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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1962, p. 4

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4 The Ciarla Çafeismart. 1owrnanville. July 19.R.qR2 EDITORJAL COMMENT A Difficuit Transition It is flot surprising that the wamen of Pakistan should abject ta the pass- age of a bill, recently introduced in the National AssemblY of that couintr.%, ta take away fram the fair sex same of the rights accarded ta them for the first time only iast y'ear. Unti] last vear a Maslern husband could take an« extra \vife or wives whenever it suited bis fancy ta do sa, and he could divorce any wifc mercil'v hy telling her three times that he xvas nto langer rnarried la ber. Thea the so-called "familv laws' xverc passed which require a court order for divorce and make the acquisition of a second wife dependent on the appraval of the first one. Now there is a movement afoot ta revert ta the aid sYstem and the Pak- istani ladies, bath veiled and unveilcd, are objecting, saYs The Part Hope Gu ide. Conditions like those i Pakistan .ound s0 outlandjsh ta us that iliýs difficuit ta imagine what it would be like ta live thcre. Aside from tlie un- dignified position of the femnale haif of societY, there would be problems for Chivalry Some observer of modern manners and customs has said that chivalry began ta disappear from if c when a m~an pickcd up a handkerchicf dropped by a lady and discovcred Ihat it was a piece of kîcenex. states The Printed Word. Othet- observers migit set an earlier date, perhaps about the lime when strectcars became the common mnode of transportation. Womca thcm- selves, uniess thcv are quite elderlv, no longer- secm ta expeet a man l'O rclinquish his seat ta them as a mattcr of course. The custom oif doffing the' hat when a lady enfers an elevator still is recognized by most men when the elevator is in a hofel, but it does nut seem ta appl.\ in store and office cie- vators. This is a sensible dropping of a custom, foi the rush hour in most office buildings sa crawds the' elevators thbat hat-daffing liccomes impossible. the Mrnn.toa. For instance, imagine how careful one would have ta be if three fairly strong rcmarks constitutcd divorce and a new wedding ccremonv \verf' neces- sary ta patch up familv differcnces. What. a bonanza for the florîsts, the fashion industry, the caterers and the' social editors! But Pakistani husbands are noa doubt an indulgent lot -- considering the relative position of the sexes they can wcll afford ta be - and wc daubt if in practice they' voftcn raise their x'oices. A society which requires of its women that their \'oices neyer be heard outside of their immediate fam- ilies must sure]y be a quiet onc, how- evet' much it loses in the unexploitcd talents of haif the population. Unquestionably Pakistan will gain in the long run if it accords ta women thte rights the ' enjoy in Western society, but the' transition will be a difficult anc for aIl concerncd. But those whom we cnvy lcast under the present laws arc those second or third wivrs whosc status is enjoyed onlv with thc approval of their predecessors. - Where Art Thou? The pace of modemn life perbaps bas something ta do with the' deferiora- lion of manners. People, particularly in a city, are aiways in a hurry to gel somcwhere cisc, so much so that they have no time fatr the minor niceties of conduct, if their parents have ever taught thcm what these should be. Try to edge a car away from tht' curb ino a stream of traffic, and you wiil dis- caver that only anc driver in twenty will give you a break, althougb tht' drivers ail know that thcv will be stoppcd by a lraffic light within flic nexi minute or so. Frcedom of competition is admir- able ia business, but it need flot bc carried into aIl dcpartmcnîs of life. It may sometimes be more profitable ta let the competing motorist push his way through traffic. That way he may sooner arrive at an accident that will rernove him from flic roads. Incentive Planning A neat phrase that is pregnant with meaning lias been devised by leading businessman Neil J. MeKinnon ta sug- gest wlierc Canada should go from here. Ilaving reaclied the end of'flic easy road. fli counLtry nfiw le quires a liew basis fcor economie planning. Btut the need, in, Mr. McKinnon's well- chosen words. is for iticentive planninug rather than central planning. "An cx- aminatian of ceîîtrally plaaaed so- cicties," lie says, "suggcsts that planning ought flot ta be designcd ta regiment and contraI but rathen ta release and ta free' human effort in aIl ifs forms, la unlock tht' stili uausued potential orf encrgy and cicativencss existiag within tht' people." In its usual scose. ecannmie plan- niing means that the putblie sector shauld spend more money and 'lic private Bector less. But in essence this means that the individual shouid make fewer clecisions for himself, while anonymous persons xithin gaverrament make mate decisions fon him. That resuit is ini- evitable, sa ys Mn. McKinaon, because central planning cannot be limited ta parts of flic ecoaomv: "Tht' whole fabric (if aav sYstcm îof production and distribution is so closely woven that contrais in any secton of tht' econom 'v inevitably have conséquences in others and, ta be effective, lead ta eveatual planning and control over flic whole eceanom y." Incentîve planning, he believes, cao encourage growth through better fiscal management and through recog- nlition of flic créative raie of individual enterpt-ise and of profits: "Without in- creasing profits, a grýowing stock of capital, and increasing investmcnt, neither grass production nom productiv- it.y per capita can graw. Our existing system of ecanomic organization, encas- ed and limited as it is by prescnt-day leveis of taxation, did flot exist befare flic war and bas flot been cxposcd to a sîîstained lest in a wonld of plcnty and intense compétition." No ont', he canciudcd, cao know with certainty at just what level tax- ation causes effort ta diminish or new enterprise ta die in embryo, but flic clear need now is fa aim at having in- centives sufficicatly strong so that wliether or nat people succeed in in- creasing sales or incomes, thcy will keep on trying ta do so. Basic Woes Not Yet Treated Tht' foreiga exchange îesenx'es rrîarslialled ta praecet the dollar are truiy massive and suît'iy sttfficient ta stop aIl skepticism abouît tht' dollar rate, says The Financial Post. But the' dallait crisis is a surface sign of verm*v basic maladies - the' part of tht' iceberg that shows. Canada lias tîigli uîem- ployment, shrinking profit margins, great balance of payments poblems, a troubled manufactuning iîîdustry and an eccnam 'v that is simplv not growing in fer-ms <f wliat ach Catuadian pro- du tit "liehuarid trutluis I liat c.'urnpuolif- ical leaders. I ike luin cout i, are catuglt ini a horr-ible clîlemnna. To fore- stallich utter depletian Cf otîr taneign exehange rcserx'es the 'v must pursue such restrictive policies as raisiîîg inter- est rates, boostitug tariffs, cuttiîîg gov- ernrnent spcnding. Yet ta qtîicken tlie tht' cttmentîv slow pace of business activîty, ta cure present unemploymenf and provide new jobs for the' htndreds ouf thousands of postwar youngstens soon ta pour into the work force, our author- ities need to do cxactly flic opposite of wliat thie ' are doing naw ta proteet flic dollar. U. S. officiais, in their reacli for tîew growth, anc praposing fax cuts for individuals and new fax incentives for industrv. Certainly' a thoroLIgh re- examination of Canada's loaflîsomne and nntiquated tax system is long oveidut'. (Lu r violentlv progressive tax lex'îcs punisli initiative and cim'mcnscmibe endcax'or. Wliat taxation should do is unleash talent and enterprise - and tlic devising of bold, new fax inceatives may yet prove the best way fa recharge the' dxn-amics of national growthi. Zlbe f4fl4tbixn Stt4t#man Durhmhn Countys Greant Family Journal Estebshed 108 yeams cgo in 1854 Also lncorporating q The Bowmanvithe News q The Newcastle Independent The Orono NewsifI t% Anthrned ris Second Ctrncs Mai by the Post Ottice Depi. Ottnnwei. cd t rimfmnt <'t postage in icash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLTSHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bowrnanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EInron.putrstm GEO. W. GRAHAM ADV-FG. MANAGrR GEO. P. MORRIS BUSNESS Mon. SUBSORIPTION RATES 4.0a Year. trictly in advanc. $5.50 a Year in the Uniîed States Imperiol Oit Photo lInmperial Oil bas begun construction of two service station-restaurants on highway 401, one near Ingersoil, the other near Newcastle. Above is the arcbitect's conception of what the new stations wiil look like when completed at the end of this year. At the right i% a patio and air-conditioned 65-seat restaurant. In the centre is a foyer wlîere free travel information will be available. Washrooms wiIl be located off this foyer. At left is the service station area. (Sc/dJounginan 's Ca/un iii jPeople draopin ta aur head- knotcs for sure whetber it is .Spring. quarters ta enquire wiîy a an emigrant or native. One The Mapt lacdo Gl particular tree or sbrub, an1thing is sure, it inhabits the Mite lias becri a cammrron pest their property, bas died. Nat1nortiierra part of the U.S.A. as of Maple Tree., for mao.v cears bcing a 'bnpg" man, your1 well as Canada- from coast and the gatts are frequo.ntix, scribe can't always give an la-ita coast and as far nortb as mistaken for a disoase. Trhe,' lelligent answer but, thank the Yukon an Nortbwest Ter- littie rascal.- go aller the soit goodness, tbere are peaple ý ritories.I feeds an the needies maples, silver andrîc ecd buit wbo bave spent their life-time of Tamarack and European doesn't bothi- ixîtîli ard map- studying insects that damagelLarch. The adults are four-Iles. They inexcnîer r r- aur trees. and one of these isiwinged flics, black with a vices or wnrts io tlle tirbs. Bill Milter, Forest Researchî brigbt oraage-red band across 'under looserici iîark on thle Techaician, Minden, Ontario,1 the body. The larvae feed on truîîk or berîeatîillînici scalr's. who is neyer happier thanithe needies for a few wecks,iThey appear a.air in the when lie is answeriag ques- unilthy reacb a stage of'Spring, shortly dftFti the leaf tions about "htigs', so dont maturity, when they drap taý buds begin ta unfold anti nu- hesitate ta write ta hini. the ground and spin thcmsel-igrate ta the uricer s ofaert Jtst ta give aur readers a ves a tough capsule-shaped Ca- the faliage wlîere Ibex puirr- bird's eye viow of sanie of our coon la which they stay until ture the epidcrmrîî tissiies. \s .trce clespoilers, xvo would like1 the foîtowing Jirne, when the:, a result of Ilue srniulis ini- ta qtotc a few items from thelemerge as aduits. There is on'e parted ta the colis of tiii' caf latest inscet burlletin ta corne generation per year, as a rule. by thîe punctrîres of thie fuies, ta aur notice. The articles ar' i The Pine Bark Aphid ,,as gaits fanm. Wrh th ilese als.z too long ta be included lantlîislaccidently introduced from the mites fced aîîd deposit type of columa so will havi 1Europe many years ago, andtlicir eggs ta recprondiîrr th, ta be chopped clown ta theýis another immigrant that we species. As ttîhe casonîaiai bare essentials. ican do withaut but it's bere ces the '-ails r tinge cotorri1 Importeci Witlow Leal Beo- anci we have ta cope with it. tram ligit gren Ir)îîinisî ttc-- is of Errropean arigin. Altliortghi White Pine is lus and firialiy, o iiîback a nid emigrateci ta North America favourite stanîping graunci, siîriveil]nH. . (ndîîîarrlix, nul in 1911I. The admîlt insect is s Scats and Austrian Pine are rrîuch liiri seiis tr i l, ietne grecnislî-blue beetle about an alsa attacked. They usuaîîy ta the ttc oitît ici f if P eighttî of an inch long antI pass the' winter as immature, P.esthenir t tdint bîi acix r- broadiy aval in autline. Thîc xingless femnales. xitli snalt, sely afrc.Spirie doesn'i ceggs hatch ia May and th(, soft botties of pirnplish or dus- permiîtto 10 cli Y ofii il iîi,ea! sîx-teggecl grubs feed la a tmge ky colour (souîîds like a des- Bette, ntCioter tir lai-, Rcct with thcîr beacis poiîîting oLit- criptioti of a movie startet Il1ecî< a i .Rrl a woard as thev move across the hiciden under masses of waxy S kelroný101)i Éî,tua 11ni~e lcaf. Glanîds along the sides, white flocculence on the bark. xvoii. spi (inCnlirrxmiii af their bodies emit a peculiar1 These females lay eggs la the aind iit ilnibiitx odor- sort of a B.O. They'spring and then, about July, should use a man size deodor- lay a second batch wbich pro-' an t. duces the gencration of wi: ip- WESLEY VILLE The Larcb Sawfly bas been Iess nymphs that will over- known la North America for winter la the bark and bont ii ecfrattot seveiity-five years, but no one the populationx the followirîg , .. t'r ii s t d,uo lt-t ii inoIlle x eau o Moný- tinci stus ujra I euîixd the lictil!tu1 me.lanc rietinig r i tii ironnî ulier umu nirî- buin iàni!Crt inîpe H11cr.nral for lxxsc x elks w ilIlie there crinirn ue longer huit is inn- prqin ri We are sarry to re- pani tlVii 'l'tilt t as takeru ho t l('in , b i i uu 11 l asu- T h 11 isda v SUGAR and I ~ I Ilit SPICE- Bv BiH 1Smiley Just a foxv randanm llaughts this xok After ail, n can't expect A felovto lta m out the. deep, tlîauiglîfull stuf that usinally appears in this space, vvhon he's on bis holi- d ays. H1olidax s. ho sax s. Whal Is tliere about a Irelaxed -loak ing mian lia t. briiigs out thieconi- struîctronî forman n la vcry woiîiari' 1 iaveii't beeîîso huISi Si nec 1 curked HIe nli- niglit I0o OOiishiift anthie lako boats. :20 vears ago. t put thie lawn chair out in the morning. anîd nove etinar il again utuil As time ta put iA away nt niphiî. Exerx Hie -1 tiiiru a round, hIe nId lady aoe a disli- clotti, a grocerc iHs or a rake nt mxy lîaîd. Ecet v timne I stickoic jiose ouit thle door the kiris descend on mue, wavinrt * w-iioiiilg SuLIitIs, badmîntoti iniccîxîns or caris if ivornis. 1liav xnx o t rieci a or prixgamne of baduiîit.oo xith a 14.year- aid o thp nondax sun lali. mac? 'lry t. sndloin melin i the corouiarx ward. Aird Ien1lieros - hie pr- tinta irai ceed g. Mx' xvfe put ini sani e cgetahles tis icar, anid x arr ci s'wear thl disoual lîttîn plot w'as the Gardieiî of Edrn. ithe vay slie watvbes ;it. Sanie punnv eedcdaires stick ils ieod rrp arioiip ler secti putain plants, anid yourd ii iî tl ,vas a ratttesiiake at a Si- dax- Schiol picre. the wax sie gp n rîtO>n I1< knoewt he' xîholethinz w as a mistake ln the first place,. and 1 told lier so. xx'lîn she1 uîs s adinr Hlun, hNt she r)a id lno heed. Sn 1IpJt ber dof th e xinoju ut ho ardont ,an d 1 handip the îro-adinr lin ZION Nî- Dort Prott Dorir andc RondytRncr i tIed t ai ayCaricrnni.Ranci sa] d ceion for <a fnxc dav.xs viîb lis pi a ripa rerts. Mlr. Gecrge Kîlleni, Alli e xx'n ernt1LindcsayxnîSaturdax for tuie Orange mWatk. NxIrti' dO'Rnni-ro.Haýll- fa.\., is xisitrîii ts setter and nit lie11(-r. M rs. P . . Rocibor tsý anti M ta. O'Rur re. 'rarîci 'ars. Gorango 6cr- don andl toonMis. Clarkei MIoore,. Osh axxa: M is s Minat Fcrpîrtson. Uxbrrdge. \x'oei Smrnda i x'irtors ai Keitli t Ata m n ois. NtIrs. Rac Coonetroir andc Jmidx' atleuînddthie xeddiag of Vlrs Ils 1-lost<linaod M.lHeiry Dll at Northuuinster Unitedl Chbrne, Oshawxa, aod flic ro- cetion a ftonxcaîds al. the Air- plut.1 PaIr . ânid NHr:. Ron Fisiert ano Kirk weeSxrndac vis;itors al P. J1. Roheiors. 25 VARSAGO49 VEARS AGO rtîntin' su' Irxi Itlihe aritt caîf and Rfosanuno,, Orouîo, tus- tirnforctnun tri lbt li ed ah Rac Canicrotis. (JuIy 22, 1937) (Juty 24, 1913) romntîtiort s îîîîpn aciog. u.R .Sauta Russell Bragg and his bired Mr. P. McCaffey, Buffalo, Mr-nrruRuuti usi a.umre MI. R.îC.Lsa isuteci man were fartunate in escap- N.Y., reccntly visited bis sistel',wec riPccîorcîu astM.rcl Mrs. ed LSavthe ing iajury Tuesday afterrioon Mrs. T. Bottreil. x'eclcîttiga rxs tra r.nifavat th e cotaehat ,hen thein wagon, proceeding Master Kcnaeth B ra ke riigac,@iý l horctaea ýwest, 2 miles east of town Toronto, ils visîtiag his cousin, un Prctaratni-fa actinîg asý Lake Clemoîîg on u Snida v. 'on No. 2 Higbw'ay, was struck Master Melville Dale. counnuseilors i NîIr. Andci rvr'. Rac Seati andi tram behiad by a Toronto' Mr. Andrew Pollard, Rich- Yoitlic Pc'I'tc a namp thi fnlx Kedri: M'r and Mme. motarist. The two hanses be- monci, Va., is xisitiag bis sumnit'r. pialtutu Otaspelt andc farnuti carme oxcited and started ta rua brother, Mn. Jacob Pollard. L ast tîi ,Ic Tuinnnu'\ rcninexxene \istous ah MrS. away but wene brought uînder, Miss Lenia Haddy andI Miss MnIs. Krri .suî nInore F. R. Girspelî's on Scrnda. contrat, r essue Bingham are bolidayiag -ex\itlIcustitcaiu in. riui.rm"uoîu,.ec Eric Swindelis andI Sid Cas-, witb frieads at Part Sanciford, iioiuictîi r msVpîr ecrtrtt.Oloc rt awo boum have been holidaying Muskoka. xx ici r t si: up tuer c, Diirinnx goîerd rJaI I itimi.Gcissbergor's with William Janmes af Lake, Mr. andI l's. J. Lake t lit' rrftemuiioo .se eri\t ici lîui cuSpIt rla terrur fou a Scugog.l Morden are Iîolidayung at alittemclec Port Rriîuîmn Sebnioi stur prs- i tdcpai.\-foi, Misses Louise Wilson andI Youagstowa, Ohio, andtinl ae irx uc uunorîlci n os Betty Betties are guests of other Amenucan cities. a grnoti 'lix itm Mr mr.andd Mus. L. Kclrandc Miss Rutih James at Caesarea. Mn. and Mîs. Lamne Brown Geru. IHiceks ;or -oxbc)Inr cî auýl n atI Ms u The Misses Dorothy andI andI babe, Windsor, are visit- bas bcrnîisun ai hec Best D 0ut anti drnrx. 'ici 1e. Lorraine Somnerscales are visit- ing bis father, Mn. Thos. luonuun,: Mis. Slidcv 1>ais o).")Irl ai HeIiîm Dri o ing in Vluint Deanis. Bawn Cntr S.1Ianocuh Nrîimimlr. x IoIF 5Sa ria r ociad Doris Mn. a.nd.Mrs. H. M. Nansan' Mrs. Chas. Cox Ieft Tues- cisiiiu'p iiiluClan; a aDan ke Dan ltstax cd foilaitaeli are en.lo.ting a mator trip dav for Osceola Milîs, Pa., ta Mns. GîcîriIt tlîtau Mus ne k; hi throtigli New York State. vusît hon son Chartes, wvbails Ciadys ntitut.M'tI lot Mn. M. A. Neatlihas joined very ut witb fyphoid fever. Malu, Cl-i 1 a m.?tnWa.MMuraunrci Mm ,FraIntk Pan.-ý-r 'Ms.Nel ndfmiy t her Miss Florenîce Mayer and nier. 1'%xoc iliusxxe nrn s wo ils l enu n IPasncuc'.M r Date Mr.Na aî aiy ttenRuel'.rr'iNewn'asîle. wfere Suiri summer homie, near Spencer, Miss Ethel Power arec enjaying theiiîe'li ulc'r os wxvene Mis d Iowa a trip on Lake Superion, visit- A. '\ii.sliii tr i ri I d aNu utol x on n tipper ptif-sis ai Dote Mrs. W. I. MeTavish, Mrs. iag Mackiîîac Islandi, Duluth mîvBirenec lonînrîM<'uiIuîh.Olawa Geraîd Martin and Nrs. Amas andi Detroit. tTi nrM ' ru mrcn~'hoiur iiS'r eia Busheli, Toronîto, visited MNrs. NIns. Jos. Owens, Wank- Silfiol,î.niaiacrigrt]:îc ir cI\.xx li attenuleci anîdlhie Fred J. Manîning. xvoth, and Mrs. F. W. Kirmi- xi l x iiam r 'tluo la xn ieetlcîel\evn r Messrs. Gea. W. Gratîam andI endait of this towaý-, have ivr- cl c <ml irtît re M-s Etunutr ( nl shawa.; Kon McQuarrie cajoYed a tuinned home tram a detigut ful 'thI i i usinta x 5 niv \%ansurs. antI tirfe spake trip ta Coboeonik, Argyle, andi xisit ta relatives at Buffalo, tucapted rontcîuua 1icluori c rnu x a M Rntî tr fenk io ui otnlu inortiiera poinuts. Westfield, Tonawauuda, Niagara tDrSidunex (ie ruiti ni utt ttru' c ttîr ~nnx Mr. anîd Mrs. E. Vu'. Cm-a\w - Fatls andI Toronto. 1ilpo:a 1,n M r.anid M ns. Mon ex .FIlinrt- fard, Mr. anud NIs. NI. Brestin Miss Marlon Lxi e, Peter- htealg oh a xx I tusi"f. ccl iî andi Mr. A. M. '1'Iumpsaiu are boi'ougli, is visiting ber cous- ucas a îmnîîtîînIoitu PrlmirN .uruMnIs.Stairlux QCo\ erîx atnd attending the International in, MViss Maggie Aitin. ti'ti rt', *ù iM îtKu u.Eentau n.'rr Lins CIlub convxention i Miss Leila Gale is spending n, W'I e~ct ~h ucVilîrant Pi-eýýtni, Mn'. arnu Chicago. part of lier x'acatiowith lier Mis lx arr (Iscil isilit>(,C'rar'tite (utiuce. Mnss Ruth Stevens was the ftller, Mm. Jas. Gale, Erna. dialeet andI then sanug hi .lrni c idM'Is,(Innl) intrff happy hastess ta 21 of ber' Mn. John Holgate, Foxboro, Englisb, "For aIl theatsw hoanti sonîs. Ncuil shaxia; Mrs. litIle girl friencis on TUîesday was in taiva hast wcek prepar-, tram their labours rut" Deîhert F'iuoîoff were Stîn - atternoon, it beiag ber birth-,iag for the Faîl business at capne ttepao 'daxt i isîtnis ai Ve'slc' (ni day. the evaporatar.MuilPtyanerd1 ' Mrs. Price Moris andI fani- Mrt. Wm.McReynolds, Brook Munial.'Paerye Paa e.c'ad t hic' cmiiss : (' ai itliors.C< ily are holiidayiîug at Ban- Hill Dairy, is cuttiag quite a Payne fouad Angola oi theVitle ns xislnhn iîa,\acî?,arn croft. ýdash witb bis new deliveryiap. Garfield deseribed a n utsfor a fex- dlx Mm. andi Mrs. Box' KelIy, anutfît. The wagon was antI- New Y\ork ('itv, are xisiting:preci froni Mr, Wini. Edger andtivesenenof Larry in thr. Vrcuu. RW'iulsrî r: r. Mon Mr. anul NIrz.'Heurbert GotI-, nsa credit Ia the manu. rabsn Mof . ary Viani s'il. Osur: Mmr,.tMar dard al their cottage. Bow- factrurer. r n r.HryWlin, -ýrJ-f manvitte on thec Lako t ýMi. leon Duimas us vîsiting of Toronto were visitinig tviilb Wood, tmoît:Mr- snd Mus. Miss Helen G Morris, Dr.'relatives in Boston and Wat- Mr. Harry Austin on Suinda>\. RunsIt Rbbins, Bowmanr- and NIrs. f1. H. Fox aîîd Missýerbuny, Vt'. Laokiag lhrough an cîlc ilile: Miss Remnuicue Fuiurud. Margiente JonssTornto Mis Edith M. Pront, Cen- Guide the ather day we ai slrk.ioeSnd 'VuiIn haie returneci froni a motar eral Hospital, Partage La the following notice: "Miss al Nom-mamrLab trip Ia Washinîgton. D.C. 'Prairie. is xisiting ber brotb- EtIna Brand, graduate nuirse The engagement is an- ens andi sisters bere. of Wesley Hospital, bas pass- nauneod Of Mac. fourtb Mn. A. Barber sayq the' ap- ed successfully the State ex- Z n(o o nhp daugbter o Mrs. Edward G.1pointment of a beadmaster toamanation recently beld un io (H p Twnh ) Clarke, (and the late MIr. Ed-1Orillia Modet School does flot'Chicago, wbich entittes ber in ivard G. Clarke), ta Mr. Ray-laffect bis positionî here. the degree of R.N." Papn'r (îîmddfoîr ast. woekt moad Dauglass Burton, son afl Miss Clama Rabbins, Toron- was dated Marcb 24, 1911. Runi': anrd Irîciru Kai tf Mrs. Ernest R. Burton andtI t, spent Sunday beme. ' hiat\,eeba been wel\ahaebei vu-tiop ilir the ]aie Mm. Ernaest R. Burton-, Seaator Beitb remarks ta andI faitbfully used andI groat era ilupaieuIî1S a]t Rose Y) e mcr v the mamiage ta take place in us that cmap failures bave aumbers of people are grate- Hil. Mn. andI Mus. MI. lrwuni. Oshawa, September 1, 1937. I been rare in this county. fut to Miss Brand for ber Mn> aid Mus. C. Rab%- moi- Mr. andi Mrs. A. A. Elfordi,lMn. Robent G. Dickinson re- taving cane over aîl the years on r)c ta eniîîck on Scrrnuxý. Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting bis centiy visited Mr. HaroldI siace Iben. Last winter she ,m la'Mienlx.Sii niather, Mme. Anna Elford. iSharpe, Toronto. 'wsChaasus ersseBv-.x Oure ne b Mme. James McDougail andi' -- Ms.abeRoebuck sethrogersistushm ýrtp Marion, Toronto, visited Mrs. MMRALHSIAL iles. Miss B trand stitlastives wkerîdt. J. Melntyre last Suaday. EOILHSIA lns.Ms rn tl vs Omono: George Rowe is at- WEEKLY REPORT on the ald borne farm wbicb1 Servce iras liic ai Ziiin bas been the famity home' Siridax ..tuIclsI, at 10 a.tii. teadiag Oak Lake Stîmmer For tht' week of July 2-8 siace the earhy years of the' Thene ixa.s a grod aitetndaninc Scboot. inclusive Ipast century. She says on ber CoIlOrfhl fîou-er iamrlangeme;rîu, Newcastle: Miss Evelyn Admissions _ 52 hast visit to Chicago, she foiind d(Onnatidthe ehuurch. Rexý- Rickard bas takea an office Birtbs--3 mate, 3 femnale 6'the bospital wbere she bad Mn'. 70 Freemamu 'as nl position wîth Part Hope San- Discharges ------ 52 trained torn dowa andI anotb niiorgo. 'ilero xas a bap- itary Manufacturing Ca. Majar aperations _ 12'ler 17-storey one erected, over- tisrnal e-ieanud the thmec Tymone: Master Glen Hodg- Minor operations - --- 16 looking the lake. She ba;c cbidreîî of Mm-.anîd Mn' -.-Im son returned ta Bowmanville Emergency treatments 34 been toltI the instruments usrd Segar uxcie tpisot Robetil after v~j isiting M.atrr. isiig boums 3-4 p.m. there are sterilized by sound Kenneth, Saundra Elaine andI Robt. Hodgson. andI 7 to 8:30 p.m. waves. KelIey James. te hathwoom. Aiiather grralt irrno er nsthie guest lisi. ý hourstIr *ving Io fit p Vlheiî \'nir lice iii t'inras xxo do, ii part of the annua I tîcal. But il's rallie ng wheîî ou begin the imiiiier of peo; are coiring to x isil discaver *yau ire goiiig a bigger tiiriiocer i necarest resort botel. Riglit, 0w, wr solidItl tbrough .1 have only a fe vac, August. Tho k1,idk siept ini I ei r nwn1 so loup the ' foc],1 act lîke xagraîîts. F quite sure whial \voiiir ing Io lie gettiig 1i wlîen 1 conie doxx nioro mg. I qall. probably the third Isat faroily in Canada ta own one. But normaîly we're aUl ton husy tn watch the thing. Now~ we watch everything. Most people are sore because therp*x Snothing on in the sumnior ec- J cent re-runs, but it dnesn*t jbothor us. W'o didn't sec ans' of thern the first time lhey £appearod. ~J Thrre re' only two dr-aw- har ks In Ibis. Watching ftie box makes il- ail hungry. Bx' thle time the late nmovie i over, ex-orv disti in the house -îotr in the TV roani, and dirty. fVe Fspcod Thec second disadvantage îia )eople in. that nîy xviffo fafls asleep in vacation tu iàl(,ofdndve 'Nst- billle1 oursin lier chair, before wp ratarni tlr off tlîe sel. Then abe couliti og turches off ta bcd--and cant lp \%,ho sleep a wink. con, a ud Combiîlne a r oom fid r ifdjttv to have dies and an exhausted, owl*y han the wonîan, and vot] understand ,.\li 'vvniiinorning h eattisleep booked is mcxshatored. day after 1 1Y anîd d a. haventi ok anrci 8C .( a. tasI n Ie hbi ave' Uten tx\o nove] andl pleasant pastîrnes for iher faîili! illis sujnîrnicr,Iixe' Io hoth of thieni xvere about 10 *ears bebnd the rest 0f t he, countr y. but tbiatCs t he w ax*'V 'Ve sem 0Inoperate in ouiI famril*v. \oeSo brisx trYjn in tokeclp un wit b t lie SrnileYs that \,,(-havent Urnme exen to look arouand for Ihe Jonlesos. tel alonné,kecp tup w ili tern. The fi'tsior our x ati- itiesis outldoor cnio. A fevx' xvears o xe r'eeeved R free barbecue sel for bu x* vng 10 gailons of gas. or- Son-t tluug. 'vVc badn't seeIn t sMute, but tiintaithed itlxbl 1 wra- ]ook ing for iv dr a fow veeks back. il's about 18 loches high aond 10)in cina eter. su wve doo t go ino for roastrng oxen, but baxve trie] about everx' thiog cisc. Yor onShould sec, t lie 1 il ti faitv .gathering for i-le evenl iig cerenonov. WP on'00t font arouocl witb tbose barbecue starters that You sqîuirion th lc<ha rcoal. Faîhcr jiiu>t t broxxs sonre gitsotîoe on il. 'Itieri il iettix ns a match to- word it. anud nri o ihits the deck . Not one of ilie foui- ilvxlba- beeoioupn et. our puren flamic. andidltgîves t1lie food a certain exotic fiavor. W"hat %ve like about it is that it saves us t'romn ha ving a big pile of dishes to do. One of thoese days. if 1 put too mueh gas on it. jUs gzoing- In save us the trouble of eat-1 ing. ton. Howevrr. the sav- ing on dislies ks dissipatedi iluring mur other norturnal rlalliance, which lis watching- televusion.i UVe flua1. it oirrbl a Set last ) Peo pie ýn Welfare Jring June lri .1t . titi persoms w itIl 2 10t inildi Lent1 d ax's rece ive d Wc 1 fa re assistaîrcle d uring the îîîoîît accordiîîg ta the report1 su binitltccllaIolic, meeting (if 80oxnriîail te Towni Counci t last bnvh R. t.XVeIsh. Wet- tare odtirristrator. Ttv actuat east of welfarep tir tic towri for .1 ine mwa7 a the totat rost \\ as $2.946-85 as rxpected rencvc ries froni provinc i a 1 snibsidies ani charge backs atliOLIrIt 10 S2*-.Fnti.Î6. Therp ivere twn iiexxapplications sari tw wvi vre acrpteci. Emptay- mnuir' ias scrc for fixe Expeîci iui e fonr June was Fý o:loxs Direct Wel faief' $2-.179.11: Nursing Hom-e $621. . 'S rpI1(IIeICItai'v aid $100t; cmress and meiie $46. Tinere xxeî e 17 tieonpoyr-d hieati of famuiries with 301 de- Pendtants. four dcserted rasrq wit h 10 dopendonts, Sexeri patients liinuirrsing brimes. ~eeîsingle peisotîs medicai aimn rnnioei aîîd five O-A.A. aîîd O.A.S. peiýsotîs, xvhO rcie surIppI(lltal'y aid. Thp report of the Buildin% Iîîspec t 0 r, Mlville Moore, staleci that Il building liormits \vere issned i n Jtinp.andI the total nost of conîstruction o S42.550. The amaunIt af ManePV receivcd for building permutq xvas $110-50. Nine ptîîmbingc iermits xvoro issrrod andI $6à rtxelfor theni. Pri tctinc linspectar Moorm ruade 141 buîitding inspectioni aud 13 trench inîspections, I14e atscr made 61 inquiius andi.11 inxvestigations. Milage amotint- cd tIo 8610 mites. CI Ç.qs«4 e Thie S. F. Club Ry Ruth Wightinan lue kîds baie bunil a ihack.yard cutbhousc. 'u'amicI lhink'. ;aifirsIglane, uhat I woutd objent, crolenîly. There il caps, no tirwoa;;rd':thp sanie sîze. r t the saue ngle. An nîdri clor, gprov o ;ncidoeye forme ;lb. roof. Noxrîh-ctnss I uhen su it. ,Iueplonpg o dats oeialnt.a id a i xliii mg I at wIl keop Ilie kirk oeenupued for an entureru>Y, wtth A nuun- mumni f fghtuag ilumoxin, un.nspi-rfeetix' aIt mîgbt witb mp. In t lue ful l fttuil oif liar-ninc anmd sa w, cIi hi meiberx xoe enmîiielrni la rre urn bers.s mipoitio ns-, ei ng Mra uitecl10in liose wlîcu bmnuunpt bouards. Anid ai 5 ooeioek xx lin uthekîcs asýkc'd if bie c'pbrt SF'. Ci ilbuîîîlt conulid sta i anudi enniscppre lcrI lia i ty hesîtateci ah ail befnnun sacing x s. The firiI hîiuup 1durl xasm mx rip'à a oinnof ted durinkq. 'iTitru. 4s I siorteti oiiia raft of penunurt nîloitrr nd janisarrd- xxnueitltiepeojit' bnI)gmnn nonuunur mix iiIlueur ow'n sanri- wi cli es. A ni dinuks. A ndcî ckies. 'l'o r11t\bruon uni, 1Ivalesurîcl iuatilue Vnmgbtinisrm CIii h Prcrcu'uut huaci sent alt mo-nihic'rs. muni lding i ho seca-nder, ît(msruucr. i, arciukrr anti cafrtaun, bonuefor i- i purrpose.' Siiothes cf pil iek :-uppers, Humne-anud Schlu andic Cii b Moîhou-s' nwtin-s. e'xilfpi iiial ni% tkidcs lia te bctueru u gflui n]semoals at b lueir 1i05 sal it nuter. 1 stpuns" tlucur -parents take arm- forut uni th(licliotuplul of Pait!'lue ji nmk uia i bashu'en branr- p)li.iiiuci lruni 1fiunîr lis uît hm ucucInc to orloru cr xyard. Au pit.le iugucI ilînueda .for ixhich I shal be elcn ualit r'îr'ru Thle rIwXt dax 'a sphItruturguclir afnîrusued. i heari ht aJilmreu tli iv "if 'crut l rrnt ]Mic mul ttiii - ir Pb l'Il ca< nIt 'ur m . "Nonue' c"ame the ptlerftlriroplIc. "Nam("", namos, ia nies. tome - * pîpa 'u x b h ai ier cdinh" and " if otu jouri1 ni' cltlrb1lit shoxu- vcti xxhoue 1 ciuh pcixwoCe5, fltr-ri in, Ti aIt]tnkes mte auk tri the dat, of nr\,t hihdhool. loi xoi Ineomber bcrcp boînutbe pon ad, eag- nIxcatmbrng a .arfcîlt anud fartýhfuuii vfpeediug lbrn. When the rpaatttorraco on me thuat iivag feodrng ou nu, easri nvi' big rother: xx nb o slick aod npariy eomrehtheni. tne:uielau;nîtbr nindrr. Peu aile orf tbtsT gpou' rip irgn-rurant cf bowfast, poIx'- wosinge <ex etp. li's imi i mrp. otu k11cnu , l-1a vin1;z lfir (uta mmny îra ire ra pop on ':rIc, JU'sî xx bon in iehissfully for- gattenalal abtuci thebrn. At lasn.t îuni, 1hibop wnestitt fouir cf thom lance ini the bru ttc. I suippoe , rovxIl ,i n trrp iii o mg reot roakrs tbat 'Aiil! keep nus irake ruiighît. If the',-don't. ithe a rgcpuiepiute ofoppoxi og riîbinemnhets I t iikslinke I1* ':e b club lIteeînhcrs roakerx it<sigOie n.le <lrub iuîlteeî the caruragp Poaci ep mare cat rf.lx rt'ihpespond l xx eek of %timnif't- hahidax's. Beracîse I rouît internçrlphei ho <ontinuouis amnv. an, itofnrf n ik t ua nxariurl ran0krrours k id u'luhberg Sunlit quît qrî i erig tiuietliand . . . egh . . . oeven more wccks. I and Distant Past I ~- From The Statesman Files J -- ----* g 1 L..f Li

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