g r: èSPORTopmCs' "I B Frankc Mohun MA 3-7234 KERR A.ND) JAMES SHOW TH'IE WAY Tt v,.<as oiv .'la - ' ek ta? '- eere la' ;d zr g pieol fin' oio.e. f Da'. c Kerie aîd Bobhv l ame!z Fî-îda. hie.- livrrd' UP io their press cli ppings i n ihe Oniai o Junior Quali fviîg Rotind. pla'.ed ai Peterbuootgh Ka%.'arilia. Dav. efas;hioned a 'i2 in lead the va' i thelflîk rit ý ah li iriimm lied for seconid -onl' ntie siiokp behiîd Ilhe_ ]radr]rn a il if Dola iinl() eîenrti ng 0D1ii a o haii Bon -îi Jamiesoni wouiid îp .\-;tha 7,, b also qualif.' forIllte fiiîalS later iFîs niîh. Pot) Jamnes fîred an 9*-, parîîîg the firiri in I lie Ju'. rmiîe r.)vis.jin -,e'mdîng up. tin l l est of o r konwledge, iii second place for iaIlOntario qualificimi 't'llese felloxvs î.ill be watched bv alSnl"e. ien hbris as tiFIîmv attrnîpi 10 bring tilie Ontario tilles Io Bovian-ý 'ville on .lîly 201h ai (redit Vaillcy The field isý tougi wih Firb tiames as, Brian Wilcox (1959 Canadiail çhatiîp., v. lin *hot. a 74 , (arv. Black (ru mtie.lup lasi yeai . quahified vitih iNoir' Mogil (76) anidthie leadier among hIe qualiflis-2 Bo0ss Ander'soni\Viti) a .1. Da'. eand! Bob have got onff ina gzoorl tart on thbe tommianîrnt Ira il. and lc v wiut] he heard froiiîiii iliii Jno division for a long fimie vet -- Dave bas a coupIe of ý eau s and Bohhv Ifixe of ompetiliofl. Dur congatulationsin bSoîth viev."s lv. oj uiioi' star IVINS TROPHY Anotherr ouiig golfer mîionî wr. have nîenitiocied hel1or-v la thils -oluii, %as aw.ai'ded a well-deServed as'.ard lasit' '.s'cek ilii he îi' of Iîocke'.' Bob WVatt Jri, %vas fie 'v nci' of thie Edw'arid Cia'.'. Memnorial TFrophy. presented to ie most popoilai' pljay er ui the Oshaw.a Miiior l-ot-kev\ organizatiuî. <onibuiiig hiock(. '. ;ability villî sportsnansip, 0f al tropliies, <tac of 1il nature is iii our opinion, a troph 'v wliicli shouhlie lirt/ied jabove ;il. WrIll done Rober?, and good lii ll ? iteNiagaia Falle FI.\vis traiing camp later ihis sU;niiîdl,. 31b:QttE,'EN 1,A'I)IES IN CEI.LAR WP i:kclArnold Eti:her. ma naget- of ?îQuras ..olrirs imîtv i-y, v. hlic teaîîu stoorl ini thie.Durliain Ladies' Sofhlmal ].eaguie. Alflurmujgli I le f0 lu'.. ii g stanîdinîgs atre onl.% an- esimiteli Ariohd. lie t[ought il svould be fauly accurate. IV L. Ir Pts. Mshllbrook 7 < u 14' Newtoiixilipe Port. Hoper.. 4 o 8 nowm-am illIce With only five garnes rerninri.- hue McQticr-iî ladiesý! m-.il I ha'.e t10fiîd thecxiîminug formuula or Iiat fouullî ardi final pîayoff positionî wll be oni of i'each. Tllie oraIs tan' stait llîîngs off ou ie iu 'ghî foot to-ighimi(edriesda'. i ati ll'o C'entrai Scimool dîaîiond wheiî they- uîîet Pou-t Hope iii a fomui - point garnie. SOCCER SHIAKE-UP« Bowmanviîle Hoopet,' Jewellers' bt Iheir fiii--. ~aiueý nt the seasomu, Satui'day nigl'.t, after lia'..ing mnoved itIothe Ieague lead iin a mid-'.veek ganue. The .leweîîei's 'veîîl ten gamnes bcfoî'e (ouîtice defeated iliern ho regairn top ipoi. b ' a single point. Meanwbile Ty rouie ba-, rallied to nuove wit'uhîo, Iw-o poinîts of Iele adeus. Zion, ondefeated ini se'.eu, ha\se ?iow. lost thu-ce stî-aigbt. clropping tai fouelli. Wilîlime rehedtile w'eIl past the ialf-way mark, tiese foure lea nis ai-e THt CSAMA TATESMýAe, WAWILONTARIO Down Bc Bowviiaiiville i-Itel riucled ai least a lie for- fii'st place Li 1 hle Meu Sofibaîl Leaguie, Xedîiesdav iîîgi. bx dowviirî Snuffy's AUto Bodiv 8-3. The1 Hoieletswhihave dropped ofl o ine decisioî al] seasoni,' 1mw '.s'ould have Io lose hothi theii-ieniaîiing gaines 'hil Steplîeîî Fuels v.on their finîali pair' b lie for thie top. SnuLff.\-s opeîîcd tIe scori:îg in tIhe fîrsi on a '.valk. saeri- lfice anid pitclicî- I-aiý--:.'Sioe - deit siigle Ami ceror b. Siîî".de. aîo".,' h A-s lhi'r' \'a ig'iatexciteîîeibon ii Fidav \V hic't b 11 ie e to\'umum Southview golfeus played hîeim 1ii'st outsicie b ii uaiiiemin iiPeter'bor-ough anid hopped ail ciiirîes. Tlh is vas lime qua1i-itvîg îroiunid for ithe COntario ~Junior', Juv.eiîli' and Batani fiîals ho be îua>'ed ai Criediî \Valley. Erindale, vouse uinJui'- 0M. Bab Ki'i-, h'ft. sii a 71. one shîoke iess Ihati Bob Jauieso of Peterbouguh. (a l'ormer Bîîsvmanx'ihlleiîe ) amnd hast ye-ca i s i u i J un uni-Champion anîd ('aîadd ia n tiîer îîpý Boiki .1 uies. mighî-t. ac!ahn 82, xxiih hiis îucai".st t a I.u >'etîiîu'ip lay-c- x' ithail 85. su e ho nuake tb plaxoffs . aaiu ev. rner afier a single b-,Pov M idget B asebali M ilibrook Girl i el and a y-ahk eQL eel r irs hodtled iin theop of ti i m BoaxulI 4m Ilu )jst ie filaialvin il ie fifulu jini Beat M(Queefl 5s nle: s.itobs-out, anîd A" ' 'i -1 it'e .~ 'Iili is 'as e Lau .e taumer'14p1'.'.iiil'.lit? nabelle Stev-ens' driv.e gel ical cru..mipia.r.Bo'.vuu-iaii1 as h id Jolîisoii. Ccl'.x cIl (.01. past tlie centm'e-fieldier- 'ville. pa'iicl ut eie bail Iectcid a big dotublte fure1tlîî ln Fna ra e Bosso anville look a 1-0 lead hhIaum liev ' duli CobourI-g..lîoîîe sqtuarh. Garîv Dow. il gui Afler rallvirmg for three ru lai h irso ae01bXs.treiottjm ild wt ýle oiY htti o rie Iru the filial frai-ne earliei- ii -fag Pc ads ni ie ei'y hli d.-sîi itm r e o1 C tc ' Millbrook raled foi- Ilu-e :' fu ý me o ii. ci ilig e le'.n xvcek, MeQuceiiisMi io>.' e thurd on Nim-igon'.s sinîgle-s rkiuuiu u ltsi 'idI Fuels agaîm Fridv iiiMillb o mernb nto . lc ~ .. u tu' îîmti-( e pulling out a sirngle hall'. to: a ~- tp e'.en the scorue ai 1-3. But!e'-m lug"'hî-lilsb. : u ltt ' .I L. l. thLs lime tlime Io lub îb 501lefd Puckard au-hi'h. Bî'ock au "ittt t'cu i [u~ I IU U -e fth e i eominug'np ta a r oui'ted foi-thie Ioas' seconi u uluet lit't m -sixtil rtu fterO.î 0tk -~iun in ftue fourib. iunii . .' lt t o Ima tifi il '.' Ia det-isiohi. 1Powell and Bî-ock etbg'- n iih'hu u - alimîlallu ' On MceDowell siuîglcn i .ilu tvo ip fis-csafeties un rouhe-going t ite ln ýti'îu i i l) Ille oges c)uu t . 1 a3-2 pit-i ln plate' hie Ioerforiiance.'mihm on'tI- s u uua 11;1 Bul 1 iitLututg. tut cr' lIme ploie iii ti( tm ut'i.: i h it i 1h 1 'ý t' iii lto ' 'Bou '.'. i P '.,' i lututiliitL! titi (oui'- i mmii ce. mu t g r-Itef î'u'umîî H t, ' 'lue ut Picl':Ile Inî Ilestxtii ut l3mu'.u m:u 14. !t l (] t heul it>' liiomî luti - ttl t' . il I tti t 'Waler1>rool, selflN-inill 1iti i.tantlî muf"' lE" il1ii 'ic godmoi*, ~r' ~t li.hIf y . .t ý.Kîg-îr'i, a , o.1h th a lie Newtonville ,ohach Lep. <.0,1umm ,,, u thuaê i e Ia fI for -nrar.utiolpth,t 4i>îu'm . Ad bot>,oh umtt.>îd'bIla uet nd thoam'0i.,,,, d. los g .g L i I Ua; eu, h .,Ct ht cm mînttht Il oi)-gý Marut ('t t, " i '-t tti' llc 1.1 ai tt "'ii't" t t . ,1t I.: ic i::-uîm i o'.-t ,~tt....x.t -'."h c Tht-'- T',duotr-ihe. referw .tm * re, "f0 1tCt Afl, mcr . mkîn.g f h Rttlof cb.M.w c,.'ti' orfuil COOt 0< 1d, A .toljc' j, on aie »., iie .1, let cu. .-d .ou, audintitrateojbookt.m. Tu',' à ) arche .."i HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 23 KING ST. E. IMA ,- B u:m"x 0t. .p-.'.u't 'cd rt' n o'. N ix Cttt'.ilir ch - J ' ' .ttt il 't.' T i . -tf't.t" - p i 't -' Su' u.utY lu' - XX'celutî--eI, Af eu'. t',' ""C i--tua -'mo-t' Ne'.'. tir'. le I '- m ,.~'ufrîm n' i 'A tIi f ' î' lt - n '.2 'a.- 'i ~47 rd. .' -'t, - - ' t- 'I Q l~CC'. "tu-. t",t i f-ut ,r the boîloumi Iia:f. v, ni i i ut im m'.o.' l.m -ls lu -S m.ph? a: ihmeiigt ttii cu o' ru thue siîmmnpii m'o'g Sul les. G ,,i'c Stelii'c tl -lteu Me! Bu res hiia i ig&Phî UCt- crls baitle. and rîmutc(Àlao till 'tit in:u Ille 'ft I o im ti" it ii ýýa fit li-i cm 't' ta f' -tue-h faiuu frc'r î: e. ' cuis. '.. clked a pair and lga've rip fi'.c hils. Theeh DatC-oui ut-ctI' hC rum e'aIkýsgisrun)p Ix Fittu a.- zin the, . 'ttît and l fulii a:trh -t-mît( '-c lilte fi's: xi m -; o i titi2-! utg h\ I rv 1-"Nel-im'm. -"Ji g- ' " C i 11io à."u. tlie ga nîe' tu!" miii--:' l if ' ' hag a pair of'-uul1erS '.'uitha Fmignd uiloIui i m tig uI I~~~~~~i t.1. lh xil îul u m- haise blo'. off Slm'puenu Geoim Me big îhmrtatca tus'.uhu i'.o mitin I llihe foîîîihm 'i I'ii ue'. loard i thele itsi' ou il im n-0i of wa1s' a nd u îici 3o g. -. - uuilelui S lic iilir lut;id (il ]cii i tn 1,1( I!('i1i'ii r th a e l 'aa lia u i idr-kc1 i;. Geil idf)ols or,of(amlîada atOliîa bulIldstcars and i i'iîks for ex- i Recret tPlaygrouilds 'l'li e seen paygi-oulids op- rair b.-il Reereatîoîî De- Pa rriu'eiî wei-e officuahix openi- ed last IVicida.'., JlI '4liiat Ail pia' geoouîdk v. IlliNe foot uring -osto mur par'ades îhiouliuî tiheîr'.eek,'lhe iidea [of 11wm ptui'udc.s us iii Icievm - (Ilun he lIemighborhmood kmiow. thaI itepla.xgîouiuds are uiux lc'mfi-orbusiness. l'lie pla'.gî'ouiid staftf hua'.e ci;1(o'rm pi-ted a fi '.e-dax' t rainî- iiî cour. M' heid atiCaimp Qtui-Mo-ai'Il s ;hiîpe-iltuai '.itlî 1h lirainiing a,; a bai.k - gi'oUlîd huIllpe s or s.'lI be able Io offer a v.idc 'riî, 01i' Pla ' i'ouud uci.iisfor' the mliilch cii suicli aciv. iles a s ganwîus, art, atich mîafts. ira ni gaunes. sielgsperial e'. dits. etc.: '.'.'iIl btir arat of Ille hdailI pemigmonîime. Tlue ila.giouuidss'.I libe> Kramnp's Ou Ken's Run u P l l'au afIe lii e raiesP altud wef't'nIo i me'g uer a lhmu- U-Ocîdil - hI v. un m.'me a'ii1'1" Hîigli Sc idaîîîond. W iX' tIi tcîîei- Jiii 'ast le <mii because (if injîurie 's, Xrincie Voi- touie -aorted fuo i.e 1lu- eu'Is but v.alkel the firsi lthii e liatiers lie fac-.CrI n'cirle fiel el r "ClîurLk' K ilpatikurk ne ii ta go Illiel'est ofthfile .ay. ,lcm lii". on thie iiionuumd )NF;nA'1, .iiij,, I 1h. 1#462 SoccerHighilights Hooper's Lose First Beafen by Courtice Hou0per s J-wcllers 1b-1thiur fîrsi gaîîîe of thie scasoli 4-1 to Coortice. Saiordav niglît mu an imîportanît latile fa:. 1,11 league lcad. Vietorv W.sOUICd hîav.e sent time Bxiîni entî-v a cominandiiig tIi-ý poilus in fr'ont. bui Courîn c regaiiied thieIcad bs' a sinîgle poi nt. Wýedncsdav iiglît, the Jesvelleî-s had hlasteid la st p lace Hamipton 6-t) to grab t1i1 IilO ýT i-one. c(ontiîuîng t> , imîlvi e'dged M»%aple Grove 2-1 anîd ivi enr 8 tO3 !hut Oui Zior 2-Il. euning 11P Wisemnaa's twso-oui x i n g 1 e, the damage, beltinig a Ilo0me 1uy1t-Aclasv.Los a'.-e the Hoielers their fir-st ruli, folloxviig an. erî-oî-hn Jl 8h lîlam',v.Los inarkei-n hiie botiorn of the Richards and sinigles b'.' Bun- Tennis - .IuIy lOfl 1 Welsîi and Osbornîe. Girl's- Tucsday, 2:0(1> p.i., third, aftth le Aîio )Body ýSijigles bN' TimiiCox i' LmuiCentre. hacl mîade il 3-0 on a base Oh 'Alex Wisenian aîîd Osboi-tie's, BysTio-da,2:m) pii balls, Siîowden*s seconîd sinugle sacritice fly to lefi. caslîed mubLiouis Cenltre. and *ýMoe" Richards' sacrifice tle fiaI ru-n for BownîanviIIe' Arcîxeryv - july If) andi P fly.. Hurler Bill Osboine's Hotet iii the si.xili. .o lead-off double,.aRxvalk. an Osbornîe toýscd a seveni- BosTmdv 2.' p i. eî-îor ho Wallac andi a sa '-.htirHîgh Selînol. fiee oist v Bug' Du iev e fanned niuie and wlk.Girls-Thursday, 2.1M0 p.îiî fieenedtmescoe ii th" uiedoi li-e 1 o un lus ;record b Hîgli School. evene thescoreinbtexv t' sex-eîî vis and one defeat. and thie league-leaders thîr i Snowdcii gave up eight h;. Arts and Crafts Oai. '.'.irle open '.villi four inil]-tukO i tsco nd SUd Weduiesdla v, 1h ai 1 .i. L'iftli. s n,2]e xcalk.but ciglit erroe's Lionis Croire, TiPm- t n u i osltifr h id i 'irlîrIlile c'atiý:e Children's Theatre 3tion Reviews .,upci'\isrd früonul 1v4tiiit il 9th .tlîc Recratiou Depai Augusl i 9tiiai Itle follo'.viîgliienit ini fo-operatioli 5'itli 1 hîmiîrs' 9:'00u>am.nIo11:45i> .iiBowsmîaîîville Ilianceliof I aiidI :,5 ni.untl 430 ni.Canadian Red Cross wîhl aga I is lîoped thai a niunîbeî' of b odeii wniiîgl thle playgrouiids w.'il lie openi ons for'thie chlîdrcîî of Bo, ii'i time carl.' eveniîg miio-d er mnille anîd thie suî'rouiidi to -ix e boum clîuldî-cîamîd pr disti-ic.Trle follo\vimig is t Cis ai oppoetutimîIo\1)0 tiaici- bime anîd place oif 1thes-ari paie un the varmou .s activibies. 1sw,. iiiîg classes. PlaNgi-ounds sci(eduled iu be Moiidas - lUI'. 91 h, Bo .opeîî r'veîîiiigs exi wcek ai-e'Learîî to Sv.-irn--9 arn., Tra: a- f'mî" .Lims(ehe iig Sehool Pool. '.sauîs, Toesda'.: Fr'anklinî Park, Tocsday, Jlh\ 1011i,. Bo Tuesda'.'. Menirurial Park.,'mAed- Red Cî-oss Begiice '-9 a.î oesdca'. -FInI Stiecet, Weic irami) of BarIe . UGi-ls R, las . Onitario SireciScîiool, C ros s B e gi iie r s-_- Cre aîi T'lLi r ' day ex'eiiing: Vinîcenît BarleN, ïMassry, Tusha ' '. lt is hîoped Wediesdav. lumlIlitli. Gil ihi oth parenît-,aînd eiiildren :Leaî-n ltu Swim--9 a.m., B.T. %vihl inke adv.aîitagr of the op- Pool. poe'tumiix' hto pi-îi'tipaie iii Illie T1ursdaýý. JbIc 1,2,BOYS a, actuvîties sclieduîed for bliese Girls Red Cross mimos9 evemîîîgs. a.iii., Cî'caîî of Bariey Pool. SîvrnnigLessons Fridav. Julv I Mli, Boys ai Stantinîg ou Momiday,' iilv'GirIs Red Cross Internîedia - aîdSeniors-9:30 ani., Crea of BarleS- Pool. ~~AIITranisportationii ll'iibe pi as e W he vTe for al] chiîd-emtaki: pari in thie Leal-'l l'O Swi ~ 111 W.~classes timi lieleld ai ti Ip 11- EuE WVin Fra iii Sehool Pool. Bus, ic lpick the chîldeei up for tlie Mn crad aru Ceîîtral Sehoo I. Ontario Sire easy lume f t'. c!îecking Sdi ool, Vincenît Masse ' vSehu h<eui'p,-ou11 h 'ce h vIi:!C and tlie cornecr of Liberty- aî fai-ingfi\- an waima ne Concessionm Sirrets. Kn' uig fi'. e ai 'vi:o ine. ?ý CIîidreiakiiig partin lut big uns ibte i loo nd 10e(iRed Cross Bcgiiiics Junior b;igite ron imn ii hefh'i d a tue, îîîermediates aîîd Senîiors ai a imiicefoi' n liehu rd10requii-ed ho supplv ilîcir ový put Illie gaîie ou iuce carîN . tranisportation 10 the Creami .John Bîm'd wibh a double,Baî-îex Pool rail single, and Bob Mar.îeri-' SeilIneetGop siiî amî Doî Brîop adi umb Special lîîherest Group a a paie of sinigles.paecd Il ecîued b appealotue oRi vini"Il hitilaltack. eindt peluteof 1eî cliildrcii iaking a keenil The l.osoisird Kl- am ps teîestinii a specific directioi i'et.iii the plae.'off rac. 'vhi!e The Recreatîoîî Depaîinîr. Kenis uioved imîl o soie îosses- .,I,ill ."ll.. ,, îl;i i MAPLE GROVE )sno!u.ri lae %oi e omîitte.cl lastt c"1,eui s o l i'c i îa1 taithie aicompaii- R s is o :1 fori lie iiivrar'Sei- x ewe eMr-, Edgar rgiîRa inoP.o for- 'ie Eiîi ikillen Quat. a ng P eo at-id for, .\lrs David Wp1doîî of SOhiawa an:d 1he St îca v Shlool, i P r Ml.r. James C\deCn.IlubL./ . Il Sir. Caîli,z. ARi. arndoAi, BvmdxileRacing Pigeon Si Cthairie .Sr. ad ~ Club lield a i-ace oin JuIN7t Tlitisýij\fi oi illspoi-t, Ont., a distance, * ere s~ Tlîîrda~îip1 of 500 mile.s. Results wvere as u-i A1iýI oh .\l an d Nr ý1-.>follow\s: I st,, criî Richards: c;.vieiîi,. ndFi-ankBottreIl: li-d, Glen MIi ýand Mrs. ud Sloxx ' ott-ell: 4tli. Piper, and Wooi-, dr,?îiBei?'. Lou. speni a acolt, th Cli iforýd Leiiion. .'..dav-ý Ile ii esI of ibis %eelk w.i fe and family. Revc and Mis. '- T Staffle'. Sii<.mxsdeii. at t heii ion (Hop e Townshiîp) cottage, fla1îIistec okeý M . .c' oiv'ialirrci- liiiteîîded for- ast Iw eek) ci le rlc1orrmiîoîîcda- *evi'î,Visîiiîg Mi-. anîdNiS. Ms- ,io ()oilo Sondi . ý-aÇ(ioin woý«rîh asel i.'; ir dauaLgh- i)ô1ed co. her l.su-tel .M i s. Sain ici Cai-ol aod family ' Dcwcu i ll. ilaptoii. 'A lioi> 'a i Me ýGeorge Raby, Coroiwall,i diumer guest i-SMr. snow- sx as visiting r-elatives ai Rose- ea:id Bol--). Lweoebeerv yHill lasi weekend. M i, iid "V v ;.faý,ren- Mr\s. Walter Sheplierd was Wiiîtc anud i\lr. va.'White vii. - vith 1\rs.WV.13. Ale- Mi eAt thirc,,ottagec. Tw vii souh -e\eiea1 dislast ohd,-.ciîi~. a ew Me-s.('lias. Mnîîeillev was in ho -with lher- pai-elîs, 2de. Pc tei-boiough last Thursdlay, 'mIld MVir 5 A. J. Camîpbell. Jupne 21, aitendiiig a class re- AroLind 230 Ctibz wth tîîeir unijoli and bridai shower held -Y the graduair nurses foir Miss' lea- ~atii'vivps aond fai Mae Stonîe. RN.. a miembet- of e. "pi-lu lieeikend a't bei class. Mlrs. Wil an Hutc- i q uinpon - ii ontemîîieî'amd tie clasa bt a hm r-.Chies-;e.qGýe.îi> il-o'lock cdiiîîîer ai lier home. lialin. M-.Cai ml Greenhlarn. l'le shower was hceld in tie spei a fc'.v dav,; ths sceekIlaftirîooîî aithie home of NMrs. xiii-lativ.' esinicilîgaîi. Rcg. iMeliîtyrie. Meý. andicl rs. Artiur iýBi.î.- ds. R. Ger-ow vacconîpanied iic c a dfaiîîilv ai-e spriîd ini tHienîîor Citizcîîs oniitlieir tIheur î1Olida\ S at ihc utm'oe, tipy 10Niagar-a last 'Tuesday. leii ake, ýle.and AMes. Noi-nîaîî (,row'. Pr -11 hîm- l raii. Dit- andl Mrs. Mcîîcilley attcîîdcd a riaý. karr - i Ci -mîl- SnaN Schooil mecting ai MOI.- Mî m i-,e a nidMisA. Ct? rishi Clui'c h on Fridav \Cy Dr C;cr~e ru~mmIl a Mi-s Ada NMariuýorf~i'v ;olis. Oî îa'.va. speliiî ilie %c is.e'- visiîiîg Mi-s. Dilnîai Xmiît- eud v.' tii Mr-- and M . AC ncV. I'1~~ceîan. e. VolaGermnoiîd, 0,-la- \,,. a, ,v.as x'îsîtîîîg iitlî Mis (C. Mciicillev lasti v'eek. lion Public Scimool Promotions for Juie, 1962 Gruadue'8-9-- JoiN Mtazuir, (Gradle-1-8-- Featîmer BEfsI (Hom i. Philip Harncss, GarrN Gr'acde- 6-7 -BI rîte Gr-ei. Bevcrhe v iMooie. Grade 5-6-Rauidy Greeni (lion.), Elleni l-iariie-s, Nîeky Krusiikm (Hcîn. I -Gussie 'M- Br-ide, Fr"'ddue NMeBride. Grade --- ayDciîui Hi uî S h a i-o n Szalaw.iga Ilm ,Sa nioasoorr. Grade "-4--Bonimme At'keu, Mark Greenî <Ho. .Marjorie MrLBride, Rickey Whitney. Grade '2-3--Susan Dickinson (flou 1, Bobby Kris}uko, Pauh Cariei'tBiîîî.Jiisell MNonue. .C'R.iby, teacher. 'IJl] oiciAici I lle tJUlUh lw pecial interest groups tIi ni mer'. Minor SoftbaII uly 161h-Tigers vs. Indiai Cîuiis Centre, Golf - Tuesdlay, JuIy loti) Girls and Boys. 10 a.îîî Souhliview. Golf Course. (Ilv twr bark of the leadere. Thr lî,s> %wai Zion's third ,traighi. after poing the first svngaine.s wîthout tasting dIefeat lit the, other weekend attractinn Maple c;rove anid lfaiipton fotîght to a scorcecss ('ou rice 'Aalloped Bownman- ville 5-t) to miake it seven winq ini a row. xhîl Tyrone edged Hamiiptn2-1Iob move past the Ir)ýers îoto ý,reond, Thursday iiîghîiiîiuor pla .Zion tied Hianpton for third. on the strengýIi of a .3-L' %in ove-r Maple Grover. whi]e the Boys' Training School \vas heit> tii a '2-2 tir bv ccllar-dwerling Sollina NONEY AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES JONES & GREER RAIPII S. JONES '111I31AS H. GREER 1330 King St. E. Oshawa ! 8 -6246 rt- lie'. 1% YOur "nid faithf ut", ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRIANCIH 178 B(>WMNA NVI LLE -ONTARIO STREET DANCE - AND - BINGO - ON - DIVISION STREET BETWEEN KING AND CHURCH STREETS FR1., JULY 20 1962 STARTING AT 8 P.M DRAW FOR .. . 1962 OLDSMOBILE COME ONE - COME ALI, HAVE FUN! car lirgiiingi-f to %119,% (and act) its age (and! niil es) ? Are you looking for' reliahie -traîiismortatioii thi' ,uni holiday driving? ('orne to Robson Nlott)r%, Your atlhorized cai y ou ivili find the right Car for yoti in mir large' selectioni . . miner for ir dlealer, FOR EXAMPLE - 1960 CHEVROLET 4-DR. HARDTOP 6 cyl.. autoinabie, radio, wluîitewalls, 'i'asllprý. etc. Twu-tone paint, innaculate condition. 1959 CHEVS., three to choose f rom 'rw<, autounaties. one standard, al i cyl. cngincs, radios. 1957 CHEV. AND PONTIACS Assorted colors and equiprnent. Ail guaiailteed. 1954 FORD 2-DR. Radio, excepi onalla' good iiiechiai ival y. Iteal ha rgain! Robson Motors Ltd. 166 KING ST, E. Phone MA 3.3321 v 'ÂGE E!GHT I.' Qualify For Ontario Finals ..Ho e fers Clinch First No w.dlow lias ever complained that her husband had toc much life insurance. BANINER PASSAS'!' 21 ý MA '349258 14 Rebder Ave., BowînantIlp SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ILCIN( CARS' SPORTS CARS! SEDANS! GRAND NATIONAL RACES MOSPORI PARK Saturday, JuIy 2lst r~L:I'LSH LNT -Il a-ni. Stnrt - CAXMPING TRAVEL, HIGHWAYS 401, 11.1 and 3.1 .1 'týTD 1 efs iý