Major Renovation Underway at St. iohn's be rnabtmrn If this old floor at St. John's Anglican Church, in Bowmanville, could talk, il would certainly be able to reveal a great deal of long~ forgotten local history. It was laid in 1855 when the present churchi was cotistructd and, at present, is being torn up te make way for a complete basement excavation, including one huge boulder sitting undcrnieath the centre of the church. Rex'. Arnold C. Herbert, the rector, is shown here in the midst of the tearing apart work. The members of St. John*s new electrie light system. Gray a ndc Banks Limited, actually began this project A h rsn ie~~ Peterboroughi, have heen on- back in 1953. and it bas been At 00nthe r But ilding Fund gage.d as the main contractors. carried on by Parish Vestries, $a700 it~ehuilxxadn r Tecur rîîcnsoldtk Rostoration Building Commit- a teCucwres abouln ctjîree îiecnt hofl tk teAdvisory Councils and endeavouring te borrow, bu he inh, tees, re - ee sne further $15,000 as it is estimat- As the -w'nrk of remnoving Several cameaigns have been ed that by the tirne the preject the existinýg fluor proceds, it held te raise sufficient muoney is completed il xvîll cost in the appeýirs. aithough it is only te carry out the work of ex region of $42,000. guess work, that thie beam. Cavajting the entire basement For this interesting, yet uscd for the founiation of the of the church, reinforcing the difficult piece of work, the fine curch. aga boutn18.55 foundation walls, making more Churchwardens have engaged weîeusr auan n135 auditorium space for chureh the services of Herebert G. During the reconstruction, activities. placing a now floorlColo, M.R.A.I.C. te prepare thc Suniday Services at St. ipn the church, togethor with plans and specifications and te John's are being hield in the ,'em, interior- decora ting - andisupervise the work. M\/essrs. Paru-sh-Ial ýVarn AlilFarmers ÀitlVets. Alerted to Hait O ut break of Hog Choiera An outbreak cf hog choiera lias bit three pi'emises in east- ern Ontario and fwo in west- ern Quebcc and te date 1,1(0 hogs have bad te be ordered sla ug htecre d Officiais cf the Ilealth of ATiimals Division, Canada De- partmeîît cf Agriculture, say anether 10 premises are under investigation for suspect e d choIera. They say it is tou early te forecast the extent of the infection or prodict how far it will spread. Sourceof the infection is at- tributed te foeding hogs un- cooked garbage in the form cf Legion's Car Draw -I 1 0% 9 a it s table scraps. Hogý choiera bas heen diag- nosed on premises in Russell, Prescott and Glengarry ceun- tics in Ontario and in Seul- anges aind Chateauguay coun- tics un QUebec. F'ederal Veterinarians are nrging farmiers iin the area Ioct to purchase replaceen~t pigs tunIes-s ahsoititely necess- ar aînd fo refuse to permit visitors to enter their pigger- Vetcrinaî'ians a re tracing T k sPlace brida y slsmaetrun ommtuPn- salesvad thosinorou (ompin- point sw-une xvhieh may bave been in contact xxith the dis- During Dance-Bingo eAdcitnral _ The Street Dance and Bingo start sbortly before 9 o'ciock. mals officiais have placed commuinit.v auction sales un-: Ie behc? this Frida'v Cv eningl The Legion Car Draw wilcicr ouarantine andi have stop-. by Branch 178 of the Royal:* take place at the end cf tht'ed u ale cf ail swine aI CanaianLegon n Dvison vcning. Tickets will ho on th,,,e alutions. This xiii net Street betwecn King anti sale during the evont on t lic unt-i ere with the sale cf other Chureni Streets promises to bho smart two-door g-rav 1962 TO O A TWO) a mest enjoyable event. 5cr-lldsmolcbile Hardtop. Keilh- goant-at-Arms Jack Knioýht, F ergutson is chairman cf the chairman of the Special I - Car Draw Committee. WHITEWiASH ents Comîittee, is un charge . ?viffe Grove Pec Wees play-' cf arrangements. A Special Draxv xill also 'o c ci Couirtice on Tuesdav evon- Bingo will start pîomptlx' ai lbeit by the auxiliar. Coin- ing aI. Courtice and dlefeateti eight o'clock. It wil ho riný rade Helen Wallis, the 5C~ bm2-) alHgetxa yx the Bowmanx'ille Ladies' tary, i h exeo. Thct-hie xinning pitelher, giving u Auxiiiar.v (o t ho Royal Cana- prizes are a 24-inch Barbeque nu hits and norutns. Coaches dian Legien. andi members cf Set, a Chaise Longue, a Pic- Tamibîvu andi Anderson ox- Ilie auxiiiary wili also bcoin nie Hamnper, and a Picn'e tenjd cuegýratulations to their charge cf the Refresbment Table. cotire tea'm. As this report, Booth. Orxilie Seiiecks Or-i In tho event cf ramn, il bas carne fromn Map]e Grove. rueý chestra, Oshawa, will provide been suggested that the dance, information wvas ineludeti con-' a x'aried program of popular bingo and draws 10 ho held in cerning the Courtice team's' music for dancing, whiclixiil the Legion Hall. reaction. VOLUME 108 1 Draw For 'NassaurTnp, On JuIy 30 This ls the Iast weok the Fix-tho-Mix-Up Contest page wvilI appoar i this papor. Howover, Series 4 of the anagrams are repoated in this issue . . . and correctod for the benefit of those who found that one letter was mlssing in number 4. En- tries will ho accepted for Series 4 until Saturday of this woek and the winners will be announced i.n next wook's Statesman. Coupons may still be sent ln until the following Sat- urday, even if they are flot accompanied by anagram solutions. They wilI al ho placed ln the carton and the winning coupon wili ho drawu at the Royal Theatre on July 30th at 7:30 p.m. to d otormine who will win Ithe trip to Nassau. Entrios for Series 3 have boon judged with the win- ners being Pat Pingle, 18 Second St.; Mrs. Mel Me- Nulty, King St. W., and Mrs. Harold Moore, Ontario St. Ahl of the winners, and several others ivont te con- sidorablo effort in trying to make their entrios quite different and original. Thore is still timo for those who wiish to compote for Series 4 prizes te dream up an entry that will take tho oye of the judgos. NEXT WEEK Due to a shorage of space. the story on the London- Brighton trip by the vintage cars, as xvell as sevoral other articles, has been hold for next week's paper. Don't ever tell us there is nothing doing: in this area. We alxvays seeom tu have far more news than our pages can accommodate. You ng Liberals Plan Formation 0f Group Here i ras DJUVVIIIN VILLE, UONTAIO, WVVLNESD.AY, JLJLY 1thli1962 f lrP,'(rt- %Jp NuvltT1 uT ý'D o Square Dancers HoId Session. on, Dominion Parking Lot Durham County's Great Family Journal nto iTV >l" lilrxrLo mqr yry , - - .-. A .-JL.J. On Tuesday evening, members of the "Swinging Bows" as the Bowman- ville square dancing group, is called, were joined by several guests frorn Oshawa and Brooklin for their July outdoor dancing party, held on the parking lot of the Dominion Supermarket here. Over 50 took part in the session which included ail the old time dances and many new versions. Next meeting of the club will be held at the same place on August 2lst. The club is sponsored by Bowmanville Recreation Dept. and will move inside in September into the Lions Community Centre. Bill Carey of Oshawa is shown doing the "calling". Newcastle Citizen Pays $60 For Assaul I n Argumei Joins Clinic An enthusiastic group met at the residence of Miss Anna-, belle Stephens, Liberty Street' South, last Wednesday even- ing te discuss plans fer theý formation of a Young Liborals Association for Bowmanvilleý and district. Russell C.~ Honey, M.P., who was recont- ly elected to represent Dur-ý bam County in the House of Commons, and Mrs. Honey were present. The importance of a keen interest in politics being tak- en by young people, was em- phasized by Mr. Honey. Theo -right te political thought andý *action is a fundamental freo-I .dom of Canadian citizens, be said. Mr. Heney further ex-ý Dr. F. Wm. Rundle, M.D., > plained that therefore it is an 1obligation te safeguard it M.Sc., Otolaryngologist with through intelligent and re- the Oshawa Clinic, King St. sponsible use. East, Oshawa, began bis duties t "For young people ospecially,: at the clinic tbis menth. He this presents a stimulatin g was born in Bewmanville in challenge. It gives tbemn the chance te select the party: 1930 and attended No. 4 Duýr l-, which offers practical polîcies ington Public and Bowman- in confirmation of theirville High Schools. Ho en- ideals," Mr. Honey told the tered pre-mcd. aI the Univers- 22 persons at the gathering.i "Membership in a Youngity of Toronto and graduatedý Liberal Association is open te from that University in 1955ý ,ahl between the ages of 18ýwith an MD. Degree, follow- 1,and 35 years et age and it'ing which he sorved bis in- gives the opportunity for dis- ternship in Toronto East Gen-, cussion of matters relative te oral Hospital. Afterwards the welfare of Canada and its Dr. Rundle had a general citizens. Young Liberal As- practice at Terrace Bay, Ont.,I sociations across the country for two years and thon took also offer a channel for th'e residence training in Otolaryn- -expression of viows, and de-Igology at University of Michi- velop understanding of publie a Hospital, Ann Arbor, issues, insight loto govern-t4ich. for four years. Heobo- ment. and pelitical maturity. tained bis Master of Science A committeo was formed to Dogree from the University of make arrangements for an-]Michigan in February, 1962, other preliminary meeting toand was Certified Specialist in be held at the Liens Commun- Otolaryngology in Novomber, ity Centre on August l4th.l 1961. Dr. Rundie was recont- MrVembers of this married te the former Miss are Miss Annabelle Stephens, Betty Jacobson of Ann Arbor,, Mrs. Bonnie Cowle, Mrs.iMich., and thoy are residing in, Dcrothy Richards, Mrs. Frances Oshawa. His parents, Mr.1 Hannab, Miss Lola Pring, Miss and MVrs. W. E. Rundie. ]ive in' ýEvelyn Hughes, Don Master- !Bo wman ville on Wellington, son and Roy Cordon. iStreet. Bequest Makes Orono Medical Centre Possible Over 325 visitors toured the new Oronio 1Medical Cenitre on stzoable bequest lef t t the village for charitable purposes by the Saturday during the officiai opening which took place dturîinç l ie laie Robert S. Litle. Members of the foundation include Jack afternoon and evening. It has been constructed b' thie Little Moffat. Lax'erne Boyd, William Reid, Robert Rutherford and Dr.' You.ndation of Orono, a group of five men, actine as'trustees of a, A. F. McKenzie. ting Village Clerk nt Over Tax Bi11 Ralph E. Whincop. age 38, Mr. Pidgeori required hospitali Newcastle, was convictod in care and lie has flot completely Bowman v i 1l e Magistrate's recovered as yet. Court yesterday of having un- «'acetM.Pdonsei lawfully assaulted Frank B. denceptnd Mr.sion os evi- Pidgeon, age 68, the Clerk- tdenpce. fnd rso of whyas Treasurer ef the Village of to lc.Ifn o ulya Newcstl, o Jul 3r. Acharged.As to the charge you ceunchage nJl d.Whn-made against him, a person 15 couner hare lid y Win-allewed to repel an assault. cop against the clerk was You are a well built Young Mr. Pidgeon is 30 years Magistrate Baxter stated eider. You came in and start-' that Whincop bad gene into) ed being belligerent. His de-' 'Mr. Pidgeon's office and made: tence of himself with a coat a statement alleging that the hbanger was flot usîng unrea- latter had been insulting 1 'sonable force in the circum- Mrs. Whiricop. "You aise TR O AETO agree he thon directed you ~UNT AETO to get out of his office as hieAI FOC D Y said hie.would.flot y, more," the Magistrate reminýd- ed Mr. Whincop. "Whereuponý 'Mr. Pidgeon was struck," Mag- istrate Baxter stated. "There was no reason why he would be annoyed wheni yeu entered.The next move was up to you, and ail fol-1 lowed in sequence. You re- sorted to violence and struck: him. As a result of the blow ÇBts anc NEW SCHOLARSHIPS daughter of Mr. and Mrs received f irst prize and of Mr. and Mrs. Frank received -second prize in North Courtice Home awarded to the two 5 academie standing in Gr were made at the annu club for the graduating to the winners. .1- t t PANTS THIEF - A repo that a housewife on1 underwear last night off ently, some sneak thief loss was dîscovered at 7:ý suggest others should bem LUCKY WINNER- Hox manville, is the lucky wir 50-50 draw held recently. SURPRISE - Pete Tom have been shocked an returned home from fishi his absence, firemen wei after Mrs. Tomlinson sme] A blaze, centred in the damage before it was fir g n rnmll Çur; MÀOP Don't forget, this Saturday 1 Li.3 411 w 11I 11 c 3 is Air Force Day at the Tren- ton Air Station, when the famnous Golden Hawks will be!To Visif Newcast le doing their dazzling manoeu- vers, the Red Knight and others will be presenting a 4 starts at 3:30 p.m., but rdahE v nin station xii be open for in- Residents ot Newcastle and- seto rm12:30. district will have an oppor.[Bi o tunity te sce an exhibition cf inn I Synchronized Swîmming pro-1Bin s BiEo sented by the Internationally! Renowned Peterborough Orna-i 1 9ÇPtcesg'mental Swimming Club in theIrelandiu lWaltona Park Pool on Satur-1 day ovening, in conjunctioný - Melody Ann Muir, wiîh the Lions Club Carnival.O a g o e s. Archie Muir, Courtîce, The Peterborough Club has: Kenneth Chumbley, son a p pea r ed in compotitions' Dcvitts Loyal O ra ng e Chumbley, Solina Rd., hegou aaateUS Lodge No. 43 of Cartwright thenewy stalised and Euirope during the past recently had a bit cf Ire- n th newy esablihed decade and bas won numerous'! land brought home to them, & School Scholarships awards. Tbey will be presont-1 hnte atae tý.R students with highest ing an heur show on Saturday1 . wnne int tedoRder. ', * ade ight.The awads ev ne evoning at least' Rev. Swana came to (a',n- ial banquet held by the three area Lions Clubs have alla from Northern Ireland *class.Cogauain entcred Ieams in the Inter-ý about a year ago. lis home Conraultins Club swimmning reîay race. over there was near %vhiere t + There will be ne admrissionl the Battie of the Boyîie vas t harge for these swimming! fought in 1688. mt has just been received events, although a collection' This is the first time in Lamb's Lane lost her wili be taken te help te dofray! Devitt's 115 year history the clothesline. Appar- the transportation costs of the' that a minister bas hoon a th pow. he swimming club. mnember of the iodge. The is on tepol h Members cf the Newcastleý Installation ia odce :50 this morning. Police Lions Club will be Manning; by a tcarn from lVhitby and ,vare. the usual booths and gam,,, Oshawa Lodges. t 't'for the kiddies, and draws on Boyv. Swann is ilnister yard Wood, R.R. 4, Bow- a Hli-Fi and lawn furniturel of St. Andrew's Preshyter- nner of $64 in the C.O.F. are being conducted with al1ý ian Church, Bowmanville, proceods of the ovening beingi as well as the Presbyterian used for Lions Club commun-~ Churches in Nestieton and inoQeSmst ity service work. Ballyduff. d surprised when he iing on Sunday. During P r d rz N n e ,ecalled toth homePa de ri W n r flied smoke about il a.m. j attic, did considerable ially extinguished. BIG CHANGE - The Laskaris Block corner, formerly occupied by Dominion Stores, is under- going great changes as Jury & Lovell's prepare il for a modemn drug store te open in September. The interior has been completely cleared out and rebuilt and alterations are now proceeding on the front and sides of the building. Next door in the former Maher Store, Alex McGregor Drugs has set up temporary headquarters for his store, xvhile carpenters give his old store a thorough modernizing. The town will certainly have up- to-date drug stores by the end of the summer. " tt GOOD SHOWING- George Mansfield, the tennis pro, arrived early on Tuesday aflernoon and had a wonderful lime showing a large group cf youngsters the noble art of racquel wielding. He has hopes of returning in September for a further session. t t tf REINFORCEMENTS - While Bank cf Montreal Manager Jim Bell and his family are celebrating a Iwo month vacation trip to the West Coast, reinforcemenîs have been called in to help. Temporary manager is a former inspector of western branches F. W. McTear, now of Lindsay, who vias lured out of retirement to give a hand during the summer. Mm. Bell's extra long holiday is a special award provided by the bank for long service emnployees. This area was well represented aI the Cali- thumpian Parade in Port Hope on Dominion Day. Kentucky Duke, owned by Gordyn Brent, R.R. 5, I3ow- mnanville, and ridden by Mary Ruth Osborne, took f irst prize. Barbara Ovens of Newtonville wvon second and Pat Rudell of Newcastle took first in the pony class. In ail there were 18 horses in the huge parade. 0 10e Per Cnnv