WEDNESDAY, ,TUNE 8th, 1962 THECA!NADIAN 3TATESMA.N isowTdTAivna PAGE FIFTEEN stars. A sing-song was alsol __ Fred Pys on your recen arae r .dMs e.Pie ejove d unaY guests of Mrs. Mr. and Ms.Thdre atByaan Wnd uTr Several from here attended BAKTC George Crawford and Mr. and'son and threeby.Cmrn no aldo r n r See notice regarding Brad-1 on "The Friend!: of Jc-su". the Oshawa General Hospital1 Mrs. Wes. Pearce were Mr. Mr, and WtonHaod cLuhn Snat ley School Centennial on Sat-! The anniversary concert or School of Nursing Graduationl An interesting and inspira-! a Hoskin family re-union %vas Mervn Graham attendeèd the, and Mrs. Harry De La MatterlNorland, werSndygetvnn. Monday visitors with Mrs. J. ty program, which was thor-, year, received the -Best Fni- Nestleton, Cadmus and Bdlack- 25th w e d d i n g anniversary., stitute was celebrating its 5th Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bien and Ms. ure McMaoi. Ylolean lds noe yeeyn. end" prize, chosen by lier! stock joined for the First Con- The family presented their anniversary. Holmes and Bonnie, Oshawa, Brien. Torono pn h udyget AYlole adGay. ottghly tee noyed by everyonUnitdeCIcalled on Mn. and Mrs. Carl!weekend. withM n r.Ms elMlomwr r The C.G.I.T. group met Sa - The Explorers group with classmates as th n Oteec fU itdhurch Wo- parents with a Lazy-Boy chair, Mr. and Mrs. John BallingaI.îWright, Sunday. Cecil Hamiltnfn r.Lwec acl u.ratay afterno>on with JeanIthe leaders enjoyed a hike noted for her cheerfulness,lmen for Blackstock Frank's parents, brothens Jo Anne and Bryce spent the. Mr and Mrs. Vincent Arch-î Mrs. Ravy eii eeo n amlNsitn r.A Baker, president, in the chair.!adpicnic lunch in Knoxýs' helpfulness and kindliness toi Mrs. Harold Kyte sang "Theland sisters gave themn a rock- weekerid at Innis Lake. ýr omnilM nialcle The mother and daughterwoods on Saturdav afternoon.lother tudents. 'Lord's Prayer." Mrs. F. L. iing chair. A very pleasant Mr. and Mrs, Eber Snowden, r.EmrAce.Wibned ntevlaeMna alr r tne acî, banquet was discussedi. The There were 20 girls present. Misses Pat Davis and Bar- Richardson, Whitby, brought!time of visiting was held and Maple Grove, were Sundaywere Sunday guests of Mr. Mr. andMr.Mto Ha-isByl ib.Ms.P Sharon Spires with Eileen with a favorite flower. Sharon Saturdav to spend their vaca-:il U.C.W., also on behaif oflunch. Larmer and family. Mr. Dever. Congratulatons by Mrs. Mu1 l Mltr, Svrlfo eeatne Hockaday, Jean Baker and Huggins received a blue star'tion at Waterford. Nova Sco.ýthe ladies present presented, Twenty-eight mernbers ofi Mrs. B. Ashton, Doris and MrI. and Mrs. Vincent Archerispcnt Sundavt.BreFas.rokiFarnSaudy_ Joan Westlake assisting. MTVrsiwhile Peggy Milîson and Di- tia. Mrs. Romeril with a life men,- the Town and Country Clubi Dennis, Oshawa, were Sunday - __ J. Kox ld th Bibe stdy ane Drch eceied gid M. an Mrs Raîh Daisbership certificate and pin. met in the Christian Education guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. Bon-.--- --~ accmpnie b M. ad r~Mrs. Ross Duff introduced the Room on Wednesday evening. spent both weekends here. N. Gmprti of d gto . i guest speaker, Mrs. Ralph Hill, During the business period ai Mrs. Dale Gunter, Napanee, 86 - RA L Y C OO - 9 2 in Kingston on Saturday. Trenton, who gave a very letter fi'om Miss Muriel Ste- ihas been with hier mthei Mrs 1862BRA LEY SCH OL-962thought-pnovoking address on v ents, Leopoldville, also one1 Chas., for over a week while To ail ex-teachers, former pupiIs and friends of ilowlees and family attended~ ion rops were held and was read. As these letters' Chlldren's Hospital. MrDnarlHe;v"h odsPaer~ ics rm r o cîrIniltl air oi nSc Brale'sScoo, . . N. 4.Daligtri Backstock anniversary ser- findings reported, then Mrs. were very interesting and spent bothe weekends hère. PCIL L Braley% Shol, . S No 1. Drligto. vice on Sunday and werelHill expounded more fully on telling of their work, they are Mrs. H. H{awkins, Port Pe- i As this Is the Centennial Vear of our school wp, LauesMr . n . theni. Mrs. Neil Malcolm ex- posted on the bulletin board ry, spent the weekend withilt wol ik oreonz I nth om fteANNUAL pressed the thanks of the in the C. E. room s0 aIl may Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoyi wol lk o eoniei I li om fte od Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davisj gathering. After closing exer- nead them., The committee in, and,* ONAT I SCROOL PICNIC. Supper ai 5 Hot and d with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Da-1 cises aU "wnt to the C. E. rootn, charge enacted a short play,l Miss Ruth Marlow, Torcinto,!lI N N TI N L B A D drinks wiII be provided at the school. vis. Oshawa, visited relatives!I where dainty refreshnients "The Church of the Open spént the weekend with Mn. ý A o a T .. . C. Speelal @vents are belng planned for afternoon, evening. at ooscknSndy wresvd and an hour Of Door." A discussion on dis- a.nd Mrs. Wallace Marlow. 1 -- .I Miss Janice Y e 1l o w 1I e s l fellowship enjoyèd. crimination followed. Recrea- Mrs. F. Toms, Mr. and Mrs. I This levent to be held rspent several days with Mn.ý Tuesday evening, May 29th, tion took the form of a scram- Lloyd Slemon, Enniskilîen, IllAR 8 and Mrs. Ralph Larmner and. bled word contest on Books of and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms .. .e.- .. - SATI'RDAY, JUNE 23, 1962 family, this week. 1Mn. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bow- the Bible. Devotions wene led;jwere Sunida-y dinner guests of! lit,5 E T E ~ Re.9c - , ~ , commtte: M. ad Mr. E CrderanR.R. il Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Mn. manville, were Sund.ay visi- by Harold Kyte. After a1 Mn. and Mrs. Courtney Gra- Commlttee: Mr. ~~and Mrs.E rdraadMs. A. Blair, Terry andI tors with Mn. and Mrs. Frank dainty lunch the meeting ad-1ham. and Joyce. K Ennlskillen - CO 3-2025 ýDonna, Bnooklin, visited Mn.l Westlake Jr. and family 'end journied,jMran s.ElTewniBRO S L 2 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashton, R.R. 2, Oshawa, CO 3-2610 ! and Mns. Bruce Tink and fam-î Mrs. Frank Westla'ke Sr. Mn. Bill Marlow left Malton land family, Enniskillen, werei ___Mn. and Mns. Roy Langmaid M. and Mrs. L. Broome and Thursday morning for Aus-1 Sunday dinner guests of Mn. i- . Reg. 79c----- attendied Salem anniversary1sons visited Mr. and Mrs. C.1tralia via Vancouver,wHono- and Mrs. Harold McL.aughhin,1BUý -service on Sunday and weneý Disney, Mt. Zion, on Sunday. lulu, Fiji Islands, New Zea- and family. teagust ofMn. . Mun-!Mn an Ms.L. ic, Ylland to Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel-Hattn nIE T T O H P S ER~1589 l tea guests f Mrs.merouuebecand M.Lis terMay- There was an excellent at- lowlees and family, Soliîna, jo..Hmtn tendance at the Variety Night visited Mr. and Mns. Ennest' PLA N A LOAN TO Mr. and Mrs. D. Flt dýhsn sponsored by the Wornen's In- Larmer. i' of n.andMn. Canes an-'and Mns. Roy Pereman and ttt rdyngti the Mn. and Mns. M e r wi n D I N Y.- 9 ofM . a d M s . R i e , O - vst n ihMandnd M s. . MChtarlassM.Ladnwg- undamwth n a n Mrs.D"S K I N E maid and family.l Gary, Columbus, were Sunday Recreation Centre. Ms. J. A. Mountjoy, Hmtn pn D IL e 9 ono, vîsited Sunday eàiVie and Mn. E. Vice. 'comed ail. Following the sin.g- Russel Mountjoy. IIi and Mn E. R.ning~V~ Dewel, Ham ,oning of O Canada, Betty Brad- Mr. and Mrs. AIL. Gerrard IRe 80II with Mrn. r. . Tay- n Ms. Sarm owelHmpnv bunn played a piano solo. and Barry, Haydon, spent Sun- LECT-.-H A Ior. Mn. J. VanNest, Bomn 'le Then with Mrs. Gilbert Mar- day with Mn. and Mns. Lorne l Mns. .T. Westlake, Mn. Bill'visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wot-, lowý as commentator and Mrs. Gniffin. LU I PA ~ E &I Westlake ad hidr. n Bw- and Mrs. N. Wottenione th piano, the g in s whDoissesGeffindoeenryVan-XC Plan an HFC Shopper's Loan to coven a new suit for Dad Westiake, .and iMrns. Ray te . n. '. .WotnLonnte Tpo acoe ai st M DoissesGrtre e n ry liVan-E I I ~t ~ VI Rg 18 . . .new Spring and Summer clothing for the whole manville, Mn. J. Richards,'Mr. Francis Wotiten and Don- have taken sewing lessons un- Camp, Joan Venning, Betty EL TO ~ family ... even gifts for graduations, weddings and anni- te Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. L. na and Annot Wote r. at-ider the teaching of Mrs. Dal- McAnthur, Mable and Helen O D S I h v e.22 Johnston, Lindsay, Mn. and tended Enfield anniversanyi ton Dorneil in school this year, VanCanrp and Mr. Jack SwainiiO DS IEA t rS a versaries. You make better buys with cash and avojd bis Mns. R. Land and children, service on Sunday and were modelled the dresses, cobblen s'pent the weekend at thein at the end of the month. lnstead, you simply pay HFC- guests with Mvrs. H. Stinsonl aprons, etc., they have made. respective homes. li *** *~ RU aRg -. MONTHLY one small monthiy ~ ~ ~ ~ afterwands.anDai This was done in a very pleas- Sunday guests of Mrs. Ceeil lilt.' III t5Vans~ Ia s 9 O AMUTMNHYPAYMENT PLANS on mlmnty Dianne, Beatnice anîaiýng maniner. For a break in Hill wene Mr. and Mrs. Les PHIS M iko a AMOUNT amount. HFC money Ormiston, Bowmanville, vîsit-ithis part, six girls danced the Beacock, Grant and Brian, 11 li OF 36 3 2 2 1 J y 20 12bi ot edet m Mnsrvc i lwy hl- . and Mns. Tom Baker Charleston. Following the test Prince Albert, Bey. and Mrs. IIIth f $00 .......S .12$ 9.46fuiegoryan A PLAN OF HEATING FIT Mn. and Mns. Don Taylor1 Lorne Thompson, Harold Kyte Maryllis, Don Mils, and .550 23 73 32.86 5 1.2 4 confidential. Drop in ORAINWE HAVE F and family attended Black- and Harold McLaughlin sang Messrs. Boy and Bill Fergu- ll,,A C F R T I A A H WE KiI 700 . 3 1.645,811 6916FORse. AJTIUS A R stock anniversary service on; two loveiy trios, and Nancy son. A C FO TH 1.Sundav and were guests later Dorrell playeci a piano solo. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon Sr. i. 1600 60.88 68.81 94.11 146.52 lwith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lar- Mr. Wallace Marlow then and Mn. Wes. McMahon wereBO MNILNE AS E 2200 93.71 94.62 12q.41 201.46 Life insurance avallable imer and sons. :showed coloned siides off sev- Sunday guests of Mr. and IVIs. he 2500 ,95--.12:107.52, on ai/l bans ! Mn. and Mns. J. Knox and enal doings of local interest Ted McMahon and children. COL' SD UGST R Aoapimnsicueprincipal and interoit, and are su"p4r lf. il were Sundav visitons[as well as some scenes of Mr and Mira. Don Taylor LiwLNGSD U ST RJHN O SDR G T RE ll hao.d on prompt replymont. but do nt nlude th* cot of$ ,T~No ii le insran"e with Mn. and Mrs. T. Anden<Lively, Ont., and some fromn and childnen, Solina, and Mrs. son and faimily, Zephyr. ýFlorida. The trio again fav- MacDougald, Midla d, wereRE OB D UG ****~~~*uu** Emhil au mmm.' .. Mr. and Mns. George Knoxloned with two more numbers. Sunday guests of Miir. W i" U Y OV L S U T' HA N CYd U fE R U I m aand familv visitedMr and Mns. MeArthun expnessedth Mrs. Glenn Larmer andbosJU YL E L HO.SHOL FI ANC Mrs. Wn. *Knox at Brougham thanks to ait whn had pre- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, ___- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ on Sunday. sented such excellent enter- Orono, visited Mn. and Mrs. ____________________ Murs. S. E. Verrn Is visiting tainment. The dnaw was ther 64 King Street East :; Telephone 725-6526 ýMn. and Mrs. Harrv Grooms. made and, the winncn of the Toronto. Dresden plate quiît was IMrs. jOhw hppn ete *;;Tlpon 2-19BURNER- SERVICE Mn. and Mns. N. Metcalf, Richard Wall, Blackstock, thIEeO P O ER Y O NE S I Jr ~~OSHAWA ý -~Dr. and Mrs. George Werr, salad bowl. Mrs. M. Pritchard, N TC O P O E T W E S I A LN T N TP __________________________________________. * csiw, *siedtheWerxToron to; and the pillow cases, ef.Uo. I ,L T1 ftI _____________________________ _______________ at Rselandviale. _____Mrs. T. Baker, Solina. Closedac n ' -r~ a e umus Iîe iwn o D wm v** with The Queen. The sale of adacnt to wrpoae iW. f h j home baking was quite grati- THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F O M NIL fying. Canon Ashmore conducted Ba ogation Service onth 90% f al ou com anyprod ct eserch n C nad lawn of Mn. and Mns. George Wolfe, Monday, May 28th, 19 go% f al ol cmpan prduc reearc inCanda attending. Following the ser- vice Mr. and Mns. Wolfe in- ;vited ail into their home and is d n yI p ra senved lunch and a pleasant timne was spent. BY LAW No. 183 FThene was -an nvenflow at- P.F.N 3022-62 At Imperial Ois laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- tendance at the Sunday Sehool more than 200 scientists and technicians are ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on vays Anniversany in the United NOTICE 6. In thescdleoznsudrtehalg woringb iproe peset ptroeumprouct tofin an prduc moe Cnadan rud ~Church Sunday morning. Ap- IN THE MATTER 0F SECTION 30 of The Planning Act IN CONCSIOM -and to develop new onles. Their research covers and naturai gas. Imperial cloes more research than publicmatel ag60 c hii dre f(...16, c 96The whoeheofa am ddby y-w 170 many fields, from gasolnes toho usehold detergents. all other oil companies in Canada combined. vp ubl ic eoonaefunthe dcanapcionb h opr-paragraph2,i tukotad h olwn usi tion off Mrs. Gordon Stnong, IN THE MATTER 0F a plcto yTeCroa tuted thefo: organist, Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair, tion of the Town of Bowmanville for approval of its "All southnyo o iha nZn t ~~~~~~~~~Ms. Harold McLaughlin and Restricted Area By-Law 1835, passed the 3Oth day off EXCEPT acla h one f aelyRa Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Januany, 1962. and No.2Hihamrprtcalyecibds ALWAS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST rs O* Rev. Duncan White, M.A., APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING rlos tapitbigtesuhws ges pentSatrdavwithMn. 1. By adding to Section 7 (g) as enacted by"TapotiiofsidLtnsidCceinlyn an MsChs Sih and 1700, panagnaph 2, the ffollowing: -westerly adsuhryoftecekadcnevto ~t ~ ~'~r"~ m Oliver,"or fronts upon an adequate pnivate road that is zone in. .. . . ..onI y ~~Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mrs.i shown on a registered plan." 9. In the EedeofZnsudrthheig - 2. Section 7 (f) "C" as enacted by by-law 1612, Para- IN TOWNHI OT1 E OBITUARY ~graph 4, shaîl be deletcd and the following substi-INC CESO i tuted thenefore: The wholc hrofa mne yb-a 70 aa - ~~~~~~ ., ~~~~~"A garage on accessory building may be erected on graph 22,istckutndhefolwgsbtttd - IRNCESHAWTORN such lots in the rear yard theneof at a distance off 10 thereffore: The death off Frances Haw- feet or more ffnom the rear walls off the dwelling 'The whol hnoi....-... -Zn thorn aged85, ocurrd at or at the establîshed set-back off exîstîng rear yard EXCEPT:Ta oto f an one ntews Meonial Hopit, owmdan- car garages or accessony buildings but in eîther casehyteaslito!S.G rgSretonheat villon Ml ondial, oMa 28th must have a minimum side and rear yard off two hy the eatimtofheTwspLtoretlmi 1962 follwingan ilnes off feet and pnoviding ail other negulations for a èarofSîpnAvueontesthbteexnin six months ~garage on accessory building are adhened to." easterlyofthsuhlitofQueStetadn Bonnat te Clnke-ope 3. By adding to Section 10, Commercial Zone, Para- the notbyhe xenin aselofte orth I L T~on Lîn the dcasked was gnaph (e), minimum yards as amended by by-iaw limit off hnhSrei . . oeI 1700, panagnaph 12 affter the words "Rear Yard ALSO ECETAiofsadLtlsid onein h.. ~~~~~~~~the daughter off the late Peter' 25 feet" in the 4th line, the following words: lying soute f h oten ii f ieSre Hatheia"SuanMg&l "Except in built up commercial areas on the lst dav andi its esel xeso niligwsel f h She attended school in Orono,, off Octoben, 1961, a minimum rean yard off 15 feet " western lti f rei - . . oeI and wxas a resident off Clarke' Townhipfor he holeoffhei 4. By deieting the last panagnaph off Section 10, Com- AND) FiRTE XET atteeffotn r-mencial Zone, paragraph <e), minimum yards as on King, ibtyadQeo tets eng ilo Sunviing re adaugter, amended by by-iaw 1700, panagnaph 12, commencing Lots 1, 2, 9ad3 n h etry3 eto o "For a separate building" andi suhstituting thenefone 28 all inBoc"A acrdntaH ni'sPnof Manjonie Cowlard, R.R. 2, h oîwn:teTw f omavle n aigfotg f .~Newcastle, and two sons, AI-. "For a separate building without a common side 132 feet o igSre,30fe nLbrySre - ia Clak, .R. , Nwcasle, wali a sideyand off 4 feet. But whene adjoins aan apoiatl15fet9 chs nQun i. . .)u. 4 \~ . .... . -and William Clark off Clover-' residentiai area a sideyard off 20 feet and a rean Street, fn- . ~ .~Zn L ~.dale, B.C. yard off 50 feet except in built up commercial areasREDAF ST ND EC DTME HI ~. Te fueralserice as hlci on the lst ciayoff etober, 1961, a minimum rear Practically anywhere you look today you'Il find things that are made from fromi the Chapel off the North- yard off 25 feet and if fronting a nesidential area 30th DAY0F ANAY AD 192 cil. Chemicals from petroleumn are the building blocks for hundreds of things cutt & Smith Funeral Home, a minimum front yard off 60 feet or the estabiished READ A TID TM N IAL Bowmanviîle, on Wednesday.ý building line, but in any event not less than 8 feet" from plastic toys ta automobile tires. Inperial Oil research chemnists and Ma 'v 30, andi was conducted 5. There shaîl be added to Section 9, Residential Zone PASSED TI OhDY0 A U R D technicians art workingto devlopmors ofthese basic chemicais for Canada. by Rev. R. C. White. Inter- (a) Penxnitted Uses, a new paragraph (6) (a) as 1962. nment was in Lakeview Ceme- follows: tery. Newtonville. "(6) (a) Nursing homes certifieci under the TownSg.IA M.H BS Palibeareri w e re Messrs.' off Bowmanville nursing home by-law on properties g.JAKLRED Archie Brown. Sam Powell, bordering on that part off Chunch Street designateci Arthur Bedwin, Frank Park-, as nesidential." Cek er. Beverley Jaynes and Ar-', cold Wadp.