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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1962, p. 20

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PAGE WENTYTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Annual Dinner Onai.Ms erctVieCA nd family, Agincourt, were award for proficiencin e-pee ebsdsoee Oaio.mpnie Hbbert Venen E M Sundav visitors with M.and side nursing. Severlfo iihe sahby accmpnie hr o FneonMrs. lK. Shackleton. Mr. and here attended a tea i oo f l Fnall andtheM Est. V cG r ia Ano - nt n e fo at w e ) A v re w o as g od ksd M s Lite a d aml a e of he rdu e n soul ndt Nrtb Orntarjo An- Salem United Church Wo- cloth ng foi- a bale is asked to leaving the middle of J'une to and veremonies Frida vn r.A ikn n a ù nuallat SandfBde AtmtecWet men held their May meeting bring it to the next meeting. take up residence on Vaniconi- nthlosohebohr Duram ist frc t AnnuaWeat at the borne of Mrs. L. Welsa. We wcre asked to cater for a ver Island. ur a itit A n a tM r. anîd M rs. John N ri., o o r . 4 Hampton in May, Mrs. Emer-, President Mrs. Ross Lane opi- wedding early ifl August. The We hope Mrs. Harvex' Bar- Debra and Stephen bv o, xlrrsaecmigt1h v er ~1 .8 . itu ci io ri son was honoured with aLif- end hretig with a hymn meeting closed with the bene- rie \ho is a patient 'n Me- ed to Oshawa. Agoigw.ils f*hi xlr O v r P e e t T B i u t o "vebesi rmteDsrcffloed bv pravHospitadc.ionlfosowen beanartaI mva-a he1dat Mr.. andil There betnllte\noasmeeting in recognition ot her work 'l Shackleton and her group tirnie. feeling better. Mrs. Wiltred Brownrecn.ek u rdai ib The. vtallxr svmbolircrol. Dr. Charlotte Hoî ner, and all Health Educationi Committee. Brancb, District A-xea ad r ncag.Don*t fôr-et Our Anniversirv' Mrs. Bons an tam- 1v when close neighbr n eJne1 hnphr ors of the Tuberculosîs Assoc- volunteer workers. drawiiig attention to success Provincial levels. Nesietonj Mrs. Bob Collacott rvad III Services next Sunday. Par- il., have purcha.sed tlie PO eb of the boingtanr nie o u fta lation double barred cros5s Dr. Charlotte Horner pre- ot the Baby Sitters Training Women's lnstitîite memessrue lso. Mr K. ticulars in Coming Events. pertyofM.Fe Frgon adterhbasprsnd6-8.0 -re on whie- <~eoraed on set2d the TB rep rt t C un Pr gran.are proud ot this distinguish- Shackleton gave the devotion- Rev. Loknorst gave an ex- Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will bc tem witb a barbequ, wt banquet tables in Cronk Hall. ties Health Unit. New cases Catherine Gaiger reported ed mnember. al tollowed by praver. Sev- cellent sermon for Rural Lite moving to Enniskillen.sptadmtr Port Hope. last Wednesday totalled 16. with Il active. 5 on Rehabititation and Social Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- ci-ai hymnns were sung Sunday. Practice fosanve-Theaneram etin ? h ICK e'vening whcn some 130 execu- inactive. Cases on register on Service, stating that a re om tene-aoi Mlfrso.rtpen ann asiiwv hîe* i, alorSeasl liv inemer an gest u Dc'mer:tIî ere33. erraI centre and case regis- colm's wedding ini Ottawa on reading and Miss Margaret -sehool. uîngSuda OTnmPr .CW.o!Eernezrws nToVEY H North umbcrland-Durha m Tu- Hueh Coleman's report on try hrnd been set up and coin- Saturday. Shackleton tavored with two Mr .and Mn-s. Douglas Rev- CUU TJILJL Thurs' attron i h os beruo siatt ndvd he luath s o c a i n s tatned "Re pot mites to meito futbe S veai ocl flpatt ndnniannslosfosr . Corinid hed t mitpinie ou Con raultio tao MiM AiareAttedaregneyed .1 U Y l O E L in ti o n ate e t h e alî n u ai ' tr o v ri o s c nre n t e s a l- c o m m nit .v ph a l a n i n f r po - A n v rS r v i c e s in re a d s m e le tte r s re c e n tl v re - S u n d a y a n d hi e lp e d c e le b ra t n , M y rr a P e te rs o n o n b e r ra d i- th e d e lic io u s d e ss e rt s.M . D 5 K n S . W A3 3 d n n ra n de c t p ing s e e v o f m o a s te s n g o v th e t l ler i t h r h b li a i n p r h 1cst c n t e h r h o n e iv e d f r o m M is s M u r ie l S te - C r a ig 's b ir th d a y . a tio n r o m O s h a w a G e n e r a i S a v a g e g a v e a n i n r e t nB o mv l e çilver candelabra. red and present situation iii the TB 1 William C. Keyes, as Seal Sunday, yens in Africa. M r. and Mrs. Bruce I.ittle Hospital and wîinning teacut o h rfwo white tulips, graced the head tfield. The experts appear te Sale Chairman, reported thaf -eacort f h Iibl]" vhere distinguish ec! be c onvnnced that TB can bc sale ot Christmas seals in .uests included Ben Thomp-,eliminated but it is NOW or 1961 reached two aIt - time son, Northumberland MP, and NEVER- for in 20 years it higlis. Total income wasý Mrs. Thompson: Dr. R.p1 may be too late. Failure to act, $19181.84 and 4.5 percent <of Vivian, Durham MP, and Mrs f'ýoretfuly iii the next decade the letters sent oint responded Vîvian: Alex Carruthers. Dur- 'or two ma' mean losing thr' with a donation. bam MPP: Mayor Michael, battle against TB." Mrs. K. E. Courtice report. WlaIdvka: Dr. Charlotte Hor- During the Mass Survev ed as OTA. Representative.! rie, MO: Re. D. H. Wood- ýthis wvinter, 9,114 hildren and ýShe described great ealtb -aeaoeh bouse and Mrs. Woodhoise, feachers were tested ni Nor- needs in other lands, mention- M-.David Dick. Mr. and Mr>:. thumberiand and 231 fou111d ing that in Algeria there ns C. A. mmes. Ken Hawkins. positive, :an average of one doctor ta u ausal ter F . O'Briren, and guiest Mr. Coleman said the num- 96,000 people. speaker, Miss Bertha Rev- ber of restaurants noxv oper- ' As Executive Sccretar'v, inoids. , ating in the United Counties 1Mrs. Margery Pewtress pre- During toc evening. o w made x-rays necessarv for ail isented her report which in- inj executive re orts, Mrsemployees. cluded the key phrase, TB fl-vi Dck Mrs. J.A. Rex oids Port doesn't rest- nether shouloi cd chairmanship of the meet- oepeec Ic pr tte' ~sca in'f over to C. A. Holmes, el-î _.... irccJpeietfor 1962-t;.3 ;:iid when Mr. Ilolmes pand 3e e a I Ifr Iribute to the fine leadershiop e e a V s t r off Mrs. Dick. those present responded ivith spontaneouns a ~Attend Rotary Club Re(.f rring to the Northum- .and Mass Survex, Mrs. Tick thanked Major John ,; ff Col. T. F. Siater. Mrs. Frankh o e tn Fote. VCg, geonerlcharman, Stehen, Lonrd ordn, Au înîeresting motion pu. 'iii g",d that thei-e be a nmaxi- Mr.BruceRuhro. Mr.inn le pi-odun.ed bx Rotdn x 1-liV'ifiii toi n-out of ni eribers for R. S. Neshitt. Forrest Dennris. 'terna tional was show n at thieithis on Fridav, May 2 ith. Pre i lunelnieoii meeting ut the sident Mor-is also informed ai«X Bwmanvilit Rotaryx Cliiblthe local Rotarians that the hd at flic Fx o Ditelhmiann Club Asseinhîx will be beld ~ / ' Motor Hotel on Max 2.5 Rex' on Wednnesula\* eening, June John C. \ t i un gu~, s a i d 1th a! the tLons Communitv 4BEYT//GpIo/1t grane.Centre. F i Cx sitfl, otailaixx ee l'lie. pi esentat ion off the 77~~PTvFcJA~o.44//4eII present at theitîncineori iniet. Rotai x lutenrnational pictînie 10# ..; rc , m reTwo ing, Re\x Wvxnî Brantford T~Great Adventure" luS FFET.~y 46,4T/~i JohirIL. Smith, Peter borough,1 trated thre bonds ut tiendship Bob Bn oxin. (Geor ge Fletcher foied bý, the Rotarv Founîd- and Bill Bennett, Oshaxva. ation Scholarships. Each year O0thers who atîeînded wen'e mure than 300 schoiarships Rov Gropp, a gnest off A. L. for tIoreigiî studv are awarded I, looe\-, and Chai-le-sChidiev, I f 0 otstandin- stuLenis il] a guèst ut Forbes lIey tand. \irtualiv ex'en'v olintrv inithe The~ chai-inan of the c'li ls fiee worid, ! . 4Interniationial Commiitîe, Dr. I h il eited eighit vis- *9J . ...G. Edwvini Manîn, was inri carge. itnng scholarship stuidents., Ofutitre speciai drawx. T1he~ and each unie tuid what the i m 0 !ej ucky winneri' vere A. 1,.axvard uf a year'S StLidy at ;i _________________________ ooe, wîîuse prî/e Was a Nortlh Anerican Uni-iest SIRD -RCHER liand carxed xxuodeniiinadorl-i- eatit Io uni. The eight had BIR-ARHERSCP'I~.tsnia and child froin iIialy, anid '\vonrecgîii for thieir L'IL M f_ý e Dr. Keith Bilet., the tsi vice- schoiastic abitities in thein president, wliu received a set bonne coLintries, Anstralia,- PLUMLBING HAIG lof sil scarves froin Inîdia. Bi'azii, India, Iran, Scandin- PrsentK. N. Mor-ris ail-ax«ia aîîd Scutlanîd. "A l àd1 noînnced that th l('ub photo- It was înteresting Io note - ' gra ph w il be ' -enat h. bat Rotar-y had a ditterent xîext I i clîon gniticanîce to each studenît. Thsdeamonstrated the tact wi1tin aenierai framework eachi Rotary Club 15 free to es_ Iabiishli is owý»n programn, and, plan ifs speciat projects. FOR THE BESI 1IN President Morris Iîianked'n ior obtaining the informative Internationial anîd James Stutt HOUSE r actinig as projectionist.U L INS U R A N C E ~CAESAREA _ _ _ _~ ,.... Golden Weddinig 1Mr. anîd Mrs. Edmond Skel- neighbors and fiends in Cae- Inutrance gives ADDED Coverage for: sarea at a tea on the occasioni 0ftheir Golden Wedding An- *LIVING EXPENSES niversar-x. The Couple Were vresented with corsages, toi- iowing which many good *DAMAGE TO LAW¶NS, wislies were exteîîded-to tbem. SHRUBSI ETC. batt of the com l1unitypre sented thern witli a sum orf 'dN D IIN L C S e aid two garden loui-...Wt1 cit NO ADDITI NAL Cges witb the hope tbey wou1dý lonti bc spared to use tliem. Brîg Y ur n!ran epPoblmsto fanoer centpre LIMITED IME OFFER! STEREO RECORD PLAYER AM and FM Radio Wonod Cabinlet hv Diecraft $289 HARRY LOCKE -TV MA 3-2312 20 KING ST. Il'. BOWMANVILLE laxa spent the weekenîd with il"; Pa'c'1Iits Mr. anîd Mrs. Gleorge Hleaslip. Mrs. Wilson, lcasiip, Jaiietville, vas a Fnl- (iiav visitun' anid Messrs. Cieni Stewvart anîd Horace Heaslip off Liiidsav visited flhe Geor'ge lte'a.ýlips On Sunîday. Mrs. Vernion fhudson accoîn- panied the ladies to the W. District Annnual in Hamptoi last week. Mrs. H-arold Beacock and O Mr. Ernest Whitùe ot Port Pei".ý' xisited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beacock, Bruce. Lucille and Bohbie. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visîtcd their mothers Mrý. W.-1IL Johoston ot Pefferlaw Pud Mrs. Jas. Thompson of Beax'crton on Sunday. Mrs. Wiley McKeown, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKeown, Rob- ert and Aune o! Mono Road visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adam., and Mrs. John Dickey o! Bow- man v i Il e visited several friends iu the village. Mr5z. Dickey us, remarkabîy wcil and happY and greatlv pleas,- cd to be back b Nestleton on Sunday. Friends are pleased to know that Mrs. Carl Finlay is feel- ine much better. Mrs. Charles Rriggs spent the wcckend in Toronto with Mn. Briggs and visited in Oak- ville witîi Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Pearce. Mrs Malcolm Emerson has comp]eted ber tbree years o! service as Provincial Board Member for Subdivision No. 7 o! the Federated Women's Institutes o! Ontario. She bas atteyided the District Annual,, o! the five Districts, East Vic- Jtori3, West Victoria, East Dur- for PLUS %94 DEPOSIT AVAILABLE IN THE AREAS SERVED BY HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES (OSHAWA) LIMITFD OSHAWA, ONTARIO Authorized bottier of Coca-Cole under contract With * .4 , t, I PAGE TWFNTY WV.T')NV.qT)AV ITTNV Ath- 1092 à 16-oz. bottles

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