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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1962, p. 4

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We must admit to feelings of great satisfaction, complete confusion and considerable apprehension this post election Tuesday rnorning. Yesterdav*s vote certainly changed the political complexion of the country ta the point where it is difficuit tb estimate what will happen politically and economicallY in the immediate or long-distance future. Strong action b ' the central o- ernment is needed bo straighten Out Canada's financial situation, but can hardly be expected from a shattered Conservative governiment that will have to reorganize itseif before the countr'.v's urgent needs can be con templated. Here in Durham, we, of course, were delighted with the resuits. In fact, possibly we may be excused Ihis rnorning for uttering an uncontainable howl of joy every now and then. It was a good campaign by ail three major candidates who put everything thev had into it. The Social Credit candidate was hardly seen or, heard froni outside of his own partîcular area, so could hardly be called a contender. Ouir con- gratulations must go to Russell Honey. the most happy Liberal winu'er, while condolences are offered to opponents Dr. Vivian and Mrs. Coutts. At this point we must apologize ta Mrs. Coutts for an error which inadvertently crepi into a report of the NDP meeting in last week's edition. Apparently, the speaker in outlining the Medicare plan saîd the cost probably would be $12 a year for individuals and $24 foir families. Our report erred in stating "per month" instead of year, causing NDP campaign manager Ernie Dent ta almost have a fit. We are indeed sorry about this error' and hope that it did flot hav'e any material effect upon the NDP campaign. So far as the Durham campaign is concerned, one would be hard put to determine exactly what was behind the switch in voting strength. Some of it rîndoubtedly followed the national trend. The fact that the Liberal candi- date was making bis second run and was better known than in 1958 probably had a definite bearing on the î'esult. J-is organization was also much better this time, while we believ,,, that Di'. Vivian's popularity and organization suffered somewhat, possibly due to the ]engthy sessions in Ottawa which make it difficuit for Members of Parliament bo keep theéir political fences mended aI home. He also experienced some problems during the campaign which certainly didn't add to his voting po- tential. Beyond this point, inî "day after" quarterbacking the vote. we .,hall leave the causes and effects to executives of'ail parties who will spend many nights tu'ying to analYze the resu] ts. Sa, what happens noxv, seems to be or> the lips of everyone. In our- humble opinion . . . and we've been xrong politically on many occasions . .. heî'e will not be an election foi- somne months, possibly a year or longer. When the new Parliament opens in September' or -.October, al members with -the excep- tion of a veî'v few unrealistic "eager beaveî's" wilI have had their tummies Compete "AI]l woi'k,"xvuol.e i'homnas Cail vlt, the British cssayîst and historian, "is a,; seed sown; il gu'ows and spî'cads. and sows ilseif anew," Carlyle penuued that sentitmentl a ('entui'y ago but il ceî'tainîiy beaî's 'e- petîtion iin these days, wben scu much emphasis is put on case and secuî'ity and equal shares fou' ail. Anotheî' opinion relating to bbe same stubject bas beeo weil expr'essed bv Oakah .Jones. president of the Canadiaîî Cas Association. "Ima beltever thli coinpeùîîon thî'ough individual nerupr'ise aund initiative buiit the United Kiîîgdom, built Canada anîd built the UJnited States," Mr. Jones told a national con- vention of mortgage ai-d investmcrît officiais. "Competitionin i sports, in hobbies. in goveu'nment, iuî business and the professions is what developed the manpoweu'. the womanpower'. we know today. Competition forces us to make decisions wvbenî we mighî otheî' wise want 10 be mentaliy lazy and put off making uip aui- mids." Competition, 1\1r. Joncs-, 'euut on. has brought great chîange iii Canada's housing facilities: "The bouse-builder' competes fou' the vould-be oxvner's dollar'. He competes by picking the [and in the right spot ni' piacing bhe building on the lot in the propeu' and JOHN M. JAMES EDrroe.PuJLmxmU fui] of electioneering. By that lime they will on]y just be recovering f rom the gruelling campaign. None of them will want to start immediately on another one. Also. the top officiais of ail parties must be staring at their cmpty party treasury pots with grim looks and shudders as they fearfully heai' talk of another election. possibly this fail. We suspect the word will go out to ail leaders to stay clear of any- thing that might bring one on too soon. These things. we believe, will forestal any election utaul next year . . . unless things in the House of Commons be- corne absolutely impossible, or Canada finds itself in an even worse crisis than is evident, at present. Nationally, the situation is a real mess. with no government having a ('lear majority. This means that there wilI have to be the utmost of consulta- tioni between the leaders of ail parties on legisiation 10 be brought forward by the minority government. Compromises and skilful manoeuvering will be the order of the day as ail parties try to build up their causes for the next elec- tion and the government tries to do something worthwhiie without crossing swords with the opposition. t should be oine of the most interesting and most vocal sessions in histor y and could be a most productive one. We would think that the Conserv- at>ves wouid very quickly decide la bring on a leadership convention, tbis fali or early in the year when George Hees would take over from Mr. Diefen- baker. Mr. Pearson should have no difficulty in holding his post after his showing in this election, while the NDP's might well find a seat foir their defeated leader Mr. Douglas and Mir. Thompson will carr'y on for the Social Credit. Ti, should be a most inferesing few months ahead of rus. QIJOTE "Some people put themselves above politics, saying. 'Politics is dirty', or 'l have no patience with politics.' In the name of al that's American, how cari aîîy gond citizen feel superinu' to poli- tics? We achieved oui' independence by politics. We are taxed by politics. Oui' businesses flouu'ish or wither b.v polities."- Charles Edison. NOT CORRECT, BUT suRE, A wnman in a hauîdsome -new car puiled uJp ta a spot where there weî'e îhî'ee empty parking spaces. The womari gaily backed inî until she hit the car behind heu' with a loud bang. Then she pulled fou'ward and smacked into thie car ahead. The crash attract- ed the attention of a policeman ai the corner'. She r'ealized that he was watching liei', so she leaned oui the window and called cheerfîîlly, "Did 1 park ail right. office r" "'Yes. ladyý." he snapped. "*But do yaîî always park by ear?" and Succeed saleable way. lHe rompete.- hy hu.ildi- iiîg a good bouse designed l iucoi'poi'- ste the things the people want.-. T'he most importanît thing is that, be- cause of campetition, the peuson who '25 y veaus ago could nol have afforded a bouse foi- his famniiy. can do so todav ." Incorne bas beeîi iaised b 'y cm- ployeî's competing for gond wor'kers, and employees comnpeting ta gel, ahead: *'Competitiorî is good fou' the employee. 'loday. because of competition, an ecm- playee may advaoce through either' a srmali or s lauge nîganization to suc- cessivel 'y better' jobs and successively gi-catel' satisfaction in the accomplish- ment of his job along xith greater eau'niogs-- the caî'nings wilh which ta compete xitiî others ini purchasing those tbiuîgs wlîich yesteu'day weî'e the luxuiies and today are the rîccessities. Did you realize that iîî 1939 the average anuai eaî'oings of production wou'kers iii manufacturing bei-e inî Canada wcu'e $1,00, and in 1960 over $3,000'" "lIn this worid today," Mi'. Jones c'onciuded, "non artificial meauîs of pro- tection cari preserve the status quo of an individual, a business, an industu'y ori profession that is ont geared ta actively flot only meet competition but also create its owuî competition." Goveroments do flot create wealth. Wo'k does. And competition makes for bettex' work and more wealth. GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS mGaa. TRE CAA!~STATESMAnEOWMANV';LE, ONTARIO Ed. Youngman Goes to the Dogs! Bv Ed 1'oungrnan WeltItI iatk atut .2,iniic tî Ceif dogs. that'> xctiu ttappleml- ed to Ibis >r'ibbtci cii J a i. I 7th. wiieuitic tli'apch .ý Vic Ctting'«s ilicc' honîcstcs' !ncai- Couti'c. a;: 1t lin îmaacîi a pini'-'h Li s ina pro- gî'ess. in voi iup tht'Sa ii. Bernarid Club niof ua ' Vu' is a gciliiat fuieil FI Geiicia I~laotos, (t ti.ixti t Sunda' . lits na i 'thî'î x' ftinig ( \1's rri iiiu î the futt i c... iii. ttîrif î i hid Oi'i\ j cd ' uii 'o -IIîi . [Kitchener'. uici iii i i twceiî bcîec"i it'""'f nthcî' puîdiurs tio go iil i tIti' cic'!kciis. anid .iH totii't " 'Tus - 'liii, ' *i -t'u'IM I'rtj 1961, andtiWi &iii 'eat xu('11 1 iikcd the m'm'î 'î'tcîîîrîîîa ily oft'hie at'fuîi . a> wttiý thie grioiîp u'h of iit gent peapp. ici'i unan"v 'f'sîi iiili This afa ttui i. iii d(utig a.t Was1 a "Sitlv 'ho-ba"a iir' xveî'e awtai'nlcilfi>' ioiuhi ps thie loiupst lia(i, ir' r-ii"' est back stt'cphr'i ryuc iii 1 white: niost ccd:al ' .ai miloi'tesl t c gS: tii'ýI (.1dri x'o.uigestt rildes'at lIi iih for' fcun; bcît (tou1t!(il hic' ait' going fouI xcii. itîî c ' beautiful. b ph lx' 1id i"c' animnaIs prc.'cîîI, cxc(ii a ('i adiaiî chtampioni îîîî p ofi bis bi'ced utiîtCe ni. t 'ii Spui'tusnlaii's Sthow'i iicî m i Jiiid x'ii r'iîci. s tiiriw tmai ;a Bnxv'uîîarx'îtil ( rit . CI('taîrt1it'ý Caxxke.i t'. '1tli clc ville. oxt us a t'haniii il miia'.lcr\ . iu switlrciani. I-lt' î'c'îgihs lhu udi'cd and thii'ty potiids- I nîcan the dog. The. c davgs have bcen fa- nmus im-iv'.ixing te lix cs ut tr'undlcd iî'li elîcis i i§tii'- as "ivl au lilu wic % vatî'h dogup. anudiar'c îo rioi' .'i fi ie'idly Xcýi ('xiliiloi .' lud 1 ilouIii t iif t i tti îî s i kdo .cîui'tlî-tll;: i u :'c iitit'ii Fax îîI i'ci ýit hc moIIai tla!« Eîîrapc rus 'tht' snow' cniî t W-i Io tri W buC 011cP 'iiil' mii x gu' i l'ia 1ici àrarî r"or u1 iuii,"' of ' . i t i (f 1 I u 1a(,i . of*iii l tî"c ing aiu I)î' u 'huîiir'hui iu tu'i' îîiii'u r' uuiiu'i l( u'xî tutîîofutCoIli 0 ,1 iiiilo On"' i auil il s lr' i 'tii' xr' t t ha r oinSrit' t m i eî U lt s it' iii t r ui tai xxiîtn fitt ia.a )"'uhi 25 YEIAIIS i%(;()I 1'i':AIIS A t liiot- ?t 1 931) .1. i i u . '!'i. 1913'l K. F. Buarc i i'-iui'iut 'ri5 - 11t'huu Vatol,'uit.hic ewlei Preatofuthieit'lieu'-.rtco iiu ran iiiuomuisrar, sioit liain (oluiytrix"uxc- l ir d l e is' ui' l' [an(i)sux Iii sus uts payneur .srtii ii sut s m I lt ti t.the'. l~îia eit'c iî 'ccueu allnouai nuiutuluii btetl i IPiritx'- M< 'a Fit' lu Aii-iHonte'furi'ltîc Pool ast xxcokt, iauuii let,- 1' the 'iilriuu Di'. Hiarolud Sli'nouti e u"atit i Sui' n'ui Srti'îcut tnp tht" Ocaîtan'duuuu 'iuiuuu 'di *Vui'.îîdiu iutn! 4eckluciAsociatiouni ('ruîmn iii- nu iisuiul.( at tl ii tuit ai Oltta litt. x 't. 'i' t olua'. ruunu"nKi duut uxt Sî't'oi a nd iipus i'ih tut l i' a u Mr and Mvruucl pui iuui uuiî xisitiiig Kl"iuhi.uui'îI un \ilu"' îuuu t nd iIi"hlii' V. iii C I'ot .sieniiu i. ]til.\r it 'uiii' ltli' s'le u v't\-- M\iss HB. " M. r rii "u uriit>x'nd up. ,Nexws'stle,. hoidayiuu.tituu t\'iu-tsckýi Miss Ia Itin ' l lioti, C 'entre Miss u s Stitia Moit 1 " ilii Si 1us s1)'lîi lIL4 a itliii isi ul- real. us %sitit ir gi'uuiuntutl- i l'l ut lii iii at nd 5 icu i'it'c etI. Mr Wui. Pur îuutrun. >\p n ilI ' 11r n M is. W. 1'. 'irltr i rpuc'i n' lo anui. \'îuiniîo ii'.t îut.. auit iuig a uiipiu' (il ni ýi'tt. tt ti , îlîîîp .sinln att it litr- ulli- reative' u'sui i lui '-.51 Mra B. Suntri. K 1". Mir. Mau'kii'- .tiui 'li ' îiiii at' oft' Hiti spcnruof Ratail Ba"il. Fol-'uuEnu' 'i"'.hiI losa.ltt. Ne'xv York'. spt'u i te tves'lsiuntx'athi Mri u'- îeiciiuutluhm iudun'sai and lMus. '0iI. Kiuuptut lî ttcu' tcWi. IL 1huai Miss Vluinx 'i'uiuiug .,% N. Proidence'.i'i '[oronlu. \ ir-ti'd1 t nducl tire Xli 5 Ait Iiii W Bruscst' Mis Niia K, Nt'uIîu" ta '< ic t îuî t \lte Londonat tuta bîti uus r ) l ii i Dt t're r-tuuîg i-i par- xeek. Shttuci iii' u1im. u i, Mu'ducnd'%V.Lîe' cocusinu. Mn',. E. 0, ialh an'msud rins e i attetted a 5 O i-j ititt l as lb 11,r t t i' s' s yieis' Sbxx'ur cciit- lattera loîue.uup tingi'ulattis uonutMeistuc- Fores A DO Y OUrstut' ler WpUlls al Touajils I Goodycar tutfiu'c staffl, suit uii' Ini Einiîs"iiîuunx' Ocît nl a long aiitttitîuclamition Nhuiumi Mu s m'i'hcl hicso n xvuîlui- fast Wcdîicaday xu'ui uiiadu s'-u ii Mi>> Ili'it'uiYt'Iloiwîlit' lWi frst soausuptuue lplt it r a i naW e. osfndlinx tu bc t1he Tor-ontuo Fts up 'luit' r ita:r; epurt.luctit \his. L'. (iGi. -.itr'. t' iiit o. ( grautu' atici Iot- us %X1us (i îu"e Miss Eiizaiar'tt ('hr-stut'), McuilPt'ifoid ati ndit MuisaS a ftormerm' esudeutst'it'ni I.toiri"c' Osbrbi on su " 1s'iuq tille,.lias ber'un iiittr iui iin tui.teiuiw ho mmsis. Pita miii M'isus \llt'e.n 3'ci. ' r' r"'<55 uts and Itotr Mi'i ' 'ic Ou'. W. I I s. Xîcttis usTuutil. laîî0tîîî 1t pnîssiig Offîter' of t Ia Prlu tii'uwx'fu ut'ri Pruuuatyi". hîaît exani Box'ranxille. 'wta.1 'i cleu'Iîd ai theT'orntoîrs1 'iitt'bit Presidieîî t i tu-îOntario Pub- tof Mr-'They ilr'pupils of lue I-calth Offiî'eîs A\.sociation .Mviss rAite NI Couti! u'r'CociI- al te antîtai 'rit-t uiîtsu brlci ut" a0 Ott11aws astWxxi n. .'cXI t. FtXisbPiuuttl i Newvcastle: 'Fi(, ,ile o' t Ai u ut xxo ticx . tomes xvii h 'lx l i- old ('N.R.freighî ' lîtîlaIi lui 'mi' 'aoin.i Srt Sreet. 'Newcastle is îuîcs lritouiw.x'ac'-Btu n at ctrbie t'.om'is garden rf fîux's'ranud v'. xxut Ables planetiis h Pi c. Iis7 Ftorii Piu's' Ru'isud. -x th lare i hu- \lýma Polalltd tus slteruîate. Ou'on' Aîoui I)1gui fiedsu ailias ben apjpouuted i t>repre- and îeiglutrs paîUw'nt'tl a'ehisentIBuxxwmanx'W lwle I.c it5 utoîme of Mn. anti Mus. %VJ. Sclnnirr Sc'hooi al Albert Cal- Mai lyn an Joliîe I 6IiiItu iîtnîou' lei'Bel lex'ille. îlueuî' rtgest daucgîîtcu'Girtts. Sirs Fo ibin u %Vin - priar Io liern 'iurage tsi rip'seg'. r-lit i. is c it ng p mr , Ormue Val 1'-of Starkx Uit' 'iuic Sc iti ' ed F&Wli.g. 1Salemi. Mr. snd 'n. Aidu'ad .'imr 'Cca ii s rir i. mmtnto. sand faut il ls' itai rnt'd 'îtuî s honte rotr-imnttr hliday s. Mr. G. Curnisti'r- trafic iuuse i famiptoci' Miss Alîic'Kets- on the Manters Road. lape bas sold ber prettx home Blackstock' Coiuratulat«ianslta Mi'. Sam 'Montjoy. 10o Mr. aud Niei'. h "'îSxx'if Soltua. Mr ai-id PMc".W. i uîeç' .1r;4n11 ' t ' 11snu tteir t Sisicr ir'. su" ens ltiil oldenr rDarMRla. imaudi1lSfour '.Lundsély. te Il wcr'iIlil îita l about Ilt hree wccks hefait c I' rpua ps ai - 'ive. anid \oitcalt-lot c\'til Steak, butl vheiî shc pets uvî'i' that fit, she cats like a blooni- in, hiorse. lncidciîta] . the v -a, w:' as mach as the a\; SIror (> Said thailice thnugb:hic nbî'cd xaa net cI- oped ;i ithcr Ucu niaiiîxnor Sw'icilaîid. but iio mallei tfc liex I \tu ct\ aunimis. Ou' . coInil! *i' týc'c' n ni. u(Ad puîp. liani ro 'ni hus disli. t hca "abli it ii 'ticci ' ancd attitI hlsi ceni cuti a 't'cooîl natcî' il ;mi cffcîm'tIlu bealie tue h at. liappo b h c lihcit'îta bis or iir > o il ilii'idiil i plc I i'c' ~ b' d'uî i i hpîttatv c htîci i r'iui xx;1 tua'I iîrllf' I b 1Itl l t i lu sp s x"ias tli"'i Lxi, f i (J f i'îîi ts I'lu l eut itu' g ii i uie S af i1'cs sut' tii' cli1 auud s 'ii'utld t ii' luliuld r' xx't t'aitlein oir ileuer-i acdditiounî !u Fat"'i i'uiiKýi'v Plud Be!5 Ilcia" uiuto'i'dtitis airoilu u t 1i fi' il' îîî ci'aî 11u i i 1satSiuil i tut i -t iltl. c'itiuiî litn li1 1;looke,, Pctci'bai'theîpl ('uit iiî .\f'r- lt'uled tus a didicisia'- dintuei ai ii iirîi'us tt'iGtf aid ('iiic'Club: xx'lii'e OUir Ilrîst".s. tue x'et11 ksifii, l'au' ab]('.,i iiummi Ia .1 No abt'ui. ('iseuiaitif lAut' Oiuu" xtcttitsc is us -puli-sIs or t tu îuiîiîlit iisuu' v hn iuffI'i' .(,'n' rlîli. 'flét'a irceu ti ua l suit' liai t'rn tit\hoi ifulx' s'uî cil 'dt1ie r'ii'i ns i'il tutîuxt' liu tric 'i'an lit n'u i lebts ar- san (' an c 'Tl' ..siiiui usbe 'idte bis' iuunian lix ivu ,alid .. litu ' frru t icl u t-u.- I ti' r c5x Ouiii n ri,îtu tCI î i hu(. f x1 it i e. tîtu-cil aorl) us tiiupdcxctielu asz a touîist attract'in At tb: p i t. ti (-lic i i i Ruit'eu' puE,, 11ui 'î î uiud uîd îucîîs fu apl i fi tii ii ' s t s. uu hIl 5 - pm'ib:itii iiiciv.dcîruîîg 11" b"lie use litutu t he sort I i iic-sttufc' and sali "DNES1DAV. -TUNE ?Oth. 194;1 Ciie .1d4 j&ce Ivy League BRRth WightniaîIk There aie ants, mosquitoes, black flics.,x asps, becs, netties, hornets, yellow jackets, hor1se flics and door flres-- ", and then theu e*s poison iv x. the' most misel able tof snmer'a M afflictions. Vie had a big, shiiiv patch of I i iaî Oui cottage Ihiat we've been going ta spray. We x e beeî' going la sprav ut foi' five years, sa this vear 1 decided la buîîn il. Oh. 1 know, 1 know. Exen the '.îîîoke, the\, a\,an bi'ing on a irash. Buti me, i'm fi rnSaskath lewan.W don't have poison ix'y Ihere. ConseqiicntIx I 1 altzed righit throtigh il, barefoot, the fii'st vef i I1'wasin Onlario and neyer gai sa muichf as a pimple. 'Ihai 's how 1 knews I was immune. anda ha ndv liait 1made the kidas say awa\ 1froam me and fihe snioke, andt i t burîned nut that poison lvv 'iThon, even thotigh 1 knew ut xvasn'i necessary, 1 sci'ubbed doixo scnsiblyv Nvith stî'ong soap. A few days later, wheii mv legs began to itch, 1 kiiý ' t couldn't be poison ivy --itnmust be .11151 mosquito bites. ~~ 'Il %wasn't uiîtil a gî'eal cash appcaî'ed (in nv back that --~~ s.'Ibegan Ia suffer qualinis "bmakes me cia wl w ilh il chinîîss. toa ', atc-h h' An exhibitor t.old of l'aving said the Old Boy. a ceai brandy cask-one of theý "You dontl know w hal îtt'h iîcss us.- gl'oa ici kind cai'ried by i'escue dogs i "Itchitude?" hle queried facetioul,]v and 1 kncw 1 the Alps. aînd vhich containz belonged ta the i'y le'ague. abouit thi'ee pînts of brand.y il i.s fastened ta the dog's col1-, ~ ~ bjeu fut îmc'.fmhrlitaiu a r 1-w a sor't of harness. Who o h eei fnwnenbrfrhriiito vauildni't gel lost fou' a Slug of assaulis the ear's like thus. "'My brother gels tl everY Ycar... 3 pints al] at once"' ît's a littie plant, bcai'ing thrce shiny, notchcd leaves v One nasev bloke opened aý vinegal' and soda.. my sisîci' bad ta go ta the bospîtal with dom', al thc top of the barn il ... there's a niew cî'earn but. 1 foî'get w'hat it's t'alled, people steps. and cetî'eated li hasteý' xvheîî a huge dog said "Wu-f*,l seem to get it agaun everY ycar once thcyv'\,e had il .. Iis is li îght ilu the gux"s face. Wel the year for, poison iVy, ts fiLui'ishirig ..(ly sugar of lead waondered cvhx a big bitch)1 . . . don't scratch il .it' s a liard lbîug lu gel rîd of . ..t'Y didit ca a low fence. andý that purple poison . .. noxv, xhat is Iiat stuff. 'whei you put n ol as1111halthie presence 0 to t'ohtfn t[ns rxî .glagllno le ilia Pleî'trir fence discouragedj lo fswie n l un rw e alno h. bier attlhoughii e cui'rent xvas: anîd wash the poison ix'y \witlî Ilat, il wi'îl disappeai' aver tuî'îîcd oËff Mavbe a case of' night. . . bei' whole forehead xvas swalleîî, uil\as sonîething onve bilt xvce ShNv We WiSP wicked . .. two weeks in [lie bospital Nvith if . .. Oh no, 1 1lhis ftcdglîag î'hl-îh th hesi t q' juisi hate la even look al il . .. neyer saw the inosquîtoes sa) ii""sbad as this year .tr *tv swect nitire ... Ir t' lave . .. cIai'p. *ness rnakes il uworse. 1 panicked and ton o s iol f ibis aîlx ce. n'ind in A wbîri. "Gel me a gallonî of poison 1 I aîd la the OId Boy. "Rub Ibis sltuon mx'bail'. I 'sirv pcirple poison Sfeît1ii1 i'l il \v a ts' ? . reping iOn On thiîs $Pot." 'a csr't t'rtticr Ciostol anti i And eve'xl i me ithe ('ic Bov a pplîes ncîc i epilnts lho Itice 'aNcs aattaiiied thei' pie- tha nîs senit siiape anîd i/e. Il. is pos- "ur was a î i on a i fi'tili Natîbes. si bi' lo ciawxil hu'oughOrlie upciiii and cafte oui about bVbose garmelîts wei'e alwtans in pafs'btcu, iii ls away. oc even waii- Wheîu comment araose dWî, a î'îuîd fuir a dlay air[t' Ai the sîghl of fier cloîhes. doxn'i Ihcu'e. Tlo me. the * ap- pt'ir'd 1(o be laipe spaces bei - Sue said, xvhen 1 it('hes. 1 sc'iaic'1 s xx eîu rocks î'aiheî ihan mn' And he tlils mei. for- heiie îptl\-tîmplh rime. what îtlt'I o<f caives, but Ihat's a' poison tiy looks Ilke. podint fie ra t in de ai' The kids all nipaIlicti allix. ilbitpoison ivy r-qii"siiv ii' irlish figure were' extiîct, with thie exceptionofat'loi. scvnî, xxho seems thigîhiil atis-rtifthase narrowv toa c'n fuse ext inctioi nit wlîe.v. anidlb i n Ns tliai <ota- apetr iles brnnga on an ai- woîî d amell i i e I diid a fIer 1 appliled il' ltck of t'tauati'phubia conî*- > plicats t1w(ig alloping beebee ',ic'nan o ia ried -tl ' lIadit' als'ra .cbc'.AIl d us Iha tIhe11 t da\'lIn Ps11i thecîuiîcier lias repîstered 127 x'ea"s tu dv'es bciaxv sw eio ai ground "if il erp I'd leave vsi ' ai he1wOid Boy'. level while downin i the caves ilwcu 58 degu'ees above. We HF wsiuldtn'î bave tIo 'i die ot ef-pî txei'ruxxm a "xxalking fern.' Rutlh Wightman \xlthii s ft'ci tiiî i itnestoiîu loucalities. lis tip ar'ches ta the evideuice la the s'outmar . Anîd able. cu-prative attitude for grpiîud. adsiarîs gî'owing. ,ithtetahrItîî l' lneueasaîu, infuriates heî'. lîscuur'ilsîîaîla slow realîzatiaut iliat the "Ynîî donti even caret" as tsdushie iiemesing la a m',students aie bumaîî beiîugF, htîxx's. "Yau'd live in a pig. tOU ;îî 'cribe dcu'mxed i'iiuci despite what bis et'es andi ears jien' I-anve x'uifno tastp, nu> picasli e flmn meetinig Leil :tel] hini tîesire Io make your home luibît' luîîî.wlî iî we lasI Sax" W hen luis niutual realzaton dete t " motc n'ci' lot-ibcm'rs agolbwh& tbegins ta w'ork. communica- B\7 Ibis limie I arn i ioîougliîi ('fi .'\.: Pied Jcs of te 0 tion quickens. The kids de- î'îîxx'«ed. I havucit the nerve ta, ili snarestroestv mnd ti ;cide that this man nir woînan sa t' xxhat I litiuki: that thu i~~~~~~~~ li aala oesc insiis actually eoncerned mth inî- tlase toN fine the way il ut, tintai i 11,il'atortieli auto Provlng their ability and and. aiîywan'. we camit affoî'd 'lerrx' Mt'(acuiey, a toupie Of knowledge. flot just making il. Sa 1 poilt 10 one of the ppai, r.m'îer' fieldi afficei"- life miserable for them. The ltie squares and suggest. of' Durîtant Cocimly area. and teacher deeldes that most of "Hout about fitinice greeni NMac Kirk viît îîîaîîx people 'these klds are doing thel,' besi. 1tleîe'."- It iuîrnuouItat be wciil . cciieinbcc as a fom'merc in the face of their pris'ale litîuruis. and i aiso turnif '[iiib'r upex ur f Lîîd .fears and furores. Iheir do- nuit lr) ho lte aniy ane of the 'rdt District. DepI. tif Land'x ýmestie upsets. their love affairs toi thl ( lashes "hiideousiy" alud "oi'estr-. and wbii. by *a and their complicated hinan wontlî e'euvling in te rooni. tlra i , ,egi wist uofrate us ;aî natures. Never mind. 1 think we'ro xith Landts aud Fomests. but It's a pleasant hiuîg. atii a saved. 'She's gone off on a lîased iiu Oxxeii Sotund. He en- 'good thing. In saine cases ii eardening tanzent. l doesn't siulir'd aboiui mniamo'ft' is fao'- is the onîy godad'nid xxarni i"- matter Éhat lU's the middle of muîr as'quaiaiirccs. After such 'lationship i the ines sf both. Jiirie. it doesn't matter that, a cilii taîu' di's uî bg However. xve'll explîie ia h 15 yearit of our mar- livinig il ait c'asy Io go back another time. To gel baci, to rage. she's neyer planted any- ho oveitîlis anîd baiaiiey. the chaos aIibe Snîie 's, x'e thing except an annuai crop of 'tiuiîtî'uitîiiitîiiiitsîîei îuuiiilîtsîuî~irfhi bought a nexv hause ibis pointed remarkm. She'q goini monîli. 'Iwelve dollar's doxx'uîta have a garden. if il kiIIe *and 12 dollars a da v for lire. me. SU G A R IBefou'e the ink was di'v on te 'eç, it', beeuî a î'aîleî' fuan- contract, the aid %vîaî xas tic' couiple ut' xxeks, Even the Iwavîng samples of linioieurin. one spot thai migbt have creat- waII paper' and du'aperY aI me. vd a momnti of domestie calm <~ ~- ~demanding an opinion. aud restored bacîsehold unit.y j**. Father's Day -was ruined As almrax's. I tenus ked xx'iei) I lare the fsncy paper Pl F qal aboui samipie. off 'la looked lîke a newv i"That laoks pi'elty goositl fishiig u'od and dîscox'ered it ~. R~ ~tme." l'riis ',nsibie, icason-x'.as a ghin.\,ic'w garîden hop. u.Rv Rill ' -, vwr"" -7 'liuup - ti i t 'ou i t'aie 5 i tile pai s'nîuptc' sut xcts-' ilhit filue ecion I'v't'bC-c'îu tua busc xx' miii npututatult tî ips. Kimtn) îiuckctloff uxca tiuds and i x'u focui'tuis ai titi field t a nd atl u cnîc homeît uuad as bis zeu lc'ush tt'itdmît plat'- ed fut-SImlil I ecxtt. She tuikes a ftu'u lieur mtoîtu. SIte aIr-a tujecî ad~tt ex'cîî lpiaino t".\uin, xx'i tI l it'u'alparuying îus riic. Site us isu xx'enî icking slu'uwbcri'nis'sot'ai sfarner and miadie$1.ii1. Site ir- o ior-t 'r ('licîs tias tls tilt xiis ux'lu mnig aîîd tt's cuit ofiflier i' ue and allox'. uîc tor Itva xceeks, xxhîm'î "îîl u s' ll fuit aill b'ttiig s'unris lui ta scoutof biaud xxac':ut lisiano.iiuE i mou hi e put up al, ieven ta iîractir-t and acdd autotiter icoue tuf hours laîcr- in te dat' All hs Saîurcia's wert' takuni up b.' a trip tbu> bcicuy 1for- bis lessýou As a rer-uit he rni'-'td saIlit'f uartues and ski Intelt. andi stbcr sdolescenit funui. Bî i rtut t eeingi uts.j pain iiittithertlts If 0:'- graudte101piano exuni au'- ive "c is wt'r n sd lie[c arn- cd lît"cI receix'ed lte fairly fauuta , bli' marik cf 901 x'lich Itexx' bu' ad lady lut a astate nea uer-u "sterua uuud h soIc miins ntO s auiti'i car-t' tu jm rc V t'i t -l li1 ijc fl h f fa- l rr" qii1I1 1., students at sehool, and rt wý an emotional ordeal. On tf lasi day of schooi, some bei evoient nid fairy waves magie wand. 'The grim-lipp( teacher suddeniy becomes tender-hearted oid trot twl wasn't so bad after aIl. Ti suilen students, the iazy tot even the class cut-ups, ai suddenly transformed int -roui) of the nicest voungste you couid meet. en- ed MUN rhe rt a ers OPENS HOLIDAY OATES FOR YQIIP A 1 rdveloan lrom I-lIC open,, tlic doors ta c\clinglitolis, Autl x'iî'uuîlty' r-uig "a motels an -'d-n-ng-place'. -' xc-i-ci-l-n. 1tc-rond A:.distant île's a Joliy Good Feliaw" andi lands you didn'î expecir 10 sec ihis secason. Ilnstcaci of';4 pirsenIt ticxv'thî a beautiful, shit auud lie, uand those wbo htay-at-luonc vacation or a nkimnps tip, take nfl' wnîh a ait' c'aciling s!11001'Orne up iraveloan l'or happy AOITMNIL AMN LN alitt r-baNc'lauds xx'tb\,otu, MUTMOHYPA ENPLS and sof-ie little girl waits unlil memnorres that la:Ii lar 31 S.1 ý11 the others have gone and 1ne hniesal14 mutsm*h oimnh tu'au'fuîiix bicîrts out aI you logrtath ml "Thtîk,-,fuir a WONDERFU1L mont hîx' pavymenr'.. $100'S. .1S9.b xt ar. sicr"and somne dreadfuli Borrow cnidnl.. 750 . 21'A:.8 511 t'euth sas Sraed opeIave withneighbourly.servîcc 1000 i :-)u 8.11î9 1Il 'iii uex sea, "Sr" ilpr ae ni a .1 600 60.88 68.81 91.11 16 ' you lx e,,sr"i' rty adn pris'acy, tHF 2200 93.71 91.62 129,41 M6 uau'd Io naintain the god-like2509.1207217.5 umpertcurbability of the teacber.1 Lîfe ,asurance avadýab/e h09.20,5170 289 Mayhe I'm . s ma iigonailIIoaas Ape,trgt paymhu ssciude pf,mifl d il sf5and ad 9 tîîîugs, and 1 certainiy wouldn'tî I§ s"ç .îami utd fo Ouaihî. t'unie out wxitb il back in Feb-' ruary. buît I lbunk theres a special bonîd heîxveeii yourug HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ail of thîe kîdis feel il, and same teacîserýs don't. But it's thero and, tbaagb different, it's just 64 ingSft E ast .. Telephono 725-6526* as î'cal as te bond between OhaahopgCet.......Tlpo 2-13 parents aud Ibu-ir cbildren. OsaaSopnCote.......Tlhn 7513 :, 1 *OSHAWA Wii' thibe dcudents. I thitil, ____________________________________ uilr s ; tux4 rc'aliu.aturtîi [bai the fiUuhs'i i,*;a btinîum heinp;. ahi PAGE TOUR __ IMITORIAL COMMENT Thank Goodness That One's Over Iii the' DimI andi Distant Past F'rorn Ille, Stalesmurin Fi ~jj 4!n4b14U %tatt#inanl Dwiham Countys Giezt F'amily JournoI Pstablishaed 108 years ago in 1854 Also încorporcrtnq ~I 4belý The Bowmanvïlle Newn The Newcastle Independent r The Orono News C#wI - "Authfi.ed ne SAtrondClas ic Ml b? the Fast O±tc DePt.. Ottawa, <'nd tily Dvment ni t strqa inras Produced every Wednesday hy THE: JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITEI) P.O. Box 190 626 King St. W., Bowmânville. Onîaru, GEO. W. GRAHAM ADvTr.. MANuAGER SUBSCRIPTION RATES 84.00 a Year, strictly in advance SS-50 a Yecu in the United States L) 11 [ -,/ 1 1 1 1 1 U-; y - .. .......... -

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