6 Tht- Canarliàn qits;n , n w manivillm. Ju1, 1962 * new Yonge Street hmadquar- Earl Trewin, and a&H attendedF ilon C w increased regional staff effi-! Britain CoTmmtnity Park on -- c e tr i nt 1-ydo ency and samoother com-Sunday.0 0 C n r l O t y r nications, Adam S. Smith, Mr. Jim Stainton. Everett,im r A !Central Region Manager stat- Washington, is spending a few IIl y a d days with bis mother-. 1 ai y n Mis.G r at Im o Ontario HydLJ.. blee in Herbert Stainton, and family.- heaiting. The new Regional visited on Sunday with ber E. N Ontarin Hydro*s Central, There are two giant thermal building wiil be ali-electrical- aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. o T i u nt y s Em Region office" staff members eiectric power stations in Cen- 1l-v heated in winter and wil Q*0 C. Ashton.' iibelocatied, on Monday, tral Region at present and Lise electrically operated air- Mr. Russell Honey, M.., twwmrear panedinth onditioning equipment ini theiPort ,.was a recent visi- July .10, at their new head- tomHearopedinte ume.Te eD egonl quarters. 5é60) Yonge Street in, near future for this Region -umr Ihedw eganl r at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon etailed a o a y M ofoffice is L-sapdand the ed at otay M Willowdaie, approximately lî, whicmh has nearly a third mof bildng . 15.f.Yx50 's. Thles move fomHe ..or'4Iginal oad ne'sftse power a go ogeSre ih Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill, Mj Dairying is not onlv~ the Cobourg. Alex Hogg, Wood- uThers. 210 ad 224hBlorS inaýodns the L poHear G.sa wing aofl11) ft. x 47fit. There and Mrs. Joe McGill, Mr. and leading agricuitural sindustr v bridge, Eric Whyte, East York,i quater. 20 ad 24 BoorSi.tios I th R.L. ear G.S.wiil be two staries with a us-' Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Mr. James in Ontario, but is als one of Ken Coulter, Charles F. Lan- E Wesf, 15 scheduled to get un- whieh has a total capacity of al aeetscin h A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. the mostirat in al af caster, Gard Williams and Ali dcrwav the end of the business 1,200,00<) kw and is th ags e Regional office cost ap- Wry r n r.E aaa on eehn o-Realo saa nea . eFridar..andMls. E.A.ndaacon-ohsteam electric Redpowerofstation (lt Éinuthrughut the- ' e7k-nd ino Caada . Iieic oern station praximately $750,000 to buildj Werry attended the marriage onto, stated at the Bowman- The guest speaker, John Me- lne trd. 'tte ee- nCapableafmTn he prnsaion. Centrai Regian office build- aif Mr. Garth McGill and Miss ville Rotary Club luncheon Mechan. was introduced by1 CetrReindstaffaaleqie n of mt f th w-mig is the ianigest Ontario Hy'- Marilyn Billings an Saturday, meeting held at the Flying Bob Stevens. He said that Mr.j Cental egin saffdeas e reuirmens o mot o th ' dro regional office in the pro'ý-July 7th, at Wall St. United Dutchman Matai' Hotel on Fri- MeMechan was born in Nor-1 With the variaus municipal Metroipolitan Toronto munici-I!Cuc.Bokil.dy h us sekre-tenIead n aet hydr syteris ad Otaro pl hvro ystms. he .ec 'anal office staff of more than Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling, phasized the great contribu- Canada in his youth. Mr. Me- Hytriangurl ar ecto ain the iiudrmac otr ition s0th persons and also the in-!Toronta, visifed wi'th Mr. and tion made by the dairy busi- Mechan was first associated1 proinc etenin alng[,ae akeie G.S. whchulti- side tf te Lakefront Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. 'ness ta the Canadian economny, with the food brakerage busi-, povtaiceshoredfra Br ae ai-maelvwill have a cpaiyaipe rating Area. Miss Joan Hohbs is spend- land ais poeo the benefits Ines, but in 1929 together with Onotta hPeont H oe a th e ,800,00 hakw and wilbe th ing a few weeks in the Mum-; ta health given by milk and toprteifl~e Dnad itpex at Sutton on Lake Sîm- lbiggest eiectric power house aadsrc.mi rdes ar nTrno ro.Ti stems es-i h rts ommonwealth. K N A Mr .and Mrs. Roy MeGill A 'rwo Year Perfect Attend- ý Mr. McMechan's initiative 1 ppuate t ai t earCetreaiRegonattended Decoration Day at ac Pin was presented ta and managerial ability result- end Central Region supplies In the new Regional head- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren Zion on Sunday -and weretaGlhlm Huesb To'd in he xpson fte ~heelcticpowr ees orauarters on north Y o n g e have returned from spending! guests at Mr. and Mrs. 1 Palmer, the Attendance chair-1tirm. Today Donlands Dairyl thuralecut oer ndsosairee nWloditeCm ekwt hi agtrLniii',Sln.man. Guests at the luncheon! is the largesi privately owned rura cusomer anin-os mfss.etins Centralegite orn-af n sa nd. Mih her ad Mr. Man d Mrds. Grant .meeting were Ross Stevensý,dairv in Ontario. if nat in all municipal hydro svstems i-miinsCnrlRgo tfadhsad r n r.M.adMs rn WerryîBowman viiie Rex Wynn, Canada." Mr. Stevens said. cluding Bowmanvill .e, Oshawa,! wîll be nearer the geograpbi-!paul Warren ait Guelph. and Susan were Sundav tealBranti'ord, Chaies A. Chidley. H loriredt h er Whitby, Ajax, Port Credit. cal centre ai the Region and'ThHehowso see ta hve gusts thMr.and Ms. C Oakville. Milton. Georgetown, better situated for quicker been circiing around Kendal Stainton's. ai public service given by theý Bramipton, Toronto Township, contact with the variaus muni- wvhich was appreciated by the, Mrs . .. D. Brwuiest BsnesDiet y w seakeor.ntoAlrmafr ]Richmond Hill, Aurara. New- cîpal hydra systemrs and arela folks making hay but other, Mrs. Ed. MiîoEin B snesurei market, Stouffville, Markhan, safs, Te egion a t iffo-things have also dried accord- Catl, O on w e a - Six years, and la now in his and the thirteen Metropolitan, meriY haused in two separate 1 ngly. The tobacco growers ; ea guests ai Mr'. and Mrs. . c c 0 u n ian yiilt ya a ommera T'oronto municipal hx'dro sy,_»buiIdings on Bloor Street wil'are irrigating their crops,ý Stainton. M.___ -- the Toronto Hydra Comnmis-ý trias Botn oo-be ail under one roof in the some for the second turne. RA1ILN in~M .Seesti î tesalo oto, oa -Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Col- Chartered Accountant feilow Ratarians that a me.i- brdeand others. The G.M. empioyeeg and bus, spent Tueadfay at Edgar, 93 Church Street ber af the local Rotary Club Y L RT N their famlies fram this n eigh- Wrigh t's, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MArket 3-3861 Wilfrid MeMechan, is a son \I t,,, R ON bourhoad attended the mon- Spry, Mr. Harold Spry, Rach- f:ÀDJAE ROSa the guest speaker. ster G.M. picnie at Lakeview estr, N., pentTuesavAccutns- Adtrs M.MMehnsa0ta (Intended for last week) Park in Oshawa SaturdayieserN.~Y.an Tusda l ýast Tusteel a nkr- uptv hMr. was ha taented ta WMaster Douglas Cook la where special entertainment, rse weekute ewshap ob ivtdt spe ndinig his hoiidavs wiih was pravided the young folks. * Suite 205W 725-99,53 address the club on the sub- TV(AMNiWAYrOX Ir Aunt Eni Henders. Sunday guests with Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill Oshawa Shopping Centre ject ai the Canadian Daiey In- lew#Ar wi sEt... MIr. and Mrs. Hari'y McKec r.Gog Mre eeM. ýatne eoato a e-- WM. 31. H. COGGINS - dusteyv, which bas a tee- TOPS I//SATISFACTION were visitors last Sundav with and Mrs. Cy FElsey, Oshawa,ý vice al, St. Mary'% Cemneteey Chartered A('counîtant daus effect on Canada and, th Dvd ilos.M. ari adMis Iinýand were guests ai Mr. and, Second Floor therefore on each individuai 1 - 4A/ E. Stac'E - teaDavidlWilsons.dMrn artinmandiMiss Elaîn /SWJMA T WérSEU../L Congratulations ta Mi'. Lloyýd Martin. Toronto. e.E tpentil. New Library Building Canadan HlementaindRohat Wilson on graduating as a Miss Lottie Gourley, Tor- Mrs. Gar'y Vickers and tri- Cor. King & Temperance Sts.aaBo avieRtran os full fledged school teacher. onto, spent last week witb end, Hamilton, were recent Phone MArket 3-3612 Strike, chairman af the On- Lloyd bas accepted a position Mrs. W. Mercei'. Mr. and Mrs.i guests at Mr. and Mrs. Alian - aria HYdro Electric Commis- on 'the Scarborough teaching A. Grant. Uxbridge, were Weery's. YALE, FRIEDLANDER sion, and said that he has been s stff or exi ern. dwn id wek.Mis Maruerte rigt, S. &COMANYfartunate ta be in some ways Mrs.fo ex tr.Caw id well e . FstrCissar eite on gS i.&uCMdANYassociated with Mr. Strike,' Mr. David Wilson ks stIli r.ClwlMr.FseCrhrnelf nStra Chartered AccounitantS who la known throughout the Pnureing a sare linger which Mi'. and Mrs. Waller and dau-' by plane for Tuscon, Arizona, province as "Mir. Hydra." he caught recentl 'v in the bal-, ,,hter, Part Hope, visited witlî' te visit ber sister and huis- Licensed Trustee in Bankrupicy Cows Are Important er. Talk ai there being a ha." Me. and Mî's. Garland Cath-,band, MVr. and Mrs. Bradford. shartage' * (art. Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright 64 King St. E. 7 28-7371 "It is a recognized iact that Yelverton United Chuî'ch MIr. and Mrs. Ti-uman Gar- and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Oshawa, Ontarioa(alintries which uise large, congregation provided a wari bitt have their Ken -gar-hilis: Wright reached Malton in- quantities of milk and beef are! receptian for its niew student Camp agaîn apen for holiday time ta see Marguerite leave. MON EI - Co.TIH gnrlte otporsie minister and his wiie- Mr. tinie with a full group of Mr. and Mrts. Ken fierî'ing- 135 RiceHSi.&N.COsha Thios iean ioth an cse aih *and M rs. Taylor. Sanie af the young folks. ton and Kelly, Oshawa, were Sicoated St. N Osa eaknierablned imprac,.h excessive warnith could be A shoýwer a.nd dance was Sunday guests nt Mr. and Mrz. 7872 S \ accredited ta the weather man held Saturdav evening in Ai- C. Ferguson's. Miss Leowna hateredAcutnt pae pitdot C CTuIRIC LTD.ý;. Par..ne 28-7527White it is difficuit ta dis- %O jCTNGREAIS we admit. len Fosters barn for Mr. and, Feeguson retuened home with Han. J1. W. Monteith, F.C.A. caver when cows were first ACTIG REI g A speedy recaver\' ta Mr. Mrs. Peter Miller af Panty-: her sister an holidays. A. B. Monteîth, B. Co, CA. used for-niilking, it ik certain, Ken Lernav who is spendin.g pool. who were married June, Mr. and Mes. Ted Werev G. W. Riehi, C.A., RIA that their iamuly tree goes RERIERATION-ELECTRIC 'a few days in Peterboeaugh'30th. Mrs. MilIe is the for- and Donna went to Montreal (Licensed Trustee) back a good many centuries. MOTOR-SAES-Sl.:RVICE Civic Hospital. mer Susan Faster, R.N., dau- tnieet Miss Jackie Veale and G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Recently a research party T.V- RADIO - APPLIANCES Miss Grace Smith spent tho, ghter of Mr. and NIrs. Ned'bahrDvdwoi al .F ihfoCA from the University or Penn- past week with her cousins. Foster. They were the re- édaying with Me. and Mrs. F -- svIvzýnia unearthed a decora-i :5 ~Anne, Norma and Barbara cipients afi many loeW.an Werey. Miss Patti Werr\; WISO & BURROWS tv ae rn mn nin W ilsoni useful gifts.sette ween Chartered Accountants temple ruina in Mesopotamia.ý _______________________________________ Visiting with Mî's. W. Mer-.Grandmnother Perigae, Caesa- 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. The panel depicted a number cet-, Sunda'v-, wei'e Mi'. aidra arnr:o cows being milked by men. Mi-S. Clareince Beatty, Eia- r. n r. ca P artners: Wlsn, .A As the euined temple was 6001) M 3559 bethville, Mrs. Ted Eia- DýTr. nd es. e ictudvere, Rnl'. .Wlon .. years aid. we know the dairy Y A I.. A 1-5589 and family, Orono, MisC.ahmTaot, e'Wa)ra a1e G. .Edmond Burrows, C.A. industry hbas existed for ai BOWMMisa C. W. faon cailers on Mr. E. W. StYA Lewart and Mi's. Swarbrick. Begiev and famiîy. Phone 728-7554 leasithat length ni time, and' - The U.C.W. met in the Sun- Me." -and Mrs. Allan Werr- perhaps for untold years be-' THtJRS. TO SAT, JULY 9 - 21 day schaol î'aam for the July'and tamil, attendied the Tru.1 Chi1op ac1,,c oe that.ha abu TH R .T A . U Y 1 1 meeting. Mrs. Gî'eenwood adf amiîY picnic at Darlington "NowCada as bot Mes. Stevens were in charge Park Su.ndav afternoon. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 4,000,000 of these mai'velious' Matinee Sat. 2 p.m.o the peograni. A film ws Sunday evening atter the Chirapractor aias bu n o o shawn entitled "The Yeae pien ie a [am iîy party was held Office: every five humans. The aver-ý *tif that F1owered.*' This showed at MeI. and Mes. A. Werry's iin 15 Elgin St., cor. ai Hoî'sey St. age caw produces approxi-! the work oftouur Un ifed honor of Mes. Ross Lee and Phone MA 3-5509' matel' 5,000 pounids ai milk "Bpi~lue H- a w aii Cu o h euge nBingbrtdy.Toea-Office Houes: By Appointment a yea'r. Total milk production! yhw and gave a veev sirn aki ee r ndMs B nD e in fa Canadian. 2_________ sows_____an_____M_7_&9:15_____o_____________________ DR. r. an W. M.rthRIIDDRLW.,MD.D.S.L D00 Y 00 arersAAo nex metin wil b intheStainton, Bracebridge, Me. and 75 King St. E. Bowmanville "The daiî'y caw, as we know fr ofapicnic to, be held * Mes. Tom Sobil, Taunton, M'. 'Office Houes: it. was first beought ta North SUN. to W'ED., JULY 22 - 25, 7:30 p.m. Aug. th at the home ai Mes. and Mes. Lloyd Ayre, Bow- 9 a.ni, ta 6 pin. dailv America by the English when Stevens at Paplar Heights. manvile. Mr. and Mrs. New. Closed Saturdav and Suniday they settled in Virginia mare fil MissDiane Tuî'ansky has!ton Edgar, Me. and Mes. Han- Office Phone ý- MA 3-5790 than 300 years ago. Later secured a pleasanit position for' son Richards, Mes. Mary Ay re, House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Dutch settiers brought these "Valley of the Dragons" th holidla.' season ai Thues- Mms. Audrev Metcalie. Osh- DR. E. W. SISSON - dair'x animais to and at Me. and Mes. Hatcher Fos- Mte Gîv ue, a- L.D.S., D.D.S.notaln th Ataics- and t 9p.m.Maser Grv u;te, Sar" Office la his home board. Aithough Champiain1 an i9 ~tee and Me. and Mes. Bob'boi'ough, spent holidays ai C. 100 Liberty Si. N., Bowmanville brought the first cows ta Can. Carriithex-s visited Me. and' Avery's. Phone MA 3-5604 ada. French settlers were pi- "D vl a 'lc "Mes. Jerryv Byees Su~ndav ev- Me. and Mes. Ross Sharp Offic'e Houes: maeilv inteî'ested in the fur, "' e i t 4 O Co kening. anid familv were with Mr. and 9 ar.. t 6 p.m. daily trade. After that English, Scat-' Spencr Traey - Frank Sinatra Me.adMr eog us e. Harold Skinner, Tyrane. Closed Wednesday -SuÎiîdayl tish and Gel-mai] newcomers o! Buiffalo returned frani their Misses Darlene, Gail and DRC ATA ...bogtctl ihtem t Aduifs, 75e Students, 50c Children, 25e trip ta Virginia and called at Cindy Masters, Bowmanvilîe, 1 RO.F ATRN .Dî'ti outv the Fostrs to tthisharlunOffic thdElizstesta take w C he Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, 75 King St. E. -Bowwmanville Enormous Investment and Elzabth hom Wthwere weekend guestsaiatR. Offce.Hues..hecos- o- thedai- y l- lasi. meeting were eead and; ntesdnps- Barrister, Solicitor claeivlms unghs6) iîng ai their brother Roy aI Nntary Public ycar membeeship of McKinleyý imotn uret r-aproved. The rail cal! was' Tilbury. 14 Frank St. Bowmanville Lndge No, 275, and was à past Miks rpntnlntretspo . angwered with 'A popular Mr.' r. John Griffin - -- county master. ront grnth ad gnd hRlthforsang o voue Teenr." Treasum'- and f mil re n o. asE, RICHARD LOVEK[N For 25 years he was- a mem- ersrpoti s ie f r. am iiycotaea hldaB.A., LL.B. ber ou Coronatian Masanie mthe wng rnhl gndbeathfo cs repot was dgiven by Mie . ntheir cottage.Bareister, Solicitor Lodge: he was a member ni the whole f$12.5 o s. wa dcoiddta iv M.3ndMe. i-nWerY King St. E. Newcastle St. Paul's Anglican Chuech, $15 taehurc acunt, $d to a and Susan were Saturday ten Phane 2246 and ai the Apprentice Boy.s nf (len Rae Dairy M ilk- is rich inh u sr F n . a d t guesis aof NMr. and M es. H. H ou - 50- W d .S t 9 1 -D r y a s ca e ih t rfor tart shelis for ParsonaCe eiï oBowmanvill.or.-.,0-eaY.e'yascmtdwt h both fond value and flavour! Fund dinner.Mrad s.SKee Morfgage Murrav club.. Mr~Haol Ahtn gveth M ad Irs. esy' o rtgageS Heis sumvived bs' his wife, dMsHaodAhogaeteHampton, accampanied M.______ the former Sadie Harrison' 1%lst atsfyng Y tsef Mtewti 24a, veines'-14adn:0Mrs. Harold Ash'ton aOndISADIE HAMILTON - ORONO! Brown: a daughtee, Mes. Heleni Moa saisfinghv tsef 36.Mtîevm' 249versesu11 nd Douglas ta spend the day with Phone 1 r 16 Lark; a granddaughtee, Bai'- niakes everything taste hetter! Y 6 H'n 4 wssug She!Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Kersev, Frt vrggeuns baJaadagado, gave a praver on "Jesus Mo-aLake.irs - rgaeFans 'baen n agadsn neen io milk!the Light o teWorid," clos-,M. n Ms1GronYa. Bsines - Propris Temeanrrde.a h -ing with prax-er. Mes. E. Wer- Mary and Neil. andi David -usnssPrprtes-_ Th______eseda te rv was in char-ge of the pro- Stain ton attended the Trewinl Mortgage Loans Cook Funeral Home, Binai' PHONE MA 3-5444 ~grami: Miss Bettv Jane Werry' famuîlv ruinpeiLt Prompt, caurteoussrvc treet West, Toaonto, for ser-' and reuion icni, LitleHAROLD C. PEDWELL vice in St. Paul's Anglican1 iavored us wvithpin soloF. Master Robert Siemon b ei sat n Ted MaerrYis ai Bawnianvilleviskîing with Master Ronny Mortgage Broker The service was conducted byý FO whDLIEYie oiaveis aoerynoma- Mrtileacstik.Newcastle Phone 3856:1the Rector, Rev. Avery.l- who ave is very iform-' erment was in St. John's An- tive and interesting talk 0fCah' ' ap lican Church C enie teey,ý he tp a nda ndth E3t Cel CshToday _________L J Blackstack. The graveside se'-' alsa pictures. Me. and Mes. KIHA ILTOD 'i a odce . ao Crawford sang twa 'ery lovey Fr Opppincstometrist Ash more. LEN RA E D A IRY hduets. accomparied bvMrs. FrGdApines KJ oAp ILTT ..vc a cnutdb ao ly 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville, Honorarv palîbearers were E. riht M.rCawou cos Office Hours: By appointment Mayar Phillips, T. R. J. Wray ed wth raye, ad Unt 3Telephone MArket 3-3252 and James Kerr. seeved a daintv lunch. 8 T A T E 8 M A N Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. Palîbearerq were Gordaný #8 KING ST. 1V BOWMA.N"*11LE Me. and Mes. Walter Cole- C L. A 8 8 I r s E D 9 q a.m. ta 5 p.m. 13rawn, Alan Brown. Rov'1 nett, Leamîngton. spent the Phoe MArket 3-3303 Thursday evenings Clark. Tony Earl. Wayne; weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wed. and Sat. - 9 - l3 Hughes and'Robt. Boyd. iM Industry. Tft! qPq.timated that ur ' in eustoms duties. despite one out of every six persans 'the fact that it is a direct corn- in Canada owes ail, or part. petitor to a wholly Çanadian nf hiq economic weil being praduet," he stated. to te dary cw. 'So far this product of for. rta ceAil Canadlau Products eign ails has meant the loss rta ceThe butiro use is pro- of millions of dollars ta Can- duced in Canada. It is made ýadian dainies and farmers. Tt from Canadian miik, and the mray well have the effeet of f oalPrice goes for Canadian ýundermining the whoie Can- 17Y materials and labor. About adian dairy industry from thi.q hait the miik produced in Can- ,competition of cheap foreign ada goes into butter. and sev- ails, unless the manufacture erai hundred million dollars and sale of margarine is ade- ~etnof purchasing power entered quatcly controlled. the Canadian econamy as a A hearty vote of thanks to result. Mr. McMechan for his excel- sed and distributed with the Mr. MeMechan drew atten- lent address was moved by help of skilled labor, and mat- tion to the difference in regard Glenhoime Hughes. President erials. plus a huge investment ta margarine. "This butter Keith Billett also expressed n land, cows, machinery, and substitute is made from for- his aopreciatian ta the speak- other equipment. he asserted. eign produced raw materials, er. As a souvenir af his visit "Add it all up, and yau ther- is a littie Canadian sait, ýta the club Mr. MeMechan rc'- find a large segment af our water. and skim mik in it. If ceived a book "Seveni Path.q population is engaged direct- contributes only one cent a To Peace', reccntly published y, or -indirectly, in the dairv pound fa the Canadian _Treas- by Rotary International. I~/JMAT~JU*CShe Tender- Young- Plump- Grade "A" iâ For Fr min (H C E 'or vn L.c CHICKE JS Barhecuing LOOK FOR "TREND" at Your Nearcst RED & WHITE STORE! Red & White's Ow'n Family of Fine Meat Produets! SOID ONLY AT YOUR RED & WHITE STORE "-lts Trenid at Red & White" -FEtra L ean - WeII Streaked - 1 lb. Flat Pkg. "TREND" B ACON 79c Red & Wbite's Own Specially Seasoned- Taiîty - 12! in a pkît. "TREND" WIENERS lb45c Red & Wbite '.s Qualîty (ontrolledI 'Mild Seasoned - 1 lh. Pkg. "TREND"IrS AU S AG%3E »53 c Red & Wbîte's 0w n Famih, of Luncbeon Meats - 6 oz.. ViseIParti ",T R EN D"I Luncheon Meat 4 pkgs. 8 9c Macaroni and Cheese - Piekle and Pimenta - Dutcb Loaf- Moek Cbicken BEST BUY! - Save 2.5c! - -i Varieties - SWEET LIBBY RELISHES 12-o',. Jars 4 for 99C BEST BUY! - Save 9c! - Meditini Smail 15-o-z. Tins GREEN PEAS Green Giant 5 for 8 9C BEST BUY! - Save 29e! - 15C Off Pack fi-o-z. Jlar INSTANT COFFEE Red Rose 8 5C BEST BUY! - Save 2e! JAVEX Liquid BLEACH BEST BUY! - Save 31c! - 15c Off Pac-k! ifi-oz. SPRAY STARCH Glide BEST BUY! - Save 7c! DELSEY TISSUE 32-oz. Bottie 23C Aernsol Bomh , 53C 4;or59c i ~~Fresh Produce______ BANANAS Sweet - Tender - No.I Grade Corn on Cob doz 3 9c Extra Mild - Sweet No. 1 Grade l'kg. of 2 Onioni Spanish Onions 33c FROZEN FOOD FEATURES SAVE 9û! - S['NKIST 6-ox. Tins LEMONADE 4for49c SAVE 6c-! - }'RASERVALE 24-oz. Pkg. FISH & CHIPS 59C FE 'AITEL E! - S A VE '! ! 1-lb. l'kg. Walker Saltines 27c FEATURE! - SAVE 9ù-! - Plain Bravo Sauce 2 for 49c FEATURE! - SAVE gic! No. 120 - No. 127 - No. 62(1 Ansco Films 3 roils 99c FEATT'RE! - SAVE 20c: FLOOR CLEANER Quart Size SIMONIZ VISTA 99c I"EATURE! - SAVE 6c! FANCY QUIALTY i-'s 'Tin Sockeye Salmon 53c lb.L 29C Garden Fresh - BI'NCH No. 1 Grade Carrots 2 bunches 19c Snappy, Fresb - GREEN OR Wax Beans lb 19c - 'III SAVE 9û! KOOL-AID Pnwdered F'ruit Drinks 10 for 49 FEATLIRE! - SAVE 8c RED & WHIITE EVAPORATED, Tall Tins M 1L K 6 forl79c FEATURE! - SAVE lle! SUNSPUN Pint Bricksç ICE (REAM 4 for 89c, RED & WHITE 16-oz. .Jar Prepared Mustard 17c AINT MARY'S 24-07. Loaf SLICED BREAD 20c FRESH BAKED'! Sunbeam - Pkig.1 of 8 - Reg. 39e CHELSEA BUNS 35c GOLDEN HOUR CANDY FEATURE -UM* 1M Both PackagesAfl PEPPERMINT 1 ulPndC BULLSEYES 2F4i9ouds7 Prices effective at the listed Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET. Maple Grove CORNISH'S MARKET.... . Orono Me la