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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1962, p. 13

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rTP ANATAN STATESMAN, ;OWMANVTLLF. ONTARTO GPTmT.? WNSIDA'V'. MAY 'tlth. I. ¶ TEýRRY~ GR DE N TILLER Spadié oand forking are the ."no-fOU" parts of gardening. Lot the Terry Super-Torque Tiller take 'Sm over! And ail the mulching, cultivating and 'îAruding, fao. " Designedforeaîy hondling. " Lfetime guaranteed trans- miss ion.- " Adjuiti readily to any till- ing depth. " Fingertip conitroli. *Powerfut 3 H.P. Briggs end Stratton engins. a Wide selection of atiach- menti. Corne in for a demonstration LIBERTY NURSERIES 129 TIhrrt.î st.N. w -Am a nvilIf' -.1.4 .7 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. 1ýi1l Mencrav. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ainsfr". G. McGep on Sunidav. Miss Mdix Lewis of Arl:ngic ton, California, and ber sister1 Mrs. G. V. Nowlan of Saska- toon. Sask , spent a few dav. wxith their auni Mrs. M. E Stuîti last week and wce pleased to see Ilheir cousin .Mr. James Stîîtt. Mr. and Mrs. Doiiglas 5kin-i nec ard îhildren, Oshawa. .pent Sundav with Mr. ani Mrs. Orville Chatterton, Carol and David. Mr. Sidnèv Lovkhart of Port Hope was a supper guiest of Mr, aîd Mrs. Geo. Morton on SuLinda. Mr. and Mis. John Corvell and son. Hamilton, visited Mr, and Mrs, Harrv Rowe over the weekend. Congratulations to Mis;s JO Ann Rutherford on ber graduî- ation from th(, school of nurs- ing ai the Toronto Genecil Hospital on Mav 24th. Mrs, J. F, Richardsî visited Mrs. F.. Page, FnniFskillen. On Monda %. Mr. Johîî ('ossai', bxsband of Mrs. Mav Towxne Cossa". age 69, pasedl awa > at Memni - îal Hospital, Bowmanxille. on, Maxy 25th F'unecal was, on L. J. SKAIFE C'IARTERFI> A CCOI -NT ANT Satulrdavq and hy Appointmelit P.O. BOX 68 - ORONO Main 'Street Telephone l138 DURHAM RIDING NEW DEMOCRATI( PARTY MEETING Bowmanville Town Hall Trhurs., June 7th 8: 15 p. n. (;IEST SPEAKER: &S Dr. John Magder Actiri.- Presîient or Onlarin Nrw Democratic Partv ('orne and meet your candidate MRS. EILEEN COUTIS U$1.00 3tins REGULAR 37e SAVE lic Mondav. Inferment 0 r o n n C enie t(eîv. On Saturdav afternoon laFt there was a familv gathering beld at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Luther Barrabail in hon- or of ibeir grandson L.A.C. Neil Barrahali wbolias since ef for No. 1, . FWG. Mac- ville, France. At 6.3(1 a sump- tuous buffet supper v,%as serv- ed aiter whicb a pleasant _so- cial evening was spent. The 1guests numberinig over .30 were from. WhitbY, Oshawa, Cour- tice, Maple Grove, Bownian- ville and Orono. Mrs. D. N. Myles spent Sa,- n rdav witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and daugbtecs, Boxv- 1manville. Mrs. R. Spratle.v, West Van- couver. B.C.. Mrs. Chas. Smith, Oshawa, and Mrs. IL. Truill Hampton. visited their aunt, Mrs. Fred Tambîvo 1 a st Thursdav. Mc. John Ford aînd bis par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Toc- onto, visited Mrs. Wm. Coh- iblcdick on Suîmda. Mrs. Hlerb Murvaiv is a.sist- 1îng in Orono Post Office this week. Mr. Albert Mitchell losi the iend of a linger wbile îîsing ian clectric saxv- ai bis borne on Satmîrda v. ie vas treated at Memorial Hospital, Bow- ni nville. Mc. and IVrs. T. CGrant alir their granddaughter Lorraine Lynîch, Toronto, visited ior raine's greai - grandparents, Mc. and Mrs. Hlarrv Rowe, or Su n da v. Mrs. Wnî. Cowam iF stayiîîg witb Mc. anmd Mrs Ausini Tîr- nec. Newcastle. Mc. and Mrs. Ted Woori- yard and son Edward. Mrs. Wmn. Rididelî1, Mrs. Doilala Allin. Mis. H. Barloxv, Mrs. Harold Cobbiedick. Mrs. Nor- mn Allun, Mrs. Sid Bariabaîll Mrs. Rox ('ochîrane and Mis. Don Cochîrane atteîîded tbe Graduation Exercises of St. *losepb's Hospital Scliooioo Niirsitig. Peterbor-ough, beld ir St. Petêr's Audcitorium. Peter- horongh. on Mav 2.5tb. Miss Ann Woodx'ard was amrong tbe graduates. On Ma «v l7tb Mr. and Mrs. Woodvard atteîîdec the Molher. Father. Daugbtei BURNERSERVICE PAPCHES 5 2fL 100 m.oma'-ci. Regtilar & Quarters Reg. 2- - u5FB-SAVE 16e MARGARINE 4 1-16pkgs 95 c FRESH KILLED, HALVES, QUARTERS OR IN A BASKET CHICKENS WELL TRIMMED, RED BRAND BEEF Skvort or R S Leem n tfnlf't-r <Eî G round Chuck lb59c Sliced B<f Bologna NEW CR0? NO. 1GRADE ORANGES 5.16 cello bag 5 9C Golden Yeliow BANANAS NOl1 GRADE 21b,35c Imported, Yeiiow Cook-g O NIONS NO, 1 GRADE 3-lb cello bag 35c lt Caiforna, Nevý Crop, No. 1Grade POTATOES io-lb pre-packed bag 69< AMproces Ssowt% n This Ad Guaranteed Tlhrough Saturday. June 2pd. 1962. lb 37c lb 59C P-b pkg 39c SAVE lOC Jane Parker - iarge 24-oz pie APPLE PIE eoch 3 9 REGULAR PRICE 49c OBITU MRS. FRANK HAL Fojloiox g a lengtyh il- i-ess of 21 monihs. the deatb (,f Mrs. Frank Hall occurred a-, Mýemorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Thnrsdav, Aprîl banqiiet in honor of il-e 9!1'a- 26,i ii0. OII Vw ds i ne r 4 duating cliss ai Rock Haver. :ear. Peterborough. Boî n at Cardinal, Ontîario, ,Mc. and Mrs. Tom Hardy the deceased was the former and familY visiied Mcr. and Marguerite Emburgb, daugb- Mcs. Reg Skeiion and famillx. tec ni Mcs. Norman Boslev Oshawa. on Sundaxv. RR 5, Bovwmanvilic. and the Mrs. Perc Luiiî-m i a patient iate Dantiel Embuîgb. She at- iii Memorial Hospital. Bow- tended schoot n Port Col- nia nvlle. borne and on Augusi 14, 1927, Mrs. Richiard Morion is il-e married Frank Hall, who supplv ouganist at SI. Sax- ucxvi v es. Mc. 'sAndlcsn. hRy Bi-ba1i The deccased had resîded tMo. tbdic s.oyLaC.reiin Bowmanville for 15 vears Barrabîl 1 rnton LAir Baeland lived ini Toronto before Barabal t Tentn Ar Bsemoving 10 ibis acea. She was, on MondaY. a member ni St. Joseph's Ro-' Congcatulatioiîs 0 Mi. aîîdma Catbolic Cburcb, Bow- Mcs. Wm. Malle 'v and Mc. and manxiîîe. Mcs. Jîi Middleton who cele- brate ihîeiî-,vedding anniver- Surviving besides lier lins- saries this week. band are ber mother aîîd stcp- Mc. and Mcs. Wm. Jordon father'. Mr. aîîd Mcs. Norman and farniiv, Ajax, visited Mr. Boslelv, Bowi-naiiville. Also and Mrs. W'm. Mitchell on sîîrvivîîîg a re 3 brothers, Sundav. James anîd Mîke oi Port Col- _oeAaLmrn ron Aniong the lox clv floral -Brown. and Bill Wade attend- cal 205, and Brancb 1i8 igo the scd the Spring Fair ai U- -Roy\al Canad ian 1.egimn. bridge last week. whei-e the Mis. Hall restcd at tuec elatters borse was awarded Nortcihiim & Sîuîiih FLncral t 4 pri se.Home. Boxymanvîlle. and Re- Coiigratîulaioîms;tO M i , quieni Mass wîns celebcated ai IDocnth'. Stapiloni who hs Si. Josepb's Roman Catliolic -been nmarie Vice-Principal ni Ciicmrb. ,Bnwmanxille. on Sal- Posîtmns Scbool. Kingston. urday. Aprîl 28, ai 10 a.m. bv Mc. and Mcs. C. M. Jones R,,..' F. K. Malamie. Intermierît tand Mr. and Mrs. C. Hi. Lai-e fol io x d n Bown-manvilîn -aitendcdthie ueraI a stiCmie ThLirsia *v ni their uncle. Mc. iBert Wakeliîî of Porti Hope, Patîheaiers wcre Tlessrs. who dîed qîîîte suddenl.v. Riidx ,Niiscbike, Harv YSpcag- tThe Aiiîual ChLîmîchî Sîpper 9P. RosF Drew. Rox MaYnard. -lasi Wedriesdax veni ng, uin- L.eo Green anîd Pal i ,aPr-ade.' der the aLISpi'eF Ofithie U.C.W.. xvas quite smmc-cessiul. in spite ni inclemnjt xeather. 're Lun- tderstand thc ceceipts vweî e MILTON R. 1l) %VA R DS appioximnatelx $300i. Tbe dealb ni Miltonî Robert The iîrst bornieganeie n il-e Fdwa-., - 5,ocr Girls' So-mtballLeague xn xars ae 5 ocîce plaved ini Newtonville last suiddenI.N-ai Toronto Westerni eFridax evermtiimg-. New a c s t 1 eH ospital, on MondaY. Ma, 7, r. winnii ig bx a ratber wide192 i margii. 'lhe deceased smmfered a 1 On Fridav a fteinooii. at tIrecorna r.xatiack. w'iibotii t i - residerice nf Mr. arîd Mis. prevmir xx scniîgs. and passe .l SMLit-rav\ Pavîme. t b e rural avl av eigbi boucs later. Bni e chocol playv-ofis for- tbe Field ai Boulier, On t., lie xvas ithc Day cban-pînsbip were bieldl. son of the laie Thomas i- Ibetw.,een Kiibv and Port Grani- varrîs and Elizabeth Striniger rby schionîs. Il was qîrite an and aiteiîded sciiool ai Brýim- e xcitrng contest, xiib he filnal ter anid Bancroft. Cii J ul x 1 r-suill Kiubv 12. Port Graib v 1940. be rarrirdIEncrira Clark. Il . Better Ii mck next rime, tornieri v of Bownîan vil le, vueh IPort Gcanb v.S LJcirxmx s. 1 Mc. Victor Bomrgerie xxa, Scient veais ago Ilime iaiiiiv taken t0 Mernorial Hospital, moved frorn Bowmanx.iile to Bowrmairville. las wee-k. Northî Bav xx'bere he colin- Miss Dcucx" of Toronto speîît ied bis occupation as ai-m dec- a iew dai s xith Mc. and Mis. iciciari. He hart 35 veaîs ex- E. Fley'. ast week. perience lu ibis trade. Ai the Mr. arnd Mrs. Frank GImer lime ni bis deaib lie xvas eni- 3pent the past weekend ai pîo.ved hY the Cuitario Kiîec- Ridge)wa "v. inical Conistruction Crîmpativ Mrq. l'orie Perraulît cider- Limniîed ni Toronto. H-r- wis weîît a major operatioîr ai the aut adbeerît ni th(- l.'iied lnockw,\oorh Chir, Torontn, ast Chxrrcb. wee k 'Mc. and Mre. Raso!Mo- Suri ix iiîg hesides h-is wite treal. and Mi. and Mrs. Pear- are- liree damgirs. Ma.gnre1t onfo Toronto were weekeîd I Rexdale. Mari and Atin guiesis witb Mc. and Mrs. Clii- ai hnnie. Fîve sisiers and lwo ion Rnbh. brothers also surivxe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood Annonug the nîan.v bratliruI and famih 'v, Goodecbam., spent floral tokenîs were ibose fronîî the weekcnd vvith Miss Anne the Ontario Electrical Con- Ncsbiit. struction Co., Ltd., Toronto, Mîrs. Rov Hall uridecxveut Farquhar Construction, North Iair operation in Bowmianville Bay. Canadian Westinghouse, Hospital lasi Fuida.v. North Bay, LU. 353, .B.EW, Mc. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- 'lor-no, Rivercrest Scbnol. son. Crorn. were Sundax' visi- Rexciale, Forn 9C, Cbippexva tors ai Mr. Don Stapleton's. S.S. Northi Bav, St. Andrew's; Caîhers ai the Parsonage on C.G.I T. and Explorers. Northi Sunda wxere Mc. and Mcs. Ba', and 'lcinit.v Evenine F'rank Adamns o! Roseneatb. Auxiliarv, Boxymanvîlle. Mr. anîd Mrs. Robert Car- Tefrîia evc a MrawFartan. alled on M. udvlfeld irornitbe NMorris Funeral Mrsii. . ale n udyChape], Bnwman v i Il e,on e r aemn-mg. . . . Fro, ,Tbursdav, .Ma ' v10, and was- Mr nd rs.C.R. aui-ox.c-ondtic-ted hx' Rex. W. Hous- xiih Mc. and Mrs. S. .1. Lan-ladrni 1iinî i) id casier, aitended the MasonieChucBwaiil.itr serxice in Wbibhv.Siundav Chrirent was i Boxymanter.- nigbi. .mn ls i omnii Mr. and Mi-s. R. MOMLircbv 'Cenieter.v- ni Westoim isiîed Mcr. A. Reichratb. Scîndav. Mr. and Mcs. Clarnc-e Bell NR.GOG RICT anmd familv ni Bowmanville ý GOG TiCTl xx're Sundav visitons ai Mr. 'T'le deaih ni Mrs. George Wni. Stapletonî's. Truscott nccunred on Fridav. Re\- and Mcs. R. C. Whie Max' 18, 1962. aiter a ,;n]X- noîou-ed 10 Torontooit Siii month ilhiess, ai C taxý\ila dax' vaiiernoon xvere ibev ai- Cixic. Hospital. She xvas nn teudired a faunjîx ceutiion ai1 ber- 29th vear. thie borne Of Mrs. Whites niece, Mr. and Mus lJack Senorev. Born ail re River. Ciii Cil-ecs prescrit ivere Mrs. Al- tbe fornier NancY Hagermani lai- Preston, and Brigadier was il-e dauîgbîer ni Alion and and Mu-s, h. T. Gllingbam, Clara Hagernn of Maple S.A., nf Vancouxer. Grove. Shue ileiided Maple Mc. and Mrs. C. M. Jonres Groxe Public and Bowmanî aiieuded il-e Welconie Auini- v'ille Hnigb Schools. nîarrned verxacav, Sirdax ,ex-cing. Rex. Du. George Nelson 'Iruscoil. Rov E. Webster ni Toronito insur vixes, oin Sepiembr-r xvas gîest speaker, anmd Mr. 15, 1956, ai Z\wýeibrlicken. Ger- Ross Metcalf, suloist. mnyi. M rs, Marjutrie Wutsoi. Tor- MIi s. 'Fi csui ire.sider ai omto, ' pvn1thîvt u x in Mjet ý,,France, fhum Seplieus Nliýs Berihur Tiinimpsomi. bel-. 1956 tu Jtmime. 1957 ai! T i e c Nexi muuville Meus ý sluîce Sepieniber. 19.5î ai 1494 Sofibail Teairiphax cd Ihcin Orcmard Axe.. Ottawa. SIf- irisi -allie oiflte s-ason in w\as a rotin bei ni Soutmni n - Newycastle lasi Suiîdav a iter- sien- I nie(d Cliiici-m. Cta wuî rnoti, lnsing t0 ihe Bnxx'matî- and il-me Cniawa Dental WVives.ý ville trani hov 1 rîm. Association. and xvas a for- Mcr and Mrs. C. H. 1,ane mer Corporal Dental A.ssisi ,rp in Windsor for a iewN dav- snt n the R.C.A.F. thti xx'ek. atten-ding ibhé,Posi - Ttit-deceasedi, whii aptrrsm mastets zConvention. riini OfMaple CGrox ,"wssr ; Mrs. W, i. Jones anri Nlmmhmbr of Maple Ct-ove Ui. Z.enaCar-law xwere Sundav 1i"ciChiirch and *tatig-iin ihr nigl isuppen gîmsis xith Mr. SimîlxShol h loxa and Mrs. Carmati Conish. aniemiiber i Ihe (choir-. Cronor. Stit\-vmvmng besicdes ber hbus- Mnss Joan \Valkelv anmd Mrs. banrd and parents are tbrcp Earl Walkeî aiteuîded ihe ~o.Chls,-s Geoffrex and graduatnoni exercnscs ai Belle- Paul. VrT~t"T fc a.r was renderel hrqd IA R I S Y LVE TON combat" ini a five-car rnix-up (tendede for Iast week) on the 401. HOIVELL ROWLAND> Xevro omnî x Miss Beth MoMullen enjov- Atter several vears ni de- presses its heartiest congratil- oe rbthe p 10 new Yoorkd ciining bealtb. Hoxvell Row- lations to Mc. Jini Sommer- oe h ekn pnoe land passed awav in Memocia! ville, our- student minister , by the Oshawa X'.P.S. H-ospital. Bowmanville, on who %vill be ocdained into the M.adMsCr oll Friday,.11Mav 181h,. 1962. ministcv ai Bloor St. United'and Mrs. T. J. Jackson w-ere ni Oe lie JmesRow-Cbucb o FrdavSundav guests of the Normian Son o h aeJmsRw-Cu 'o rd)evenîng, Wilsos n f-uv land anîd Catherine Stutt. thfe JuiieIti ns ndxpecîd gueixv. ciece-3sed was boro ini 1880 ai Mr. and Mcs. Clarence PILzn-, nuepce us the Lake Shore pioncer home- bree, Yelverton's most recent~ present at Sunda\ arn. chnrv slead Io xvbicb bis great- residents. had their two service. Froni his cool rpcep- grandparents and gcandpar- youn-gest daughtecs. J u d i th, lion, he (or she) presuned it eîîts ernîgrateoin i 18.10 irom Joanne and Corinîne Helen 'must bave been Tenîperance Cottv ,Monaghaiii. Iceland. baptized aitihe Sundav, a. m Sna î salw Thee, i R .1 Necasleini, churcli service bY Rev'.Ger: lowed. Oh well, that was oner Clarkc Townîship, lie spetît Ricbacdqoiî in the Wh i t eservice that wasni . for tic Most of bis lire. Church in the Dell. birds*'. He xvas one ni a large faim- Mc. Ken Lemar of Hamil- This week'% new% uv.\ nf wbich, Will, Agnes. ton spent part of the long On SaturdavenngM Ralp.. Hrry FraîkArîhr. eekendi with the Rav Robin- and Mrs. H-owacd Malcolini Katie and an infant sîsier pre- sons. On iheir firsI it their were hostîs to some ihrep ,;rn'p deccased hlm. He leaves on(, ;sister, Mrs. L. C. Fallis niý Toronîto aîîd one brother. Johný A. Rowlanîd of Elmira, Hec married the formec Ma- bel 1-mîmes of the Lake Shora ,,sure and tlîcx resided on the iacm uini Ite 'v retired Io live 1in - invo-str Orono ini1947.Mtu Siîrviving. besîdes hi,; wîfe, .Iu are: one daugbter, Hilda, wife P ~ o ni Jaunes C. Tamblyn and their S fanilx, John, Ross. Jeanr and Marilyn: also one son William J. Roxvland. Mrs. Rowland and 1 beir familv, Katharine and »Robert Rowland ni Toconto.1 Masonic rites were perform- ed liv nembeis of Durhami l.odge No. 66 on Sundav ex-en- ing ai the Barlow Funerai Hoinc, rono. The fuiieral secîx ce ài5: t onducied bv Re\-. B. E. LEnc mn the Oroiîn United Church on Monîda.\, May 21 st il 2 pin. wilî Mrs. F. Bryson ai the organ. Intermeni xvas mn Bond Head Cemeterv ai New- ,a sile-n-lbe-I .a ke. Palîbearers were: Messrs. Wm. L a ke, Chas;. A11dCI ed', R3oss Araiaîs. Robert, Hendrv, Gordon Martini and HarrY Jose: x\-ithi George Morton, George Grahani, Charles Cr.- rpec and John Patton assisfing xvitb the floral offerings. Anîong tbe tributes iromi relatives and frîcnds were ilihose froin Tlîe Lake Shorpe iNeiglîhouirs. Durham Lodge' No. 663, Emplo ' ees of Park . Manîr Motors, Toronîto, Ci j. eno Neigbbours and also a iiber ni donations 10 (lic, Cla cm i leari Fotidai ion. Mi. Rowxlanid xas a mrm-I lier of thle fornmer Metiiodist and (lien the United CLîurch nr Newuasile and siibscqujenilly oi the Oromo Uite d Chîurcb He bad beeni a nienîbrr ni he Cet thé, most from your imsuranicp c Dmîrbaîîî Masoîîic 1.odge foi- ovrfift\v vears and dîîring, Cu;;ranteed protection and savings-plus hi lus amtii N.>(al-qlîad heen in-i ier-csted iii Mnîa* v commujn il ve temn r actilvitics and muinicipal ai- Se~ia rn rai rs. PI1ka ~ Gel Cash Today For Old Appliances througki S T AT E S M A N CI, A S S I F I E D S Phone MArket 3-31303 and ten femnales, and another 30 kids, more or less - a mis- cellaneous shower in honour of Miss Lorraine McGill of Yelverton who has indicated ber intentions of trading her sîngle bless-edaress for the niatrironial state, next montii. Oni the prograrn - a mock wedna reading by Judy Robiinsonî. %vith a rhyming ad- dress %vcitten by Howard and Eileen Malcolmi. Manv lovevgifis were received by thp bride-to-be for which she ablvý expressed her thanks. Guests of the Rowan fami- lies tlîis geekend wvere Mrq. Ada Kiîgsburv of Acton and lier sister, Mrs. Charle.q Zie. rotb ni Burnaby, B.C. R e x. Philip Rorneril of Blackstock was the guest preacher at the White Churcli on Stindav, e, but my best ments bave been mPy iai Life dollar gh dividenob GOTTEN AROIJND THE BEST IN TOWN DIN6 WORK T#AT»-lS bmmmm ASURNCECOMPANY 0F CANADA TUi company with the outsandingdivîdend record, REPRESENTATIVE F'LOYD H. McKINLEY Ro inavla lp. n fa vin SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY MEATS Fruits and Vegetables PAGE THIRTEEM and a sisier. Mcs. Kathîceii I'ITTOIUTT T «P McCabe nf Toronto. IN L YY 1 UIN Y ILLL M' Afa

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