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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1962, p. 9

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TYRONE Tvronf, Sundax' Sehool Ar.- Pl i vplrarx' Servicewa s h,, dr ýâMay 20th at 2:30 p. rn GUCe.' Irpeaker %vas Rex' P. W. Page of Hampton who delîw': ed -,i challenging cal! tri s:rongu faith. He pointed out 'hai Mnost of us believe in evler\- thing a little bit, btit u-(,iî à tino bellef in (;od. ehoir music %waýtproxîded be the Sunda *v Sehool. Special piano musir wa- renderé-d hx' several voung peonle' Gwcvn Glaspell and Lx arn Staino, provided prelude m ~.)-J anne Hoar p]ave(d i11w inter- Jude and Roberi. Hamnilton thi- PO.It]Ude-. Organisi. for the or- casion was Mrs. Donald Da- vexP Accompanwcd h M r:-, D E PE ND AXB I. JohnwVanix Ik aMt hl-pia.o. On thre ex' of Nia' 2c". the C.(;.T .girls ;met, at tI i'hxurih to hold their 13th nipcc mg. The metixg cne'ectxx *h<hx n. ofluxed bv'.'hie C G I T piedge. 'Pie iuh ai, ý ni'n i for the Moti'rad Da ebter barqne, xxas the n ails wx e r (àd. The m:nliec x r ead and a pprox cd. Wor <;i led bv Gi aie and >4,1 mn xx" rond urted. Col e c' t i o r 0 Banquet pIai x'" made ari a d srîî>sion on the Par txy x: ercItoc! dC c;.i.T. Gicrnl( folc iedxb hWero ono' ed 'ox (harlol te ]alnd Sa nclv The meetig loscd xx r "Taps". There is iU! chine a ii':i ILAST CALL! FEW LEFT a *1~ Premitini Standard and Better Sprut'e for House or Cottage Jobs! BOWNIANVI LLE Phone MNA 3-33~88 CAMPING THE C~ ANADIAN STATESMAN. POWMANVTLLE. 'T ber on the sick list. M-rç. T. Expe nsive by the Dozen c;ibb5:. Mr. Ross McRobe rts. Mrs. R. Burgess. McI. Arthur Rahm, who are al] n the Me- mo"îal Hospital .M r. Lu ter Sýtamn<or, relurned homne fl- Errors G ive N i iQuinn returned home Fridax' after -jperid'ng over a week in hospital sîiffering from a bad- an accient wini eplxih 'B ig W in O ve, an: hcidentankile .v'irlî su cer N r,.le coIiecrrd o,i.- s andi Mrs. . His xxere AMr tiý, isbtcptldo W, and Nirs. Leslie W'elsh anda z.nBw-nvlecrs dr Ror'aicl Mr. and Mur. Fare- fo defeat Me-Qîîeeîîi'-, Motorsý 3s'e I H ukhbum, Sa lemn, M r. 8-4 in a ladies' roftball tiP. ru and Chu,. X\e. l ex'H îs and AMonday n i plt ai.the CenI rdi fa m: xSol ra.Srhool lie. M r. îîd is'. olinTax 'lie x isitors ii<tclird a >î n- a. M. ad Ms. ClinTayovpIe rin r in'efirst (or1a1 a 11: 7 oxmn'Ie xecgist of o1i lo,'ed hbxRBarh Adamns' (dou- Mr. and NMr's A. Woods and hie. A pir of errors in ren- altended thie annîx rsarî- herv. tre fielId. a sacrrifire and a sin- The Afernoon Unit of the gle bx' Gail Cooper made it 12 C.W. held a quîlting bee 3-0 in the Ibird. IIQîeîs ibis wveek Next Wednesdax' eounied their fitiruîn in the ex'ening, Jirne 6,.t A Y 15cte hottom hai on a home rn"b genema' meeting vill b, hédld Mvarie Cootiex. xchen Mcc. C. V. Thomaq wîll he oir guest speaker. 'Cadet Ted Fdwards, Tren- E Stn. isited Mr. and Mi's. T. Ks Mr' and Mrs. James Wood- a p s E .ex' and 11111e daup-htersý a!- tended a familx gatbecing lan f honocir or ber parents. Mr. 'i i ghtii o and Mrs. R. D. Hodigkinsoîî, Aciroca, '301h wedding anni- x'ersarx' Rcnîp's FUîrIture c'aome un JMu r nd Mis. N LeBrun xxii i a pari of riiois i n the loi ,and chrldren. Olîax'a. M rs. F. ofthi e svxent n toc' dge Stepll'en Nah a nd ciaui hter. N'a'is, Di'- Fî:rh 5-4 hi a Meni' Towxn fit, r (t.x 5fd M rs. T. Girbbs !n League Sofi1 hall erutr tlhl(, ata and other' icla- Mondaxi;plt Clitl Ferguisor r ire hem ,.led offth(,w înning xih n txxo- Mi-. a nd Mmc . .C.C coolba" ranid ril d i ii rd John and Lau rahne. Miss A u(]- x'e cent re- el. Ted Dad- rex' Silale. H'îýmpton. Mi.'.Ken- son bobted il1w hall. Vince, neth Croxx'I, Oshawxa, at- Vanston rhopîiî' a bih- lended l..ninn Pcesbvteiian hopper I' i) short gix'inp Fergu-1 Chiirch anu ixersary seixies son' tiime tb heat Bob hAbhot t's and isited xxi h Mr . a nd Mr- hî'11oxx' b the plaie. \'anst nue Tled MrBrîde. Brampton, Mrs. aniranred as the nexI twxo bat-i J. C. Cool' Sr. at the homne of ters ioîîldn' t gt he hall out Mr. and Airs. Clifford cool., of the infielci and scored th-~ Gporgetoxn. Mirs. Hi. Ci ch. Misses Ma r- Mrs. G. Duqnet te nîldElyirn, borie and Fileeni Couch. Boxx'- Mr. ancl Mrs. G. Finiic'n ancd m'anx'ille. Mirs .J. W. Wilkin- Mr. and MVrs. F. Kcaner and son and MVai'za"ei. Diinharton. fan; lx Port Coîborire. xx'cre Satrîrdax' enîing siioner Mir and Mrs. K.rl C4rik gîi"xts of.Mr'. and MrF. A. Hilis. and faîo'lx"ixldon Siriîclv Mrc. ArUbrî Raho; 15 visit- xxilh Mr nd Mi-..R. Itos.aî'k, ng Mi'. and Mis. W. King. Oslîaxxa. Os haw\va. Mr. andîci Mrs, Fi aik Sidic"c i. paidrd sl ..Rucr't Mac'- andcl faiiilr . Oal;îxx a. xxc(I'mc Lean. John an(] Neil. K iiîrpSîîn)drîx i'le'so! r.and Citx,'. 'xi. s Ca rol Davis, Oak:- Mrs. A. KiioxxIto)n, rid ges. were iet on Suida" xxh Mhr'i and is. C. H. NMc- Mi, JolnBîRîrroni' aircî fait- Quri n i andcifaîiiv. ilY v isitccl Mr'. and NIra.Lo.c Mr. and Mur.1. Vixian an(] rorre.Soliira. aîîdl iieiiid Phi lI p. Nexx ast le. Mir. ann l Flcad anit ix csac r'î'rwe. MurDan Vixi3nruandcibons M Nr. and Nr.A. Hilis xi i Boxx'ni xle. M î'c. Hal' Hos- cdAi r andclAMis. XWe '1ey11%1i kini and Jeanr. Oslîawa. xx'ere a nd.faix'lý and alt eîiced t"dadi recnt x lit nîs' or Mxr. and ali xe'u x CI ic\i'. i\'rs 'W. 'xixian, iVrs. 'T. FidIaiux. "or'îilli, Mr. and Mirs. W. Vivxiaîî aI- sPent file xxeCeîd xx'i îh Mirsr.c te.nded tlie '21h xedding an- 0. 'rtue. Tea guerson Sui-t- n iversarx' relebrai ion o! h- r dax' xxere Mi-. a nd Mrs. Loriro brother Frank and Mrs. Hos- MiuCox'and Mis. Chus. Pilk,"v.- k&. Blackstck.Tuesdav ex'-Brookliî;. iening. Mr'. F. 1. Fx an; is aîte"iiiii 1Receiît visitois ot Mr. and the POOt O ffiîe Conux'ntion at 1Mc:. KarI Clar-k w'ere Mc.rad %Vidsor this xx'eek BUY NOW . .. FOR FATHER'S DAY ... AND SAVE A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL 1101,) ANY ARTICLE UNTIL NEEDET) -SPECIAL - WOOD'S 9' x 9' TOURUST TENT Regular ~ 9 $39.50 "p 4 9 Nylo nn screened throuzhout * Sew n-in " /IPPF 1F 1 DUTCHIM OR!i floar * Poles and Pezs W'atri'prnnfed * CLLASIBE SEELPOLS ent duck ' *('anopy storm door... " CO LAPSBLE STEE POLS 'Indiv idija l'. cartoned. DONT BEIN T I 11'1 'R1Ist QUA.LITY COLEMAN Coleman ~) LANTERNS STOVES T~iht Istntv.Reg. S219.1 * 2-hurner Brtnis in anY w eathler. MAIL ORDFERS *'Touur-ist' IMAIL ORDERS ACCEI>TEI) :XCCEPTEI) * l"arorv Scaled NYLON SLEEPING BAGS AIR MATTRESSES IIEAVV I)UTY 12 G XLG[ ;E VNXI, Repar Ki rnosd (,round SheetRPI xi UII(( 10W, ipper Zîn'n(e Reg. $16.95 Reg. S12<) $ 6,99 $6.99 STEEL F'RAME - Reg.$995 GOV FRNNFNT APPROVED CAMP COIS LIFE JACKETS Tetmpered Steel$58 enver. Collapsihie. $5.88. Value54.9x $ ,6 RUBBER RAFTS -COLEMAN COOLERS ALL CAMPING SUPPLIES $$ ..BUY THE BEST FOR LESS $ GEORGES YOUR CAMPERS' HEAD)QUARTERS 42 KING ST. EAST BOIM N\U L E Blanch'ie V'itei;. O s l a ,'l'a x isited on Sîrndax'vxt'hlb I r. alird N'rs. Il. Siîiiier'. 'xir. and Nus .,ci ii' l'('r' Br'rokl r r;. ai c'd (cri-Nîpa. P Mcti'o. ,Siii;dnv. arîd Mi.. andc Mrs. Liii;d 'I'to ;fc id îci cc;.Stî tx'îl.spcn t li;cr' Tli;e lrte Nirs. A. lx k'. sale or;n a înla' vas quci te suuersful. WESLEYVILI ýewcastle Gis r McQueen's 8-4 A x'l arîd a ripcht-fieid rtuns for N miiscue gave Newcastle a 9an1,ý (Mit n foirrh frame talix'. the locals train'elin agaîn cotintei'ing via tihe horo- j edhm e1 r colte, as Marg Pickard c'on- dl'ee ';rl'lihe winners capital- Pick'ird sil -'c,(d ou tce errors foi' a rui fi filbi nni ng riin, but Boix'man- itle eloced lthe gap . socing,\c , r txx'ice in the sixth as Eleanor tiig.c Prîka rd doîîbled, foiicuwing a1M r1 Pick sînig! bx' Barb Bcown and e.'Hh SI;ir' one of the visitor's 1,\o bob- i h ît A base, on halls and tbree Nexxea sie eco"s puft - wcapped tbree McQtieen 's ;f m'ac1n;lie finai] 1 the xTtoç'finai 'unbu an;d Mau- a 'u cla 'onus te-C a :Z; x - l ,nor tire xxii;. xx'hilp1 a"d Ias p loçr?',i le'Brock relevinz Quintp United Church Con- last week with her B.A. de- ough 1'rforre nirrniz univer- ference. grec. Miss Lowes. dauighter cf sîtx . Dnig t, he pasit 1%- Tvrs. Winnifrvd Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs, Doniald ' ' owve, su!rmmcr01S 'he %vxas Cmnlo(,ri was taken bx' ambulance to xvas a pupil in the B3ethany bx' the I'nitcd Ch'.îrch as Dcr- I Clvii' Hospital, Peterborough, public school, later attcnding , c!01r of Chrýist ian Youth Car-, on Sunda '. Peterborough IHigh Sehoil ail,-!van ear,nýs'andixxii rox' <,1 Congratulation.s to NI i s s Teachers* Colloe. She warh xorki:..4 fil Irmc al Thr l'alit- Margaret Lowes, wbho graduai- nt Fairviewx and ai Arimo'i'-cd Chi'c'b Tr-aiing ,-Scbooli rd frnnn McMaster Vniversitv 1 Heighîs sehoo etPcerbo"--1 Toronîî In te st..atter te st... after test Seagram '"..S New orand Rated..Best Befoî'e introduc'ing Seagu'am's 5 Star, Spagrani tested* this great new hî-and of u'ye w'hisky fu-on coast t0 coast against the tiiree leading brands in ils pi-ice class .. andI Canadians liked the taste of 5 Star best. Next trne try Seagram's gi-eat, ne\v hî-and with the Five Star-s on the bottle. * Tr.çfcd iiiîcir th.,n7,ic1sicr'so Pre'.uuu's'h (crn:toî ni (1, /cidîier, 1 W'ýinninZ ruir when third- saike-r RaY Croînhie cocîidn't tin citle bandie on .1im Olîn- iski' 'a rou oder. 'can'sOpei;î?d the sror- iii xx'itb a singlte cun iii the firsi cmi ecrors 10IoAbbolttand i;tocGeorPge Stephen. The Fuels xvent iîn front in the folir c1, on 'Pea " Jacknan's sin;gle',a txxo-bagger b;' Ccoîî- hie anîd eonsec'utix'e errocs byv shnrtatop Dotîg Rut tan. Kî'anp'saain look the lead n the fit'tb. pickîr;p up a pair <ni a xx nk . sacr'i fice and Van- atone's doujble,, Stephen's ev- eiîed the <'nîrot un the bottoro hlînf xx'il a twoi-hagger by Daclacur, lie big blov; BETH D riïilp the se e rp sfo'n lîcre on Wednesdlax' night, the bari; oxned hx' Ronald Strongg on -,A b hxx'a vone mile x's oft tl;c villageC, xxrîcsrukh liil tti I r gandci ompletel *v dc-l si tcio ccl bx' thie tire. The large' I. sliriprci a mii <ont aîined a (mn1i of rî l'c!liax-arîd stcaxx',. Fcîrtliiclx'thîe 'atlie xxerc ail otut on pastîre A oîîmber o! rhi'(kens pecislîcd. Neigh- lmnrrsx c hie Ici osave impie- i;iisfîn;thie bla'zing harn, builit elier Uic;'nor tbe Bei;- aux tire pumiper xx'ece able 10 î'orît 'iii the rirce. 'l'lie ciiilx' xx'a lo's ip'mi lthe fai-'m is frin a xx'c'l. TIree vears ago Mr. r;riiî' ouse xxas dcsti'oved b;' rire. Il lias sînce beeîii ce- bîrilt. TFli, saine strcr did scîne !anap telepbioî;ccaîîd hx - ci ro x ra. xx'tiî elecI cri loxxer bcirgoff inthe x'illage for about txxo bolirs. We also muve 1rpocts of a îîînîber of lrr'i's' eing stiick b;' lightniu;g n Ille n mca. Dr. Gorchîn Rnîhri'tF, Taronrs Ra 'ii'-î()t ofNiVi rx'ile.,,Fra n re Virss Blanche Racicot, Mr. andu irs. V<incenit Racicot and rami- ilx or Torno o xere gîles t .xecls xxilb Mc. and Mcc. H. A. ýspenlt t~l- LE par-etts. 'l'iîepasi x'e In ei .Arintlc bits';' one for tc'întî i'nx"n Ci " xxl;o xxeregett r itlci r planiiif \i( mîrch i;eeded rioItreii)(,le xxs' ire( g cotr îd t x'o t l;r'î argonîd XWailci s: a rt. anrd Ict 15 acres crftcr- alciesciii (rie 1tarirm srrsrs tuati t is ertairit;i"x i1'e iVaOý ioiuinenriplox'i;ciria1c 0ni Icic there for tîî;îs Isersoi Af Sexeral tn;lrestrrip home W ir iî;clrîdîîg e e imc xPar re' Arnold aînd Harorld ,\r.11ris Gco. Tîîffords. ndîî Ni r' .X'. 1gj Trîfford atterni b"' ri Lpî;er- at Nx'nîxil .iue C'lii;cilî uxx ni laý 'tPocîecrr'rr1.cir Chl Tiiere rx'va-a, ;air 'er'-suijt.- as (-al stoî'nî titat rrýli. rîcla Pann'v tre xxa sl!tteu'c. ii;r lii'-liî;e clîst irtng iite rIrolua r'rro'aos l', ;Bi ut Rc'ciicrî earr'lra: dx. 3n A liax' Iruse xx 'us rcllocl10Pipe r'an, ast xx ec'k xx heu orî'xx 'Irnx- 7lî Frai rcd hx trrek 'rt lh'1o ;reandniRalI in Nliirrnx' Prixi', hIlxxrr ru Pcot bcîs, <abru piîli sec l- w ;'cxrr'anrtori. SlidxMax 19, r" ire rie Bîrcxx'nwa uof Pîne Fde mn ri.(ails. rurfinte Port HIlo pe. 'T'hesc 1;iclI h 'oit 1.- t XTnx'i1 o;îernel foi n' Ie t;r ' t x' i j-nd \'i' fre rerr. ;"îc'.r XX l '-4tili Piper PR'E ' l ia- imerrx' i;cî 'p rdi'lx,7111 thec busirrs '. Hý i-. IcI iuir- arîrnd Fi but ris ucn i gra it il 1e R ý,R'tx"irrxx n r'r'r'rx'd hir' txîr:: -xx rr :: urc Ralj cix ire pn p orrnit I1)..sarri-lfuftre!-]i tar'x mit xx ro;. 1h(.I-s Tlî'î r 'c'ee i-i l'a",îrS ii Idan ."u'iîucî on Sur rIita \- irî':r r buît otic) i mlsur; i ru.xx su li attrirh tt r rx"' . 'il serx'rrcs a t WX'v'1u'oilrre. N"xt siliav (hii-h ý ire xx-u ]Ili ' a ii he'er ît tit ,i'nmoiii ii. Ri MaMiitiine M(Il!iîra 'iir;oRechkelt¶ xx ;ik eIr cmxx 1 1,T-, i0ni i McaIr F . Pa îruxx'ci£, lr 'île ' i frum Muiri liSut: rx r'e- ruis î;oor; andciatc'r ru x'ra it 'i n o! tea xx'e:e q ire ;: tîn" i '; 'l oi uxalk brick nraL îîe Hio x c'd tc10 "'î \s. ' . 'Ir x G. lic Ho] n; î'clc'bra, ci i' ,r' ilr'ï, Sc'to. I birtîrdax r'un tl'.an.d !l ". .\ l.ihh emIgx' is a gocîl tmii fo.lo. r ii' Moscuit about an'hiîrgx,,r'- . flas Visitur's rlr 10 r.' 'u end .v'ere' Nl:' a!rd Mia (Giubb" Cs Wr o! C.bnxazanid NIr. ii!I ci'xMc" r ; Johnr Seliixk of 'l')î'îiiu r1.1 t x't' l Mm. id NMr a 1. rlt": Mrli. Cira. lluti.Iiur: r! XV"-U INIiz E rOuie. nîrd NBaF rIR rok - W. L.\'le in aîi'li CB'rrrn. u Mi <Irunli Buxx marîxilexx ihE. Fa:r roux tSi.r \Sx M'cîbr.'l lii.rrn'ixus teb xS E .speatrirg %x <t-.'ý o! Ilt;< lýru '"x- ,s . Iný hood x'it', hri :; c' xx 'h n-t11 xG lui x vi-.o Nr' t P,:. a: :'o.x - xxied c riruigi ax a' n k 1.11it'90Ci'. tir jndicixrt 'Tr'oubles u;r :tip' cI ,' Kdxxil h<- I Di: uer's 2axî.xt-:'"k u x:aJante 1il Dmirra - .ri Pr,:1 lira;'1!" re.'îî pital cf 'no rrr a 'S ':' S'r " (cf ' îiir <i 'oamhed x'rrea';ýd adIo h'.r d on the atitchez in hua hand. tenirung. C'ecil McGIII, Toi'onto, [e xx ecekeîîd 'xiflî ber .-Mc. and Mrs. Jamesý W"at.'on Iq a patienIt fil iospital. Peterbor'ouigh. Laîrra Speams, Tio;î grîcat of Mm. and Mcaý. Nenas durming t h e uin Birds i Recent nn i un iii tl;e '.ixîi;. s.ciî INp F'ii'l; in mmrt4-0.Tv' ce- chiii lanmps x'nlontri) tonad the i;'rx; xx'l r oîly' oi; nt, hni Dacl-.îuî's ilnti thjird wix'r ii r cî'e-nîî i tl;c' îlti.t an;d "nhggs"Coxxhnitgmu'oîîd- rd orrt. .1lm Carl; rie allox d rcptt bits. lairc fnr r aa issar onfl n(' 0 haîse coi;halls 10 pick u~ 1lite xii. Stetîliciu a I.-o rd '.xsix uiaand xx'aIk'ed a p;aircin porip dcîxr'i ti,;i Vanstoire aîl ':Irinpna lxx'c l;îs nîrîe. ANY Schcirri, r'. a'wi nte vth a Rec ( cd Pi nor 15 lenicxirl;i n Juîr or Rc Cîoss'J presidii o! nlarrx'e Tox'i- xlii,; lî'îîî and N 'xli,'" ra riltlion. Mi'. i.d Mis'. lfîrlci sai- clc'ismn sneîi: ho('ekidi 'loroirrto x wili ;Mc. and xis' Lewx'is Srali'.'oir. NI îs. la uR; ex. N a dî.iriî Scuîtt. Mxi.. li;u Paîrrîci' Mis. 'T. J ..Jîcsoil rs.Ira. ilîî- sel Fiinex Ir'.Ilector MýNoi - tuit. M mu. Ro s' (arr, N.s Raîlpli Pr'estoni. NMris I1.aîurî a' I Iut'hîilisoii ;icl Tr'a 'It ';r;s Diirbrin; . X'rini's I titiil e conx'erîl llil;l,d ia Failiehoc,> n Iiix thll; x ci< jftrj,;d-ý iin lin 'an' rla ef 1it)rx'r 9%of ail 0o1 company product research in Canada is done by Imperiai At Impri~ral Oi's laboratories at Sarntia, Ontario, rorp than 200 scientists and teçhnicians are wor[timtg ta nîprove pfesent petroieum products- and tri develop new ones. Their research covers ntany fields, ftom gasolines ta household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- Ing at Imperial's Calgary liaboratories on ways ta find and produce more Canladian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more rescaft.i than ail other ail companies ln Canada combinod. Races iiuiville R aiiz Pig- hn aiiunu'es race 1re- Sird 120 utiles fai- tatre) Ma'.' I9tb --laI 3roth crs, 2 )id Len Rich- dA (len Bolîceil. 4uh dir Xooiau'ottî th Gem- te. htfli Bill i 'lite, ils Roîhîcli Sîli Eacrl lpi;Lie 91h Brown'i < ilh Don and Fruic,, ait.ý Onut. 195 n'iîes distfnrce iMay' lFtb. r; Rnol brsý, _ndGe- ter .Mrd (uer; Fottreil, ?r and X'ooaeott,. 5th Le(nînit. 61 h Leu Rîci;- iBill Wiiiîe.P81h Dn Wccs iStnîtoît. Oti Picil brs, IlotitFa cI pliIr 11L'ul tir F r arn 12t iClarke aind Se[ on Golf ed Out i Golf I.ragýie velîe- sers vs Potînders .irth vs .1. 11'crd. A. . Rarelax' Hl. Coxxle 'ai b. C. Airdersoýn vs .-Welsl; xs A. Mavin, vs WX. Joil. itoes v'x Destroyers i)per us D. Marsderî. vý J1. Baker, C. Tcu'w- Ji2n.J Kîlpatriek 'ight. NM.C'oiixx'ax'vs R. Daviea vs ; Bang% "s Spitfires% e %vs A. Wealherbean]. liuun vs F. Hooper 'C Bý fart L.Star ntoui i îoi. Glcn Ther- ,vaut Thertel I. ti-k'r. gaines wecer F ou(i t b', ý t il- eax'x 0111 ua nd these gamr aý îc'plax'eci on Wed , h. e hope tii maker ':;t, so thal iin case )1a tîî:îînc w'eni., k'anripz xx'ull be plax',- followîng Thursdayj F'very barrel o! erudeouil-onaios sorne of hp ocsun's 1"at. Iuiprr'niu r".i:-l Wrrs lii uniock trort- of Ibis Pnergy. Aftp.r fu',e years' i-tr:i.Pre,-;rr 1, lroi foîird a ebemucai add'itr!ewbîcb makpr, monpt)teatintp ouli .a -jU tcr rit-'Iii crude oi. One important resuit: iess oil imported to litat CanaJiari bomez;. AL.WAVS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR TH£ BEST (S ~~ OSHAW'A KINSNIEN MONSTER BINGO Saiurday, lune 2nd, 8:00 p.m. $2,000 S1,000 G XME in Prizes EARLY BIRD GAMES (Frnm ':00 p.m.î Must Go! DOOR PRIZF.S Admission $1.00 - Xdîidts 0111Y OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA- ige Stephen's 5 to 4 urne on Monday Night 2" x 4" x 8' SPRU(E UTILITY ONLY 39c ec

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