*;ý PLAYGROUND REPORTS * ! Honor Hydro Men for Long Service Security Work f Kiwani% Park Grr('rombir, linda S4teel d On Mondas. l gin-9, v,- %ent the bette: p'art of the Ytornîng holding the plax-off-, lor' Ille tiln (an <i -Nel toL* nsl- mTenti to )0 h-ini t ie rfdo ow- irig 1Aednéeýdat. D'ririug tlle AftLeriioon the -aie daY in î'e 411*1 and cia ft per!nd t lie ch ild- I <'i imadrzia-k.- whli -est - 'das bcint-i -Piv -elidone Irven for thîe -nilier t onng - Fteî'*S. Nost rof Tiesrlav mnoiîn inrg WaF pont inq lot ga m, &uch As onoits. 1ho: SssoeF andi lican baigs. Stor*,x.tellilng heinj a11011- wilh iAl imagina t t iwtn hunt ilito the oingles or rpt kPsti Africà. Ai Wer'nez.dav wt'a ie ir av ntf qrtint-icictIoun a - yQ(rfl % o î iet o -1 1aSchool siiorii: i Pueyers fî'on-i ui. park I afiu pieased Io sa'-vJhat two - i*lý Edith Bnle- antd NéïncXelsh \ier ablie to at tsii firsi Place in thpe et ont foîr the ,i- lor- girls. During thp laier part of tlle woek \-e madp ant attemipi ai moodern aril wh ch tun i uiniu r-uile wo Il alIthnuIl i one of the ,ebletî iz'we r ealît- ienpt- lifi-a'B;le. Sorire of the cihldireii sp tîthei r a ftertiîîins iin tht' Sttiinring hcle tt Iich pinte. a w e conie irelief rlnring thrc 1varm aflernocon'. Earh Tues- <lav, eveniiig the park is kepl open ltiotîl 9 prn. l'lie k ids, huilt sand casi les atnd were Also quitp ;killed at plaving quoits and horseshors, Titi <anl cricket seeîn5 Jo il! a spot enio 'veci h all or Ili. youngste's Ilhnt flIteprogr-aome îs varied wtîth uîrh gaines as horseshoros. dodgp b a 11 andi Ynany oth-r. J-ranklmn Park Ileane Rajîrnp On Wednesda-v, Jui' l. 1,tIi" tôlloxviitg t eanis repi-esetited F'ranklin Park in <lielTin Cati cricket tournitent heltni aI EIÉLECTRIC LTD. !~ ;<ÇONTRACTINGREPAIRS FRI -lIEFRIGERAT ION - ITE( TRI( 9OTOR - sil'i.lý%SESî:Vî< TV- RAÀDIO - ÀAPPI.I1A NUE,ýS ('enttal School: Senior Girls- Gertrude Cale and Maureen 1Martin: Senior By-Chaî'le:- Fwert and Paul Lucas: Junior By.Ricky'v Shackleton and Alan Mx et-s: Junior Girls Nancv Hooppr and .Andre-a Ew'.The Senior girls plac- eci second aod the Junior girls placed thîrd. Duî'îng thie week, tie held a peanut scramblp and a Bean Bag tournanient 'w'aFiron bx' Obie Rypstra otiJo-atm Myers placing a (ose >eronri. On Tliîrsday foi' onr -perial et ont we heIn a bai-':wta dç da \.AIl the chi IcI iren t'oi eitr dol lies back - wvai-d--andi nia ved thie gaines hackxtards. This xveek on Fni- nIa"\- 'liilcl(Irenai-e goiiîg on a pui( c (-andîisttiiin g pa rt. Flett St. Park Jeanette Marsden ])'lete o lte liaciiveathlera t (tlie be giiîîg or thle oeek tw-, xt'err-n't able Jo gel thtn -s roli- in- ight i ax-.. It arts andc crafîs o-e marie grotesque 1iidiatî ma.,ks. îolonrfnl tee. pecs and heaci bands. Wednesda *v Fleti St. Park took part in thie titi-i-ail îrîrkei tourîlamerti at Central School. Don MMrtrandc Wra v Reti- del] %von tlie Sentor Boys Clîamnitionsliip anîd Johnti Eh- or. anédWa 'ite Puiedei guI a third iti JInior Bot s. Stiuz.ai anid Cathrt't Et<'ler wredre- Icateri but pot up a goond figlîl for, Senior girls. FrýdaY ' we receix-ed àw-l -Orne visit ftotîî Ontario St. Park. Afler a uitil e ecitenîeliiî we serveci our, guests fî'eslîte 1 ba'-e a feeling ive uI lieb able Jo returti the vsit i oot. AIl]i aIl w e bad a buist- week. (>ntarin Street School D)enise WVeaueiIs, Dan Marshall MolucdaY\'.e han arts ail, 'taft7s uliig Z papeî b a g.s tri make faces. Oit Tiesdlat' we speiil the da nakîng îinvita- tions foi- oîum Talent Show that, nigbt. lst prize, Brenda H-en- nîng for hem tap dancing anid balo:i twirling. 2iîd prise. Judy S'ellers atndi Kaances Henîîiig forî the Indiait songs andi 3rd. Litnda Farrell for biei- baton t w'i rî ng. Wt"diesnxaw'look partl in lte iniei-pla ,-\gt-ottd tlin cai -i'ii-ket touîîîameîît beîd at Centrlal Stitool - luit'Selleis antd Fîstîce.s Heilning w-oi t be Juntior Girl' -Iampîonsbîp for Ontarto Street. Th I1-s da 'v i-asotuir spiria! rîav. Ever vbodt ' elitt hp Ktwaiiis Park fot- a put-ic anrd stt mîîtg.Frtda v tîtose pue- sent made papier plate faî-e., iii the moi îing o Inte a ftei' nooni some of t lie Iîdîaîîs froni Flett St. Park ('aie atnd <aptut-ec Danî. The rest of uts as, înteî-ester oîî-Iookeî s w'eiî tît-er J o xtatrlî tîem tue Daut lo tilie tetîeî'ba Il pole. F'îtali, flitet î'leased huit. So endis anotbeî- -eek. I.ions ('entre June Bain. Nancy I'OOISPY 'lule secondi teNk of plat,,-- guouici anItvti tesaIteiuonis Centtrew-as suu'-cessfullv r.onu- pleteci. 'Te etîjoyable hit" -Paintinîg pintut-es of their. pets *ZIPPERED DL10ICH 1)0011 CO'<LLAPSIBLE STEEL. POLES' " REl""' F IN THE DARK" COLEMAN LANTERNS -'$11-88 Reg. $16.9.1 I.ights lnstatidt. Rut'ni-ii i an.-%ueather. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED! NYLON *SLEEPING BAGS Ru bberized (Grouind Shieet 100"' Zipper Reg. S16.95 RUBBER RAFTS andi them.selves. Another higb.- lighti of our week was te par- ticipation of set eral of aur chiîlreîî ii Tin Caoi cricket tournanient ai Central School. Teains w ere as follows: Senior Bots. Doit and Ron LePage Nvho placed third: Senior Girls. Sharleite Cain and Barbara Bro%;-ning ivho placed third; Jutuior Boys. Bernard Kitney anîd laits Retmuîler: Junior Giýrls., Theresa Kîtney andi Darlene Mastersq who placed second.i Our soecial evt-nxa a Pet Shom %which was held on Frida « . To carrt' onithiis rnood t lie- cbildi-en in the mox-ning miade atiînials out (of paper bagas. The afterýnoon's, activit- tes began w îtb a series of <ontests wiiicb were. for the extimple. the animal nîakinga lte loudesi noise, a tie bet- w eci Cliarlie. otirRhonda fHeît'iigton and Cbum, own- ed b'v Caroîx-ti Rigg: Anilmal tilithe longest clars. ow-nei- Carol >'îî Steel. animal with loiîgest tai!. a tie between owni- er Hleaither- oliaiiiiaand Spot. ott'ttet-Amîie Kent.- atnial with biggesl eyes, ownie Alice Chu'- fîrk. anial witli longest fui'. Spot. ouner Anne Kent andi C-oqulette. owner Ron LePage. attinia! to sitl np the best, Char lie. ovv-uer Rhonda Hetlt- erltîgtoII. titoat differotit ani - mial Noszeyv<a luffeci seal t, rtt-er susait B' oysoii. A pai - ade aîîd a lion hîint followed tliese contest. 1)a.v ('amp tUarg ('orden. .Ioln Perry, Berta Higgon DU1111ithtle firsi wPek of Day ('amp te boyvs wei-e dîv- idec i tto tlîree tribes andi speuit the vweek, buildinîg forts andc dattis.'VTe three trîbesý w-eme thte Mohîawks. Apaches andc Sioux. eacî'. tî'be hiavung a Chief atîci a Medicine Mati. Ci-a fts includet! paintinîg Jo- le-nt-polos. makiîîg head'bandsý anc tOmn-ltuns. Wedîîesdat' îîiglît the boys,< had Ihlteir sleep-out andi alsoý liac a xveiner- roasi dui'ing the! Patents Niglil w'ax Fî'ida *v iiigbî aoc! ltteprogramme col-ý sîsteci of soîtgs. Indian ChaI'ý lee.Fi-e Lighting ceî-emony atîd an Ar-her'v cotilesl. Alan Foi-anî%von-thtile a rn'lert' con. lest foir liteApachies. The bes! uampomr iiosen by the staff was Eddie Bon,. vinr-ent llu4'ey I)oigg Oke, Kat-en Barrabail MVonda'v tnorutiig oit Vin- cent uMaSSev PlavgrontuLid %v e tvei'e gu'eeted bv cool weatber, a w-îld wiîîd anci sbifting sands. But lthe moî'îîîîg got off tn a gond staîl byv playuîîg active game'-îatîdi hbeiîforming teams for a tin-can crucket tourna- illo011Wediiesday' . The af- tenooîîsa o- hhe finais fou lorîiung <tirti't anis. Stoîie-S and soitgs eîuheîtaiîted the -tua lIer htîdi eti. As Tuesia v xt-as quuîte htot the <-ildieti tnîuk partit quiet ganes andi hIe a fteinoon oas spent ini t'satî Ci iaftF. Wedutesda v tvas t akelit) pbt ,.the titi --ait cricket touniameni. Ail oui; leanis dîi teir best aud oui, Juntior Boys dii xcrY w-el a] - mosi wiinig tîhe Junior boys; * Nylon gereefned thrniighoul * Sf»win-in finor ' PoIe.u and pegx *1ý'agp.rproofpd lent duek .e C'anopy stnrm doore 'indlvidiiall.v eartoned. Ist QLIALITY MAIL. ORDERS A CC'EPT El Coleman STOVES S$12-88 * -h tiriter "TuuoLrist" * atr I'p'arU e, - - - - -- --.-1 -----------beaiei AIR MATTRESSES 1IE.-AV DLJ'1 12-(GAIJGE VINYfL Repair Kit En<Insecd F Isy guarante-ed Reg.'$1299 COLEMAN COOLERS ALL CAMPING SUPPLIES $$..BUY THE BEST FOR L ES S . . Recreation Report Cirls' sofîbail TLA-' teek brouiglît in a coei lie regul a r -hedile por ,he Rautani G irIs Town I.ea- glie Softbali. 'Tle seîiîî- final plaYoffs wit cet tîdrwviis coming Fni- dat- ai C'entral School wiii tiame Uie 6:1,5p.nî - in the fîrsi i-ouid thpieRotarianq w-il I plat- Scugog ('leanerq. Usted helots- s ilîpfinal stanîding of Ille leagite- Rotai..-- I 8 6 4 4 scugog Coloriation P'rtdav ,lttl'27- Twent'v members of Ontario 1Hvdr-o's Securitv Div'ision were the recenî I ecipients of silxcr serlVice medals awarded b v the Canadiaii Association of Police Chiefs. Presentation of lthe rncdals, sv'mboliz ing 20 o>r more ' \ea]*S of' ContirInunu-,S e'I'ViCe i10 \'iOLIs Canad- ian police for-ces, vvas made b.v Hv\dLo Chairman W. Ross Sîîîk'e ( lehI) today. l'Yiîr (ifthe i r'rintls .sliîit h er-e, ai-eiden'ified wAthi the ('iin ssiiîî (nIta Reîotion imbtacitgJtionioanti smiipmdiîuiuu taos. Thex- arte, leftin rtiglu fri-NIM . Strîîke : I.;ar~iw. (;i-egoi-\-35: earc: WAlcr R. St(e-îwi 3)Satiinl Aùken (3M )anid (George .-. Vuoodbiige I25.i 'n -Ont airi l t d lte Ceam of Barle- on Sit - Lam-a Folic,\),'aîrii', e r, u-, ** *dat\ .- rltgIlter Ia; i - oil ifi-ld Socc r usslig.l aiiu-eBeeclu atIenler .Date Vél-e. \\t1lut lue cai ri'i ~~occe r n .~~~up I uti isFrntt-e u' I g stîter11 - ii-- lîl i1e li OShlaxt'a Coit Saltii-dat cliii r a u I io t'r' îu1) c 1 u elleus iot-ed tb withiu a sjitglE lý,oI. 01ilte stieiligth of a 3-1 Mi-.aîîd Mis HrîtlSttcusterlcute ' il refer poit-itOf leagte - 1 e a d 1Iil g ()\'iemli e Bo t-rauiîîg and l'ait voePa-nîoîîg the I30 MiS.\Vi. H.Fue Coni i'lice,. Iold t gh t.-hb' School, Soli na niec.iioneci l'y- guîcsts;anCI tolisu us toga tii - N r------ c.NI- iA sbutitg ut T roe -0.('ui - ti ~laurlMaple i-re cui-vdOntthe lait tfor. atul (au ieî'ii :'rish tice tvas ipset .1-I hv 'lin' - ti topponl last place Bh(, r.KitSuîeso-i îtttle- îat su i i on Salui -day utigh t.The . \*vltille 1-0. tua x-il le. bt îteiet thvlieur o M-i- . M . atcln I'd ci u i, leî's hav-e a game io banni rver Senior Sianldinas q Mis. Atgus MclM.illiaiî lue' ToI-01-ono, rît Siiiîuist the fiGt-'îîes ;. P. P! Ce11at'--d Nzellujig [la -itipfto n ('outi ,in-e 14 punied Off a 2-I decisiori 0,et ovnl-it- t' Tyt-oîte aîd Soliîîa dow-îed 'hon ...ilJ 1 U-î----~ Maple Gi-ni-e "-0 i otîc.tri T'oîte Il4 j weekeiid gaines. In Wedii.- Snliîîa 15 daY eveitlng*s lotte eicoîuliii'c Maple G-ve -14 a A t r m~ Zioti edged Solitîs'2-t and iai-e Hatnphton 14t 6 f fi M r îîovv a suuîple îpoinît altead o, Juninr S;Ilan d in gx CH OS UUUPs 'Fxî-oîe hiîiu-d pla-e. G P. Pti tI U ~ i ffW j Ilii Tlhmt-sdat- itlit5 luniiorCouui-p 5*IIL IIV 9** actioni. Hamptonîî l ifirlt'h" / ou 9 t-QVUL IU UVVLFU Place COnî'îice to a ,o-ces lvî-Oite 9 i drawv xvth'ble 'iimot'ed pas: Hamptton 1 LINIt 11_j îîîg %-e learnri set-cial I uuet sonîgs andc siîîgtng gaîîîes. "lii- bui-ial nf a dead irîd fouîiîd on te plat'gr-outd andc a utilo building t-ontest higbliglîtei thme after'îooîî. Fridav was orur spectal event w'iiih t a sw'i mming pa i t t a Id uilni lieli at the Ci-cani ifBsc- Canmp andciMwas etlixer'(l bY aIl. IMemorial Park Libby('ale. Date Verî- 'heliconud oeck au Mieut- ou'îal Park tias IhttgIliglitenîi b% thieoeuttg of <lie wadliig -pool. Sèvîe te w-eatliet o-s-- quitte varuîilits an-litt-w;' grealyvappu'ecuaed. On Wediiesdat anit ntier- park li-rau trîrkltoutrna- met %vl as b elci a1 C e iitlsi -P Sultool. Our Jtunior boys. Wa!- fer VVei.es-,cynskt anîd Bar-t' Cow'an woou thoir divisiotn. wlîile our Senior boys. Rartdy Beauprte and JIobhn 'Favhlo weu'e sec-ondi. Our Jutnior girls ivere Joauîîîe Bu omeli sund Bî'euda Cootv l'The Soiciu ~irhs were Beveily'Pei'gtusnri andi Gail Knapp. Fidav ivas Spectal Eveuit Day ah Meniortal Park. T'he cîtildirt-i w'oi'e thliur <'ni lies bac-kwat'cs and hiac sote bau-k- w rliac-es of ciffeueot vai - ietieç. Rick Bt omeîh and Rai- dyt Beauprie wi)thtle iark ttal-I mobeeîbari oti'race t-lt le Kar'en Sbrei and Barbara De- boo wn lte arkm'arrl 2-lg- geci race. BURKETON riuff.Sakch a.M- f Brown. Mr. Charles Rroo n. Raglan. Ms.Dorothî Rrt -anl. Miss Hilda Hall, Oshawta. wrr recent gne'ls or Mi al I: B. Hubbard. Oui w--iene,-rnia * twta..n't àý siîccessfffl as anittcipated he- Caus.ze of the raini Cong1ratLlnationIS t() MI' a ni Mns John iSicpheiPIs'on (liee Arlene Nvals i anid NMri aw MiSlailles Stephenson nec Marito StInson i on thei r mai - r ia ges. Nu . and ir~ls. l-leît l eiîe New Denark. NvtPrii. -- wick., Mi. andi Nu ý. Che-tur Jensen, Donald. Kath\,. Gaih and Joh n. Bottniativi !e were receot guesýts or 'di. and N Bill Pederseji and ramilv. Svnîpathiv s e ndr o Mi'. Adams and raniilv gtnirie- ativrs ini the pas,;ing of MVI Oscar Adams of Roseiicaih. Oshawa. weîe Su orlaytgi-- of Mr i-. llc rs VzA.C'. Stephcni son and fatiil\i . eIî- Mi rýand I. eMhok anîd familt .Toroiiito. ha\t p moxd tto heSimpson Iînust. MI' anld MIS. SaMLiel (;r'dl! anîd famîlt, Oshawa. w ere rp- centf gieSIS of Mrsý. R. Dat-ct Mrs. Ross Oke andiul, Mir.j Bill Oke and fricuîd. Osha% a. tWere Sun1daýv guests of Mr. andi Mrs. E .M. Adanis. GIad :o report thia'. Nl, Maud Bailet' bas beerirn a. Pd from hospital andi i5 reroPring io Strathai-en Nn rýsiiig ; Horne. Bownianvtille. We had a good ri:îrnber of visitors at on r chu rt-h erviue on Sundav rnornîîig. Sunda Sclhoo! at 10:1. a. ni. a ilcd Church Worship at 11:15î a !il.a wil! continue loto la le A ugwo-:W'edding belis are rînigitigC _n thincz(omnnIII'. Air. Rail or Steam,ýhip N T 1 c K E 'T S TO EVERYWHRE .1 (' on5uit1 f1 R T & L 0) V F,1 . 1 U! Ri.ng St. %1'. NIA%336 R.T.S. Sol intu 'hsîiîe Gmove> Boviliiai util le 9 9 9 9 RIIU... Sctgog Uleaner« s v Rrtary Moticdax. vil' 1 ('oronlatioiîCf -sKtai WNednesdla .Aug. , Rotar\-t Sciigog CIP.an(-r* The ther Rames t in e çrhp- dut led. U.isted hplow sç thfb standintg of the boys sofîbaîl: Braves 2 2 GameqS a<hdcitîlei-for thiu w eek: Satui'da J*liî.18, 10 0( a m. Indians vs Tiger. Monnda.x, Jly 3. :llp.. e COU TICEfoi, a flnwe- demnonstration iý lutendeci foi' lasI week) Peele and Mis Ce-cil Sirmunona 'phe ndesuip ('titIof w'ere appointed to take charge lt-p t1iled Cuc éifthe prizes forthieIJf'W. noeetintg for iiiie but gaih- picnir Mdaty it ggestîong werf trd ogetltei for stîpper anîd receivcd for- s p o t' t ,;, Mrý a zuliox- hi Oshiawa Br'uce Johnîson, leader-, riospil Fideli% Unit wîtlia Short poeîti. a1ld ait, "lite Fuieîis Unit tiet at tlle 1tiliiced tlie Se-plembez' nîetf- uitifoi' a shorî ts 055ing iig - 11e lîcîithie 2id AMori- nieci ':g t-liu'h i ok plate i't- dat- of thîe mont hiin placett dler itie leader MrisNiairire tllie -egilar- meeting date. All G;a% i-u t- fac-ia!do'iioitst atioîî ladrt es iri dto the patio tet- tts hod li m.oi tessert'ed a! t-arc ee r attdAI"s. Mina, pa- er pei-snintohelp t hi- kr serteci a barbet-ne lunch. Julrot 1i1n tîciTlîanîks nere exteîîded Jo j. y -Unit eitlî Mittaker on lus joh ai ThJ'elot ('U'n'-tliir 4ý!h-lef for tlîe et-eulirn. ai lie ihite of MW is. Ki1% M.C.% NIll i5 ia m tti teni bei-s a:id Thl'lîe îtted Clii îrlîIVomen îîîî îiew"-mlei-proetint -De o- of Coiumti t-e inied Cliurch1 t ou' wInas takeuu Liv Mis. E:o'lîcîidtlîe aStît ai pin-tue alth'. l)iuiliu'îtaid Mt s.Al(;aM-dcii hiircl ite Inlcaxvv tain. ,eom tnuî'Is îtere tii mîd iii fo- pot luckdnuer was eîjo'ed, !ie Nteîb' bAzaas Ail la- bt-al l Iriits nilli gaies sotii t;Peiî s aby fond hlott les for, for Rex. Har'old Saitotin %as ý-iiOteIhrr pmojc-t iii tîe fail. "t platîteci aloîîg witbplatns for pr-eeillatiîiu tas mtade in Mis ýtlîe Sîîîda- Sd'îol Picoe t o Norvus Coitho t ofa cosrneicr ie elci aI farlingtoti Park hag fuir lieurt rip in the bospi- No'-,clt p, /cow-ete %A'01ht I 'lu Th ttîe xtut - eîe ask- i's. James WiHisand Nha-. î'rl Iti sel a <laIe atici arraiîge1 Chau'IeaA:'chet' MAPLE GROVE Osîta lt-a tisiterl the foi- mer' sisi (r. Mris. Etiwtard-l (ox. oui Mapl Gî-ot'e Roanl. wîihe Mr. C'ox iut atva\ t- west L.ake ii a li-linig trip Musx. WallIe r Richrîtc n otm. 'it'uszîr.i "ti,., andrI Nrs. Sai Deix-cl. -Hamiptont. Mrs. 1), I 'oa tes. En-alitîfoirI. MWr. a 1,1 Mits.IJackIllicge aînd fannitx 'Tor'onto. wei'e w'eekend vis- ttîrs vith Mis. L. C. Snowdeîî anud- Boit. 'l'Ii u'orî-Spoîuieîît hlxt et- , ort t bIobe sut late iin exteori- m, t ilie>congr'atulatlotis of lthe cointnuuix-to tc-. sud Vit-s D. Bothi-ol Srt-tut îeacbiîîg their iflhitxedding arnux-emsau-t Mrs.U C. Siîow,ýdeîui. Mîs. T. 1-l. Coatu's. Mr. Bob Sutowde'î tvere Sundst- supper gtîc-ts -1il tlîe fou-mer s dangite- sund huusbaind. Mr. atnd Min. Johîn Hibaiid. Oshavva. Mi' aîîi Mis. V'atikKlî. Guuel pli speit iSu da t x' il licum uoiisin. Mr. anuit-I Mu- I-I R.Fole-. Pîlts. I._('olla-uui. Nt"iF. LC. -t îow-ret. Nhr. and 'rs.I-i. G., Vr eniaîî attrunicrdthe birî-ii ilat nari- forMîrs. FH. R. F'olt,ý gîii nbx- lrziç:Ijs atndidatugli - lers al thîe ionte of Mrs. S. T. Rýart!eti. Brookluit. on Satiu- dat lasc. mr. a;ICI :\li-sF. awn PBc- et t alidrlfaini tIi'a tenried tihp L.-els-B3eckrtt WeC'Cdciilg a Belle'\il le on Saitirda v Mi- andciMIrs. Fred Stes-ens -pnita fexi' cav s lasi week ai Se-ut h l Lak. eSts Of thlîi I cainghtei- ;3s1ud liinsbairl andi mi-lt . ranidM .Rovtp- ping, wvhen .1i ni Toppina joui- (CI his parients aft er hol ida viii u-ith his gi-siîdparents. Mr. anrd ,Mi'. Fred Stex ci-. NI i. s nd MIrS. John iceo aînd famuilt . Miss Lvnida Martný ar~e tacaiioning a t Bu ni t R i oi this tteek. aIrsuind s. Gordonî Ia; t i iiîîotore(d in Birampton ii SoIIîda\ anid t'i,;ited theîr ' ter-iiî-1atu. IVrs. T'. W. Martin antI fanîîlv. rNI. . (-,,Ba rr a nd fa nIi il hae returned a fter threeI week s' tacatiniiig ait Pi eý qI iile Point. M\Ir. Ba rr spent a t',eek there also. Recoiit t isitor% ;il Mr. anri Mr Ia pn dMrs EHi. ennîin.-s, C'airclx-ll.Mr. And *\1r- Ji1ni Cihson, PatItv a nd Riclkx of Artoiî. Mi-.ai id Mrs Gor- don Shunk and Roniald. Port Perrt-, Mr. Chester and Bruce-, Milîs. Fni.kitlen. 'Miss, Bar- bar-i Hughes,. Mapl(- Gi-otef Mr. and Mis Mitchell Ker- neî.Reid. 'lena. Beth. of Artoitn,îeta foîr davs la i1 w-eel. with their aitoit andlinui îl!e.M and Mis. C. MiIF and fa mil' M-s R ar-bara Milsaro- Dan epci friencis to the Air Show a: Trenitoni on Saturdav. Ml-s .Jo'.r MtItandi Mi. Barbaias lu hi-s rep 1, n1rniip C 'ome on Srîa attr a ho;i- dav in Neti York Uitv' N1tanîd trz,'r M cG Ui -I andifm't pn the ekd .s tIiM alii Mm'. ('harles, Cobet . B'e;laoý John remain- pci for a biolidat-. andi Mi-q Kath, fcz t lie"- anlt. Con19i'atLilions to Maste;' John Mc'Guirk on obtaining! t, cia-s honors un both Grade- APipno anéi Grade l Thon' v '%Il son rs c;îrd', ec aiîended the Griffin pîcnic; at I ROYAL, Asor;TEn) rLAVOURS INSTANT PUDDINGS SA VE de - 4'-r*49< ~7 9c, o~5 4 49c H AL V E,; SA WVE l 1ic - UONA PEACHES .IANE PARKFgR LAR(C.E SA VE20,- ANGEL FOOD CAKE SHORT or CROSS RIB Roast PORK SAUSAGE BEEF LIVER Califor-ni.Lu&ctous, Sw..t, Canadla No. t Grade BARTLETT PEARS 6 for 3 3c CaIfornsà. Vn. Repened, Satmon FIesIs CanaaN.,. 1 ('etatin, Jumbo 36's CANTALOUPE 2 f,',4.5 A~rizona (,irdled Canada - No. 1 (,ratir Seedless GRAPES lb. 29c ()"tarit> G'owe,. Coo&rMq. Canada NM. 1 Grolo YELLOW ONIONS 3h~f~~2 Reri Rlionrl Repir Swif'i rtookfîleild Pure Skintest Clioice QuOllity, - ,j~ s lited 1be5 9c Po359c NATIVE GROWN VEGETABLES ARRIVING AT OUR STORES FRESH OAILY. THIS M «SALAD WEEK" AT A&P lASf' tl A ,tIA 0 Y MSIw 'f __ _ -I~7 TOURIST TENT Regular $39.50 QUICK COLOUR RAG MONAR(H MARGARINE WH4ITE SWAN, WH-ITE OR COLOURED TOILET TISSUE STEEL Ilt% FRIE Reg. $9.9.3 (OVERNINIENT APPIIOVED CAM P COTS LIFE JACKETS Tempered Stee1 frane. CoIIap%*bv e 5alue $2.99 frein. Casîurv dck e.9 $ GEORGE'S YOUR CAMPERS' HEADQUARTERS 12 KING SI'. ASTBONM vLL SOUH CAROUINAUGAR SWELARG IZCANADA NO. 1 GRADI 59 CA RROTS inBradford Marsh, Canada 3-lb ft1e bog 9 E777777= R", Pr+" "CI4 qu* -,+39c $241,99