- - - - - - - - - - - - - S A E S A Y B W A I V H B L N T M éSPORT'oplcsjý By Frank Mohun %U1 3.7234 e IWOSPOET - WE WUZ THERE Well air - we dld end up with a pass to Mosport, Éaturday atternoon, enabling us to mingle with the drivers ln the pit area, but even so, this scribe didn't dig up any astounding stories. As a matter of fact, we can't get used to attending Mosport as a reporter. We stili like to get; settled at the "S" tu.rn, which to us is the best place to watch a race. Usually the infield is our choice, but for the Player's 200 we were invited to watch from a different vantage point by Don Laird. Building contractor Ernie Laird had erected IL scaffold on the back of bis truck and secured an excellent position on one of the bends on the "outfield" side. Thanks ta the Lairds we had our best view of a Mosport race yet, Probably the best seats ln the bouse were atop a: scaffold erected by Mel Burgess and Harvey "'Slip" Rowe, renowned local painters turned racing fans. Unless you know exactly wbere they will be (as we' dld wlth the Lairds) don't try looking for anyone; we tried and It's Impossible, even with a good idea of their location., Meanwbile Mosport bad provided the press, radio andi TV with an excellent spot on tbe roof of the pit crews Eta-1 tion and at the observation tower. Our main regret, hoýv-1 ever, Is that we missed out on the free lunch and drinks.1 Photographer Johin James Jr. really looked like an oid pro when be selected Dan Gurney to be the winner antd took bis picture in preference to the other drivers. jost prier; ta their tour about the track. (Editor's sad note: The 'old mian" didn't load the film correctly, so we end Up with no Pix.) It was a good choice, too, but ironically, affter ,vinnin-, the first beat, something which seldoin bappens to Gurney,; knocked bim out of the race. The Lotus 19, looked after by inecbanic Jerry Eisert bas the reputation off being one off the strongest and most reliable racing cars of recent Years. Saturday it wasn't and Gurney settled for 500 bucks instead of $3,000. H-andsome Dan w-as just as popular after the' race - the chief target for autograph bunters. Following the race we liad the opportunity of tailcing' with Olivier Gendebien, whose Dailu Special was scratchcd ln Friday's trials, due to an oil leak. Gendebien raced in a' borrowed Porsche ES 61, a much less powerful car. His i description, complete with the gestures, went something likze, this: "They %vent past me on the straightaways, as ff l was standing steel. But then wbhat can you do when these I car just can't go any faster. Well anyw-ay I just took ectV for a nice drive around the course - deedn't burt eet a beet, eet's just as good as new now." The big attraction, Roger Ward, put on bis best shiowý in an exhibition mini-minor race. Lined up on the grid, fîve cars took off down the track, while Roger was going nearly as fast the opposite way in reverse. Ward's bighly-touted car gave him mechanical difficulties, finally forcing the Indianapolis 500 winner out of action after littie more titan the first 100 miles. Innes Ireland, driving Stirling Moss' Ferarri 1 (special rear engine job) w-as out after leading the first lau,, back in 25 miles bebind the leaders, and out again due to ignition failure in the second heat. The winner, Masten Gregory, an Amnerican now liv- ing In England (complete with British accent) w-as a pretty sick boy following the first 100 mile heat, when oi1 fumes forced bim to slacken bis speed. During the break, the fumes were diverted from the cock-pit and Gregory w-as an easy winner after Gurney dropped out. Althougli several off the top drivers unfortunately! were unable to go the route - it wvas a wonderful day, nobody got burt (one reporter made the true statement that' most people 1ook for an accident) and there were several other drivers off top calibre in addition to those forced out of action. Gendebien, Ireland, Gregory, Penske, Bonnier, Molbert, Donner, Bradley, Ward, Heimrath, Clark, Hall, Gurney and Shaw make quite an lmposing list t. t ~t t 1 7DibilNtX - ~X UIN i1YiL Couldn't find the Men's Softball League - Ken's v. Ifotel game eh? Our reputable aide( name ivithlield) forgo to retrieve the score book following Thursday's game - an( we just don't know who bad ItL Therefore, no write-np From time to time the book goes astray so we'd like to asl anyone wbo ends up with the Item Thursday night to pleast let us know where it is. Hotelers came froin behind a 7-1 deficit to doxvi Xen's 8-7 for their fourth consecutive victory, P. S.i .i The Fuel&s-wonî their first last week. t 1t LADIES IN MAPLE GROVE Courtice and Bowinanvillc MclQueeii Motors v'in eei ln a regularly schieduled ladies' softball game, a week frorr tonight in Maple Grove. The June 20th game will be played in conjunction with the Maple Grove anniversary supper. t f t t GOLF Soutlhvîew Golf Club are holding a tw-o-ball foursome en Saturday, June l6th, at 6i p.m. All Senior members are requested to attend, wearing some crazy costume. Prizes will be awarded for the wildest outfits. Dancing wvill bc be]d afterwards for members and guests, CONSERVATI VE COMMITTEE ROOMS are now open in Bowmanville Hotel 54 Kinig St. E. It is the wish of Dr. Percy Vivian and the Conservative Party, that every eligible voter casts his or her ballot on June lBth. Therefore, as a service to ail, regarding Voters' Lists or Polling Places, or drop ini at the Committee Roome Bowmanville Hotel. JACK BROUGH, Pres., .Bowmanvllle Conservative Association.i 3 5,000 Crowd Gregory Wins Players 200 at Mosport C .JI Y LhJfl LVer. Gurniey mîît-ed past Gregory i'thei 43rd mile, gradually nix îrig fturtliL-r tîleati until he had gained a ialf nminute Ac~î at the iinid- e.-auy point in the 200 mnile race.. Inn s ITîclanti. L nîed S- te Gi rndPrix w inn - t t ecr, pulled into -the pits atter only one lap and ciltlioto2hl retuî n-, Masten Gregory as fitted witit a teniporary mask to protect 1dm if rom oil fumes wvhich almnost forced hidm to leave the race duriîig the first heat. -Photo ceurtesy Oshawa Tirneý3 Soccer High-Lights Bowman ville cand Zion Remain Undefeated IBowilnanville HooIccîs Jew- f ng a 2-2 standofff witiî Cour- *ecged Solia 2-1 aid Cotîrtico chuer-s %ere scoreti on for the tiue tandi Botvmianvilile v as nîpped Sbon 2-1. first timne this season, bu kept 1 edging Tyrone 2-1. Himpton Senior Stanîdings itWîir unbeaten record intucaine up xith theiî- first point cs ida amin tieti with C7ourtie of thie sehedule aftcr tyingi'Bowtnjaaxille --- ----- -- ----S p. foi first place. Wed-nesday SOiina 1-1. Courdce - k nigl, Aaple Grave held the!' lu Junior action, Tfhursday 'Zion...... Jewe'crs to a 1-1 tc, ;vhile.ight --------- -vil ic-Bo-'-IT--------- < sCourtice sv.amped Soliuia 6-0. Trining Sciiool defented Bon - Siia. ..... Saturdây rnight the other unde- nianvHIe 4-0, Tyi'one shîutout 1M aple Gros-e . fetd nry-Zion was lay Mudple Gros-e 1-0, Bainptozi Htmpton---------------- 1 vimax-lle, visited .Mr. andi YR N E M'rs. A. Wood. Mr. and Mi-s, G. Brent ard The mîAy ,~rning chureiv :bîs Da7 aI âtBuztuî ti.sCciijCr 1t\1rMi. and Airs. H. service was ver- vellattend- et,'ery aîî d were suppe;r guests Br-ent, 1\r. A*. .11. Brc-îît, and cd. Rcv. G. Loklîerst spoke on, or Mr. aidi Mrs. Ted M\cBridie, M1% and rs.rw.ss Poole,, 'the subject "Filleti with the Biramnpton. Osliatwa,' weie supper guests Holy Spirit." Gvendoly, n Anne Mrarnd Mrs. Lloyd fa-e of Mrs. Geerge Annis. Ehene- ,Glaspt-il, Joanne Barbara Hoal, -md lfaiilv cisited 'Mr-. and and attended anniversarr, !and John Dou;lîrs H1oar xere se Jh~nOkile rviice tiiere, rcceived Jute fu memibcrrdulip itentcrl Decoratio-n Day at .FedCaOsa, ýdo fsio n offfaith, aîtcerýr, fle,oîtills. cpbnt die %weeken'd with Mr.ý which "The Lords Supper": Mr. and ifrs. John 1Hi1l!, i adMr. ErcarCan.Msrs w-as celebrateti. i illrooî, visited Air. nd Mrs. ir ri an rcand. Messra. There w-et-e eighllt C.G.I.T. A lîlndîlsyAlMila ! girls, theïr leaders, i:sV visiteti relatives over tlie, iKocins and .Mî-s. J. Coomlbc , Mi. andI l'rs. b. E. Cross- weekeiid in Cîîriîw'aîî. C i along ivili t thir motîsers anci l:urîhi andi soni, Guelph, setMis. A. V. Edwards and soi) e oter uess pr. ot a tiltwek-u with Mis, S. T.'Alhei't, Wellandl, visited Mr. ýsMother and Datiolibter Banquîet Hoir. :arnd iMrs. T. Scott. MIrs. Scett ,helti laci. w cci: in the Sundat- Mr. ant i rs. W, Park Jr. returneti home witîh thien to' Schlool rù0Oin. - 5 eesuppihI guests Sunday off visît lier father, Mr. A. V. Eti- Mr. ond Mus. J. C. Cookt - 1". a.id Mrs. A. Coveî'ly , IBow- v- wrds, who is cquite ili at St. _S spenvthteet cît-vith m-r.n aA\llV -ile. John Hospital, elland. iaîd i\Irs. Geoýrge il, Englt-- l.c u. aiiPc y The Rev. K. T. imits, Tor- and îoriendeti Decor-a- .1(l Aiv. rs. Etina Pliillp 010, w-as guest of Bey. andi wood jii'îitt hi. weL-1:nd with Mr.i. Gý Lokhorst ,lie laterý îir1 \hî. sLawtrence Hxbr atoff thc eerd nilda lte L-nd, hisdl- Mr. andi Mrs. A. Garson îlvlyue n S 'phki.v.'ere recent gnests at a ceci:- _Mcs. Geor-ge Alidreat i îsiit- tail pal-tv 4riven by Mir. anti Ladie bw 0i cd lber sister, Air. anti Mrs.'Mu. iR. Silbernîian, Rosedale. La ie Bîýflter Stewart. Montreal, re-' Mr. ant irMs. R, Garside' turnlin hom01e 01u Sondas- xith and sou xverc recent supper- lier mother, Mus. M. G;askin,.gucsts cf Mr. andi Mrs. A. C ar-' 'New castle livlir plans to stay %vithiber son. Walks anti passeti bIlls dauiglter foi' several weekz. MuAi. and Urs. Walter Rahim1 made the difference lu a lad- i We weue nîcasedt i hve Mr,;. visited a, Mr. andiMu J. E.! iles' softball attraction, Friday Gaskin aL our qniltirig 01, Guiffin's cottage Sunday ev-i uight ini Newcastle as Me- Moi;tlay afteru(oun in thse S.S.nhg and ilso called on M- Qneen's ïMotors were sh utont uoom « ald Mrs. Clemi Rahim, Lîud-î 15-0. Barbara Adamns gave up [,Mrs. G. Whittaker, Mrs.' saV. thre sfetes.auddid~t i-Alex Perger. Hamilton, Mlrs. 'Plie gent:ral meeting ofte: low a Bownianville batterî M. Smilev mîmd Juliana, Bur- UC..met last svcck lu theý past second, while fanning 1lingoII01. visîteti Mr. anti Mrs.' S,,ndax- Schiool rooni. Mrs. A., 'five and issning rie free pass- 'WV.Ra@11111Ilills, presideîit, pre!sideti. The e etty Theteli-Mu 1». Rusueil. WhiitbY,1 wouship set-vice was conduet- Bety Tertlltossed a onie- is spendinc a week with Mr, cd by Airs. Nancy Lamibert;' bitter and strnck ont fouri and Mrs. K. Hardy. theme «'Brothcurhood.'" M r<. batters, but had control prob- MAis. iva Beckett, Mliss Elva Betty Hamnilton played a mel-' letms, walking eleven. Orchard, Bowmanville, Mlr. ody off "Olti Favorite Hvnîns": In the first, Newcastle scor- andi Mus. E. A. Virtue, Mu. and piano Solos by, Doreen Wright eti tWice on passeti balls fol- 1Muis. D, Miller andi children iandi Gai] Sc .ott. Airs. C. V.' 1owing walks te Wiliis andt1 attended a picnic on Snnday 1Thomas gave a înost informa-' ïWagar. Aîter Scott, Rickard at the homne off'Mr. and Mrs.'rive talkc on ber two veaus in'ý andi Storks had drawn bases H. Wonîîacott, Toronto. South America. Teii 4-H girl:: on baîls to f111 the bases in MAr. aud Mus. Don Real and rnodelled their summer sepa-1 the second, iVillis strnck out, boýs Greenbank, visitet iMr. rates «which they had matie by but an tînnecessary throw on ant irMs. Gardon AfiUson. 'themselvcs untier the leader-r the third strike saileti over! Ars. R. Burgess returnedt'i ip off Mrs. Effa Stainton anti the first basemnans heati ai-: Mu. and Murs. W. H. Tavior's Mn'-. Shirle'- Skinner. Blay of, iowing another rua te score, on Satnrday, aftcr speudingiQuinte Cenference School for, Cooper sîngleti for the only Ithuee %veeks in Memnorial Hos- Leaders was announced to be, bhit off Therteil anti along ' pital, Bowmanvilîe hl nWib i uut t with thucte wte in-1 Duane and Roslyn Taylor1 was decidedti t carr'Y on as ners adtied a pair in the thirdi visited their sister, Mrs. Don usual for the Harvest Home i to end the sceuini. IReal andi Mr. Real and boYs,iCanvaFs with Mrs. M. Knowl-! Delores Davey, Ka:Pren W'hite Greenbank, ton. 'Mus. E1hsýl Cook andi Mrs.ý and Helen Nicholson singled , Mu.r. dlMrs. Davidi Park, Jacqueline Vaneyk as com-' for Mý'cQueenll 'M Ar, and Mrâ. COli Taylor.'!m.ttee. Lunchl was served. IVEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1962 Mixed Doubles Bowling Tourney Th'. Second Anniuti1 Mîxe I 25th Muriel Crago, F. Blunt Doubles Tournament xwa.s held 11 -10. reI-e1nt]y at Libertx- Bowl Ltd. witli the followî'ng re.sits. ' lst H. Simnick, H. Bennett 1371. 2iid D. Joli, T. M\1a sters 1358. 3rd M. Sedmiai, D. Car- ,!Cr 1297. 4th 1-. Diîn. B. Viv- i A4/f/( ~. iari 1259. th 11. Piper, K. Lu61x-. 'ton 1,250. 6111D. Presto1îi /é'a(3.Z00 Jonces 1246. 7th M.L Peirs', H-enninig 1243. 8111 G. Scott, IR. Coombes 1242. 9th J. Major, 'L. Sirale 1216. l0thi L. Bur-ý ges-. MI. Etcher 1195. I itt A. N Perfect, E. Leslie 1193. l~ B. Sller. B.Slottir 1185. 14thi N. Gay, C. Woolner 1i77 15thi 1-1. Purgess, J. Gav lu.-It Masten Gregory survived a ing lter i the first heat,j Follou'wiig VtýSuiU.'z, Conýola1- b '1 sick speli caused by oil fumes. xvas welloout of the runî-iirig.!tion Prî-'viu. to cross the finish line as the lrelanid was running third j~in ta i Virtue, Di. 11. Rn winner of the Player's 200 be- the second heat when ignition "'le 17.lt )Hou ovd IG for 3500 fas a Mspottrouble again klnockýcd i Iisiiper 1171. 18-. M Hlîo\d BIRD-ARCHER OT1 S Ferrari out off action. B. Bats118 lî Bfi , Saturdaoy afterîîoon. Gregoryý, G C lzinville 1167. %tl M. who termed thie coiurse "1- i w adIîdaaplsGibhs?ý. 1-. Pi>lnieî 1f'( 1s V.,l PLUMBING EIN ticut ati ntcrstig" vas n- 00 iuneiust two %eek.-,Pickwj, J. CaIllart 11(;4.J~j 1-1.Bcov, J.Co,, Il j8.2 1id M. able tcahDan Gurney ili due to undisclosed ruechanical w n~î .Noî~i i 7 hie fîî'st heat wlîen off. rnes troubles which put him out 21Lný caused hm to be dizzy aiid uni- of commision verv early in 41'h Cox, R. Gd;le14 able to maintain the pace. the second hecat. GuIiliyv, tI t<c'~ Anotîer top ti i . iJi IINJLS.% \1MN NN Sî.wen the Iit1 <JilLb a.had tb gî e up hec.tusý gorv sýcond, Rl--rP(ens,ý SU~P ERi A R 81 NGiO chird, Jiiin 1al1l1Liurth anî JoBonirifh.Memorial Hospital, FRIDAY, lUNE 15, 8:30 p.m. jlI the second heat Grgr O A crabbed the lead froin Puicnse ' eot$7,000.O O TA PRIZES Jol the sixth nmie and field tk W el e otSNO BLi 3nibr the IouuStOofL tiew nai *5 Gunnîber tok or the econd sl<ot î~Ill For the veel; .01e4-l S70SOW ALI wo i 5 ubr !thle next lap but 34 miles later inclusive: 70SO BL fo n5 iiibr 1 e ,--.ýs obviouslr in troubIle! Admissions 1962 VALIANT DELINI: SEDAN ionc1 fell behind furthe-r e, a", iiatnite iîî -il) îînÉil trouble iii the cool- 1its ae em 1~'seî force? hlmii out of 1 Dischai-4ýs PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE tireraceaite 153flîIu ~ 'Major operatic>ns -____________________________________ 1'enslze ioved up to second Minior operations ..3 Iini the' final stanciiîîgs, VWitîlEil Eergencv treatmnents .--- jiBob 1-olbevt third, Toronto's Ileifùýuàcvoddn by 9Francis Bradlîey lourth and Visiting heurs 3 - 4 pi.Tlf nîaecvî în u 1fîonniier f£tli. _____ nd 7 te :0 r. w-îav îîot cost you aiiîytling. 1But Hall held thle le-mI for fi I think of wlîat il- coîîid eost y0ur flîst 1ô miles in i c irst ha ~farnilyl \lake sure' vou haîve 'uei i u rrice For Your Livestock Ilirough 'ý -t A T E S lAI %N C L A S S 1 F 1E Dl.1 P'hone Mý%Arket 3-330.' BIANNEK V iSSAN' 14 Itulîdcî*Ave., Bwmn i SUN LIFE ASSURtANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA DA yàRDL'CUE WITH ROTISSERIE, FOLDING TABLE, SPICE RACK# CHEF'S HAT, APRON 2CHANCES AND TOOLS 9 00 2SETS DRAWS TO BE MADE IUNE 23, AT 4:30 P.M. ONE FREE DRAW! on purchase of NEW' or USED CAR -TRUCK WEEK LONG DRAW ONE FREE DRAWJ on purchases made at our Service Station, Parts Dept. or Service Dept. - JUNE 18 to 23 PLAN TO ATTEND OUR GET - ACQUAINTED BAR -B -Q Wednesday, June 2Oth - 7 ta 9 p.m. FREE Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Pop to ai! ROBSON MOTORS Limited 166 King St. E. MA 3 -3396 Bowmanville Telophone MA 3-7231I N2 A M 0 0 M& 1 TIM CANADMS STATESMAN. BOWIýL&NVMtE. ONTAPIO 1 pau- xfmr « 4 M