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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1962, p. 4

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EDITORIAL COMMENT .L, UNAMf1U~ Vote for Canada In 19.53, 67.8%r- of Pligihie voters cast ballots in the General Election. In 1.957 this rose to 75'f» and in 1958 805' of the 9,131,200 eligible voters cast bal- lots. This last figure is most creditable indeed but leaves no roomn for corn- placency. Even with this high rate of participation, there were still more than 1-1/ million Canadians who failed to exercise the franchise on March 31, 1958. There is stili a lot of roomn for improvement. The meaSUre of <)ur appreciation of nur democratic form of government s to, be found in the percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots on election da v, says an article in "News Letter". Democracv --- true democracy -- cannot survive indiffer- ence. If a muscle is flot uised iii atro- phies. In the same way if the rights and privileges of democracy are not exercised by the public then thex', ioo, will wither away and die. This is the challenge that faces us today as we approach another election on June 18. 'Here is another test of thé- vitality of democracy. Here will he counted, once again, those who recog- nize the rights of demnocracyN and accepi the responsibility of exercising that right. A continued effort must be made to ensure as close to full partici- pation as possible. It is flot enough me tlo mark a The 50-h- Despite al that is heard of toda'vs trend ta the shorter xvork week there is one class of worker in Canadian bus- iness for whom the situation seems to be just the reverse: the boss. lie uscd to get in late and go home early. Now he gets in eariy and goes home late. Liee Beland, an enterprising re- porter for the Toronto Star who recent- ]y undertook a survey on the subject, concludes that liworking hours of te Canadian executive are averaging .50 to 60 hours a week, probably moi-e. Nine-ta-six is usual. with periodic afier- hours 'catching up'. The 'v ar-e ptob- ably working harder- than thein- fathers did. AI! of themn sas. vthe 'v enjov Iheir wark. Bankers sa",- 'bankers hours' no longer exist. The da * s when i he boss went home while the' worker toil- Pd apparentl * began disappearing 25 years ago." Ic - June 18 ballot. Canadian men and women should take this opportunitv Io inform themnselves on the issues of the election and the personalities involved. Partici- pation for the loyal Canadian in polities staris with the nomination of candi- dates and here citizens can p]ay an im- portant role in seeing to àt that knowledgeable individuals and mndi- viduals of principle are chosen to repre- sent each party in each riding. In This age of communication there is littie, if an 'v. excuse for flot knowing a great deal about the candidates, about their characters, about their mental ability and about the policies which they advo- cate. Bv' means of TV, radio, press, platform. politics arad the rest we are provîded many excellent opportunities I0 assess the relative merits of the parties and the people who are their spokesmen. Ignorance of political matters in this day and age is strictly ct l pa ble. During the nexi few weeks, Can- adians will be constantly reminded of the responsibility, privilege and oppor- tuinitvý which is ours: 1) to be inforrned concerning the issues and candidates; 2) ta make sure that our name is on the list of electors; and 3) to vote on June 18. We commend Bowmanvjlle Cham- ber of Commerce which la undertak- ing a "Gel, Out the Vote" Campaign here for Electian DaY, June l8th. :)ur Week And apparentl * thesp were, facts thai Mir. Beland did not expect to find, for ha adds: *'This was checked --- with admîtted cynicism -- with secretaries, c-x\ectis.- placement firms and traffic r-ecordsr." Perhaps it is only an illusion that. thle employer ever took it easier than the am-ployees. On the other hand, bo- da.v there is ceîtainly more competitian amng business firms Ihan ever before, and there is more competition among excecltives. Any company where man- acameît, decided ta give itself the 30- hlitr s.eek, or ev.en the 40-hour week, pt-obablY would soon face bankruptcy. And the pat-acox is that ir manage- mnit men are working harder than t hoir predce-ssors, iii terms of rarnit-gs the. possîblY. are getting less fou it. Out of Date In view of the roming general Plcc- tion and the part women rnav he expected to play in il, as candidates, party workers, polI clerks and returning officers, the following dictum of -Joseph Addison, written something mare ihan two centuries aga, ma i seem nt of date. Concerning polities he> ylatp: "This is in its nature a mnaie Vice anîd made up of manY angry and cruel passions that are, altogether~ repugnant nf the Softness, the Modesty and those endearing Qualities \vhich ara natural ta the Fair Sex." The comment was out of date. even when Addison urate il., if he boped loi dissuade women from meddling with politics. JtIfstrue Uial they had to wait ma-n.' vrars for the right to vote, but tha itrtiigues- of Mrs. Masham and the Dîîrhess of Marlboroughi had at least as mtîch influence on political events in England as the more open rivalry of male politicians, who ostensibl.v ran the cou n1 us.. It 'ma *v be argued that femninine ini- flutaîîce t-in potitics was more effective whr-n lhey wxorked behind the scenes Ihan nouv.-, when bhey are right out on the stage. But if cannot be truly said Ihal their natural "eadearing qualities" have heen discarded. Indeed, those qualities have become political assets. --The Printed Word What Happened to Honesl'y? Note thesp des'clopments on thp honesty front. "We don't 'trv' siudenis for cheat- ing because bheyre flnot ciminals, onlv naughty children." a professor in 'a large UT. S. ;nuesl. as-s. "A youngster shouldn't be held re1sponsîble in later lufe for simple misbehau'ior at the age of 18." At the University cof Pernsîxvania, a political science professor states that frequent cheating is admitted bs' 4W,> or mare at mans cuill eges, often wtth no apology. Listing the 15 traits of the '"ideal student', faculty members ai a wamnns college ia the Eastern U. S. placed n- tellectual integrity last. These and other revelatiois <came in the wake of the discou'ery that Ed- ward Kennedy, would-be Senator- from Massachusetts, once arranged ta hav-e a better qualified student write one of his Hlarv'ard examinations. Itisiders' Newsietter notes that Kenîtedu is re- ceîving more applause fi-ci-neducatiorual officiais for "owning tip" than oppro- briumn for devising the sehemne in the first place. It is highlY docibtfnujl if ('amadianîs ire onie whit purer than Amnericans, sa '-s The Pinancial Post. Indeed, most hduîlas-e tucked away in the secret places of theiî- mînds the memory of an instanlce when their personal honesty iiinexipectedly and shockingly gave wav i the face of fear or overpowering îîced or careless impulse. Buit, given the growing V.acuum whrea sense of wrongdoing should bu' and gisen the apparently wide- spî-ead acceptance of cheating among ti IlP*VOungsteus, men who 'have found thuit lioîîesly 5if their own best inter- st mtusît onder how the new chiselers uill mnastuce up as employees, citizens and leaders. NO GENIUS Duting a drive ta round up ail un- liceîsed dogs. a policeman whistled an atutomotbile to the eux-b. When the drivert stuupped and asked whY he had beaut stopped. the officer pointed bu the (log on thle seai beside lîim. "Does youîr dog have a license?" lie asked. "Oh inu," the mati said quicklv. dI e nîrit need une. 1 do aIl the dnis'- Durham Countys Great Family Journal Established 108 years aqo in 1854 Also Incorporating The Bowmanvil]e News The 1'ewcaste Independent "Althcrnsed ce Second Cliei Mail hy the Pont Office Dept., Ottawa,, and for pnymont of Pontage i lh" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDiToe.PUBLISKER GEO. W. GRAHAM ADYTG. MANAGER SUESCRIPTION RATES GEO. P. MORRIS BusNoEss Max. $S 50 a Yetir in the United States Mrs. George H. Ldster, 90, a reporter for Thé, IlOn .4drmirr for o\-er 40 years, i the recipient of the Ontario Hydro award for excellence in rural news reporting ini 1961. Fresentation of the plaque was made by R. J. Smart, (lower riglit H 'd(ro's Public Relations Omfcer in the Western Region. at t he animal von nt ionI of ilhe Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association nt London on Saturda ' vNi\a '\-19. Sb<wn aiso with Mrs. Lidster are H. C'. Campbell dleft r, puhlishpr and ci rof IT'Iýe )uU'tn Adiranrr and Werden Leavens (right ,Secret ar,-.Nlanagpr off tho ).W\. . tili -on the go," iMrs. Lidster, who resides near T\vrco(ntnell. mas ai oni, t n ,as, -Io()t ihr She has three sons, on(-.<aughter, 24 grandchlildfrpn and 231 a vnoli e.This is t he second tirne she hans received an Ont ario H ydro award. -IOniarir -lycirf lioto youi'l,1llUil 's Nn nmate-r bosu' ai(ful R writar js-or baw ccarhi Ilihe People ara t bat (do hic Rtual printing, gromniihns îvîl]craep in amnd niaka svords appear wot tha> aitît. like last wseals in Ibis ml thîiIe nam' aor the place is Csvmbritî ibut wbati il appoararl iniitîs spaca il w'as Crombratu svlich must hava made m.v Wlsli-born readers la a a a intptioii. The v pronaitîtue ýit "Kiiry- hran' wbtcb, I'm lold. means vallev of the cross. Wheti I was 'a bo * ,I lis-ad in Swan- sea fan avar a veau and bave neyer Ins i irislikig for the musical, lîing sound of lieý Welsn langîtaga. Man>' afthie 25 Y'ears Ago (lune 3î, 19:37) * vrsspprpd îg la ooktin-, passible ta îîsdt ut fini tOa a 'laff whsno (atil mu kt pleasant santîdi ng msvords oi t of I ha darridestcnguie lion afalrs It doasn'i otuso toingti thal. llîis oliiiiî s js iojji, the ai l vnon -ss nrl c-uit <-l. Iai- fealtlita litl Ilis e.couiu- rfamîl.v Jounal, bau îlonu came "Suigar & Spuca nul biot- cd b v Ibal ribahd iliarat-o that Bill and I1nîigliîi orrupi the miorale of hie goocl [)Ili. gbars wbo saedaritîg nisl 1a pactisa u soa 1 olot ibhe Editor. ver-, îsv , 'pro-î s.ided an antiîdote inii efini 49 Years ,%go McMtlrticv h lock s pur- ?lsr.Rd. Saassdan atiî chasad hb> vArîhur MHardv. Wnî. Parttan bava rt)tcd Ilîl- On Manda>.,, John J. Brown, store formar]t> accuitoo -lis Vice-Presidant of Bawman- T. H. Kîîigbî aîîd wîll lie villa Lions Club aîîd place- rcads' for bîsîas ur!> îtn ment officar of the Ontario Jo!>. Training Scbool foc Ba>'s, was Mr..larnies Beith, Jr .. if elected District. Depub y-Gov- Schiont of Scieceo- i If uît. arnor otf Zone 10. District. A N.Y., suas htome avar Sii of Lions Interatiaîonal. day« . Ha lias, acceplail a pri - Capt. and Mrs. C. . w. Eition with Mn, Alec- Prît-'- rMeatb, Ottaw-a, ware iti town ïManag-er of the Bell Pliiitî oser bbe Ma>7 241h svaekeiid. Ca., Bai-rie. Mn. W. JIl. Calser. Roches- Mr. M. 'laiubls î, ((tidLictit ten, N.Y., virsitad relatives in of Onono Band, netped (;îcîu Bowmaîîvîlle oser the UýS. De- yaan Band Victoria Day' vamtu cocation Day holiday. asststed the orchbest ra utt iti concer t. Mn. aîîd Mrs. Alaut Luxton Mu s. Thos. Nîclîtls lias îîîîîs and daugbtan Framu-es atîd ed inta the boandiîg boîtse ti t friands. Buiffalo, N.Y .,spahi Temperarica Si.. ciîp(ileitit the weekand s'.ih relatives Op.1aa Ilofise Park, the Iront here. of wbic-hlbas bean greail lv îuîî- Ras'. Stdîue « Davssn. Dr. pnoved bs a coatl fpalut C. Ws. Slamoit. Rev. W. A. Miss Kale Dustuin, taric. Burnern and Ras . W. F. Ban- sparît the holtda ' ai hiome. istar ara attaoding tie Uni- Miss Margaiet Clirnîta vsil- ted Cbnîncb Confarence at ad Peterborouigh frietîds ro- Smihs Falls cent ly. Knight's Fuels starîed in Miss Gerhie VOuIug sîîe operatini Iis mornîng ils Mrs. Hendensoii, Cobourg. new ice delis-erv sensvice xith Chiaf Richard .larvus ands a sn0Ww-bhite delis'eîv t.nuck. lis stundv sub-Chtief Waltetr Mu. More W. Taiuuub*vn bad Hall looked quite trirmi li thi-i bis car stoleti fronu outside îiew uni i ornis Victoria Dut -, bis garage oin Sc-ugog St., Sat- Bowîrîaîville su ress-t unday 'about niidnîgbt. Iltias ol led Iast * car iil tîsusections cecos-ered lite tollosvîng das' t Of s t Wf\ftdî-r if iî iin Nurihi Torotoinîta ditch w eue sat isfacturs ut-ssii i nil wiih iior daiages aîîd nou be barned tlis v>ezit gas. MnI. Lout Baldisut. Boul- His frieîdis svill be glad keaper intiihe D.O. & ýP. Ci. ta know that. Mn. Walton Pas- office bas gane ta bis Itottieit conewhortudarwnsvcian opera- 'Pickering foc a tas'.- dus-us ir- lion in Wfllaslas Hospital, vianus la acceiptung a positiaut Toronto, i., home. and is doing ai Landon. nicealy. Miss Ida McS,-orlev iz i;1i Mr. andl Mrs WM, .1. Hollarid, ing be-r sister, Mns, Fotier in Oshauva, annatiicathe cngaga Manteat. men! of thair <nIs- daugbtan Mr. lamas Renict tt-a; Darothy Alica, la Elgin R. firpnewati ulainabile,. M tin d a>, B.S.A. son ot Mn. Mr. and Mcs. George Ruosi r and Mrs. M. Mondasv, Boss- who raiurnad a feu- 1wiak: manville, the manniaga ta take ago frani Toronta nos'. nuiup' place the latter part of Juine.'. heir fine brick nesîdeitîe l'in Victor .Iaftan> has beau marIs ossrted lbs Mr.A. grnwîng fneak lultps thus'traIt. spnîng. Halepresented is on Mr. IH.\V. Dnbbt-, îcl lu-n îu Saturday with a beautitul Batik of Montreal, speit tii,r bronze tuîîp. grown b ' vhlm- holiday ini Peterborough. selt, witb four blooms an the Miss Jessue Goondmanî, 'frr- ana st.alk. onno, visîted bar cousin, Mis, Mr. and Mns. George Grieg H. Mitchell.t and George Jr., Kingstan, vis- Mr. and Mns. Fr,-d Frnk. Ited fief- parenîls, Mr. arud Mrs. .Midland. have beet i sruttitgý C. H-. Carter, bis father, Mr-. (eo. Franîk. t Newycastle: Mr. Ralph Gib-, The engagementîi.s anmîtnut- son is home froni the Sud- cedi of Miss Carnie Hawykins but-v mning district on a visit and Mn. James S,. SIphîcut' ta bus maîher, Mis. J. H. Gib- of Bal-acres. Sask. 'Ihc, e ur son. ding wulI take place oni i' i Orono: Conugratulationts I10 2îd, at hue i esudente ortlib: rMiss Glen Gamey, of aLitis, Ilile Mussas Steplit, 'fi Major and MrS. .1. C. Ganîay, OdeIl St., Bowniarîvtlle. who graduates frorn Peterbor- Sauina: Congratulatiîons î<u'f aough Hospital next Monday Mr. and MrF. N. S, Waslîuttg t F having receivad RfI par cent un ton an arrivai af a hov. heu examinitians. Ennîskilîenî Mns.1;. T.' - Zion- Mr. Fred Martin lucant> hasan us vustngz lier daugh- t( cut of£ a linger, ters at Fraserville. tor l it fcîu lamTnd;q , sscI liti -l- <liirt Rr\tîu R . R .R t~~~~;ýWu' titbillltc- ] ;hcn,l- (tii] . tnt( . iti H Iil tifîon] s t t sft io t I l ale tllat hini v îiiiig lotk a ril idav- ilts-d o\use', 0tike a\afor 'i t) ittf S - i rlai vi luith iBVtgIittî.ocise Ruih ts I 1(c\ a itî uti ils tbhrae t litIni. up. aîîd sar fii p l i ii i n -l if). aid Sai t' Nirr- -iq t11ýit i (to silapn' tif otur i t. utti, ail a r r i' tt i tu tilk, a a-i t h Ill' irig~ hv~î tialt. ir'onitlt fan-es :Ilti icol os ttiltIir tats il ni iou 110t pit iia -l - t ~i o t t t Iiastun bat-k- tii îî iii ti - tiîd Nicholsoîn a itilti ri(ial0 sirithi a ilt oii tf <I ildviîî i ici ruinl- oiiii t. tlillit linaurea-B-l 55lia 11 renorîd of tu o f S îtedegî-a tn (' iti -; i~r it ikes ni" îiî t \, uttou-. I-I ace it, t1)( iivi melut I tlondc ofo- b-î s- ii-k ii tO19M. si-iai lîtî l-l ut i Iîc, ii fec-d of' ilt tifl l~ t< id or % hitu-b 1 u;t' ttrtiid fii oi- a six dat- of li1 ii iri liiîn per dîcti, lii 1I Iut iid l iish el fis e iiis it (if 'it gui ict<littt' Oal <t - Otrli mt flis\t( I cttî i p. li I S !til iti i <s eta I thon ' iî -usm i(,! il off .5 ilipsi I tîîjî ot- aî«ci,> fi ft.y týf lshmclinîg ticura rnoas- M os t kids Miidtiate, froîîî nfoi ini -il\. 11lis (ie lima iotý\ ui-- lti lut I1i s fitii-. I 'st 'l cIi-i-lu-id bpa %, ui 1 i îl tlt1 l (i% i is cI i l lt tIi,- clii ~ IIýl tu itii ittt- if 1 I dcn't tu ti t'i l.tiik of' îtî t ti t i-- li Iil I ,5ti 111 t tn iilti i,.i - H ., Bill andti 1 a i l oi 1 i iit- ggliood(s. l titir lo fil_.i - YELVERTON D0i. utIn n n tuui -r-atPd ng 'e <iti Iti ,;lit nf AagcU. *iui iici ( l u- uhv tf- Falernt On- 1te( tut ait- I n iligîîi1Hx sm a r i- l liia 1-o t ' t ] tii ss tii tutu! fi i -t t I ltk jam- a. o l-' iýl ta il rii n l il)i lu ;-ut (i - ait t t)îufîi 1ut1toit 11ug tu i d (flgct iltit FIrldv lui Ststrdc. Mnr. and VIn. Ed luitditit-t il. lit XIi li1g tr iI ir- fl-c-t- týun.itcl t f ti r 111 sidc-ii- it j Yf nntitt i îf it ilt- iii titi i tît i ltînt-t M ai-tl Ml(l -: (î t;. i and uiider-i, E-tit iI1fut i Girî-l, t10 a nd 2 utîcl~ ~ t-lut itutiu X ts o n 'itl uti; il 1 e t nder, Our Bethany neîghbours Prize Winning Address 1 a - - f - -N Editor',q Note: Following. is canrt iigess: sea-greeii.NIv lhrotigh the clothes tWringer. tbe prize - % inning address cal was pretty* well grown iiUp Mother bad left the wring- wbich won Provincial Honors beforc 1 gave hini a naine. 1 er iunning to answer the. in the Legion Public Speaking hiad a good reon for this. phonie. She heard an awfutà Contest. Miss Avelyne Lycett, When he wvas a bab\- kitten. "'Yeowl" and dropping the re- I l-výearý-old daUghiter of Mr. I discovered he was storec civer ran expecting to see a and Mrs. Wm. Lyceti, Queen dleaf. Rtgbt there and thoen 1 tlatturned corpse, but instead St., Bowmanville. Her teacher decided that I wasn't xvasting there sat Damage holding up in Grade 5 al Ontario St. niv breatb calling an somte- bis pawý,. licking il, and bet- Publie School is Miss Eleanor Ihing that couldn't bear. You vecri licks was staring dagg- Pickardi. have heard the sav ng *('iii- etrs ;t the wasbing machine. Mr. Chairmian, Ilonourable iositl'v killed thie cal Wetl lie liad been so curious that Judges, Ladies and Gentle- curiosit 'v iearl 'v klled niv lie ad goiten his paw into men, girls and boys: the sub- c&t seVeral limes. First, lie the 'vringer. but, smarter than Ject 1 bave chosen to speak was so curionis that hie used roost people. he managed in ()n is "MY Pets". Lucky for, to jump tip on the counrier, trip the release and so escapeci ou 1 have onilv two to talk bureau. and nianlel Piece. art awtul death. about. Altbough tlhe v consist After pusbing ofr sevetal ar- Due ta the tact that Damage *o uth tbIwo mosi cammon ani- ticles of value. trm'v fathier is deaf, 1 felt that il, was mv mals in the world. a (-at and lhreatened to bava bis lire. diutv to help protect hlm. Sn'. , dog. 1Ihtink Ihat befare t Well, that cal was tbe cause oft1bought a collar and name amfnshed yoon wtll bave to so mîtch damage tbat 1 onded plate tor him and had aur ilgree witb me that aither one up callîng bim Damiapg.' oahn number engraved of the i s an> thing but com- Runintng watar intrigues illE or) il. This flot only helped m mon. I shaîl not mention b)0% ow kiep lrack or ii but Firsýt let nme tell sou about manri\tilrmes lie came neai-tY acded a list of happenings ri-'v cal. He is a big. xwhite, baing xvwasbed down tbe sew"- Ibat furîher proves bis ex- beaut ' vvtb one sky-blite ave or. bol 1 will tll 'v\ou abouIt 1.r niecuriosity. The Yrcord and the olbar: lIl bae. you tbe uie be escaped betng riiit ov-sthat he has visiteci Pnce n our town including -à the lagion Hall, the Post or- fi c. the Town Hall, the Pub- Slic Scbool and clean to Grade 13 in the top story of the Higli ~ n-~ hool. That alone is somre leal because a lot of puipils.Ç dn't get that high. Hie hasnut SPII CIEbeen to, jail that 1 know or, hut one morning he did end r ip in the dog-paund. Hiq à harmq must have worked Bv Bîl Sm~evspells on Ite fog Control Of-. 1 am observing a birtlida.v!wbat bas happened since Jlu i him to me. 1 don't knaw whp- Ibis xweek. You*ll notice I 2, 1920, 1 can't, help thbnkin, Iber curiosity, deafness, i ridnît say' celebrating. No, 3f1atal Ive bean fortîîîto lý Jw plain carelessness was mY age vou don'î celebrate enougb to live in one of thte e auise ot his colliding with tbem. Vomi merel 'N observe most excitin.g eras mari bas, a car one aflernoon, but 1 amn tbem, wilb a dim view or a ever experienced. sie e must, have fine lives wistfîil look. JIîst tbink. Thbe war Io end hacanise after spending a In an effort to prove Ibal wars wa, over. George V \ws cou ple or days in Dr. Hendry'. ,itera's plentv of life in tbe'on the tbrone Of England, aîd animal bospital, he emecged nidbovve, . 1 m akig o athesur nverset o th' Bi-saemingl 'v little worse frrn nid ox'val I ni akig o a be un eye se ontheBn-j11 ordeal, altbough his col- pair of litge mortgages tha tish Empire. ]in tiose 40-odd lar bad been damaged wbetRe Idav hefore mvy birtbday. They years, we've had a higgar xsar, tlie car wbeeî had run over sas' t bre s z notbing like a fat: G eorge's grandda in g b t c r s i. I o d go n te i g yo miortgage Io make a t ellow Quean. and the Empire lias'mîil mole about Damage but butsile. If thatsq trua, 1 quali-:almost 'vanished. 1 sh;-ît end by telling you that fiad vears ago for membership Wliet 1 was botri, there vu reibis favourite sleeping place n Thbe Hustlers. rio Jet angines, tlevision çcom- s in <ibher the bathtub or tbe 1 knew the hair w'as gettlng mercials, rockat missiles ori- itcben sink, and ha doasni't thinner, and the teeth scarcer. nuclear weapons. In alier appraciate it a bit if yot u mm but 1 haven't mucli of a pot words, things wera prettv an tfbe tap for he doesn't 11ke yet. and figured 1 was in pret- quijet. Ilicomne tax wa.g ontv a gatting bis feet wel. ty gond shape for niy age. A:clard an the horizon. No one Now in introducîng you tin couple or experiences on the bad climbed Mouint Everest myaollier pet, I can be st suin trecent. holiday weekend de- or fiin a foir-minît 1e milt, lup mY introduction by saying stro.yed this Illusion and left Tubercitlosis xvas a dread dis tuhai Y iii> 11e dog, "Pal', ix me eonvinred that V'm a pret- easa and lctIng catncer bad tit verylbing that Damage is iv gond age for my shape. been itivcnted « vet tntl. * *In tbose tour decadeq and a Pal ig a Tov Manchester. First ot al., the Iwo old bit, Caniada',;popLilation bas sharp, intelligent, aiert, and sidekicks droppad in for a doiibled. Tbe telepbone lias a pal in avery sense of tbe visil, w ith thair famiies. rile îeplaced tbe back fence as a word. He loves ta go places >Ibrea at us laîîîed the R.C.A.F. gos-mongetr. The atitmobile witb me and his favourile on thie same da ' , and we',ve bas gane llîrougbH Iie stagesplaceis in tbe carrier on mv kcpi i toch since b Ihose Of curiosit , alîR uv and bicycle. 1 arn sure that if yoti da s ecndmaet i!idol. a nacessitv, aîîd a niorilli- met Pal, voit would like bîo. ing ril mr terri l dti lv mi totie aroîîîîd aur neck-s. Bit I must admit Ihat ha 1 wei in rix ig t. me ril« a I1Y il * * * * ntgbl. Yoii sboîîld bave seen an unmannerlY aci: be li uis, Satitrdav ni-ltlrvi"ng Ila 'Fier-(-weren'l ans- vCou aintry bis teelh nte S~ niantintbeah tadiios. munisîs lstRolsbcs-iks n f rough looking ch r.,er It wsas more tikep a witig- Social ist, vere Rcds.'Wbis- Otber Ihan ibis he is waIll ding alibahe-Home for thie Aged ky was stongar and a lbeck traincd and obedient. 'Youi liati a reittion af war-riors;. of a lot cheaper. Women wera sboîîld seliii sit up. Onîe of the ba' s was in mtîcb as thcs' are ta- Ladies and Gentlemen. Bob- pain. Ha bad pullad a musclpda> :,aîd \vera îîsl as niairo- hie Rnts wrote that a dag irn bi- lîack wbile îryinig ta tic. Qril leating. deodoratîts s a m-ans ha bst friend. I have lire bis slioelares 5iou put- and tranquilizers wcre iiu- enîo *vpd talling you about two tig bis foot on a chair. rhe knlosn. Nobady 'w as trinitgta of ni>' best friands, Pal itd aiber divided blis aîixiety!gelta the moati Fiftv dollars Damage. If you baven't aI- eqills belween bis nilcer and a week was big moncv« . r-cads' met tbeni. 1 shall glad- bis bigb blood presura. And BY'glx that was a long 1Y introduce you anytime yots 1 felI snîînd asleep right iti the ttml'aago. wasntl il' marc tai call. I tbank you. middla of talling aur tÀive.q svbat lîilars we svere in the aId davr. Tlîe second incident to r-e pliasi,.e mYi ncraasing sanil- i-\ wa.g a challenge tram mv ,l dauiglitr. Sha's practising r a field day at school and svanted somai competition. De- spite the facîi hat I naarlv____________ bîîr-si.a blonds-essaI avec il. ha beal me baîidilv in bath tie braad lump aîîd thie hop- After the Bail se.This hurt. but attar aIt,1 sue's inti raining, arnd 30 vears By Ruth Wightmnan VatInger. What reail v destro v'- cd nie sias the Old Battleaxa 'Il's poppa \vho paYs, hie Old Bo>' oflen says, "and inied il. and beat bath mvPaSan .vadp\,ý marks ýwitbout es'an breatbing p>s n asaî a- la rd. No doubt il was \vith ibis tbaîigbt in mind that h. 1 don't really mind getting decided. Jast Frida>' , ta taka uis aIl ta Toronta. There ho nider. But 1 certainly resent ioîild attiind la business. elbrthte twins' ninth birthday the faet that they're making and cover Milliers'! Day in ana faîl swaop. ail the stair.% steeper and the uarbage cans heaier thee We liad a turc, sis t\inme. Mary startad out h.v being d ay S. the lita af liit- parts and A miitîd p the sanie way. "Shtucks," e r for tbe occasion anîd a pbeasant aftertioon w-as quick- Is- spent watc-h ig thle vai- mtuis eu itis:-par'ada, races. boYs, ladies anud menis baIl ga nies. anîd in tlîe i-sî-tiig vii t>ptttgr-aiufol- Uîss-îd h\ a dance- Mit Noîtutaît W tisn ffei-éd tri a(-ed nib tbts sseek ssvhile lii_ttga niaitîe tuader -the pr-oltus uf a toadel arýe tnt r-ecommiided for a back sc'it Ili('n. Thae<-ansiitirf iti-cw do- nz the work an -,A highwaire r(-movîng ronsiderable fuIl fimom the scboaî yard in th,- ntcrast of prrisiding our lit - la larlîngs swith a lcse, unavan fla '-groi:nd Thae tstacs are no h? commandad for baing on the bal] it this regard. Schonl w-as î-allad off on Frý- las ' 7duc, 10 tbe heat. dttst and acket made by machiner.v ai Stch Close qLlîarters. We ai Malconia, acu-ampan- cd lis Mrs. Ro v Warry and 'It-d\- vîsittd bnictîs' with bai AIda Nasatas and lIank Booiî IrF., Ibis weck ai their r )omes in Part Credtt and riuksvilIe respecIivel.v. s r: t- s -l E h f have ans- sn ap-dr-agons?' Iu baîssean limes the' kids amîd 1 spatt PÇlpar cent of our tirne gallapug in anduolit of siubssays, an and off elevator. aund escalatars, ealuîug softî tco-ciîaam and Roing hack far Suisatus sssaater. (Probabîsthe Old Boy had bis feet up Srîuîîcwlînîo. t t ddlutt Sloep tîttt itulit -I1i'aS iicotîscous As if a I i ssîiril ihs xhltiuittiug eîr<ugh, l'onbas jutst îîîluî'î ted bit;bîrutthe or J<s bitke- Aîd xvbo is going to teach hito r t idce! Mueilua 's vhurt Anid w-hais going ta unpack, nep-wash, na-urut and rel-a l stai e rurdan otut of chaos? Vouistul. If tbbc OldrasBol\ '-s Il prppa c'ho pays" on-& moart bell pav alrigb?. X Which remlind it- . teth b 21fn'ltglof bus other favý ortie<anmaent, Ms, shoOt rffticiil,' besays, meanung aur bastess of the bout, tistitaîl' ,samneonpwitb a young family w-ho baslits! servad frîbuilcis fond un A spir. and span bouse. On ltop of ail the abose-sseary.'ng efforts, ha seanis tri expert nIolako-up bruuse. îlI the lima, as if the Quean ware due foc a Sirîtt ants inuite.'s fate il, Ilue testitg linsltinv? was nesar vary strong tin me. I tan remenîben the daluis u'cn, with coniplete aplomb, 1 could sit drusin <îolluîpset ai ruight, leaving blocks, rattles, pulltoys and hbcave-ikriws-wha. w-lure they îay. Joe was four-, Susan aîud Mars- iwtt and]'Icîn nnailseenis lik^ ysisterdas'- and 1 kîr-s iIl]the lcîvs ss-uld stull ba scattered at 6;:30 the niexl muni uugtii'5us Memorial Hospital happy the \&favlss1as. Now l'in tutver satisfied and find M-y- W eekly Report a muchihigher standard lins hc naintained bdi 1 vu t iavu- rtipiped Ihis Ibing ln the bd fIdjs F'r the sse-k tif Mas 21-27 ruýalNt-ed when it was buddtop, îîe-tustve. Anîd Itlame te Old Botv four the insidious change Ad missicuts bvPlt ~ m twî ev u rh fh n Birtin. 2maIe, I female, 3 thât as cm tanm.itllsre ual - --ghife nn Disuibangas .61 bus daurs bavuig lato su- ovhis shoes hefore lue enfers aur Major operahuans 13 door; emply bis asbtrav- afttr smoking ana cigarette; bang Mincir aparations ttIýp biF clothes or ha yellcnd at and putit p witb me cleaning Emar-gancv Truatroants 2 'lîka made three trnes a ssr-ek wbcthcr the bouse neads it or Visiting bauur-s 3-4 p ni. and 7 ta .3.30 p m. not. PAGE P'oriE - Inthe Diyn and Distant Past -~ - From The Statesnian Files $4.00 a Year, strictly ln advance IMM CANADIAN STATESMAN. MZTARin

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