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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1962, p. 7

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cS) CUl! & Phone eMA Y'rc. Frý-nk Sprv. Rociester, -' - ., i s Visiling Mcs. W'illiam Er, Hu mnt Street. M i s s Elepnor Hlutchinson Icfr ha ' t week by plane for Vancouver, B.C. MlsKarivn McDonald visit- Pd Miss Barbara LaChapclle ln Toronto General Hospital on Sunday. Miss Frances Anger, Collins Bay, Ont.. is vacationing witfi Miss Karen Morris, Liberty St. North. Mr. and Mcs. Len Henr:, Windsor, visitcd hec parent. VMc. and Mrs. E. Withecidg( * Scugoo, Street. Mc. Alan Knight, Dune din, Flocida. is visiting hi mnother, Mrs. Wesley Knigh Wellingýton St. Mrs. Douglas Cole. Jeaý Cole and Suzanne Bail wer recent guests of Mr. and Mr- Bob E.mberson, Guelphi. j Miss Jean Cale is attendin the Ontario Attiletie Leader rhip Camp near Longfari j Milîs, Lake Couchiching. Mc. D. B. Nichols, CP. Traînman, Kingston, s p en Monday with. bis father, Mi L. B. Nichols, Carlisle Ave. Mrs. William Spry bas ce turned home after spending few days with hec niece, Mi and Mrs. Balph Knapp of Por Eoq2e. Miss Joan Luxton. daughote of Mc. and Mcs. Norman Lux Ion, left Maiton by B.O.A.(: Jet on Mondav tot tour Europ foc a month. Miss Wcndx' Stephensor r Brampton, is spending a wen] with hec uncle and aunt, Mr ajsnd Mcs. B. Hawthorne, an( cousin Barnev. Mc. and Mrs. Ernest Lic gard, Rochester, NY., weri guests of Mc. and Mrs. Hugl McDonald and Karlx'n, Bcowi St., hast Thursday. Mc. and Mcs. Pat O'Briet end daughtec Deidre of Es panola wcre cecent visitor with Mcs. O'Brien's parents Mc. and Mrs. B. Hutchinson. Mrs. M. E. Lcask, Town And hec daugttec and son-in Iaw. Mr. andÎ Mrs. Jack Mar shahl, Oshawa, have returnec from vacationing at Balsarr Lake. Mc. and Mrs. Rav LattanguE y and John recently enjoycdF vacation wîth Mc. Lathan'ýue' crother. Mc. and Mrs. Keiti Lathangue and family of AI. iston. Mc. and Mrs. James Colville trian and JilI, Libecty St North, ceturned last weekene from an enjoyable week's va. cation at Steenburg Lake rucar Bancroft. NrMiss Sy'bil Bai-k recenti'ý r eturned fcom visiting Van. couver, B.C.. from whicl ponzhe boarded the S.S Prince Georgse for a nine-daý, Mc. and Mrs. Don Alun, R~eid and Timmy are visitin-, hec parents, Mc. and Mrs. H, heeves, Calgary, Alberta, anc her brother, Mc. George Reev- es of Trail, B.C. Mr. and Mcs. Han-y Dadson, Liberty' St. Southi, recentîs, returned from a two-month Vacation ho the British Isles, vrhere they visited relative: I Northern Ireiand and Eng- ]and. "tand Ms L. Coombes and Bruce, Libertv St. North, returned last week fcom a pleasant motor trio. Durin- Ille seven-day holiday the? visited thc Cornwall, Ottawa and North Bay districts. Mrs. Ella Beers, Newton, Mss., and Mrs. D. Doherty end hec son Daniel o! Balti- more, Maryland, have return- ed to their homes aftec a visit hast week with Mc. and Mrs. Duane Beers. Jimmy and Bar- A Bickie family pienie was heýd on Sunday afternoon at tte Frank Jamieson cottage near Bobcavgeon. Over 50 re- latives attended from Toronto, ]Barrci e, Peterborough, Co- bourg. Port Hope and Bow- manville. Mr. and Mu-s. Wacd Hoff- mnan and daughters, Saranna and__Andrea,__Ellwood -Citý,- 3-3303 Pa., were weekend visitors with Mrs. Hoffman's mother, Mrs. Geo. W. James. Misý Andrea remained for a two- week holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hod- stock leave for Montreal Wed- nesC'ay night to board the Em- press of Britain on Thursday for a holiday trip ta England, where ttey will visit his bro- ther and sisters whom he hasn't seen foc 42 years. Mc. and Mrs. J. Newman A h ero t oehsRmnCtoi vreturned last week f r a mAtteea of t. oepsRmnChoi sBelleville where they were Church on Liberty St. South, this modern one-storey eguests of Mc. and Mrs. Jack e- o thePacry Sound district tors of Mc. and Mrs. Ernest lis withe Mrs. Clicence Hall. Iu-win and Mc. William Tripp. it Town, and Mcs. P. Element o? Bobcaygeon. L L r -Oshawa. Mc. and Mrs. Ed. Cox, I.-- Ch.lurCil rICflIC n One of The Statesman's lington, spent a few days with -e speciai features is missing1 Mc. and Mrs. Eacl Trewin -q rmti editinas ts wrc- Mrs .abel Stevenq. nM. At Orono Park .- .iii ii urucsu, ~ Iel wahr cniin ,and unable to contribute bisý and Mns. Bert Stevens, Ham:--addmc otecomn g fne ock Wesinenev hpeton. wcre caîlers ai Mc. FH. of the good attendance at the' rd that he will soon be recover-!Stevens pxohse. Trinity Cturch Piiieiheld at R columo "Religion For Today.**NY, us x-iýiins ai Mr. and June l6th. 1t Close relatives and frîcnds Mrs. E. Wrictt's. Simn ntelvl e r.: cecentiy honoced Mr. and Mrs. Miss Bettyý Jane Wercy waspool at i the k vtefirsi A. H. Davis, King St. East, an overnigh ,t guest of Missespeventh oe p h80 p t iccrs e:with a surprise party, in!Sandra and Sharon Wercy. cnjoyed swimming ttc ficst aKeene Hall, on the occasion! Mc. and Mcs. Cameron Oke, part of the afternoon. Follow- 1oftheir 3th wedding anni- Oshawa. Miss Mauceen Mc-. ung the swimming ttc youngi :tîvecsary. To mark the memor- Nair, Enniskihlen. werc Sun-,people engaged in a game of! able 'Occasion, Mr. and Mrs.' day dinner guests of C. Ax-- bal while the smallcr ehild-' Davis wece presented with a e rY's. c en played games. cpair of iovelv matching table Mc. and Mrs. Ralph Viett1e1 The senior members and Ula mps. and Judy wece with Mc. and'adherents joined ttc graupi Mcs. Allan Martin, Bowman- around fu 'lc fe n eToMc. and Mrs. W. E. B Stae, vileoying a bus trip and sigtt-' Tow, ad Ms.A. . Blle~, Mr. and Mcs. Boss Sharpseîing tour of the R. S. Mc- nHampton, recenthy v i s it e dKathy and Gardon wecc week- Lauglulin Esiate, "Packwood- *Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Niagara end visitai-s at Mr. and Mrs. at Oshawa. r.Falls, Ont. They also callcd Allan Hers, Gaît. Flowing the spot prx d, on Mrs. Billett's cousin, Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Irvin CookEhprt prx Olive Gregory of St. Cathai-- Searborough. Mc. and Me.s imaetly' 400 sat down to a mies, hec brother, Mc. and HanoldAvr and fmr sumptuous picnic supper. Tea, Mrs. F.C. VirAverfy famngly, chocotate milk and ice cream Fna C. Vr irtuero! rHing- Union, were Saturdav even- werc suppiied. C oad eofsisto . Hw-ing visitors at C. Aver >N7s. Avreyo ae n -n ar îeo!Trot.Dr-. and Mes. Clark Werrc>v ' aesttfor o rae rus anderon - ~~and John. Willowdaie. wcre tssfcalaegop ne ýn with Mc. and Mcs. E. A . Wcr- the direction of ttc Jack and n- ENNTIST( LLETTt'. Jili Club added mort ta en- rs ~~~~M. and Mcs. B. J. Ormiston - oenofal TheChcc ~uvie n unMas tee Ronald Focsyth' at About 7:30 brises weee load- day mornîng was wcîî aýtnrî. tended ttc Smith pienic jai cd and the retuen trip Ia Bow- cd when the ceremony of Hohv High Park. Toronto, and raIl1- inanille made. Comninwabecc wîed on Miss E. M. Wercv, and Thece was a \cc\v good Rex'. Backham of Oshawa in 'Acthurc Jacksons. Mes;. Walter turnout and it was the gen- the pulýpit with aur own mn Mucra%, Toronto, is visiting eral opinion that this w'as une ister, Mc. W. H. Crawford. Iu withthtt Ormistons. of ttc best picnies enjoy'ed by Bnýev. Rackhai-n's message, to Mndr. and Mes. Donald Wearin ttc congregation o! Teinity commemocate thetc ora n Donna, Scacborougt. Mr. United Chuecti. '~feast o! ttc Lord's Supper, îhe and Mrs. T. P. Bell and Elainf. ,a stated that "through memnocx Toronto, i A. L. Wcarn's. Mrs. S. R. Petiick's were Me. S as through a gate we enter the Master Ccaig Bell retircnod and Mrs. Russell Robinson,i h Garden o! God." A touchina tome fcom holida.ving at ttc Port Hope, Mes. Wm. Chester. -story o! a tiny boy who cher- cr Ee. adod arle ani-i ished a memo ry o! bis motter Mr. and Mes. Stanley Tir- Kathleeni, Ostawva. ,ý who had passcd on was on nec, Oshaxva, Me. and Mes. Mr. and Mes. Allan Weeuv tplain terms a paraîhel tu the Frank Dorland weu Suturdqv and familv were Sundav visi- sacred event. R,:w. Backham, cxcnngtea guest-of Miss E- as i .Mc gtli n's, Uin -wto was on the Hampton pas-,sead et k.Mr. and Mes. H. Struti, \IVI -tarai charge for a long period, Mr-. and Mes. Fiod Beckettland Mcs. H-. BwenOstaxva,, soe R'arsao a cy and famils' attended ttc Plum- were ýeccnt visuîoes ai C. I wxeîcome gucst minister in aur, rncc-Hoidstoc-k xvdding id petticks, chuiret. ceception at Trinity Unit-1 Mr. and Meis. F. Beckett h: Je. Choir with their lead1er. Chutrti, Boxvmia.nxillIen,u 1Y and Mnine wcre Sundav i- Me.E. Wcriatt. and anc oa 4th. toi-s ai Me. and Mes.* R, the Junior orginists, Miss Su- Lamna Wearn. Toronto WcLaxing's and Mes. W. H. san Wearn, sang an old favor- Hosaiital, is home on a two- Mooue's, Thornhill dte, "Just As 1 Am." Ttouaiî week holiday. Mcr. and Mes. Elmer- l-errin-.À hast Sundav's decline In atten- iMs et aeWcvspn slhawa, with Mr. and Mr:z. dance at the S. S. session was a wcek with Dc. and Mus. Lorne Lamb. rather disapaoointing, follow-,Cprk Werey, Toronto. Mr. and Mu-s. M. Stainion. ung the record ai the open air Mes. RoY Avery', Tibbi-y, Me. and Mes. R. MrGill i.d service, we are happy ta, sec Mr. and Mes. A. Jolinston, an enjoyable matou- triplathe an up-,zwing in attendance Blarkstock-, Mc. and Mes. N. St Laxx'ence Seaxcas- and ,-ain. Ttc holiday and cottaEgeAvr-ad fml. ac, other Fastern points. season can be rharged as the werc Thuisdax- calIes ai Clai- Mr. and Mîs. A. Brunit v-e hmain neason for a îoxven num- once Avery's. visitai-s ai Me. and Mes. Gor- -ber attending. Mr. and Mes. Clifford Staîn- don Mark*s, Wtb\-. - Mr. John Txist, Salem, Mi- ton and family, Toronto, Mr. Me. and Mes. A. Jotostan, C. B. Dalton, Mns. Gar y Edeý Howard Pye wcre xvsitors 1a'. Blackstork. w-ure recuent visi- and Master Andrew Ede, 0t- Mr. Howard Stexvens. tacs ai N. E. Wi-igtit's. Staxva, wecc Sindav visitors Mes. F. C. Daxldson, Osh- Miss Jean Tarbnht- Orono, iwith Mr. and Mcs. O. C. Ast- awa, Mes. M. Dax'nqd, 1Long Me. and Mes. Wr Boxvmacu. i ton on their cetuen ta Ottawa Bac.acmaidM.r~Laura. Bruce andEl rie. Ke- 9frnm Toronto where Me. Gan' W. BcguleY lu Detrait o field xvwere Sunda.v evenuî- *Ede is iiking a summer course Ttarsdnx to ttc fanerai !talct ! e n i at OCE. their cousin, the laie Mr. Cea. Stainton. -Misses Venna and Leat and Greise. _____ Master Robent Dalton, Temp- Miss Nanrc Xood. G;aler leton, Quebec, anc holidaying Milis. Ohio. Mr. aund Mr. AY - xiththeu-cousins. Lois ana' FIlod Pcttick, and Robin, Tor- -Charles Ashton. enta, xvenc Sundax- visitons ai t'SNmpattv ta Mns. Douglas S. B. Pettick's. U.C.Wml.neeting uwas hield ai .Bantan and fami on ttc pas- Miss Rut Pettick -Iretiienef-d thc home of Mes. Ross Ashiton sugo! Mn. Birton. AIsolt hore w.itt Mu -ýs Nanex Wood on Ttuursdas- eveuînnr. xxith 13 relatives of Mes, S. Moffati lu Ohibo for, a fewx' xceks' holi- niembor5z. txxo xiFitois ai s(niec Sadie Craig). dav. five ctuldrcuî pensent, Noxv that examinaîlonr- Mer. W BtMre. -Car-ol- Meeting opencd xvitl~ in suhts are heu-e, wc wotld likc and Bruce, Miss Pal Box-to!i i ng of! 'vin 1.5. Dex-tionI ta extcnd congratulations bu anc spending, a week Pt Mr. wus Pulen bx- Mes. A. Cai-erd some o! oun talented musi- Jlohn Griffin's cottage. Kiî-k- fcom Lake 21h. Hx-mri 2.î3 "cians xvho werc succecsfuL1 field Lake. %as thensn. Secretary re:uu Grn. VIII Piano. Misses Bett Becent visitors ai Mre andi minutes of 1,,,t meeýting. M' z. JaneWerr an Susn Wern;Cnxx-ing, Mrc. L. Sle-mon aý,d JGae IWern adSuanWan:Mrs. C. Gacu-ard gave their 'Grde l Teouy, Misses Shir- u IU H eot n t~Lacsi 1ev Aveu-v and Maureen Mc- OineA Y eori n !thadronhip tNain, and Robent Siemon.retn ida HmoAp Mr. and Mns. Gea. rwin MIlS. ABI'.JULIA TRIPP ci]l ti. Baus mieeting xvaIs ther co nrci Ltcid, a fle xt e h Gef Cîash Tod.ay For Old Ailiances ai i-i hs1 ST AT E SM AN C L A SSIF1E D S Phone MArket 3-3303 BLÀCKSTOCK 7 A îiý%\cr: \0 hert xou replace or more ,epa rale tire- liahiblit: policies x.itIh lIl llctVIICr*lPolic\ trour H artford lI a.urance i pi oteci. ingîxe- \ou aili-dri CO% et a2e ..1rcatircor cuce . .piobabis can \ou iutoile\. Sec as iodla STUàbRPT R. JAMES (NSVR.ANCE REAL King St. E. Bowma Oilffice 'lulA 3-5681 Waltona Park St. Joseph's Parish i Punic hcld under the auspices of th"ý - Holy Name Society at Wal- e tIlrc tona Park, Newcastle. was a îhi-tremendously enjoyable evcnt on Sunday afternoon. Julv 0 \ 1: th. The hundreds of men, iI -lie xomen and childrcn who ai- oup1. tended were welcomed by the ig i paristi priest. Rex'. F. X.' Ma- 1oiid lane. Jamnes Fair, the president of ixn-the Holv Narne Society, was 1 >a\e chairman of the committee in j*), charge of arrangements. Other Members of this commit te e were Joseph Cuîddahec. 'rom Masterson, Bert Payne and Martin Molloy. S Ber" Payne was the Special ~'Draw chairman, and the win- ners were: lst prize $5i0, Bill JolI, Prospect Street 2nd prize ~2,Doug Davidson, Nestle- ton ?rd prize $15, M. Cowxan. STATh Liberty Street, and 4th prize ,10. Lorne MeQuarrie. Kin" ifnlIf'Street. Ton) Mastox-son ias n denee charge nf the raues, and lie ,-43was assistcd by other - mem- 34 bers of the Holy Name Society. ýWi'nners of the races were as Iolw:Boys 6 and 7, 1. Pad- - dy Vogels, 2. Larry Hardeas- tie, 3. Michael O'Brien. Boys 8 and 9, 1. Theodore Becker. 2. Larry Piersen, 3. Peter Schoonderbeck. Boys 10 and 13, 1. Tom Chard, 2. Francis. Cowles, 3. Murray O'Brien . Boys Open 15 and under 1. Tom Chard, 2. Theodore Bec- ker. Boys Open 16 and over, 1. Charles Murphy. 2. Aody Tielemans. Aduit Three-Legged Race was won by Doris Joli and Bon Haynes. The winners of the Three-Legged Race 16 and imnder were Juanita Tice and Dianna Cowles. Ladies Softball Throw was won by C. Doris Jo11. The Egg Thowing Contcst winners were Tom eand Vi Cowan. Girls 6 and 7, 1. Lori Cow- an, 2. Nancy Verleysen, 3. Deb- bie Haynes. Girls 7 ta 9, 1. An- gela Chard, 2. Lynn Piersen, 3. Leona Sweep. Girls 10 ta 12, 1. Juanita Tice, 2. Dianna Cowles, 3. Sophia Willems. Girls Open 15 and Under, 1. Juanita Tice, 2. Jill Donahue. Girls Open 15 and over, 1. Peggy Haynes, 2. Vi Cowan. 4 The married men were the winners in the keenly con- tested Tug-o'-War beating the bachelors by two pulls out of three-. Horeshoe Pitching win- ners were 1, Frank Hartford, 2. Jim Laverty. The Attend- Pnce Prizes werf, won by Leon Connurs and Mrs. Bruinsma. Work Proceeding on New Separate Schoo! (Tntended for last %veek) T% r. and Mcs. Win. Lamb and Miss Donna Lamb. Shir- ley, and Mr. and Mrs. W;11 Forder took a motor trip through Bancroft area last Mr. and Mrs. Percv Van- Camp and Miss Aileen. Mrs. W.W. VanCamp and Miss Mable mnotored to Orillia, Bracebr-idge and Dresden dur- ing the %veekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Oshawa, Mr. and Mcs. Boy, McLaughlin, Dernis and Deb- bic and David K vte visited Miss Donna McLaughlin at Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp at longford Mills, Sun- separate school is under construction and will be open day. Donna is representative in limne for classes in September. from Grade il girls of Cart- - - __ 1 -wright High School. Mrs. L. Slemon took charge o dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer,j the pcagram. Cheryl Ashton Ross Ashton and family on Mr. and Mcs. Glenn Larmer,, phayed two piano selections. Monday, the occasion, Mrs. Douglas and Ccaig visited Mis-: Mrs. L. Slemon gave a reading McLaughlin's birthday. ses Annie and Effa Wright, on Christian Stew.irdship. Glen Ashton is holidaying Oshawa. and the Glenns also! Lynda Potts favored with a' with Ronald Forsyth at Mr * called on Mr. and Mrs. George piano solo, followed by a read- 'and Mrs. J. Ormiston's, Ennis- Blighit, Oshawa, Sundax'. ing by Mrs. Joncs on Summerl killen. Mr. and Mrs. Garr 'v Han- Visiors Metingcloed ndý r. nd rs. ossAshon ock and Douelas, Orono, visît- Visitors.Meeting losed an~~ Mr. ad Mrs.Rs sio dM. and Mrs. Will Forder1 lunch was served. Au g ust and family attended the Me- L udv ýU.C.W. meeting wi]l be in iLaughlin picnic at Cartwrighl o S0 na1 charge of Mrs. A. GarrardlPark on Sunday.S-pah isetddth and group.i familY of Mrs ,James Larmer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon who passer] a\wa.v Sunda.v, Jiil.v Mrs. M. Blackburn of Strat- were Sundav dinner guest.; Bihj haven Rcst Home was a wel- of Mrs. Fred Toms. Enniskil- Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrel come caller at Mr. W. Black- len. 1n aî~, Ms burn's home on Sunday. adfmlý Mr. and Mrs. Ad5k s Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lock" lington, Mrs. Austin Brown- and son and Mrs. Lock Sr., ridge, 'Toronto, Mrs. F r ed' iPort Hope, wece Sunday v'5iF Tomns, Enniskillen, were Sun-ý tors of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gra- ýday supper guests of Mr. and' ham. !Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton~ Mrs. Clayton Read and boys, and Penny, Mapie Grave, caîl - Peterborough, are holidlaying cd on Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd with Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Ashton on Saturday. Mr. and Read and Lynne. :Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda andi The Community Pienîc will Janet, En.niskillen, were Sun- day xisitors. - be held on chucch lawn on Mr. nd rs.Hear, Tr- Saturday, supper at 6 p.m. ont. ae vsitng ithMr.di Sunday supper gucsts at Mr. ont, reviitng it M. n and Mrs. Alfred Garrard's Mrs. J. Aikenhead at their were Mc. and Mrs. L. Griffin, cottage. Mc. Melville Griffin and Miss, Mo ney - Saving Rena Graham and Lily TabblDoris Griffin, and Miss Gertie spent the %veekend with Mr Henry, Blackstock, the occa-' andMr. W Rhm t ou1 sion, Barry's second birthda.y.: GOOD-AIRE Reg. 89, Mile Lake. ýMc. and Mcs. Charlie Garrard' Mc. Kenineth Graham receiv- spent Sunda.v evenring with SLUG-A-BUG Reg. ed the sad news on Wednes- !them. day of the sudden passing of i Mr. and Mcs. Bob Keitti and MODESS 12's - Reg. bis daughtec Dianne at thelfamils, Scarborough, w e ce Westmnntec Hospital, L o o-Saturday visitors at Mr. and, Reg. .35c don. Funeral service was atMrs. Charlie Garracd's. Su " O IE- ra the Ralph Day Funeral Homne, day visitors were Mc. Bruce OLV ON Cea Danfocth Ave., on Friday. In- Garrard and family. Keswick. terment Besthax'en Membrial' Lynda Potts s.pent the week-! VASELINE 160,- Gardeus. end at the White Cottage at' Mc. Wayne Blackburn, with HRwk Lake with Mr. and Mrs. FREE PLASTIC RAIN J. Jones and B. Tabb, motored Ken Kilmer. to Algonquin Park on Sunday., Lynda Potts, having had a B R E Mrs. W. Thomoson is visit- holiday, bas retur.ned to hier ing relatives at Toronto. ! trainin.g at Gencral Hospital, h m o Mrs. Cowling, Mr. and Mrcs Toront o.-10 W. Blackburn, Doug, Dale and -10 Neil enjoyed a pienie at Cart - i wright Park on Sundav wi'th JL\H l- ils C of the M. Tabbs and the Elfords,ý Mc. and Mcs. Boss Ashton and famnil 'v attended the UnioniM iss. J. Coulter Ppo picnic al. Lakeview Park on, Saturday. spntstu< as xan Mrs. Edna MeLaughlin, Burke- Thc following puDils of Miss, s e m ton. Jeanne Coulter, A.B.C.T, Pon-ý Mcs. Edna McLaughilin was itypool, werc successful in the!4 (Lindsay centre): ,SIZE Grade 5: Pass, Linda Young,-l man, Puntypool, Marlene Mc- Gihi. Janetville. 69< Grade 2: Honours, M a r y - ~Aun Martichenko, Bet h a ri:8 Z ~~ Pass. Susan Scott, Bethans. 8 o Sz. AIl candidates successful. Parish Picnic I lI Enjoyed at D(ACf. 1.5 59 Hair Dressinq 29c 79c 1.39 Reg. 1.25 HAT WITH EITHER C K Hair Set Mist 1.49 LOTII St 'ti P( Ini Bi Now YOU (an LOSE W~ AND ENJOY 1 su . i PLMu V.", t ~ÛMM1TS ci Each biscui 175 calorieý carry in pocket. Les a mcal. IDASORB 75c 1 UUMI. dbtC COLGATE Rrg. i65c,. MACLEANS iu PEPSODENT.ut alui BRISK aitie IPANA ius lu.e LISTERINE msi -57C 59C 79C --- ------2 9 c 53C 2 for 99c SPECIALS on National Brands Pe-jees effective JuIx 16 ta 21 ANACIN Recg. 89e BAND AID SRP COLGATE CEN 79C Reg. 5:"c 47c Reg. 98c 79C MILBUF Coinpetitive Prices Plus Personal. Sci itif3Molu SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE AI I THIS WEEK! SSPECIALS! 8BR 1ST A Reg. 1.00) 80 WMAN VILLE Liste rifle Antiseptic Reg. 98,r 88r SUAVE Reg. 98c. LUSTRE CREME LUAVEAAASKIN NIELIMC REAM Cfl(~AFTER OLD ~ SHAVEA10 Brai Ph Il Ps' il. of iiagnesia AA;ii, English S Reg 79 CA HEALTH S Reg.79C 4 c One pound lin *PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDII ALEX. McGREGOR DRI 4 King St. E. (Formerly Maher's Shoe' Reg. 1.29 1,13 Reg. 1.99 1.53 Reg. 2.2.1 1.98 CAPSUI A Dietary Sup, Safflowpr Oi... <A» e.cellenf oI poiyinisatrrnied lfél Pyridoxine Hydrochinr iVptom,n 86) - PHONE MA 3-~ One o! ManversToxnhu oldest îr'sidcnts. Mes. Ahh- Julia Tripp died on SundaN, TRINITY UrNITD CNURCH Jul *v Civic Hospit ut. Peterborough, xvteee slehe ted Minister - Rex'. Wmn. K. Housiander, B A., B.D. teen' , l adste r.t tlexioî' Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. in hec life thal ste t:ud teen un a hospital. Mes. Tripp svas l1t1vears oid last Chistmas 11:0 MONINGWORHIPThe former Abbv Julia Ed- "Buldig Bidgs"gerly was bon in Newport, Rev. A. W. Harding will preacb United States ta Henry Ed- N ward Tripp. Ttc famihy came The congregation Pl St. PauI's United Church ta Canada in 1908. Fan a time thcv ived at Franklin, then wiII unite with Trinit, in Trinity United Churcb. in Lindsay whene hec husband died in 1925. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL After hec husband's death she came ta ive with hec son. _____________________Gux' Goss Tcipp. and bis wi!e on the aId MeCcocrie home- ~stead farm, nacth o! BethanN. U I 1 Irý1Aýk1 This lasi fexv veau-s ste had REHO O TH CHRS I N fluxed hene in the sumn-ec time R EFORMED CHURCH 1 daughten. Mns. Gardon Steen. ch emembercd clcacly ttc Scugog Street, Bownianville Cixil Wac. the ceturn of tte Rex-. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Mîinister Union soldiers le 1865 and MA 35023President Abraham Lincoln's Telephone NA3-03assasination. a Hec son flux'dicd iu 19,54 WORSIP S RVIC S U and ste is surx'i-ed hv ber WORSHP SERICESdaughter-in-law%, ttc former - ollad UJennue McCnrrie, %,-ho haz 9:00 am. - Hllandlovingiv cared fan ber for ' .a 11:00 - English rnany x'cars: four graudchild- 7:30 .m. Engish en, Staniex- Tnipp. Hom,-r 7:30 pm. - EglishTripp and Mrs. Gordon Sicer Preclaining the ll'lole Couinsel of (;od <M1arioricu. o! Toronto, and U Dr. J. H. Tnipp o! Cobouurg. p ~ Also sucxiving are five grc-si- "Back rI S randchildren'and tiwo great- "akTo GdHour" BU a eat-gcandchildnen. ~AUUMU~I~ il The funeral servi:ce xvas heri CKLB. Oshawa, at 9:13 p.m. every Sunday j from ttc Mueicombe-Rch-.t CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.m F'unerai Home in Onicmoo on ~ V .. , JT-srýav. wcn ttiril 'n RPi\v-,,- GILLETTE Super Blue BLADES Sa f floi Something New! SCULPTURE CON-TACT Creates new and exciting decorative treatmen kitchens, false chirnneys, firepIace, etc Eas% to apply . . . is self-adhesive Choice of several designs. WINDOW SHADES .Sizes 36 x 70. Available in tbree grades EXTERIOR PAINTS WALLPAPERS FOR EVERY ROOIV ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WAILLPAPER .13 King St. W. MA 3-.5431 rvi<.e ~MIN ON Unburn Ichinz ýoison 'v sec t i tes 1.19 fEIGHT ' T!l it contains ýs Easy ta purse or ss than .13c Bc eness due to les or dental ectve tosty. ydentests. wer %ND E;6 LES )plement ont ainsi .... 912 Mg. C>, ncdl) ,ie,05Mg. 3.50-- and t-le juiv ig, lnm2 Bruce Mountjov and family. Allan Bailey, Oshawa. Mrs. A. .Mr .and Mrs. Charles Smith. Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mess'rs. Earl Dorreil and Har- Bailey were guests of Mr. and ry' Sanderson. Mr. Roy Fergu- Mrs. Hector Shortridge and s on. Donald Wright, Mrs. Ce- Bill, Sunday, July Ist. cil Hill. Paul and Carol Rahm Miss Linda Venning accom- attended the Ferguson piCnic panied Mr. and Mrs. Blakp in Stratford. Wednesdav, JIIlv Gunter and Laura Jo home tr> 4th. Napanee Sunday. where she Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- will spend a few holidays. jo ' are participating in the Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blake- antique car tour from London man, Toronto, were Sundax' to Brighton. evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Austin Beacock, Mr. John Vcnning. Royv Ferguson. Bey. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailev Ferguson (Stratford). M rs. and tamnilv of Everett, Ont., Cecil Hill, Mrs. Lloyd WrightlMr. and Mrs. Allan Bailev. and familv attended the Bea- Oshawa', Mrs. A. Leighton, Mr. cock picnic in Orillia Satu'r- and Mrs. H. Shortridge and daY. Bill were guests of Mr. and A large number frorn here Mrs. Frank Bailey, Sunday. in attendcd the Orange Parade honor of Mrs. Marshall and in Lindsax' on Saturdav. Mrs. Clark who leax-c this ReT. and Mrs. Merrili Fer- wcek for their home in Eng- guson, Stratford, spent the ]and. weekend with Messrs. Roy and Svmpathv ks extended Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Mrs. Cecil Boy AverY (nee Ferga John- Hill enroute to Halifax to;ston) and famil.y, Tillburv, visit théir daughtcr Helen - land Mr. and Mrs. J1. A. John- Mr. and Mrs. K. Voutt a nd ston. Blackstock, on the dea'.h Robbie. of Mr. Avery. Funeral ser- Mr. and Mrs. Noci Morton vice e was held in Blackstock andDavd, shaa, 'istcdUnited Church on Friday with 'the friends at Roy Ferguson ' itermetnCdmsCre Su nday. tUV Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wrighl and family visited Mr. and The Canadian Red Cross Mrs. Bert Visee, Cavan, Sun- Enquiry Bureau handlcd re- day. quests 'from 38 cotintries last. Mrs. Clark and Mr-. Mar-'- year, and replicd to over 7.000 shall. England, Mr. and Mrs. enquiries. 98C 89C Tanth Dnctai 83c, 2 for 1.59 ý PHONE MA 3-5

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