....- c TEE CANADIAN STATESMM(, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMUO PAGE SMrTEE! WEDNESDAY TUNE 13lm, 1lm Biruhs In Memohrim l Cards ofT ~hanks DE JONG-Petcr and Con- ALLIN-In loving mcmory of I would like ta thank my stance (nec Henning) are a dean father and grandfather,[ relatives, friends and neigh- happy toa announce the arrival Harold Ailin, who passcd away hors, St. Paui's United Church of their daughter, Sharon June 17, 1959. i Womcn, Local 189 United Dorothy Hilda, 10 lbs., at Mc- Nothing can ever take away' Rubber Workers for flowers, marial Hospital, Bownanvillc,I The love a heant holds dean: fruit, cands and gifts I mcciv- June 4, 1962, a sisten for Ken- iFond memnories linger everylcd during my stay in St. neth Peter. 24-1* day !Michael's Hospital and since _______Remembrance kceps hlmmy netunn home. LYLE--Jewel and Bill are -ov ne nmebeed b Fred Smith. hapy a ananc th brt daughtcr Irene, son-in-lawl I would like ta thank my ai their daughtcr Kanen Eliza-I Dave and grandchildren Bon- many fiends, relatives and beth, on Friday, June 8, 1962, nie, Valenie and Rebecca. neighbons for the loveiy cands, at Memoial Hospital, Bow- 2-'foesadfutsn am mavile sserfa B24e-_____ while I was in General Hos- 2-'BEECH-In loving memory ai 1pital; thanks ta Ladies' Aux- Aylmer H. Beech who passcd iiiary ta the Royal Canadian MacDONALD - Gardon andi away on June 17, 1954. Legian, Companians of the Betty are very pleased ta an-. Though his smîlc is gone Forest, Rebekah Lodge, Club nounce the arrivai ai thein fonever, ý59, St. John's W.A. Evening new son, John Hector, on June And his hand we cannot Bnanch, St. John's Guild, and 11, 1962, ut Memoial Hos- touch, ýHome League, and for cardsý pital, Bowmanviile. 24-1* Stijl we have so many lsince I came home. Thanks memories, :ta Rev. Herbert. REEVE-Grant and Ruth (nec 0f the anc we loved 50 Mns. Annie Wright. Stocker) arc pleased ta an- much. 24-1* nounce the birth ai a daugh- His rnemory is aur keepsake, ter, 9 lbs. 1 oz., Linda Jean, an With which we'll neyer part, Wc wish ta extend aur June 9 at Memoial Hospital God bas him in His keeping, hearticît thanks and apprecia- Bawmanville. A sister for' We have him in aur heurts. tion for the acts ai kindness, Sandra and Catherine. 24-1 -Lovingly rmembened by his messages ai sympathy and wife Stella and family. 24-1lbeautiful floral tibutes e- SHERWIN-The Reverend and Mrs. Robert F. Shenwin (nee Evelyn Taylor), Durham, Ont., are happy to announceth birth of their son, Andrew John, on Wednesday, June 6, 1962, at Durham Memorial Hlospital. A brother for David. Deaths AUSTIN-At Plainfield, On- tario, on Monday, June 1l, 1962, Arlene Austin, aged 2½/ months, belovcd infant daugh- ter of Don and Enid Austin, 24 Parkway Cnes., Bowman- ville, and dean sisten of Glen. Pnivate service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, B ow- mnanville, on Tuesday, June 12 at 4 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemnetemy. :24-1ý BATTLE-At 29 Church S. Bowmanville, on Sunday, June1 10, 1962, Mildred Taylor, aged 83 years, wife of the late Frederick William Battie and clear mother of Doneen (Mrs. Edgar Hoskin), Oshawa, and Marion (Mrs. Melville Wise- Inan), Bowmanvile. Service was held in the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bownnanville, on Tuesday, June 12 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- temy. -24-1 Engagements Mn. and Mns. Orland Plumn- mrer wish ta annaunce the en- gagement ai their daughter Carol Anne, tai Mn. Oliver ,corge_ Holdstock, Dartmouth, Rjo4va Scotia, son ai Mn. and I Mrs. Eustace Holdstock. The imarniage ta take place on Sut- urday, July l4th, 1962. ut thnce o'clock in Trinity Unit- ed Church, Bowmanvilie. 24-1 Mr. and Mns. Chester Mc- Quinn, R.R. 1, Bowmanviilc, )vish ta anaunce the engage- .'ient ai their daughten Bonita Jane, ta Donald Lloyd, eldest (/son ai Mr. and Mns. G. L. Smith, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Wedding ta take place on Sat- unday, Juiy 28th ut 6 o'clock in Tyrone United Chunch. 24-1' ccived from relatives, neigh- P HOOPER-In ]oving memnony bours and fiends, Dr. H. B. -É af aur dean mother, Annie, Rundle, nurses and staff Ofi who passed away June 10,: Memonial Hospital, Rev. W. K. k 1959. Housiander for his consoling In our heurts your memony wonds and help in aur sade lingers, beneavement of a loving hus- ir Sweetly tender, fond and bund and father. Thanks alsoA truc; ta Morris Funeral Chapel for B Thene is not a day, dean their kind understanding. ir mother, Mrs. Stella King and A That wc do not think ai you. family. 24-1' -Lovingly remembered -bv husband and family. 24-1ý Coming Events LARGE-In memony of a dean The Elford Reunion will beB fiend, Maud, who died June held in Orono Punik, June 16. st lth, 1952. Come early. Supper 5:30, n Thoughts go back ta bygone sports ta foliow.__ 24-1* days, Plan ta attend a Struwbenry a The wonid goes around but Social and Home Baking Sale, r memories stay. Friduy, June 22, Salvation k -Remcmbened by Annie Ar7my, commencing ut 2:30. Y( Wright. 24-1 24-2' W 1Recreation D ep a rt me nt ville. PRESTON-In memory ai dad Dance Recital, Fniday, June MAI who passed away June 16,. 15, Bowmanville Town Hall, table 1960. 18 p.m. Adults 50c, childnen 25c. case, His memony is as dean today' 24-1 3-308 As in the houn he passed away.MntrBno hrdy1 -Sadiy missed by son anE ose igo hndy1 daughten-in-law, Maurice and *night at 8 o'clock, sponsoned condi Donna. 24-1 by the Junior Chamber ai Appl ____!_Commerce, Red' Bann, North maný PRESTON-In îoving memory - wu 5-fPETI ai a dear husband and father,ý Teen Town Dance, Lions ered Robent D. Preston, who pass- Centre, Fni., June 15, 8:30 plete cd away June 16, 1960. p.m. Dness aptional. Membens MA: We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose 30c, non-membens 50c Every---U sec one welcome. 22-3 ml But aIl is well that's donc byl -Haome-bakingan-d-ummage--___ewl Thee. 'sale, Junc 20 fnom 1:30 until 35 n -Ever remembered by wife 3 o'clock ut the Lions Centre. Celia and family. 24-1 Sponsored by the Majorette INSU Parents Auxiliary. __ 24-1 TRIBLEInlavngmemry Square Dancing, Dominion mans ai a dean husband and father, Store parking lot, Jonc 19, mate, Richard Timbie, who passed til 1:0 ne h upcsp away Jonc 7th, 1960. i9 oî Bowma, nvillte asicesingAT --Even nemembered by bis ofBow allr ih Cey. 24ngý-1 p wife Giadys and family. 24-1' - ___lrBil ary 2__Spc ______The annual Prout Family and STRONG-In loving memory Picrîic xiii be held on Sun- Ltd., of a dean mother and grand- day, Junc 24th ut The Acres, ville. mothen, Effie Venu Strong, Sports at 4 p.m., supper ut CAEI wha passed away June 13, 1952; 5:30. Note change ai date. (a a loving nephew. Ronald 24-2' (Sr Strong, xvha was kiled JulY Decoration Day will be ob- Ltd., 11, 1958. served ut Hampton Nonth ville. How wc miss the welcome Cemetery on June 17 at 2:30 COCI footsteps p.m. Speaker, Rev. W. R. nake 0f the ones we loved S0 Rackham. Music - Salvation trade dean; ryBn.2- Ot we listen for thein comm g; ryBnd 32HarlE Fully sure that they anc Tyrane L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. motoi will hold their Annual Chunch 986-4 Thu r' gn, uefo Parade, Sunday, June 17.SE i Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas fho rtgte utn Members will meet ut the hall for gooc Venning, Blackstock, Ontario, Fmesh aur lave will even be- t 10:30 and church ut il a.m. chestenfie ,Wih t anauce he ngae-For as long as thene î, Everybody weicome. 24-1' aiis /mnent ai their daughter, Mary memony, Woodview Communlty Centre washers, Joan, ta M. James Allan Mott, We will always think ai -Monster B i n g a. Twenty new sîcii son af Mns. Mott and the late thee. games-twenty dollars-, five 3-2294. Mn. Ernest David Matt, Belle- -Sadly missed and even ne- games-thinty dollars; $150 NEW si ville, Ontario. The marniage membened by daughten Mary, jackpot. and two jackpots at will take place on July 14, son-in-law Howard and grand- $250. Door prizes. Next rubber,1 1962, ut 3:30 p.m., ut Black- child.- 24-1' Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, A numb stock United Church, Black- Oshawa.__ ________46_t, ers. S. stock, Ontario. 24-1 cads f TOsh Panw eated. vetnFarm Eqt _____ ~ r~solrn nKs Pla taatted YlvctonBowmani Theenggemnt s anoue- We oul lie t thnk ilCentennial Anniversany, sup- JUNE ea Jnacqueni n aronie, thoe wold in uthn wayper and program on Frîday UES ed o JaqueineMarjrieithse ho hlpe inanywayJune 15. Admission $1.00 and lumps, a' only daughter ai Mn. John during aur necent bercave- 35c Church Services on Sun hassocks, Bird and the lute Marj aie ment. uaJn 7a lam n t lowe Bird ai 34 George St., Bow- Mrs. Breta Giles and day., Jonc 17ufft l a.m.an Chestefii manville, to Ranald Fenguson Family. 24-1 atp12:30it habufft uch-o FurniturE Wright, youngest son ai Mn._____u123 inhl.22 3-3781. Homer Wright and the late My sincere thanks ta Dr. Euchre Card Party, and PEA Mns. Mary Wright oi Inondule. Slemon, nunses and staff forunnual draw on TV, Memonial PREAd!I The wedding ta take place on; their kindness and cure, lso Pank Club House, Liberty esiahe Saturday, July 2lst, 1962,!gifts and cards sent me whiie!South, Tuesday, June 19, etmt 2 p.m., in Tinity United'in Memoial Hospital. ',8 p.m. Lunch senved. Ad- and Win Church, Bowmanville, Ontario.! Mrs. Ernest Turney. ýmission 50c; door prize. Pro- amazed1 24-1' I 24-1 ceeds for Cerebral Puisy are frair ____School and Clînic. 24-1 Co., 1341 Photography W iht xrs ul il h We ishtaexpessau Open meeting, sponsored by PROTOGRAPHYs t Bowmanville ýCartwright District Orange SANIE FieDept. frterqikadLde Blackstock Community PHOTO RAPHY efficient response wvhen aur Hall, Friday, June 22, 8:30 FORY Portraits - Passports home wvas threatened by fine. p.m. Speaker, Mn. John Moore. Weddinge Annlversarles Mn. and Mrs. Walter F. Park. Subject: True Bluc and Orange Phone 24-1 Home. Colored film. Miss a Speclalty Joyce Graham, othcr local tal- I wîsh ta express mnv thanks cnt. Evenyhody welcome. For P: ISTOR STUDIO ta Dr.s McKenzie, nurses and241 23KntS. . Bomnvlestaff, relatives, fiends and,- ---_ ______ 41 23 in St E Bwmavileneighbors for get-weîî ishes The Bowmanville HOMI Phone MA 3-2502 gits and visits, also for kind- 41-tf ness ta me and my famiIyý Liberal Committee Top Qua] whie I was in hospital and 17 L cte a eu. Ma Receptionsince retunning home. LLoom -L oc tda e _________________Daneen Lake. 24-1 4 King St. E. B( Friends and relatives arencGI Invited ta attend a eceptian 1 wish ta express my sincere For Information and Ph In honon ai the Golden Wed- thanks ta nurses and staff of Transportation ding Anniversury ai Mr. and Memoial Hospital, also Dr. E. C ail MA 3-3371 -'2 Mrs. George Wiseman which Ewert, for kindness shown dur- ""~-' Car Iii wili be held ut the Legion Hall, îng mny stay in hospital; fiends _____ 22-3 $500 84 Qucen St., on Saturdav fon cards and visits and St. Maple Grove Anniversary 850 June 23, fromn 2:30 te 4:30 m l'sUie hrh The Annivcnsary Services As i the aiternoon. 24-1 Mrs. J. Lunney. xiii be hcld an Sunday, June LICESED ______ 4-i: l7th ut 2:30 and 7:30- p.m. LICENSEDThe guest speaker will be the Nur~gH me 1 want ta thank Dr. Syl- lRev. Philip Romeril, ai Black- _______________Home___ vester, nurses and staff afi Me-: stock. Special music by theý SOUTH Haven Nuslng Home marial Hospital for their wond-' Sunday School, assisted in the -Accommodation for pivute enfui kindness and cane, also aiternoon by Mrs. David Wel- a nd semi-pivate patients, relatives, iiends and neigh- don, ai Oshawa, and in the 1 lounge TV. Fully icensed, bons for cards, plants, flowens, evcning the Double-mule Quar- riew building, modern. Visitors gifts, visits, and ail kindness tct, of Enniskillen. On Wed- welcomne. Reasonable rates. while in hospital and ut home. nesday, Jonc 2th Supper will Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf Lily Adcock. 24-1 be served from 5:00 p.m. until ail are scrved. Aduits 1.25, I wish ta express my sincene rhildren 50c. At 6:30 p.ni. a __________________ thanks ta the nurses and staff1girls' softbaîl game will be GREEN banded budgie. MA ai Civic Hospital, Peterborope, between Bowmanville 3-5833. 24-1 also ta Drs. Speiler, Thomp_,and Courtice. 24-1 ________________--son and Rutledge. A speciall___--- MAN'S wallet, Saturday, con- "thank you" ta the me taining sum i f oncy and and neighbours for visits, git Room-Ba. vvanted pensonai papens. Reward if, and get weil cards during my. YOUNG mari requires oomn retumned ta R. Franklin, 41stay in hospitul. ýand hourd, five-day week. 'Veterans Ave. Box 694, Bow.j Mildned Gilbank. I Telephane Mrs. Ralph Ames j Manville. 2411 24-1 'MA 3-5477. 24-1" LARGE OATS and stnaw. Wood, MA 3-2388. Austin ' 24-1 *1 SINGER treadle sewing ma- chine. 39 Duke St. 24-1* SMALL pressure system for sale. Apply 25 Queen E. 24-1 BOAT trailer, $65, haîf price for quick sale. MA 3-3477. 24-1 BABY buggy in good con- dition. Cheap. MA 3-3774. 24-1* WATER for sale andi delivered. Cail Cliff Pcthick, CO 3-2131. 32-tf BOAT bouse at East Beach with sleeping quanters. CO 3-2668. 24-1* MIXED hay, standing or bal- cd, large or small quantity. MAý 3-2509. 24-2' TWENTY acres new cut hay, on Liberty St. Nonth. Phone Onono 9 r 18. 24-1* JOHNSON 51/2 outhoard mot- or; Winchester .22 repeaten. Phone 728-0357. 24-1* iIIGHTEEN acres standing hay, alfalfa and timothy. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. 24-1 ALSCO doors, windows, awn- ings, sidings, railings. Lamne Allin, MA 3-3871. 24-2 BABY carniage, can be madë nto stroiler; in good condition. Aipply 8 Flett St. 24-1 3-PIECE dining-room suite, walnut living-room table. Tele- phone Orono 1149. 24-2 3ALED hay, in the field or standing. Herb Prescott, En- nîskillen. CO 3-2649. 24-1* 00OD used Beatty washer and two congoleum rugs, al- nost new. MA 3-7112. 24-1 KEYS cut automatically, while 'ou wait, at McMullen Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ,IOGANY veneer drop-leaf te and glass door book- ý$15 each. Phone MA )85. 24-1 Ft. TRAILER in excellent dition, sleep 6; will ment. ly 75 Prospect St., Bow- ville. 24-1 ERBOROUGH canvas cov- 1cedar canoe, 16 ft., com- ýe with paddles. Phone 2 -3134. 24-1* KBER-Buy direct from 1and save on mepair and iwork. Phone Orono r9. J. A. Carscadden. 22-tf JLAT1ON, blowing meth- with rock wool. Work- iship guarantced. Free esti- es. Hamry L. Wade. Tele- ne Clarke 2420. 39-tf rENTION! Newly weds. ,cîal discount, free storage delivery. F. A. Kramp 37 King St. E., Bowrnan- RPETS and DRAPES nples taken ta the home). e estîmates. F. A. Kramp .37 King St. E., Bowman- eMA3-7071. 20-tf KSHUTT side delivery eon rubber. For sale or le- Buick handtop for ley - Davison or Indian >rcycle. Phone Blackstock .843. 24-1 ner Wilbur, Hampton, d used television sets, ids, beds, dressers, chairs, refrigemators, ail heatens, ranges, *ghs. Cail Elmer, CO 46-tf de dclivcry rakes on $390, whilc they last. cer ai used I.H.C. bal- .S. Morton & Son quipment, Maple Grave, Lviile. 24-1 Sale: Mimrons, pictures, )casional tables, chairs, smugs, floor polishens ,st pnices. Trade-in: ield and rug. Murphy re, King St. W., MA 24-1' RE for wunm weather Sec us today for free s on Aluminum Doons indows. You will be how economical they nm Cowan Equipment SKing St. E., Bowman- anc MA 3-5689. 14-tf Dand GRAVEL YOUR DRIVE WAYS AND CEMENT eEARL BOTTRELL CO 3-2682 Prompt Service and Delivery 15-tf IE FREEZERS ,liy - Made lu Canada t$269. - 22 cu. fi. $299 aguetie Sealed Lid - ai OWMANVILLE D LOCKER SYSTEM Liane MA 3-5578 8-tf ,surance Due? 00 Inclusive Limite 4ow as $13.00 Semi-annual EST AUTO INSURER Agent DIRK BRINKMAN Phone 3671 Newcastle 22-10 TV AERIALS TOWERS and AERTAL REPAIRS OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. SPhone 728-8180 STANDING or baled hay. Phone CO 3-2030 after 5. 24-1* GIBSON frig. in good con- dition, $50. Phone MA 3-3789. 24-1 POTATOES, table stock. Leslie Taylor, Burketon. Blackstock 986-4896. 24-1 * FIVE h.p. Viking outboard motor, in good condition. Tele- phone CO 3-2311. 24-1 STRAWBERRIES, good var- ieties for canning, freezing and table use. K. Reitsma. Phone Orono 1177. 24-2*, As Low As 99C down ta arrange Financing AT ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church Sire BOWMANVILLE. ONT PHONE MA 3-5064 The Bright Spc Where Qaality Cars, Ser and Guarantees are Undi cated, including lower p: Drop in anirtime. SAWS machine sharpened, hand or circular. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 21-~4* HIGH Sehool girl desires baby sitting and light housework job on days and evenings. 725-5920. 24-1* FEMALE Grade XI Com- mercial student desires position during summer holidays. Tele- phone MA 3-2559. 24-1*1 PUBLIC Stenography - Manu- scripts, letters, reports, mail1- ing. Mrs. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 21-,-* BRICK, Mason and Concrete1 work, Chimneys, etc. L. Turn-( er. Temporary residencer Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tfi Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Concrete and Carpentry NEW WORK and REPAIRSf PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 3-tf A. BAARS Plumbing & Healing PHONE MA 3-7127 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle 46-tf ARENDS ELECTBIC MOTORS REPAIRS and REWINDING to ail your Electrical Equipment. Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanville 43-tf Plaslering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFTt 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030ý 16-tf CUT Flowers for Decoration Day, June 17. Orders taken. E. Passant, 122 Duke St., tele- phone MA 3-3527. 24-1 LLOYD baby carniage, con- verts to car bcd, pink and white, excellent condition, $20. Phone MA 3-2993. 24-1 CHILDREN'S gym swing sets, reg. $20, to dlean, $15 each.« McNulty's Sports and Cycle, Bowmanville. MA 3-3531. 24-1 1FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, Perfection electric range, baby carrnage; ail in excellent îcondition. Phone Orono 157. 24-1 DEMONSTRATORS. New Massey-Ferguson Baler New Massey-Ferguson Rake ZNew Massey-Ferguson Mower rUsed for Demonstrations only Drastic Savings r on these machines GERRY TODD MASSEY-FERGUSON f Millbrook ]PHONE 143 R 1 24 -1* HAY MACHINES t Int. Hay Conditioner Int. 3-bar Side Rake & Tedder Int. 4-bar Side Rake on rubber Int. 6 ft. Mower for Super A Int. No. .45 Balers, PTO driven TILLAGE 1Int. 10-blade Tiller on rubber Int. 17-tooth Cultivator on steel« Int. 3-furrow Plow on Rubber Int. 3-furrow Plow on Steel Fleury 2-furrow Plow on steel lut. 15-run Seed and Fertilizer Drill - 1 year old mIn. 16-run Drill on Rubber f Top condition Cockshutt Disk, as is, $20.00 TRACTORS Farmali Cub w/Blade 5Farmali Super A w/Scufflers Farmali Super AV w/Scufflers Farmali Super C w/Scufflers Farmali H w/Hydraulics, L.P.T.O., wide front end Farmail MD Diesel w/Hydraulics, wide front end Farmali M w/Hydraulics 1 International W-4 j International B-275 Diesel Ford 8N Tractor w/Loader Ford 8N Tractor Allis-Chalmers B w/Side Mower, no starter $300.00 Allis-Chalmers WC, $225 as is USED TRUCKS 1957 Int. AC 180 4-ton 1 1958 GMC w/Dump Body 1956 Int. '/'..ton 1955 lut. 8-passenger Travellail Used 10 cu. ft. Freezer Used Westinghouse Refrig. Used Gilson Refrig. Used TV - 17" and 21" COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 24-1 Cars for Sale 1950 CHEV. 2-Dr. Telephone, A 3-5324. 24-1 '48 OLDSMOBILE, automnatic drive, excellent condition. Phone Newcastle 4101. 24-l*1 '54 METEOR Niagara ranch wagon, in perfect condition; automatic, radio, dlock, wash-p ers and whitewalls, two-toned )blue. CO 3-2668. 24-1 Parts and Service RENAULT - PEUGEOT AUSTIN BARNES & BYAM,' PLUMBING & HEATING SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR QiÙ Burner Service-, SEFTIC TANKS AND TILE BEDS PHONE HAMPTON CO 3-2288 TYRONE CO 3-2650 19-tf Auction Sale WEEKLYr LIVESTOCK SALES ai Durham County Sales Arenar Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 pm HEorses, Cattie, Swine, Calvesi, etc. For truck pickup Phone E Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day ofE sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Managers. 38-tf Household funniture, elec- trical appliances, dishes, glass- ware, Fond tractor and equip- ment, 1958 Vauxhaîl sedan, mileage 11,300 miles; carpenterE ,tools, grain, etc., the pnopentyr of Mrs. Florence Harper, Lot1 8, Concession 1, Manvens Township, 1 mile west ofr Macreas Chunch, selling Sut- unday, June 23. Furniture and appliances like new. Funther panticulars, sec bis. Sale ta commence promptly at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Propertyr sold. No resenve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-3 STRAWBERRY pickers. MA 3-2730. 24-1' STRAWBERRY pickers. Tele- phone MA 3-5800. 24-1'* WOMAN for part time house- work. MA 3-2323 after 7. 24-1 CHRISTMAS tnee pruners. Apply in person to Howard Abbott, Bunketon, after 5:30 p.m. 24-1 MALE or female for sae personnel in local appliance store; some bookkeeping and typing necessary. Write P.O.1 Box 970, Bowmanville. 24-1 MAN Wanted - for Rawleigh business. No experience need- ed to start. Sales easy to make and profits good. Startr« immediately. Write R a w - leigh's, Dept. F-140-190, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 24-1 INT ERESTED in selling ? You'll make big profits with1 our fast selling line of cos- metics, household necessities, fanm products. High com- mission, 30 day trial period. Catalogue on request. Familex, Dept. J. 101 1600 Delonimier, Montreal. 24-1 ]FIREMAN WANTED Replacement Fireman requir- ed for Bowmanville Fire Dept. Applicants must be 21 years1 o~f age, residents of Town of( Bowvmanville, must have carE and bc physically fit. Apply in writing to JL. Reid TOWN CLERK 24-1 Livestock For Sale i TWO Guernsey cows, close, 1 Holstein heifer, close. Phone CO_3-276 8. ________24-1 FÈVE yearling Shorthorn steens. Leslie Taylor, Burke- ton. Blackstock 986-4896. 24-1 * PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilts, service age. Gerald Brown, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 24-1 FIVE Holstein and Durham springers, due soon; six Hol- stein bob calves. 351 Liberty St. North, MA 3-2353. 21-tf HOLSTEIN caw, 4 years, due in anc week; Holstein heiers due July, August, September; Unit bned. Ferguson 2-funrow plaugh, Ford spring-tooth han- row, 12 it., 3-point hitch; In- ternational hayloaden. Roy McLaughiin, 986-4863, Biack- stock. 24-1' Seed Grain for Sale. SEED CORN Funks G-Hybrid WHEN IN TEST ... t FUNKS PROVES BEST1 Winners lin more competitions for grain or ensilage CERESMORE FARMS G. RICKARD MA 3-7150 20-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain seald envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 For Rent APARTMENT. MA 3-3573. 23-tf THREE-roomed self-contained apantment, hcated. MA 3-3102. 20-tf THREE ooms and bath, self- contained, July 1. 205 King East. ___________ 22-tf THREE-bedroom brick house, Silver St., $85 monthly. Phone MA 3-3394._ 24-tf THREE-room upstairs apant- ment. Conveniences. Phone Newcastle 4256. 24-1 THIREEý-roo-med, heat-ed apart- ment on Ontario St., $50. Tele- phone MA 3-2383. 24-tf' 1APARTMENT for ent, many extras. Apply Charcoal Burg- en, 14 Division St. South. 24-1* MODERN 2-bedroom upstain apartment, heated, Miil St., Newcastle. Phone Newcastle 2651. 2 4-1* APARTMENT, 3 ooms, kitch- enette and bath; childnen's play anea. Apply 63 King St. W..-MA 3-5996. 22-tf TWO-bedroom cottage, spring mattresses, hydro, fnidge, boat, fishing and swimming, at Kosh Lake. Phone Orono_1308. 24-1 APARTMENT, heated; lights and watcr supplied, $65 month. Available July lst. Aduits only. Phone MArket 3-3408. 20-tf -- - -LAKEFRONT cottage for June REALTOR1 and GENERAL INSURANCE1 52 King Street West 99 King Street East MA 3-2453 or MA 3-5868s 3 bedroom brick bungalow 1 with split-level entrance. Thisq is a meal beauty. Located in' Parkway Crescent Subdivision.C Sodded front lawn. Total pnice $12,660. Only $1,835.49 down. Here is another working man's home. 3 bedroom brick bungalow on Parkway Cnes- cent. Plenty af space through- out. Full basement. Lots of closets. Sodded front lawn. fFull pnice only $12,715.00. Just $1645.29 down. 100 Acre farm just east of Newtonville on h igh w ay. Beautiful 8 mooni home; 3-car garage, 3 barns, 2 streams, 1 racre asparagus, 10 acres rasp- bernies. This is an ideal mix- cd fanm. Early possession.. Very nice 6 room. home in Maple Grave on the highway. sLarge lot. Garage. Pnice and terms anranged. Cozy 2-bedroom brick bun- galow with garage, on Maple Grave Rd. North. Low down paymcnt and anc pnivate mortgage. Better sec this one! Evenings: Salesman . .A. Dartois MA 3-3098 t P. Kowal MA 3-5868 f, 24-1 1A71-pr*A ftn PAnt 22-4 The undersigned auctioneer and Juiy, Scugog, tWO Oea- 'v LLU % 4LZI 01lur ___will scîl by public auction the rooms, ahl modemn conven-- Asking houschold effects of Mrs. iences, $40 wcekly. Phone TWO on three-bedroomn apart- INCCý Pearl Virtue on Saturday, MA 3-3144. 23If ment or house. Phone MA castle,n June 16, in the Village ai THREE -room heated apant. 3-5018 or 3-5551. 24-1 both a Tynone, thnce-piece bedraom ment, ground floon, separate SMýA1J., ouse in or near à9 50 9 suite with new mattness, toilet bath and entrance. Adults Bowmanville. Box 114, New- R set, baktsadquilts, c refnbe nw rstreet, blankes and cardAvailable nw.castie orPhone 2426 a24 ç living table, Singer sewmng machine, 175 Liberty North. 23-2' 6 p.m. 2-2aat four srnall tables, threc-pieceFUNIHEa3ram pat*men bedroom suite, three-piece UNSE 3-om artdwn r chcsterfield, batteny radio, end ment, 3-piece bath, kitchen- 'W 'ated 5 Roo ~ tabe, smll clctri radio ette compîcte wîth stove, re-csie two ocking chairs, rug 12 x 9,fieao n o ae ak ROOM and board for young venienci T. sideboard, Quebec heater, table Available immediatcly. Phone man locally employed. Phone and nine chairs, curtains, -MA 3-3591 or 3-3231. 144tf MA 3-2512, ask for Clifford J0, kitchen table, Gilson washîng OFFICE (formerly Dr. Rudelils Black. 24-1 )t machine, Fmndlay cook stove, office) in Jubilee Building, Realtor -riesmall size, like new; toaster, above Stnikes'; and office Cdt-SH on the spot; hlghest New"a rcecooking utensils, dishes, step- (formerly Dr. Cattran's) above pnîces paid for dead and crlp- Daad upui- stool, anc and a hall tons Carter Store. For details pled farm stock; plcked u irce.pu n s rie.chestnut coal. Ternis cash. I phone Ruth Scott BA 2-1146,promptly.ý Telephane coflecid Sale at 1:30. CMifPtik or write 75 Forest Grave Dr., CO 3-272, MargwilFurFrarm, Roms Di 17.tt auctioneer, 24-1 'Willowdals. 20.ti ya. iec 4. 4- Try and Top This Value Solid brick; 3 bedrooms, open fireplace, storms and screens; 94' x 165' landscaped lot; fenced-in patio; close to shops, churches; country village liv- ing at its best, just 45 minutes from downtown Toronto. For only $4,700.00 down ta $9,200. NHA Mortgage. Private. WHltehall 2-0945 - Pickering 24-2 M. E. Leask Realtor Bowmanville 623-5919 2-storey brick bouse, near centre of town, 3 bedrooms, garage, gaod gardera, $12,500. Terms. On Frederick St., 3 bedroom brick bungalow; tule and hard- wood faonrs, fueplace. Really a fine home with spacious grounds. Under N.H.A. Terms. Garage and snack bar with attached bungalow, on busy No. 7 Hughway. Good business. Ownen farced ta seli due ta ill health. Terns. 24-1 George Blyleven REAL ESTATE Maple Grève -Bowmanvllle - 3 Bedroom bungalow with finîshed recreation oom. Ex- cellent location. Close ta schools and shopping area. - Newcastle - 2 Bednoom bungalow on nicely landscaped lot. Full price $9,000. 8 Room frame house, 2 miles west of Bowmanville on large lot. Full price $5,000 with $1,000 down. 5 Acres good garden soul near Orono. Make offer. CALL MA 3-5300 24-1 D. W. McQuay REALTOR Members af Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 130 Acre farm near Onono, 2 streams, good house, lange barns. $25,000 with $5,000 down. 50 Acres with house and barn, Port Hope area. $5,000 full price. 50 Acres with stream, near Bowmanville. Asking $7,000 with $2,000 dawn. 5 Acres with 3 bedroom home near Leskard. Running water, large shade trees. Ask- ing anly $5,800 with $2,000 down. 10 Acres young apple orch- ard near Hampton. Tactor and ail farm machinery in- cluded at only $8,800. Easy tenms. 31/2 Acres with 3 bedroom fumnished cottage. Stocked trout pond, 2 streams, near Kendal. Asking $8,500 with $2,000 down. Wellington Street - 2-storey home, $2,000 down. Spaciaus 2-storey home on large lot, 3 bathraams, finish- cd recreation oom. Owner has moved ta Londan. Must be sold. No reasonable offer re- fused! Horsey Street - 2-storey brick. $1,500 down. We have a large selection of farms, acreages, homes and businesses. Cal WALTER FRANK Bowmanville 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 24-1 Peler Kowal 92 Acre farm, excellent soil, large L-shaped bank barn, silo, garage, nunning water; 7 noomed home, water on tap. Pnice and tennis aranged. 150 Acre farm with new steel barni, drive shed, streani, etc.; house with modern con- veniences. Price $17,000 with $5,000 doWn. HIGHWAY FARM, 84 acres close ta a town, A-isaili, large strcam, 116' bank barn, water on tap, etc.; 10 roomed brick home, all modern canveniences. Anxious ta selI. HIGHWAY FARM, 100 acres with large bank barn_, drive shed, silo, etc.; STONE HOUSE with ail modemn conveniences. Pnice and tennis arnangcd. 200 Acre farm, near 35 High- way, humn with water bowls, brick homc, modern con- veniences. Extra 8 roomed fanie home. Pnice $20,000. Terms. 200 Acre fan, good barn, creek, drive shed, etc.; 10 roonied home. Pnice $ 14,000. Tenms. 5 Roonied home with garage on No. 2 Highway. On y $1,000 down. 4 Roomed home east..o*.New- castle on 3 'k acrep Only $1,000 down. 7 Roomned home on 1 acre lot with stream. Good state oi repair. Asking $6,000. Low down payment. 8 Roomed home north Bow« manville. Good repair, Only $1,000 dawn. 5 Roomed home at Bethany, S$5,000. Easy ternis. OME HOME in New- modern conveniences in apartments. A s ki ng with $1 ,500 dawn. CK BUILDING on main Newcastle. Store with quarters and modern cent upstairs. Only $4,000 omed bungalow ini New- All modern con- ces. Price $8,000. Ternis bn F. De Wilh aimd General Imhm=r sue PhOo 1MountJoy. MA a- Wierrnma, Orono, 1849 'avidion. Bethaay, 30u3 --24-1 v place, sunporch, hot water, oil heat, modern conveniences, near school, low down pay- ment, ternis. MA 3-3426. 24-1 J. Van Nesi r REAL ESTATE 118 King E. MA 3-3239 Bowmanvllle 23 Bedroom brick bungalow, -large utility room, den, living. room and kitchen, garage, paved driveway. D4 Room 2-storey brick plus 3-room rear apartment for added income. Oul heated. Two bathrooms. 5 Room. remodelled frame home on Prospect St., garage. 5 Room older home on Wellington Street. Wrecking yard location witli licence, gas station, gMýge, lunch counter, living quarters. 2 Business blocks in Bow- manville. Cabinet shop with modern apartment attached. May be converted to other uses. Small farms in the vicinity. Caîl in and talk it over. Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 97 Acres - 7 room house, bath, oul furnace, near school, fast-flowing stream, ideal for recreation. See us for more information. 45 Acres - 4 room house, small barn, trout stream, very scenic. Price $9,000.00. Down $2,000.00. 120 Acres with creek, good cottage site. Price $4,000. 17 Room stucco house, facing Highway 2, good garden. jPrice $8,500.00. Down $1,000. 5 Room bungalow, bath, full basement, cil furnace. Price $6,800. Easy terms. 8 Room frame house in New- castle. A gond buy at $6,200l. Low down payment for re- sponsible party. Vacant school building, brick, size 28 x 20. Price only $2,000.00. Highway No. 2 East of Bowmanville Cail MA 3-3644 Orono 1407 Newcastle 2248 24-1 Hfowe & Pelers REALTORS 725-4701 Parkway Crescent, new 6. room brick bungalow, mahog- any trim, 6%'k% mortgage, $77.71 per month irlcludes interest and principal. beautiful home to see. $12,900.00 - 4 bedroom hèe overlooking Lake Ontario. excellent condition, situated on a beautiful lot 154 x 200 ft., landscaped and fenced, with sandy beach. $9,000 - immaculate 4-room bungalow on No. 2 Highway, close to Bowmanville, oul heat- ing, 60 x 250 ft. lot. e 12 Acres with trout streani at Hampton. $1,500.00 down. Good value, 112 acre farn sltuated on 2 paved roads, 4 'k miles from Bowmanville, large brick home, running water in barn, good drive shed, very productive soul and a fabulous trout stream. After hours please eall Joe Crawford- MA .3-3672. Bob Johnson- 728-2548 Earle Allen- 725-7782 Rolande Tlerney 725-5207 24-1 De Wilh Real EsIale -1 c .- 1 Z , 1 11 -il 1 , -1 .1- BERT TOMPKINS Whitewashing Stables PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE 14-tf Anger Construction COMPANY CONCRETE - CHIMNEYS BRICK WORK Phone MA 3-2273 Roy Anger Bowmanville 18-tf ROBERT STRONG BLACKSTOCK, ONT. Bulldozing and Excavating Phone colecet té Gordon Stroug BLACKSTOCK 986-4209 17-tf Eleclric Healing For Sanroom, Recreation Room, Bathroom ... any room need- ing heat - or complete home, Your Qualified Electrie Heating Contractor Higgon Eleclric Lîd. 38 King St. E. MA 3-3305 Bowmanville 4-tf