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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1962, p. 11

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W=MD TA, mm is o 6 InE CANAIAN STATESMM, ]OWMANvmiYft-" ARro lene Bown, Beverltey Rickard; Rogerson, Dougla i ckr; oe alTrw ar u High J x p a e Graham, Bal n Throlw: Briax An es , ,Bary W tR al G od NanBey Gaines,: DarleneG Bow- Rodger Peel, Tim Watn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j ~~Darlene Bowen, Candy Storks. Frank Hendry, KenMCak U A necsteUnder 17 Years - Races: en, Danny MeLa;Brd c-> . ~ f ç j ~ J Marlene Miller, Cathy AU- Junp: Philip Barc adiBl Gordn Ànew Edior hon 362 c)oci l an d-ers nat dread, Judy Afdread; Broad 1McCullough, (3)Hrod 1w G«o p w dfrAlldread, Penny Meadows;jJurnp: Paul Nesbitt e c ' ETN V OI Mr. and Mrs. X. Morgan of awa and Mrs. Thos. EnwrightH Jum Aid>aPhllis Miller, Trow: od PetoeranyTfT UR Chamber as a possible pro- Toronto visited wit.h Mrs. were Sunday visitors wtJdAU rwearPhlne Miller, leanR Ken MC-c In terNeClu beSw im m in ginRaceonWedne'- Mr. ad Mrs. D. G. Walton! CathyTkîîdread, Phyflis Miller. Under 14 Years-Rae: lclCabrhaving just Mrt. and 1'.rs. Arthur Toins Friands of Mrs. L. Vivian Boys' Events Douglas Farrow, CodnAu been re-organized, was fnn n faily o Toronto were wii be son-y to 1er ha h Under 8 Years - Races. Dwain Watt; BrIdJup P la n e b L on C u bcially embarrassed and won- weekend visitors with Mrs. iz a patient in Memorial Hos-PaulbBa Seott, Roin Riekadv, oulsFrrodon ni Ma io sdered if the two organizations Hi.Tis Lions an ChambVrCfuCbm r. aTom. Gen pital in Bowmanville.PalBrad; rodJnpdwsGronAn;Hg Lios nd habe ofCot M. ndMrs GennAlinGeorge Visser, Bobby Gould, Juxnp: Kenny MilerGadn - mierce could flot co-operate and AIn. and Mrs. Ross Allin audy eeigvstn aklsn h Jump: Allin, To hard;BilTr: and join with the Orono sPent a few days lest week with Mr. Ed. Samias, Newton- Mark TiUson, Robbie Scott, Bill Wright, Gaonln F o r B i C rn va i J ly habe. cmmtte o vsii i Otaa.ville, were Mrs. Dora Smith, Larry Perrin. Roger MacDujff. GereWalton, ER.Lv- M.adMs MVutMr. Florence FeruoMs Under1 Years -Rcs ne 7Ya kin nd ran Hor wee senttheweeknd n U- MrieI. GrtsoreandbUs.Brin AderonTim Wallon, HryCfe i Nwate-Teregular the past year and pnesented Representing the Chamber appointed to rneet with a coin- bridge visiting with Mr. and Edna Selby. Jaimie Crowthers; B ro a d John St. Amond, rE urp UNE EVC dlnner meeting of the the club a lovely Past Pre- of Commerce, Lion George mittee from the Orono Cham- Ml-. John Sternp and 'other Mr. and Mns. D. M. Bernard Jump: Brian Anderson, Joe Harry Cuffe, Jin Alra, ~..... ' Club was held In the dining sidents' Shield to be engraved W ber of Commerce ta see what relatives. were weekerjd guests with Mn. Bezubiak, Tim Walton; High Glen Rowe; High Jurp ar room of the Elnihurst Hotel with names of all past presi- iaton, presented the propos- couîd be worked Out and re- Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson spent anxd Mrs. Adamn Cassie and Jump: Brian Anderson, Erniel Watt, JohnSt._Am , Ge on Thursday evening with dents of the club. ed Student Loan Development port back ta the next meet- the weekend in Cavan vlsiting daughter Ruth in Brampton. _ Preide t C rl oul pr sid A oti n w s p sse th nk.Fun to the mem ers foring of he lub wih M . a d M S. red Byes M s. . F Le resey pen Ir --4r ýV - Ing.1 Ilng Lion Brenton for the their consideration, explain- Two members of the Bow- and attended the Ménmorial the weekend visiting with fri Alter the deliclaus dinnen, shield and also for the fine ing that the project had been manville Lions Club, Lions Service at St. Joh.n's Church, ends in Weston and Arthur. l Lion Harry Jose gavea brie! manner in which he has started by the Orono Cham- Jim Marr and Beorge Brown Ida. Mr'. D. H. William.s, GuelphI report on plans for the an- brought honour ta the club ber of Commerce and was were welcomed ta the meet- Mr1n1rAe Iga iie it r n n~I a r adMso le nravshtenoon . CIAn1.W P ICE inuai carnival ta, be held in during the past year. presented ta the of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew on Tuesday - Waltona Park July Zlst. He ________Little __and__sonof_________________ l EIL L O said the draw committee had Sweepe rs Get 25c I decided on a HI-Fi for their ____________ prfte and that plans wereCham1 u lc co l lO N TO A underway of a relaysi- Local P blcc Scnoth*eO NATION L BRAND LionsClb ntearacm a ber of Commerce Members Holds Big Field Day i'AYorLclDugss-Thr.-F.-St attraction annanged for the- Newcastle:- Wit.h no urban, Powell, Lynda Barnes; Higé h cannival is a waten show ta t a MK multi-roomed,, c arin petition Jumip: Shirley MeLeen, Dale iii, fl*'i b rsne y25 members ( ~ f jf rv lthis year, The Newcastle Pub- Powell, Gloria Tarrant. I 'IIUA V L A - - eg125.99c ij of the famous Peterborough St g W U re e on *UUio g St lic Sohool condlucted its own Under 10 Years - Races: h Ornaxnental Swimming Club. field day events during the Angela Chard, Arlie May Mun- " Ai ihm He sald thene would also be Nwate h hme vr rcrBdWgradji ntecmag ogn first week in June with the ro, Susan Walton; Brno a d R r nu - Rg.9c___ the regular bingo and ate ecsl-TeCabraen rcrBdWgradji nthecmain tg- winners given a trip ta the Jump: Angeda Chard, Anie »S I I booths and rides fan the kid- af Commerce "Clean up, Barber Howard Quinney were erally dlean up and tidy their Clarke Township Field Day in May Munro, Kathy Des Rocli- L A E T ol a t ~.9c- c dies. Paint up and Fix up" Camn- in charge of the sweeping de- property. Kendal where they wene in es; High Jump: Kathy Des Shield Donateil paign got off ta a flying stant tail with CouncIllor Reg. Love- optin fr idvdulRceAeeMaMno C L TE o th P s - on Saturday afternoon when kmn, Banker Harold Falk, cmnetiti on for ndivdua lRoce s, ee ay Munlro é Past District Govennor, Lion members of the Chamber Dnuggist Lorne Johnson and A * edaisanly. e M ad neline osau; alth WjlSIEai eg pont o! the District Canven- a truck, lawn tractor, bnooms, stan and Bert deri n gP lW ak nginesn hecmptinsDbie.saieli.LUMKIE LO Of12 tian In Hamilton and thanked nakes, shovels etc. ta make a the naking, picking up papens * * Boys unden 10, Bnian Ander- Under 12 Years - Races: LUS RE REflLtio -- the members for giving hum cleanup on the main thorough- and weed pulling. Editor Gond P lilical son; Boys under 17, Harry Judy Powell, Margie Zwier, lra . - - the opportunity of serving as fane. Agnew was kept busy as fore- Cuffe; and Girls unden 17, Karen Parker; Broad Jum-p: NI- " E1. L District Govennor. He said man an the job.o Marlene Miller. Judy Powell, Margie Zwier, N VEA C~R EMVE -Rg .3_____ lie had enjoyed the wonk af The sidewalks were swept Thinme poe h Winners in the local coin- Carodine Majer; High Juniîx - dean from Church Street ta hrCabr rvd h iIgrImT petitions, in which each con- Judy Powell, Margie Zwîen, ,fIe.F REf*__ BevrStreet on bath sides af thnift of the local resi dents testant neceived a pnize nib- Edith Schmid; Bail Throw: jl'm ID 11K O --Y King Street. The sides o! the when, alter the immaculate Newcastle-..Bill Craven o! bon, were: Judy Powell, Brenda Roger- h Mannsam Regof69cgn oad were raked dlean of cleaning of the business sec- Guelph, who is making a 150 Girls' Events son, Karen Parker. 'i F R S papens and other rubbish, as 1tio, nl2 oe wet-fvecet il olitical pilgnimage in Under 8 Years - Races: Under 14 Years - Races: D IIL USED were driveways etc. Lawyer piec ws found ta add ta the support of Roy McVittie the Shirley MeLean, Pattie Park- Danlene Bowen, Candy Storks, iii, RESDAMII-- ____-- Reg. 1.5 L Y IDick Lovekin a busy with 'Chamber's bank accaunt. Libenal Candidate in Welling- er, Jennifen Gray; Bno a d Beverley Rickand; B ra dliiS A E C 25c A chBO KS hyas rds a odstidewhlthe took bis frct rt laownutee ,aom ntSnaatehor- up hre cen ae up hrnBrh ,Dr i ~~grass and weeds on the boule-1 up, President Dick Lovekin in the local Liberai Commit.- - rest of the gang chased the1 lawn af The Ladge Nursing non.Mn. Craven left Col- ** Afu.Rg98 duas gLlbrary Hours. the Community Park. 1ta the village, ta collect a and walked along Highway 2 The Women's Institute will Knox, Bnian and Nancy,at TAMDAY ____Re_ 200 Books to choose from. Gaaea rn or five dollar donation to the ta Port Hope where he slept metTusa ihJn 4 eddDcrto aeric arausy truk riveras ~Chamber of Commence, on Saturday night. me hrdyngt ue1,LeddDcrto a evc aStantitgucudrifrrmaPort Hope at 8:15 o'clock. This is the at Erskine Church, Pickering, j'II h Newcastle drove around picking up the The "dlean up, paint up, fix Satn u rmPr annual m e e t i n g honoring on Sunday. 1111 V MLII - .- Reg. 1.00 ________ Moeorîl ibrry piles of dirt dug up by the up" campaign continues ail on Sunday monning, the Lib- grandmothers. There will also Mn. and Mrs. J Knox, Bna u,7 c ii Me oia àbay wepr adrakers. Nursing. this week when it is the hope eral igm stopped in New- beademntnto o lra n Home proprletor Bill West- lof the Chamber, nesidents will tonville for dinnen with Mr.rn gemency were gueFORTtsSon and Mrs. Arnold Wade and1arngmns Sunday at H. Malcoim's and jI continued on ta Newcastle. Mn Miss Gail Baker sang a solo îWm. Knox's, Brougham. u*ii Craven and his party anived at the church service on Sun- Mrs. <Revenend) Page Is en- Ii BOWMANVILLE NE CSL at the local Libenal Commit- day morniny. tentaining the girls a! the Ex- ' DR G' " ~ SO E 41 j tee roam just as the raîns Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- planer and C.G.I.T. groupe and 1' COWLINGS D U STORE JuuL ui uu ii came at 3:10 p.m. After a lowlees and family visited their mothens at her home on ~ E P !'n fff( round of introductions to la- Su'nday evening at Mn. -and Fniday evening, June 15. li. uLX 'IcUAILaUR, BUaCORN cal Liberals wbo bad gatbered Mrs. Glenn Larmer's, Bdack- AUl former pupils, teachers 1 ta gr eet him, the walker was stock, also with Corporal and and friends o! Bradley's Schoo l . J URY' &i OVELL I S U T made comfartable and given Mns. Ken Strang, and sons a! S. S. No. 14 are reminded of I somne orange juice ta drinik Ottawa who are on vacation the Centennial celebration on Ilu..~ -~A .. .A ~ .- ..~i and neclîned until the nain and visiting relatives here. Saturday, June 23.Lw 4 A A AL2a -4 Aý spped. Starting ut shortly Mn. and Mrs. Clare Allin, alter five p.m. the pilgrim Robent and John, Mn. and Mrs. I started bis walk ta Bowman- Al! Allun and sons, Mn. Char- ville where hie planned ta les Allin, Bowmanville, wene Ispen g it the hiker. Sunday dinner guests o! Mn. In peaingwit th hierand Mns. Wes Yellowlees and during bis stop hene, we wereso. informed that this pilgrimagesa. was bis awn idea which came Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday ta fim on Thunsday and an- and daughters wene guests of T AT rangements were made fan Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ladge a him ta stant out on Saturday. Sunday afternoon when Rev-ý Mn. Craven is on a week's enend G. Telford ai Oshawa holiday fi-om his job in a christened.thein baby dach Guelph service station and is ter, Christine. really enjoying the lovely Mns. Bruce Tink and Mrs. southern Ontario scenery as H. E. Tink visited Mns. BryceJ UE2 he walks through with his Brown, Oshawa, on Wednes-i u 1 advertising 150 miles - 150 day. Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tink, seats with Mc Vittie for the Neil and Heribie visited Mn. Liberal Party. and Mrs. O. Jackson, Oshawa, M r. Craven laoked surpris- on Sunday.H ingly fresh ort oeb20omile M is i d a M ndet r Sunday marning and was UP Mns. Bruce Tink's an Sunday.wk rn PtHoe abnugiitd tM.anm H EBG and away ta Bowmanville al- ter bis two boun rest here. He Mr. and Mns. Roy Langmaîd wore a bat witb a band in- visited on Sunday with n scnîbed "Vonte for Honey" a- and Mn. Wili Mffatrn o. .unda y visitoswt r n son Armour Jr. a! nToMont supple ent fr the hole amilyspent the weekend with Mn . n Mrs. .e Mnt 7and Mrs. Herbent Vine. gMn. ansdi Mr.ruesMont Mrs. W. H. Jobnston and gmr iieiM.Wse ILB W R E O Mn. and Mns. Jas. Naylan af Montgamery at Lindsay on ILB AW R E FO Pefierlaw spent Sunday wlth Sunday. the Grant Thompson's. ' r. George ORIGINALITY AND THE Mn. and Mii. George Bow- cdi amly, Mr. and Mns. John esand Mn. and Mrs. Wallace N M E F V BE LP Trick o! Lindsay enjoyed a Human dignity, economic U BR O VA ID S P trip via cabin tnailer ta 'visit freedom, Individuai responsi-ý OBTA.INED FROM Pioneer Village at the St. bility, these are the character- Lawnence Seaway aven the istics that distinguish democ-' weekend. Mn. and Mns. Gar- racy fi-rn ahl other iorms de- IF R N ST E. don Metcal! and family wene vsdb a Dîh î IFR N T R S also seeing Pioneer Village vie ba Ah D Es Mr. and Mrs Ronald Wil-W liamns and family, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fallis and family, Bawman- ville, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Clarke Williams.M THE GA ND PRIZE Mns. Malcom Emerson, Fed-MA3 30 erated Board Memben, Mns. fer ASV ND YT I O Herbent Vine, President and ASV ND YT I O W Mns. Adelbert Beacock, Sec- guests o! the Newtonville Wo.. SL CZ anniversany banquet Bill Johns was home for the é6U.Incu& gA irTavl bis job with h anraven-r and Mrs. George Johns fromHoe ad M cs atruction compang.

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