Frings and his %vife were in- 'Richards. 12 Odell Street. was cottages, and the owners were OTLT uests of Mr. and M,%rs. E. n Teeltl Bowler W in lured and wr tat Mem- idriving east on King West, pleased. Another lady asked U.I~ Taylor. N ouhe gvetc'ju2e9ta oraBHsitlwhr te iaewhen his car struck another 'to have it done like that ini liti itexr 1ptths rcprtn.M.Figsu-pligaa rmameter.i front of hers,» he explained. There will bc no Sunida visited al Mr. and Mrs.Fpric ea ien F irst Trop h îain'ýd a broken left arrn. John T. Krawchuk.a R.R. 3,, Regarding repiacement ot School next Sufldav, J ulv 15. Horkaday's.A t n y and Mrs. Frings reccivcd abra-- Bowmanville. was the driver 'the beach to the 1916 water Church service also w&îll be,. Mr. and Mrs. E.llockada' -oceni !ih> u- W ~~~sions. It is expected they will Of the latter vehlicle. Damage ilne, Councillor Nichols said withdrawn as Reverend Page and daughters %vere atlI.ef- FROM CIAGE ONE mtn opn ih 1 .r Oun Saturday bc able to return ta their'home. ta bath cars was under $100.i "we might be to Rocetrb. i on vacation. On July 22nd, Iwanna Park. east of the Mari- pîrm..etissjlhv sg CarerandTe Bg- taleW. Reimer. OPP, in- vestigating officer. fesm 0fe.Imv hto h o'ie evc iveW2 uaonnita ra . S gai r P rowînd i s OUh-fnabipr . hetp e of owmnvllereeivd estgaed heaccdet. - -i' we rite to r, n.Hurson and 9:30 a.m. when Mrs. Crawford. IJean. Qllchcc. is -;pcndit)u a cm Ontario and mento w r asn I opn terfrt Iawn bowling trophv osale MraSM e ec lewul careal fE iklenwl c h;ek ihle prnscM.ta ti lad far j1 ~ ~ ~ .eîr irs ~~~~ b have us engage Mr. Mars.- speaker. Promotion exercisesan r.R ralwh uuraenIisar j ls~~theSartrd ublcn thy wopinvestigaed atn cidnt Cton, a former Departmrent of will be held in Sundax' School Mr. and Mrs. R. Fr aser. Al- thlic iar ftu'Te thosa ~htdwaideena i at the tournament here. o'clock on Monday m _fin -ighays enginerniou, 9 Tewîlbn lan, Glenn and Bebbv (li.Iim d (Io nul grex% grain cor w Etusfr eisîrcwl AwPreton No. paiHwege ony.eAocasmake an examinai ion and then Several ladies fuoni Solnaamtrtp eCrua sgetesia uegonuihacptdauslU 1 1 3 Isecn d a m pf or m e D o ini n ivnt- h v D o glasdo hn- p r ate ratic e, to his a e h n h r h s r i e vh r t v isite d a i M r. a ind a n d mi n tio un ed th e fa c t t a f a u d vn o n n f t tastoohsavcenhs. satnddasowrgvnliv Mwhre .il(Cooer's', aso at F. the sîlagc was c(ut al the uh ek Doubles hampion ack Hunt _ston. W itbv. Tndonto.driven FPOM PAGE ONE) cnddby Counicîl]or hHtughs-Mrs. Chartlesl Smîneth,g Oehaw a ble' M s a T. Caootrlun htgai eudmae Here's An Important erand 3o-Oshaa weld Charde . Maccil, Tmono. adand 'Ihird Stieets. Reeve Lies and carnied. for Miss Jean CryvderMan, Mr. and Mms. Il. Fer-giso:, about one haîf the weigt. Vocation Tip Chairman Mervin Brock pire- Mivr. Johnstou and a psseut- île said that although tl waF bride-to-be of Julv '21. Philadelphia. Mr. andi Mrm-Pi the silage and that ati setdthe trophy and prizesi!ger in his car. Walter Kirk,' o aN~ assneIi alMn. and Mrs. C. Larîgmaid Hamknuss. Whitby , \erc guesi:s stage the feeding valuewa received superfîcial njries. cnptclw, ti ti and children visited on Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. 'R. F~raser aid a t i ls greatest. Local b:hewlers havearbeenbein ay at Mr. and Mrs. O. lunn's,i famnily.MrPkswstake ou When you travel. \ou increase action recently at other clubsThe.borsto carhadbeengoo shae. your exposure ta accidentaI ýwith Owen Nicholas. Clarence damnaged a faim amounit. 'u Councillor Roy W. NichoI,1'Ptroug.M-an s Re ac(-bllffthJnir' injuries. S npanigýoiir Oke and John Regan having there was littie damage ta the, chairman o! the Roads ad e av andPuterbomough. . M fm. ndMu. attne aPascui ldal lf o thu Jun lar1 So in planning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hrewins in Claremont last MacNeill vehlicle. ,Streuts Committue, assunel W ayadBbvPetn n aivatuuc aivadaltts rsn i i it al nSrdYn niýcuii htwokwst -Bwavle pn lcwe pîcnic at Oshawa-oe.-the-lake,. Tambîvu-i. trip don'î overlook the "ulW~erîesday; Fred Cale, Merv-'Ealyon Suda nMîPAGEcuniltOtNEr)wa tebndowanvileth e nt the week1Mr. an'd Mms. George Knox Th'Mle gie ¶speaker fr1 it protection of Tripguard lI- io Brock and Owen Nýicholas there wvas a one car accident donc on this sidewalk that FO PAEN.i datteLnmis.antd familv spent Suendav '%Y' lirldes wvas-Ms hre ,urance. It will protect yî aîgoewna xrde 0o A Hgvy aot21 cu.O oino oilrXou ogLambert was foud Mm. and Mrs. Rov Lang-maid Mm. and Mrs. George fHam:-.uOrorio Mmrs.eSirleya Black and your family 24 hours-,t- an calier tournamunt. feet north of Couinty Road 57. Hooper, secondud by Counicil- guiltY on a charge of jilegally ,attenfdcd Decoration Day ser-1 and Mr. arnd Mms. Jack Kidî Beaii repreiellt a ti vefr day t vry ow ostanwere . --____ - Thedrier ad osI ontai f achesly Fce. he attr cnsuingliqor hileundr vce i Zon n Snday ard a a ottge te amcuut îkeCeuseloa rcdlî1 in the world. Better 'se ishi hvllcland i wnt nt was referred to the Roads and age on June 23rd. Eiuc a stu ussM.adMis. Mm. and Mrs. Stan MillsunMîs b tedthAletI.Ege,1 tet mmte.concerning tischarge ws:Roy MGl o nnsilenandertertained Mary's mu iu r s iilîug! is M d enth u A c i e ts DvsinSret hedier omite.woe given bY Constable Louis! Mr and Mms. Foster Snowvdcn, l sae n teu ailsacted as oefrtI was fortunately itot injured1. councilpstoattmare than four Police, at a picitie al tir Ionte Ion o mke-dip %vbch Mrs Ba<' FROM PAGE ONE ostbeReimer. , was cMm. and Mrs. lloward Grill, Sunday. CosaliP. ycams ag-o shu ýhad allowed the eosrtdbfr dale. Pth nvsigtgofierrî. p owi arebid hbl n h"lt bargeoui wlticlite xas Oakwood, M-. and Mi-s. Brucel Elizabt Ilîsî.Bi'îii euuusutdbfuetel-4 " STUART R Pet lfer B , h StCoxtudivro nedm oa yuin sm c onvictcd hume on Tuesday iReynolds, Uxbridge Mm. aid' 'illc is lt<lidaî'uga lu hm 1 onbstak ofA T .Stetst hvorin vebr oo!nuan swa euic.was onu of having ltad liquor 1Mms. Reg. Woodbam, Taronto. Bke'1 înjorcd theaccideutf, ivnonarsnday ve ing ait "ldid flot ask for any cash, lin bis possession otlier than in !Mr. Leslie Alliut. Mrs. Fred Mm. auud TMus. "u ae ls akfrlt eoiia injredintheacide t wa'lqio onStnda eenig tý)bis residence on hune 21st ie Coucbi, Mrs. N. Samis, Nuw,-,alud Cathieiw\ere Saiurdd. tiînt aud expmcssed apprca U O P M JAME àï takn toMemrtakenslito bMem:25niallokHospitalr rib'.'etlemnt F a'clp; ck.naiThe othurl, vdriverrs J.Yettlemuntgiesa of'anl.asphaitf hetoitp Nortltcutt and Smitht Amin was John Kolynko. l.Basi u oadams Ite frnof B rotutv l- \ jaile. cae, adise ds .YelIoliow uardguesîs o Mr. aîîd Mm heunflllaitesgrand geD INSURANCE REAL ES'!ATEIonce. He is bcbng tmated Whitby. Themu %vas colis il - nty bouse ptas proisledout Tr Abroth9Wet er-u-li, mJe I les avile, nMiss Glad'.'sets there for a fractured pelvis. al aaet ahcars, Cout- i1 vs 0 e epipbugedouFuitbl, 9 esiReît mri lus.c 11 euved f!es-t muits a nd Itr1<1 King St. E. BowImanvi11e Cop nvsîig .Cate thu c llstabOn nid'vmoninetiai 1:40sted lSe asked that lte ýLambent. cs itolite ilainmed jim IHall ()f Osltawa were (ci- n l iipoirt P(2rr..% CotbePCIat- wl otbeRie netgte. lttuwnus'hmltea iielotblaf fM. Ms utDvsau n u.S ir.u uuwnlcu:gcee.alrescQ i \de lîî..p- (155 '.sthe wrie m.nind tw11.0esteed. Office Rsîdence Early on Monday morning 'a 'lck Cals eliad.tosvn fulfill its- part of the ban- wouild stmaigltten oîut if giveit bostesses al a shower, althl,'. tai.nielu .4i' retiou 'eie cardieeyEnstFig .'oto rupots a olison Ido laain. aiotîter chance. Magistrale lattur's tonte. for Miss slva l Mmr. anid MIS. R Slurmiaîi rinc nlnmfrto i Ofic ca61M 343Tronto, ent ouEnesof con9Toro n tBomailepo ea cmiiont : His Worship. MaYor Ivan Baxtr siated, that iin the hope Bilous, bride-to-be, on Tîturs.,Pmiuce Albert, speeîit the week- on 115 Highway. a shor i-o h îtni rvnilPl obbs, said that lie did not 111omti~caîb bot î dav nuigbt. Mrs. Ralph Davi,ý!end with Mr. and Mrs. Keith 'iU tane nnthof imb. A oa 'heOthrodriverinilvodreaithsaremn Iogthbs regard, be woculd adjouirîtalsoa* ne tusoe ' Crydemnaut and on 'Sundi.v . i 'unsacaiI -- r~~aeoo!th ofcidet n.f G' cvsn Prti.a bv en ae tîte case inîtil .Jtjl.v 3lsi.Bol Mrs. Wes Yellowlees accorn-I;3çeomoanied ltumr and M". aî nalsisl eub _________th____________ tas Guilano Criae..Prthvebu mdesrt('h vamncd Lmb-1utt pued Mmaand Mrs. CaeadMmC. lHamer aund fanlli' M *di.idîl uds uey ____________________________________ rcdit. There was no damageltinte mgaounilrBogtdrink i lutt'- eiteaîd lut- Alliu anud Mr. Chtarl]" AlaE d rat exb aesietlnhro UOdae la the latter's car, but dant- Saidbublv., tuthaeformed hint if he itiudno so 'fBwavil c ind i !oe FROM PAGE ONE frfl nomaino nî age to r, m.McDonald's car beit madeit Lloyd Quiîtone wudb et\ ýi.- hvateddI notraev otc TOWTN 0F BOWMANVILLE amounited tri appm.oxinitely ltime as Road Sopeninlendeet. Ie wul besethe io Bwmnile idso-M. ad fantilvrand Vfrîntuv ooî !îh1 $577 ait d Il tha t il must have been Gordon Romtald Kumberlev, umal o!fbrfi' ce D.Clame'lake Jr. adfmi adRoui-bv ihnrrlWtrieFr eest ConsableA. V A!eautdu~, umba. .agu 20,. R.R. 6, Bowrnanville, Langmaid. inie Broonte atteeded the Or-pangtetinateisru- OPP, iuvesigeated an accideutl Depcty-Rev\e Ross Steveis ý cnvcedo ctrg f Mn. antd Mus. Bruce Tavlor a n2emen'. Panade al Liedsa,> îi~uon î-bey have no be thatricuredan bursay i ' sseted that D a r 1 i nl g t o ol having onlawfolx' coitsumecl fi- and family '.ere Suitdav din-, and visited al Perrv Vaillan oida.AloIalo h 9:5 r. n 1 Hgwa a Twsbp ts h rspnibl- quor wbile a micor. Constzble ner guests of Mn. and Mrs, E.1court's. .Joan Westlake returii-ceislatwk oedhe i f 9:h5e n o ntruc t11 no i y o'th 'a -j rnto Phil!ips gave tesimonv regard- Thomtlon. Millbrook. cd home. arîagrams, comectly, altce caerInrtlm ent YrAnneda once.Bowmanville bas îtoît plae uiOJ-lrd~ ev r adMs.DnTalr n Ws-one coupon filed out wit~ owned by Active Cartage erb added. w'as fined $25 and S.3 cosis on Mn. and Mî's. E. R. Taylor Tauuîtout. atlended the fuiterai entrant, and lut il go aItt ~I UTransport. Toronto. lad col-, Counicillou' Niehols bold coun:- it defaulit ive days. e aEml'vPoiclprlofM.R A r fTibv S esu itd vra The 2 n Insta m ent lided The ruck diver ws ciýthat Mscilunthata Mrs.d Bures Chadestalked. JemomeundChav.lal lLcavisk age sontionstd v. Le .Lcs edl.Dm with him sevummi times autd 26, Oshawa. was fined $15 and Mm. andl Mis. 1_ Broome. grams and pinned onecopn 0Fagu tobobth v'ehicles amoonted had neyer said "tri the bouse" $5 costs or five days fou' having Tuddy, Pltîlip antd Denni' af C Ub,)ale ainu sepanalu unvuoe. lu ,bout $90. bol "tmp lte oad." Aoy deal had liquor iii bis possessiont visiled Mn. and Mns. CRed- So. Il a I( ene cident on Satumday marning Qulîttan, lite said. Mayor Ho.bbs Jonc 241h in Bowmanville. at Hamilton. Mm. Broome, 00w reallY xvas rito choice aag at 11:17 o'clock utea' Bow- staîed that in ail fairniess tibL Constable Phillips, who gave 88 yeans old, is eeio.ving qoile A meoeting o! flt Durbacnimoto h nrte 1 92TXSrav'>eAmena. Kenneth R. sbould bu ebecked intlo -0 uvidence against Leavis, also goodhalh 4-H Daimy Caîf Club was mohoeteetnetbywr Lemon, 64 Simpson Avenuec coonicil would have camplet, teslified in the case of Johnit Mn. and Mrs. L, Broomi oit Thumsda « , .ly t. al, the 'orte weme neater titanotes ISD EAND PAYABLE wms driving bis car emst on inimformationt. Lionel Grahîam, age 22, wbo mttded Ducoratuaut Day se-- farm o! Mm. Carlos Tmrn'blv\:, e01l1 a few niade mmattemp * u .collision wiîh a car bcking ondud by Coutiiciîlor Hogites. 'ensu. Graham recuivud a fimts had as guiesîs, hater. Mr. and ing., memben's were required ilml,\ wav. Some alahdt iT UU.W ~~ouI from the Aena parking moved ibat the Roads mid of .$20tanîd costs ornrive Mms. C. Johns, Bowmanvilie. 10 judgu t-o classes Of Ho). twvo or ibree couponstaltLONDN -AAD JU Y 1 th 1 6 lot. Thomas H. Goold. 315 Sîmeels Committue interviewdas and Mn. .JohtntBî-aome and'sun mdgu esnso ru nwem tbey submnilted. Te ______________ If Wilson Road South, Oshawa, Mes. Burns, se what had been Tery Budd, age 19, 'lor- family. T'ymoîte. ' o! thent. wienem o! the finst week md DISCOUNTS- was te driver of the second pomised and whun agreementi onlo, pleaded iot guilly le a Douglas autd Rick'.'Bi'oone 'l'his was followed b.'-a vr a folder out o!litem an'&efJACK ROUGH car.Dauagetribol amontd mae, iîha vuw setlit,,charge o! hax'ing ltad liqcuor ai-e holidla.img ah Llio yd iuttunestiutg talk oit the pr.)- antd illustrated il witîhu tri less than $101). Constable the malter. Titis ntioni was un itis possessmon iîlegallY Broouttp's. ildino!f qualitV ntilk itu MnAi. o'.n dawings. Oce rflt'PUBN n ETN 1% discouttwillIlle al1ow~ed on mLuis P i ivstigaad. eamiud. Ther offetse cFuis ewsdnc. ,oyYoungntan, Tvrotteun-, William Dunlop, Daiuv Field- otheu' .'.inners hadlabou( :i 3rd instalment, A somubbsmthrac- The coutclodiuîg sentence of'îe fuîs hagd Ba I- joyed holidays witit Mm.and mauî for the diLtrict. ALun a,-u coupons filled out piocl iiinSre ot 3disamndentt hmppeted oc Saîoi'day Mms. Bumuts' lutter had also leged o have itappened at Mrs. D. FletI and familv. tendantce anîd cqeslio:ts frim aîtd altaclted. Arther ,înrMX351 O MNIL aflernoon aI 3-55 o'clock. Wil- ,m entioned: "Smoke, smell, and Maspo;l Pak on Jone 19t. Mm. and Mrs. Don Taylor1 prolect books were takcit up, added a cute poem '.vorkig 2%/0discount wilIllbe miiowed ont limm C. Hoopur, 5 Second danger o!frine. 1 lhink il i__ The case was dismisscd. acd childmec ,vere Sonda'.'tua the* meeting '.as aîo tliidii(-,the iarnes of lte stores uîvi v 4thinsalmntStreet, backed lis cau' out about l m e otiten arrange- Grantl C. Weni'y. Darliutlomî 4th nstlmet Jrom a lane at 136 King Street 'ments were made bv lte towc wms conviu.Ied o! laving failed Easw nd y Caa . eo. c63regardîng theu dun-up." On1,ma- la file an income retorn.. Duhaum Street, Oshawa. Dam- tian o! Councillai' Hughes, CosPl .Cutn e !ter- age a bth crs as aoutsecocded by Couutcillom Hoop- RCMP Dutachiment, Per-1 J. L. Elu. ,sî2o. onstabe Philipsin es-'c, Ibis part of the lutter was bruh aeeiete er tigaRED.ed2. Cntb'rhllp n eceived dfiled. was fined $25 and $5.50 costs,1 Clek. thee .va îoaniîrcl uimîoto oiclror in defaull, seven dmys. lisin onKingStreet niii ontSa- Brou-ht, seconded by the Dep- Constable Bruice Tilson, OPPI,c ______________________550 i Jmes ruy-Reeve, it was decided ta gave evidenne againsi, Ronal ____________________uîra" a ~ ~ ' 'have a barrner plmccd alopng Shelley, age 18, wba wm tbc section o! Franklncharged wilhb laving bc se lesn in-a wy i Park so that vehlicles would toxicated in a public place un access tri Scogog Street. The Shelley' wms (oovl(ted amand! .................................grïn otio>nmisa authorîzed Reeve fined $10 and $3 oir five cdays. Littean nother member o!ý John B. Reid, Oshawa, the Traffic Advisomy Commît.icbarged wilb impnoper-ly pas- s-tee ta visit the place and de- ing Ibrue motor veilicles withî - cide whmb brushes should be bis car on Jonc 10th, was found i ut culdown la givu a dlean vie'.v.nat guilty of the offence. Tel-- eceived fom H. 'T. B. Hr- Iin dfence of M m. Red son, Toironto, a summer Bow-- ~ u mvi3l,1 West Beach nesi- det 'nTuesday the l9thWE DN of lune 1 attended a meeting with you' representatives re- Iehtti a erne , gamding the problem of youn, :àh,'o "nHnne destruction o! the West Beach. Beforr a lovclv background! The proposai given by y)of o peonies acd gladioli in th(,~ nepresentalivus, witb respect Finsl Chtristian R efocm e d tori epairing Ibis dnae and Churcb o! Toronto on Sator', [o proleel ou r lots front day,.un ft,12.afoi t " 4 ~ cmsiouî,was t gradedowuto'cloc, NIinp a Hcine, smnd would brin: back te at- bonor. Her dress a! miutt tnactive beach that bas been green Swiss cotton wbth dark- YOU HAVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN dcstraycd by lte town's ac- cm green embmoider'c. Bride- tionsse'ebt:'h e maids, Miss N. Givens, and He ssetcdtha: " J. Cocuprie, cousin o!f te when you own Life Insurance ision macbed by the malor- bride, weî'e iii pink S'viss col- it fthe West Beach (Tetoit witb deeper pick umbmoid- Stipising ' e itt rr. ke nit in important ('anadu,'n ouîerpises- Cavel prooerby owners is: "I' cmx. They wore white flower- Port hase ~Sand sbouid be brought from c as hl lvsau peape xuha.epoi'abl. h ugit o r hrogh iteo! ond aud te lake. propemlv graded and sitoes. Tite matrou'ou o! mtr lifeinsrane a proecton or. otr fail: xtcksandthrogh oriagp-,.packed tri pub back the beach.are whtan ikcr lufenswances poîcîinetoi oui bauîîh sbaks nd bmouh mobgaes.2. Evemy effor't should buc-midwie n ikcr -as a good '.vyltrisave momueytegîîlamlv 'Thèse lhard-\Norking dollars are Itelipmng cmade ta replace the beachIo npin mcd whe caratis -as a v'aiuahle collaieral if vou îîeed a tri finance great projects mil oyeAr ibis hspe 16 atr iuthae a tî M r.JmsKs a etAGNRLMT AU Inan for an emergene.. country- such as pipelines, shopping <'eu- will nat suffer from emosion, 'man a nd bbc ushers werc tbe btut gmow in widbh over t,î grooms brother. Mr. C. Demi- Actually, vour life suramlriîîdolhar's ut Ires, bridges and highwmys, hontes, ve"r. Tt .uîus -utiertoe r.,muid Mn. H. vaut de I4l- ".1 Te wnrscosierBet.Fui/y /oadedyourlow-pDrîcev"Ùaievyllaunts eagerly onjln a more than an invesi menti o\hm rpvrsomial apartmenl and office buildings, schools, ! a nîcans o! repair I bc Followiuîg lteencoya uecuritNv and ýocîr familv's. These dollarq factonies, industrial plants and jîowe'r most practical a ies' surd ecetption yas 1eld at bt engU the ml/esw/tho ut e at/ pg s!Yu»h ie fpp y otherwise bv etnro lz Restacur- e gu h ie i gu a !Yu are also an in\-ft-ment in ('anada. Tîev d evelopmcnts. These in%-Psîments engincer recognized as an au- ' mo. Tite bride's moter r'-or ,L4mgrhIn4 n'n a '- mutA ' / stnuaî gowh ui poges ad eh ceae mpoyen opoluilca hO~ work. with nylon net overskirt. Sho . ! make thiz couit ry a het ter place iiri wh ich The incarne from these investments Councillor Nichais, Roads 'was assistud bxY the groom'1,;o/ performance in a choice of e/e yen mode/s. and Streets chaîrman. said bu 1 mater wbo chose a minithiea¶imsctnl txt ct tri live and wcrk. heneflus you directly by reducing the bad met witb Mr. Hurson. A. ý green linen dress. Bot wor- At tis omet, BILIO DOLý,S rst o liç, nsuanr tovouandthe H. Stnike, the Town's Solicitoir. ' corsages o! pick 'muid us bit ai lie inurane saingsare nvesed ~millon oher anarianTownc ownrs. oadacmkcint d . and Fraiteis.I i eR O .N IHL ofttheisomet,9BILiO r n LLe.std osiloli inur ance a oie and ihe T.own Clitcn a e d mod ca Fratons. ig ri Stewart. "We tricd tri convint e Mu.kokm Lake. ilite b.'idc i .oie O e IH THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Mr. Hurson tbal it could bc a floral dress wvith whte itf 1BOWMA NVI LLE Phone MA 3-3353 Phone 72!-26C U TC L.OC levcbled b '.' down2rading-. Wi' and accessonies. Tbey will re ,had it done ln front oithIree . side in Osha\wa. THE CANADIAN STATES.',IAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO WEDNESDAV, JUIS iiiii, if.)(;2