PAGETENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, .NTARTO WEDNESDAY. MAY 3PJh. 1962 ettes, French marigolds, pani- sies and violas. Some of thie tali varieties for background are: Salvia, s,.nnia. African marîgoids. cel- osia, cleomne, nicotine and cos- mos. Most annuais are Sun- Ioxing plants but here are 2 few voucould tr 'v i n a par- liai shade' petuinias, phlox, pansies. v ias. iobelias. celosia and '.erbena. For furthcr in- tan use annoals foc tempor- formation "on n uaisjt*s arY beauty unfil a permanent contact your local nurservnman. planting of evergrcens and Thi,; article ba b e e rn shrubs cao be esfablished. In brought tn You b,, the local more established pîantings, members nf the OntarioN Nr- annuals cao be used in peren- servýman's Association. Be sur.e niai borders to add colour to ',,,tch for nexf weeks ar- fhroughout the sommer when ticle on FIow'cring Trees and perennials are nof as colour- Standairds. luI, rince mort perennials are Spcing bloomîng. Low grow-, ing annuals are also very use- fui in the rock garden for~ ELIZABETH VILLE, sommer colour. In the foundcation planting' '~of evecgreens and shrubs, thi' -proper choice of annuals and (/S~/f/~ ~pot plants, such as geraniums -%or fuberous begonias can add -'colour and lufe f0 the front of your home fnom Mav untîl - , October. Flowering sbrub - t ~' \ Xborders and group planfîngs - <an be made more attractive by tise of annuals uîntîl the stirubs are large enougbh o - ~ 1,bloom and tof0 fu the spaces ~ -,-., "leff between them al, time of ~ ~. planting. Many annuals ait- <- grown foc use as eut flowers I0ocautify the inside nfi the home. These would be best gcown in rows in the kitchen L et a DUVRO do garden in order not ho des- t j h pump gn ! froy the effech by cufting them umpi g from youc decocatono plant- C' AVING TIME,. . . REDUC.> ngs. ,)ING LABOR ... îNCRIî,,,S. Probabiy the most common ING PRODUCTION. DURO tire foc. annuals is in bedding Pumps, designed for Farm d or ospecîally pcepared beds for aupîy reh Wtrrwhce ntntese plants alone. They are shen you e e .. lie he a soplanted on top of fulips bacn . . . polItrV yard. . or daffodils wbich have fin- îshed blooming. These rpec- truck garden ... pro vides reset-ve ially prepared beds cao be for fire protection. oh vacious shapes and sizes Sec your Plomber or DL'RO in relation to your pcopert.y. dealer for full information about Plants of one coloor combin- the type of DURO Sîîaiîow or ation can be used in this way Deep Well Pump yoo nerd, or fo bring mars colour to youc: write foc foider, "Running Water, garden. Mort of these plants the. Faim Necestity". can be stacted indoors frnm seed buf the average gardener wili be well advised to boy mort of bis plants already started. The setting ouf of ' ' these smali plants would best be donce on a cloudy day or in the late affernoon or even- 'I , ing and should be wateced with soluable fertilizer. Al- though mort annuals wilb gcow sechusbbuacegasrqtms ould mde ito control these PLUBIN an HETIN beocispo ate.ndpta Some' of the best iow gi'ow-E Division Street South ing annuals foc border andc MA 3-615 BWMANVLLE rock gardens are: whiteays MA 35615 BOW ANVILEsumn, mauve alyssum. ager-i I afum, lobelia, -porttiiaca, tag-N u t (Intended for lasI xveek't Cimurcb serv'ices for the thre('barges wePre held at Elizabethviile wxifb an excel- lent burnout. Mr. Don V/bit- bced nf Oshawa spokýe. Rex'. Wright is about the sa 112. The officiaIlîboard of the t'Iurch nmet iast week ,an(] decided ( t'arr'yon;a s we have been. gettiiîg a speaker at the, diffeccîîb charges as needed tîntil flicenni ni Atig- ust boping bliat. Rex'. Vright xviii be bcttt'r. M\'r. an] "ilur. t(). \Ierî'er bave been ker he~i îir granîd- daor.,hter Viclkî for a feu, days. Miss Miuriel M'hilie. Peter- borough, xvas home for the week ciid. Mi'. and Mcs. Milford Whlite ahtencled the Hlarris-Grieves nuptials and the reception on Satucday' . The reception was held at Mc. and Mis. C. Hlie',;, Coibornie. Mr. and Mrs. Gno. ?vXGahe, Peterboroughi. spent anî eveîî - ing last xveek wîth Mr. and Mrs. C. Peait' sad Mn. snd Mî-s. R. whbite. Sîiîidax' visit ors at Mc. and Mrs. C. ,eitt'v's xverc Mi'. and Mes. T. G. So\&vden., News- (astle. Mr'. aiid Mrs.TLionel Hughe's, Port Hoipe. Mc. and Mcs. Ross Beatty andi child- re ri, Ma ry' Poxveiî and a foc- nier teaclier, Doroth -v Smith, and lier lioshanci an(] familx' and hec faflien, Mr. Smifth, Milibrook. Mr'. aîîd Mis. M .ulev snd Mcs. L. Muldrexx, Oshawa, are at SUiînvside for flic long xveekenci. Visitors there Were Mu'. and 2viis. D. Whitbred and uitile Caroline, Mc. and Mrs. R. Whitbcenl. Oshîawa, Mr. and 'Mrs. V. Peacock and Bob Vanain. Mr. and Mrs. Il. Gordon, Port hlope. aI Mrs. Violet Wai- heis' one îîighl lasI xveek. Conigratulations are exfeiid- ,d to Margaret Pattersoui Who obtained lier B.A. at Kingston on Frida.v. She lnoghit at Per- cVtovn w' tnhlic Elizabe-th-ý ville popi Is wen i fo Perr' - fowvîîaf the tinîr the schooî cvas clused lere. Mc. aînd Mrs. Leo lFaîl1is. MiIlbrook, ah Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty 's. Mn. and Mî's. Aruuîoîd Gil> more and datîglîtûr and bus- band. Mi'. and Mirs. Robert NY.xe and Pam and Patt., Grand Rapiids,. Michiigan, spent several dsys xxitl i s bî'ofheî' Aubcey GiIniore and Mrs. Gil- morce. Mc. aînd Nu s McDonald, Miilbu'ook, xisitcî on Scinda 'v Nifb Mr.sond Mis. Atîbcey" ilimor'. Vins. McDonald is Aubieý 's sîster. Aiibcey s a itle beticu' îhîaîîlie xvas. Mi'. and IVIcs. Il. Tiîicksoii nd Mri . .1. Strîoug and Miss1 3catrice Roxycli fIe speiut Suri- isy \'isituing Mr. aîîd Mrs. L. Strong at Lotus. Misses Gw \en anmd Rt iliMer- 'c, 'forncoîîbo xxere home for lie m-eekend. Il t I Agricultural AD VICE ON GARDENING (Il on piar s nY uss Ath wea naý u'eal w a fr0r Chu Betl the flic whi ira Rev R e Fj cora Mar Io0 ied Quta Ja k fric) ond Cocl D w Gce Sari Pl ca r g a n with Mýit and i'ial Neat Geo: ithe Port dc-av sed w a mnii Ti w' as f'a ni cal t lieri tiqui tlle The' 1')u t1 ci i s li filrs ce n lier rce F)' i fi class Crei P ruo 88sfDeiEver World's best baler-World's best twinez LET'S GET TOGETHER! WE ARE READY to talk serjous haler business with you todazy. We are ready to denonstrate and prove that a new 46 is the baler vou need noiv. We mill show- vou how easx' it 46 ... give -vou the latest haler band -... und 'lic/uc "si dcua auxi ge t t o .et lier. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! The 46 is buit by International W.>)l demonstrate, deal and deliver now. See us loda>' or 9;ve us a Ca3. COWAN EQUIPMEIb 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3 -5689 Sat -4:00 Toron in Di Jun venti tutei ~Ju' Ma ni Grov Meeti Jul Day, Sat a .m.- borou ioc F J u]I horn Guelp Jul, ship Thu ha m Use Blaci- Auý Club 'Gueli The the 0 east Fra ni is we Centi, ir loe bîiildi BETHA NY ntended for last week) There wece races for ail One of the largest ccowds ages and prizes for these, record attended the well- events were as follows: Boys, inned Sports Day at Beth-i 6 years and under. Marti Mal- yon Monday, May 21, which colm; girls, Adele Page. Boys sponsoced annuallv by the 8, yeacs and under, Danny iletic Association. 'Even the Stinson: girls Barbara Wilson. ýatheeman co-operated tri Boys 10 years and under. ke the entire progcam aiBriaiî Wilson; girls. Norma i suecess. F.vents got under-i Wilson. Boys 12 years and y with a parade beginning tnder, James Kennedy; girls, im St. Paul's Anglican Sandra Campbell. Boy s 15 Lirch to the Athletic Park. years and under. Kenneth hany Community Band led Wilson: girls Marguerite Wil- parade at'companried by* son. Mrs. Harvey Malcolm (if Majorettes in trini ced aîîd elverton Won hie ladies it2 costumes. There were race. Iin the ladies shoe kick, ,r 50 entries. making a'Prizes wenl Io Miss Loraine al decision foc prizes a com-'Buthrie, Millbrook and Mcs. cated task l'or the judges. Elvia Bauman, Toronto. Choc- v.George Richîardson and olate bars were given 10 every vReginald Rose. cntrant who did not other- 'irst prize foc the best de- wise receive a prize. Vincent -ated doli carrnage wcnî f0 toacksonn was in charge of the irene Smith, second prize microphone annotincing the Lynda Carr.. Best decora- various events. 1boys tricycle, Danny* vMe- B-fore the hall games got aid: second prize Larry undecway, the huge crowd eman. Bcst decorated girls stood in revecent silence foc ycie, Heather Green, se- two minutes in memory of the, i Barbara Wood. Best de- late Dr. J. J. Hamilton who -ated boys bicycle, firsf. had been the first President ight Green, second Brian of the Athletic Association en. Best girls bicycle, Su-'and of the late Wellington iScoft., second Sheila Wood. Fallis, who had been a memn- ri.e l'or the best decocated:ber. ý went to Mrs. Murray Lo- Thle Pontypool team won iand hiec wedding paetythe tua of war over Bethajx.! ýlittie Locaine Logan and There weie four bal] games bhael Smifh as the bride witb Me]. Wood of Warsaw as 3groom. The besi (commer- i umpire at the plate. The la- 1vebicle pîrize went to Ross'dies soft bail game was won ils. Donald Speller as St. by the Bethany girls with a orge and the Dragon was score of 14-12 river their Mili- ,best junior cornie. Mervyn brook opponents. The Cavan -teous and his trac t or visifing junior boys bal] teamn wn buggy and partY dres- won over the locals with a in "Hard Times" costumes: score of 16-5, In the fast ball sjudged the best adult co- game Mooint Pleasant chalkedj enfry. up a 17-5 win over Bethany. i 'he best farmei"s entry lii the final hardbali game,ý sMirs. Ralph Preston and Býethan 'v took the win over ii 'v w ith fractor and live Miilbrook witli the score 8-5.ý fiii the trailer. Murray Prizes for the iargest fam- iderson di'ove the best an- ilies on the grounds wenf ho' e car. l'he Hi-C Club won Mc and Mrs. Harold Green: prize for the besf float.iand to Mc-, and Mcs. Tommy best Club entry' vprize wenî 'Wilson. he Boy Scouts in Mrls. Ad- In the eveiîing a concert xvas nr Scots decoîafed car. field in the Town Hall with an operi cla's "Specials" Mrs. Janet Monfgomnery of it prize \vent to Miss Mauc- Oshawa as guest arfisf sing- iNauss of Cobourg with ing a number of songs wifb fine saddle horse and f0 lier oxvn accompaniment. The en- ' ear-o1d David Carc Beltbany Harmonizers, Mrs. i his ponv 'ýCinidyN'. Other Muriel Speller, Mrs. Ailecît 'es in the saddie horse'Neal;, Mrs. R .Trnnings, Mîs. ýs w cnt to Mr. and Mrs. Frances Jackson, Mrs. Violet ighton Caîr and Frank Carr and Mrs. linez Porteous ssak. sang five numnbers, "The Be- thany Parade'. "Wisperin',, '"hnYou Wore A Tuiip". 'Sweet and Lovei v" and "The Happy Wanderec' ac- uompanied by Mcs. Reg. Ed- munds. Wall ' Reid, Creigh- ion Carr, Allani Beer and Vin- cent Jackson gave severai humorous skits, magician acfs and dances. Mrs. Ruth Jeîîn- ings as "Fanny Winterbot- tom" cecîted poemns and play' - ed the cymbals and kazon. Cceighiton Cacr with his owriî guifar accompaniinent, sang "A Little Girl's Pra 'ver'". Wally Reid sang fwo numbers -Mc- Dougali, McNab and McKay', ~ and "Lily of Lagoona" as well ias doing vacious impressions. Rober~t Sisson was pianist and the closing number was sung by ail the local talent, "Its AIl Over Now. Robert Sîssom, Don. lamiin, WallY Reid and Bobl)l'odd provided the mnu>ic foc round loci icky spot daiîces wn t o Mr. and l\rs. Gordion WVood, ~ A L ~ Miss Joan Giilbanks anîd Don- L ald Senti: Mes. J. Johiistori and Howard Fair. Miss Faye McGiil fheld the winning ticket on an electric fr.ving pan %vitb Bobby Golf of Toc- onto making the drav. Creighton Carr-, president 'WINE with confidence - hi of the Athletie Association, ighwknotter troube~s oppear cxpressed thanks to evecy- Squality standard o the world. Wav in makîng the entice day in Canada and best for any baler. sucb a success. witb speciai fhanks f0 the following who liad donated prizes for, the parade and sports: Ross Neals Garage, Walyv Reid's Gmo- ccx'. George Waddell's Store Sîmpson-Sears Ltd.. Checnev is to own a Furnituce. Swartz Bros: Aud- rv Molligan's Beauty Salon, r facts first- 1Ryley & Sons, Mulligan & Son. trucker, Wooiworths, Chler'. Let'si William Sheen. Empress Phar- mnary, Ted Spc.ncelcy. Recx e Fp làActfi-nn NESILETON 1 wu= cil li 1 I(Infended foc basf weekî Mc. and Mrs. John Doyle Directo rs and John Jr., were happy to have their entire family pre- AAeet ai Kirby ýsent ah a pienie over the oi 1 ýdaY. Atfending wene a sister Tii rgulr aY eeingofand hec husband, Mr. aîîd TueceglarMsvmeeingofMrr. Leizert of Brockviile the Direcfoi's of Duehambbc Eddie Le Miere family,, Cntînty Federafion of Agri- the Hamold Snodden famîly of ý cultou'e Met recentiy at the 'Port Perry, the Brass and' Tradinîg Pnst. Kirby. Malien families of Riebvale The Presîdeîît rrported on and Mr. and Mrs. Liberty and: the Zonîe Meeting in Pictonl.'tamiiY ni Beverley Acres. Clarenîce Aliîî repocted on the: John Fedemma ir home Agitoîttral Economic Re- from University of Toronto, se(arcli Couiicil of Caîîada.:where be is majoring in bis- Paper had hem cread and thon- ý tory, baving complet cd bis (JtghlY dîscussrd. If was ce-;second yeac. conîmended by Clarence that: Mr. and Mrs. Reg. utn we concur witb requesf with - Ston reseîvahioiis. Motion caccied ho support lin principle and ask' DEAD STOCK theFiedma tomake fuctiierý enuryd t o report af a SERVICE future meetinîg. Punchased according to size Esel Bradsbaw report.ed and condition. that Dturhanm County subscip- SmaII animais rernoved free ftions 10 the Rural Co-Opera- for wcî'e below 100%. Mo- Phone Colleef, Peterborough tion passed asking Secretacy! Rlverside 2-8827 f0 wvrite the Rural Co-Opera-11 toc lu enqoire as ho the nom- NICK PECONI, Proprietor ber ni members nrrded to ce- Licence No. 117-C-61 iîîstahe mcmbecsbip ho 100%. L______________ SOLA HEAT NOTICE IN"l' HF. MATTER 0F' SECTION 30 of The Planninz Act (R.SO. 1960, r. 296), -- and -- IN THE MVATTER 0F an application by 'Thle Corpora- tioîîniflice Tow'n nf Bowmanville for approval oh its Restrictrd Ares By-Law 1835, passed the 301h day ot Janiuary, 1962. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING 'TH-E ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby apponuts V/ednesday. the 2Oth day of Jonc, 1962, at the bouc of tcîî o'clock in the focenoon (Local Time) at the Counicil Chambers mnthue Town of Bowmnanville, Ontario, foc the heacing of al] parties intecested in supporting or opposing huis application. DATED af Toronto this 3rd day' I0f May, 1962. B. VICKERS. Secrets ry. The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville BY-LAW No. 1835 .A By-Law fo Ainend Zoning By-Law 1587 WHEREAS thc Corporationî oh the Town oh Bow- nianville passed s Zoning By-Law Number 1587 oi the 2îîd day ni August, 1955, which was duly appcoved by Order ni The Ontario Municipal Board, AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 bas bren amended by By-Laws Numbered 1612 and 17t00 passed on fthe 3rd day oi Juiy. 1956 and on the lOtb day oh September. 19.59, respectively, wbich amrnding by-laws were duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, AND WHEREAS if jr desirable ho furfhec amend flhe raid Zoning By-Laxv 1587, THEREFORE the Council ni The Corporation of 11we Towun ni Bowm-anville pursuant ho The Planning Acf R.S.D. 1960, Chapter 296, Section 30, snd amend- mni(uts tli(retn, HEREBY ENACTS THAT By-Lsw No. 1,587 as aîîendcd hc furfhier anîendcd as foîlows: 1. Bv a ddiimg 10 Section 7 (g) as enacted by by-ia,.w 171é10, paragrapl 2, the folluwing: ".ur' fronts upon an adequate private road thaf is shoNwuu on a registeced plan." 2. Sectionî 7 (f) "C" as enacted by by-Iaw 1612, Para- grapli 4, shail be deleted and the foilowing substi- tuted thecefore: A garage or accessocy building may be errcfed on sucb lots in the rac yard thereof ah a distance oh 10 feetf or nîore hrom the rac walls of the dwelling, or al the established set-back of exisfing rac yard car garages or accessory buildings but in cither case murt have a minimum ride and rac yacd of two feet and providing aIl other negulations foc a car garage or accrssory building are adhered ho." 3. B' adding f0 Section 10. Commercial Zone, Para- graph (e), minimum yards as amended by by-law 1700(. paragraplu 12 affer the wonds "Rear Yard '15 feet" in the 4fh lie, the foîlowing wocds: 'Except in builf up commercial arras on the 1sf day nf October, 1961, a minimum near yard of 15 fret." 4. By deletiîîg the last paragcapb oh Section 10, Com- îuercial Zone, paragraph (e), minimum yards as armended by by-law 1700, paragraplu b2, conîmencing "For a reparate building" and substifuting therefore thie following: For s separate building wifbout a comnion ride xvall a sideyard oh 4 fret. But whcre adjoins a residenfial area a sideyard oh 20 fret and a rar yacd ni 501 fret rxcrpt in built up commercial areas on the 1sf day of October, 1961, a minimum near N-ard oh 25 fret and if fronting a residential area a nminimum front yard oh 60 fret or the esfablisbrd hoîltling ulne. btît in any event flot Iess than 8 fet." 5. 'Ihere shaîl be sdded ho Section 9, Residential Zone <ai Peri'mttrd Uses, a new paragraph (6) (a) as foi lows: "(6)i (a) Nursinîg homes certihird under the Town oh Bowmanviîle nursing home by-law on propenties hordrring on tbat part oh Chucch Street drsignated as nesidential." -and family of Toronto with EN IL Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- M,* and Ms Leonard Driver. N IL ter Woolley o Bowmanville C ale der Mr. an.d Mrs. Ray Stinson vsited Mr. and Mrs. George Calende and family. Oshawa, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnston, Bowers. and Mrs. Pat Mantie. Kemble, stayed a few days Earl Bowers and Alan lurday, June 16 - 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stur- with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Or-'Jackson spent the wveekend at. 1p m. - Durham Club, man, Seagrave, with Mr. and miston. NrhByo ihn n nto Pln t viît ars Ms. larnceRown.Mrs. T. Taylor and sons re- and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lon- )urham County. Mr. and Mrs. Hally MeMa- cently held a famnily gather- nie Chapn-an. ine 18-21- Annual Con- hon, Peterborough, Elmer ing. Present were the Bob Tnya l Pu hpa ion. Agricultucal Insti- Hart and Lawrence Hart, ýSmiths Of Scarborough, the an a al Godonaulcexved of Canada, Ottawa. Mount Horeb, with Mrs. Ina Les Johnsons of Highland ash awpardGordohav i oud ýne 20-22- Universitv of Palmer. Creek, Taylfor families from cth bo d o a delygente- toba -- Canadian Seed Mr. and1 Mrs. Arnold Porter Oshawa,1 Janetville and close man, missing from hi< home vers Association. Annual end family,, Mr. and Mrs. Abe'bý,,ic as coe, ntebs ing. - OA.C Ga], orono, ithMc.and Mc. and Mrs. Jim Harris near the Chapman home at ne 23 -OAC Altimni Mcs. Wally' Reid. and children. South Mona- Nocth Bay. Paul is a grandson O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gi ghan, visited at the E. L. Pres-'of Mr. and Mrs. George Bow-1 turday, Juiy 14 -- 9:39 and famiiy, Toronto. with Mr. cott and sons' home. es .- Morrow Park. Peter- F. S. Gray. Mc. and Mrs. Hartman, En- Hliaxeistrss.h c ugh. Quinte District Jun- Miss Helen Neals. Peterbor- terprise visitedafw dsad Ms rn thMr.n 1\1'20--r Onaied ay. ortGoge with . ad Mrwith Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tay- were Mrs. W. H. Johnston and1 lub 20 eldnta%,,oShort-GMrge als. HrySmtlor and David. s\rs. J. J. Watson. Toronto.1 ClubFied Dy, .A... c. ad Ms. arr Smth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe Mc. and Mrs. John C. Johnston ýph. Simcoe. with Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs.D.oOtaaDran [y 23-27 --4-H Leader- Thomas Jennings.. Spece LndsOtt'arwa;John. Jn a d P ack- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ham-' Week O..C. Gueph. iltn an Ia Hailto, Cld r M. and Mrs. W. Bowman, ricia of Liveiv. Mc. and Mrs, Cursdv uS 2 Dr-Laura, Bruce and Eric, and!Neil Wer.CroynIar CuySoil and Land %vater, xith Mr. and Mrs. Man-1 Miss MvteTablnoTro- and Mrs.Nei Balei Judg i n g Competition. sel Wright. t eeS.dydne uss M.adMs .Elshv kstock area. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- twr udydne ussýM.adMs .Elshv igust 1sf- Ontario Ponv Combs and Mrs. Arthur'o f Mcs. J. T. Brown, New- s.old the 7A Grill to Mi. and1 Field Day, O. A. C., Thompson of Libertyville, Il atl .Mr.JonCaha,'ndfu ph. ith rs. ilto Wriht. We wish to offer congratu- children of West Hill. The: ~h. wth Mc. Miton Wight lations and goo ihsf M li1 aiv oe oCe \ew Office Location Mc. and Mrs. Jim Rankin,l o ihsîoMqli astvmvd oCe e Extension Branch of Dr. Wm. Mactichenko, Mrs.ý and Mrs. Ronald Stephenson,,sarea ltweek. )ntario Dept. of Agric~ul- Mactichenko and their sonnee Sandra MeNabb of Hamp- Mr. James Harris of Lindsay is now located at. the Larrv, ail of Lindsay; Mc ton. on their recent m arriage.1ýspent severai days with the1 end of Bowmanville on and Mcs. Allan Morris, Wiar W ith no mail delivery lastj k Street. Frank Street: ton with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monday this itemn is late, but est of the new Shopping Martichenko. who also have, sincere, and we hope the hap- re and the Depactmnen, as their guests toc the next ýpy .Young couple will overiook!E ,ated in the new red hrick \v C p.Jh Ynhs h-the lapse. Sec CumingJohnnîsnforsnuSha- rn on and Terry Yonchus ofAnnierCvmn vnsfroi Ednyienitoni, Alta.. and Mrs. Anie KaYntice. ILM f Marie Yonchus of Kitchener. - ONTARIO "Complete Home Heating Service" a thp or two on your heating unit When your heating unit shuts down after several months of winter operation, moisture is quick ta form, causing cor- rosion and caking of dust deposits. Now is the time ta arrange for your annua! tune-up to avoid costly and unnecessary repairs. This annual mainte- nance pays big dividends because it increases heating efficiency and gives you maximum fuel economy. Cai us today for detaîls of our "Service Pro grams" - PHONE COlfax 3-2431 - 6. In tlie schrduie of zoneq under thse hIeading IN TOWNSHIP LOT 14 IN CONCESSION 1 The wholr theceof as amended by by-baw 1700# paragraph 22, jrshruck out and the folowîng substiý tutedthberehore. "AI] southerly of No. 2 Higbway in Zone 1 EXCEPT a paccel ah the corner of Waverley Road and No. 2 Higbway, more parhiculariy descnibed as foîlows: COMMENCING ah a point, bring the south-west ('orner, made by the intersection of Wavecly Road witb No. 2 Higbway; THENCE Continuing westrlyr along the southern imit ni No. 2 Highway a distance ni 259 fret; THENCE Southerly in a stnaigbt ine parailel ho Waveciey Road, a distance oh 138 fret; THENCE Easherly iii a shraight line paraîbel with No. 2 Higbway a distance of 95 feet; THENCE Southeciy a distance oh 27 feef in a uine parallel to Waverley Road; THENCE Eashccly a distance of 264 feef in a uine pacallel witb No. 2 -Highway ho a point (mn the werterly limit of Waverley Road; THENCE Noctherly in a straight line aiong the westerly limit of Waverleyv Road a distance ni 165 feef to the point of begunnîng. Zone Il AIl that portion lying nortbemly ni No. 2 Highway ho the Nochhecn imit oh Lot 14, in Zone III" I.n the schedule of zones under the hradiîîg IN TOWNSHIP LOT 13 IN CONCESSION 1 The whole themeof as amended bY' by-iaw 1700, paragrapb 24 shliîbe struck out and time following subsfituhed therefore. "AI] oh raid lot in raid concession in Zone I Rxcepf the conservation Zone in. Zone 6" R. ln sehedule oi zones under the heading IN TOWNSHIP LOT V!~ IN CONCESSION 1 The first snd seconîd lhes tiiereof as amneided by lis-lau- 17(00, pairagraph 25 shah hbe stricken ouf and bbc follo\viiig rubsfifufed thburefocc; "'('at portionî ni said Lot iii raid Conîcession ]ying xx\estt'rly and southcrly ni the creek and conservation zone inîm Zone 1 9. Initflic Shedole of Zones tunder ithe head ing IN TOIVNSIIIP LOT 10 IN CONCESSION 1 Tîme whoîe therrof as amc'udc'd by by-Iaw 1700. para- grapli 22, is stcuck nut and tlie f ollnwîng subsýtitutýd thleceforc:. "The wiioic fhîcon. iii Zone 1 EXCEPT: 'Ihat portioîînifianid hunded on the wrst h.y the cash iimit oh St. George Street, on thme cast by the cast limit oh fle. Township Lot or west limit of Simpson Avenue, on the soîîf bhy the extension easterlyof the soufh ilmît of Qoccn Street and on the nomthî by the e'xtension easterîy <if the north limit ni Cliurc Street, in Zone Il ALSO EXCEPT: All ni said Lot in raid Concession l.ving soutlitrly oh the Norhr'c limnut nifPîue Street and ifs easfemly extension anîd lying weshecly oh the western limif oh Creek, un. Zone Il AND FU'MIER EX('EPT: A part thercof fconting on King, Liberty arîd Queen Strefs being all of Lots 1, 2, 29 and 3(j and the west'rly 30 fef o Lot 28 aIl in Block "A" accocding to Hanning's Plan of the Town of Bowmanviile. and having frontage ut 132 fret on King Street, 330 lfent on Liberty Street sand approximately 1.53 feet, 9 irîches on Queen Street, in Zone IV' READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 3Oth DAY 0F JANUARY, A.D. 1962. READ A TIIIRD TEIE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 30th DAY 0b' JANUARY A.D. 1962. Sgd. IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor. Sgd. JACK L. REID, Clerk. Thursdav. May 31 - 6:30 p.m ., 5Oth Anniversarv, New- tonville WlI., Mrs. Helen Mc- Kercher, guest speaker. May 31- June 2- Thirty- first Annual Conference and Annual Meeting. Canadian Counicil on 4-H Clubs, Edmon- ton, Alberta. Salurday, JUne 2 - 10:00 a.m. - Brookîîn Spring Fair. June 4-8-- Annual Confer- ence, Extension Brancb, On-: tacio Dept. of Agriculture, O.A.C., Guelph. Wednesday, Jiine 6-Dur- ham Shortborn Breed e r s Club. June 6th, 7:00 p.m. at Beath Facms, Lance Beafh, Oshawa. Farm is located 4 miles west of Enniskillen and 22miles east of North Osb-' awa Road. Wcdnesdayv, Jonc 6- Dur- ham 4-H Beef Club Meeting at Shocth-orn Club Meeting at the Beafb Farms, Lance ,Beatbl, Oshawa, 7:00) p.m. Jonc 6-- Sheep Day, Field' Day. O.A.C., Guelph. Jonc 9---Ontario Aber'deenî Angus Field Day, O. A. C., Guelph. June 1.5- Ontario Swine' Dav, O.A.C., Guelph. Jtne 1,5-21-- Western Faim Grounds, London Poultry In- dui'.I cy. Confereiice a nd Ex- hib ýin. Annual Flowers and Pot Plants by A. W. Rundie, Rundle's Garden Centre, Oshawa An annuai is a plant lhat completes ifs lîfe witbin one year; that is it grows froin seed and flowecs and dies in one year. There are many ways in whicb annuals cao be used to umprove the beau- ty of a home. A new home A nn ouncin g... ARNOT WOTTEN is low operating the TRUCKING BUSINESS of M. GORDON STRONG, Blacksiock and would appreciate your continued patronage. Cali CO 3-2512 Colleci 24 HOUR SERVICE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN DARLINCTON TWP). adjacent to Corporate limits of the Town of Bowmanville THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE BY -LAW No. 1835 P.F.N. 3022-62 Nesbitt folk and straightened the lawns at his home in the village. Mr. Harold Porteous and Mcs. E. Batik of Bowmanville are at St. Christopher camp., foc the summer. Mrs. George Heaslip %vas hostess t0 the May meeting of Nestieton United Church Womnen on Tuesday aftecnoon. Mc. and Mcs. Clifford Hv- land. Toronto. were wveekend guests anid Mc. and Mrs. Wvýbi. McCabe and Mcs. T. Lang- feld Sundav dininer guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- land. Mr. George Jamieson of Barrie called on his aunt Mrs. Adelberf Bcacock over the weekend. Mc. Jamiesoîi teaches in Toronto and is also organist and choir leader in Burton Avenue United Church Barrie. Nestleton W. I. meinbers who attenided the District An- crual in Hampton on Thursdav -'ere: Mcs. M. Emerson, Mrq. H1. Vine, Mis. R. Davison, Mrs. A. Hvland, Mrs. G. Bower%, Mcs. E. Mairs and Mrs. K. Saniells. Bert Bovrers was a week- end gucst af the Weller cot- tage at Bobcaygeonr. A. VIRTUE & SON PAGE TEN TYRONE " e% pýt"