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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1962, p. 12

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PAGE TWELV TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE l3th. 1982 anid we know she will P A Mo~ oe e neglect us," Mr. Dent stated. He also told of speeches Mrs. N EWVIONVILLE .ND P Speaker Ouflines .elvleNowoador esnan Mr. and Mrs i Coutts has madeorecently ln dMr.o and Mrs. aOrvilesHen tontandwKeith were Sunday 'Plan for M edical Care Mi4r. Coutshsaid~ thatshe is Jo Cfudahee Gwen and Val- and aiyOswvste pine tatd eindeer iatd-ion t e e uny Kings- Sunday. iene tat n ler omnaton on ereSunayVisitors, a Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey ,Com ing in Saskatchewan hai promised that 'no matter George Stapleton. H. R orkn t Mr. Wm. Sple-th waetIhace tspee lchtatsee ek aodithMrA. adH. 0f ortMciho set h The Saskatchewan Medical candidate for Durhamn, stated presented quality rather than fully do it'. of Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs P. Mrs. Sid Brown is spending Care Plan was extolled by Dr. that she ils an advocate for a quantity. Mr. Burgess called Introducing Dr. Madger, the J. Rowe of Janetville, were a few days with ber mother, John Magder, Toronto, acting similar plan for ail of Can- on Ernest Dent, Orono, to in- candidate said that bie is3 a dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wagg of Markham. president of the Ontario New ada. "The only way to get troduce Mrs. Coutts, the NDP practising physician, age 30, Mrs. F. Gilmer last Wednes- Mran Ms.FeHed- Vemocratic Party, in bis ad- these things is through social-cniit o hs osiun nTrnoadaddta a.son arnd family visited his dress before a small audience ist reform by the New Demo- cy. Mb e is married and has three Mrs. Wilbur Stacey and parents, Mr. and Mrs. George attemetn hl ythe cratic Party," she asserted. "As Campaign Maager, I chilciren. "He became interest- Mrs. Ralph Campbell are both H-enderson, Port Hope, on DurthemeReing hND i th Sici Burgess, was chairman arn very proud of our candid- ed in politics through the patients in Memorial Hospital. Sunday. Town Hallauditorium on of the meeting. and welcomed ate Mrs. Coutts, who since the Doctor's New Party Club, and The Annual Field Day for the Mran Ms.Cclure Townsallnig Ms ileen those who attended. He re- nominaion has dernonstrated this winter was elected vice- township schools was beld at Mer.pantly s. ei urpr e o Coutts, Hampton, the NDP marked that the audience re- her qualities of courage, con-pedntothOtaoNw Kendal last Friday. Sna fenowe hi viction and dedication,» Plus Democr a t i c Party," Mrs. Sna fenowe hi ber înterest in people," Mr. Coutts stated. He ils now act- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fry Of farnily came in, carrying what Dent stated. He added that ing president whiie the holder Whitby were recent visitors turned out to be a sumptuous Mrs. Coutts bas a determina- of that office is in Europe, she at Mr. Phil Gilmer's. hot Pot Luck Supper. This A4 CHOICE a 0 0 tion ta win, and does not allow explained. wa Mr. Victor Bourgerie is was sevdbfe style and to FraseforlirdDr.k aplau r o ave the ot asPpo- pToronto, and Mrs. Etta ated home-mb e eatulydecor- CHALLENGE Pas o adWr pesr ahv h P hilli 0 rs. Coutt's capacity for tunity to corne to Bowman Clarke of Buffalo are at the cake was cut and passeci wor wa alo paisd hghl vile nd pea ona tpiclatter's cottage bere. around. In this way they help- by Mr. Dent. "The people in dear to his heart, the New M- oySih a4om 5dto ceebrgate therarnts Tinie for a C hange this ar~ea couldiv~e us the Democratie Party. He remark- from Burlington for the week-4t etabotw edfor ber ed that be hoped that it was end. which cornes on June l2th. eeto.She ahd a good significant that the first thing A Newtonville Boys' Soft- May we join with the family V O Ereception tbroughout the rid- hie saw in the town a a poýs- ball Team for players 16 years in extending sincere cnrt V O TEng a w fel w canWin te suporing rs.Couts. andunder, bas been entered ulations and good wishes to _________________Plan__in the Newcastle Town Lea- Mr. and Mrs. Burley! MedcalCae Pan gue.. Regular games will be Sunday visitors with Mr. Oj. One of the most important started at the close of the and Mrs. Don Stapleton were: Cet Cas Today featuros of the NDP policy i sol terrn, sa there will be Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton E fl e n C o tt %its0 promise ta introduce a lno irterference with borne- andi family Bowmanville, Mr. DURHAM RIDING For OId Appliances ýmedical care plan for all Can- work, or exams. Any boy in- and Mrs. Everett Stapleton ada if it ils elected ta power terested in playing, who bas and boys, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. throngh in Ottawa, the speaker point- not yet been contacted, get Win. Stapleton and Mr. and NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTYS T A T E S NI A N ed out. He remarked that he i oc ibM.FakGlMs .Vsy C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 is convinced that the Hall -mer. Several from bere attended Inserted by Durham N.D.P. Phone MArket 3-3303 Commission will make an ex- Rev and Mrs. A. H. Rowe the Men's Soft-ball game at cllent recommendation in were over-night guests with Kendal, Sunday afternoon, ________"_regard to the Saskatchewan Mr. andi Mrs. Clifton Robb on between Starkville and New- ýMedical Care Plan. That plan Wednesday and Thursday. On tonville It was quite a closely is similar to the federal one Friday, they left Malton Air- contested garne with the lat- proposed by Tommy Douglas, port for Ottawa, where they ter team winning by 1 run. the NDP leader, ho asserted. will visit their son and daugh- The final score Newtonville -Such a plan would give peo- ter.. 12 - Starkville 11. 11 pie medical services when Mr. George Burley 15 flow Mr. and Mrs. Willis Far- tbey truly need them, andi a patient in Bowmanville Hos- row were Sunday evening without lerbarassing them pital. callers at Miss Lucy Grabam's. IIwith iaca ifclisle Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tuf- Sunday night supper guests G ?acideci. "When the NDP forms ifard attended a farnily dinner at Mr. F. Gilmer's were: Mr. afederal govornment such a par-ty in Toronto, last Satur- and Mrs. Raymond Gîlmer, plan will be instituteci, andi the day, in bonor of the Golden Stewart, Kathy, Steven and rKal- av ho sgilne, Mr. and Pite the opposition it bas on- ebaba. Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Karen, Jef-î 4 countered in some quarterSl" A number of our young peo-, fry and Lynn of Port Hope. the speaker announceci. pie were working at Mosport1 Mr. ad Mrs. W. H. Hancock Dr. Magder showed a pam- last Saturday. lof Peterborough visited Miss phlet prepared by the Sask- Saturday callers on Mr.!Olive and Mr. Tupper John- atcewa Meica Cae Panand Mrs. Don Vinkle were ston on Monday. Insrane Cmmssin, ndMrs. John Vinkle and Paul. Mr andi Mrs. Have S- readexcrpt frrn t. his Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hociges b orne of Welcome were Sun- expline tht th pln ~ and Lynda of Belleville, Mr.!day visitors with Mrs. E. ho adiniseredby h and Mrs. C. R. Farrow, Mr. Pearce. tap-and Mrs. R. Trim, Mr. and ________ sicians, a lawyer, and a mari Mrs.F.Hnesn Msr. who is experienced in the ad- CM ocS .Lnatr Dmcay h rcieo ministration of the Swift Cur- C .Jns .J acse Dmcay h rcieo ren Meica Cae Pan. and Roy Hall, attcnded the self-government, ils a covenant Masonic service in the Angli- among free men ta respect the "Ail people in Saskatchew- con Church, Newcastle, Sun- rights and liberties of their an, who have been residents day morning. fellws. - Franklin D. Roose- in the province for three Mr and Mrs. George Staple- velt.U rnmonths are eligible for the 'bon efits Under the plan they a are covered for medical, sur- gical, maternity, and diag- nostic services, but flot for drugs, or dental care. How- ever they are covered for specialist service wben re- ferred by a family doctor. Dr. Magder explained that people register for the Medi- ca aePlan as tbey do for the Hospital Plan there and in I other provinces, and they are free to ask for the services of the doctor of their choice. The premiumn rate for the Saskatchewan Medical Care Plan is $12 a month for a sin- Gloriadale Farms iy Telatter $4 or aea iAn-U clues llchildren up to age PORT HOPE, ONTARIO18 th speaker said hie had been told.F O welcome everyone in Bowmanville and District The Saskatchewan Medical f0 their by a one and a haîf per cent9 sales tax, the premiums ta ho "OPEN HOUSE" at their f arm onl paid, and fram income and corporation taxes, Dr. Magder stateci. The NDP Party is putt. SUND Y J NE 1 th 962ing this plan in effect in Sask- Medial are lanforthe en- This is an ail day af f air! irecutry should it came inta power as a federal gov- ernment, ho saîi. In appreciation of the loyal support that the people of this district No Sound Reason ... hanve gPive-n Cleman & Philp ElecticCoany 11VLimitd nd loriat-dl Teseaejefre t1h New Crop Navel, Ne. 1 Grade, Extra Largo Oranges Size 126's DOZEN 69C (Not Avaitable Until SHANK PORTION lb 45 c Well Trimmed, Short or Cross (Red Brand) RIB ROAST Select Quality, Sliced, SkinIesa B3EEF LIVER Choice Quality, Mleaty PORK HOCKS lb 59< lb 39c lb2lc AZI AlPrices Shown In, This Ad Guarar.teed Through Saturday, Juno l6th, 1962. SE A&P Lower Prices Mean Cash Savin gs. r For bu! Fray Bentos CORNED BEEF SUc Off Deal Reg. box1 IVORY SNOW HEINZ KETCHUP Frostyos, Wheaties, Twinkies CEREALS Generalià For Salads & Baking MAZOLA OIL Jane Parker BLUEBERRY PIE Reg. 57c Tiiî - S-i. 4a $125-AVE AN EXTRA M. king size box 1.1 9 SPECIALI8 11-fi-oz btl 23c Reg. pkg 33o-SAVE 7e MIIS 2 pkgs 59<e Reg. btl 91c-SAVE Se 32-fl-oz btt83c Reg. mach 69c-8AVE 20e large 24-oz pieo491 BUTT PORTION The wind freshens ... whitecaps form. . the canvas fils and you are under way. You have charted the course,. noted reefs and shoals, compensated for drift and current. The boy at the helm .can steer a true course if you have chosen it well. Any father mnust feel the magnitude of the tasIkof guiding bis son throughi life's uncertain waters. What responsible inan could feel any other way? This is Fatherhood ...* the realization that ziothing is so important as guiding your own son along a course that bas maturity of outloolz and responsibility as its destination. Such guidance requires a delicate touch, the znature understanding of a man who bas sailea these waters before. And nowhere is this understanding more important than in the practice of Moderation ini aU things, lacluding the use of whisky. 14C is this thought wbich The Hlouse of Seagramn wisheis to leave wfth YOU on 'at7aor'aDay. TEEHOUSE 0F SEAGRAM LTD, .$# "~4 m~ A&P Super-Right Quality Meafs COOKED - READY TO SERVE Tender, Swoet, YeIlow, Fancy Grade CORN 6 for 39C Native grown produce arriving et aur stores fresh daily.. Cabbage, Beets, Radishes, Green Onions, Cauliflower, H-ot House Tomnatoos, Strawborries. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE -rWELV WMNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1962 à this plan," L'he speaker urgeci. - Following the conclusion of Dr. Magder's zzddress thiere was a question perioci. In re- ply ta inquiries Dr. Mlagder said tilat premiums for PSI are higher than thase ior the Saskatchewan Medical Care Plan. Ho added that tees for doctors would be set by the Saskatchewan College af Phy- sicians and the Medical Care Commission once each year. If there should ho a disagrec- ment a Supreme Court Justice would ho calleci on ta give a GLORIADALE METEOR 5th final decision, ho stated. Mr. Burgess, the chairman, This world famous Polled Shortborn Bull which was bred and ,tbanked Dr. Magder for bis informative address and for raised at Gloriadale in Durhanm County 'vili be on display. Added to his 'caming ta Bowmanville ta long list of sons and daughters sold across the Dominion of Canada and ilgivo valuable information re- .. the United States, we have just received word that another son has been garding the important Medi- purchased by New Zealand from Denend Farms of Scotland, where this cal Care Plan. young bull was shipped last October. Mrs. Coutts also thanked GLORADA E F RMS LIMTED Dr Magder. She said that as she bas visited all parts of GLORADAL FAR S LIITED Durbam County, and bas re- ceived overwhelming support. Ow.nes IfedsmanShe expressed ber belief that UKIr P R HOPE Ilrdvî wth the backing of the pol GLORIA and ROY PHILI> LLOYD ACORN the NDP will, win in this con-.o~ ________________________________ or volunteers ta act as NDP -- - _________scrutineers on election day. OqLm---. 'S DAY ab eý'>.eyllA. .MÏm

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