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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1962, p. 11

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a Assessor to (ollect Fees For Dog Licences in Village Ndeastle Aresolution lin zef on In Hîghwa\, 401. and!pprmissin fin rprf q cenotapi- pasàed- by thé village then findriareit end and aire on village propert 'v. They saidi côMflcil at its July meeting on forced 10 mmur aroîînd on the thev expected if would take Mona uy th.r eb~ry narrow streeiss Hcr-ock. a vpar or more to raise h Itet the fees frorn residents might bpe ereccrbl. Cotiniillor backing of the eno1 'noil hefori' wvho are ôwners of doge, and Cout h. <harman of the road5z taking the matt Pr up with or- dipense the dog tags for a c-nmmittee, offrrrd i ]ook tri ganizations in 1 he village. Tii'1 fet 01 50 cents for ecd license the matter. counnîtl gave the project its sold. In recent year.q the mi;-, In respowse frb a lter re- blessing. jorlty of dog owners in thei ceiveci from the local Cham- A by-iaw was gîven thîe 'vilage have been getting awav ber of Commerce wcith regard readings and final]lv, passedr witheut the payment of dog in' signas on tIighwav 401 and requiring ail future electrical licnses and couancil fel this 'dumpnin nthp îae a re- service installations in the r eystém might remedy this sit. solution w~aF passed making village lv' have a minimum ofs UIauon. application in the Departmenf 100 amps.9 Mr. Wm. Westaver rppre- nf Iighwavs for Food. Fuiel ----V siftlng the Chamber af Corn-'and Accommodation signs onh nirc adesedconil r- ihva 41ai the NewcasieC( L cusiing permission from I1nterchar n d "o-1*No DtmpCouples Cl.ub rounei] for the Chamber ofiing" signs \wil hi' posted if C-ommerce and the Li ons CIlubithe locations mcntcned in th(- te develop the park site at the;: letter. and the Northnhc'Enjoys Picnic h Westview Heights Sud-divi- land-Durham Hralih unit 4tion. Permission was granted will bc contac'tcd to look mbt Newcastle TheJuvme~ and it is now presumed the ihe situation. co o te erv Mred-f twb erganizations wiI I workl Mess rs. D. Waittiîand opl eClb0fer Urited together on the development!Brer-eton addrisçpd counocI Courchloesh' î F cf the park. ýwitb regard in a pioposeri -)i familv pîcnic' in Waltonar k A. letter trom Miss Horrorka olaph for thi village. The,-,oa âkh wasrea inwhch he 'an- aidtbe wî' rcrev-'îin awhen members of the club and g was ead n wich he (nm-saidtheywPr i-ct-e.(,n i bfeir families gatbered at the f plalned o! the inconvenienc'e commi ttep or Vptrrans who park for a picote ;tipppr. to drivers and ta residents of are interclsec-lin maisitir the FoiIv'wing the suipper hnur - Church Street Snuth oif Robert moev 10 ni-cc-t Pcm cnota h a short business period waq o Street when drriver% going and wacîeti hp cîcpport of conducteci bv the president. idown Churcli Street expert ccnrl fnr the i'pn.ieciand-i uk,,, '-1,- (Intended fmr last week) Mr. And Mrs, L. 1, . SWîl- -fianU, Who have been living in Mlrs. Stella Anderson',, bIOUSÈ o'n King Street, bave, DEAD STOCK SERVICE Parchasel accordinir b ize and condition. 8mai! Animais removed frep Phone Colleet, Pcterborouzh ]RI,'erside 2-8827 NICK PECONI, Proprietor Licence No. 117-C-61 pfft IhP ciIliage antri aie ak ingli ccpc-iritiuic n ciîmri ton. Atheria. Ficntis ofr ib.F .Pim geon, ihe c illac-e c--irk'. sx'm bi, sorrvm-iv' bac-i îhtt he ais patient in Xemommai Hospital Bowmanviîe. x'eîehi' wa OPerateti on. for a frýac-tmreîr ta8w on l'c'dvmo-rning.' Mm. andtiMm;. Ciiffomcl En. xc'-igi i f acquelle. Micliý anti Mm. andt ms-ý. Ij.C. Fmi1 wrigliît ofSamnia speîîf a fe\u cva stng with Mrs. Thosý Enwî'ight anti other rjelativýe: anti fi icots in the mvitlage, Mi'. ant i Nts. P. F. Hait speot the xs-cckemcd in Kctc-h- c-uer amd Stiatfoid. WANTED GROWERS wlio would like an EXTRA INCOME 0F $50 $2500 yearly PROM 1 - 3 ACRES NOW LAYING IDLE INCREASE DEMAND THROUGH REVOLIU. TIONARY NEW CROP DEVELOPMENT PRO- GRAMMING MEANS HJGH PROFIT FOR TIIOSE WHO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS. F'OR FREE DETAILS MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY. MAIL GROWERS PLAN. TODAY Suite 213. The Queensra 'V, Ontarin Foodi Terminal, Toronto 11t, Ontario. Gentlemen: Pleap forward details of Youar Profit for ,rn%4ers. Plan. Namp, A ddr*st Numhpr of Acre %aiaile ril dispense with 1the Auiimiî meeting of the club And ap- Poiniedi the foîloxxiug commit.- iee to take charge of the Sep- temnber meeting: Mm. andi Mrs. Gordon Grav Mr. anti Mrs. Maurice P'dwell anti Mr. anti Mrs. Murra v PatersQon. Foiîowing the meeting, a Pu'Ogram Of gamea ant i î'lavs, was run off with pri7sesý award- eti iv' the wioners anti a fine evening m'as spent hy al pme- Cul League To 3 Teams 1- Newî-aFî te Ionînider tri h ave enougb player's to con- -tinîce the Jurnior Boys Sofibail v e-agice t bas bec-o found -nvc(essam' 10c-ut the number of local teams froru tbuee te two uarns, leaving a ihree ptearu Icague xith Newcton- xille Rovals andtihie local Giants anti Yanks. Memibers *of the otbeî' tearu weu-e atit- cd to the prescrit1w-o teams. Schedule Thi.Juls' 19, Yaiiks vs RoYalS. Sai., Juiv 21, Yanks vs Giant5 anti Royals vs; winnei-s. Thurs., Jlyv 26, Giants vs Rom'- ais. Sat.- July 28, Royals vs Yaliks anti Giants qvs xcinnersz, The two local teamsaraie as folloîva: Giants-- S. RudelI, W. Peau-ce. D. Rutiman, T. Gray, J1. Chard, G. Rickarti. , G. Forget, B. Heatîje, D. Fac-- 1 01w. G. Rowe, S. Cobbledick. W. Flintoff, P. McCullough-, W. Hancock anti J. Biersteker. Coach--Larrv Peai-ce. Vanks-- B. Watt, J. Baskerville. Terrc- W'allon, J. Cunningham,.'T. Bri'ikrao, B. Wright, G. Chard, B. Farrow. Ted Wat- ton, R. Gooti. B. Cai-peoter, G. I-endr '., . Harris anti F. Al- dreail. Coach- Bob Brown. 'Grower Editor's Com m ent s 'mi:. in -av itekptid e-- 0f Mr. and l'slrs. A. Bac-mes au Iu vei, uio.. 1n L: -" rcean T Fditor's!;Note- RecPnti\-.Edk T'CeEdiIor tom MI. N Robîrîson of Tlie The Cioci e-. ____________________________G-o r.Puichbeti lix The 3(13:lOntari-o Fond 'i'riimial OîtarmoFruit anîd \ceîh ToionomîloR, onroi. Groîvers Associaion. fouid De- i-:- S himspîf in bot xuatcr mccuti- '- N ew caste wchcn lie xc c-nie 'the foilo\,lomcn(ac: 6 i ~ k i d!î- gi cm ediori Imxl cli u"g;c ~ pa-" iOic: papec'min rpli- ItFarmec-/ Unimon i coni Sa 10in uî. 'toî c! in Mai-j,- VVas' cm ni mi me ri na dod -(ci aeaî Playg round hoFaideckrcn-iipfand - mm Re ort F Gamble. as wmll hi' mîntetifect mmi ocm rfthe O -. 1 betoxx- Tbe fuso items arem-"anid (c FIn. îec-care appai-ciu epcoduc-ed hi' cefor- thelienbfrni- Y cii m cliii odccii cci In 1 Newc'astle The aiîedmiicc1uni har envdrheW s lrP om iz hnae was lowen aitithe Playgrocindtialn-me srC ctc i c .liai on Mdsy.dîmIte Swi nvîcin i' cp. -mieiili 10 cciga h' bî m ng C lasses ai W altona Park O i e l- i g u/ i o F w e f î s 1 and the clanmp chilly wcatber I Ge-fly Fade andi Die Ano inccip have nt hogged dowmî but the good icîrnîi of c'bjd - Efforts in effc-¶Pamec-gem of hii 'iii' OF_\. heîmîg sO ocu1- i-en cluring the renîaiîiv-er ofriiOr ntai mnFdemahiomintf \- tle".cci " cntîcîmî for the cxeek madie ccpfor- the slow c-mc:ct!cre ac d he Ontamm n oe i mn shiow Itle desurmi.efc begining. A lixcely' sing-song mîlrs Ucîccie have hggec-d imi.Tm-lhîme occsi corne a c-e- on îVondav macle a moiderfll clown. Thiîs s mitsimpc-ciii rc mP n ania ga iîminto t atari for tdhe'week as the c'hild- The Un inlad mciihicg ic in f- ix iciha'm lo\ I llief cc rnare so enthusiastie n t1heir fer- Atall fche Ontarmio to omgacim/c mitonuOcice- inging. Aftem the sirîgng somneic u5îo îicbîîîcila' "c acmîmsc o a i Ramnes wci' piaveti affi e r orgcilim-abmi tablis be-ci i t10cîffri u cv ofntinîprnm c-ý \vhich al] weui mto tlie club- inwritiîig briefs. Il iacks îhc menit andil cmm i: d ccciii se it bouse foi' the Arts andi Cîafts oiraizatiomi essemit ml mn a(,- Onl O.F.7îîîcmîîbems cf Saa i perioti hecaîmse of the daRMP 'mpliibmecit. Ilciccimpica 'ilois d ccip lv 0 Mcl me wealher. nimci-place in uiesuis licacis-'noamsIn- te ii'do"ciehi iavi h n mome. w ifemocissic-I nmgaciyaiiîche'flic (i crs Unc- Tcmsda c'saw e efi rat big;todne rer-cigmi tmcifîtînru ilicil la-' li-mls acricas Ontaio -h hall game of the season xvii h -poli bi-anmisms-licnd c- miii dcc c-ti-mitiii e Amic. ihe Balitimore Oioles cl'feat -,backwarc-c-bitlaiaIl maic*cv hp 'W-lliccmii c ami c/atoic Axci îmîg the Yankees bu a score of hcaî'd .Ac tuilly. thcrc i m ile Plus Ici sbaid mcmiovokflîmîm 10 to q in a closcla' fougbi fi x- piaup foi'th u ici on 'Flie Feu - miii hi-c . Il ciciipics(,qucal tire. Th'e cheerteaders looked emabioîî un Outarin is domig a plac i-cîuml cii\i nue s mc'- ver c'cuite as bhex chepred o n gooti job, Il lias F a -iccd staff iigiic nisî -ccid hyili t bei r favouriie teanis. If bas jlai yss as-allable andît xpîcm of gom cmmî iriemthecami hec-n dec-u-ddInhace a haH in sex-era i fieltaIs. hil ha - ii"bhem knmcixt icArii uniàsla k- gamne eac'h Tuesclaxin the fu - support oftitice coîi ic-id yCi'ig îln ct if if faroîi n rieni- ca ticrie. grommps sîmc-i as mde imsin hem s înlic-i diccte icpnii-m Wi'clnpstii say Nigdam' Frit andi-lVeetalule(;moxceis'momticiadi'lciii b oards of- for the pchili-ePn w1heui ai t xeni As-social ion - Vciltliomi i lic iic-icc-mocs on a Nature Sticclihike. 1Upon p-or' t i assîsiaccloftu--cc-' No mccc dcsibc-smlii'he rdci- ei umni n od e parki tAgi ompan omcvr a l nigmic i/a t Mcc hm pa loti htot i hc chîiWr-en matie hiark alhocu e botno cmiirimni 0meîm-scmîan-- cWii lii-- dhi-- te's nf the leax'ii- tîv'î batiga- ric--iitice. 'Tlie-hcsî thiîîg iih(, oi.ef ciîlccmîleiii ftior d e îe d o n th e ir h i k v. , U îio n , ias i f i e rs e s i c ga ii 5nc i -' M ai-mo -an dos gemii lx fade andc-l A grici i cime i-aianmd musit bc On Thmcrs md a vShau'ma'aii'is-was ithc,-cnui mîecd. it-p -Wtd hy o«i'voir-e but grourî(5.ti b7)c, matie animalz tlti m (0101 t'e i ic i i iii- paper and pipe manr. c MY g'OUP paited Seoerv, Frida > morniog, cx th i( %veatheil conditions preval the ubiltiren starteti oui, theur 'Big Parade" tbî'o the sîtreets of the village. paradep was hatf a blv')ck tengt- andtihl-e bikes, tricx' and ex-en the chittireu se ntetci a fine ppear'ance thec- preiluti"\ et-niations lovetu (iu-esses. Sharma an, wtsh ti' iank the chiltimen c'ongi'ammlaie the parents- their inter-est anti the fine clo. th alap.Il Foiltoxng tearade, liii' r fo r a -e st a nc u t f0 a t so n-uc fudge bcfoî'e reîurnmog bo the -pa rk. Back at the plavgm-c-und the 3child-emi enloyeti a pla -v anti some games were plaveti. Pri-ze wviner-s in the parade, xver'e: for, best tricycle. Bobbx, Northrcîp: for best bicyNcle. Norman T'lhsou; for the bc-sc di-esseti. Arîcuie Mae Muinrlo anti Dcbbie Dcîbeacî: for the Most 0orîgîuîci costume. Mark Tilison diesseti as "Cuipiti". We ivouilt like to thank Mrs. K. Whitne *v for tiooating the prizes forib is ex-cnt anti Miss- es Brerîta Brown-u and Lynti Whitîîex fou the fine xx'ay imn wbix-b the.\ hanîtleti the diffi- cuIt job o? jcdgîng the var- ioum costunmes ano decoration. We also wish to lbauîk L n- da andi Brenda for belping lun the parade. Wioners xwere bard iv ' c-Iîose becatîse of the nmamus wontierful costumnes anti de- corations, but ibanks to M's. Ferguson eac'h chilti was gis-en on ugh Thr in iles pre- in and id1 andi foi' .ob Newcastle Couple Hon ored by Friends On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mi'a. Geor'ge Char %vere honored ai a party bel n the Lions Room., Newcastl Communit.v Hall, on Satujrdau t'veningign celebration of th, 2.5thi Anniv-e'sarx- of thei wedding. More than 65 frieot and members of their famil gatbeî-ed to extend their bez %visbcs and congratulations i( the popular couIple. The comnintee iii chairgeo arrangemnents for the enjoy aible event. was composed] o Mrs. Talbot Aildread, M r RudY St. Arnand. Mis, AIex lendi Y and Mrs. Wx'n Colliei 'lThe niasîci 0of cei'cnîonic's xvR TREWHAVEN CONSIGNMENT 3Oth te b. pD'1Tz Ifu Aeda t £AIEW [èL5'A M LaL. which is -n thé Seugog Road 15 miles ilorth of Bowmanville and !,2 Mile south of Blackstock or 7 mles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. ,50 WE OI"IER P>URE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD W. are êftering a usof-iil arouîp of F'reçh andi sprinxint Young Covvs. and 2-year-eldit, as mell as a ntimber of! Vearlncq arnd Calves. ACCREDITED - V.ACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED The majent, are reaclv for inimediate epoî.Ait ratti, tpçtetior cligible to enter llsted or rertifleti area herdq. NEXT SALE IVILI, BE J- ELD .XUGUST 27(h HOM~ARD TREWIN. llackstoek .ý n m-cl Id [le ax, c e 'i i lii 'ihe laige îoorn was aitraci- ix-i1'lv-deccnated ini a .olorl "s cheire of pink and vhite. and thr b \- vas a pi nf(isi(iln ofnu c-i i stiimmer flovei-s. 'Firee' of la cge si-bite xcveddinî- belîs wccO-tsupenîded frorn piîîi, if streamris v-r the fe'st ive an- 's- nile m-:~ - c i h as -cii- Ntred -i 1h a beau tifol thi mc-- -ti(c-ici xedding cake. 'uhich IS xxýa as ýLriiunte'd bu rumuinitue - c elicas of a bride aaîd gi-nom %viff a bmckgrociid of uiv of the \ aii-m . Tin ' \pinkt'ose- biidq mai'ked the corners of each lier. Tait pitik- lapeis lun a pair- o)f crx"stal cauidelabra flaoked the iniposing weclding cake. Fac-h candI' boi e the num- erals '25" n sucver. Thei-P xeî'e Also Pxquisite pink rs eS in rvstal 'scs and tl'. White ombroîdered tahlecioth -a$ Risn adoroed with grac-e- fuI piuk streamers. Tbe delicîous wedding cake was made bv Mrs. Talbot AIt- dread, and Mis. Earl Foster did the artistjc xwhite iRing wbic-h formed iîîîîicate de- sigus On hehaîf of the maîîu friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chard F, special addresIo th,- hon- ored guest!z %was c(omposoti b,,- Mrsç. Sam Brereton ant i i cd by Alex H-endrv,,. On bebaif of their frieîidý Wvn Collier preseniedf Mi.- andt Mrs- Chard wvith a tri- light floor aRmp, two hanti- ,;(me matcing table lamps, aln Plem'ric' floor polishe: - lxv paire or linvrn shpets, two pi!. loW cases. andi a gift of monex The bappx c-ouple express' ihnir gratilicl for these fine presents. t1he splendid Atitiress andi the wonderfulî partv, Charles Gray vwa!sthe teari- e- of the entovable singsn LaRter a dleJectable lunch was serVtrl11 h bc' embere v-cf tb cnmmrittefp Mîr s Alldread, Mre St. Amand, Mrs. Hendrv anmd Mrz, Collier, Rev. Y. K. Malaice, Bow;mar) villt. Mrs Chartes Gray waF on chîri-giof the guesi boo, MIS. -lasper Geuîcmeauîx Car- ryiimg Place. Mu-,a. Clîarti's mo- s 7i e ecoleY2ect# Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 BASE LUNE i r ei roc lasi x'prk) \i1 an-t\i Ror,%.VaiCamp. lIc Ni- Fione il. Vailr atcilEe and-iMiss SÇ;(jýa, Vani- aCir l ýP -i'ni a rf, \-x i av,; ai tolnil 1ccci cot tape, M in k 1,Pk P. IiIsi u c(k. 'lA q Vol\d idi 'ncaî'rk Ici \t nc-i \mC haîles Bar- Voois ock aid Mics, Ebhi-1 Ranm (,cS, cgmsl.wr fln- - :~ -'îi'rî 'aler with hi, M amiMrs. Kenneth M -i\1r Rov VanCamni ci- - i- laithr guesta a!0 M ' l:- loydMe4calf -!lg a!Rire 1Takp. .~ lc <-hi olev' enter. -' j '- : mtson Satur- dj' >-.-ý o a comins! I \l- Neicpth op- ~-- --h'd , :cIption ini ccc i - - ' ' iî'p pw andi VS s c cIoek pent - c' ~ -c', - Ili lier grand- c~< <c l: -i IMis. Cliffv'rd <-~ \ - ci-Pai'ent3 en- c-% - c 'i er mo. cbh'Worirlds JACJ< BROUGI! PLI 'bllINGçani tIF ATTNG titm i mon '-îtrrel ~nuith Il ~ :1 ,î~ 15 J~OWMA~VILLR I C;OOD 11< K l.IBR17,ýs FRO/t ' MARGARINE STRAWBERRIES 't 5k 7c3 $1.00 H-enIeY ( hoice - 15 oz.' FRUIT COCKTAIL 2for 39( Hein-, - 1.3 oz. . Tins Miracle Whiip - :,2 ). ,j;u 59C 6 lic 2for29 S uuu 4)m r t loî - 1 - I (.)<f 100 ir, BSorU i ti s1 la pes Wit h e ORANGE JUICE 4801o. Tn. TotalL $ Oii II IC.J L fiU1containerO AN EJUC l'O a 1Bonius T E D DETERGENT 22,lmtinerRNG JUC 'c-' 6T Tape. COLGATE TOOTHPASTE SLCDSEBAN '- I'RFSH (GRAD)E -A"IA R01,11.1(GOLDJONTARIO ;ROWVN No, I1(1RADE TURKEY ICE NEW BROILERS CREAM POTATOES 7) t 9lb. Average, LB. 43c 1/2 GAL. 79c 10 LB. BAG9c Sirmt ('t - Whole for Hait Whole I lau k Oui LOIN O' LAMmî% Lamb n a askiý,ý-lb. 23c .Lamb re See ickedrParnBasklb. 23c1 BUIiId COrd 'ielTTAG' E r OPnsnv'ch S TABLERITE WIENERS lb. pkg. 45c TOMS IGA BOWMANVI LLE NEWCASTLE - N i ~M m . a mn d M î s . E d m a r d l i l e c tio n amnd Miss Dorotbcv ac'conpaic.- edcib AMiss Chai lotie (oc:- tu IctîLcmcst xc ccgIlle bail andtiuelic- ourtice aîd Xl-"I7.: nt vcc-e s ercza, cvhich bas hap.- mence Staples, Belîmai spc pcmîed oc cîmiiie-us occasions WPdnes'dav\ in Peteî-boî ecgh muhemi certain c'onnm0ocd i t y Base Line "Good Neiglîi;.",- groupa xc-re favocjiret because Club beld tbeiî' auýncial ci ()f !nehs* inlgel-fillautia I pos- nier picnic i h'p- clioc lhac Ille Paient. - grounCIs of Bowmari le 7,- A soiiýrv da il i vill be if the -on Wedne.2da\,.J1 1, i i \4Icm ta rm Ui ci fadies awax'. R2- About lb i mv aduts t,;anidc - c-ail! lîîcî dam s before the l'en asýsembled for- the ii ,oi cciio 9i0i h -i' 1ti' c-(Ifltle neal, after mwhich pici -îc ac cm î d itiocm kno m, there w ere tak en. a sboi t buaciîc s m a> -ilc-h amil organ i-zat 'on as pel--idbelti, andti icthce: ' Ille bîdm<Io.exen thouigh were games for tbhe ladiesar- ths xce paYîiig (morî t.ra e fo th il en N Ili 'înv'r- is ii- vhope of farm- rae f or he e irem ci dicimi g ~~~~iînîc~thciîîg for tîceni- oaneDoncri-l Vse -m cing: m ctim h F.severa t prizes. Mis" RKacm hc-i-ausc i1(s ucic' xiiithe bcac-d Kolenko won the rav'e for-ti b(ant m in mxce ,or t rît-e r-.elder grioup and lVastcmr n and ol i vice or t iceTm rkovirh w on ici th ei' mc c d i c ' n i h i - c x m a x S o t h e f a î ' m r u p h e a h l W s f i uniconi s iccdcd in Ontario griip.Plie eaolt tea - as tilcmc sas hefore ti oabl ee tbîougboii e cuc1 jimi as sooci as th(, federaio"m i amidele--n seeiioccj c fA cicici icm's preparedti oimif cii~iit iii asv cchairs zanti MImS. Llo -d Poix i. Xi~ c cii- ii aine iîescvv-s o: Down. Mrs. Alan Dowsn. ailto\\ fc-cicrs ic i garmil/eP. *t D- n ae n Ms. w Etcîi v, th ri wil li n F. ý e 'i] were en tertaimieti alt afc- ir i i n 10 pa'mmCipabc. t a witb M rs. K. C .l-Topk ii.ý t.t G-ai. &ocia/ and1£iefSrs 1 S AL E MondaY,, Ji y 1962 - At I p,111 g!ale banaged by. TREWILA YEN FARM LTr ., 1t.1. 1, Barketon, Ont. PhonO Blackstoek 986-4937 I I Bowmanville IGA Market j E 1 a - 1 I 1 ( , r % o % ýl (. 1 à"% Àrq Ir 8 Ad% &% ib. 29C lb. 59c BOWMANVILLE

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