PAGE TGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE, OINTARIO #4 k ':-ý-. 104 1 SPORTopucs" Bv Frank 3Mahun MA 3-7234 3IcQL'EENS SP>ONSOR LADIES' SOFTBALf4 Th'le C' dSu i rrrd îiniînd w]il be the site for top'iirteh ti so' umhr ta1gs nthis nar. lMcQueens Motors wî illspirusor - i s mris] eeirs <%n the Duirha m Ladies' Lragur, pi . gtiîi eos on Mionday% and Wednesdlay Coach F t\.~t"i,frrîuus ns that au vladies \s\,ishiiiîg t o t r" on' t hi' ct ' a hould gel i n îouch with hini ai MA 3-'7iRc;4 a .r'5 aý r,. sibh. The manager wrilt again be Arnotdli Eche'r. '+'t t j' t INTERESTING RECORD>S To 'l'oIh ie oib s<f Soffhiehutw Gol f & Contr.e Clu<b isomk- of thJ, nia'.' h famîliar, if sn - it's because we 'stole" thr' ilem froni Ibi' ctîîb ouse bulletin-board. Howem'er, we did think d t ihLit iiake ittcîesting reading for the rest of aurgrrf at ls. I nroatrîi'~the irost 'dla'/.ig feat in our' opinion. w'as tliocrr'd fur the lonusitinte in oue. How long ido! y'out b ik ilseas? 250)i da. -nalhe :300? Hold (on Io s'oî rbat' LtiunKi et <Jus, for mer majuor lc'agiie pit<'her' set' I ho rr'i'îrud oniirehu Ifiti, l9fit. ah Oklahomia Cit v. Wtth a: 4s.î'u.trîiu fo]li nu'i in id, lie bit bis tee shot into 1tieý ciip ou i a4237 a! dho" bea iuîig a 42.5 vaid record set in 19:39.' .'iuî~ ir Ihi' Gorlf Digest. the' tougbest trick lu en1oi s ,om, t.rri n' In 19611 or 'l 1plav;"rs îurned tieý h riu'k s hi et h,,ri su idrut It 12,0040 botes in one. Tlhe new i'er<rrrl ' ~s(1 on Clii iiias Dai t1964), xrhe'<îJoe Kir-k\ood S r-.. iint a 62. Iob- (I e uc ic otuingoat plaver ever to shoot his g l'ttr!->rt(' N'îrî1kiiosu usien vou tbink of that it i'et -, i ilirrIo'ir shooti a round of golf equal to your Softball A uni hi i r ni r) si ut bv rî i'Jrîe Mor'ozanî, a golf pro in Stau'no't.Crri, i.iiîiioio, frrî ti l orgesi doubte cagle, a th'îe îtr tuîr pa r ' imlî ii to lrtoFie boled ont a 264))Yard aerrri)cl stîitt 1i)til1vttu' tunimi a .47 Yard par .5 hole. I tns aîrt huiý Boli Coa hi ,;et a new record xsith r i;h 1oi.'iuî'.bizdi". Jndx Kimbatt î'eqîîired jiist 21 pu1titn a)1 ri in'î:'PC A,î'round. Po, at linrîri i tiic îlîs roliînin Up on Ille bulltin bIlroirl Ihr 'iiii ru2 u a gr'tiug kiîud of otd ava + t t OVER'R( WI)E) ? T'-lîr <i1i rirr' irs ilavu cno trouble 1irdiog ptac'es, Ir) titax' hili Itu i~ridii o ouir schediilca thatIlle' M'loîi it BaPi k s nruigtri hi'i vor'crowded xitb no les Ian sox oui riiiiurr ha n'iîr't truris anid two soccer clubs in action. '<'l t 'ue' r mii ir' sîihecl of basebaît, Lakeshoi'e Nliio P, euitt ir îr"îîNtliirau' Bate lias a Ireadache ilouxF t liati-rtI hr r'un: t )îirir' tavse d'opped out of the nitdget andcimuSý lroagîi e, a ndr(t su e wi'leî ita id that the", still nuiglit field Seenl in 1t-1ni Browiuîri' iti'i n'i . cîîaeled by Gr'ant HaIt, have' <'cerit1vs liti'e,(d omu' î'xhiîlitiiru tlt.tîsiîug t Aja x, wuitite li-'sîiîi gamnes lu Beupisnuiclp'î sdrriînd Blaî'k stick iiithel r fîî st ea gce err'oî o. T'heî'Pi(r'('v"rs. ld b' forier Inteluied iate Mefls Fncmicd i a r'uianu - Don<ru Cilîoîîtv bave a one win - onîe lnss rarrts' soasolre'(crd.a(h 'lThis r'iporr I'îlirpr's iiiiu l p ithr'epor'ts on tticsi iinr b asîrnit gain, su oiiias ume cari enliaI the aid, xi lb M r. Bto aars onaii' iisr ckeepei'i' Anis sol i ueerýs?. r t t t 73 A' 'soiUTHVIIE"N% Hoti S easo n uni all appeai'ances this will 1) st inici esting soft bail Iseasi ot and, wxit.h one uumentioîîahle ave been c'lose and cc]i) softball Gets Underway For be the bitYgest this tiixi'fl lias giii iiidcrwxaYs exc'epI-tion, the Th is photo MA 3-3134 ~VFNFSAYMAV .101h, I Teenage Bowlers HoId Banquet ta End Season Six Team League Bonnier and Holbert Coming For Players 200 showxxs the timp~s anîd oft iciasUsaightenigout gion Lnd 'n les be'uuîe thie first i.ame. Fî'om left tb righ t: Zi g' Bet)kiîx'sk i. Ace Riarids, Snuffx' Hunt, Pauil C'hant aîîd Ah Bariies. Games aie played Tues- clay \Vedc srîa\'anrd Thîîsdax' iilits. eier's Edge George's 2-i Snuffv's Down Ken Ys 7m3 '<Vo tîad Ilîr'p lonsîîrr'(a part fi runtuai nîginîonie v ) ofr vitrirsssniîga r ei tdtis stla iof piittinrg as Bob '<att rackoed 'iJ Bp sru1isit1e,1li l edgr'd a onc oser Par 7*3 atlou iseu on uSnîdaYu'a fleruron. Bob George's Sules '-,'- 1't' cîda s' had a pair if Nit <s, tii e o b'gios a nd aIltht e rist para 10 o i ibIanid Su iti 's A uuitî Bodvs vrnord ivliiit xi' bl i'u iti(,liosi score so fr tiFseason. douu'ed Kc'i's Nhua We'ar 7-31 fa Ibis 'lhuîrsday ni rlit i)Meii 'sToI'iir Piti)" iIr'orî'd ouuts'il anîd sorîie \ere neat dandies. e ceSOttllaction aSt parlituutrtu',I(,ie t- i n'u orfiii, d'au'. 'ek h te Higýlu Schoîol dia- BilltI Cs].ucirittd Cui'ge's ho tIi ce lii s w'ml e 'taimnîîîî CONSERVATI VE Bu~rges, k'-iiutsedta i'Me hitter iii a t iglît pîtî'huî'î's bat- lie. "Btck"Cîus te icI roff thî final iîuniîug us ii a sinîgle anîd COM M ITTEE 10cored the Jr"'lue talt s R O O M Set i red andit corred in ir(,î'Op- R O Oc ning fraic' w1us'îîu Osbornie ass'a te onseciiiictsaclwr 'lr'c lara 'i'î'iii' Bit] Ettis coiuiteil aire now open in thre winîerux ucuic siuglcd an cose te tlitei' oi 'Bnnî" '<elstu 's tus r-rIit Safet s' ini the se'conid. Wi'ts]i îas Ilie BoN"manvile Hotel games top hblutir su utiha paii r 54 King' St. E. ~snufi ' vs btii'uîsi'1upa î-1 tic ushrive fsctIirduit iiiiug uaî'k- r <i f luD ~r. cx'Vîiaan id ers iiît pu"'ttîiohu' ai-4 'rrr . ir ' ctractionl as ttrur' Siîrîr'rd'u Fr' . s tht ex'o~' elgihie pi'ki'd lit)u!lis seconrid usinin i mm' <n r - rut '!i lninrilht un lune l3th. ti ira .lobrrl anii'S. oni ho olr'uîînî J r i i r" i "r sue 1< ai, tegatcJfoi- r'Kerîs tîold t Iitîusîu rus tir to11,thr'ee sinugle's anduii îdu'tei \'r'î ' , ru ['r un 'rl1in'cs trike'rîut i iutiuis. hit Il bases ao lii kîuît hlui in i Sr'onhLb1e. Ilnr <' r'. tir' s)ît T chp'hone MA. 3-7231 rnîght litua n<n' p su utlu un A u~~ictorvY, i' l"oir'lus o cîrsit' errors mvich g;i.ue Siuhf ,tir'rii)îil < t r <'rmorceRoîms. six îuorurc 'ue usii nsi! je lir' I. hases*ur openi ihi' gui iesîr iit r at hsî'iuari littîo Weri s' .I I M RUCII. P'miscuîmd onu an hîîtîî'td gu-oîrh- ci. I l u ic' t ii t] 'Su iI Hii"mitiiiii ii (.iis<r'xati\'P )Assoiatiorn. Iluir rd].( of wsutiir .î:1 ' SI rocku nuit1 naitd tlj1,ri i i Sîuîî 1957 Pontiac 1960 Corvair 2-Dr. Hardtop O>ne lotai owner like ne". %',au t onaI ic, power hrakes,* . * pov or St erinig * * 1955 Oldsmobile 14-f t. Insulated Vans 4-Door Hardtop 19135 - 56F11, uipd oal gbv e. MANV OTIIER MAKES --NI) NIODEL.S FROIN1WIIICII To C (1005 ROBSON MOTORS Limited NV. J.MýcMECHAN, Presideuit BLTICK - PO&NTIA\C - ACADIAIN - N'A UX H.1, 1 -1, .MC 166 KINGC ST. E. PHONE M1%A :11-3:196 BOWMANVILLE denii xii isct trifil]t tie lL.,' '\11iîc"eBP, iuîi'1ds boi<iu 't'd ta0 siiîi't, fîîî'î'îriîg I Init ai1 Ille ptaie', but su il twilxioout Shuint - ,IiiP JohnT w luist iiiissî'd 'Na t- taoi"s durs c. tfie Iuîcxî two bat' t -iis s sa lted anud Daxe Siiomu- dluii).uiiigtc'd to g-ise Silkc ffu '.i fiu'e big inuis -attl iicai':urc. Thu'ltc. uifclle 'iui'd ciiileuil u 1 iii loii ilion n <iiihier.' salk aîîdi Ric-har-ds' sirîglu. Keni's sr'ri't uie il, tli secountoui a xiiik anud ilfietl- 'î's 'ii' andit tiiî' a 1t er' %\e' e oir ui inirIle tttî'd oui c'rîr'cu iSin uugles b ' houl Baur]T wi'stuah nd Bruce Coler. 'The gaii'alniiOet u basi' lîtous' na.' aà il:" 1%'cd t'atuîr' iWusAmi u 'r passiii fouir appea raîîu'îs a t liii tîlate. su tilele 'aiir wva s Jainuis' î'tîîf si ilk -ui'uil nlîî 'IearnStamndimngsr nut jnnld. Luis x< cols g alles) IN' 1, Pt'u. Sanuffr"s Auto Bondv 2 e c'r~esSales I 2 Sie'ptli îl"Fuels 4) t Ki aiip's t"îuitiîre 1) t l{c'ui s Ilui's Viri' 'l2 o M 055 Recovering Hopes Io Race A gain' By August of 1962 SuituigNlingMss, r'apidx' r<'- i'ru'ri g touru inijuîrie's i'o cci vod Easti'i'Nîrridav iniia c1i astilit ai riîîtivîniîl. iigtaiiit. 1)l is io r"scLirFiîe t)us ir i c' , a i t'et isii ' iluîilîîc'î. Ru (i'î'~llrs ua;ul,'iof ie Huitîsti arr' sait lii' vitiîuie tht Fn îcl inos liavuse t n I iiiru Mirs su on't hi'ale tio attenid theî ',li 11;1(.*'us20W,<'at Mnspirt .Slj tr l i f iliit su ni i d lIn nc- lr'c'aiid ini] r'asli'il C;regnir o Mospirt. -lIn c ~' ei sa'uut 'Std uiFiil(ut uubtelon, igo- inig ifil tfo ln ii unli ii pi' t tiînî onr liis hu n nt5rii îsr' Suit- îi'(tuî5' ilitt tr' ti Il iliniiiuhi lic ru l b i r'. ii 'tm in o lotr i fu tii' I4iui. ci5 211<1'Ni irioc' iii n'iiiu '. inuit ri 5 iis i 'i tlil litni i] u xi'ls Lcnt la vý 1urr i-e 'i'uunu 'r'mi . Efuitliur' cioriis vsini n d uîu 1 lo'il tile sainer' uun. Vn'aIt usaruliz iiiito iiki.t i niai i hi it " r ii hi g pi nil eui 110uW. "Iii s'-<r ,iiixrIMIS 10 g-'f tuan kts iiiuîir .Aus etsagi hne uî,n'î' tluo I')uici'h Grand Prix on rtex'îisnanîd ti nsz r ur ias t iigh be usas ini Ille ruie The Soccer Scene Nflrss sit]lîn' tin. <nu 1 Io r St. 'Iîîruns Ilospitalifii t nri' don u i lii i r'<'t'un'dt fii' fimii tiîutuei.Planus Hieuiu ull liii imi tlke a ix'uh<<'u ru day n ~~~ai sn'uiiisin's Sti ligli't iu"i hi' .qLil(>'u.111(la i ihb alu'nt. 'l'lie u mx ill hai chru lorîed fr'îîrî tte SrV 'î iii'lrriuse <iii the 1i gilu sic],' of thîî rueili i s i'apiitt*sv du iý;pJvIirIgii. Dru'- tou's expirt that tie <<rulx' îs- site Irireii l lvit i susl al h l'i i th(-' finu'r lipJs WiîiMoss ,as f isti un' so ii crI. ;i 'ognuî ' tînî't 1 t] I..i'uîuu. Iluî Iî i usiiin3 .], u lu'î' a'< SUInii Iiui s 1as i' tu'tci aliii] i l lie v,4) ouoi zJ hum e t)ai la - 1 tiurîuglth luitsaid] uflot as tuant Ans il is, S) un luuit.t 1us îîîcon" l i'cl lie uuttlie reuug 'h-, u iust arr] ai bis piuoý.nI t"lin 1- rr'o'îr~, w îo ri druuî b h i ii" àAcQueen Girls fio"Mlbrook MIi tlui uokl spoited Bow niaru- s'l c'stague operier, defeat- t g l u' Mc(Qieerî Motors t -1i -2 i idars'nîglît in Mill. scrc i mi t ii ý i n Iiii tti' secondr to go 1ili fîronit oui a sualk, error and sîiîgtrles lis'Anriabelte Stevens anîd 5hjr tex Brocti .VIit to unIcameîiback tinthe tlîirc] una a t ii lan, a smluiw ' Iiurta logg, ail er' unir a itt surir baggc's îoff tbe t)îLit 's ( nil lIrottîs' Cblis aîîd 'tii r' uiiins added an rrn- 1Lini'i' îîu ini tie suxtb on a puir o uf uvaltks anid Kiuisnianî's sîiu1!îuî. Ciltis svent btie'ds 'aur"Iotir 'ii mith a fixe-bit- ter. utul Brock anîd Marg Pickrd l{0iiusliv(aine ounii n e- Lot, ýn Iie fifth, altowed fiu'e su tî' ell's n a toiirîgc'ause. Otan, a 12 seau old short- strrJ and Kirî 1Il vear utdr'r at seconri base prox'ided bu uat ii on'ort i t brook. lltttuok - - 4 5 4 BASE LINE '<i. anid N/ls.Artîcîr' Gib- ruI s<"u"'îîdguests of C'îou uice. n li s lsbcl Wooudwaîrd, Mr. and Mus. Regiruatd Meadosus, Nîs cislousoie Suiidax x'nsr- iotrsu itIiMu. anud Mîs. Georgýe Curîmnîbsanad sons. N/r's. Anîstev '<Vcnx'ss, Tor- oniito, usas a receuit sisitor miii Mu.andiclMus. Ro\- V'aiCamp. Mr. nîd Mus. .SJant1e v t. 'miiIa.L icsi Mitsmal: truie Cuuuiu hs, 'Pel erborouglb, Mîr.andI Mus. Gcorge Coombs. t. w ia seî'e Suinidarv isitors uslf utuMi. <<ni Mis. Ceoi ýýe i Po',. \r'uuicaîip. I r. hsnut .ur .'n-iult sJ>lriu a dax 'ai iinuit rtuigi'5 us ii thIe pas;t M!'-. iu]PMi s. H aroltd Wood- '.i.'t'Il'onto, spenut a coup:e nu<his s usîtt leurlparents, Mr. .r.nrt Mu'ý George Coomba. anrd hiuu'ruu m i Bulindr Jac'k Mr/ tu r tMr,;.Arthur Bar-riesý n~ eo T<uuusdv mning 'allen s r'M r uîul'rraAlex I'pa', Ont. lion Wins Pair of Games Hooper's Swamp Solina 6-O (ourtice Shuts Out Hampton Nlau.ig thînîî i i r surt on use. 'Tue Jmnispnirr'i a pi' t'le nni. /.îrru 'ur'c l iii .i ns-o u' - fHaunupin îiîinii':t si -I. Wdui mr'iî5hutl tucllitpai ud Minnitas' î bluit 114u uippi'd nst NMapht. Cmx c 1w ý(ia ' r w's atlt-ai pji's' the' sainicscorue Suit uu nias'ti i i ue. nîîos'cin i ni ntf lie spmr'uîî iis tto u 'ln ettumin cer ceagne race,"îî ia'r r ii utuCoiîn- Bris iiaIil le Itinrrs rounouuig 'luiorie 6-A 1'îr swaipî'd Soli r afi06-n iut"Zînju Josteida 2-0o 5)ini mb ile ('ou tnt cp cshi îîitnîîHur iiip- crmeu Bomauin<e Makun c ton 3-0 <n allier Sat., attrac- ;beu 'Lrst sîart, Bowmanivrle m ' 'tî nifiing Scoliwas dg'l2-t1lis' Hamptorn and ItiJi' uie dors ned Solina inn t the }î o tnidas' shiiffln' s'iu nn î ok 's scores \b îc'b -ýu the >'casmn open Saturdav r'nut.'Ii iui'dnîu'îd Hanîp' tii -t-i.Mapît' Crove bo-wed tc Sm)] tua '--I and Coimntiu'c and Brs'naru'rio attod to a scoreless deadiock. 1 for N oli r((' li nts if 'roll i ijP Let me tell you how. BANNER PASSANT 31A :11-32.38 14 Rehder A ve.- ownmanvilî? SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA 'c leea ge anîd J unil il- BRi 1- iug League Bantque(t wus i. brd atMernorial Park Clu b Ilouns, Saturda 'v eveung, wx'ru lîii) presvrA. Specia i gue'îst as \tr. R. Souler. Eect c i)rectrrr of the ('anadian Jiiiiol. Po\xvt luCouîîr'l anid his 'rife lIm Sone.ýz gave an licresti ng tlk on size and vxeiioit ft'.RC and its exNee,(ted gr;ouvth. 'hu "a!r. Exp'('(ed for l i(,ll Ilelwhieb wI'utI at~ii'al pr.iiOu s(0 of Ca uîaîla Folhuuîiug It nedimwr, io- phlues preu o"svffltod to Ili. lioti 'trzoph i fior l"ig Girls 'hi',NIrs. \îrgmia F'air- e'\. S'înifh l riipl i for -'li 'age Pou' \s-"1)uMr*. IBill Smith. The e1ogion I'ropli'vv 10 .tr. Girts" hi' NMr. E. Pertee . 'The Lions 'Iroph 'to ",Ji-. Hou s' hi Mr. C.Bitiq. ['iiw ('u ana ual tr phi te prcswlecedt i)s sarfor Ilii Singlveicther girl or hoi«\v b- Ille Lander Brothers uuiis \i bv'Han Etint i 'h 11a t i su e ai(] for i 1t01 T 1i 1p1' cîther g ir] or boy\, ihp Il. Benuel(ti TrophY \\On bhMa v Mlindav xiho houstertJ a 9,2i total1. and Vlrs. M>\~ Viseuuuanteagîo s ocre tar x coaches and o nej- liorss uîpîurisand u. l Bonrieti. Mr.nidMu.Mote Mr.r"i il aid Mis 'C. pi p u r S\,u'edeil's Joakii niBoiuni or and Boh Hiolhert oif the U.S., two ot the world's top Porsche drivers, hase eni'i'ed thw Pa "s200)', on âmîoe 9. Boni <lis the fîfîh dr'iveri from the Eliiropezir circuit t0 enter' Caiuara's premier spotIs car race ai Musport. O) ber top drivers are Dai) Gurne v, licn for third iii tewowrrtd lasi yea i-: Olivier Gendehieju of Betgiun ,M 'iSteniC"rîi,. Amc'ricain liu'ing in gaii 'and Iriui'a lreland. a Scotsman Bolti Roniiier. seondi inr years"; Plaxes20m0"' o St r.- fin.- Moss, and Ilotheri v be driviug Porsrche RSti Is. Hloiber) andInd iîanapotis star Rodger W'aid are lxiiof the Ainericaiis ou the F.L A list of charnpionship dri vers. This tis) a iiouii'cerlbu' the world goci ig boduv of sporis cars ta restiîtod to 311 drivers. Aid sixeral oif t ho 38 have reiired. The addition of Boiîiiei' andi ,1olbert give organizers of the "Playerýs 200" a totalI of scveio off tbis lisit ie finles) fietd ever assemibted mn Canada. 'J'le previoîîs bigh was tbree. Bonnier lias won skili i.up events as Watttîns Gten. the, Dtcb hGrand Pr'x, tbe Crant Prix of Germiaisanîd 'la rga Florin. A factor * vlFormuli a Crie dri- vrer îor Porsche, Bonn ru r pro- nouriced bon'vea, ia cre îrf tIte fexur utrisoi's on ilie En î'a) Pearl circuit Wbo tooka I i ko the Hott ,vuood version of a spor'S raciîîg dr'iver, corn-ii ptete wilî be'aid. Hîl beri ivas seconid to ii R' ger- Penske, atso entored iii the "Pla v e ra 21o4< "S b' nationalt chamîpionîî ast ' ai'. Holberît ed mosi of t11w\wcar but an iii iii'at thue Caiarii:îi Granîd Prix last Sepii'iîîhoi kepituhini siîiltined for l'.uo rnoiîths. oiuabt îîg Peonsitýt' Overtatke Iiîui. N o doiibt musti rlut oruec betuveer i tie îri'ie aild eveut: faith anîdross%(,are frieruds Io Ti-uth.--Mary 1Bak-- er Edrlu'. CANADA GRADE NO. 1 LAWN *24" NICICLE PIATED GRILL * EAVY STEEL HOWL AND HOOD *CHROMED SPIT AND FORKS * 6 RPM MOTOR ONL y1588 15TERRIFIC AUTOMATIC PIN SETTERS- SNACK BAR St'NIAX BOWING... A 1Mixod Loag-uîo 'iII ho for'med to operate Sinday oe'enings starting carlY in September. An 'vone interested leav'e naine nt bowling lancs . . . or tolefphone MA 3-56i63. Bowmanville A. Boyd, Prop. Open Lanes Every Evening LUBERTY BOWL LTD. 22"1 POWER MOWER TERRIFIC SAVINGS, TOP QUALITY 21/' H.P., 4 CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE, RECOIL START BUIIT FOR YEARS 0F DEPENDABLE SERVICE OUY NOW PAY LAER-USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS m ___v PAGE ZIGHT Base Line BoNvilialiville, i~~ ~~ ':'i i i .r.111uiNIrsu. .tîlui oouih.;N1r and mrs. R. Whtite. N'I' and Mt-S.G & ed rmiln theletngies Io Mr-S. M. V\"î.mari u'Miss Hlelenl 1enr and lHarold Beuinet onab luifo f ithi' Teenage l.ivI %, Ii' \k(,Chartes. i- ia b!aiks 10 Mi'. Bill Sliui"'î i' tuslI(uidoition iof pop>. 't" n )Roy., .1. Phillips, .1 k' \.Ptlimer. R.Coom- h t.lerfeît .1l'liantrmer. Ilni'l:ipic D rnsvn tG L('.rtnîi7%4 f1i'h -Sng 1. Catt a n r95. B. ltîr, 3Im tr'urage C i Fi A1.pardon. J) 'r . '~ A Hayes, J. Beflt 728. M. Mudau 926. t~ ~ ~~j tî' iiî Chant 2idi. G.Ni i tlioIti 195. .tr. t3ovs W'. Iach, R l'tlî'i . a urP. MacDn- il.t).l'u nînds B. Smnale. JilhIt)oubtle ID. Ilarueqs R . ll3aulprie 445. 274, > u eds 2 25.4 t ti 'h S Doiîhe S M. rlso Il ~ SunJo antami - -- -- m la ýqw m m 4w jw RW