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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1962, p. 1

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Can't Beat Good OId Dobbin mani VOLUME 108 14 Pages Durham County's Great Family Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY I1th, 1962 10e Per Copy N UMBER28 New Reforms Minister Visits BTS For Presentation OnIy Week Left in Mix (ontest For Nassau Trip Another week has gone by and we now have three more winners of fine prizes in the great "Fix the Mix-Up Couitest". Series Two winners are: lst, Mrs. Wilson E. Vivian, Tyrone, who will receive a man's wrist 1 watch; 2nd, Mrs. A. McRobbie, 2 Jane St., Bow- manville, winner of a pop up toaster; 3rd Margaret Cryderman, R.R. 4, Bownianville, Nvho wins an electric frying pan. Entries for series tvo werc even higher~ than for the first week, and from the way the letters are pouring in for series three, it would appear that they are going to reach the 300 mark. TORN TO PAGE TWO, Necîd-y 200 Attend Farm" Family Night Heur Two Addresses Nearly 200 parents. friends began bv mentinning the i'ole and Junior Farmner menibers of cor nr the farmn, thon he attendcd the "family nigcht" talked about the machincry held on Wednesday, June '27, that should be used, and fin-, at hefar o Af. lln.The alyon the rei ns y cora lVModern machines had to take a back seat atweedweih ae 'number also included 4-Hi Club, is et great use in the feediuumnntAe crgr' rgSoehdt edu u.Wrmnfudi members, Crop Improvement! TURN TO PAGM: VWO, eta lxMGeo' rgSoehdt On Thursday afternoon, the new Minister f the received the silver tray for their achievement. mnembers and many other i n;!- too difficuit trying to wheel the hard pan dirtan stesothinrrw Refom Istiutios fr OtarS, te Hn. W Irin hotoshos te oficii prty oflwinttheedetse'esedOarmrsCToIOhe ishuOteTIN chtecokack arrttin carg oftherpertiofhathht povedto e a Refor Insitutons or Otari, th Hon W. rwin Phoo shws te oficia pary folowtrithtevand H-askett, visited the Ontario Training Sehool for Boysfonlt rg:Ca. E. S. Dawson, of the Ontarjoý The gucst speaker for the Toii ast w.cek's edition, an excellent solution. He contacted a friend with ahre aae olct n for the first time. The occasion was the annual presen-i Regiment; Rev. M. W. Pinker, Chairman of the Train-'menwa M.Dogls id n xhicls drien y Carenvo dirtof ithouact t muhaeor. Ntalsolopngdgti a h omlmto yaroe of the Cl.Hedley Basher Trophy which each ing Sehools Advisory Board; reforms Minister Hon. Parks, toacher of Ficld Hus- G.' BaIl, R.R. 2, Orono, andofdgngclasbuithn'hennuefrsmeiesnetetatrs yeargoe tothetroop considered best at Camp Borden W. Irwin Haskett, B.T.S. Superintendent John Bainý bandr ' at Kemptville Agricul- 'Anne B. Matthews, Scar- fdgigclas u ths' eni s o caadetccamp. heduced-wby BobcaCarruthersheiaicorrect.Col t. RouWrnihaveCmstatedgOfDobbinf! whileb JacketBarrettulishhaelf-way downn theledirtkslidet onlylfhis dhandt uniforrns for the presentation, the band played and itý1 the Ontario Regiment, with which the cadets are K.AS. graduate and past pre- that the Carmen car -as, showing on the scoop. Incidentally, today is mvn a o crgrs v7"i,, a Droud moment foir the bonored cadets when affiliated. sdn tDra onyJn struck in the cear bv the lor Farmers. lMl (wvpilr Av P- when their stock will be taken across the'stree th fomrMhrho HeIpWith Haying eghbors CorneIo 0f Two Sick Hope I Two Hlope Township t'armi- hand were Len Thompsonn Amc ers who had the inisfortune 10 ýRon Doggett and Allan Os- were1 be hospitalized last week had Iborne. Scott, their neighbnurs corne to tlwir1 Somo neighbeurs continued Fred1 &id apd harvest their hay the work on Friday. sey,À cosdrthem. '"It was a very niee gesture," Heasli ;ros orsaid Morley Bickle's father Henry At Canton the haying wasMont. Fciday, "and very fine hle coefor Morley iekle. who lfhelpeihous. ota was taken to hospital last 1ftonihous"*o 1Mrs. Bickle servod a mid- Sunday. lafternoon lunch to the men Thursday afternoon Ha rvey in th e field. Osborne, Percy Hoskin, Mur-1 The samne day the neigh- vin ray Hannah and Lloyd Kollog bours of John McElroy, north adided their baling miachines of Quays. moved mbt his hay f Io MNr. Bickle's and between ýfields with two bdlers, three Ia 4,500 and 3,000 bales were !wagons, a hay rake, and a bale doe y upertie.elevator, to put his crop in for'O Others who lent a hielping ihlm. Wins Dancing Scholarship On ville'l to bý w j a. , fan theuicapper.acer of the ancient vehicles ivhich were driven along on the pavement. The old cars were part of the London to Brighton annual trip. Mliss Alccn Aked, who frcquently writes articles for The Statesman, recently joined the club and called at The Statesman to ad- vise on its progress. She wvas driving hier 1938 Cadillac sedan, the biggest and one of the young-est cars ini the parade. She hopes to have a story and pictures for next week's edition. The group stopped at Orono overnight. Accident Round-U p Craig Howe, age 311, 421) Stevenson's Road North, Osh-, t awa, was kîlled in a motor e t~' - - c. accident on Saturday. He had S been the driver of one of two cars involved in a collision mn s'~ Darlington at the Durham . ~' Y~.County - Oshawa Town Line. ~<~$~ '~~~?The accident happened at ": :40 a.m. The driver of the -. ..other car, Gene Peters, age 19, a labourer, 634 Montrave Avenue, Oshawa, did net stop. ~ ~ ~ Constable Peter Don Hoed,, SOPP, investigated. and Peters' ~Tappeared befare Magistrale R.. B. Baxter in the court heid in Bowmanville Town Hall an Tuesday. Gene Peters faccd three charges. In Magistrate's Court; here hc was charged with failure ta romain at the scene of the accident and render as- sistance, and secondly of driv- ng while disqualified. He had previously been charged be- This littie lad .' in the Tartan costume is Brendal tare a Justice of the Peace Hening 11ver-od dugherof Mr. and Mrs. Citn with criminal negligence. 1'Ienin, I1vea-olddaubterCliton The case was adjaumned un- Henning, Duike St., who was in action an Saturday at iincxt Tuesday when Peters Qie Orange Walk in Lindsay. This has been a big year1 wiil again appear in Magistra- ý,"v Brenda. Recently she won a scholarsbip wrtbte's Court. H-e xvas remanded '4b in dancing lessans rmteRceto et o in custody in the meantinie. ber tap dncingeexms in Toono at. o!There was a to car coili-1 passing hrtpdnigean nTrnoa Easter sion at the corner of Salinai with bonors. She xvas also namned Brow nie af the; Road and the Base Line an year with the Bowmanville 3rd Pack and won a Tuesday even i ng at 6:50; o'clock. The drivers of the two: compass. At scbool. in Grade 5 she was awarded two calr s vwore Peter B. MNcAfe2, prizes for perfect attendance and being first in stand- age 16, R.R. *-. Bowmanville, ing in her class. & TURN TO PAGE TWO) Mr. Parks spoke on Corn barra""sstretaalowsac fr urbr envainsteMereorstr. r.Mceeo H anar BankerProduction and its Use. HeICTtteoîcusd isr expeets ta be in business at bhec new temporarv stand bomorrow. ýOn ReirementCon lHerR prt Cadets Attend Summer Camp Commerce, Bowmanville, pre DIff rr rcsented Mr. and Mrs.A..D rn -R g l Me t g a rme rs ~Hooey with a barometer as a.....: token of their esteem Mr.k iong those whn hclped Hooey has been manager of A favorable inpection rice ucng of t ow ni iiville Tow~n write ai d requc t the instal- " " Ross, Elmore and Gordon the branch here for several pot f1o the Ontario WatorlCo nJ ci eld Id t week. The lation of a street ight o Nvle and Art Bristow, years and has now retired Resources Commission on the! iccommendation was m a d e post in the parking area of Lang, Wes Lee, Bill Bamn- Accountant Ray Bryson made municipality's w a t e r works that thic pring and creek sup- Ontario Street Sehool. Arnold Jameson. Alvin the presentation. sýystemn was received at the plv be metered, and the quan- Many people use this paved ~ îp, Gordon Dundas and ______________________________tity of aluni used per monthl section *along the nocth end of y Gaber. A few othei's b rîcorded. Ontario Street Publice chool d, but their names are 7i/ 7DAcom aiofomteaaman ofetng ro valbl. -ud Ai comunictatiBynLaw om and thoa Board f eels a ligh J5ît ~ .jJteci~ jepartmo it of Highwdys ad ýDuke Street to Ontario"Street, Iomnil' Plc et 1846 bo provîde o pe would be of great advantage s. '. NEW MEMER Bomanill's olie Dpt mentary road oxpenditure of1 at this point,"' he stated. acquired a new volunteer recruit Wednesdav SIC00ha bon ppve Counc lloc Jack Bcough, sec-.' ~ .. morning about 7 o'clock, but it dîdn't stay long on On motion of Reeve Sidney onded bY Couincillor K en y 'Vis it H ere the force. A black ccow, obviously someone's pet, Little, seconded by Councillor Hooper,< moved that the letter was perched on the black ecLîser, looking quite at Glenholme Hughes, this was hoc received and filQd. This Tue dayhom whn Cnsabl Do Anersn cmeout to rocoived and filied. was carried. hom whn Cnstbl Do Anersn cmeA 1bIter from Stuart R.ý A coquest from R. J. Nid- seewht asgongon The bird made no effort Jamnes, secretaî--treaue ofl dery drew attention to the TusdyBoma- o vacate its pecch atop the red flasher on top of th, Bowmanvillo Public Sehooli condition of the sidewalk on 1 s ainstee Bwappae h aee hnqut rw ard o- Board, informod council that Elgin Street botween Second bset back 40 or 50 ever, later, it appacently decided it had had c}a enisrco a .TR OPG W enougfl ot police woîrk anad ief tlor ponts unknown. NEW CENTRE- Orono's new Medica] Centre will be officially opened on Saturday afternoon and visitors will have an opportunity of inspeet- ing the building from 2 to 4 and 7 bo 9 p.m. It has been ecected by the Little Charitable Founda- lion of Orono. TENNIS PRO - George Mansfield, the tennis pro who has visited this arca each year will again offer advice ta voung and old when he aýivz&op Tuesday. Juniors sbould be at bbc club bv 4:15 and Seniors will be instructed at 5:15. t 1 MEMORIAL SERVICE- Former resideiiîs and f riends of the Zion Uniteci Church in Hope Town- ship will have an opportunity of seeing the work that bas heen done bboi'e on Sunday afternoon at :3 o'clock wben a Memorial Service will be held. A perpetual care fund bias heen set up bto make certain the cemetery \vil 1 be kept in good con- dition. + ' + t - + BRINGS luIS OWN - At last week's council meet- ing, Darlington's Reeve Garnet Riekard showed up with an item ta help him keep order. It was a gave], complete with pounding block, made by bis son Donald ducing wock shop classes at Bow- manvîlle Higb Sehool. In future, bhose wbo get out of line during courîcil meetings can expect ta hear the Reeve give forth witb a resounding wback witb bis new secret w eapo n. NEW COOLER - Incidentlv DrigonYuc illor Fred G. Smith of Long Sault reports that same of the visitors ta Mosport durîng the hectic camping episode for the Player's 200, found a new use for at least anc mail box. They lifted it off its post, packed it with ice and filled it witb beer botties. We doubt if bbe Post Office would look kindly upon this new use, but one bas bo give some points for ingenuity bo the miscreants. JOINS UNIT- A Jamaican nurse witb a name, Vilna Velox, that sounds like a movie star, has joined the Northumberland and Durham Healtb Unit as a public health nurse and is stationed in Bowmanville. She took ber public health nursing training at tbc University of Toronto. Welcomne ta tawn, Miss Velox. t + 1 + DAIRY ADDITION - Work is continuing on an extensive expansion program at Glen Rae Dairv, King St. West. A new building is being erected at bbe rear of tbc main plant to provide additional space ta take care af their fast-growing business.i Magistrate's Court Tuesday, JuIy 10, 1962 Constable L.F. Dryden, OPP, Four voung men were ton- gax cv testimony against the victcd in Magistrate's Court four conx icted. here on Tucsday of a charge Magistrate R. B. Baxter re- of an attempted theft of gaso- rnanded the txvo Whalen boys .. , S line valued at less than $150. in custody. They are to ap- The four wcrr' Roy Mulholl- pear before him next Tuesday and, age 19, 29 Willow Mount for sentence. Jack Whalen Drive. Scarboroughi; Jack Ai- carlier on Tuesday had been ' bert Whalen, age 17, R.R. oj1convicted on, three other char- Bowmanvil1c; Wilson Wade es. 1. Failure 10 produce his, Sommers, age 18, 250 Queenllicense when required to do: Army Cadet John Bentley, 16, of 57 Prospect St. East, Toronto, a former SO by a police officer. 2. Fail-! St. Bowmanville, is polishing his boots for next day's resident of tlins town, and ure to report an accident, andý Robert Arthur Whalen, age 18,ý3- Careless driving. Evidenceý parade. John attends Bowmanville High School and R.R. :3, Bowmanville. was given in connection with is one of 240 Ontario High Sehool Army Cadets who The case against Nevilleithese charges bv Constable J. r tteCnrlCmmn ae rdsTann Chle1s Spragg, age 22, and W. Cartwright, OP20, amp atthBCtald o mmandParkeor seve we rks. nCam AlbrtGoovnboth of R.R. IThomas Lamibert. age 2,Cm tBakonPr o ee ek.Cm 3. Bownil, wowr ovavl pleaded guilty, Blackdown is a tented camp located a short distance charged wiîlî the sanie offence and \\as found guilty of beili, from Army CampBodn Th re teystae ,.vas disniissed. Seýntence wasiintoxicated ini a public place training area gives the boys a wonderful, healthy out- deferred for Mulholland and on July 7th. The offence took Sommers until July 31st for alplaoe in Newcastle. Constable door life. In addition to learning a useful trade, their pre-sentence report. They'R. Diamond testified. camp education is designed to promote leaderliip, were- remanded out of custodyj _ <TuRN TO PAGE TWO> i patriotism and citizenship. -National Defence Photo Flash Fire Demolishes Auto Body Shop Tecd Leiffers Auto Body Sbap, just east of th f ta the scene but could do littie but keep it from pread. Town Line on Higbway 2, West, burned ta bbc grounc f ing. Fortunately, bbe wind was light which h9elpd on Thursdav cvening along witb bwo cars, paint to save nearby buildirngs. The shop is shown here at tools and other equipment. Cause of the blaze bas nol the heigbt ai the blaze. been detcrmined. Bo wmanville f iremen wcre calc

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