- --~,* ~ ~ T ~' IGA Super Market Opens Thursday- br ~rntn aemn Proprietor Don Milligan turns key to open his new store Don Milligan- Fuiffils Second Ambition When New IGA Market [VOL UME108 -20 Pages Durham County's Great Family Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6th, 1962 10e Per Copy NUMBER 23 Good Turnout of Citizens Mayor Hobbs Welcomes Fîrsf P. M. to Visit Town Since Way Back in 188O'c At noon on Monday Mayor Ivan Hobbs and members of Bowmanville Town Council off icially welcomed the Right Hon. John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada, to Bowmanville. Reeve Garnet Rickard of Darlington, also greeted the visitors. Mr. Diefenbaker signed the town's guest book. Pretty littie Shelley Hobbs presented a bouquet of roses ta Mrs. Diefenbaker f rom the town. Kinsmen HoId Bicycle Rodeo Next Wed. Next Wednesday evening, ai 6:30 o'ciock, youngsters 15 years oid and younger are invited to participate in the Kinsmen Club annual Bicycle Rodeo. It will take place at the High Schooi grounds and, as in the past, wiil provide an excellent op- portunity ta have your bicycle checked out for safety,and give riders a test of their skilîs on the two- wheelers. There wviil bc free Ice creani and badges for ail contestants and prîzes for the winners. The softball gamie betNeen Ken's and Stephen's sclied- uled for Wednesday ivili be postponed until the foIIowv- ing Monday evening. Opens Doors on Thursday Caian- In bis officiai address of welcome, His Worship Mayor Hobbs stated it was a mem- arable occasion for Bowman- ville to have the Prime Min- ister of Canada visit here. He added that records do not show the exact date when last a Prime Minister came to Bawmanville, but they indicate At was some time in the 1880s. The Mayor asked the Prime Minister and bis wife ta sign the town's new guest book, and stated that he hoped their visit ta Bowmanville would be of interest ta them. Grateful For Welcome Prime Minister Diefenbaker said that he was grateful ta the Mayor, Tawn Council, and athers for the welcome ac- corded him. He remarked that he had visited Bowman- ville before, but that this was his f irst visit as Prime Min- ister. He spoke from the Town Hall steps ta the crowd that had gathered in front of the building. The importance of municipal government ta the people was emphasized by the Prime Min- ister. who pointed out that in :lub Plans countries had anis ments hî "As wg your lx thought' as Cana. in this populatib races," iY Visits After 1 Mr. Die. by bis w Port Hap idate for Vivian, dent oft servative Brough, Frast dr ative Cai Bawman, The eý decorateî blue bur ing plan was fian Jacks or Ensigna the othe: Addres ered in hotel Mr was a pli wife ta even for Mani "UT. . - Don Milligan is about ta business in a hurry," Mr. ,the wait. "I knaxv my custani territor see a second ambition fulfill- Milligan recails, "but it took ers are anxious for the new .5 ci o s ct v ti stuerio ed when bis new IGA food me oniy three months ta rea- food market ta apen," leAixcuiemetn te Ms an r ahuM s relboy ,arket opens Thursday, Jun'- lize that the size af the store says, "and 1 can hardiy waîtCAndexeCuve metguof he MsboMannM.Rahe , Mrs. r a eed 7, at 10 a.m., on King St. East, was taa smail for the paten- myseif ta get it into operý a- C anadan lub of esy thur TR.eOsorln Mrs K. Wery. weaes, inBowmanville. tiai. That's when I decided a tian." ham eof the precientyMratPthersThaselwng cistose ak-grheter i In Avro Layolf larger store was absoIutely hoe)pesden, r. . rs asbee rceiedby hewees Threeye4r age Mr. illi necssarMr.bo Ml lignst OCW imsteGAG.Newell., corresponding secretary: Oct. parts of Thre ars agoheMr,0 lid- necesy ossamsttretmst Minutes were read and p-12, Maj. Gen. Victor Odlum; imce. In ganwa aon th 1,00 ai Ilha tke alos tre sace of his presentý locationpovd Th traue ws Nov. 14, Grant MacEwan; Jan efoe off at A. V. Roe in MloyerfrMrMiignta ea on King Street West. OntariTeaesuerwa when the Avro Arrow praject lize bis second big ambition, Located in a new building noApesntt.rpot.1 , 1963, D rý. D GrifnOnpaprei was cancelied. He had been but he maintaîns it was worth (TUR N -TO _ PAGE TWO) The president made the 10- oi-ri. 93 rg tp times. production ca -ordinator at lowing cornmittee appoint- Inrg."Tw the Orend Enginesplant fo Followixvg are speakers sug-tevte Twoend peada Engrsndo SincnarfJ. . Gc heotsi u.ght years. A machinist, Mr. T o andidates S e 1 pekesComnm. - Mr. New-esdo rvanclant d P aea-ed. "I a: Milligan was unable ta find eli, Mrs. Samnuels, Miss M rr islndes . cPrime T' work i bis tadePauheid- Ty and Metn A , I Coch.-hDuncan, Mavor Moore, Anne election cided ta fulfill a lifelong ar-_ To Crowd of PuliOty nd embrs00 -Francis. Ian medic bition- ta operate a business Mrs. R. Pearce, Mrs. Lewis, of bis own. A. L j L ~ Mrs. Barlow, Mr. R. Best, Mrs. Discussion af wbetber ta (TUF He noticed a newspaper ad- A t R euo otn iu rcn G. E. Mann. serve caffec at close of meet- - vertisement in whicb an gra- A tetv uineo oiia Meeting Arrangements - Mr. ings was tabled until Faîl. Y u cery business in Bowmanville A tetv uinea oiia al.H xlîe G. Martin, Mrs. L. Allun, Mr. Mrs. Werry will be ou Y ui was offered for sale. He in- al.H exail Pidgeon. delegate oatn theBin vestigated. found he anouldrmore than 300 pol at a that it was one heid in the, Speakers' Entertainm-ent - niai Conference in Toronto. Eec rettesl rcado metnintehlofReho- best interests of Canada srî May 11. 1959, he became own- bath Christian R e f o r mn e d that people, who are compara- ilc er of the food market that Church, Scugag Street, last tiveiy new ta this country 1 ?S*IGardan George Cawker had operated evcning, listened ta the can- couid be infarmed of the be- (t *I ' lI Oshawa, as an IGA unit for about six didates for Durham County o! liefs and thinking of the two Its i'e ejer at a Y years. the twa major parties, Rus- major parties contesting the 1*s a d ec s Porsi Lenn-i ur sel C. Honey, Liberal, and election. T h 1 s knowedge LE H N AAA-PrtraMr.Mr ogress "ILd ear in ath rory teDr. Percy Vivian, Conserva- would assist themn as a prepar- ODRTA AAA-Ysedy r.Mr evening "I adtalernth gacrytiespeak an basic beliefs atian for an intelligent visit A. Sisson, mother of Dr. E. W. Sisson of Bowman~- Rooms h( PORT HOPE WINS and aspects of their respective ita the polis ta cast their bal- ville celebrated her lO2nd birthday in Peter- tails conr parties. ilots, Mr. VcrbrUgg9e pointedi ti ad OVER JUVENILES Rev. John C. Verbrugge, aut. borough. Dr. and Mrs. Sisson vîsited ber during the n an On Friday, June lst, Port the minister, opened the meet- A compiete accounit or the the dyand rpr that she is in go heaith and ounga Hope Juvenile Girls defeat- ing with a readîng fromn the Itwa speeches by the candid. spirits and now looking forward to her next birth- The B ed Bowmanville 20-18 In the Bible, Romans 1-7, Chap. 13, ates, and of the question per- day. Congratulations ta Mrs. Sisson an attaining tion eleci Girls' Lakeshore Juvenile folaowed by a special prayer. lads f'or each, wiil be carried an age that makes her older than Canada. utive for League. The gamne was Mr. Verbrugge stated that the in next week's issue of the . cluding F played at Port Hope. meeting was nat an ordînary Canadian Statesmnan.t t elton, 'V WAT'1' g&F'iTi'V- Ac will he nof ed bv the .M2c-,,ire Four Candidates Contest Election On Monday, the official nomination day for the federal election, June l8th four candidates had qualified for the race.- Russell C. Honey, the Liberal candidate, is shown here at right, with his officiai agent E. Richard Lovekin of Newcastle, filling out the papers. Other candidates include Dr. R. P . Vivian, the Conservative; Mrs. Eileen Coutts, the New Democratic Party and Kenneth C. Ton» for the Social Credit party. i -Photo by Udvarheiyi Proclamation on another page and the fine display in Jury & Lovell's window, thîs is Water Safety Week. David Milne and Murray Walker and possibly others have been speaking on this subject in local schoois ta draw attention ta the need for caution, and proper training in resuscita- lion. t '.t i.t 1 110W CAN THEY ? - Dog Contrai Officer show- ed us a carton on Wednesday cantaining three small puppies of undetermined breed which same- one had apparentiy abandoned near Jackman's Creek. They were the cutest littie rascals imag- inable. How anyone could dump themn out ta starve or otherwise die is difficuit ta fatham. Again we say, please take them ta the Humane Societv in Oshawa or ta the Dag Pound here. UNEXPECTED TRIP- Jack Knight had a memorable day on Friday. He went ta Oshawa ta visit his eldest son Len, a Leading Seaman on HIMCS Chaleur, one af the minesweepers that had docked there. Jack met the Captain and was invited to spend the day aboard whiie they cruised Lake Ontario, finaliy puiling in just this side of Hamilton. Much of the trip he was on the bridge, an experience he will remember with pleasure for many days ta corne. t tt COFFEE MEETING - The Chamber of Com- merce announces a coffee break meeting at 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning at Bowmanville Hotel. [t is understood that one of the matters ta be discussed wiii be new closing hours so al merchants should be interested in attending this session. 'T. 1. + t BIG WEEKEND- Residents along Liberty St., all the way ta Tyrone, would be weil advised ta buy ear plugs and catch up on their sieep before Frîday night, when the roads probabiy wiii be barking ail night long as the sports car buff s head for Mosport and the Piayer's 200. Those who stili have buzzing in their ears from last year will probably try ta arrange a quick trip ta some- body's cottage in the north country. Ail indica- tions are that this event should bring many thousands of visitors to the area. loweli, Cordena Higgon Jr During sevcralw wiener r( are pianri ýswhere dictatorshipsý sen municipal govern- iad ceased ta exist. e drave here through eautiful countryside I how fortunate we are idians ta live together great country whose [n is made up of many Mr. Diefenbaker stated. S Committée RooniS leaving the Town Hall fenbaker accompanied wife, Dr. Percy Vivian, 2e, Canservative cand- rDurham County, Mrs. Jack Brough, presi- Lhe Bowmanville Con- ,eAssociation, Mrs. and Hon. Leslie M. ove ta the Conserv- )mmittee Rooms in the ville Hotel. 'ntrance balcany was Id with red, white, and nting and two flower- nts. The microphone nked by twa Union n one side and a Red and a Union Jack on ýr. ,sing the people gatb- the street before the I.Diefenbaker said it lasure for him. and his Sbe in Bowmanville rsuch a short time. ly Miles Travelledl iave a large amount of Sta caver. 1 amrnfot x many miles we have d i the past few but the mileage is than in 1957. In four we have visited al 1Canada, every prov-l nthe next two weeks hegreat assizes of the 1 wlll visit places in Quebec and the Mari- weeks frorn tonight ýswill be in," he stat- am looking forward ta ngismy position as &inister and ta the re- ?f Dr. Percy Vivian. 2mie, the administrat- RN TO PAGE TWO) mg PC's 0 f f icers in B. Attersley o! was the guest speak- meeting o! the Young ve Conservatives a! iville last Tbursday at the Committce iere. He outiincd de- riected with organîza- the responsibilities o! ng Conservative graup in election. Bowmanvilie Associa- ted their new exec- rthe coming year, in- 'resident Keith Shack- ,ice-President David Secretary Jack Hal- Treasurer Howard and Director David Jr. , the next few weeks, activities including a 'oast and a meeting ned by the graup. Two Scenes from P M's Visit Iciai weîcome P.M. speaks from committee room platforin Beach Residents Com plain About Removal of Grave I For Use by Municipality A survey of the conditions, the Cave area also voiced their1 o! Bowmanviile West Beach J opinions. resulting from gravel removal Ilt was contended that the4 will be made and advice oh- amount of gravel rcmnoved had1 tained from the Town's Sali- reduced the width of the1 citors, Strike and Strike, and beach by more than half, and1 M. Mclntosh, Department of leIt a condition which is dan-1 Mines, it was decided at the gerous for children. TreeJ meeting af Bowmanville Town roots have been left exposed,1 Council held ia the Council and a drop ta the beach ofI ahme n Monday eeig five to six feet along some4 hAm-er-.,-A g. parts of the bank bas been fore council regarding the section o! Bowmanviile West Beach from which gravel bas been rcnioved by the town. H. T. Herron, Toronto, a West Beach surnmer resident, was the spakesrnan, and several others who have praperties in Instali Warning Alert Siren This huge siren will soon bc installed atap the Town Hall, ready to warn just in case the need shauld ever arise for comrnunity action in a possible future air raid. The Department of National Defence is instaliing these sirens across Canada as a precaution should there ever be a nuclear war. Ail week, instailers with weiders have been con structing supports, preparing the plat- form for this machine which will pour forth a screaming wail that can be heard for three miles, if weather conditions are ideal. At left, is Dusty Suth- erland, assisting Bill Kuypers of Lindsay whose firm has the installation contract.11 left, it was said. Roy W. Nichais, chairman of the Roads and Streets Com- mittee, wha is in charge af the gravel operatians, moved that a survey of West Beach be made and advice obtained f rom the town solicitors, and Mr. Mclntosh aI the Depart- ment of Mines. This was sec- onded by Cauncîllor Jack (TURN TO PAG9 TWO) Gymnastics, Dancing Feature B HS E vent Large audiences were thriii. ed an Wednesday and Thurs- day evenings last week by' Bowmanville High School pre- sentations af the Girls' and Boys' Gymnastics and Dance Display. T he tremendously successful event was held in the Boys' gymnasium. Mrs. M. Michailovits is the girls' instructor, and W. Brunt, the instructor for the boys. David Werry and June Bain were the M.C.s for the excellent program. Marching in formation,. the first number, was a fine demn- onstration o! precisian march- ing and counter marching. Ncxt came the Girls' Exercises performed in complete uni- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Durham St. Man Killed In Accident Jeffery Giles, age 38, Duré hani Street, was kiiled at ap. proximately 2:30 o'ciock on Sunday morning when his car went out o! contrai and ralled aver ln the ditch on the loth Concession road, just west Of Burketan. A passing motorist called the Ontario Provincial Police Bowmanvîlle Detach- ment. Constable J. W. Cart- wright, OPP, investigated. Mr. Giles la survived by hi& wife, wbo before their niar- niage was Miss Breta Collacutt, four daughters, and one son. Service was held at 3:30 o'ciock on Monday afternoon in the Morris Funeral Chape!, and int erment was in Bowd manville Cemetery. -s 'j 1