WEDNESDAY, JUN! 1~th, 1962 THE CAI'TADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO PAGE T~1RTW~?< and Mrestsa . NrgtnVa A - Earle attended the Ontariolýof Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe Mrs. Roy Taylor. A .MnoSrtod h ENNUSKILLEN Mr. nd MessatENrtn . M a y M Sles .ncrease Sheep Breeders Field Day at'and Mr. and Mrs. John Tamb- Miss Ida Dempsey, Sn-we eoewt r n Camp, Listowel, were Sunday Goelph, June 6th.: lyn, Brampton, and Mrs. Wil- ridge, spent last week, andM.Ms crhr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lrwiin Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn, dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. c n n Sex eral from here attended fred Bowman, Laura and Erie Donna. Gai and Rodney were, Brampton, Mr. and Mr. F. W. Werry's. U p L2 0 per ce t ver Ar the Shorthorn Twilight Meet were Sunday caflers. Sunday callers at Mr. and:Garnet Towns and family, Mrs. Leonard Stainton and r at the Lance Beath Faim, oW Mrs. Geo. Fowler has re- Mrs. D. Scholfield's, Demor-. Peterborough, were weekend Doris accompanied Mrs. Keih Ma sales of cars and trucks months of the 1962 model -,car XXednesday evening. turned home from three weeks estvulle, and Mr. and Mrs. H. callers at Mr. and Mrs. M. yemnan onewo ri alrmie o eksb exe oor fCaaaer 9,42apees o r ndt the Goedend wt r. Revin shaadr. C .Feg-DEC R Macdonald, Wellington. Don-:Stainton's. vstd relatives at ObyGle. eera Moto0 pr fcnada w e ntoere 9344ea icoreas of teMr andGodon tr.g i Oshaa . C .Fr ziaGal rmanedfo a ee~s Mrs. F. Toms attended Cad- Mrs. Norman Moore, who1 greatest selling month in the2pecntaerhecm r and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orjla. son, Don Milis, spent thei holiday. :mus Anniversary Services and has been with ber daughte. apn' itoyetbihdal eido te16 oe rs. Phvllis Sinclair andFweekend with Mrs. Cecil Hill 'Mr. aed Mrs. Donald Lamb, was a tea guest at Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells, has return-1 in April. Sales for May total- year. Sales for the calendar Beverlv Anne visited Mr. and and other friends. William and Rosella, Bailie- Mrs. Roy Taylor, Blackstock. ed home to Trenton. led 36,744 cornpared with 25-year to date total 137,650 un Mrs. Huimphrey, Lindsay, Sat-~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Man- boro, Mr. and Mrs. Allaný Mr. and Mrs. Russel c r and Mrs. W. Crawford 191 in May, 1961, and3,Ï3 per cent over the first five ur- adSudy-hy c ingadC aeOe Sud WryJuie Jncean Jne, auhlnCasae, s isl-weeMonday eein Innmonths of 1961.2.companied Mrs. Alice Sinclairi were weekend guests of Mr. Bownianville, Mr. and Mrs.j'ng at Mr. and Mrs. Adam guests at R. J. Ormiston's. 1 GM sold as many cars and General Motorc, said thîet to visit Mrs. Shannon. Ux- and Mrs. Bruce Mountioy and M Lorne Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.!'Sharp's. Miss Marilyn Wagg, Ottawa,j trucks in the eight months of demand for North American bridge.fe~î.I SturtLab, ona nd Mr. and Mrs. John Tam- Mr. and Mrs. C. Wagg, Mrs.1 the 1962 model year as it soid type cars continues to in- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNeii. fUnionl c f~ e Darla were guests at Mr. and blyn, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Acton, Uxbridge, were vis- lin 10 months of the 1961 mo- crease. Their percentage sales and children spent the week- Douýg, Dona and Sharon, Tor-y Mrs. Ralph Lamb's. Arthur Tamblyn, Cambray, itors at Mr. and Mrs. A . L. 'del year. May sales averagedincrease over comrparable per- end with Mr. and Mrs. Roger onto, were Sunday dinner' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Both- were Sunday dinner guests at Wearn. ,out at the rate of more than iods of 1961 are: 3.5 per cent Dorreil and familv, Ottawa. guests of Mr. and Mrs. FrankC N AYJU E 2 h well and Nancy and Mrs. La- R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, 1,400 cars and trucks every in the model "ýcar: 46 per cent' Mr. George Wolfe and boys Hoskîn and called on otherý tooze, Maple Grove, were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens. Bowmanville, in Company with business day. in the calendar Y'ear and 51 took Canon and Mrs. Ashmore frîends. U D day tea guests at Mr. and Hampton, Mr. Harold Spry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rawan and Sales for the first eight per cent in Ma. to Malton Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Brown,' Mrs. C. Stainton's. _ Rochester,_N.Y., were week- Donald, attended Ebenezer from where they flew to Hali- Oshawa, were Thursday guests 23 pm Anniversary and were tea God and respond with obed - B P TT V fax. The Canon has Orange and Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskillen, REV.F W N guests at W. R. Pickell's. ience and ta use prayer which ZBASEJ LINEJ. Lodge appointments there for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, N o eHmtn pn udy ing he expressed the hopeï The home of Mr. and M'r. Miss Madeline Meçrimnion, Murray and girls, Cresswell, Cleto o 1Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and that the new members and Edward Folev was the setting Pick -ering,- was weekend guest were Sundlay guests ofMr__n 3 Ç a s rv in g boys.cangregation would fallaw for a nicely arrangcd surprisec... Mr. Peter Hast, Oakville, the doctrine of fellowship, party on Sat., June 9th. Ap- !. r-. . .-....~....~ .. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. M. j. prayer and Holy Communion proximately 60 relatives as- i. Hobbs. Mr. Hast, an archi- with God. sembicd at the appointedi hour tect in Toronto was a former Clerk of Session, Mr. Rossj to honour them on the occa- pupil of Mr. Hobbs in Ennis- Ashton, assisted in the cere- sion of their 15th wedding an- killen Continuation School mony of receptian Ôf new niversary. During the even- .~ 24 years aga. members, whic.h included ing Mr. Howard Foley askei » Folks attending the 25th the class who had been in- Mr. and Mrs. Foley to coi-ne;__........_____.......___ Wedding Annîversary of Mr. structed by Mr. Crawford in forward and Mrs. Lawrencel and Mrs. 1. Travell, Oshawa, a series of preparation class- delivered an appropriate ad- on Saturday evening were: es earlier in the year. Thesedrstatshihyeeme couple Gifts-,ver pres{itek* Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, were Misses Shirley Avery, cul.Gfswr rsne Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Mr. and Maureen McNair, Carole Beg by some of the younger merm- Mrs. Roy McGîi, Mr. and ley, Betty Wright, Betty Jane bers of the family. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Werry, Susan Wearn, Doreen Mrs. Foley thanked the gath- Jane. Trewin, Masters David Stain- ering for their thoughitfulness' Miss Elsie Oke visited rela- tan, Neil Yeo, Bruce Begley, and an enjovable social time tives in Oshawa and Toronto. Wayne Beckett, George Lead-K'1as spen t, foliowed by an at-,. As our minister mention- beater, Charles Ashton, Clare tractive and delicious lunch.: ed at the Sunday marning Ashton, Lawrence WVrightIclimaxed witbthei serx'îng of service, it was a unique event Mrs. Eleanar Werry, Mrs.:the wedding cake. for us as it had a triple mean- !Shirley Stainton, also by1 Mrs Bill Kolenko. Oshawa, ing. Besides being Annivers- transfer Mrs. R. Rowan, from was a Sunday visitor with occasion for passibly the lar- I Mr. Crawford expressed a Mr. and Mrs. Wragg. Mvrs. gest group to be welcomed 'regret that he had not in-'Wright, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs.' and receîved as new members ivited one of the senior menm-i Gordon Wragg, Toronto, xvere ! hy profession of faith or trans- bers of our congregation Mvr. , undav callers with Mr. and.............................. fer ta aur local cangregation.. J. A. Werry, ta participate in Mrs. Roy 'van Camp. . . He alsa quoted f romn the this service. A most inspiring Mr n r, cc Vond- words of the psalmist that if duet was sung by Mesdames ward and son Marl in, Toronto, ~I it continued we wouldnedW. Crawford and E. Wright spent a tew davs last wcek ta "llengthen cords anàdstceng- "Just a Closer Walk Witb f with Mc. and Mca. George~W ~ then stakes", because as the Thee" Mrs. Joy Wecr-y éand Coombs and familv 'W family grows one must build1 Mrs. Teresa Werry, wha were c . n rsD\e1rs Mr-n r.Dv rso a bigger tent. unable to receive the Sacra- and son David, Bowmaniville, iMr. Crawfard's sermon had m ent of Baptism at aur owniwc Sunday cevening tea much spiritual food as his titie service a week ago, attendedgutatJa Tulsan t-..- was "Power for Service". It1 the service at Enfield and . tende.d Ebenezer Anniversarv was an excellent message ta Mellow. Services. the 17 new members and two h pca udo .S transferring members and,'Tesei]oudo .S ----------as he expcessed it sa well, he ssinwihi ab ed n~T~TOT ope the wonderful wods In at the home of S. S. Superin-onteovyspcusan of he ereonywoud fndtendent, A. J. and Mrs. Werry, i g' a ladging place in the hearts is tentatively set for July lst The 1w-t meeting for thr . ~V o 1OZ f the yaung people. Just as at îîfr a Mssngr 16hedasofzati* f e te- l .m. We hojie the wea-seon frTe esner thest broghtihe ofy Piit therman will co-aperate and was held Tuesday after schoe.1 costbroghttheHOI Sprita cordial welcome is extend-liii the Christian Educationi ~bott1es pusta the waiting Disciples, so we Z to aur community who Room x îth 11 childcen and aemustt b ace t ie inus d lm wod oare ta bring along a lunch one leadler prescrit.Meeting, onl ,o atime of social fellowshiplopened wîith a poem, *h ~.. onI~ F lusmus wat, eceve nd after the worship period. i Beautv of Birds." read by Lin-, AiRail or Steamshlp d ciglnffloe y AVAILABLE IN THE AREAS SERVED BY AT 1 C K E T Sf Next Sunday begins the dpaeMclauin he loed y. i Hambly's Beverages (Oshawa) Limited TO EVERYWHERE sme ceueo ie or Donpr aye h leae. T iss services an aur charge, with Dona eLg Sin. ittleng Cshaasuntaioaur service at 10 a.m. A spec- wc ue aevSxLti Aulorze bttir f ntrjo Coo-ol ~ J UR Y & L O VE L L ilcoi ub rfo that fDucIka" and -Tie \Wise Man,ý Aurze otrr fCoca-Cola uder contract with Cc-oiiLd 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 1 service by the double male Miss, Meaugphijan d c ie ***e* ss*e e.e..e.s....e .e.îBowmanville quartette is being prepacedtor; "A ILetter frorn Me0xico" :~ ., ______________________under Mrs. Wight's direction.',fe h\5kd~t' TAKE A STAND FOR TOM ORRO W VOTE THE LIBERAL TEAM RUSSELL C. HONEY Liberal Candidate, Durham Outstanding lawyer with a long record of service in his community HON. L. B. PEARSON Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Distinguished stateanian, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. Pearson bas attracted good candidates ta the Liberal team. . WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. For todays world, we need skilled 4people. For tomorrow's world, we will need more skilled people. No young Canadians should be shut off fromn education because their parents can't afford it. A new Liberal governr-nent wiIl: (1) Extend faniily allowances beyond the age of 16 for boys and girls who remain students. This will mean that more teen-agers can qualify for skilled jobs. (2)ý In co-operation with the provinces, provide greatly improved vocational training for Cana- dians of ail ages who need new skilis for better jobs. (3) Pay each year for 10,000 university scholarships, awarded on neit and each worth S$1,000 a year for four of study. (4) Establish an independent fund to provide interest-free loans to qualified students. You can help to invest ini Canadian youth . .. vote for your Liberal candidate on June 18. A NEW KIN O0F LEADERSHIP . .. THE KIN O0F GOVERNMENT VWE NEED -j r ~ i w - y a - A'UBLISHEU B1 THE NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION conez. The closing meeting of the, Explorers was lbeld at the" Parsonage on Tuesday afteri sehool. Eleven members ce-i ceived their second ced stars. i Dianne Taylor receîved bier, gold star, and tlie four ncw' meinbers receîved their ciaries, and pins. The Exploration on. the Church was brought loa a finish by building a chucch. After the structure xvas ecect- ed, the boYs plastered the walls and the girls put ia the stained glass %vindows; they had made. Friday cvening. .lune 9111, the Community Hall xvas fuli- ed ta capacity wîith parents and interested friends foc the annual musical recital by the pupils of Mrsa Ruthi Wilson. Rev. Richardson, Bcthan 'v,'was the capable M.C. and wastedj cia time between the fiftyv cr more musical numbers pre- se.nted b.v pupils fcomn Beth- any, Janetville. Yelv er toan, Nestleton and Blackstock. Four tap dance numbers were given bv Mitzi 'Malcolm, Pa- mela Stinson, Adela Page and Candy Malcolm, witli Mc. Sis- son of Bethany vah the piano. Bey. Richardson fendered ;; vote of appreciation fo Mcair Wilson for hier splendid wvork with the students, and Mrs. Wilson thanked all those who showed their appreciation by their attendance. Grant Mc- Laughlin, on behiaif of a]] the pupils, pcesented Mca. Wil an with a travel alarm dlock. The evening closed wihh The Queen. Mc. and Mca. Dan Biccla. Peterborough, callerl on Mca. R. Ford, and all visiter] friencîs in Toronto, Sunday. Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, speni. Fridav night with hiec mother. Mca. Margaret Cacley and Anne and Mcr. eic Swair. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mc. and «Mca. Clacence MarI 0w. Mc. and Mca. Ralph Larmer a.nd familv hiad lunch with Mc. and Mcs, Eber Snoivden, Catir. hîce, and attendIeci Ebenezr Annivecsacv, Siîndav. Corpocal and Mrs. .1.K Strang and sons, Ottawsa, are spending a week -with hiec par- ents, Mc. and Mrs. Ernest Lac- mer and families. A pleasant Larmer fami.,v get-together was hield at thic home of Mc. and Mca. Glenn Larmer and sons, Sunday ev- ening. The guesta ýwece Mc. and Mcs. Austin Larmier, Mr, and Mrs. Murcay Larmer and Stephen, 'Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Battans. Judv anci Kevin. all of Bowmanvîlle, Mcr and M r:c Wally Larmer and Patti, Osli- awa: McýI. and Mrs. Ernest Lar- mer, Mc. and Mrca Raiph Lac- mer and famý', Mc. and M îs Harvey Yellowlees and fam- îly, Sauina. and Corpocal and Mcs. J.K. Stcarig and boy.s. O ttawva _\l, Herb Hooe\' accompan.- icd Rev. and Mca. Swann in the Annual Presbvtecian Con- venticle at Glen Mohr Camp, Su nda y Mr. and NIcs Millon Fisher, MIr. and Mri. Fred Trewin and, Summer Shoe values corne in familles at Maher's Take the load off your feet. Lighten and lengthen your stride with smart Summner footwear by Maher. And when it cornes to cost, take a load off your mind. A family of four can change bo good Su.mmer shoes for under $1 8.00, at Maher prices. Notice those Italian sandals that mom is wearing. We have them in many styles-ail beautifully designed and well made. They have cork heels for lightness, air cushion in- soles for comfort and a natuial soft tan leather finish for beauty. At Maher prices, they arc outstanding bargaiins. Below is just a sample of the Sumnier shoe values that await you and your famrily at Maher's. "H ighlights of Fashiont-Awell made, graceful white pump. Se-rart summer wear by Maher at a saving. $6,"9 "Tun este p" -Wedge heels for nummnertime comfort. Perforat- ed for added cool ness a .,d suimercsty!1ng. $ . "Fashion Step"-The shoe with .the comfort arch. Strong mnedium heel. Perfo- rated throat and toe.$6.99 "Summerettes"-Sott pillowy Insoles, Waff le-grip soles. A real open-air charmer that is a value in comfort. $2.99 Pathfindr-Soft Mello Suede Lppers. Foam crepe soles. Cool and casual summer wearthat can "take ït". $6.99 'H4ippity HOP"-Saddle shoes for summer fun. Flexible, molded soles for extra long and active wear. $3099 Casual Canvas Oxford-Cool, lightweight. Flexible rubber soles and heels, for comfort. Navy blue or brown. Boys'$2.49 Mens$2,99 Gay Italian Sandals-Beauti- f uI eations in tan leath, ttat cradle your foo t in air- cushioned comfort. $3,99 4 VOTE HONEY' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIIRTEEN LIÇ WMNESDAT, JUNE 13th, 1982