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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1962, p. 5

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j i ) I Il Il t PONTYPOOL Kegular Margarine nLUCK >IeGKS L. f (lntencied fori, ast %veek) Saico Solid White - 7 oz.Ti Ipeople visited the Mart )elny FE111ODC Ranch onl Friday evening. No U A F SfoC doubt we %, iii be -seeing-them26 9CafitltNo on TV in the near future, (Chase & Saihin ll- l12c Off -f oz. jIar A dance Rnd presentation for Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bowins on Friday evening. The lewly- INSTANT COFFEE 8 9 c A T LO P S 2 fo3 5 ýweds received a chesterfeld C r l n e i e - S e t - L r e S z suite frorn their many friends Del Monte - 48 oz. 'l'n C rln e ie-S e t-L reS and neighbours. Our village -was again able f *O , taNK 7c Waurtermelonsiens 89 who arrived in large numbers DRINK runeappe & rapefruut 3 Our softball league continues SNviss Kinighit - Plain - oz. Plkg.- 12 Portion ta d raw good crow ds and pla y L( i t r o - L c l io n - 2 h a Cavanagh as pitcher is lead- S hassG uy r ing the leagrue %vith Starkville Whee 3 iin second place. The other _____________________________________________ two teams are putting up rtiff OAES$ ID2 competition and no doubt will. 13e heard from before the FROZEN FO SPECIALS season is over. STORE HOURS We are glad ta report that Y'ork Pie% 8oz..PEt JA Mr.JaePkgsi iaig Open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9 pan satisfactory progress since her EUW TU. ffo hspta.or9 C for your shopping convenience. Mir. Bert Blakely iq home Beef Chicken .urney 4 1 77__________________ been visiting old friends in thue York I ansY - SPECIAL 1 oz. Bag 32 oz. Bag v alues effective in Bownanvjlle until closing time, Saturday, July 14, 1962 E E N P Edistrfrc5t45All nwrchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited fis unconditionally U.C. Women of the United Chrhsredspe an Saturday eveninZ wîth a D)OMINION STORES LJMITED good fînancial return. LIMMITS Regular 98c 77C HEL ENE CURTIS TRAVEL SPRAY NET Q Regular 69Ce--- 9 Travelling This Summer? C ontact tms for iieeded information Tele-Phonie MA 3-3361 REXALL FILM Black and White Ù~7, 120, 621) Reg. $1.80 Valute3fo92 SLUDE TRAYS Reg. $4.25 Valuie$25 JURY& LOVELL IVE DELIVER 15 King St, W. 31A 3-3361 YOUR LOCAL TEAVEL AGENCY 1 WPEDNESflAY, J1 I .12TRECA.NAEIAl iSTATESIUANEOWMaUNVIE. oNTARIO ius holidaying at Mr, Charles!ie member Mrs. Nidderv. The'p*avadDulss tSnDdF D Bi iseLiteSitr Langmaid's. ailleDoonlasnday Bi itr iteSse ý'1grandmother born nearest the LONG SAULT day'at Lake Simcoe. arsnreat. od i Mr. Earl Dorrel, Blackstock, 't o î pari%- as divded between M rs. C o n r n r. N atr a d c m o e f r h ld y vt .was a Sunday afternoon caîl- RMr.ese and Mrs. Adok I n \i inTr Nto .i PutHer ~hii er aty ndNlsBrucek M ad Tay . Cor's.oond Dane Trotoorsids r tBeT.and Mrs. RR.orts fwir Grandmother with the most MIr..Ted iMcBu-de, lnglewod Drt's. 1 an ili.GinîJck 1letters in her fulli name-.Nrs.,wer-e Sundx eeng i.ts Ms Aex MM te JnTono.xstdat rs lx Rev. ands.rE. R. aylr W ir en' Will Chapman. Grandmother ai the Ros vsiedat ayMcMstess ýadsons, Durham, visited Mr Mr~Cwt h fletsir rud Mr n .~ aek sot. AKeron. ,,t M'and I Mrs. RJTyor. SnIntidtesn wthhem- les s'Mr. ond and Ms.John and,ý m e s!hehin rs. George '.il- Vn1'kAtth Cmnîio Srvc anM ruc;r and Mrs. eSo D. Ier. Grandmothr with tieiKl ýadNrs onVnv tc bert.uce Me aneMrK.D.'istopher, Mr. and ýIrs. . Me.,and Mrs. Michiael ei.O udv r rc Has Me. enieandie prsr Mes. William Nms n î itr M'.Fue Flett, Marie and Linda, visited' KE\DAL . c..oopeî short for making bar- iotpnes nler use-- - Penxx ardeîu. Waddc and Cath- M\r. John Nemis attene aOha .sngadît ther ctagMrs e t reh als telsetc.Tig ot ,IMrs. Herb Rundle. Grand- erne sttc'nde'd a fainily' pic.siixeî' wedding annierax :MherctteandMr.Bert meyFais Kendal Womeni Instituto tehs ot'imtetih telrgs a e'rchld nCex rgtCmiclbaio tWlan nte l'ISnuseiSaîîoîla M.HryK o an o<mealtehm ofMsMa- Lunîch wisre ls rings--Mrs. John Roger's. Thie'niunîtv ,Park. weeaind, aieuredWoelltandenin Mr. ndd hreKnxan an eta hehmea *ls aaplet ei ed h Madrs. 1one ihtems utn 11 Mîg n îxo'Mrphy attened th Eliiott îamiIîvitioîî Manders on Wednesdav J.Sialtn n'rsMn ers. th ess WînnbuttnsThe IRýý,Sand rdiv onîht'vlu u ad Ms ~i boa p .c c ,pc! tBoga.evenîng. June 27th. _______ as. inacocoule1 f. 'k ts.Sa Mr.E. Spires visited with Th'e presideni Mrs. E.Cour-HAoneN Mrs Jakthanab.thcî gîalnmot, MS Ei Mrs. E. Stitton and Mrs. F roux~ opened the meeting xxduOentlesonWdnsdvevnng r.RsnllPî'îîsx1je Buî'rows, Oshawa!the s.nging of "A goodi; thing Gi andmother' Day v a ayone, guessing Caniada*s pok yrn.M n î'.HnvDr M.adMs halsMthl cd Me nd M s. P B n te colct he satd tht Tu~ ay uIV3r. wîh a pc- Chs. Ware..hoannd tcîanc a txx fiîeîd n__ __ aur pris . Il wa nd put ta a vt g e lx'o ted t tbestr on anc ye ith oa y n n. So,îi e d y o u d y M r. a n d M rs. E . S p ire s . K e n la n h a o î v x ' n e a , v î 0 p ' s n .M r e P e c t . M r i an- - \ l,.a n do M ir h s. D . i d în .' and Sharon xvee at Presqu'ile'a u pî-- .Br î'oand A xx ii M. ad Mî. Fîed ar- .- Pai t n on ay ta th Br d o a Sc -p nt M o nd ar " he Pr si en M s. ur ow b un if l upe. ' ' v enlo" j, tusti. Os a f a.ri nd eshaw -.aml in icr . P re B atth e c ee on uiy' lt h. as n ehaiT d yJ l r and th p e- a d t1 v ah r c udîî hxM- d \i. C l L m e A e u est wie a p ae fnt ned a .m ete ap men~ v th he ing en bte' fr a ca o d am ïi , B x'nn le Mrtb. and Mrs. E. ackaday.the eetinckfî'om the Di-ama (ttute Ode.sTf Lard's Pray Je n H c a a n h r n oui theawe.Ias-d uthe one t edie T he e ar bs i nesN'e t t uMrv C tn pt Me. a-i)r n id Mus. G a a Mr.sanW. H. E.ostiessaedlaththe mhjandv ari angements Att. Mre lt Me.and Nro . is . idaviep aSre ve r. and Mre s.,t10'al upprBEA-sUTIFUL EXTERtlIMrORSid Mrs. RSerente PascaedPar Thnd Bey-t ur might honlpopromote thtîx'îtîes taeVarietyJVillage and C e t it Sei ai Room ut' \v asicîn .¶ , a i , '. .. S u h ra E U I U L R T C E serv fic t l u m bu niS n uc s a m t u' l y . I x as la d in t e a irnd.t en h a ve thpon toi n u l adlcd j x s e t h e5 I G U i e as rl w o e u y a d o i M r. a n d M rs R a e P a s o e And, m o e y u - a s. E l otI n Te est ro u p xx'as th e In - ' n . h a < n e ei w eM r . ia d xvu h t e M L a g ,s c d ~ g p o e î o tr w er n d w t e W . t e a r t gad ai g n u i s n , M N t i e Ladnbdu tA l g a d e s . h e c l a sG .O L . . W ll a m s a n d M S h ia r oo nHno x c l e T e m tt . Lp i .]t toen v isi e d ahnFo iistr v S t aaw C , -~~ ' Mn. ansid M . Watte r1in . M er ead l.Fotrm s a tx', if wand ang li e sity tinMar-rnonxdhee tex J. PL. ti D .LLg [ The e ap y v un sste s ie the da ghers ofin L e s cr ,En . the iui on of the vil aeof ut' ae ms î'ead. i'sSlertetd ihA LpE Mi n xAi rîc uc~ lhî d ' ig~. u~îsti'. endy Mav. whu vas hu-ce veaus oi on Jnue Lac atiscwek.nan had a hînge mii. txv e ri S ptm betrm aand t rnk Onaî-m A e y Mî's. . 'l'xx it s lof and lnI spA'l'M n 3 Kh . w îerlu teded the ileat fa iiy piT IVIN~ in orlo fa (ifBoxvmavilJ..SumiatBaugham sriceadColmes o n-rucesamturplYs vaslno incAl uto Buy a. dova ndMi'. and Mes. J SOLINA Crydermanlf left on undaytho a. matou-ttanp ta thetEastIGCoast. (lnened < va Mnda nglu. efrsl- TeMr.deMrm.a family icd Aia ntrp h iii inbe ai uîcts x'eu' ss"ved foilxvun uicw-asI'ied atEvrttrCod- C~J~3 cd a houeBhiclhouu' xM' intec-ar-eerofn'seon aturday with 86 Bakers Sehuol picuuic \x'as Mi-. and Mes. L.fSiintan da.' Stîtn Ensile, vs tedi havsi oteB výoaj ,12ciu a we povon anMondayrs at IvlSall.-fand Mrsgrls _rx'ednuheundalenMus-uing. Rui'udle1 Mils Jea rle uev uo u înu a i , unes BoM.andille; M e an d ici n a h etv lt i '-iiý h r g a t re y r n w r i el a \e-, îen'ou" of Me Biae Sex'es, rs.J Wa and ils, sa-on x'as dedicbted hx'rRie..Page ixa.0 Csitdd Mn-.randaMes.sRoss SPECIAL. tîx Stan Milison ut'thouCoin-the m and niSmith aA L. pB.nîd a hWill-hiuade m and Misldeen.mMsstte W oteStewards. on behaif chiyldatverennd Toronto. ga'ins.ted Mn.s LATEX PAINT Rex'. Page xv mtto Lïe beiiiit heevisnedxaeca-esrvsans.IO hin or t e 'e n n eu ff th s Mu-. ( r. t- B w v ilîsan ale r a r m t e f r vi e d nt g i e sx y i n a r n \h r 't e <aMr. oitî. Tee viabniaci deen, Tro.N. are spend-anw ar wn eeso-i hog te1)a- (lilid frls % k1. H A $579 $179ti 'e ui.JlvvaTesom coin-sois cdse' 1 o nuii Osviibe Mu. a Mu-s.p.tal fler an1die _______f______it apin'c ndswn uh s ap y y L n higer fre thee L1ni te C ofîneli gir s. Millth v lla e foaofkoensrisited Mes." i iada oo MATray XTERioR Waiter Cl'axas'orduoffdEnn skilleiiaMus.pLena 01 Sheestlake and far. ,,eaiudac ad ai auda Mrai -i $9.35 m Feguonoti o xercisesBigvii e ed eîlk a i iiy.h, rc ntetirte:niehbtd a n m e ffcasw udlk otak o 18, s ontheleftand unce heleuuLodainSeoot ahCo9:-0 Mr-.S . W e s ufon Kofereds hrehtl hr-tesrd ysm ote, ad Ms.A'Brmco b hý 1aanomi.ieshheokonefan îSaturdaynd and iiiiSs conn chidrn o -r. ndMrs Nrmafh o wl ad Vcau iblade oed Knxad Heîm a fu-ended trs she l otfmv shox * epve' vlcîe MeN.Fee aunto. ndMs .,1t onic l o u a liii. s visuting Me. and -itdrn vsu ed foufeetonrpptzngwýs-- (ITh te c t for I3 as, Ca nck BuLeMonk d a il y. nu-s. T e. Lr mder, B fmlac soc.Ie epie-co!is ald .-o A iitiiiibei- o Solicald-plate meupperr ser ed .lllvin fldwwache.d atEver tt .ydi Pn o e a tudo M B l hi iu. r ex' D x'ii ,v a mp- es_ ran chldrn, shtraw vited 8o6;sa bc yid enukl A y Q _ tee h n uid n n osla n n, deîe Su na ta ruelM a ndi es r s . e Pa c e a dOiio ka il . A B G D mi on out of i.and ns. Grant Webber, xa': i-y.n nd ayr.L.Sano, ABE NET Y'> Co~busd Ms, . Luîg ai oshawa, iskie unay ve- OIINsee( orfm Me. anday aMrs . nt n d rie tonL t h on b hi d hu e t o atr 11111 anld oni xeîSuuday gucsting xihMs lay eIw P !& vAIN p p r u'M.aîd Ms ere u esaMs. J. Yelole.Ms eanM:E!AV N PE I L l'iea v comuni oabl eus CANADA's FINEST G VERNMENT MNSPECTE 33 KINGnoIh*;Er W*ofaMr.La aid eiSteejsboudaWayad il, sa MA 3-431 îîg w tiMed . e.Pgý,avstdM. and Mu-s. O. Lc :and pSamiynPterbtou-icaug 'c t'~ui eut ala hi' 8o.Tm RD LEBADBE _ o! SMî. ndMr.W laEAC HA VES3hfra$nd0 mittee, oWStrwaansAonCM RMT succee sful at theonecentldG U A R A N TEon tQ U A L I T Y M E A T S eamnd r tuan a i tue o al oniiodLe -Coc -2 z i Confrth e andro h s euxtrs. D o.ff Myulsie oTo- andN LI Ca.Qat ionh hr ilaeiociri ed n rono, a n -i g S r r m auîd Sloloi hrc ev au- te hays aloxx' r. Eiurauu $57 17 C 1 UV1.Tecmii il îs is.Hn evrCoc 0o.Tî t a r Ra tl.8 ADsevienFilN2NEl]bePir. an o H alM.aarer nd SUN TAN LO~in hro h nie hu:gilse III: ono i.. u hromsj fo 1 ' dLCM- OUD N LTEXgu TERar altî.i,9 $1o .39 Eti s aîî i M. Wiean, a n V. Hkean d hlsVm 8o.'i will be guet speaker.MOagaietlSaketOshwa PAIN LD ltay Jly ,q p.o Giitadc Mr.' Hnars PFrii: Elizabeth3J.motion:EPass.sgetable Juicel4for$1t.00eRU M P RO A STalb. 8 R e g ulai' 7:;o . r ae I on t ou r s, R ad ic o n -o k e I E L l o B I E L E D Hedust inastayvrishow~m .0 fosKiN $3.95 (;ai. (vrf evar r t Gloii. II Hns. e e - re hl G r un thee cholswil fnd her!WsPassoîe, SPa, iitedM rd[ help very welcoineSai s.N.F eTutn MO T A TE' r a d 1 rst Ciar vYs Hon-oce. sreilmn tse Rhe gular 2for B as, an e B u e i k n oulY rs. E.oc elvu S c stî. <oîtheî Dek - - Icoo. Pkg. a V . - - s a aod-plte upp- I r m m

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