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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1962, p. 7

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TME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA1qVflLI. ONTARIO iP Vice-Pres., Fi-an Allun; Second; IePres., Carol Birtwistle;' ____ cS ociali (-,rbL Iýesoitia,/ iSecretary, -Marie Moses; Trea- ' r .".Mm surer, Thelma Leslie: Direc- 7 71~' " tors, Ethina Ewert, Lucv Gib- __________________Phone_________________ MA 3 3 0 son. Eloise Kilmer and* Hazel' ____________________________________________Sarnis. Alter two contest«s,ý 1 the meeting adjourned until, Mr. Samn Allun recent1yl California, Vancouver, New Septemuber. v'stcd points of interest in Westmiinster and the Okana-, Corniwall, Ottawa and Mon- gan Valley, British Columbia.: treal.ï Mii. Rila DaveyDr. and Mrs. Jack Kessler i T NVL E*.* . ~ Mrs. ilda aveyFlint,i (nee Janie Belman) and dau- V : ciee, Mrs. M. C. Brown and Earl Grey, Sask., vlzited hem Recent visitors at the par-! M.Brown, Nelson St. family Iast week before go 'sonage were: Rev. Geerlof' Mrs. Aif. Best, Toronto, 1 lng to Guelph where Dr. Kess: ohrtad aiyo y (nec Maud Fletcher) has been 1er will be attending the Ca- rone, Rex'. Arnold Creasor of vlsitlig her cousin, Mrs. Edna: nadian Veterinary Convention Wyevale, Rev. Robert Gay of io.K'iih'. Sti_ýkatrchewan. Rev. Anderson, Wellington St. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoff- R. C. White officiated on Fri- Mr. and Mru. Bill Burk and man, Saraxnna and Andrea,jday evening, June 29, at the . Johni werc wcekend guests of Ellwood City, Pa., spent a few1 induction of Rev. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Glover days hast week with MrS.1 Dryan into the Tyrone charget and children, Owen Sound. Hoffa n's mother, Mrs. Geo.j of the United Church of Can- Mr. an Mrs. . I. M "t,. James. Mr. James Hoff-iada. Centre St., were In Lindsay mnan and Master Ward Hoff-i Mrs. W. H. Jones spent a att~dng heHuterSmleman are attending Onandaga fe-w days last v-eek with Mns. wciddlng on Satunday, J uly 7. Camp, Minden.j Bud Jones and chîldnen at is. Ethel Price, Edmon. their cottage, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Free- ton, Alta., bas been visitin.g< Wednesday night the Girls man of St. Catharines have1 Mrz. M. E. Leask for the pasti Softbalh Team ivent up to play ben visiting their sister and week. Mrs. Price i enro te1 B owrnanville with the result a husband, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie> g te7- J son. Mr. and Mrs. Jack- to ber home alter having Ri, -. C ht a ae wli returnied to St. Catharmnes spent thiree münths touningi ReV.R.CWhtwstae wt hmfrafew days, Europe. Mmi Leask and Mýrs. ta Memnorial Hospital last withthe fo a w ~ Price qpent hast weekend ii'1 Wednesday. We wish him a Misi. entBurns1ilei Bancroft and Belleville. speedy recovery.f Mxi Knneh u nui eDr. G. C. and Mrs. Ashton Miss Sharon McCrone Is Miontreal, Que., necently visit- wvorking in Toms' Store, New-r cd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant Clelph e atende the aua castie, for the summer. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes, C.,' neFmlypcnca The exhibition bail game nt Town. "The Acres" on Saturdalv Kendal, Thursday eveninig, George Mansfield (left) shows a group of young enthusiasts how tennis Mrs. Giddias Jones bias re- Jul.r 7tb, and wei-e overnght, betiveeil Newtonvi1le OlId sho Id be plaved. Also taking a tip fromn Mansfield, a veteran teaching pro- guests o! Mr. and Mrs. H. i. Timers and Kendal Juveniles fesisïial. sC .Msnr(ih) neeuieo es-oaCnd t. tured roma very pleasant Babcock. They returned homie ýs . . Uby theigt) a latter f Pps-teaCaadrn.. visit wlth her son, Cli!! Jolies on Sunday and took Mr. and! NV orobthe littris trv- and!amiy an fiena t Ms.Baboc bak ithth M iss eut th e lb o pristyg vhich .sponsors lansfield's tennis clinic tour together with the Canadian Lawn Ottwa fr afe dys'hoidy. hrst 0s Tennis Association. Free tennis clinics viI1 be lield here under Mansfield% 0 Otaa o e as oia. !lliqiii ue.direction Julv 17. 9__________________ ___________ Eigtee meubrs f Ns- Mr. and Mrs. K. BuckIeyv Master Peter Westheuser - _____ theton Women'a Institute ne- and Anne, Mrs. Vera Rainer',lspenit a few days hast w~eeic i~* * centhy vlsited BowmanvilleaU ornoM an Mrjvth aseBi j M %I Iai, Valerie Aver-y, Joan Museumi and toured the beau- Jack Gibbs, Peter andCao A demnstmation of Stanley;C HO E U T Collacott, Jim Kelly (ta Gd. 4),p tiful garden. of Ajax, Mrs. David Lernci-, Home Products was held atPalSyor ryWodv Mrs. Walter Bell. Andrea~ Ta--nn and Gai] of VanNutws' ,IMrs. lRoy Hall's home on s .N.2.HYO Mary Melvor, Barbara Paynu., cock, Harold Di-ake, Dale Wil-S and Richard of London, Ont.,! Calif., 1%rs.ThmaRna, Thursday a.11. June proinotions r'eport of Grade 2: Kenneth Boyd,'!lis, Patty McPhail, John Col. hae ee vstig ermofSlrncoe, and Mrs. Zadeil Bucek- Mrs. EarI McEwen, Gary ýS. S. No. 2I létdozi; nanls Leseley Cowlard, Briin Cro Wel ther, Mrs. Han-y Rice, Con- 1ev of Detroit, Mich., ,er and Grace-Anni. spent the!lin aiphabetical order. elîs, Arlenle Curson, Dale De-1 Froni Gd. 1 ta Gd. 2: Randy cession St. i recent gests of Mrs. E. Gibbs 1weekend withi Mrs. Ccil Bur-1 Gracie 8 to 9: cýýrRIamI mark, Ricky Powell. Caimeron Coonibes, Craig Reynolds, Er- Mn. L. B. Nichais bias re- !and Aien Liberty St. North. Jey. JnWJaesillson.WiSo!~Inie Rai-mer, Willie Bons, Jen- turned home alter spending a; isMrae uco i5 Mr. anid Mr C. J. Moase of 1! rs homam, t-ad L.înne:J Grade 3: Alimna Boxali, Judy1 nifer Craig, Debbie Tennent, week with bis son and d'iugh- s ar1e Prln niLindsay anid their grand-'Tei Drei Boxaîl, Clayton CowI.ard. TerryT Wolnik, Valarie Page, M. Ir. Mrs. Nora Hornick are at- caughierMs Betty-Jo JoliesGrd4:Rsel liT-iBena ugsBrenny ter-in-law, M.and r.Dogtending the five-wveek Eie- Of 1NÎia-ara Falls. twere wÀci- 1 Gracie 7 Jones Robert. GAde 4: usselA lun. Ter- Brn d Bess B i-nen n y las Nichais, Kingston. 'rnentary Sebool Teacher-Li' 1~dy iioswihMs Gracie 6: Ashton Sheryl-IrV Aln, ah ridger, ac.Mae'n Jns o Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Purdy,! rarian's course beîng held a. w. Jolies. Backburn Douelis, Jýoncs AlP Joani Calm, JannDemari:,Selis 't~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I Glra0aladKm ! the Toronto Teacîhers' College, Bai-t Tonî lias goxie to Bun-lfice, Marchant Dolores (N.P. ami aieJan an, ________ Northrldge, Cali!., r 01 uv3t uut3icusv.îgo awr o y o-I Piggot Wat'ne, Pottý> Deb. ýSusan-Simpson, Judy Stephien-! with bis father, Mr. This coun-.e, leading to a ce- sti-uctjina ainySrnth Elean.or ~i1 L1L G. . Prdy ChrchSt.i ginV A Bracdshaw G. F. Pudy, Chucli St. tificale as an Eleineîita', M-s. Tily Bai-ton of Agin- Grade .à: PiggYoit N a ncyTchr (tnddfrlswek Belated congratulatioi-ns and'School Teaeher--Llliarai-i, wcflcour is isitngfbr nece, iss N.P e best wishes ta M rs. R. E. Os- consist Of týva o umner ji1o l~iGracie 4 Azshtoi Gien, Ralurn Grade 3: Alan Cro-weliMs.Eeanvitdor borne, Church Street, who sions Ms. Eddie Hoad bhas under-! Kathryn, Tilley John, Trewin 1 Donald Crowells, James Pitt 1i eeedwt Mi tw cehebrated hier 89th birthday Rn vstrsvit imgone a major operation in Donald. iktphn ,Br a dlIe y a- olnPotPn n on Wdnesay, uly th. nd rs. ow'a-d Pekar V~IBoWanvile Hspitl. 1 Grade 3. Aihton Beth, Gi-a- Wilson, Wendy W'îîson. Bruce:M- n r.Gro ois on Missdauthelle ySaltom'-1 famileHopta.ý r odo olis Mon-' brotherlnSnlTr afy West Beachi, were Recent visitai-s with Mr. and bi yePt Mai-v.Wigt. BanigBider Island. onoladalaimshM 'Mrs, Raymnd Bruce were' Gn-,de 2: Rahm .tîyp. t, Gradie 6- BoSCUgOgý-e treal, are spending a week's and is. Jirn Piekard and Mi-. rnd MIrs. Chai-lie Watters 'iGrade 4. K:thCal, lcr-v Demark, M- n r.Bi Ross of holidays witb Alan's parents, their sons Steven andi Paul,, nsni-i r adMs. idd : Grh:îc(il o5dnPal n er, e4rgii cBer ough alnd Mmand i-s., M-s W I Sit. ornt. m.Thma varinGeorge Twidcly of Oshawa. Tiîmý Mlsî,GirTLoSiipsori e- eMleJnetvle M.and d'a . . mih'Too te r. haGaa Nrtin-' The Girls Softball gaine at!Shirley, Topple ('arol.i Grade 8: Roy Br-own, Liîaida 'eie necent guests witIi Mr. and augher Gil o N;oan'C oueh. Tinéi Ko7ub, J e a nand Mrs. George Heaslip. M. and Mrs. Vernon Saun- d u. r nsnî » Newtonville on Fridasr night Taîe.WhLi Wla t v dcxi ad sons Alan QduBo , ab r se r ei-d l y j'i txenthe locals and New- Mîl'oo V.Wilson, g Patricia, Mr. and rs. Clifford Hetz, weren Mn. la ndBbin issstrand b rs. -i- catlve n vo b h a-Young. iFaith and Christine of Faim- wihhsprnsur nd l, PHoard ter- team by the score o! 8-3. Grade 9: Jack Crowells,i view. Penn., spent the week- A.t Sarentrs, Mn. nd ii ekad. Miss Alice Nesbitt of Tor- S.. . L.1iL Sn.a Croi;velhs, Eli'abcth end with Mr, andcl Mrs. Cecil froe A. Saundersau b Waverley Rd.eli, jdyWilon ~,<r.and ii. . V.Hoar A faily dinnen tvas lieid !onto, was borne for the weck- CokeCrtkSo) 'KzbSmelM eeiJd Wlsn M.adMsE.V orat thîe home o! Mr. and M.ýrs. Iendl To Grade 9: Betty Ann Fox,j Pitt, Miss Ethel Thampson Is e weekend guests o.! their Rd Munday prior ta the de- IMLrs, Betty Bayliff aîd TMiss Naîic.ý HaloweIl î(hc>nolirs),I R. C. Dowen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoar ofue her brother, i\L-r. Doris Stewart of Port Hope Jean Papdtii Principal. q1' fotlage at PotheSCas.eldoIn y Woolley and Mrs. Wool- were Friday nig]it dinner To Grade 8. Linda WlIsoýi !- -4- cotageat ortSadfild n lyfor a holiday in the Er!- guests with 1ms. W. H. Joncs. To Grade 7: _Margaret -L"eli, t LOCKIART'.9 SCHOOL l 1;efa;L2te s e ndtor the Con- orMrs. Margaret Shaw of Pic- Ken Brigriall Pnut)frûmcnosn :Report ao' Lock. hlan Needhani of Syracuse, tinent. Mr. Woolhey lias beern ton was an over-niglit guest i-en Fox, Lindla DavQ'y (li1on-! 'art's Sehiool; namnes lîsted inj1 o! July wt hsgrandmotbern, tetoGaief;Sno , Mm.J. Needham, 49 Centre and wlll commence bis dutiesp e ihMs.BdJnsadGere Cak a Cak rd a rd :By Mms. Cedric Needbam, are In Cadin ane Scct Beaverton. ktndi CHonours.), .sen (HI), Anne Sai-ensen (H), Europe. Ontario Division beld . Aaîisehaeos a tny o rd.,:by ae 1 Jens Soretiseiî. Leslie Stephen-' Mn. and Mrs. Raymiond Le- ing of District Council No-. hwm vs edinteS31 Ae ilo.son î o.3day School auditorium last. To Gradie 4: liaroid Clark-,1 Grade 7 to Gracie 8: Hg ed home alter a two-week 27, '962. Attending f ram i !Mr. nd Mns. Bryan Noble L&as:nff (Illnonirs).Wl<(H. James Kent, John Slater. visit with ber parents, Mm. and Buwn=aville were: Pres. cf' and little dlaugliter spelit the WNn rd aGae7 ai Mns. E. W. Bernihi, and bro- Bow'manville B r anceh, 1r.1- eed et Mr. F. Ovens'. To Grade t, Neil Brennari Allin (R), Keîth Allun (H),i ther fBill. Hry Fena n r. (c ,t)ýil oal lyd(oor) aisafLodGibsoni, RonnieRa- Miss MaryBctthes was a"reaM-s em fNewcastlei (Honours), Liindia Terry, Peterl nard (R). weeknd ues o!berfrindMns. S. Dunn. This wasams on Satunday aftennoon 1Wcilandt (1-lonours).GrdStGae :Aln ,peeen, uet f erfrenbuffet dinner meeting held oniwt h eut8-7 in favor of'ToGGrade2: LelieGradevei6:Alinî (R BaMiss CanalsAntram, Noth the spaclous lawns Of Mrs-» the Royals. i(Hn1 rsP Il1i P Cs %eThea BcLr(ois ),aRosd(Re Be. is eths s abet e MKenzie's home. 'Get speaker cm Sunday i T LkCsei1 Bce CnRSemar3 j mald of honor at Miss An- 1 TPuedr ci Caik. Mlichele, isn rn et nr trams wedingthe nd o Thee hae ben 4u vismorniing Vas Mi-. Peter Tab- Woodi<oo"> isn rn et ada tra'swedin te ed f Ter hve ee 40 vs!bitt of Toronto, representin g: Lang. Grant -MacDonald, El-:i A'îigust. tr aBwavheMsu teOtmaTmeac e- ('Mrs.) .Janne Sinip. laie arks (Ti), Bai-iy Wes-' Mich., is vislting bis sisters, ing the past two weeks vii altogether nefneshiîîg approachl I tcrn GrUOL eead W Mrs. W. A. Edgen and Mrs. W. tors si.gned the guest bookta an old question. Next Sun- i 1NS COL f ah J. Bagneli. He was aocom- fo Cleveland, 0h1o; Syra- day the speaker vil] again be 1 S. S. 5, CLARKE Grd Junior Room I': ?anied on the motan trip bei-e froi N.Y.; St. John's Newv- Mr. James Young o! Oshawa. 1 rade placement in Sep-1 Gdoe 4Beekrade5netGsonI gy is auhte, rs.R.faundland; Kamnloops, B.C* aster Barry Lane is spend- I ttnber- 4 toBec r aden Tet i- f,,A D Power.EahGeSs;Brnpo ing some a! the holidays with' r<i.1 Mig1Aln (alBam.rT Hazelden. David 'Mac- ono asa uet Gsrweky!dn ntWb, Ss.;Ramnd -1:MrùAlln -,,a KiigSt Est A pesntMr. ocl re.Mr. and fmrs ill Mise annedj'i~h uyGboDre TIDoIJR SI spenVwekendat'h-,Im- aeld e Chrs Jorgense, e!1 day.j anie Prazienka, Raberta Craig, The congregation of St. Paul's United Church M. Raymond Gîlmer and Eiabt JbsnKthrn I wil nt ihTlit nTiiyUited hrh Kathy of Ilington merc Sun-i Foster, Linda Maynand, David i day visitai-s with Mr. and Mn 1 i ai-mer, Jim Cowling, Evelyn -Ili A. CORDIAL WELCOME TO AIL F.Newtonveile Men's Softhal;Fi-rn C. 6 ta Gd. 7: George j': Teain hast out ta Bowinanville Leaver, BriariBakunna M-.-and-ns- Ca-mn-Comn- THE LOMBANK nard, Rae McPbail, George. A R EHOBOTH CHRISTIjANish and family and Mrs. Zena M»psy 6 tIterMi5S iat om ~ REi HU C OMrnMs.t:sor !f 'Kap. I D r o f M r s . . H . J o n e s .4 e ; S t h e S V M h o l c r o r n G d . 5 t G . 6:>u a andkahy1 t orLodo on télr"yMSy uIcefo Shackleton, Sally Prout, Nom- Rev. ohn . Vebruge, B.., BD., imniter r. an Nifs. W. Thmp- urtew cLsiodameAlctnndJammieJa MeP M ahal. Rev.JohnC. VrbrggeBA.,B.D. Miiste d W. ThrnpFi-rn Gd. 4 ta Gd. 5: Mur-: Telphoe 1fA 402 so ofMelosePark. Illinois," ooSoîdtîm CE biisand in ray Twist, David Colwell, Dar- arevstn gMiss Bertha, « u em mb4t" lene Rowc, Susan Marchant,1jP E C _____Port__ _Hope,_ j r u rce Lnt s-Mai-s, Douglas W aod Oc k.' I R SI 9:00 a.m. - Holland tr itMn nMs.CM.m*- Jessie Downev, David Damc, atr ihM.adMs .M Jov.ce Cooper. 11:00 a.m. - English Jones.O F-rn CGd. 3 ta Gd. 4: Linda ii 7:0fm nls Tennent, Rhonda Kavanaugh, 7:30p.m.- EnlishCindy Crig, Kathleen Woi- Proclalmlng the Whole Counsel of God Get Cash Today nik, LIa Bons, Trudy Maynard, -~Evelvn Kimmerly, M a r ! To ilFor OldAppliances , Sloane, Darlene Bui-gess. ' ~ .y g ~ FFJunior Room ""Back o o i-jour .Broadcasis trn àTechrMrs. Dayie CKLB, Oshawa, et 9:15 p.m.. every Sunday q i; 1 A T ESNMA N Rowe, Carol Sellai-s, John'il B W A VL CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.m. c L A s8s I F E 0 s 7* mme la ttmeqbe" OtaM04yt i--ke. Steren Page. Dcnj Sphone MAnket 3-3303 Telephoee fL% 3-336â 'Dr-"leh. Dennis3 Foster. Irom Gd2 tog d. 3 iir.Y LONG SAULT lwere Saturday vlsitoes of Mr« ~and Mrs. G. Hardie and fam. Mr-. and Mrs. G. Broiwn and' ily, Cameron. Ross, Oshawa, were Sunday There was a good turnout evening visitors of Mr. an *o ebr f yoeLOL Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mr. of6e4, rs f Trone nen L.yO. and Mrs. lyo w. L.O.B.A. 1244 on Saturday at Mvaster Bruce Goble, Ty, Lindsay (July 7th) for the an- rone, is spending a few days' nual parade. It was a lovely, entds, Mr. a his grandpar- day and the nunierous lodgeu ent, r. ndMrs. Fred Part- and bands never looked or ner. sounded better. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and Trn ogsadbn e family spent Sunday with Mr. Tceivelos apaud bange andi Fra Lyettatthe march route. The L.O. thei cotag, Sagrve. B.A. 1244 ne white and red Mr-. and Mrs. Earl Penwar- umnbrellas were really smart den and family took Doris and and were very helpful ln keep.. !Gerald Kellatt home to Janet- ing off the hot sun. ville on Saturday. They spent! some holidavsy t h ucs wardens. ,P vthtelen Sccs has ruined mny a- Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson man.-Benjamln Frankin visiting Mr. and «Mii, Donald Thonipson.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freeri spent several days at ilîciri cottage at Coidwater. Ralph Bowvers and fr1 end sp>ent, the holiday weekcad with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Clîapman and boys. Nor-th Bey. Mr-. and Mrs. George Bow- ei-s, and Mx. and Mrs. Wallace Trick o! Lindsay holidaved in the noi-th eaunitmvim thei-, cabin trailer. Paul Clîapnn o! Nor-th Bay retunned home witb them. ,Mm. and Mrs. Oliver Rohmrer, WVarren and Dotuglas were în1 Tilsonburgc and Mit.chell over, the holiday weekend. Mms. Howard Lee openedý the Williams Point Booth and Summen Post Office an July 2. Rev. Ernest Herron, Mrs. Hemnon, Rager and Kevin spent several days et the' Grant Tbompson cottage. They ieft on Friday for Northern Ontario and the Bruce Penin- suie on a camping trip, before neturning to conýduct a Vaca-j tion Bible sehool in Wyoming,l Ont., at tic end of tic month.t Mr. end Mrs. Douglas Day-I idson returned on Saturday from their boneymoon and are now ettending summer cours- es et Western University, Lon- don. Mi-. and Mlrs. Bill Sehiew-' chuck of Oshawa. Mr. and! Mrs. MIlîs and Gwen o! Pont; Hope, and Mi-. and Mrs, Doug1 Fallis, Glenn and Lawrence: o! Bownîenvihlc were holiday i guests o! Mm. and Mrs. Clai-ke; Williams. Janice, Jane and David Me-' ICce of dsbawa ame hahidayiîîgj with their grandmothen, Mr-s, S. MeKee. WHITE WASHING STABLES~ ?jUMPNG SPI TANKS TRA VELLINGP See your CA NA DIA N PACVIFIO AGENT for Scenlc dame rafl trave Ali-inclusive ftares (iînctuding meais, berth and tips) Group discount fares I rans-Atlantic steamship servIce Great Lakes and Alaska cruiseu Hotels and meorts across Canada Airline service across Canada-linking 5 continetst Wïnter cruises ta the sunny West Indies Mhediterranean and Greek Isies 1963 cruist Information and reservatîons trom: 1'. KC. WEBSTER SScugog Street Phone MA 3.5mA ,RiatP.TNUCKS /SHIPS /èLAFL5 /HOTE.8/TLEVUMUNICAT'OWa WORLO',t MOST COMPLEWZ TRANSPORTATION SYZTEU Competitive Prîces Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEC RE MOVING TO-DAY, PENING FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW DAY, JULY l2th, 8:*30 a.m.e T OUR TEMPORARY LOCATION 4 KING' ST.E. tMERLY MAHER'S SHOE STORE) as Usucil RE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ALL, YOUR DRUG STORE NEEDS YOUR TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS THIS TEMPORARY LOCATION IIPTIONS 9 0 IDA.REMEDIES * McGregor DRUGS PHONE MA 3w5792 WMENMISDA, LYllth, 1001 PAGE azum Ve lE

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