riE sticky dirtv from 12 tri. 16 years. who are, trc inn on the flooi"&. interested in plia>ing bail, are bhousewives will be able te dri urged tri ho at the conimunit'. their spring housecieaninÉ! pan-k at 2 o'clock cii Saturday ýwithout the lear of having ýafteinrion, when thie learn*s Ibeir wock for nothing due tri whll boe ormed and thue îîw the dust Euom the roads. eague wiil gel uodcu'xu5>. -Mr M IM7 : -ýpra: Ftnlie.'I "'[ J r'SECIAL LUW PKILES j!)" * ON NATIONAL BRANDS *'l jiAt Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. jANACIN Reg. 99C69CIi1 IBRYLCREEM Reg. 73c 49c ' ICARTERS [LILE LIVER PILLS Reg. mi,. 79c i jFLORIENT Reg.9C 75C .1 O, REPARATION H Reg. 1.49 kENO FRUIT SALT Reg. 1.19 89c 'I jGILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES Reg. i 79C -.7111 1LISTERINE Reg. 98c 7c IPEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE Reg. 63 55c 'c l'it. TONI HOME PERMANENT Reg. 2.00> -'.9 i WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEKI 1~I~ BOW31ANVILLE NEWCASTLE I SCOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STOR1E SALEX MqcGREGOR, DRUGS ORONOI JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S'PHARMACY 1 "Let's Not Let Joe Do If!"r Ontario Chamber Manager' Advîses C of C Meeting 1. -iTu r;', Wiib..xith 'rueni" tu.nMu hou : Mr, arr'. iVlus. CliEf Peters, Mr-. and 1) 1 r:. Thomas Droî. Cacsnien aiud 1Mn. and Mrq. Phlip Lauigfold, Heather. Janice and Cho-r.\I or Scaî'loiriuigh. Mi-bS. Bott>' Stiggit. Ann.- and L,' n oE Osbawxa were' v.isitors xx'th Mrs. Howard lre. Mibus. Vickei's Boat 0rE Bohcax'gcoii xisicc Mn. and Mrs. Chiarles Briggs aud niher frîeuîds initho uilage, Fu'îends aie hnpiog tIo ar thai Mrs. Carl IFinis'.'conîbi- Les lii show improxemenit iii Oshawas 1Hospital. Mrn and Mus. Bvi'ori Hyianud snd daugbtei'liel]en of Orne- îîîee aud Messrs. Rov and Bill Ferguison vuene Sunday visitons wltb Mn. and Mrs. Ar'thur bI>laiid. M'. and Mus. Wilfrid 'Vine lîcld a amilxv uelebnatiinu oui Mav 24thl i linoti i.of Clunstoplier Viue's and bus grandfather Herber'tViocs' birtbidavs. Aîtending xw're Mn. and Mns. Herbert Vioc. Mr. and Mns. George Bowers and Iauuîîlv sud Mn. and Mn;. Arno~ldlWilliams sud famnil v. MVin:: Xesle.\.Campbiell cei- lerhaiuîed Mn su ad Mrs. Grant Campbell, KarnuRickY and Rodd>' on Sunida'.'. Riuent x isitons xith Mr. and Nîns. Chiarles Briggs wou'e Mr. and Mrs Arthuîr Pearce or Oakuille and Mn. sud Mrs. Donald h'cbGregoi samd .Janice rif Toronto. M r.;. Gorlin C (' nîîs onE Scugog Ilband s vîsitîîîg hîci Mib r Ms, Chiarles Emertrin Webu'ome tri Mrs. John Wat- son xxho speni the .'litei' -wiîhi Mn. aud Mrs. Lewis Wat- son iii Pont Hope and wili ho spcudiog lthe srrmmer wihh Mrs. Josepb Fonder. A ihird sîster Mrs, Roben'tsonî leEt for St. M yto x isit beEore roe- lmjnuiiiiMx aair n hlenhomo un Cuit> Sask, Viitin 't h NXl n d Nlns. Clarke Wilbiauiis vuere Mnr. Walter Mouicrief and dauglu- Ici' Oive roE Frasenvillo, nr. id Mns. David .Johnîs, Mrs. Ban Fallus. Bethamx%, and. Mu-s. Doug allus. Glen snc Lawxrenuce nf Bonuviile. Nestletouî United Chîîuu"n A nniversau x Servies xxene hîeld oui Sudax\.Rex .lames Suimmen'. 11e cf Jaiîrtx île %vxas the special speaker at both serv'ices. Inthie mri lug the .unir (chou'- avouned with splendid seiections and bin he eveniuîg Mr. Johni RanI nE Be- thanî \vxas guiest soloîsi. 'The nieibei s nE the Ma.- riîtî- Lodge of Port Pennu were1 present at the mornîng ser- vice in Nestleton Presb uterian Chiî'h. R e v. F. Swann1 uresu-hed a splouudid sermoni1 oui "Buildinmg a FiFouiida- tîo'. Mn. Richard Daviso, mastel' nE ihe lodge ncad the( bessoru and MnIr Mol MuCox'ofg Boxnua'. Ic s'.ontcd wiblmi îxxo fine- soinri ' How Greai Thou Ar':" and "God Is Lo'.e". KENDAL Summmer weatber au x'veu witb s vengeance Max' t4th: Ibis x'ear x'.iib nearl v a w 'e uz of Ieipei'atcune- ranging abovo the ROs.The ain was wav beoo nor-mal. The weatr was ipaI for itirsp eniouinz the liolidla>'v eekenrl Mi-S. Leris Kerb v and Eiend, Toronîto, and ber srin, nr. Johbnî Kenby of Geor'getowxxn, sýpeiit thie weekendrt abKendal. Mu'. sud Mrs. Eddie Couîirui' snd famil'. vi siied bis paî'on's. Mn.simd Mî's. A. Cojurouix, ah Car'ie Ba>' Mn-.sud Mr.i. George Clark. Tocurontho. xxene driwii tri tbci r stiirnen homie. MrndsuriMs ..Jack Garbutt anîd fanîll'. 'Torontîo, xce witlî bis par'ents, Mr. simd Mns. T. Gai'butt. Mr- and Mns. Bill Boy~d aud Eiends visîbed Bort Hollanîl, Saturdayv. Milt Rribiuîsun xxas nuit as '.xeil and rentlx' euteîcd a nesi lhome i Oronîo M ns. Wm. Mencer ciiider- xucii a seconud opeistîion. M-i'. Il. li'l'or'onto Goieraýl ospi- ta], snd expects tr gri back tri St. Johnis Convxalescent Hos- pitlI.Willrixxdabe, befone ne- tii ni ing horme. Mr. Gearu xvas bakeîî li amibulanice bo Memnorial Hos,;- pitlIlasi Weduiesda * He bas, becîî haviuug troublesx'lnx- ing. Mn. anud Mrn;.Qirval Zealaîîd anîd am lix îecciitl s mox'uŽ i o the Turniskx ocise apantuneiit.Or'val is assistîuug Allen Fosten plauîtiumg Irbaca) Mns. Aleru Fostei' aid Mus. Chai-lue Miller hav.e neturniuM Eroiuîtheir twri-ueek vacatuin iii the souîtl anîd buomLglit i. zu Mariattbrime xxith Iheî Eroi Virgiuuua. '.hcne shie bas been uul ida> iug. Mr. and MrsA. Coloniîasd G. Maî'tuuells ha'.e been ini Keîîdal lînoparing for the sl cf bue laie Mrs. Hatlue Mar- tiocll's bocuschobd effects and pncpeî lv. Jaîmios Ho'. Sixthm Liuîe, îîurfhsedtbbc se!i- moom frnîe bome. Mrn sd SIns (George Nci - cor x isted Mrs. Wmn Merer iii Toronto General Hospital, Wcdiiesdayv A sperial Dedicatioui Servic '.xas helcl iii Kendal U'nited Churli oui"%othier 'ý; Os' xx'ieu the beaiitiucl stained glass winîdoxx"I amnthe Resmi nec- tirin'. presonted buv Mrs. Sybîl Sudel inl lox'iu nicnci". oE hon paieîîts.'Mnr.rad M Daîniel Consick, xxs uuxil- ed bu Mr, eslie Mcc(ee'l'hec hîghlv respected Comstrirk Esmilv c-sided for v.ears in tih- big brick liocse nOxu nccupicrh bu Mr. aud Mrs. T.Gai'buît. Rev. R. C. Wbie alsri baptiz- ed Lx mii lielcui. the infant daLighter nEofMrn. su ris. Ec- die Cocînoux. and foirili- uem ofE Mn. snd MrF. Orval Zealanni. Garnet, Fcu'n, Barr, and Ehua Jean. I.. ...-- E\erý-od? C lasses knows -Joe. B-es the guy in1 overy group, every- organi7a-< J tion. every community. who bleftaime tri do the job of ieLn ly i,,.ork afler everyone e15e has rund il crovenient, for ,ne '1 or a thriusand reasons. tri sa v: June'oet Joe do tl'. Good old Joc. i Jun Ilth the doer, the mainstax-. the willing horse. and thesp loadie r x il attend Sometimes utîfortunat e 1 y leadership training c a mi p it's Joe, the Chamber ofE Com- dune 24 tri 29. mer-ce'*. saîd E. T. Atherton, The treasuirer. Mrs. John Manager riE the Ontario Cham- Nortbrup, presented billsîs ber of Commerce, speakiîîg the amount of $236.29 wbich tri members of the local Cham- were ordered paid on motion mber in the Queeîi's Hotel last oE Mrs. Parker and Tracy Em- Wedoesday evening. blev The îî'easurer also an- Introduced by H. J. Falk, nounced $400 of the Provin- xice-president riE the local rial Recr-eation Grant had charinher, Mr. Aiberton said, been received. "Most cf you here have beeîî - - nvolxed in sonne way witiî d Mninty fund raisîng, char- .1campaigiîs.huc wr ne-ie '-etc. Remember bow lbard it ais tri ind vobunteeî- work- es or a capable cbairman? Doug Ri\kIaru èebr 1 ,ý-c.etal, we alva 'vs tîîrned tri the onie mlan or wmn wo o B auiy burned nw.VLdSai if Yon caii 't îd anbd Ne\-catlf--As tbe iesul < of eq an acidnt boti - .m,011 With anî election coîiiing Mondiav eveoiîug. Doug 1ai i u,.he asked "Hoxv îaîîy cf Rickzurd. îiîe-'ear-old son of vou bave bad the experience Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard,' of working in a polling booîb s in bhe Sîck Cbildi-e'î's Hois- ai an election' Hiîw maux pitli n Torontn sufcring haveý ever feu tue danger cf from severe bîîrns to hiFbciîîg trampled b * the horde; arms and back.' of Peetors claniouriog Io vo tel Wbere's ,boe then? Wh,- The accident lîappeîied ai estands Uiîchallenged ait the ho(me oE Mr. Ed. Barcliard tule lîead or the ine sncb as where the cliildreîî wirei t j.,; burnîng sonie grass. 'b'lere In goiiîg ru Io spoak of the weîe nîo adults around i 0thoi work( of the Chamber of Conu lime and accnrding In aur ni- niorue ho outlinod maiîv of formna ts, Steve Ba rcbarci xas ih ucmp uneîs<fCi i iiurning & ie grass xvt le her- t brouglînît Oniar'io sa y- assistanîce of theienjured hlîriv. mr ta 5ý,o h To make the firo. hum fla-ter, Chanibers iii Ontario ( 246 gasolîne was îîsed and evîdeuit- are in î'nmi-uinitues like our y -omne of the gasolîne was m-x vii i l ss fia n 2.000 pop- S.pi led cii Douglas, ' (l ig iaIci o ai onu s and yuflintl wa i-îing t ho 'o.'vs', li n Psi o s rlothecs wore a mass or tiai- l'V tllon eiterîîg Facorn- es. ilîîunit *v whether or lîci il bas ,1 Clambeî' oE commerce. "It The badî btýriîed hi'.' m'as is then Ibai wo soc what i-s take oîtr the office of Di'. L. c itueoiîshave mnade of it- ils S. Miklos. w-ho made mrrange- face and complexion are lherp rnrîit'ý loi' Ibisd- iIno 10 borelis -sad if il is briglit, Siî'k ChMcrîsHsia.Vrs. cdean. chcerfiîl aîild xx de Miklo! and H C. Brntlîan aiwake. 1 arn warmed bu iber the bou's graiidfatlîr: macle a ailnio.~ etiuk ldeia fas tp ii ie'" v bries and Josepbiiîes and Mr. aîîd Mrs. Riukaîcl wbo ihe Chamber of Commorce bad heen attecdîng the Lions, bave plaved an inmportant rote District Convention in H-am- inilis develcpment. ilton were iîotificrI andr spent Iii speaking of the ronle of the n1ghi. ai the hdik of a Chaiîîber iii the dovelopmeoî I(irson . Accordinc, Io reports or a communîty. ho said i froi thie lospital oin Tuîesclav, shoîîld provide thie ideas. bbe Douglas is a veirY sîck boy* leadership and the maîîprwer and w&ill be for sorne lime tri foi' projecîs. He said every' n'one. jouiriîov of a îhousand miles - ---- must start wiliîtue first step an d a projeÇt MmuSt bogin witn N ESTLETON anidca and lie ilîought la the hest place for the surx'ix- ai of tie da xvas in the comi Recent pil:'týil-îli I. ni7 itîces of a Chaîîîber, because GJ. 1,angfeld w ' : iranîd in ex er Cliarn b e r there Mis. George Saiv, >'e-shotîld bho repccted, dna xvido-t possible scale p, nîîîsqt u'al] a hait tri oîr reliance on, Joe. le saîd "If xve faîl xxe nit;st blanue ourselvos. not oîîî- neiglibours. îîot Joe. and n the Goverîînîentitaisid as sooîî as tic maiorît' cf :he poptîla- lion accepts thîs as a xx'rrk- ing prînciple ofE their daîl" lives. the soouuer vomi' corn- mUit vaîîd ni ine xxll onoî hIe %xav tri a uc'.'age." Stiîdent T.oan }umnd 'l'ie pi esideiît inhtiouned VIn. If. Duailcf the Oroîîo Chaniber Oif Commrerce xvhc ot ouedc a project beiîîg planî- ned b huIle Orîo Clianib'ýr n the foriiuof a Stuident Luîsîî Fuîîd in xx luclh heChambe:' agree's tri boau $1,010 a year tIo a briglit iîgb sciiocl Sî uideit x'ho s quaisificd. Ii'w fîîîancîsil>v uîable. tri attrîîd t'nx rst' . A 'ontrnui wxill ho signed xvitlîthe. Chamber b'- itle situdent iii vvbîclih," Oir sue agreýs iii1)i'. h is pro- pressionîii xihi nthue bouodar- l's coxered b'. Illie Chiamte. loIr a îieriod cf fouîr cars fol- iowîng graduation, and 1, alsqo oblig ed tri repay the Joan advaneed bY. the Chamber. rIn thîs a the Orono Cham- 1< 1k ee ca4 1 leY;"4epeu4H/ 1Cordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 leadership. And if anx' ebam- ber wore tri regard its rolo as oarrow in seope or partis- an orr vithoub a clear cut pur- pose, then the demise ofE tuaI Chamber should not be 100 fai' a w aVy 'Ici uçsianid for somo- tliiig. lest we have tI put Lip Nw\ith anvtbing," he saîd. That something obviriuslx' must be idenbîfîed. and it cari ho doue b'v spelling out goals in a pro- IPerîx' planoed and economie- aill'y sound progiarli of wmk It cao ho dune also. by adopt- iîîg statements cf positioni witb respect tri eccunomie, soc- ial aîîd polîtical philosophies. liloxrver if ii is drine if mus*i be, kiuinowntr the members aînd the people ai large: Eif lie Clianîher il t10 at ract btis, - ness. professiciîa Iaind people aîîd firms iîîîo active partic'- patio n. A Chamnbî-)ci rmîiot xist as an organization w.hicb onl' v pîudict.. good '.'. ablîe'iforin li local piciîc circntentis iIs(cl w ill seu n îg a signatulre on a proculamiationii unueritig re uîp, painiut îp dv.Tlere îs xx ork 10 be donc man s work -in ibis clîaîginîg anid chai- lcngiiig 'orld and ii needc" hclp anîd tho encouragem-entî cf aillthbc ii/coi,\. It needsý 111 closî îîg lis addî cýs.Mu'. A tlerioiî sai 'xhiatsliu- sar'. va bouc'a il s tue sinmple au- Ceptaiice oif re'spcisihi lit>\ for xla i'happons iii Nexca,ý- tle. Ontlario or Canada. W o' niust5 accepb i espcîîsibil t'v fo" wlîai lîappeiis tIcins a nd, xx l i,, nmore iniportsiîi.vue imunst gel othoîs Ici do the same. t sllggestIiionmibatiniiiorcbcu iii î ibe stiimuîluîs ad leadersh ip x'. iichi:s iee, xve munst. encour'age lhe deep- est piossible seîîse cf mx cîxe-1 mciii bu iîdiv% iduals ou Iii CHOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE! Short ('ut - 'hole or haif LEG O' LAMB Whole. F'Iank on LOIN O' LAMB SUGAR lb. 4 3 I RGENT 3 TOOTHPASTE CIGARETTES lb.2.9 CLMN Lamb ini a Basket - Roast, Ç'hops. Stew .1 Reccive $4.10 i FRONT O' LAMB lb. ORPOLY COR FEHNo. 1 GRADE - ('ALIF'ORNIA - RED RIPE P.E.J. POTATOES STRAW BERRIESBo2for49 C Reeive $2.00 in Bf Carden F resil - No.I1(Grade - 36ie 'hs CALIFORNIA CELERY Tender, Gr'een - No. 1 (Grade Size 30's CALIFORNIA CABBAGE 23c 19C I'loida - No. 1Grade 5 for 39c Q îueen". RoYa . a 15 o-z.utins Sliced '49' Peache 41'r0l 1 (X;A Para nîuinilt Co2o :12 oz'. ,Jar si2 '/C<Tins 1l oiz. Rotties SALAD ÇO Aylmer 1 DRESSING 4 ¶i Catsup 2 SHOP AND SAVE AT ... BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcastle, Ontario attention ot 'hp local Chaýn- ber and to i nfoîrm them ofE th(% action being taken.ý There was coiisidierable dis-ý cussion bv. the memibers on'i the loss of business hv the re- fusai of the Depariment .1 fi igli wa ' s to altow.. siglns at :he Cilîr nce t10 ie village on Higbwax- 401 adveriising Fond. Fuel, Accomnîndation. (cirý and il wvas decidecd the Co.,,n- cil cf the Chaiiibcr shoill'i formulate a resolut ion ai th& îîexi meeting Iob hopreseni- rd in the Minister cf High. 011' o i lus subîcci. leiîprth Gran,,lot*,4 10l bRoq c.iant Si,. 14 -o. vi Gîcci Tut,. Pnp.]ir lqfrao'ii Ct. ni etOn< 13 mi. Reluis iBontis TIapes with He ra le rd 12 x. Tin rlfiy 2k.i SGond Moninl 4 o'.. le. Foncy rro bh iîoq " No. i r l ut ii,. Roq nuliis TIapes w'itlî J AVEX BLEACH P!o, 64tîr M ILD CHEESE ôord-2nzCu POTATO PUFFS 5~k <Pq S IDE BAC ON id@s-1l.Pq C 0K ED HA M 61O.pq WIENERS TableRa. Big 8' u0s07. Pi<q TOMATOFS 1 ' l u, No. COOKING ONIONS 3 1013C.iiB C AR ROTS No. i Gmrde i lb ito3 shi ber plans tri belp studenbs iwîîh their educatiouî and, ai the sanie lime. encourage th,- professions tri establish in the community. Mr. Duvall said lie realized the Nexvcastle Chamiber bad 1îçî rc'centlv organn'.ed anid iiiighi <ici xisl Io 0bind jiscif tIn sîîuh a large project in tho begiiîning. but the Orono Chamber bad asked hbiIîo present the planIo riNecuastle, feelinîg the local Chamber miglît he înter-ested iii join- iîîg Orouîo with i lie, pri> ect and possillvexc the wîl area seix cd bs' the e ucv .Clarke, Hîgli Scliorl. Theo proîoct was ver'v fax'- ourabl v received bv the Chami- ber, wlio have not lîad an op- poriîinitv tri raise an'.'f'.îîds other thaîî fees as yet and found the-iiselvesý fiîiancial v enibarîassed. 1Ho'.'.ec, îtie interesi xW as keco enounîî that, a moitioni xxas passed ap- poinîiiîg George Wallon tri present the project tr) the iîext meet ing of itle Nxesl Lions Club to sec i f the v rniglit bu îiitercsîed eîtlîer on t bi r owii or iii c-uîpeiat ion ,witb the Chamber of Com- mer(ce A resolulioiî moved b'*.v George MWaltoiu aîd c- onded bvlxloriic Johnîson wa,; unaniîiousl x v pissed that a letter be sent tri tle Oronai Chaniber rof Comimerce Ilpian- îng tlîem for ilîcir înterest .: lîriîgîng ihis proj[culIoto i 'Iulip ( ni r K%î îk 1-1h. Pkguî. MARGARINE 2 for.55c Frozi'~J'men - 15-07. Pkg-i. Strawberries 3 for 9 8c TREASURE! W\'lat aie the ireasures of- lîfe,'.' What \\'ud voti choose? Amici icus'rt'strife Mbost lhings \vuemax' irse. Let Lis t hi nk a lutiele tx c 1 \VOUId sctt'o'v choose a srnilc; Friends, tro\'oe, ex'er'x dax'. Faith, lui ight, mY uk'x'v The rremoi'x of a summer nîorn Andc of a field cf growiigcrtn. Nloths and rusi cannot corri-ill Tbhe Faith. and Fi'iends xxe sîor'c up. Mlv ue, as vue sift and rocasure La 'v tp in I-ieax'en, Sone Treasure! -- \Iarion Forci THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIýIANVMLLP, MZTARIO VEC NESDAY, 'NIAV -Inth. IP92 rAGE =rEN 1 L

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