PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO north end is the Speaker*s f principle. If I could nlot stand :aged extensively and Mr. ___ Clhair. To the right of the lOUfa r Ls on a platform of principle, 1 Hennessy received minor in- Speaker is seated the Partyý would nlot be here". Dr. Viv- juries. The stake truck own- The O rono N ew s OpoitontAcodgte Hear Candidate lenc ht esite te tigur tion Company onlysuvin constitution the House of Com- iof apinn uho ie aae Mr. a es.mens consists of 265 members. cj olcandidate's tiredness disap- At noon on Tuesdziy thcre M .Jm s E. Richards, Editor Ms Falls spoke of the lule P lc peared when he has a chance was an accident in îront of crimson and gold setting of Y to meet groups interested in il Church Street. Mrs. Eliza- the Senate Chamber, she The Bowmanville Young pltclafis beth Fagan, Il Church Street, Miss Cynthia Bruton, dau- Mr. and Mrs. James GýrL-¶ Mr. and MNrs. Lawrence Ha27-:saidi that the canopied chair at ConevtvsAscainhl one u htti sbcinghrcroto h ghter of Mr. Clifford Bruton, nerud and son Terrv of St. ris and family, Mr. and Mrs.lthe north end is called theameig tteCnsraieparticularly true of Prime!rdrivcway struck ano t h e r, wa hnurdwiha ice-Cloud, Minnesota are visitinr, Geo. Morton, Mr. and Mrs Throne Chair, and is used by ý Committee Rooms in the Bow- Minister Diefenbaker. "He iz 'which was driven by Mrs. laneous shower at the ho' e aetsM.adMs eo ot otnan aiy r he oenr-Generl he manv.ille Hotel on Tuc-sday a human. able and dedicated Mary Orme. 32 Church Street. 'f Ms. amesBruo, Morton for ten davs. and Mrs. Gus Wilson andh oenPaia n. even i n g. rsdn Keith Iperson, our leader, but he!There wssm aaet Friay veingwhn, abota Mran Dave- family attbnded the gradua-' "The members of the Sen-Sakltn rsiendhe eco d the chance te get I both cars. Constable John Bird (/ deze gil fiend prsened prtMr.and rs.Ricardtion exercises at the Ontario ate are appointed for life minutez of the last meeting 'about and meet people in Dur- !was the investigating officer., dozn ir frens resntd or. M. ndMrs RchrdHospital, Wh7itby, o Fridav.1The 102 Senators represent ;were read by Jaci; HkIlwell. h arn," Dr. Vivian declared. He' Four cars were invo]ved in the bride-to-be with a num- Calver. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Miss Joyc arswsoe fM.Deebkr'a ber of lovely ilts An evening Oreni Mallev. Oshawa, Mr. and ' yeHri[a neo ifrn etin fCraj.the sccretary. soeo r ifnae' collision at 12:15 Tuesday. of entertainment was arrang- Irs. J. Cec .il MalleY were dlin- the graduating class. JAll legisiation originating in Dr. Percy Vivian, 0,c Cûîi- country-wide speaking tour. An unoccupied parked car, cd and the hostesses. Joan ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nei~ l ittthe House of Commons must sraieCniaefrl"eaesi 0 eavugondb rdrc .Poe Bruton, Nora Adams and Lor- Wm. Mallev on Sundav. Weston, spent the weekend pass the Senate before it can'sraie'Trno old wyfo raine Bruton served a deli- Mr. Nim Giles and Mr %vith her parents. Mr. and Mr.c.occome îaw. rham County, ad .res:!sed the country, but we are being Trotojrlle aayfrm cîos unh.A ee prvius Sev Tylo o Sdbrvviit: Norman A"n The great central tbwfer mein.H1oî dvriuharre d intae m aîurity. we doGAe Supin- f ront efte and a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ br pesnanmselaeu e riadMs.GronCt Cogalatost r fth alann uings details in the orgaiii--atiort of hv dn uc.WecodoIA S uper tre nwth and cios unh. wekpreiossteecayorlfeddof the P aeTowB e- in the pdirty and reminded the more for ourselves aed ourcuedteolion itth shoe' ws ive CntiaaU1er lat wee. Gro Mrs. Peter William Laing, theF as l ommrae i'young people -)f th-- help ,he children if we work together. other three vehicles. hoeT as ive Cythi atterlasFrek.ncuse i ommoaZs e.None of us lives alone," Dr. i h te riesîvle the home of Mrs. Mark Mar- Mrs. Alex Elliot of St. John orerMis vrllime the great contribution, cvan giveed in hiesaciden'paigBru. chan ofBowmnvile wereNew runwickis penin' Robb, on their marriage 00tO world peace rmade yt Jack Broughi, resitieiit of ivinsae.i h cietwr rc reantives mntetinled thc tNw Breks with Mr. and Ms.n e t nNrtmntr i[ !o e 6,00Cathe mavî .Cnsrvtie He claimed that this federal Battams, Concession 2, Dar- itcd C 9hui rch shawa. 1sacrifices o vr6,0 Cnhelwavil osrâi cti n 5î relaive enertaned th:twowees wth M. ad Ms., tedChuch, shaa. adians, who gave their lives!Assoç.datiori. ac)pdi Dr. 'elecinste most important lington, James Bedford Gra-ý bride-to-be. IR.E. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Norte in h get tugl of t iinl the metngutth ne since 1911. He urged Can- ham, RR 1, Seabright, Ont.. are on a three weeks' holidayl1914-1918 World War. The yugrCnevt~ew'-ain o ln hmevsadJh eI ocsin2 b ewoudlnd twe cntin ntina mm-er. ith their country. He said it Darlington. Ali the cars in- teNelondan.ýtwe cntin atonl e__es is the governme'nt.'s duty to volved sustain e d damage.J Mr.E S 0aLA Dd Mrs. E. J. Davies,lorials, the Memorial C-. 'w[rvdesteps ca ten Peufo- Corgaedo ha ccidR.Freth nt. ie OW E S O A DWlodlvisîted Mr. and;lwith Books of Remnembrance F prvd sepa cliaetenerfor- orportha cciRdFenthy inves- Mrs. Ross Gilbar-I and family.'alsu the great Carillriion u F'r.V a i pie are Canada', greatest re-' lên the ~ ~~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, Belîs, and thiok L1 '~' ore n hy utb iRi rSemhpt Niagara Falls, were weekend 'Th teuriloChasucadme ms e Ar alorSemhpt iusn ! r.ther. aro a"The MAlta ofCham bem- rcady to help, he explaincd.T1CKETS gust o M. ndMs.Calo ian heAlarofReeThe governiment through itsTICKETS Tamblyn and family. fi ntins jdj xcaioalîranig r'rls'O EVERYWHERE Ms. oyBettyof banc i te ntinstriut !soatintem ing proide thpConsult TOW N of OW MANVI LE Mr. nd Mrs.Roy Beate sewar dead. On this altaiR eceptin kno ptiw'fo heppr o le h--Y ~~ TOW N of BOW M ANVILLE ~~~Toronto and bis aunt, Mrs. is the hand printed Book af 'nwhw ohl efl L7RY&1 1Howard Walsh, visited FI Remnembrance. Nowhere 1s R c p inleptenevs r iio 1 igS.W A336 THE CORPORATION 0F THE Bewdley' on Sunday, June 3rd. there a similar book. Done b\'saei Bowmanville Mrs. Tom Hard y and Mrs.!hand the names, written j'i This countrv caniiot afforJ TOWN 0F BOWNIANVILLE A. Youn", are patients in Me- black, are in aiphabetical or- sectionalism, Dr. Perc 'v Viv -__________________ morial Hospital, Bowmanville. der. The initial letter of the 'ian, Conservative candidateI M.and Mrs. Gordon Sug- sraebeinn cc !e-for Durham Couinty, told a H oney C laim s .........t of Toronto visîted her ter of the alphabet is ilium-Isocial gathering bcld by the! aunt Mrs. Wm. Seymour on- inated in goldcu lor. Each day iBowmanville Conservative As- Saturday. a new page is turned. isociation at Memorial Park P.C.C bie and children. Tyrune, visited'peuple's visit to Carleton Uni- ing. He asserIýdc that the Con- J Mrs. Chas. Wood. ýversity where tbey beard in- servatives had niot tried to. o f s d LAW o. 825Mrs. S. R. Caldwell ut Portîformative lectures and aisoi!placate groups xitlî swect C n'u e B LANo 18 5Hope.. and Mrs. Milton took part in isin grcup.s. words. Jc Brough, p-csidenf ".Jist another cxample or Tamblvn, Mrs. Fred Tambîvo, They wcre gucsts of the Na-;o! the organizatioîî, poi the confusion that exi,ý 'M TOWN 0F Mis. John Brown, Mi-s. Rus-' tional Capital Commission a, at tbc meeting. Conscrvative cabinet circr ' P. V.N. 3 121 r' selI Bcrt and Mrs. Gco. Car- a luncheon, and afterwards: We stand on a pîatforrn Out a the wav Liberal Caitdid- son wcre dînner guests or Mîr. vicwed a movic wbicb show- - ite RussellC.luon(-\- dscribecý NOTICE and Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Eni- ed the work bcing donc by î a IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30îor The 1w rininz .Act field, on Friday in hionor o! the commission tu beautify Otù r ws oi0niiting M fRS0. 1960, c. '96).ber fatbcr, Mr. A. John Tam-'lawa The students also en- Rowtmani lie- nrcn stai - r adblyvn and bis bride. the iformer,.joyed a bus lour or the ments made by Agriculture- INTH MTTR0Fanapliaio h IîecAlnriin is. Nellie (Martin) Petti-,the surrounidin9 district, a n dMiis Alvin Hamilton wno POL INTH MTEROFanaplcaio 'v hf orortin bene ut Brampton. Congratu- Hui. A dinner dance w DPENADL said that the federal (ýabinpI of the Town of Bowmanville for approvat ut ils ain.gv tthCaeuLurr had been split on juits Ie' Restricted Area By-Law 18'25, passed thbe 2nd <aYof Mlatins. g Rg Seloien tthehe Chateant Laurier Cai-IIv n Otbr191 dalu dollarn October, 1961.and fanîilv, Oshawa, visibcd ý Our last day took 1Us dia dolar APPOINTMENT FOR HEARIN; Mr. and Mî-s. Tom Hardy and 0101e lu tbe House ut Com- Mi. Hanmilton is reporied Io family on Suniday. mens whcre John Bouch PI-- S I<A i'bve ,,declarcd that about hiaIt of the Town of Bow THE NTAIO MNICPALUOAR herbv IUoeu.l., of tecabinet wantcd ,,o e THEONTRI MUICIALBOAD hrc ~poi1ts Mr. Chas. Kittmnei-.Mr. Tom lsented us witb our Citizenshilp __ D ARM W tep-c OeadIeoi Wednesday, the 20th day of June, 1962. at the lour of Kitt.mcr, Mr. and Mrs. Burn, Certiticates. He explained thut t ~ha i ae 5,u akdte ltc s . k fl ten o'ciock in the forenoon (Local Time) at the Council Kittmcî- and sons, of St. Marys Ibtis was the bigbest award '61 Valiant V-2010 bbc- sîîit, the differene. Chambers in the Town of Bowmanvillc, Ontario, foi- spent Saturdav with Mr. and that could be given Lis foi- aI- Mr.HoneÀdecrîbd M the hearing of al parties intcrcstcd in suppoî-ting oret-W.Mtcel tending this adventure Miss 2-Dr. Hartp Hmlon adcti ada rv opposing this application. Decoration Sundav at the Falîs also gave an entertain- HmlOsacinsagrv DATED at Toronto tbis 3rd daY ut MaY, 1962. Oruno Cemetery soun n g uî thbb students'1 3-speed automatie. radio, breacb ufthte oatb uf secrecy H. VICKERS. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vanivisit to tbe Suprenie Court ) ~nsiî ahr.wle wîbal (bntmmc- sccretary. Horne, Wbitby, and their, Canada. waII tires. One owner, nîust. take cuncerning busi- guests Mr. and Mrs. Lee La'-l Voiciiig ber appreciation 1, like nesw. ncss carried on by cabinet. The Corporation of the Trown of Bownmanville ton of Manitoulin Island, Mm.'tbe Bowmanviîîe Rotarians Cabinet solidaritv is anotîî< î D E C O ~R À& BYLA o.185Lewis Cryderman, Hampton, for liei- wonderfui Ottawa 1957 Plymiouth essential part of" our way' ut BYLA o.185visitcd Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. visit. Miss Falls said the club h crincaniead tcLinl A By-Law to Aniend Zoning By-Law 1587 sbould be congratuiated for 4-Dr. guracnidatenn e taiib-yi heT ils fine work in Ibis commun- 6 <yl. automatic.e a(ar. 'bc mc appcaî-s Iu he a xvidc'i he1w WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town or Bow- M m iv. She presented a sterling gap bctween Mi. Hanizun's xanville passed a Zoning By-Law Number 1587 on S u en slverspoon witb the Rotary 1956 olaguve , iane fhcaMinstrndurg lcize sts the 2nd day of August, 1955, which was duly approvcd lemblem bu Mr. Rebder. cl au'FnneMnse byOrero Te ntro uncia BarJames Speers moved a hnar- Regent Fleming. AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 bas been amcîîded bhçavvvot o.taas t MssFaes o.neowmanonthevlctne Nubrd 62ad 70pasdoiter for ber outstanding addres5ý 2-Dr. LHardtop îtsclt. Mi. Honey said that lic tteB w a vleC By-Laws NPresident6K. N.d Morris alsuon the 3rk was confident ut victory for day of July, 1956 and on the 10th day of September, CROM PAGE ONE- îbaednMissN.Faîl isan I .Rdibaksetspa tr he Liberals in Durhami, the 1959, respectively, which amending by-iaws wcre duly itie Cîîateau Laurier byvcr ia is al adpe oiialtotnePit Province and tbirougbout, Can- cammenci al)proved by the Ontario Municipal Board, 'Charlotte Whitton. Profe'se snted her witb a copîy cf Smart utbscndee AND WHEREAS il is desirabie tu furthcr ameîîd Desmond Bowen aiso lx- book publisbed recentiy by D4 was based upon tbe receît, the said Zoning By-Law 1587, itended a cordial welcome lu Roary International. 1955 P ontiac 4-Dr. Gallup Pull wbicb sbowed For thoewsigt THEREFORE the Council o!f'l'le Corpor-ation o! bbth students from ail parts o! Bill Tbiesburger eceived V-8, radio. (;oodrunn that in Ontario tbe Liberals aewsigta the Town of Bowmanvile pursuant. te The Planning Canada, wbu had come tu 0t- aFu er PretAtn- ca- frInl had improvcd their position Ac ...16,Catr26 eto 0 n mn- tawa for bbe important gatb- aFu er efc ted crfrol 55in relation lu bhe Conserva- Ac ...160 hpe 96 eto 0,adaed ance Pin. The presentation ti s v tree percentage b swl e v h ments thereto, HEREBY ENACTS that By-La\v No. ering, and be gave a stimula-1wsmd yCaeG'tn 1953 Dodge poitsdu-ring tbe past fcxeuwii ev h 1587 as amcndcd be further anîcndcd as follows: ing address on "Canadians1 the Attendance chairman. The and their Responsibilities",Ibrha of Dr. W. M. Rucleli, C rn t4D. wos 1. In thc schcdule o! zones iînder the heading Miss Falls said birlhday Coronet 4-Dr. Ioeks. IN TOWNSHIPLOT 9 He ugcd aIl Librals lu ce INTWSI O Lunchcon was served for a at rsdetIascc Radio, good Ile double their efforts in their In Concession 1 si te Cata auirbrated by bis fcliow Rotar;an-. us n te Catau aurerJim Hogarth and Roy Barr-ý Bargain .$25 Igreat cause betwecn now and The first tbree lines shaîl bc stricken oui aînd mclac- baiiroom, and afterwards Hon. 1and, Oshawa, wcrc bbc pr.,Ze delctlion day fu iak eti cd by the following: lanesi h nentoa iio i o; h odo From the soutbern iimit o! bbc aaid Lot and cxtcnd- Angus Mecan, the Ministeriwnes nte.nenainl.f 1%rfo-te odo ing northcrly toeftic soutbern limit o! tbe conserva- o! Fisheries spoke te us," thelDraw. ralm erCad. tion zone of the creck running theme througb, ]i spcakcr told the Rotanians.' ---- - -- - Zone V Sbe cxplained that Mr. Mc-' Lo e cnibeasortiowttsouhcs:cre o ad Lean bad urgcd yuung peuple lTle riglit to think i5zbbhe Aotor Sales STARKVILLLB Lo eXCPT: as ortio tbsouh as!tnc 0 ai l ake a special interest ini real difference between / andDelrfo COMMENCING at a point in tbeîîoîtbcrn limit of government, and bad told 'the enemy / us-Elmer Davis. lelr o the Base Line Road being tbe South East angle o! bbem that tbc coming genera-1 God has cndowed mari with PIy..muth . Dodge - Vaillant . and Mis. Grant Sylves- said Lot 9, THENCE Nortberly in and alung the ltion is better educated thaiî inalienable rights, a m o n g: Simca Cars ter and tamil * , Sarnia, were castern limit of said Lot 9, 1214 fect more or less Itheir ancesturs had been and wbich arc self -governmentý,1 Dodge Trucks wcekend guesîs at Mm. Jim lu pont n te sid outemoiimt 0 th cosera- therefore will have more lu reason, and conscience. Mary .0 King St. E., Boivmanville Sak Lion zone; THENCE South westcriy iin and aîong contribute to their commun-'MsBakerum TroEtodyiit the said southern limit o! conservation zn ities and their country Bke ddy e d Mm. Artbur McKay. distance of 740 feet more or lcss lu a point distat "The 121h Adventure in Mm. and Mrs. Hfowar-d Far- 615 feet easterly from the castern limit o! Simpson Citizenship was planncd to row wcre recent guests witb Avnu; HECESotbcatclyina trigt ne gie is a beter understand - Mr. and Mrs. D. Lapbamn, A àÀ 275vee;THENCE Southbserly aralletrathecaîcn Clîb ! Otaa1ddMawoder huel! Israome Tdd a liito!sad-otP9-ee-b4apont---he oblcr- tskwck it1 fneatenanf o! sad -Lob 9T-ECE-" utcr- n'-"dai"g and of the excelle-nt enter-'L~~u n ,.. sadwestern limit o! Lot. 121-1 fet nore or css lu tainmnent aterwards. The pro- Dress Shoes $7.95 - $19.95 Accident nstigupfroeig tbe South West angle o! said Lot; THENCE East- "ram included songs, danices'~i Special -thank you" 10 Ircsi erly in and along bbc soutbemn limit o! said Lut and and skits. She described thc o n -i tbe Northern limit o! the Base Line Road a distance climiax, wbich was entihlcd o n - padthrcnayofias hE of 1311 feet more or less lu îtîe point o! commence- The Musical Ride'. Inii a SAEEKEND SPECIAL 1 an othercon a offoiciai Bch ment, fi _. --- . -- --- Zonîe III girls, dressed in bbc brigît rcdDaiH.R%, the said Lot 8 more particularîy descrîbcd as follo%\!s: te R.C.M.P.. marched aîîd 11Ennt cient xat 1:2ui-cloi cos tvnsokln a ar COMMENCING at bbc North West angle of said counher march c d carrs'iig ONE PAIR OF1" o o acide n t1:0o cock- Lot; THENCE Southerlv iii and alung thbc western colourful flags. ____ty Rciad 57 north o! Ennis-:Aiotsne "h ky limit o! said Lot 528 feet; THENCE Easterlv parallel Tlîc participants in th-, Kub er Tnongs kilîcii when lus car wcnt oui Bert Johnston, London Life; Rom~ 'o the northern limit of said Lot 330;: THENCE Adx-ent tl r c ln Cilizenship of corîtrol. There was cxtcn- jakBogPuni;GrdnC Northerly parallel lu bbc western limit o! said Lot visitcd bbc Parliament Build- sive damage tu the vebiclu. .78 feet; THENCE Easterîy paraîlel ho bbc said ings the next day-. "The urig- w ith any pirchase of CrstbI . aekBroigbPlubingGoron Northern limit o! Lot 990 feet more or less tu a i il a t Parliament Buildings 8$4.95 and over üPP. invcsh;i, the acci- point in tbe castemu limit o! said Lot: THENCE witb bbc exception ufthebbc 1 dent. Mm. Fergusc.n iý a patient FREE DRI Northenly in and along the said eastemn limît o! Lut Library were destroyed bv 1 in Memorial 1o.spi1al. He is 150 feet to bbc North East corner o! said Lot: fire in 1916. The present btiiid- 'l mcccix ng trcati-'ýenli for lat iai THENCE Westerly in and along thc northcmn limit ings wcre complcted i 19211 Dr. V/m. M. Schoii's Representative :injuries and ;-brasions ho other LARGE HEINZ TRUCK o! said Lot 1320 feet mure or less lu bbc Nortb West ah a cost. including !uriiish- 1 parts o! bis body. c.orner thereof and tbe Point o! Commencement ings, o! $12,000,000. Tbcy con- wii ue at our store There was a thr-cc vehicle 6 SUNBEAM BREAD DOLLS: inl --- -----------. -- -- Zone I, bain six fluors and 490 rooms," collision on 411I ligbway ae UHBRAD ecsl REA AFIRT ND ECND IM TIIS Miss Falls said. Hueu Thursday, June i4th !ne MaffIe Grovo Road at 6i:25 RTHB NAD Nwate RA A IS AN SEODTNETIS She dcscribcd thbbc s o a.m. Mioridax\. 'Filicdriver o! J. BOUMA, Bowmanviile 2nd DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1961. Communs Chamber vividly, Colne ini . . . bring your foot troubles bbe car uli;,-h *pparnlnly DEBBIE CORSON, Bowmanville mcntioned that decp galleric causcd the sciib~pecd ofi. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY at each end and narrow ones lu a speciaiist! and Ihere is ni) d2scription o! PASEDTHS ndDA 0FOCOBR.191. at bbc sides, accommodabe 53 him, nom o! h:ýs car. Ollîci s persons. Miss Falls said that ivle ntc-liinwr Sgd. W. CARRUTHERS, there is a re-inforcement W ivlvin atbr colision wer D NIa% o r. sound sysîem su that bot i i Lioy>d E llis S ho s Willifa Hatw tck apnecD Sgd JCKL.REDmembers and spectators can by the Morgani Construction' Sgd JAK L REDClcrk hear everybhirig said in tbc 49 King St. W. Bowmanviile Compgny, Totuxîlu, and Har- debahes. vvHnes,,Trno' "Thegrea char attheTha Hcnni-.-.y car xý a..i am- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1962 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE L» £2,ueen ?7lot lier w~iIl he passing through Bowrnanvilie on ber Royal Visit Saturday, June l6th ai 9:45i ar.i. on Highway 40t Residents of Bowmanville wishing to see Majesty may do su, as cars will slow down miles per hour within town limits. ID, Clerk. JACK L. REI E - i 7BOWMANVILLE ýLMATION 1Hobbs, Mayor vrmanville, hereby declare JNE l7th, 1962 AS lON DAY n1 of Bowmanville support the Decoration Service ,emetery on the above date, Jng at 3:00 p.m. sportation to the Cemetery, ibrary at 2:30 p.m. sharp. IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor. ta our many f rierids ln ýowmanville and rural district ithe Officiai Opening of aur l>lMARKETr [e this opening a success Hl expectation! ers of our staff who worked so diligeaitly the niembers of Suppiy Depot of Oshawa iing, engineers, and sales staff for work 00- sidetit Ray Wolfe, bis executive inembers attended our Officiai Opening Tbursday, oyd of Western Tire Store and Bob and ,for use of their trucks during nioving. ou" fur congratulatory flowers f rom: is and Ruth Jackman, Jackman Florists; Clark, Excelsior Life; Oshawa Wholesale. AW WINNERS --. Mrs. Ruth Calver, Bownianville MRS. J. HAYMAN, Bowmanville PAUL JOHNSON, Bowmanville DEBBIE TENNANT, Bowmanville )N MILLIGAN, Proprietor. PAGE TWO