WMfNESDA1f. .TrN-Y, 1lfh. 12 ELECTRIC LTD7( ) CONTRACTING REIRL TV-ItA)IO- APPI I NCES FO0R T HE A&djourn Incorporatic Untifl Sometime This Orono.- The Ontario Muni- te break-up municipalities in- ci, pal1 Board conducted tiheiicto si-aller municipalities but hearîng re Incorporation of a rather to 10cm amalgamnations. Vilage of Orono in the lown- He referred to the merger of ship Hall, Orono, on May 3th,< Oakville and Trafalgar Town- i-th niborning and afternoon.'ships whieh was recently ac- The bearing vas adjournedicomplished. tintil sometime in September' He further stated that trom when it cao be resumed to the facts presenied that the romplete the beaning. The Tovnship of Clarke wvas gain- hearing wbicb started at ten ing 6 milîs ever the Police o'clock in tbe morning ad-, Village and this be saîd could ournnd around five in th e, not be disputed. The question, atterroono wvithout ail the evi-ihe feit, in this submission was dene bîri prsened one of zoning and B financial The Muînicipal Board mnent- saýing for the taxpa.vers in bers \v%.cre MNr. A. H. ArrellÈthe Police Village. and Mn'r .1. V. Ludgate "ibh' He aaid the twe bodies. the the former being the chair- Township and the Villag;s. M-an. should get togethet' to wom'k Mr At-ci in dîoîî'n1îHout a more equitable basis and f0 ivep rotection to the Vil- the meeting gave lus tinding: from the evidence providec during the dav cf the hearing ln these remar-ks he statec thal t t was flot the polîcy oý ,he govcrnment ai this timE rBEST INi HOUSE In ('Iseo! ie bs-', . . otir Ilnsliraiî'e givEs X )I) 1 overage for: " LIVING EXPENSES " DAMAGE TO LAWNSI SHRUBS, ETC. at NO ADDITIONAL COSTI1 Bring Your Insurance Problems to INSURANCE AGENCY CO t'RTI ('E PHONE 72.1-4243 Incorporation 1rei those petitioners supporting the mo Brown %vas legýali Incorporation on Curvply Wood Pr( and Keliît Furnil facturing. Mr. E. represented t b c Councîl Bt the me German repr-esenteý posed to the move legal cnunsel repreý S. Staples. The general put considerable inter' hearing and for mornîng and afte YE1 -H lage. bi' setting.. UpAg'icu!t. ipUi'ket Ctu-rai zoning within a nmile orcHaroludOt itsuuîs adicui jitv toml rais 'fOon,. ln tbe suddcn passÀng nf NI1. )fThis, he said. would set LI, ý Gariiet Brown (Mrs. Stinisoni ,ýbuffer zone around the Poli.ebrother-) on StîndaY in Peter- Village. He said the building borough. by-law and the sub-divisin Oti Tursdav afterîîooîî souýe control b v-Iav were flot (lie .,5 tiîchanîzcd e Ilia 1(-c anwrand gave no kind Of screeched Io a hall lîcre it protection as is now wat'nan'- iMalconia the OccasionthoP ed. Juile meetinîg of Yclverîîî I-e aise feu thibathIe aî'e UC.W. The presidentl. Mmi proposed fori- neorporationi Clar-ence Page, clîaitcd tPelr was somewhat large foi- the meetitng svhichi ias tpetîcd il) anticipabed growth of tbc area.'ý due form. He urged that the two particsi, Mîs. Beirt Gtbson neiei jget together prier (o the re-thue devotioîîal wliicb was op- sumrption cf the heariîîg tbsec c ened sitli a bynin, followed if they cao flot wor-k eut tle by a readîng bv Mrs. Fred probleni. H-e again cmphasim:-- Stace.v. Mrs. Gibsotî's niedita- ed the desir-ability of agnicul- ti- 's cte rttiii tural zoning in the immediate Biblîcal verse. "Lo. I ani vili area of Orono and pointed te. s'e al\was'. a pI'otxusc nf a- the faci that the Village bas s'utane itoucit rouîuled iii' been paying ai least 6 nls acd isas folvowed bIci pa\>e. toc mnuch. The devotional was coticitirl- Duîing file course cf thie ed with a poem. heaning the preseol. public, schoi set-up came before tlie The miitls of lte pt'cvioicý Board and het'e again Iliemeeting were recdaniîd ace ehairmaîî felt Ihat with 00e- cepted, and r'oll cadl aiîswet'rl î'oom schools operaiing and with a don'ationî b ltte ba.'aa. with se maiiv differ-eît anîd Th, pîesîdcnt. cxteiimld :i small sections in operation svlcomne (o iisiors presciti (bhat it could rot but be ati- Mes. Art Rowan directcd s tiquated. Mn. Aîr-eIl said (bat poeîic addt'ess to cir popîlar in the majerity cf areas bhc studetît minisien's vife, Mi-.-. public sehools education wa Jim Sommeiville, wlîo ssill be 'being eonducted tbrougb Area leaving LIt On S001on <otakc .ic Boards and net through smaîî appointmeot, inIi ube I.ndcî' individual sections. He said Presibyterv Sie svas aise prme that lb appeared to him tlat sented with a vase. Mis. Soni- Orono sîîould be the location' mervîlle ahlcý expressed bei for a large central sehool fet' thanks. the aî-ea. Me-, Forîester, who: The l'atie' report wa- at bbe lime was giving cvi- given. Tbaîks wee exprcs Pi], dence, said that bluls seemed to, Mesdames Flo ' d Stîîcsoîi te be tbc opinionocf the De- at-d Normlat i Wlsonî for thicr ýpartment foi' ibis ar-ca. efforts in proviciing a ccffi.' :Mr. KaYe Lycebt wax pre-' îtn. tlirougb ;ale of Rai',- ,sented as legal counsel in leigb producîs. Bwtitiess ciii- support of thte submission for crned, (o a large degie. lii' NOTICE IN TH-F I <lA in F' SECTIO1N 3) of The Planninc Art i B 20. 1960, c. -196c. IN 'lHIE 'MA\JiT11;r,7 Ci-'suappliciîott bY 'l'hm(oroa tion i I!(,ce 'i.'.' i tic RusI ctiî'îlllp for approval of ilsq AixttP.îica - 1i. 8117, passed the .101h dcv cf -XI>lOINTIM EN'! lOR IIEARING '<iît C1 '<1710 sLt'N1C.lP.\I. BOARD heîeby appouilsm '<Veibtue îc(c i ifc- clii tc' ti fJuiiî, t1962, aI bbc bout- of tell 'n-itck it. Iiice ii-ciioou ( Local 'lime) at the Coutîcil ('uc itboi- '!' , i roi ii(if Bowsmanvil leOntarilo. for th lic birci. cif cilcare-.c ested tin suppor-ting or DA'iKi"u i t ofonto liii-. 2id da ' vcf May, 1962. B. VICKERS, Secret arty. "lite('oî-porailion of' Hie 'l'own c f Bowmnanville BVL WNo. 1835 A A ~niend Zoning By-Law 1587 '<V I1ER L 1wt Co('uit idiot îtof Itie T'l et<-fBot- mals- 1- p e ii Zcim c' p -Lau' Nutrîber t1587 on thb, ; nd drltii\<f A.\î oiI. t C i v. hidiscduly appi'oved hy Ordcit l'tI 'i i ' Iii t' i l 'i cîîîcpal BoardCI \NI)'<tll1-1-.S Hilai 157 lias heti anencd hib -s-ai--ycibie 161-'ci-id 1700 passed on the 3rd lai, uf lii' l),ud iîd u1 n the luth day cf Septembet', 1959, I'wuctsui iviicît anicîing by-laws were duly appi'used h liu i(ti ot'utNliîiiipal Boar'd, A-ND \,'lI i1,-. '<S tl i,:rlcsîî'able un further amend ilic stid i l!nn i - ts 158-- ~~~~~~~~'l'l1-IL-(cj;lt' ';iii i iiîe o-poî-cttonocf te 'luii oil ic 'ti iu i'ctluThe Plannig Ac't B 1t!Itiobitîilît 't 296, Section 30, aîîd amend- nietuts ti '.iIRH ENACTS THAT Bv-Law No. 1 587 as uiiwi dlbc' t itie aniendcd as feiiosvs: 1. Bs\ cl~i - in ,(,S' u>ic<p (i as enactcd b:,via. t tu i m. 2i . c, i n,- lllusiniii -ori i <ci i p ! ici î ilcqî i îiîatc i-oad that us 2. Su-t 1iiii i"' nt'tcati'd hi'1)v-lasv 1612. Para- e t' Pii ci ic <b Pcldandith le folloss'ing substi- "t i nii ldcing îiays' le eîeclcd lon N.11( Il loii 'l 1ilC1' i i ' CI id i erof at a distance cf 11) <rcet ut"c i t ic' ical'si-aIls cf the dwellîig cr i c' t liiir iil -.ei -liai-k of exîsting rear yar-d Ce al, t c 'nnc bce-- ild îugs bit in cibhei- case rioltk iioc i c ' ' t iii tdeandI r-cal-var-d cf Iwuo fcet antiti l iii dî pail uîllîcregclations for- a car pai.pe n i"c-'uV i v iilditig are adhered te." 3. B' adinitl) Su tion 1t). Commercial Zone, Parc- gutupli i(i'. 1t l 1lWMutai'crs as anicnded by by-iaw, i700<. ptiil .t ltl P1'altet' the woi'ds 'Reai' Yar'd f. et" i iw Itili Itue. u te foilcw-îng wor-ds.' - xetIli bl Pt iii.)cmmreîcial ar-cas on the i stcday o) Octcdu'1ti(;], Ia mi ium rî ear 'yard cf 1là feet.Y -i. Bs'de I.pti' t. -t îaragrapb cf Section 10, Com- tiirciai Zitaimxratpiapîi (et.mininmum yards as arnd-cid U,-b\ hi- itîi'17 00. paragrapb 12, cemmencing "For a >cpaiactC lbuilcding" and substibuting therefore 'F'c01- d ' 'a i ,.tîuillig sî'ttiiouba cemmnîu ide %vuhi a 'ut' ui t 4 <cci. BuSsii iere adjoins a resciciit iiit .îrezu a sîis ced cf 20 teet and a rear yard o .til iii<<' xce'ît tn built up commercial ar-cas onit lic 1 't dci îuof Otober, t1961, a minimum rear x ardc tof h et <titiandiffr(ool ng a resîdentiai area c i i . t z" Is idocil60 feet or the esbablisbed btiliii ii e. c'u' iii. utiv e-nt înet iess than 8 feet." 5. îThere '-lmul bu' adced to Section 9, Residential Zone (a) Pertuiit'cd Lseis. a nesv paragraph (6) (a) as " 6 i aý u \ e tmglp ot'es certified under the Town <if Boscre-an'. ic r nursing home bv-law on properties herdc'ring on that part of Cbunî-h Street clesignated as residential." M. lo thp schedule no! zonPt-.inrier fihr a1n IN TOWNSHIP LOT 14 IN CONCESSION 1 Tihe wbole thereof as amended byhi' lais <1<, paragraph 22, us struck out. and the foito\ss-uog sîs tuted therefor-e Ail soutlîccly of No. 2 Higbway' binzolr 1 EXCEPT a parce] ai ube cornoer o!f'Navet-le.% Roar and No. 2 Highwa),, more parttciilarlv described ais foliows. COMMENCING aI à poitti cg <lie snuthî suest corner'.nmade by t<lintîersectionî cf Was'elv Bcad ssith No. 2 H-ighway; THENCE Contuîîtîuîgwetis alenthe bcseuthern limit of No. ? Higbwcy a distance o! 259 feet; THENCE Souibcrly iii a s<I'aigthît ie parallel to Wavexley Road, a distanîce of 1:38 fet: THENCE Easterly ini a straiglît line parailel wi-ti Ne. 2 Highway a distanîce cf 95 feet; TIIENCE Soubhcrly a distance cf 27 feet in a hune patallel Ioi W<aserley Road; THENCE Eastcrly a distan-ce of 26- feet in a line paralicl i vth No. 2 Higiiway Io a pointî ontihie wesierly limit cf Wasîerîe.y Road; 'IIENCE Nortterly in a straight lhue clong the westeiv itmit cf Wavcî'Iey Roar! a distatnce cf 165 feet t tht poit cf beginuîing zotie Il AIl <bat portion Iying uoîtherl-v cf No. 2_ -igbsvoi'to te Norbbcr-n imil of Lot 14, in Zne IM" 7. ln the schedulp. of zones iindci' luehc arliîîî IN TrOWNSHIP LOT 13 IN CONCESSION 1 The whole tbereof as ainnred b' hv v-Iass 1'., paragraph 24 shaîl be stî'uck nul, and!Ihp foliosîttîp subsbitubed ther-efore, "AilIcf said lot in saîr! concession in '/otit' Except the conservation Zone i Zout fi' 8. ln schedule o! zones untder the bcadîng IN TOWNSHIP LOT 12 IN CONCESSION I The first and seconîdbrnes <bot-cof as at'teuidPhvb'v -lasv 1700, paragraph 25 shall(te strtckcii oui can te folloxviîg substituted theneforet "That portion cf said Lot iniiscd (oticesstn t s u \vestcr-ly and southerly of the crekl and counservsation z.one in Zone 1 9ý [n te Sehedule cf Zones <mdcc the lîcaduîîg IN TOWVNSHIP 1,OT 10 IN CONCESSION 1 The N vhole thereof as amctdd h hvh-ic1au1 ) oýpai 1 gr-aph '12, ta struck out and! the folloss'tng stublstit ited thereforet -The whole, thex-eo, i - -/onie FXCEPT: That portion of land bounided on thb.c si u by the easb lmit cf St. George Street, oniithe east by the cast limit of the Towniship Lob oriv est Iiîîîuî nt Simpson Avenue. on the south by bhe extensionî easterly of the soubh lunit cf Queco Street ai-d un the nortb by the extension easterly cf the north lintit of Chur-ch Street, in -_ Zone Il ALSO EXCEPT: Ail cf sair! Loi ini said Concession lying southerly cf the Northern Iiunit cf Pine Street aîîd its easteriy extension and lying wscserly of the wvesternn unit of Creek, in-_. Zone Il AND FURTHER EXCEPT: A par't thercof frottng on King, Liberty and Queen Streets being ail cf Lots 1, 2, 29 and 30 and the westerly 30 feet cf Lot 28 ail in Block "A" accor-ding to Hanning's Plan cf the Towvn cf Bowmanville, and having frontage cf 132 feed on King Street, 330 feet cri Libcrty Street and appr-oximateiy 153 feet, 9 inches on Qucen Street, in ---- ----------------Zone Il' READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS jth DAY 0F JANUARY, A.D. 1962. READ A THIRD TIME ANI) IINAL1, PASSED THIS 30tb DAY 0F JANUARY A.D. 1962. 'Sgdr IVAN M. HOB3S. S&d. JIACK L. BrEID, Clerk TI:MCANA17TAN STA1SMA'N, tOWMýANVTLLE. ONTAI 0 i take the 4 pi..tpveniîng 'fDOCLT iwi Btthe niia¶i'n .ivt. service jointl-v,. Hope %ve shaiA I'LU±ISH OJ±colocired pictures of n H e airi in g see 'you ail there' awai' countr.v \Il> i(i)r' u- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wrignit NIrs. William i foin i wa, lani dis sla , itiiZ w ltb i i of 1-lington welcome visitors guest foi afte ýnooti*,Ca at NIr gitck-, Mrs :NIurra .v uà 1ti a 1 P n tOn c Friday evening a large Sunday. June lüih. (o fmcdLao S e p t em b e representation of Yelverton- NIrs. Mairion Copeland ot Glas. iiiUt',t \n . ireseni t i n' -î ,ot more Ilian tîîree quarteî's tans were present at Ruth gow,. Scotlaiîd. anîd Mr. andlIt odii'I \i~i who werc filled the main auditorium of Xilsons piano pupils recitai 1Mrs. Murrav ot Cobourg, r e urct< ve~~~i M.Mîc ow-pHalTese- Blacsktock. Rev. Georgm Copclaild 'recelv r 1eturn"i-i t 1h. < i' i ýve M. ý\. heTonýipHal.Th sn-Richardson wvas the genia. from Salisburg. Souîb iRhod- lhn0ipsoil ut 'tt1c. boell fo" to las overe rno HuingM.C.,with each of the pupîls esi&. South Afrîca. v.herc, "l lttitiii ' bebal,,-i. cfhebootire resedring doing his or her "littie piece" brother, Mr. Cecil Ay'es. ut bap!iie n~c tii OdL 1iC. i- Ltd. the r rtit te hea .ti a commendable manner. Mrs. McHoini has a dry.00Igond ui Sînu-cte Siniti -civ Loel:nwîl iei"'umd Sptm er. Stinscri and Mitzî store. Mrs. Copelaîîd visîted tenided Io Mrs" la!i V Le' c;i R. oe:i ilb eundi etme Malcolm also appeared on thel Mr. Avres during ber suiv famîyn îlcî i e i bn' Townsh',,î yul] nîo douibi (liepend on xvhat, etiîg.M cors ofagremnt ua cai'program wjth an Irish Jig in Salisbury %vithli er son and tuentni oi Mfî:lî N deig those . ou- Le of agrd et en thcn and encore. Ruth and ber kindly brougbt a smnall gil Rose of Port linni, ad ho s o!) lie bti o! Cli ndthe pupils are to be congratula',: from brother to siîstei .A yerv NIes MWillia i cHo ýentîng M Police Village o! Orono who Pd on their fine presentation. pleasan Ltlimnive was Spritl 'ok MISS le'kt 're " ha\-e both iridicated that thei-, blic showecd are iviliing Io diSCLISS the pro- ýest in the posais as set forth by the ________________ boh hechrnanoft he Municipal, IMPORTANT NOkTICýE L.ront se ýBoa rd. 0O n n Times. LVERTON B W AV nded Ir)the plaimig of the CEn'eniiia, iy1<jpei oni r iidVa. uliîe 1 Ui.' and Centennial Cbuiech Spi -i v'ices 01oi11ona\'. itne 17<1<. <Sne cCornng Evetîts). Ceicniai Plates have been orderecd to be resold as Sou- s nr.to connmemnorate the outaston. Marly cliturches celc- bî'ate ('ctenutials, hL few ai-e ahle tn boastIibat theirs is thc onîgittal rhurcb building. a., here at Yelvertnni. Mis. Balfour Moore waSIni <lig tof the1 pnngrarnwhicW iînlcluded a stor-Y, -'Irito the, SIiiset," aiid a neading ",Johi- A\-inptuous Ilîinch was bYt tdh be lînstess and M ný. Howard MeIMullen, Mrs. Jamecs Sheckîcton and Mi--. Boss Lockwood. Aind oncte agaiti pecce and nuiet riiptsuprerne herp ai Mis. Get'a1l McI-Glll enler- taîîcd onu Saturday afiernoonii a i-nisseciî tea iin honni' of riaupghler Lorraine who will 1 n a fneoight be- sxvappirig -I do ', wi .thli ick'. Bart,; Precstoit Jiidging froniu lte- port.ý, olit r brîde-elce(t bas io-i iled a gicat varietv <if loveý 1i a11LI Se fIti1artices anid tliiIiîps tIo vhiî'h ve nicti c'aSuci i i t fer 10 as' i ik is wtii w Inch10 ake ber- de- bul in double lhcrness Iesc of a trial. Nîcrits rs 'l'wýp. CouInCilloîsý and R o a d Superintendent sierp '*up Ili ilie air-' Ibis \\ckmon than iustial. literai- 1 IY ýpcakitig ton, as ue en.loved a i ptripfrorntOshawa Io Gocdenich(anid batik) mvlere uoev.c guc.ssnf Dominion " vlîI n (iin an inspection Sou r of t bi rrmodem g-radler Il-ait!I h c; nie of I befew Catialian n\owoied planits iising a vs cr i bgb percentage of ('anadicît nmade parts and cm- pini ing ('anadianis 10 do lb's; wocrk. On 'liiesdaî .Mctvet's C2ni-ý cil .î flt o accepi <helIow! est tender foi' a tievu60) b . mooie 'adcn. *"Champion,* ! aniiicieease o! 35 h.p. oven- prevîios mtîdcl, w-hicli we' tri,'it niai, provîde the add i - tionni powser dcmanded tr b tinr\v.plIov<iii r Maos'eIs roads c andil rovîde thie impros'ed I set\ ic<e <bat ratepavers de-' ,îîcnd aiid have a rîghtln<o(lx- peu't.i Hep oinDurlîam. wîtb thei fodcî'al1 elec'lîoii nnlv clip -bhort wck awa \. Ihe 64 question "\.Ili sooln be a li- suer 1- l 'RoreNcy" a gond, siihositule for a * Doctor'sz cae oi' not ' Exet'cisevet demnocrat ir per-ogative---k-epi s\,(-l i ciilninîd cad t hen gel, mit atd votie for- the c'andi-' date of vocîr t-bnce' Thius heing ouc i.ast oppot - ticivItî1 o oso. w-c invite ail anîd siimd i(non special ui- tenl itlitiations are requiredl Ii noi .i s'.lis'al, Yclvcrtnn ii thie cle.hrction of OLit t '<i e('Iii.lî". ICI)00 caiîs o! in'îtc tt i'nmnuuiiity.; Oli Frt'da s ilite. tic Ceniet- Hjal SuIpper' wiib vanietv voli- 't-.andc on Sunîdav a day cf cltt-tiauî fellowShip. with liei' lames hlaînpson gîtest ýjpcakcriniiihic toi'ning. 'Ne; "'gi'('t thal Rev. George Wrigl -ii %ill lie inable <o he oil lbi. rdi Ieo illness, foi' the evening service atîd svish hlmii a :<peed.i' coivaiesence , n lînspit al WC at-e fortuntrIlein iîain ',,two e sîteb capable min-. ui tets ici Manvers Charge as Rey. (3euî'ge Richardson aidý Rev. larniesSamnierville who Strange perlîaps but the service is familiar \ý hethcr cu e cn minute,~ frorn home or-a thousand rie Office BfoN manviIle Residenice hU 3-5493ý I umw qw - - - m- -m- -m - - - -. LIFE 0SICKNESS cind ACCIDENT GROUP INSURANCE PLAN IN CANADA President Jim Bell l'le Bowmanville ('bam- heu-. cf Commerce heartl.ul rndorses this outslandun,. Plan to membeu's. Oui' investigation show., ilie benefîts and retiabil- itv cr titis Outstanduin (;unîIp Plan is the fincsi. c'cverage chtainahie ;4t Lcw Gt'cîp Ratrs. COMPARE! LOW GROUP RATES and HIGHEST BENEFITS TH'fIS (4tOUl PLAN IN( LI>!.'1 iI'-- , ; Fý COMPLETE SECURITY ':iUN * Group Life Insura!noe Benefclits lip t o $3.000,00 l'or E ilu sn i Iaq - And ziraded Upb 550l0l fo in <tici. tî'it * Weekly Income Biefits paY.S ul u (o $40.00 pîet'.v. eek v in '1 st",u i il'î bailýes . onil! lff îb * Pays Doctors C pays d c al 1'.ai home, ofl u 1c ni M l Benlefits npn211)<tI * Pays Surgical Expese ravsfor' eacb operanilinpn îîî-le " ii I) î o80.00 li FvlvfI, PLUS THESE GROUP Et-EFITS,1 D IIAG.NOSTIC' and X-RAY LC'( O.\I' FV(' ~lS AMBULANCE EXPENSE *SPECIAî.. MATERNITIY BEI'.S i Il C' 111IROPE-A("rl(' AND ) Si'A;I'.'î'PI TREATMENT 1BENEAI"TS ENDS SAT., THIS BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER OF COVERAGE. o'. iîlç'lMr'. \Vîl. i.'"j uine 9t01. cii ter ta . Il 1nf i Kîgs- * . '. i t.nt 1foiO LL~ JUNE 3Oth -.. '62 COMMERCE GROU 1) PLAN IS GUARANTEED RENEWABLE. A- Iý ot-u,' ctý vnti ;t if, A meutnitof ( limim heui I 'itu ir' i" NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED tln derivriti en hv TwI' M-ureal Ail ('aiadiail îpitt' CANADA HEAL'1H A: ACCIDENý,T ASSURANCE CORPORATION ,tuit PlP Eî. î~ [Il. ' " - CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE NOW OFFERS ALL BONAFIDE MEMBER AND THEIR REGULAR EMPL0YEIS The Most Outstandinq OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE 111E CORPORATION OF' TUE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE BY LAW No. 1835 ln26 ENROLLMENT STARTS MONDAY,, JUM9 ZlSth PAYS IN ADDITION TO WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ANI) OTHER SPECIAL NOTICE TO NON «MEMBERS TYhs Group Panhs jst ole of' ir rnd dl ;idE l the Bowmanville Chamber of Commrcce c Vve ý,yc)[ JI! outstanding GROUP PLAN ENBOLLML\F 1T S BEI\(I VOL19 > i;LNEITIS 1 R t', 5, SECURITY