~'EDN~tAy. rt-rN I1<1-i ~ Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Lions See Colored Slides N ewcastle 0f Two Interestiny Trips MeOnlýtba NBeWt-nv il e 3 i Taken by Mr. & Mrs. C. Alun n]ewWP h3uI for V CXV. ai O.L.C.. WVhitbv-. Janet Down vcari the pocn. ii August. 'Sparch nie 0 Godi. The progiaitiarraiuged nsi AcOntituinz lier' 1k. MNI . dialogue with Unit 5 meniberý,iPickell aid, '.lnsT as ail md maie informai oti on Chrisian;piano pisgo r î 0 ie panid Fducaitn hpriîlv Rev. E. needs rppatiig and iCTT-- C. Woodland advî'ed the mec - ig. so pendle ncd sotileome To inz ofthie Newi-Cwnrrîculu'in'tg oui: thle h"<: Fserc' t forT !ie Clurî'iu vi ciiis10u Alias a sons FarT'aisa' fil' adopte.d ini 1964. lie slrcssed Soiî,k thix u'le n ai the Ticedî10 shmdi'thie tiexi' li*t- tt'bc îght aTihome. .A kcc:'aiiirC. spee'i:ii 'The NWord pipons entciT T an.d iii +as sic and the XVax-. mmi MldTi"TTc ic heke'n agauu Nlus.F. .-\ Fletcheor -ai p ' (i5VI lie LI.cid wt i'omTuintaîy on a TîosT îinter- turnt agauiTýl lui x iTiuli. -stiTir seT or slid<es she 1i31 trepa rcfor i' iintry. akc'î dTiriig lieT- ork on thc 5h i rlox Piî'kr,'i rpa( -J': h, ai sion fîcid poenl "fic XXOî 'dla i' e" Drliinr ref-iios i etctua' 1li\ved Toda s ' 'li c-e"d lui-Un itlî. Rei Wooéi- Pickcli (c1ose(- cl s-îîîîpt a ri- !aTndpooin-dthle Retied ic- andtr uegurI is T 'Su iii u Tion a nd the mneetiig ad owin- OGod' iv's DiîwiîtliaTik 'd rd. tlose taking part and clos-d 5lh ipiaiCi'. Orange tvla r hTiucorner of Kinz and C~ Orange M arch ~i nSIt rCcT To al*ci rt FN QhL" 1h ru Vil1lage on Bavet' o MARKL% XX'St on crcte MiiNi Tjy i . - p 1 W.~s * O n S a turda m uit ia! ihTl<\0F >'j' \i'ii 'i'C I 541 i t Ii" nu of Ille BaItTleof Ir l YiI o Ti illorTtc b Paraie il \\xas a crlT TC 1lii Stafford Brothers '-i Ill t Rs astit ii local ln seiT'To c andI1cl h anud Drnîîu Banod siipci md i!ue F:fe 1a-d D"M"înu aild a111i31111.1') v~il'age aj tri ht its oi'îîîpa ots. OinOU r i l 'I in ie isi' a xsa 1k for i'xcî cise.Mou et Mci îîsof I'lie Banld. uin- 'iwlv 1ko a id ri% CT.' 'for Br i t1::; pleti xi ii iin i('tîs aTnd a QATil«la c-s in au ar i ot21.- S iSlI diis St. l- uih lTiliTih(' of îitîe-s of tue 5.l isquare tmiles, aat iiv '0 î-îîiP oi ~l RsTuai uTle i adil" Lodige. -deral 'v largrr- it an ilT a iofrO a' 5' If) B.-\ 1291 ef t ITle lis a Illc ptointuceiof Aihelri Newcra.-tlf, --Mr. ('l-et Aluin supplted t lie e-iiîerta iii- ment for the iii-î-noithux'-v cin- nier Meeting ofrhIe NFss-îast1c Lionm Club lield inithie Eni- hurst on 1'hursdav erriiiig. u!rçn he presenie'd auil iuistrit- ed #travelog up of hi,; ite trips to Mexico. lntroduccd hi' T ion lîî Colwîll, diaîrian i fIhr rnin- grdfli commin III.CM'r.I i Ai nutlîned the I higlh o<f thi' Caraxan of Tir lorsitiihi i lie and Mis. Allu n hae ras- elled for the pasi tii o i îlT'- And showîiul ig rd ' u iiii thle maniy' coiouî'cd s1i dc( ic had taken on thle tri ps. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Purchased accordinz o iz .,e and conditinn. âmalI animal% remnv'rd frep Phone collect. peterborouzgb RIverside 2-8827 NICK PECONI. Plroprietor Licence No. 1 17-C-61 1960 V.W. DELUXE. A '-51Emrr ii ,.I .-M 1' n lu,',-' O..iiTrO'iieP-i lie îprrciîation o f thé, exenT7, ihie memboîs ,ýwCTP tlol uueiosfori-lie fine ener hPee woud hp wortde.s lor taTiîîiiiT is ii îicr b> te cchidi'etianîd the lbig draw laik a tid îlirsi epes ri ToNMi. Allii hy Lion Brent- oni Riclsaid. Vuaii: H i f i ini fil ga sii 1 ' clcnt ,- s. r"olîîerl a s isilti' ft'onî u'BîtitheileCluib, T rout of Ille a ii ' (îiiiTtIeixas gis cii Pi -ca .îig llC taut ITai .<îînc iit- laîjaI 'cadi lJ'cii'i'icii'<'clfoi th ic' hi ituci'uih relax' 55irii ai IliiiJuui 2lst CaîTisal 1and a rrawiiociita iîad liccît corii îîieicd toi. a 1riiv'llhnii- sswimui tii i i - pîiti Ii i IlIe. hegiTulîIîTî'i al 7:453 i I.To blie'î'sculcc ivý tuc Pote rbo-o u.gii Orna- men'utal SixinimnTg fCi u i-ii mputroiuxmatelix'25 siTiuc' formi Tug 11hecasi t iiadditiot soinp e v-s'cî ooths lias pbe-t) arraiiged loi' uvit h mio Io [tî,1t thcm,îî 'Tue îîîe'uubei-s of lte cl-iIi scre iî-gci b te <oni laii aT. thle park c(mi .1îîlx 20th le erruitthle bhoîtlis ini rcadîiesq Kru thi c arîisal. li addition Ioi thei bîuuihs anîd 'iîutuîî Used Cors 1957 V.W. DELLJXE I r re, ci n Pe-p SQ 1959 V.W. DELUXE v. in i-t A ni,<'f \' fo -, Ci (Si Lnirc lire S1 345 1958 FORD SEDAN.PoîR St o co r d hf un. R Ir-,~n O' ýr-u '845 1957 PONTIAC COACH. A .ficiTp r- e 0On--r'î , -sf'f' odo. A rvil $ hi-' cý 'l 3451 1939 VW, DELUXE. A ,,,p e-,--ý P c or Fis bfo",l il <<'li for. Bfouuîu,1-cc' s- fLS1295 Vnno "t i 'l 295 1938 V.W. DELUXI I 1 iIrý . T l1îcr-iî h. ' q, tîonedH, ou'ud tipr $ rtuTu7gjoctued 9 BRAND NEW 1962 VOLKSWAGENS AS L0W AS $195 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY $ARYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER :'):' Ritson RAI. S. OSHAWA~ Dial 723-3461 b s for t he Eleci rohorn Hi-Fi a.q a climax in the carnivai. Dijti îg t hp meeting tierv wîas ('onsiderable' discussion on te iîîcreaseci m'ots of adnmin- istration of the Club and a motion wsas passed i'aising the alinUal fcsý of the.miiibers bxv îhri-ce ollIos10 net Ithe addpd (.()St. 0f adminiistrtîioni. ) U(ýý,C CS ~ ci n ci t A r< iireucti anid N s. C. W. iBalfour of Petei-boio-nulI aîd eNr. and Mu-s. Richar'd Hewai'd 1 of Moiitieal ixere î'eceîîl sis- l oTs îî lb Mt'sg. P. F. Le- *Guesîci. iVir.aîîd tirs. Ernie Wiccl of Tioronito. Mir. andi MiS. Neîl Aildrcad of Britishu Colunmbia aid Mr. aîîd Mrs. Leslie AIl- dî'ead o! Oroiuo sei'e Suîîday \ isitois w'îtl Mrs. Fred Candi Sr. ïMrs. Normnan Sa mus and Mr. Leslie Aliîu. Misa Peggy Peau-ce and ,Messrs. A. M . Visser. Ed. Graîs-tgie anîd Ter ' les %-eue, ss'cckcnd sisitors witl Mir. and Mrs. Albert Peau-ce andi fani- il.\. Mi . anîd IXrs. Johîn Ecres- lot of Pou-t Coiborie xisited wili iMNr. aîîd Mis. Gor'donî Aguicix'on 'lu-dv Misses Elizabethî Pearc-e and Janui Rir-kard spent ihie w(elk- vîîcl x-siîîîg alt tue Ronialhan ('(tage al Coboronis. Salilev.,;Neussi C(.artw right SUI1 JUlv 15-ý eovatiile îvx NStar ui lu' P'j..Field Fri. Juli 27 - e ir i F. . Neivlonvillc ex. Si. .lUlv 29 - 19 li1<.. Darîctie Malcolm. i5 Newtonil le vs N P wi-a, TlP lt5. cat lier to'el 2P . Fn Ag .1 \lirlct Bovs Tonimy eîty Powmanvilil s'x Stariville oi. 9pIs.. Statiicv Krocken - <4 oiîtcrstoc. 16 pts., Barri Malcolnm. 1L, lits. 17 lis.. Betlili îîs 10or. i s.:l Tbi'e Fie*>v. i pis.: .1uniior Boisv,: c(cis L ii aui i fc. 23 pis., Paul *Map-i le , 17poirits.Mar'k Mlor T-.scOTt. 18 lis.. -Joan Hoi'toii. II s.Sliila Totiicliisktin. 8, uts. li cricdaeBoys: Dii- lier1-rAlivfriiidswil bciiis ioniril. 19 p... Bob K 'vie, 1-1r Ti'<iiifiit-iil xx.ii 1, 17 IS Mri -QuaCk-eibislî. luicasrcIot i<atm thii-lMi Sý u «i GihoH.6lis A. Nlasuili as reluîî md tb h fr i s. eiGbo,6ps homune follosviîg lier sia.\ inSeniior Gi rls: Rose Aiii Mai'-- Meniorial Hospital. Bîtîx îîîaîî- Doniald, 21 pis.. Chluerv Foi-est, vil le. 17 pts.. Su-zaiuie Tenny>soni. 14 Mr. anid M rs. C. <'lurisltiaitof<i is.: SeiTor B os DonalId Richn-ioîid HillI aitni M r a id Brown', 17 pi.s -..1 iii Davvs. 14 irs. .1. Salerîon anîd caUgiI'i pts.- Roll Mi isliall 7 pis.. Btla t 'if Toronito sî'erc svekend i ' -Duiisnioir, 7 lis. iTors svith NIr. anid Nrs. XViî - Pole Va n ltinîg - IliterTullIed- IX'estOs-ei' antd Mis. tVso'raie Vilio 1< îîîîî imb. Veî'îî- Sr'. Onii >ullIi.lcuti'iSlîcîsuîlî' His frîeîuds xii Iit'l buteasesi Sr'il ioi' Doniald 'Saîundets. - o leai that MIi.- Artir- NiIiT!it Raîjli Su aiui. Donald Brown. ronîerv is back hoimeianid Reda\ Race - lo)tel.ticliaie arouuid a--airt follin iig is G i ris 'Boit'v Lrti Stinson. Mar-ý recelîT Opeu'aîionin ii St.iTuAdtus.Shar'oTnLarnier., slicliaci 's ;Hospital i tT ' ou'itto.SharîonîArcher: Naicî' A'sî'ott, Mi- anîd Mrs. Win. Storks atidc Boittiie MacL4eod. Gaîl Rai-t, farnily speit hIe Domtiniioni Ma i.ta 1< iniuîieii: Sheila To-' Day * olidav xxeekciid iii cii I ii.Eli.abei <i hoîiipsOn., slmIl lis Falls vsiuing wit luNi-. Naît-' vVie xi - .Jiv Niotintiox " 1 and Mus. Wi. Buttert Il Reini Rai-e - Iiiteu'nîediate, Rex'. H. G. ('ozier ouf \ViT Ver'nont Malcolmi, Dnî -ý b>V \M'ill be gLIPst p'a-îrai airiGras Garu-v Roliî'cr. Alex- lue Uuîitedi Cliiiit-ch on Siiîdaî antusr Edn îe: Deoiiis Ronieril. Tiii-Leoiuai'd MacLeod: Bob ivc. Leoîuard Schwisart ,Bill """uouipsoiu. Jiu'n Cau'îaglîa t. n R po r Riav Race - Seniior Gins - JDeoise lXMalcolm. Ait-a Kiîîîuîî- c, i Liîcilic Beacock. Perrka 'rie Mlac Muiiuo i lueîcxa Kiiiiuiiicii: Rose Aîni Mac-Doui- i elabortie cci eunioiu i lt a d. Fia iiccs Fi-axer. Alla Ds'k- 'h ichliIle gi ris were cî'oss'tud sura - Betty- Bradbu ruî: .Jkdvs îîd theut'.lxxcl \vy as put on. Co'li i aîe. li leu Sica ii.Carol l'i' ail Iooked like s'tit'y 1-1 Rolirier. Pilta Dti istex' ui idtai)r. Reli' Rai-e - Seitior Boys Lai er, NI uS. C . Feu'gLIîS01i i)iiiali Brosx'îî -Dcniiis *Mc- l îidgod for lthe hcst aîid i ni I ni:giuliii. Douglas Asselstiuîe. Tigina I cost unies. "lue cili- Dasvid Mackib: .1 loni Da ses.' ci-s werc as floî.Grirge Roîîald Minsliall. iVicliacl Ars- ras, Arieîie Mae MLIi-ýe. ('Ott. Ras' Suggiii: Bu'ian Duos- ým Storks, Debbir Dîihcau,. nior. Wavrne Oliver. Ronald. ounîîe Wallace, Aprîl Coiîi'h Mart.vii. Gleîî Boituetta. le' wcî'e ail giveîî a prize Clialiipicri Girl Rose Afin ii seemed qîîite deiigilitd aî'Dotuald. q'1 points; Chiam- 'l'le day rtanu smnonîlli\ aind pionu BOY Brvaii Wolfe, 23,: /ceryoie i'eall.v lad a \Monider pointis. The'e i'as a possible il time ssalkine lhome. Ilie î'ou'e or 35 points Iotri acii- al il IRecreatioi <Ry tSiarnia Ierguson) 1'l ai Nesx'c'as le 'l'ie playgi'omiîd oliilvopeiîed on Tuesday, ai J1ulys' 2 d. "lieînoring w'as 11 s';pent rnîaitiî.ivn iregistrations. 11 but a fe\v gaîîies were played aid( somne familiar songs were On Wediîcsdav, the childrreîî.le we'e 'iplitinto tîvo gi'oups; Gi liîe coîîsistiîig of the vouniger Ki cliîldren and the oliîeî group.1 the aider chidren. Matiy ne\NT songs and games wei'e Iearîîedai and thie Arts aîid Crafts period a seemned 10 be the most qenloy- ed. e>\/ pliituuuîg- for ont- special exient sshoopiog o! the lndians cofld Cd. % vhiclî wa- hcld on Friday.beie-dfrbos 'uîî. 'l'iîe fîîst specia I event - tlis j\iii' motiteis wx isil i ilg Tu *ucar. warti o ha called Indtan.donaie prizes for. ojîr 'p a Day. Eveuts" mav do so liv con- On Frîiai nioruiiug a i lietact ifiug Donîna nor Sluartîua i'hildren weî'e gaily di'es,;ed as Fergusoiu. Aux' such kiiidiîess \A Sqjas'sand Chieftaiîîs. Eser> ý-'%îxould craiiylc pie'iî one enjoN'ed singiîg Indian by yvoir pia.s'gu'oriiileIaders, si-a s .rMIigs anud playiiig [odia i hid I-ciiftf he plavgroTiTiri a un a(ri gauiics. While flieboy- played tue Rer'u'eatîoîîi uiit c' u 1 il ci la ri ,w ario Iletr planiied for the cr-ow'ning- Ilicir Indîaîî Princesses. Finaa 1.v, aftir vers' difficuli decisîori the followuig Princesses wei- <hosen' Debbie Dubeau, .1er ilfver Muni-o, Char-lotte NMai-' Brerýetoîî. Glenda .Johnîson «ar-a Lee Fcî'gusoîî anîd Ai- lrri ~SPECIAL LOW PRICESf *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* lAt Your Local Druggist's- Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. AQUA VELVA MI- 1.03 lBAYER ASPIRIN It'g. 93r 73C1 1!i CARTER'S Liver Pilis nez. - 83c ~COPPERTONE (rearn or Ou . vu 1.19 lj1, PHILLIPS' MiIk of Magnesia <e, 6c SRAID H& G Bug Killer .69 1.29 Ilit RESDAN ngi-.1.23 I SILVIKRIN Liquid Shampoo Îe I2>1.03 STONI & lAME Creme Rinse :u'aip 1.43 iVITALIS Reg. lî 73cg WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 1 I HOWMANVILLIi NEWVCASTLE Il COWLING#S DUG STORE JOHNSONS DRUG STOREI i ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGS OiwO il JURY & LOVELL STUTT!S PHARMACY ' EBENEZER Plie lii ioeetiiig or lli' emîtooii Vo T o! the 13 C.W soîueuîed hi the leader.Niu i Dcix ru. xx tii ilie hsotu -mil AHl thii\dix il leî' ~ ( ~ ( T(îr'uîîIlu> 'Iui for i- the it Tcri U. (.WI. Group Chuliî'ch VxoTieîi. NIpein b>l s c îx'u-e ruîi îîdedof the Sciîori i~a IIê .~~ aTWhithi' froi utu 20'41 Votes FuIIU> ilud!o hiig illes. olil or - -use î-e-sioîs th,-beSeplem,- For Girls Camnp 'i"(1mcc ,Lis*, A'iî T e geuicra I Newi Tsîi - l ri iitenier - iui-cTtig inu uJili' ixil lie a iuîg of Nexx'ca-uîe U %v sa,îicuuuc at 6:30 p.in . Juily -241h., uxla t1rile d.d M-.Gia e a chiange fmom t-egular- datec, Vîrs. Doix_11 also gave a repoult Bro-n peed xilIt t h v<'r -oin i t ic Obsr,-'r i-'m on T lic 'Did 'Xouî Guse Huuuî a LifbI" closiuug nf the U7M.S. Uni ut5 pr'escîtted a filtic rIes ]liplîac tifrlite stuidi'Booîk t'oi'ai1 led hi'MmlEC.Wssi acteFT mN-us ruiel Stv- !antd antd Mcas Alec Mar-tiii s-cuis. tclluuig of a tu-up b a usa- Re'porîs of offucers andtri Ti uv -u aeloîc uteCu conîifuttees i ti f o i- ni e d tlte go, was m-ead bv Louise Oý- rueuui bei'iuip of pr-ogress niad,, heur-e. 'l'l ieDes'itisoal w a. Futds xuei'c sý,oterl Isuw-ai'd a is ii i -s G lenn iuuPlkel I J TuuOr irs'w'eck at Quliui- sitlu MiîssShirIes Pis-keilIanud Mo-Lac Carîîp. To Itie De'as'îîu Miss Janet Down' assusting. ci-s' E ni e ,u-geutci 'Fi u:trI. n,,td s Es<mxuuî i -Ca i-chi ig foi secouîd pas I1711il )leliiu acn s.m t!il Allocationu. PIi ppue iieta,- smate io -hc' cd for a bake u id ti : ,o i)l(I o ilt hie x 1,0\s- The pot i tite ixuq (11uii the Septeno-ibcu iipMi--Picke ilaid i ieleg-aed tri atted tri holPzar m ? v-irad tu in ion NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB A N NVA 1I CARNIVAL WALTONA PARK, NEWCASTLE SAT.,f JULY 2lst r a 1I1 r i n z P@eîerhnroiîgh Ornaniental Swiniming CI i h WATER PANTOMIME nt 7.:15 P.11. iniPool LIîONS INTER-CLUB SWVIM31IN(; RELAY BINGO AND OTHER GAMES RIDES - DRAW TI'A NI>CR IN'lh)N frm i('nrîniiiti,%Hall No. 1 (., .sçlp flr.1 I lui nho CANTALOUPE 51E 2 for 35C Sunkist LEMONS'ýi7t1106 for 29c \N 1 Grae idamsp FRESH LETTUCE 2forl9c BEEFARONI RAVIOLI SPAGHETTI IGA MILD CHEESE SLICED COOKED MEATS NEW POTATOES 'i iz. iim rf-ef )'iyAr Po-. ,ih Mem CviKî," Mnt ,N. F1tC.- 10 lh. Pit' GOLDEN RIPE POPULAR BRANDS CHRISTIE BANANAS CIGARETTES Premium Sodas LB. 1 OC Carton of 200$2.99 16 oz. pkg- 3 5 c GRANULATED REG. or CHUBBIE I G A White Sugar K tEE N EX Evaporated MiIlk 5 lb. bag 3 9C 2 pkgs. for 25 C tall tins 2for25C SHOP AND SAVE AT... Bowmanv'ille IGA Market Bowmanville, Ontario TOMS' IGA MARKET Newcostle, oM .ev llr,,7- e 'O 7fj il -- offlh% -- ý moilligbl~ n il fl t I t i c c c c I Il ~ on il ~. il P.,TT~