Carol EIston do loes splits on balancing bar I D i. A Igrants fromn the Provincial!Directors from the folloxvincg: Elect BrightEonl M onf Government for regional d- Hindean uc Lited velopment have been raised ta1 Peterborough, Nicholson File: f a maximum o $15,000.00 an-ICo. o Canada Ltd,, Port H-ope;i Pres den or O D Aactivities for 1962-63 will be'Ltd., Peterborough; ock Ha- The Board of Directors of Taking- their places on thein excess ai $33,000.00. yen Motels (Petcrborough) the Lake Ontario Development Board for the first time xvere Committees were set up to1Ltd.;, Welcome Court Motel & Association held their Annual Alderman Ed Curtin af Peter- study recommendations irom Restaurant, Port Hope; Peter- Directors' Meeting last night borough, Mr. Mark Kellow ofithe Association's three Zones. borough Printing Ltd., Peter- in the Association's office at North Monaghan, and Mr. These were: That Highway barough; Quinte Hotel, Belle- 2631/2 George Street, Peter- Frank Poxvcrs'of Cobourg. AlI- No. 2 be designated as a seenie ville; Dove's Restaurant, Col-1 borough. derman W. G. Powell ai Pet- route; That the feasibility ofborne. Mr-. George Caling of Brigh- erborough, Charter President ire iishing in the Counties ail A revised Program of Work ton was elected President oflof L.O.D.A. was reappointed Victoria and Haliburton bcIwvas approved by the Board at L.O.D.A., succeeding Mr. J.. A. 1ta the Board ai Directors, as studied; and that a study be'last night's meeting and in- Ireland of Belleville who has was Mr. Read Budge ai Port made with a view ta the Im- cue wscino gi held the post for the past twa lHope, a former Director. provement ai rail services in culture. Anong the proposais years. Vice-Presidents elected, The Financial Statement wvas the Begion. 1cctdxa htteLk were Mr. Mel DeGroat afigiven by Secret-ry-Treasurer,ý Eight applications for Bui-Ontaria Development Associa- Lindsay and Mr. D. R. Maybee Alderman H. L. Garner and it ness Associate Memberships'tion arrange meetings dealing of Campbellford. xvas revealed that matching were accepted by the L.O.D.A. with agriculture and business ot promote better understand- [ing and further co-operation -Ir---btwe heto Zion (Hope Township) (Intended for last week) Considerable work has been donc towards lcvclling the Zion Cemeterýy grounds. The men have hcld a number cf bees, several loads of soil have been spread, some stones straightcned, and the grass eut. Last Saturday carpentry work was donc o n the front church step'. Conrgratulations to those men, who though ex- trcrnely bus.v iith work at home, arc taking lime off to assist with this proecet. Church service xiii be held at Zion ncxt Sîindav. June 3rd, at 10 arn. Bey. Mr. M. Frcc-nan xiii bc inicharge. SympathY of this commun- ity is extencîcc the famnily of the late Mr. N. Motyl who passcd awav at the Port Hope Hospital. Funeral was lield Tuesdav arn. frorn the Ross Funeral Parlours. Mr. Robert Mvorton is a pa- tient at the Port Hope Hospi- tal. More Energy wif h 0 0 a 4' v -- ~ WN~T~AV TTfl.~ TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN ~OW~AM~7TT T W I~Y'ADT1~ BHS Girls Show Gymnastic and Balancing Skills BASE LUNE Mr. R. G. Geen, Mrs. Flem- ing, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Bowmanville, were recent visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Metcalf and Mr. Boss Metcaîf. Mr. and Mrs. George Dol,- bins, Leamington, spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. M. Bennett at the Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tuck- er, Stirling, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caskey, Frankford, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Danny Battams and Sammy are spendîng some time with her sister at Nia- gara Falls. Mr-. Ross Metcalf was guest soloist at Westmnount Anni- versary Services on Suinday. Miss Grace Truli who is an exchange teacher in Eng- land recently haci the plea- sure of attending two inter- esting events in London. On May l8th a reception was given by the High Commis- sioner for Canada and Mrs. George Drew to meet Brit- ish Exchange Teachers going ta Canada. On May 24th the Joint Commonwealth Societ- ies held a reception In cele- bration af Commonwealth Day. This event took place at St. James' Palace in the presence of H.R.H. Princcss Marina, Duchess af Kent. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Met- caîf Oshawa, leave on Wed- nesday ta visit Mrs. C. W. Sie- mon at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins spent last Tuesday in Toronto. int Bentley and family, Cet Cash Today or OId Appliances chrougio S T A T E S RI A N CLASSI FIE 1)8 Phone 3-3303 HOW MANY PAY THEIR BILLS BY CHEQUE? Nowadays most people do-because almost everybody ha. a bank account /Writing a cheque is safer than carrying cash and a time-savlng and convenient way to pay bills/Every banking day Canadians write three million cheques, an increase in the past 10 years of more than a million a day in the number flowing through the banklng system/This up-to-date cheque handling service makes possible the convenience you command every time you use your cheque book. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ILOOK AT ITHE WONDERLFUL 1lN-il *Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baby spent Saturday in Peterbor- ough. The U.C.W. meeting forl A SA KN May was held at the home of F A iI. E Mrs. Carmen Irwin on the wren ncight Members and e Life takes a sudden turn for the better the moment six. or peppy four-cylinder engine, Body-by. visitor present. you step into a new Chevy Il! Here's the car that Fisher craftsmanship and teclinical advances Mrs. C. Irwin, vice presi- combines sensible size and sensible price with a that have won top engineering awards. And there dpent e metinwth har and wealth of luxury and glamorous styling features are eleven exciting Chevy ll's to choose from . er. Mrs. C. Raby then con- nialdi t ls.CeyI fesyuflseyu hvoedaerta oyltsl ducted the devotional period. urvle niscas hv lofr o ul e orCerltdae oa . oyusl Sect'y Mrs. E. Ca.3wcll reatd six-passenger comfort, your choice of a spirited a good turn! minutes of April meeting.* There was no correspondence. Roll cali vas something for c o the bake or take table. There Taiea t r'a h h e f a CE- a d o e %vas a fair response to this.a ea tu n a th w e lofa C IV[ nd ee Roll call for June will be an Whtewall tires optional atextra out A General Motors Valtue H-2062(l article for a touch and take table. Several items were dis- cussed. Mrs. Meneilley and Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time - .Mrs. Raby contributed to the I birthday box. June meeting will be at Mrs. H. Caswell S in the afternoon. Mrs. R. Mor- ton was in charge of regular RYW IHL program. byteR Y WNIHL hostess, and lunch MA ofmm5A Akthtee,~~ H. Rabv and W. Meneiley. A Phone MA -3353 BD M ANVV~UIVLLE Phone 72 -6 0 COURTICE ~pleasant social period was en-1 - -w S- La MJB- W'- PAGE FOURTEEN Margie Pickard does high dive over the big box horse HONEY The Man Who WiI01 Serve the People! Professionally Prepared for Parliament *Energetic Attention to Local Problems *Will Report Regularly to His Constituents TAXE A STAND FOR TOMORROW VOTE LIBERAL HONEY, Russell Ce e DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Cobo r ~ L NG S UL and girls, Pontypool, were and family were Friday even-!Ga Cobo rg a LO G SA LT iundy gustsof Mr. and Mrs. ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ýAja> Mr. loy ArstrngMr.tonBron ad LW. Vivian, Tyrone and Satur- - I l r. loy ArstrngMr.tonBrovn nd ynda xvere day supper guests of Mr. and E Iected Head 1Barry Preston, Bethany; Miss Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Oke, Oshawa. Shirley Willîs, Pontypool, Miss Mrs. G. Browvn, Oshawva. JnyWodTrnean Re~ b Co nclLrrin MGiiYeveton,1 Mr. and Mrs. Bye Gibson Mr. and M1rs. Oke and fainily R h b C u clwere Sunday visitors of Mr. a and Mrs. N. Davis. attendcd the Christening of xverc Sunday visitors and Mr., their grandchildrcn, Shirley and Mr.A oveli, London, Dr. Thomas W. Hawk,,of Mr .and Mrs. W. Carr and Jean and Ivani Paul Wright, xvere Monday ~et fteR Cobourg, was elected Chair- ýfamily were Saturday even- Bethany. on Sunday at Janet- Camcron's. get fteR man of the Northumberland-!ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ville United Church. Rex'. On Friday evening Mr. an Durham Rehabilitation Coun- 'Len Stevenson, Enfield. Jaenomril fiitc.Ms y isnvst d t cil at a meeting held Wednes- MJ n r.HemnWb .asSn mr. Reobt. Caeon his.broter, i-. n td Mrs. day evening, May 23rd, in the ___ad________ Webr__________ amro'isbrthrM. ndMr. Conference Boomn of the. Health Unit, Cobourg.- Mr. C. A. Holmes of Port Hope, the retiring Chairman, had feit it necessary to relin- quish the office as hie had: been elected ta the Presidency of the TB and Health Associa- tion at its recent Annual 5 however, continue to repre-' sent the TB Association on,~~4 the Council. Among other Items of busi-. ness a dinner meeting was .. planned for next fail ta which will be invited representa- tives fromn volunteer organ- .s~ izations and associations in the' Counties interested in rehabil 4 itation flot only physical but e:'. mental and moral. It Is hoped that the Han. , Matthew B. Diamond, M.D.,g and Wrelfare wilI be the speak- -- er at the dinner for it is under, his Department that these Be- i' habilitation Councils are be- itt .~-4 ing formed in Ontario. Incidentally, the Couneil in j: our United Counties is one! af the first ta be 50 organized. '4 Its main purpose is toacar quaint the public with the problemrs af rehabilitation and aif the urgency of acceptancei by the public of patients when they return ta their commun- ities. - - , -. . 1 1 1 . . . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLIM. InMTArTM 1 Chevy Il Nova 400 Convertible