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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1962, p. 7

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WEDNEDAY. TUNEl3th,1962TE CANADMA STATESMAN, BOWMANVXLLE, ONTARIO A. McNeil, Oshawa, Saturday c vellîn g. Mir. and MIrs. F. 0. Smith and Miss Gloria Smith, Bow. manvîlle, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smnith aînd Grace Sa!- urdiav evening. Mn . and Mrs. Robert Mill. ford and fanily, Bowrnanville, %%-ere Sunday evening guests of -Mr. Robent Sim. M.- and Mrs. W. Vaneyk 'venre Sundax' suppeî' guests of M.\I. and 'Mrs. J. Vandam, Nestleton. Sevci'al attendcd *Player'Xi 200"' races Saturday at Mos- port %vhîle the l'est sat on their la\vnrs and xvatched th)e cars go bv ..No serious accidents wîer' cepoicd. At onie given tunie cars %vel'î goîng pas! at (7),so l Boys' Traininna oo Cadets Put on Excellent Innrcton 3-3303 1,Donald Robb. King St. worth of Mr. J. H. Black, fa- E,return ed last %veek from ther of Mr. Sarn Black for-' a %veek's visit in Seattle, merly of BowmanviUle. ill Washington. returned on Sunday evening Mr. Jack Akcv of Roblin, with Mr. and Mrs. Black, Jan-! Ont., was a weekend visitor ice and Terry to vacation with with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. themn at their home in Sud- Harry Akey and Gary. bu. Sunday guests %vith Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stefoof,' Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Kar- Jann and Val of Toronto sail- lyn, Brown St.. were Mr. and ed last Saturday from Mon- Mrs. Charles Wells (nee Lar- treal onl the Homeric fora raine Lingard) of Rochester, tour of England and the con-!* N.Y. tinent. Prior to their depart- Mr. nd -rs Ivion un-ure a tamnily farewell pairty Mr.was held at the homne of her« day spent the weekend wvithpaetM.nd rsFakj their daughter, Mr. and Mrspaet, r.adM.Fan I. C Mathes, ick an 10L. Hooper, Ontario Street. anne at Egsnondville near Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lar- Clinton. mer, Mr. and Mrs. Murrayý Mr.andMrs Jon DGraLarmer and Stephen, Mr. and haMr. and Mrs. ThomD Gas Mrs. Wallace Lai-mer and, Gallagher and daughter San- Patti, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bat- draand rs. acFayenat- tains, Judy and Kevin had a dr. ndMs. G aa yeno pleasant get-together on Sun-ý Lindedsearym.enina day evening with Mr. Austin «. Lmndsay.Larmer's brother, Mr. and Alan Smith, son oft Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, their ' -Mrs. W. 1. Smith, Centre S-,ý family and grandchildren, at has successfully completed Nis the home of Mr. and Mrs. second year in Commerce at Glenn Larmer, Blackstock. AIl! Sir George Williams Universi- 35 members of the Larmer tv (Evening Division), Mon-i tamily were present. treai Alan Smith, Montreal, spenti Mrs. Cy. Ashton, Burketon,tîeekndwihisprt, nnd Mrs. Sid Tomlinson were I.ndMsW..Sit, in Belleville las! Thursday CetrIS.OnSidle n where they visited Mrs. Char-C tried atheOnF'ldyin hn- les Wood of Tweed who is RanedMotrte lyinghonr 0f tenti Gnra osia the forthcoming marriage of; ther. Byo asne Miss Cecily Snale, Toronto,! Mesrs. Bvrn Vnstneand Mrll. Robert Hunter, Co-, and Stuart Candler attended bourg. Also attending the din-' -q luncheon meeting of the On-, ner were the parents of the tario Flour Millers Associa-. bride-to-be, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. tion held at the Brock Hotel. Smale, Lindsay, and her sis- Niaeara Falls, Ontario, las!ý ter, Miss Ruthellen Smale Monday. 'Toronto, and Alan's parents.W Mrs. Ruth Angus. Toronto, isLnaCleIetr 'va a eeendvisto ~vtbtained the members of the, ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rori B~ grduating e lass of Oshawaý Hawthorne and arneY, and Ge with the Hawthorne famil,. neieral Hospital at a barbe- que at the family cottage,ý nttnde th Pave'~s200atLake Scugog, Saturday, June. Mopr nStra.9th. Weekend guests at the'e Mr. L. B. Nichiol. Carlisle, Colwell cottage were Murray! Ave., returned last week from Wa]ker, Miss Diane Yeo, Pet- a~n enjoyable miotor trip \ith erborough, Bob McLean, Osh- h is son and daugliter-in-lav. awa, Mrs. Stan Preston, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols,ý Bob Preston, Maple Grove, Kingston, down through the Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson andý United States as fair as Wasà- caug-hter, Oshawa, Mr. and ington. Mrs. Dave Preston and David Mc. nd is.E V.H or, r.,Miss Diana Denice, Osh-1 awaM.adMs akr King St. Eazýt, 'vere wveekend c r.Wakr guests of Mr. and Mns. J. F., The advisabiity of learning .. ~ Goodfeilow of Toronto a! the ail phases of water safety was latter's cottage near Port Sev- exemplified las! Sunday at ern. Mr. Hoar also greatly en-, Thurstonia P a rk, Sturgeon joyed a three-day f ishing trip: Lake, xvhen Mr. and Mrs. Ross last week a! Lake Nipissing. , Jeffery of Oshawa by their! Mc.andMrs Hary enn~,quick thinking and actionsi 'roonoMrs Cy. Astn saved an unidentified 10-year- Eorkon, Mrs. i Tomlinsold boy from drowning. Ro-s: 1\rktnMrs. BStid is, r as working on a boat at his; .and Mrs. Brer tcMund, Mc. father-in-iaw's dock when two ;'ldyMrs. MadrleydEtcher, Mrs.n Cia rence Edmondson and Mrs on astodhmternn- . 1' Percy Luxton Sr. were rntswirmmer friend hadl gone un- visiors i Mr. an rent der-water and failed to sur-' ViSiors /Il "U Ms.1face. Spotting the youngsteri JohnWels, Twed. loating face down in abouti Las! Sunday Miss Jili Ames eight feet of water, rîeanly 20 âttended the funeral in Wark- feet offshore, he dove in iully TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Altnister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, BA., B.D. Oî'ganist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m - MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament of The Lord's Supper "The First Law of Faith" SUNDAY SCHOOL 945 ami. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 amr. - Beginners 11:20 a.nx.- Kindergarten and Primary Baby-sitting Service A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Church Picnic, Saturday, lune 16 at Orouîo Park. Buses xiII leave church, 1:30 p.m. REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN caet orpWdsdaheOtai REFRME CH RCHin Bovmanileheld th( j Scugog Street, Bowmanville i shown during the inspe Rev. John C. Verbruggc, B.A., B.D., Minister Sipnbeoigfrt Telep)hone th btto. 3e-h10o2t1 Percv Vivian .. r Don, 'LYlay 30 membeî's of the oTr'aining School foi' Boys iir aiinual inspection and for theji' efforts. Thev ar'e etion. wîth C'adet Mýajor comnimand s. HAYDON r. andiMi Mc îI c- Conclue. QLucentl'towiî N «B. Mrlî and Mrs. Clilnton maso",:I and I\its. T. Srnîîh and faro ;\M1*,anld ~l B . NcDoîîald. 1 Bo\wrnaivî,lle. vere Wednes- cia ( allers ai MrjjS. \VThornp-r sonsY. Mrs'. FO,ûdBw mnanville. 'as saFriday caNler and Saturda\ ex*cqnin callers xvce Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Thomipsnn, Patsy, and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto. a! their cottage on the wveekend. 1\r, tNnîci îuwnIceToi- nito iv. S"Ilcav clinner ,guest ot MCid'ici Mrs, Ross Ashtun and faiti'. Janet and Litnda' Sharp, En' niskillen, spent a daY %with, their glrandparenti. . and 1\Ir., Lloyd lAsion, Mirs. Muniel Browillre,'["'or- onto .PL spni.the vweekend a! the Ashton hoile. SYbîl Grahiani is holidjavîîî g with hier cnî.Allîson 'and BillI Rahmn. Liîi v, Sonry t o hcar D.P Cami- erosi 's a patient i Memnor - ai Hospital, Bowr-naiîville. WiSh hier a speedNv recovexy. MnI. and Ms Leslie Gra- ham, MIr. and NIrs. Roy Gra- arn and farniiv and i\lrs. 1-1. Crossnmaîîattendcd the Gra- ham reunion on Sundav a! the horne of Mir. and Is Laur- nce Grahiarn, Linîdsay. Mcr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ind Mrs. .Muriel Brointlee a!- tnded the 25th wfedding anni- ersar 'v of Mn. and Mïrs. Ira rnavcll. Oshiata, on Satur- ax cvcnîng.' Mr. anid Mrsý Lloyd Sle- non attended Cadinus Anni- ,rsar 'v Service Sundav rnorn- , ig, anld vîiud .Iî.and Mr., o0y Taïlor, .Blackstock. hi h( an Tt da M( Rc ..-.. ........... -Photos by W. F. Lofgren Susan Tiliey had a tonsit 1!operatioîî a! Mernoniai Hos- BUR E O :pital, Bo-wrnanvilie, on Mon- U KE O day. Sonrv to heax' of Mi's. 1.An- Mn. and Mns. Ronald Rahm gue's accident of faiiing and and farnily vsited Mn. and breaking a bune in hec ankie. iMrs. Clem Rahîn. Lindsay, ehp hscniinwl on Saturday. n W e hop hi oditovi Mn. and Mns. Bert Ashtoioon b ipovd Mr. Aiden, Hubband 'vasa and farnily, Toronto, spcn! Sunday at tlîeîr cottage. ýFriday caller a! the homes of 1Mn Howard Ronald. Gai! Mn. and Mns. Merwin Mounut- wvas a Sunday visitor a! Mnr. n c adMs ei and Mrs. Ronald Rahrn's. ISlon, Hrt. ands a ild Mn. and -Mrs. Chanlie Gar-,o n n n.FakCi rard and Mir. and Mns. A11fred ber! Solina. and was tea guest Garrrd nd arry vistedof Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskillen. Mrs. Jackson and Ruth, Bailie- Soy torptthtM. bora, on Sunday. WMaitec Ferguson is in Meinor- Deconation Day at HampItan il Hospital, Bowman ville. We Cerntcn an SunayJune hope his condition xiii soon i l7tlh a! 2:30. be imnproed June U.C.W. meeting on Mr. and Mrs. Ai'chie Liinni Thursdlay cvening (tonight) Sc!afwdy ihîea a! Mns. MI. Thompson's. Mca. tives ini Oshawa this past A. Tncxin's meeting. 'week. Practice for Anniver--anvý Master Raiph Grace met rSunday a! 11:30. Church sex- with an accident whece lie fol] vice a! :0 iaet wil and broke his lef! arm. Sorri,, be adm inistered. - ta hear of y u' m fo t ie Ra iohl . o r m .f tL ,p Word ha-, beeln received that pMrs. Oscar Adams is in Co- ~e r urbourg Hospital. The lasi re- condition is serious. rMrs. Cyrus Ashton lias ne- !urned homne from %visitîng î'e- H O U S E lativs inTweed. Madoc and M.adMns. Harold Mac. P A IN T Donald and farn-ily, Bowrnan- P A IN T ville, 'ere Satuday evening guests of Mrs. Greta Ballev. Our church was \veii fiiied e e e e r e on Suinday morning xvhen xve had Reception of new mciii- FOR EXAMPLE- bers. Theix' names are as foi- os:Misses Alice Taylor. FIRST GRADE -uryCnaca.AieSte- Regulai' Colors phenson, lJune Tuirnbuli, Mar. garet Argue, Geongina Gatch- $X8.9.5 Gai. ell. Patricia Catchie]], Messrs. .1o11n Cousins, Floyd Argue. Lyle Smith and Fred Taylor. LUXTONE Th1ese membens jained u church by Profession of Faith.; $5 5 a. M i 9sKathenine Cousins $.5-9- Gal. joined orchurch bytransfer. The Session of this chnrchui STIJRGEON'Sbvepiayerfulh' considened the.çe and ar'e hap'pv ta extend Special ta each anc the right hand of feliowship, and neceive lherni $3.9 Gal. into the household of faith, with a prayer t-ha!tlîhey may PACO be tiuiy blcssed and be a PA( C)blessing during theiî' sojoturu in this Asscînblv of God's po Gai pie. X'au are mnosi cordiallv in- ftr~Ir~.uEI vied ta ou: Sunday moriiing AD~KNIITýworship a! 1:5 a.n. this SundarN, lune I 7th, %%,len ounr f n*~ uj~y ~ gues! solais!t'viii be Mr. Ken- rait & Wallpaper neth Halle!! of Little Brîtaîn. Mc. and Mns. Kenneth Lac. 33 KING STREET WV.. mer, Peterborough, Mr. Allai 31A 3-5431 Laniner, Toronto, 'vere we- end guests of Mr. and% Melrs. _____________Harold Larmer. Kelvinator spacesaver REFRIGERATOR - FREEZER UNDER 60" INH IEIGHT 'FIlS UNDER EXISIING CUPBOARDS Cowan Equipment Co* 34 King St. E. Bowrna nvilie CSocia! Mc and Mi's. H. Murphy and bel bolier. root bolier, work bêttor. SI Moche]] Ponirpeol 1k- mi]' visited Mc. sud Mi's. LOI. nG SaIJlTPnw d rn and f mi . Es\v Penai M- dWi Pead family ecîîhMrs W engvaisdetor oSund :Oirs. M'i. Kellett. Jajnetiui. I\'.r. sd Nrs. G .- Brow n and Ross, Oshlawxa. ,vere Suni- ciay Visitor's of Mn.-aand Mrs. \V in. Browvn and Mn. aîîd Nr.Clar-ton Browx~n.lMr. and Ali's. Chas Pen'varden and ianîil 'v xxeeSunday eveniiig & Oshawa. %vere Suidav guestsI of Mr. and -Mrs. A. C. Stephen- son and farilv. :ýIr. and Mrs. Eu-ene For- syNth, MNarkhiam. xvere Sunla- guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey. Mr. Lei.-hton and frieuîd, Toronto, Nr Bill Mrt ,-Osha \a. 'vere Sunda v gueis:s ,'of Mr. ani iMnjs. cxrus Kt' Mr. and Mrs. Jaincs Triîck, Oshawva, \vere Sundav gLiests of Ms E. Cpru)chial and familv. M.and . COL-il I Bruni. McI. Josýeph Av~ccx, PBrîghton.j xverc receit guIeSts nifMr.and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. .Adamîs 1 were Sundax' guie.zs of Mr, >andi Mr. Ivan Cochriane. Ne,- tleton. Mr. and mis. W. H-. Ci'awx- ford favoied ,:rLllch ~ r v'ice last Sundav înorning wîîhtl a ovelv duet.' Mr. and MiS. Oliver Hub- j bard, Oshawva, w eî'e Suind:î fýueSt5z of Mr. and M\,rs. B. Hîîbbard.C '\Ir. and Mrs. Er'ie SimnpsonS and fa WlXiiiowdale, werec Suiidav ,guiests of Mir. and Mrs. J. A. Turnutll and farnilv. Mc.r and Mrs. L. R.Agu and fainilv '%verc SuIldcar 'ZIIEests of Mn. and MnIs. Morrci5' Mitchell and m r. \Vijiîacn Conîpetitive Prices Plus Pcrsonal Service 8SPECIAI, VALUES AND) RENIINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS W'EEK! Money -Saving SPECIALS! :Ii ______ li BRECK HAIR SET MIST rýcg. 75 9 C1<- I 1 Free Booket xxli i2)si,,.( HELENE CURTIS SHAMPOO Richr liadHudiîut --- Reg. i.49 10 oz, en-Cear Gel -Reg.1-25 - Plus 4 oz. , 2.50 vaIue TEEN-CLEAR LOTION 2.00 1.89 Value Gilette Righi Guuîd Dedoratiî - Ecgý 89c plus G9 i igllter Suernd B lue Blds : 1.00 29 sue LGHTJluda1E Juipls31 ZOIPO LIGHTE--R 4393.5 WINDLITE LIGHTER Sunday, June 17 B it Ifo0l CIs Car- Wasli Brîîsh Paper Mate Golden Capi Philishave Speedshav-er Philishiave Speedflex 01(1 Spice Shaving Sets Thermos Permia-Scal Vactuumj Bottie Tirnex Walches 7.95, 8.95 KODAK HAWKEYE FLASHFUN CAMERA' with any 4.00 purchase lent 69c - 75c - 1.25 - 1.89 21c - 49c - 87c SPECIALS on National Brands' P>li(ces Effec tiv.e iLile Il (o i16 Aqua Velva Colg ate Tooth Paste îzeg. ggt 69c Lustre Creme LOTON eg. .2 1 09 Reg. 1.25 Phillip's MiIk of Magnesla 69c 59C RESDAN iier.. - 1.29 SUAVE- Reg. 98c 69c for nîîntroi of 1.49 Apbids, soft bodied ,nîckirinserts, thrips andileat hopponis. Iills a hosi. of garden insects bv 1 . 1 9 ~ f uîm s n cn t a t ixpîireS bIPIîtîfcî.l iniects. .Lcoiîomiîoil- one oîînce 133 flakes tivn)gaions8 49c - 1.19 3.95 2.49 I)estroy Ants in the Home or Cottage 2.9 Do'the P25c ce TAN doni't hum! use 98e r 3*3<J r 27.95 'o get a drainatic an skifely use COPPERTONE, COP. 2.35 PERTONE blocks out hurn. 5 îi ng îylets in beneficial I I 0 i 011, CREAMN 1.30 - 2.25 - 1.50 LOTIION 9c- 1.75 - 3.00 Nestie COLORINSE Uise Afier Every Silaînpoo Pîo lanioiis 1,colon hiigh-. shevri. 25c - 49cL 69 iigeneral. 1 49c of A.S.A. relîcf ()f anid pain 99C TAMPAX VITALIS Rcg. 51r Reg. 1.001 7 9CM39 * PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDIES * ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 80 WMN VILE -PHON MA U57e NI". and Mrs L. Hardie, Les- kard %vcie Sindasv c\etiiiig visaîtors and Mr. anîd Mrs. J. irvine. Tor'onto. wvere Sun- Phone MA ilI HEAR... AND SEE PERCY VI VIAN Progressive Conservative Candidate THURS.,, JUNE l4th 11:25 p.m. CHEX - TV (CHANNEL 12) PETERBOROUGH Dave Gatcllell,! WEUNESDAY. 13th, 1962 1 ýIr. and 'Mrs. D, Nirandl\l x.Rx oGison 1 .tUHda\ uiîurning nous. andMrs Rv Gisonaroiîîd andiail is quiet back iri atieîîcld th, Oddî 1\1i,> " ~thesticks" again until Ilext M\ildred Paknson and M r. eckend. "Thanks' Darling- Chas, Howvad ai Si. Peters t,>,, Coucîl foi' having tlhe Anglicanii Chui'ch on Saturdav road oued. in Cobouirg. Thev also ai- tcndcd Decuration Day' Ser- vice a! Utica Urittd Churc 1 ~ ('Il Sciîdias aftcî'noon and 1)adi superwît hs mIfr.MSuïeWTI RED sup er ith his mot ei N'rs. Nowandthon overybody gels à "tired-Mu" G. D Be:tle,. P rt errv feling and iiay be botherod by backachss. 2 ili . s u N îr . l a n e s m ii h P e r ia p s n o h in q s orio u siy hro n g , ju st a te m p o r - and an-is Sm th iary condition caused by urinary irritation or and faniil.v. Ajax. vîsited Mn. ûiadder discomfort. Thal's the lime tu takas and Mî's. A. J. iicLaggan aîîad Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Oo4d'à hoip stimulat. the fam i y o S un ay .kidneya tu roijvo tihêtcondition which nov fa m ly on un day lo n causeo backache and tiradit feeing. Thon yo uà . 49C Reg. 9:lpc -, Reg. 1.7,3 75c Perey Vivian Bowmanville 1 PAGE SEVM LONG SAULT Look - Only 4.00 LAXA IVE Nîvea Creme BOWMANVILLE ý PHONE MA 3-5792

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