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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1962, p. 13

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE OUt, 1962 TEE CAKADIAII STATESMAN. ~OWMAJ LT~I! <WI9'A~Tft - ~~~~~~*1 - a ~ Prime Minister Visits Newcastle Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 .... important event in the life of the family. Hold pecil Aw rds ightThe Special Awards pre- Hold pecia Awars Nigt cfwere made by For ubli Scool radu tesWilmot Gold Medal for gen- *- For ubli Sc ool radu teseral proficiency in grade eight Newcastle-A very pleasant June 2nd, when 23 ginls and Ionias for successfully com- was presented te Rosemary resentation teck place in the byof last year's grade 8 Ipletiflg their course. Due to Malkeizb I. J. McCul- Lions Room cftecmunols f the d ubi Sholth fc n SrngCcrtws lough; The Squair prize for iyhall on Stra vnnwr rsne with their dip- hl this year, tihe presenta-EniswspentdeSt- lty Satrda wee pesetetien came much later than la Malkiewicz by Mr. Brere . __- - - - - - - __ usual; however, the lateness ton; *The Coleman Publie II~~ - - r~ii of the event, in ne way intrSekn prize was presne fered with the feeling cf pride to Stella Malkiewicz by D. k I L I ~ ~ ~ and pleasure which prvidWaon Th Hooper Music I~~ieNvvcasIue on Saturday evening. A num- prize was peetdt oe ber cf proud parents, invited m a ry Malkiewicz by G. to witness the presentation of Chard; The Lions Club prizes Con erv tiv »~socatin ~Diplomas and special awards for Science were presented te ýitCo se vaiv A so iaio I wre in attendance. Linda Wright and Wayne Han- ceck by Hareld Gibson; The ,~Those receiving graduation Rickard History prize ivas corialy ivit yo toa <Ijjdiplomas for 1961 were: Jac- presented te Frances Rickard cordall initeyou o aqueineAlldread, Olga Bezub- by J. Rickard; The Munro liii'#a2\ Patricia Darragh, Timothy Prize for general proficiency Il11 Grayce ton "' r Malkiewicz, was presented to Linda WrightI 9 e p1tîl 41111 ard, Jack Chard, Sharma Fer- for general proficiency i ad trsrcie uorp 'III. I ~~~guson, Wayne Hancock, Joan grade 7 was presented te Bar- CnySok eevsatg aa Newcastle 4IIjj 'Martin, Peter McCullougn, ry Watt by P. Storks. to meet Wayne Pearce, Larry Pru- The Grade 7 preficienc D.ner, Frances Rickard, William award is a new prize which Starts Saturday II~ nd rs.Perc Vîianam, Gunter Tschinkel, Ca- will be donated annually by Dr. nd Ms. Prcy ivia theineScott, Terry Walton, Mrs. Storks in mernory of ber ParcaWincop, Grant Wil- ahrtelt W Deline.- Tesay June 12h.11 ims, Linda Wright, Jamie Tesakrfrte evn hmeW i Sos r il uuesuay, I . r.In presenting these iThe speakr .f . or t e e- Ii ii i 8:3th.t iiJ trias the principal Mr R *îB.A.,vaspeMtr. .Aof ulme V E jM LI L 8:30 p.m. <1111 Munro expressed bis congrat- .. npctrc u i ulations and best wishes for schools. Introduced by Johng C-' d II JI I bis sub j e c t, "'Discipline",I g l a m p Cp i n Newcastle Community Hall 41111 mn, John Rickard in bis wcl- uates, but any parent IoudmieScolBadCirspangcefytthga-P motenceuraging te see s0 thougbt provoking state ments Iii ~ EVERYBODY WELCOME - iI cmng r tears rsaid in arethtter ee ma nyf lci udi vi a- i ngII L fWa mm jIi'. .~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ niay cfthe arens prsent inthe address which seemed c i l adsaid he could understand tbepied in their direc- E U V E E their proud feeling in this tien. Newcastle- Broorns, rakes, their cleanup jobs around the Horticultural Society, "New- Mr. Holmes pointed out the shovels etc. will be the order home, during cleanup week, castle The Neat", may be- advantages of weîghing and of tbe day*on Saturday after- memnbers cf the Chamber come a reality and not just carefully discussing future noon, June 9th when membes ae fered te mow the lawn a slogan. C wishes and plans regarding cf the Newcastle Chamber cf of any cîtizens who requests It should be worth a trip C their vocation in life. He stres- Commerce will officially open it, and makes a reasonable Up town on Saturday te see sed the importance cf a good Cleanup, Paint Up Week in1 donation te the Chamber cf members cf the Chamber, education and urged each stu- tbe village by making a dlean- Cmec ebl erytebsns n rfsinimn W \.hat has been done is proof lerning te the utmost f their King Street. dur-eientsih onf the p ir conetc oring talanu jo d e n t e p u r u e i s o r e r P ~ l t e u s i e s s s e c i o n o n e p e n ss h a i n g n . i r c o un c i l t o r s , i n d u s t r i a 1 j y - abiity Th clanu cmpagn moedshould phone on tbe main street business FE 5 .'g q Appreciation for bis fine ad- ing the week cf June 9th te the secretary at 3621 and ar- section cf the village. otvvflatyet can e accomp sneci x ressed te Mr. l6th, is being sponsored by rangements will be made te o Eet of ha ye c n e a co plshe Hlms b JhnRickard on the Chamber cf Commerce as bave a memnber cf the cham -___________________ behaîf cf ail present. its first project in the village ber attend te this chore at; a Me orcniae us Durng heevein enerand the chamber is request- mutually convenient time. Honety, atn iTainte uslb DuiMis; enngete-ing the co-operation cf ever eesoig hs a-oealot te e Roomstes- tainment was supplied by Ms citizen ln making the village In ýosrn hscm rlCmiteRos us Cathy Scott with piano solos dlean andi tidy by cuttîng Pagii is the wish cf the day, June 12, from 7:30. Spcn- and Miss Tina Kozub who fav- weeds around their homes and chme f Commere ta sored by the Newcastle Liberal oured with accordion solos, on empty lots, adding a coat the slogan cf the NewcaslAssociation. 23-1 iluding some cf her own c icmostins paint te duli buildings and -- The pegra andvery generally tidying up arounti sant evening came te a cloe -tehoe alu with the singing cf "G cd Save Mow Lawns Dri'# ~v, the Queen", after wvhich a In order to allow citizens ~~D, light lunch was served. more time in wTich to do t A statement to the people of Ont ario from Prime Minister John Diefenbakcer 'Flve years ago the Canadian people gave me and my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of Liberal rule and make a start in the New National Policy which we put before the Canadian people in 1957. You gave us a renewal of your mandate in 1958. "In the succeeding four years we carried on that policy and as a directresuit of the many bold and even revolutionary measures which we undertook the recession of 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962. "OldAge Pensions and OldAge Assist- ance have been increasedftrom $46 to $65. Other pensions have kept pace. "Farm cash income has reached an "Ontario received $607 million infed. afi-time record high. Prices are now eral payments this year, a huge in- supported on 23farm products. crease over 1957's $215 million. 'Canada stands today at the commencement of a great new era of progress and prosperity-first as a resuit of the action we have taken-second, on the neces- sary condition that the plans we have made and announced for the next five years are carried into effective action. 'Five years fromn now Canada wil be celebrating the IOth Anniversary of Confederation. Our plans for the future are already five years along the road to fulflment and they can, will and must bc realized between now and 1967. What has been done ln five years is proof of what yet can be accomplished ini the next five years." VTProgressive Conservative JUNE 18 In Durham, Your Conservative Candidate Is the cl: Newca W. Fr the c ginninx who 1 the Cl FrERCY ed as« eral y( À%N ed sev Physician I&g hi castie ýîed for INSERTED BY PLR0GREffIVE CONSEaVATIVE FAIRTY OF CANADA js flewcas t/e Social ana' ersna Mrs. Ross Dickinson end Mrs. C. R. Lovekin are on a Libeais pen motortrip this weelc to Mont. (ommittee Roo M Mrs. elen BwnadDr Newcastle-The local Lib- lee M. Stan Bowen and Mr. eral Association have opened and Mrs. Clinton Farrow (if a Committee Room on the Newtonvllle, were Sunday ev- south side of King Street in ening dinner guests with Mr. the Holubenko property where and Mrs. Harold Crawford, election information will be Janice and Kenneth in Black- available te residents of the stock. village. Mr. and Mrs. Adlam Cassie According to a notice ap- and daughter Ruth of Bramp- pearing elsewhere, on this ton were SundaY visitors page, the new committee room with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ber- will be officially opened with nard. a "Meet the Candidate" tea next week when Russell Weekend visitors with Mr. Honey will be present to ryeet and Mrs. Gordon Agnew were the residents of the vil' gre. Ar. David Simpson avid Mr. Any resident wishin,' in- and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of formation in connection with Peterborough and Miss June the election will be able te Agnew of Port Coiborne. phone the committee rooms Mr. Alan Lockhart of Tor- by dialîng 3716 from now until onto spent the weekend visit- election day on June 18th. ing with his sister Miss Ethel Lockhart. Mrs. Glen Kirk and Christ- N evi ions na of Plattsburg, N.Y., are New ions visiting wîth Mr. and Mrs. R. 1I . Rickard adfml n Presioenr other relatives and friends in the village. SMessrs. Frank Hoar, Bill Storks, Brenton Rickard andi Murray Paterson were in at- tendance at the Lions District A Convention in Hamilton on IWednesday for the election cf Gevernors, when Lion Bob Garden of Norwood was elect- - ed Governor cf District A-3, succeeding Lion Brenton Rick- ~ ard cf Newcastle. - Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt spent the weekend in Lind- ISay visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kinneil. Between 100 and 150 resi- fdents cf the village, repre- senting ail parties, were on hand in front cf the commun- ity hall on Monday morning te greet and shake hands with Prime Minister John Diefen- baker. IACKACH W. Frank Hoar When kidnea fait ta remove Aiée acIe ndwaates, inereu~i. Imeeting 0.1 oackaçne-tirea oiIng.- ,Iub held on May 17, the dIsturbed test Oftefl May ,astie Lions Club elected foiiow. Dodd'a Kldney Pinse ýrank Hoar president of &o.dYe hota noem club for the year be- billtf w. WOE*bete. au ng July lst. Mr. Hoar bas been a member cf 'lub since 1955, has serv -______________ a vice president for sev- yer.He also has serv- yven years as a village CtCs oa ýillor, and is a member azCs oa irham Lodge No. 66, A.F. For GId Appliances M., G.R.C. Before enter- isiness in bis native vil- srouth as proprietor of the New- T A T E 8 M A N >Garage, Mr. Hoar serv- CL A88 1 F 1ED 8 ýtwo and one-haîf years member of the .A.P Phone MAIket 3-3303 4 World War IL CAMPAIGN sponsored by Newcastle Chamber of Commerce JUNE 9to 16 Campaign wiIl open Sat, lune 9. 1 P.X~ when Chamber members wil! do a CLEAN-UP JOB ON KING STREET During Clean-Up Week, members of the Chamber wi!! mow lawns for citizens inaking a reasonable donation to, the Chamber of Commerce. Phone 3621 - to have your lawn niowed FAUX1.511 L7ý v NE WCASTLE RECREAII RED CROSS SWIMMING (LA: REGISTRATION IAonday Nioght jum at 7 sharp Newcastle Community Hall EILDREN'S CLASSES - ADULT CLA.15 and a ROYAL LIFE SAVING CLASç for swimmers with Senior or Bronze Red Cross Awards. EES - Children - $2 for first child, $1 additional child of same family. Aduits - $4 single or $6 per coup!g Royal Life Saving - $4 per perso] Children MUST be 7 years of age as of July lst, 1962 ýN- ss SSES each le. nI. Wtane--the new standard sTze rcrd--sets à new standard o;i ue. One reason is Ford's famous Twice-A-Year MaintenanceIl re the lively Fairlane up te6,000 miles between oil changes, up» 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications. Brakes adjusti nmselves automatically-vital underbody parts are speciall-Y * processed te resist rust and corrosion-1 Sthe Diamond-Lustre finish says bri1, iD Iin il yoLswÊith1IIPyFirani _________ aîrians Tudor Sedai "A~ corne from )r DEALER CARVETH O ~ uGalaxie Tudor Sedan na lax e Getbehind the wheel-youi find Galaxie sets a lively, leading pace ... in power and performance from its great choice cf engines ... In big car room, ride and luxury of its luscieus, spacious interiors .. . In the addecf economy of Ford's famous Twice-A.Year Maintenance. See thel Uvely Galaxie at your Ford Dealer-the Livellest Place In Towni Whlto.walI tlre~ and whaet f~vArfl ara antlnnel *t *Mtr* i!nqfj MOTORS Newcaustle, Ontario <IBID CARS PhNS TU3251 Phone 3251 "Our energetic trade policées have produced thefirst favorable balance of trade in nine years. 00 WWNMAY, JIYNE Oth, 1982 TEE CANADUN STATESMM DOWMANVn= ONTAMn ýy inerr Fa 1 -las a i durir4 CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP

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