'ME CAXAflTA% TAý MAWMNThENTARTM PAt StVENTEZ1N USEDCARS 61 Valiant 'V-200' 2-Dr. Hardtop 3-mlpeed automnatir. radio. windshield -wa.her, white wall tires. One o%% nrr. like ïe~ 1957 Plymnouth 4-Dr. f; cyl.,ntomalir. ('Iran cr 1956 Dodqe Regerit 2.Dr. Hardtop Radio. back spat speaker, original tivo-tone paint. Srnart car. 1955 Belvedere 2-Dr. V-9..xNstnratir. radio.n. tirft. A-1 conditin 1955 Pontiac 4-Dr. V-9. radio. (,nod i inninîq car. 1953 Pontiac 2-Dr. f; <r*î. Ail above rars Ihave ehcn thorouglily ch ece cdt hrou h our %hop anîd are ready for many mile% of <arcfrev %ummner dri'ing ...anid prired to sei Palmer Motor Sales Driler% for Plymouth - I)odic - Nallant Ninra (Cars Dodge 'I'uckqs 20O KlnK st. E.. Rowniani'îe Fines t Beverage ft Gives ,More Flavor -More Sparkli F.&MILY SIZE 30 oz. SIX GENEROUS SER 1 -2 for 35Ç "ssexe Siced, Assorted (OLD (UTS 1-l WIENERS 1-16 pkg '2-16 pkg 43C 79C lb 65( CANADAS FINESI QUAMIY RED BRAND BEEF Boneless RUMP or LEEF ~POINT SIRLOIN ROASI b ÈtOASIS ROUND STEAK ROAST B 1 Extra Specials lut A&P 27c Off Deat Roi. box $1.i --SAVE AN EXTRA 12* BLUE9 SURF king îici. X 9 Roguier or Quartert nRfa. 2 lie 5t-8AVIE If, MOARCH4hbk95 Rtel. eArk i,9e....SÀVE lot lai ge 24-. pie4 9 C Produce Feotur.s Ftortr, New Crop. Vettow, Swoet, Tender. Fancy Grade CORN 6fer 39 Texte. Hand Sotectid, Ne. 1Grade TOMATOES celle tu".19c IMagistrate's CourtI Tilesday. Ma.y 29 î oad. Rônaid S. Wîtton. Mle Magstrale R. B. Saxier lold Grovp orth.wa apf.nd"h accused ihai evidence Grove Nrth. waofoundthatl hp had flot been gui]ty in Bowmanville Mag-!hoe istates Curton uesav ~,drivmng with proper care and ýisrat'sCout n Tewa idconsidieration for others. Mag- two charges. He im airhed'itaeBxrrudtede $,50 and $9 cosis for mardstaeBxrfon thd- ivig niisfn n~ fendant guîlt.v as charged and viction of railure Io stop after mposed a fine of $10 and an accident was $25 and S2 osts. and siispended his drîv- ('Osts.ing license for six months. Constable Tracy Davis gave 'John Geddes, age 21, R.R. 3, evidence in regard Io a hit and Bowmanville, an apprentîce run accident at the overheadiel ectrician. was found îl bridge, King Street West, ngi]0o1a1ageo aitr Max'2Is at 1:4 pin Heto stop after a mnotor accident. testified Ihat when he wenî E.R.'ovekî athlaei to Mr. Wilton*s home and ex for' the defen-se. amined his car he discovered Miss .taîî Gali'raitlî, Kiiig i ced paint on ils tender and Street East. bold the court tha 1 sonie damage. H-e also describ- she liad leff ietri mot her's ed Wiltons condition as indi- Volkswagen parked on Souith- eatfed liv thîck speech, blond- way Drive about oight, o'c'loul< .1iof e\e7,. and a slagr in bis on May lst Latr shp <ouiri walk. tha t1tils car had pvidieribl j lo".ph A. \iackie gF, 17,heen ctruck lix arinthpr car R.2, janetville, Pleadedroi and damaged. guilty to a charge of careless Coristablç> Lb 1-iairi, Williani driving. Jack Palmer testified -B1arrabal], :21 So' thwa v Drive; that on April 26fh at sixhis dfaughter, Miss Karen Bar- ô'clock lie xas driving in rabaîl, and Jlohn Geddes, àlso Bethany with his wife and two'testified in the ('aso- children in the car. John Sergeant, Tonto. azr Mr. Palmer stated that .37, a truck driver, %va-, charr- while driving west on a hard 'cd and found guilt 'v or dciv- top road near Bethany United ing on May' v21,h while his Church ho saw a car coming!ability was'impaired b;' alco- towarde hlm sideways across bol. Sergeant u'as fined 360 the road abot 175 feet away. and $3 costs, or in defauit, Mr. Palmeir sa hie then droveseven da.vs in *jail. Hîs drivîng lits own car as far off the road1 license was suspended until lie as possible and stopped. files proof of financial re- 1Evidence was also given bvýspOlslblitY. Constable K. .1. C'onstable J. G. Donialdson. 'Bairber-, CPP, gave evidence. OPP, regarding skîd marks on Cifford Brannigan, age .51, the road. and stated that young, a Genecal1 Motors cmplo ' ve. Mackîe had adrnitted ta hîm was found guilty of impaîred that he liad been the driver driving, He received a fine of the vehicle in question. of $30 and $,3 costs. and bis 'Mi. Mackie testified that he Iicerise %vas suspended indef- had been driving north, cross- initel\. Te>timony , n thi ' Ped the street where the United case vas g\-ivenby C(-onistable1 Churc'h stands, and after find- J. A. M. Shultz, OPP, andi i ng a dead-end, backed 11p,Constable Howard Wight, OPP. Ibut not far enough. He added1 David O'Rourkp., Martin that he then made a wide turn!Road. who liad been convicted and put bis foot on the arcel- of careless driving rioî. r,,or a ltttl heavibý This appeared hcfo, c Ma-ist ral- sicusped bi-s vhirle tb jeu Baxter Rnrt v a; g>; ç'n A Iarund and skid a1ong the su3perided ýcntence for 8 au 'g Jane PI>i'ker CHERRY i~PIE H AP O Chapm.an. Mrs. W. Chapman ý o l r v . S h o ida Edwards, Frank St. MacLean. 3 ',arciret Stalkcr, Durb-aini stated Pt a vel I ,atened alm Aniersr%, Pere, Le Ani Hoar, Donald Boy,,-1 Kerri Dîckrii1. 2 Da- tlciled Meeting beld in II On TIi îda- \1crsLuther We aie pleased to know that on Sunday and was a tea guest 1 U I Carter, Jaiiice Black; 2 Peggy vid Conro' . Dannv :\h'cDon- brook last %wcck, X nand Mu~s Helen Allhn Mr. .G. Adcock is improvîng with Mr. Gordon Shackleton Field D V ftesults 1Ba.0le;. Mary. DoYle, Bob aid."b hccoreo era- atlnde tp ichearsal for the nic'elv following hec cecent and Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton EFiintoff, Larv Sol, Susýan Bod.uniUr - t~'pî'î, nae o'rgpontfh t Mcben'Wkelv w~ding n oeraton.Sr.Field Dav was heddat Ma Wihlidal, 3 c al Boîbel (1;Mayberc;. Doi n da 3 ~oie CooInev. 2 - *1 'etS, i1k-~ îea nenetwl 'r>rntoMrs. S b n Cldn nd M3 D )RyodTor- peGopEast -Larxr' Coîciers. CliristiePo r,3Aîîa rîî,Bo licti eeb may bcm On Sa';îrda\v Mr5. Luthi' Mrs. Herbetson, Cle vtdon. n Mii' t edid s I e GroveSchool onBo ' s -I1Jackie Max-bercý,. kocski. Carol Foskett, Brian Kerr\- Dickenis, '-'Da nix iý -hirr i ep& ud Hecec Rnde jste oto vsiedMis Ll e'Thur.-da,, Max'.,31st. The ivin- 2Colin O'Neil and WyeMlaf.Aileen ii . ob Doal. rDardCainn p o l sami 'Miin and Mi*sg Helen AllunM. n Mr.Go Amoroi, who is beîng cared foi'W\"'Mtaf al-Jh1ýoad ai.(oiýpitterided the McLean-Wakel v iast Monda.v. at the home of Mr. anîd Mrs.' eandreasfoAorthe'm ur Dtiedî (Bianed. iJesson. BaIl Tlicow Girlt, 'ni oIr Mr.Houe' announicc ti %vedding in SI. Clement'9 Mrs. Bert GlaspelI and Mca. Cecil Siemon, recovecing froni 6 and 7 Years OId adAtu'DolRtei elalv Race Il: Roy s anîd Cootiex. 2 Slicî'r; ilth;). plan to delivcr a series o d Chui-ch, Riverdale. Miss Helen AIe MeMaster, Zion, visited the effects of a n.asty fail. 5t) Yards Dash: Girls -1 Relax' Race: 1 Maril.vn S- Girls (hall passî - t C'harles Aniia Piîîis: Boys l b,; .1 'iî"..s ani advertisenintii Allin xvas mnaîd of honour for Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Armour1 Mr. and Mca. Ciiff Coulter Susan Braylev., 2 Weiîdv Se;v-nionts, LarrY Quinne\., Wend ' ,Scott, Carol Edwards. Wayne; Concov. Kerr; iîkIl2w lî he 1icsidelits ofDur the br-ide. ber cousin, nee Miss one afternoon last week. mi.. and familv visited lier mother, mour and Marilyn ývmorîs Seymourî. R a îî nl i c Staintoîî, Anderson. Bette Ellen Kulinke, Ragerý Leetooze lbain Coi.iiib woiild beul Doî'othv \Wakel\'. n cHriRni n rBueRbrsno o-(tied). 3 Dawii Stevens' Bo;s Cath.\ Locke, Bî'îaî Wclsh. David Wil]oughbx.S b i la î.HrbRnl ndMs rceRbrsn fBb unior Claiipîoiis ; ilinfornurd riabout "HoNv bh 'iSundav niocniig the Mrs. Sidi Hoar were Sunday caygeoii, on Sundav. -1 Jackie Mavbei'cx. 2 Wayne Brenda Bacc. Johlîîîe Staiii- Seymnour: Darlene Webber. le An>: Hoar: Bo\, V\:W;;>'cral guvccîtiniît vIl av ieanud groom. Mrc and Mis. gues;t.; at the Armour homne. Mc. and Mrs. Jim Su. Aa. Sevmour. 3 Grant Snoivdcn. bi:2D uSeen.GatGroiFintoff, Judv Hogg, Andei'soiî Ilie Torv legacv of Nwellitt- Ric-hard McLeain. ealled onl Mc. and Mcs. David Mr- Mc, and Mcs. Howard Farr-o%,. Sack Rac'e: Girls -tWendiv Soce.Vtre Bîwl.Ha'vWloîb.Gi u- Senior G, l.- ;.inoi ui ntsadilyincfiei. Mrs. lii*her Altin anîd famiv, .Nevan, Mc. and Mis. Let and Grant. Sharkville. visitd' Seymour, 2 Valerie Bothweit ihe erMaie1A-ln envAlî:3Sel arl oic 1K;, i»igiiu. '%Il. and Miýz. tobnson. Liiid- Blakel%., Mi'. Keîth Mal.Mc and Mcs. Dave Laplîam ~o Marilyni Svnîoii;; Boysz - 1Rbr ecl a ,;, ' allted on Mc;. Nididery ail of Keene. anid 'Mc.ElwoodiSuflday.'Graunt Siîo den, 2 .lackie c Rogers.JAr ei'Lollg- TommN, x Wetslî iua n e, - :he li elt ii a Ild t a Idýc MuisMarv Ndderv on' Manley. Peberb«rnugh. wel'elMr. and Mirs.Arniold Poster'Myhur.13 Gar; Shiels anrd lev, Lonîa .dvaids. Wayne Inîca n îîg of thle Lierallaî Sulidavreniing. recejît visitors with Mc. aandnd fniyadM.McikBrian Welsh (iril. Svint1Wc î1v2ilill.and 13 %"pasOId in ciCada's îîî Mr ii Mrt 1-linisîa ir Ms R Sor.Fosher, Wellington. wpi Stîi' ea-T 'o~G~ - Colin O'Nril. Nancw Mtiinda.\, '5 Yards Dalbv ît-sf, idae ;atc bo elitiiiniate tie ieî- d-iiighterF visited Mc. aî a nd oriMc; Roi Abbatt,iday guests with Mc. aînd Mc;.1 Marilyn Sy\mon.;. 2 Wpndv.t. ackipe Mavberrv, Heatlier Ai'holriîe, 2 ludx pox cii problcnî. Tlhealh 'Mrz, Jas, Bealon; Osbawa, onBowmailville. visited oit Suni- Ben Killen.. îW i .F'sl KýnlrN:1ouchna nc riso Coniiex , 3n Sus9anda Verî Kîmnieci; D ta \diI at;o bat a-iîd tîipan Satucdav ex eiiiiig. ~~day with Mr. and Mrs. Wil]-'Mc. and Mr5. Ron Luke and 1 B 0.\ -ad 1eaM IdSs - t Rickv Mayberr.tl M. vsad M.s. J. D. Hogarthi. Mc;. El- fred Smale. babY, Whitbv, visited Mc. andîîU Y5 ads ah Grs- i Ronald Heaî'd, 3 DavidiBra -oivsi nier Wilhîir and Mc;. Sanîl Mrs Gertcrude Sttephen.i,IMrs-.. EarI Luke. DITiaiiiie Bacc. 2 G leiiiiie M- bal t. P rty Prog a M l faci tvas elpis br'inî vtî M;.on Fida a WiIIowdaie, was a visitor oîij Mc. and Mc;. Lei Player VD 1M Ri.AGAI e.3 Gîl owel;2 RbeRoy seHil9,lrCa rothl, .I .iîe îaitx s prongrani is deign trOluaw s prt;'Smale,.Thur'sdav with Mc, and MrS, and Tommyni, Bowmanvitle. After ai> ilIiips of sîniost tWiouhbynowdrtiî, 2 RobYerh ,,RoseCt Botwl.3bu "Durliaiî ('uîîî ii- Ibnctogîve equal assistance t i Oshawa, aia partY gven 'n'ittlotevens.Mr. GordohSte- Mr.and. tsa HrosdetthtnBoyss--I RRoîîa'd given>iBeît oefenlMieGodonSte-Mc.andMrs.Harld shtîî ix vears. the death of Vida 1Sac'k Race: Girls - t SleilP Heai'd. 2 Paut îugget anright ta ha've a clear andl îl- withoui pi'eîurlce ansir lînrofle îîu c o-verts, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Douglas. Enniskilleni, Mc. Annie Roxena Laiigrnaid oc- lie ioveieo le1i-trn di ircl Couvli, Bownîanville, and Mcs. Stevens on Sunday. and Mc;. Ken Pooler and tam- cuci-trd ahtlîe fanîity rrsidrîîce. Foskett. ý2 Linda Sievens, i Keiiieth MacDonald (tied). iie iovrleo i .l-boi îîeiîs eicaiia NIr.M. arrgan Toont,' Ms. yke, Wrkwrth Mi' iI, Oh a\va * ai ral Pacty's îtaiiîs >0 gel C;îiî acliie% enieni, race, ucict- Mc.il M ('rveeken Toh r. nto, Msr~es hnSvWanar n l'.Ohw.Rex' and Mirs, .4.5 Simroe Si. Soîubh, Osl - bh ecket. Boys - I Ar- orange and Plate Rac'e: ada goingagîn. fîisct Cgin»l. -urI Mu onCctai adM; lh NksadtmITed Kersev and ramnx.v Sca r- oaiva. a i Mus, MaY '219 ti111 rRa; lev. '2 Inet'SirlG>cs - I Dtîana. Wilton,.2 I~i ________________________________ JohndMu Hrr i s.' il\, Oshawa, Mi';. Lansfieldl barougîh.'visiter! Mr. and M;.1962 u ru;'Rî;,3 G r i a ,McNpil, :3 Sîu;au iuir' r.o M-.Ro HerbertI B rin, - and Mc;. Fergusoti, Fenelan 1 Sid Kr;vFo;ýketl. Iv Psud henna Faskett lied>: rol :lr>i, - ; atduEi'dyEveniiig Fa,,,,. w'erc recent. visitor%1 T'pi dceased, xlio r i n> i tnili'iGrs t~ o;-1PvciBraal ie .'\.Pe scott hoe. ngwith Mrs. L. D, Syk Mr. anîd Mu';. Johniî voni, -lDnrhigtoil To xvwi s lh1Ilti fli'oý(ilý o By Dvr iraPl at IlA.W rsolhm. Sunday visiter; ivitt ýi .'Tol*onto, visiter! Mc. anîd Mi-ý. ioii>. was li îsilie lo ie Marirbu».,2 Miraî'gs vrei Vr v M.b>,3Go Mr. iiudiiMis. Fi'anlk Witbuc.and Mc;. Wbeeiock %were M!% ,telt >lrJ iàA*ne11,ll,: a es:Bv John0 Lyon and family. ie ab , W le d.allhrt ~Ir >îîu -,tPs ctl o Holuî.ies.' The Sîiýsii. Bt ian and Bradley, aud M;Hl-oward Hansford,:anid Mca. John Lyoii and rarn- Lsngmaid (tire Mari' îîaiiuajlî Gletîtu Fosketi. 2 Roherl, V>l- Il ieasandod fs' 0slisxvs.vvsiter! Mr. andi Mrs. Mr'. and Mi's. Douglas A,-m-' isite relatives un 'Toronto Awde). Slip attenîred Mît- louglihyv, 3 Dsvud Watsonî, 1er' lrsJah i-7 )L IS A L I C MlrFred aloio d Sr . M;.stu'oîg. Mc. suad Mrs. Elmer on Sunday', i-hetl'- Corners Public' School. r'vSiîoîvde"i Fient liolc ovd S.--îMI-îd Richiardsonî, 8il froni Caledon . nd Mc;. -W>ooIlliead.,Oslia%îva Cotteguste and Peter- ea«aeIBc ektOI~~~ Frr HlroriJr. S-,ý.ýti ad Mc. F. .1. Wheelock. Or- ýAgincourt, v'isited Mr. and hoî'ouglî Normial, andtînlîovnd Dianuîle Bai';. Nsîîc' Symoils, BI UARY. Lueb'Mr.Lioîîet Hir-kex'. angexille. Mes. Allun Macklin. io Oshawa about 40 veri' ago Gail Bothîwell. Clive Br'own., E C 0 N O M Y PA CK Bo\%îtiiatîville, attendecl Entîts- Mi..anîd Mus chas. tohis. Mr' and Mc;. I-ar',ey gl-fuoni Darlington Tonîship. Gteiîuie MiNci]. Arthu>r Brav- Mls. .1011%I . N GA ki i 'hc"lî serv'ic'es on Sunî- Bo\wnianiville. ;'isite-d Mi. anîd snu. BettY Anîî and B;er'.Mis; Langinaid %vas a pub- lev. Nîîîx Rtli\wlhl, Robert S R T ~ O E dia; fnr t lipe r'steîuiuîg of Mc; qHarotd Salter on Mn ýO yaw, viitedMr. and l\4cs lic 'chant teacher ad atur W illougtihv).\ Bett; Whilidal:l FolIo;; ing ail illîiess- of tý- n S R T -O Missý Dai-a Lanib. cdaughher off dav.Mr. snd Mc;. 'Bob Da- John Macnab on Suida\. tîrerl an otat dîsýability fol- 2 Terrv Russell, Pst Welslî,. vrai';. bhe deatli of Mi';. John j Mr.an surI M';Stnarl baii vies Bowmaiiville, raîler!on, i' sor and MiS.M e' c , inlawiiîg a stiolse in> u.v 96.Painela Chute. David WatoclliÉCunningliani, 9t, Newcastle. isthe Mr.andMrs Frd olrvd r. M-ar Mr. SItr drin th;MSuzaiiie Hln; Sharon Ma,-- occurced on Wrduîesday, May lid sudMc;Fe ocydJrlcvn c.Satu uigte MouuCLllioy attended Blackstock She va; a Mmnier of Simcoe ii nkhDby9 92 tSrtae usn suifml lo ue!M.xeek.Mi'. and Mî's, Bruce;Anniversar;', on Stîndav and' Stî'eet Unibed CbhLI--1 Oshin Glenn Foktl enh1(.192 a trtavnýusn adi( Mi; Amos. Brook ha m. o, itiand famnily, Pickec rtagiet fM adý î s; f' G oodv.iîî, Sandr'a C 00 îîe 1.'I-ouie, Bown'canvillr. O E TP IE Oîwainc xxece Sînday ('allers on Mr, RselMtn o\, airN. î.3, d o teMargaurl Veî'uîeuleîî: :3 Slîeita Bol'î tOshîawa, Mr, and 2 V -?rank iller the Saters Easteno Stdrr. c F'oskeltt, Boîîuîe Martîi. Iý an- Decenîbrr24, 1870, the fourmer MillegVis>,r.thders Laenzter;. whcon- eStar.. atOiSo. iQyIJALITYl wa TV duTO'AIERTY V T W- Nc;vca;' le I, a'îe "in g is. - d Mt. anîd Mu';Hoskin Smithattender! Zion anniversatîx' and eds-ea ficsadu si HolcxcIJr N; ireuatender! Enfietd annivecsary. eebage;sc c n pianist foc the past three Foskett, lutdy Neil, Shejia ter of the late Mr. and Mc;.ý adMsJakI a.and wece tea guests with the Mrs, T. Sobil. years. Gonclmnui-pli;, Lnda Steveîîs.. Augusta Veale. She î'eceived ON TH MARK T TP Mcan Ms lak ia.E. and D. Prescotts. Jerc; Snowden, Aîîd.v Uu'quacbl.'bei' educahioiî iin the Oshawa O n A K T "~ Pr tii Mi. ar uîd ;.BtIHo- Mc.and Mc';, Raymond Fac- Mc. and i'; Doit Wîi[p Foc- ianv «veau; blle decea;l- sCuîîîlî. H xhomsbae mac-h ro\v anîd daughteî's attendedlaur! .on. OakvilJe, spent1 the ed tauîglit a utas; of upeeî-age 10 and Il 1'earx OId shos r ubn,,oi ro d. BcotISaro aud~ nd ekn ihM;W b¶ giu' n Sunîcoe St. Unitedi 5 Yards Dach: GirisL; ep rîed iii Ocbobeu', 1894. pî'ede-ý vu;ited Mc;. Blake de Har't. and Miss Nancv' latns. Chut cliSinida;\ Sclionl andi An iîu 0jar, 2y SLsaiuMuye'iv cea sed lier-, a Aichorn te ou a Mc. and c;. arma Gi'f' M s. Fed T mbtyi, O'ouî. iheuî i oîuig wame u's has. :1 ary îîîu Dast: Bo'; -i v.utîîat A bcrt Strel fo sev cat axi\ouilelu"', . 2 Wa'uie 'l'h lat Mu; CuîtiuDoylea:i s eota ( eu. Courtie, Mc;.'Jo h inp \I. and Mc;. Ruseli' VanHorcîî.,icarg. Slip \s;a- Ameuîîer or, Ander'son anud!Chiarles SC*oti hîad tîver in Newcastle for 51 bracket. Shor't and son Mu'. Waltecî Wlitby. visited r!M. snd Mc;, Simunep Strret utîoirfo ah 'idîtGîdouFnof vears anîd befo e (liat bar! te-! Short. Courtie. were i'ecentf Wm. Wilbur on Sunida\. osoi')veaR.i-l ged3Gron' irls -. sider!in Oshiawa, sur! Montret *N guwre 'isitors wfor 4r.yJohn BlSheacea;ialsm-m- sol i tM'.JonBl'M';ý. C. MW.Siemnonl.Niagara Diuring heu' teachinug Prt'e.- Suisan Mveu L .tee Auîîheu'of east h w neci required. yOhwýFciday îith Mc'; A. E. Billet> 'ea- n Oshawa and also l'oi,'e eher\. *3 Bete lleîîe o r~~a aL h F m I M r a c k s rd a y . n i g v i io; h w .w s i . e ubu sici ela t u s u h ' r i s ' H a . 2 M a ; . u î B e l e D a - u t u î u ' c îae a v d u ty wasit ura'eein iio Mr. andr! ndMu'. Clarence Yen bifpros i Hii.,KhnkCao okt.Slip us sut'; ver! hi lier ,sç)n, qalvanized siel * wit Mu' nd M;. To Wra'. an Mc.Stanley Yec atteuider! Miuîesiug Statuon aund S. S. No. Wi'tbc'ivRc:Bx Douglas .iqlin Cuninghîam o '-~ - On Sunday Mc. and Mca. Sam1 the 'Baccalaureate Service ab 4 Dartiuîghonî eoge acrie:.\ats: Newcastle. andur! andson ,lahi -lrie Kenearr sn; s'awtoOk1 Nortliminster United! Chuî'chPli.Te decessed iva; iloî ct. îk tPe'eCunnuînghani. . - $ 'consl'ructiofl. bei' parents Mr. and Mc;. Tom Oshawa. lasI Suinday uli'git tineive inxe the ladies' sottWyîe Audrou 3 ac The fuiner-at srriuîe vs Wereay ueoc a tir e rvad hi nee i;Diane Yen, hajItleagîîe and the teachIePrs'Connet.s. DavidrlWuloighb. held r! om the Morris Fiîerai H.* -eights frorni weeta uss tte ryPeterborough. k sne>iroff',lie bowliung leaguue, Shoe Race: Girl; -n SP.I tud52 homeP. graduate nurses. Last Fî'ida; She sRace:'Girls b 1iJui'ee Hogg, Sus1nHandcy. 2con('00 M .and r! i. Ronald Ste-,nighl Mu'. and r! c. Clarenice Spi uvvc Yi,"',cgSsnHny idlutdi M.and Mca. Burrows spent VI11 Oshaw'a. On SunsvMc il Larugmair!, att of Oshawa; So ue n; -iF'n owuuvleC iii et ec'e on 5 Memril ospta, vwan-«-re DavaiddîWilloughbyo LOsawarui liuisdax Wright,__________________ ____ ____MA__1-5901__ f f ir. urow, ndMr. fn-iwiith .M, and 'Ms. Cl M nPet Iler;a 3s. adws 1u<td BOTEMndaPiis'. hr fM,-. a hcagea. as C-a.bieraseo ie wsli]. .Jobîodnu K.,floh icad DvdGry 4 IGST%.RO M N VI N G S * Mc., in gsto ' hn t, Mc. and Mcalusseli Bale-I o'fetrgeborahaamffidiatîng a M. Venex Cat drr RoyI ail L.andereClarefceîia'" i;k ou';heArddirog Fiiera1l'Unit-e By adGt-.'are- PLUS Ch ial sia oma-were Suda vng1ieMcand e. J Wichman ed Stote. s.awntermn T wau o. ~s uTvistor;with Mi' and Mc; Mr. Btean s sspi f P t ie faýyRevui( plotunoCerne-i BOT Ausin acro at their cottage.,Mc icr a ateladntthbeuv Dîn e eviJohnp- Mc.;ern Nan and MsaMaiRo' yemn.cadier Cforioia ' ears,roriate hymn iiwe Unia'-d Nas.h. Detroit, Mieli., spentf so il -as a h'appy' reuinion. b-y Mc;. Ceci] Woi'den. eidren onu Sunday was on lfloral u'ibutes. evidience ofthie MACA ONI& CEESELOA f"Trulli Living". and hi; se'- estee i n wbich the c'ereasedi MA AR N CHEELOAF mnwso T seso MEX«HC EN LA mnwa1n Tewas hel, were tose flov teh"JN1 PICKLE & rum~u~.uHamipton Cemetery DeroraP- Board of Educatioii.Ohav F tion Service s Sinda, Jue Womenî 'P aOeshFe eati an of Christ." Ordes' of the Eastern Star, Duu- UE1 f ~17. Speaker wuil be Rev. W. plate Canada Ltd., Taranto of- MOCKCHIKEN O FR. Rackhamu. Salvatiui Aî'my t ire, Supervisor;' Staff Du- Band will be li attendance, plate Canada, Duplale Flowei Anniversac's. Sund'ay, ,lune 24., cuis gGroup of Ontario, Simcoe p Your 1-lb Speaker, Re;'. Edwaî'd J. Ker- Street Chair, and Neigbbou';. / c ende! Bi.Eploer;B.eD. r>POrile ale rsR d H E B IGs Choice pkg On Monday eveîîuîg. Hamp- Frank Pascar, Clar'enc'e Allii. ton Explorer;s anr! leaders at- Cecit Pascoe. Risset Robbin Bi a Camp Pretoria. Slopî. ___ - __ -___ F* «t'à% -. ý& & . à IMM- wlm"sr)AY. ln7%7r gt$i. 11AI 1 AIP Supe'r Marketsl