WEDNESDA, JUNE th, 1962-- 'f IJrvWM(AN1VILLELiL.,ONT±ARtIO unearned, ceming alter an Town League Softball error by thrd baseman Dan batters went out. Ted Dadson follo w e d with a single, "Jiggs" Cowling walked, and Ken's Blast Kramp's 18 to 3 I kmoan rvNeso straiglbt singles, before the Hoteler' WaIIopSnuffy's12 - 4 Pitcher Mel Burgess slam- Motelers W llo Snu fys 1 4 ed the door from then on, ~ fl1 I its and another walk, while LUcivrb Url Two games were strictly r( contest and the third p]ayec among the raindrops pro duced a close battie in Men' Town League Softball actior last week. Ken's Men's Weai blasted Kramp's Furniturt 18- Tuesday night, while Bow. manville Hotel jolted Snuffy'. Auto Body te the tune of 17-4 on Wednesday. Last year'. chamionStephen Fuels ap- perdheaded for their first jwin, but instead were edged 5-4 by George's Sales in gc- ing down te loss number three -Ken's buiît up an 11-0 mar- VATIVE &ITTEE % ILA r are now open in Bowmaonville Hotel 54 King St. E. It is the wish of Dr. Percy Viviami and the Canserx-ative Party-, that every eligible voter casts his or her ballot on June l8th. Tlherefore, as a serice te ail, î-egarding Varers' Lists or Palling Places, Tel ephone MA 3-7231 or' drop ini at the Carnmittee Rooms. Bowmanvilie Hotel. JACK BROUGH, Pres., ElcwrnnvileConservative Association. HCE I eep p 1 e n i r lunches cold 5 Mmnes langer. Plat Can. s I Quart Can .» Lunch Box'Pad .2f Medumn FrIg. Pad ......... ..A ILarge rlg Pad .1 il *39 1tUtapers in lhe saine effec- Highlv Comrnended. Cather1 Pass, Shirley 1 ie shades. mie Poste 80; Pass plus, Ma",-:Cathv Edmonston_ The well apwointed serving lene Macklin 7-4. Robert Kelly Cow an 65. Ltable was lighted by ta11'73,_Lynda Kin- 70. Grade I: Pass L mauve alid yelloiv candies in -___ crystai candles.icks. Mrs. Har- Sry Ashton, Ajax, wife of. the NDP Candidate for Durliarni County in the next provincial election, presided over the teacups. The Ontario-Durhanil New Demccratic Youth pre-1 P Mfe r tad t $ 1 ï sident, -Miss Marylin Armn- 4ianing foIur. non Williams, Jove t; Pere iai roe IFU U U J~mraking his tirst start, was y st~ i ervîng.eGrve r- p j u u %e.g victimized by five Stephen asse nsrig errors leading te four unearn- ýio gin, ailowed Kramp's their day nighit tilt aise vas errer- c us h eea on Letters to the EFdito.r *d only runs in the sr'th and ;filled, Snuffy's making eight performer scattered five saf- " ~ " a- finishied off wîvth a big seven:rn the first and six sixth inn- eties, struck out three and 51 Glynii Rd., 's run final framne. Pat Corneil errors and the Hotelers five. walked a pair. Ajax, Ont. n twirled a ane-hitter, fanncd Bill Osborne socked a home "Cbuck" Kllpatrick belted June 4, 1962. r one batter and didn't issue a run and a double while check. a second inning borner for the The Relior, e single base on halls, but his!ing Snufy's on six safeties and lone earned run. In the third. Canadian Statesiian, - team-mnates made five errors, 1 clairning eight strike-outs. after the first two batters Dear Sir: s three in the sixth. Bruce ,Gord Dudley belted a double went down, Dan Girardi doub- AthetmnainfWri 4 Colwell, victirnized by thrWeand twro singles, "Bun" Welsh led, Ted Hoar wvas safe on War 2, wlen Defence Indus- s errors in the first, wvas hît lýstroked a borner, Alex Wise- short-stop Bob Abbett's mis- tries Ltd., ir Ajax ceased op- hard in the next iinning and man, a triple and single and cue, George Joues sîngled and erations and life for mariy st gave way ta Jimi Carlyle iu Tom Pearson a double and "Buck" Cowle cashed the ty- people returned te normal, ýd relief. 'single te lead the 14 bit as- ing run on Jackman's errer.Ajax wvas in, danger cf be- The winners collected a ýsault on Harry Snowden as at second. comiug a ghiost town as people e. ýdozei1 bits, capitalized on everyone in the liue-up col- A walk and a twe-out three moed nearer their place of i seven walks and six bobbles lected at least eue safety. Nel- base errer by centre-fielder employment. The years have hby the furniture men. Don!Ison Yee smacked a three- Dadson pcrmitted the winn- passed and in spite of the Bagneil with three singles,!bagger in the losing cause. ing run te score in the fifth. shaky beginxîiing the town is Bruce Cole a hiome run and a' The defcnding champs sent Team Standings now a thriving commnunity ef 1 single, and Pat Corneli with ten batters te the plate in hhg oe a pair of singles were theig the first inuing te grab a 4-0 fuotrndinld.aa ls) v r00igtfure bîitters for Ken's. Larry Dew-! lead, but George's counted aWL Ps A few former D.I.L. em- ell spoiled Cornell's no-bit ' single run in the second, three, Boivmanville Hotel 3 0 6 ployces bave been working bid, singling in the sixtb. !in the third and broke fliclGeorge's Sales -----2 1, 4 togetîier te provicle a meeting The htlr scored five tie in the fifth ta hand Stepheni Snuffy's Auto Body 2 1 4 place once each yýu Lroi'al1 iig ai kers on te way to Fuels their third consecutive Kramp's Furniture 1I9- 2 former Ajax war wurkers, their third straiLdit viètorv set-back. Ken's Mens' Wear 1 2 h I.ReTno s A without a loss. The Wednes-1 Ail the Fuelers runs were Stephen Fuels 0 3 ois niow a chartered graup and, is sponsoriug their 4th annmal picnic in June.1 Threugh the nediumi of1 Ladies' Softbali lyour paper we would like toi ivte all former Ajax %var workers te came out and re- 1 new old *acquaintances at Cedar St. Park in Ajax on M cQu ensW în Firt ýSunday, June 24th fî'om 1:30 McQueenet soWluncFîrst pM Courtice 9-3 Victims p mg i poidd Yours sincem-ely, Mcf(Qiieen's _Motors came upther run came acress in the finally came te lite in the bet- sc (Mrs.) Louise Johnson, with their first win of the1 next trame ou a walk, sand- tom hait ef the inning as 1 _Sc' ____________ n Aso. seasoni Fridav night in Cour- wiched between two errers. nlsb Mur Omit, league starts. The local lad- jan errer gave Co rie air o and s o al p p l lies downed the Courtice club I fourth inning rua, Mcqueen's api tmres II 9-3. caine back with tbree in the Karen Ormiston -went thte Betty Thertell making ber fifthi on four consecutive bits, distance, allowing eighit safe P t-m t initial mound appearance held Dae lsted a triple and ties in being tagged with the "' telasers to a single safety Betty Hughes, Peggy Hay. les s. Delores Davey cracked T s before M1ýargr Pickard took ries and Helen Nicholson sing- a triple and single and Karen:Da c over in the fifth after Bow,ý- led. IWhite added a pair ef singles D n e T s mnville had grabbed a 6-11 White's single followed by te pace the winaers' attack. Lclpps rmBwa- bulge. itbree miscues accounted for G. Courtice ivas the lene ville Recreation and the Osh- 'three more Bowmauvîîle runs bitter te collect more than awa Harvey Dance Acadeiny MclQueeni's brake In front lun the sixtb ta make it 9-1. one bit, with a pair of sin,. teok part in. the C.D.T.A. Tip with a pair oi' fit-st inning tal- Courtice, held te a loue safety, gles in the losing cause. Dance Exaininations in Tor- lies as Mi Aitken,. Karen o_________________________________ nte recently. White, Trhertell and Delores Miss Louise Burns,.' rEx- - --~ I eaminer, counplirnentc-d Mrs.' D a eo c c e r si gl sjAa--IIJohn F oywler and M iss Irenie Jl Harvey on the bigli standard Mouday nighit, Hampton,iJthe others 6-0 and a ecese- e h okadpesn '1 Id shewxnanship et the perforî-n-; off ta a poor start, droppcd a ýess draw. Tyronie bcld lead-crs.Altepisad'ar 1-0decsio t Male rav, ng Zion te a 1-1 tic and e. A ill teha ppylsta n ar O dciiontoMale roeCourtice bounced back from r ntswl e appy tdkno while in a mnid-week enceun- Wcdnesday's defeat te treunce eP.rone asy Hns ), dw. ter Tyrone banded Courtice Maple Grave 4-0. may HnusEwr ti i-st loss 1-0. In Junior action, Thursday Van de Walker 90, Brenda Saturdav night's full sched-, nihi. BPw n ur il14 Hcaing86 uicsa Bornanville Hooper's Tradning Scho downcd Zio Jewchlers post victery num- 3-1, Maple Grove wallop(ed ber twe, whipping Hampton Bowmanville 6-0, Tyrone best- 3-0. The Jewellers baven't cd Selîna 4-0 and Courtice 1 Otaio I Legionl Golf League I SBARBECUE, Sélected -P STRTER ardswood - ualftyz* fesults cf garnes played en Sehedule for Wed., June 13 FLU 5-b. nI~ .4g May 30th. Cruisers 8 pts. vs Cruisers 'vs Spittires mo15-lbFL D à1.2,o * Destroyers 6 pts. Mosquitees M. Yourth vs A. Weatbered, 15-1b, ld.ff~l - Il pts. vs Spittîres 4 pts. Whiz A. Rowe vs F. Hooper, H. îo;0#1 htî.g il" ' ! Bangs 8 pts. vs Six Pounders ,Cowle vs D. Wright, C. Ander- placs tO 1 .WOOg 6 pts. json vs B. Hart, L. Welsb vsi tRQES i Itwudaparoe h W. Harrison, A. Lebb vs Grant' scores that tbe teams areeenThri. 5-lb On! ~. £ l nîtche astheSpittires IMz Banguvs Mosqultc 10l o*3 9hdto ae detaulted W. Lyle vs A. Hooper L. when two players failed te Hamilten vs W. Ellis, C. Les-, show up. BifI Lyle bad the low ,evCTrwnR.Hlih1 score for the evening, a I li vs . pTrink, . SHidtchi PICN C J Q$ cc 40 while Jack Hayes bal vs J. Kilparick, L. Staitenl PIN J Slooncd te a bigh et 78. The vs M. Cona en. Teti 41 I ~~scores w ere very commend-vsRDais able, considering the bandi- Destroyers vs Six Pounders and000 ER Buy ~cap et playing behiud another D. Marsdcn vs J. Ford, J. maornanent where the major- Baker vs J. Barclay, C. Wright andCOO ERI .y ity of the players wvcre inter- vs G. Heath, J. Firth vs J. ested in other thîngs, more Seto, R. Thertell vs A. Mavîn, thantlîcv were playing golf. J. Hayes vs W. Joli. ~OhiI*Cost.95 McQueen Girls Takce :Rofrigorator 1- Bghtngry fainilt, size, 10" 181, ýS e o d S rh W n 13%". Wel isulated te protect perish- e o d Sta g ' i alsfor heurs. Hcfty, lockiug han Defeat M illbrook 11-9 de.Smart plaid finish An Excellent 81uv-at Canadian Tire, s-.- ~'GALLON iLeeps liquida or s I "Cold,- nstilated N PICNIC JUG ,olids "Hot" or !d tnteior 3.29 B-PICNIC HAMPER Ideal for outings- htrorîg ittet tou1 ~Attractive plad pattern i1.98 Larger Sxe 181 x 121,2'I x 10-1 only 3.69 C-PICNIC REFRIGERATORS Save Well constructed, heavlly 1nsui ated, i9½" xs lls' x 13" Refrlgerator now oniy 47 D-DELUXE COOLER JUG This la the best 1 Gal. cooder on the nuet ket: Whte plastic liner ribbcd alumlnurn carrying handie. Trernendous alub .6 E-IMPERIAL PICNIC JUG Space-savtng squared design, triple Lun sulatio, big handy pourtng spout, ruàt- eroof, big 1 gai. capaclty 4 aor ow only 54 .,N' -1 cc 1~ v i I i j i t '-i I I v '.4 'CODDIO TIREÀ 160 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE 1 I1 MexQue.en's Moters w it h- by Guthrie, -McDoweli and stood a last iuning rally te GilIis did the damage, before rack up their second straigbt Brock put eut the tire. Ther- victory, deteating Millbrook tell bad taken ever from star- 11-9, Mouday xigbt at the ter Brock in thec sixth. Ctral School diarnond. At- Aitken and Stevens wîth a ~ teWr building up an 11-4, single and borne run apiece, 1 Ilie local ladies suddculy and Eleanor Pickard with a found theînscelves in trouble pair et singles were the top as tuie visitors rallicd for tive hitters for Mc-Queen's. Mr bigi-uns in the sevcnth. McDowelll was the pick of the n A n et o walks and twe-' losers, hitting a berner and a vQut sirgles by Gillis and Pow- 'single, while Dorotby Gillis b el gave Milbroolrthe ieadl added two singles. for the oaly tirne in the garne, R. . -E in the opening innirig. Mc- MiUlbroek 9 7 6 ~ Queen's tied it in the bottomn McQueen's il il 3 hait on Marie Cooney's triple and singles by Mary Aitken, Ele anor Pickard and Anna- belle Stevens. Aitken crc-! D a t da three-run borner ~i H o Ids Tea errors put the runners on Bowanile oninedtheririons Centre hoernbarrage in the next 1 trame as Shirley Brook a.nd A successful Tea and Bake ' Stevens bit back te back hem- 1 Sale was lield by the Onitario ers, and Delores Davey belted 1 Durhamn New Democratic Par- another atter Wihn.a Bates tY Youth at the Lions Cern- went eut. Barbara Brow.n ai- munity Centre here on Sat- se circled the bases, but it was urday afternoon. Mrs. Eileen by vu-tue et a single and a Ceutts, Hampton ,the NDP three-base errer in lef t. candidate for Durbam in the The oses gt mbtheactcoming federal electien, re- nu therftb whnto thewelîceived with Miss Janet Wal (a Un te fith wen MDow ll ace, NewtonviUle, who acted bomred, tollowing an iuticld as lestess. A number et peo- bobble. The locals bounccd ple attcndcd the event during, e back with a pair et unearned the attemnoon.i ruas in the bottorn haifta tou provide their eventual ina -i Mrs. Isabella Bell, Oshawa,1 0f eitr.Wihto ut, vic-president of the organi- Betty Thertel singled, Brown Sal tio Home Bn'carigofih drew a base on halls and both Sl fHm Bkn h' run scredon cotlyerrr-was held in the spacious eu- ;t-unvsscored ihonfcethyerrae-trance hall. * bc vsitrs'sith t te gme Tea was served iu the Green Only thre bits produccd Room where the mantlepiecel th-e runs as Miilbrook staged M-as adoracd with a beautifui, 6 their corneback attempt. A arrangement et mauve and,~ iMù batter, an errer on sîigles yeliow iris interspersed wbJ Y. 'i. PAGE TH~TEEN PAINT-UP ,WH£ f BV YO R AfEXTi*-Lustre fin is says brîl urs wath the Lîvely FaIrIaneýI MIMFÀ om am Mi sflM- w~ ~S --~~~i Independentlfront suspe-~U( Galaxie Tudor Sedani .> ~ ' fSionl Fitted with torsion 'Pheel-you'îî find Galaxie springs to protect driver, il! ng pace ... ln power and I Iad and truck. Zînes .. . ln big car room, I iterors ... ln the added rouf aintenance. See the A GENERALOSt Place ln Town# itl.r I.. *aTHE TRUCKS f 'rWITH BUILT-IN B( texr cs. SE SUR& 10 suS "THE TOMMi AMIROSE SHOW" 0ON TRI (cr-TV. NITWOU CON 1110*1 EVENINGS. CNiCKLOCAL LISTINGS FOR CHANNU AN "b- tOBSON MOTORS LlMITÈ?L, a CAR& King St., E. MA 3 -3,'l%96 BTwRUCK l'ee 19 CONSER' COMAO . - ; y., OUF, m lw r 1 m W=NFMAY, XUNE @th, 1962 TEZ CANADlAS STATIESMAM- emrrjL"Te% 1 PAGE TffmTLTLÇ f- - l KVVM3