14 ThP, Cran;Hii~n ;fqtpgm;in, w 2,i Young Student Speakers Describe U N Semînar Trip To Their Rotary Sponsors informative auid interesting~ France. Ghana, Eire. Rom- aiccounts of the United Nations nia. United Arab Republic. Seminar hcld at Qucen's Uni- United Kingdom. U n i t e d versity, Kingston, were giveri States, USSR. and Venezuela. at the luncheen meeting of Each student represented a the Bowmanville Rotarv Club' country. held at the FIl>yîne DutehmEnl A resolution that ail colonial Motor Hotel cecently. ýreaimes be abolislied by Jan- Miss Shirley W'ilarns. dad- uarv 1.1964. was debatcd. ghter of Mr.. and Mrs. Franicî It had heen proposed by Ghanai WillamsPrince Street. a and the U.A.R., Miss Williamsi Bowmanvilie High School stu- ad1 dent, and David Brent, son or Two amnendinents were pro-' Mr. and Mrs. Gordy,.n Brent. posed, une b v the United' R.R. .3, Bowmanviile. a Courc- States and one by the USSR, tice High Sehool student, were she saîd. and reiated the views, the speakers. The 'v were in- ef the diffecent countries as tcoduced bv Dr. G. Edwin given by their representatives Mann. The'v lbad been select- concerning the matter. She rd becatîse of their excellent explained the voting proced- rcholastic records te represent ure. and said that after tho f hir respective Sec o n d a r v vote was taken il was fouad 'Schools at the seminar. and that the resolution as uell as flhcir t rip w'spuon. rî'd ï), the a mendmnents had fai led to the local Rotarv Club, pas":. A decription cf travellinug bx' train te Kingston on1 Jonc 2fth, their arrivaI. and reeis- tration at Adelaide liall was gi-en by Miss Williams. The nfficiai weiceme tb e semi- nar was hy Miss A. Hlli, Depactment of Exte ns i on. Quecn's Universit.. when the students gafhered in Eiliîs lil auditorium that cvenîrîg, M;ss Williams said. 'At Pigbt oHm ok P e t e r Trueman, United Nations ce'- respondcot fcr- thr Moufreal Star, gav u talk on "The Ujnited Nations Toda v.* le bold uis how the UN is'rontîn- lîally goine from one crisîs te Pnother, tc 'vine to find soin- fions for probleins and fielp- ing toecxtciîd worid peace. Mr. TruLeman di.sc(ii.sed the work of the UN in the Congo,: and aisothie possible admit- tance o! Red China te the UN, end thr effect this wouid bave on other countries, Miss Wil- liams stated. She added tbat he had aise deait witb *the cucrent zituationi Seulh Africa. David Brent discuîi-sed il," eventls and activities of thPc next two davs of the sernîlar. He remnarked that lie hiad r- presented Eire on the mode] Secucity Couneil, anclinii the Model Generat Assemible lof the UN hiad been the repre- scntative o! Yemnen. The speaker told o! a lec- ture given by a Departrnent of External Affairs spoke.s- mnan, The first hiaîf dealt witii the sîîbject "Whv Leader Na- tions Abandon Coloniies." aril the second was "-What are the FXils of Cloniaiism. and What are the Benefits of Free- dom:" A.gain there were dis- cussion groups afterwards. Ie aIse told o! a film thal vividl 'v related the progress mnade in UN projeets around the worid, and about a lecture on1 France, lieir former and prescrnt status. Mi-, B r e n t spoke cf the enjoyable picnîce heid later ln the day at the iakeshoie and of a swinî, and basebail garne. This was fol- lowed with ail informai social evening at Queen's University wsith a sing-song and dancing. "Vie hn h een divided mIntn T'le foilowiog morning the Piglit greîips and followiiîg Model General AssembiY, a Mrl. Truemnan's talk. %Ve pro- hightigbit of tbe semninar, xvas recded te separate rnom-s far held. Lile pointed ouftbat it discussions." Miss Williams liad beeîî arraiîged as a repliC3 told the Rotacians. She ex-' e! the :'eai UN Geîîerai A- plaincd that tiiere \vas aise a semnblv la New York, ex'eiite questiori period. and after- the piacing u f tbe dskrfi wards. Bruce McDonald, a each niation'.s represeiîaie Queen'.s Urivei'sitv- studeît 'l'le sanie resolutionî flat who acted aS tffter foi' hel' iîad beeîî preseiited in tbe gceuLp, spoke cf the~ variLs model Security Coicil was aspect-,cf univei'sit *v li fe. proposed in1 the Model Geîîer- On Wedîîesdav nîorning the' ai Assem-biv , but xvas again Fcmiîîar students were ad- defeated, the intelligenit x'uuig diresscd hY Professer A. M. speaker stated. He aiso foid Taylor. and lus topic was "The of anotheî' resoitition, one te Dutch-itidonesian D is piit e revise the UN Charter, whi-hý Over West New Guinea." Pro-! had been proposed by the fessor Taylor described tue'USSR. Th'is was adopted wiîei history e! the isiarid, its geu- a standing vute was takeni, lie graphie position, and tlic peu- added. pie tlîcîe. lie explaiîîed tlîat Boilu Miss Williamîs aîd Wl'. the land ii pool- and the islaiîd Breîît expî'essed tiîeir grati- is valuahie fer poltical cea- tude tothie Bowilaiiville Ro- salris enix'. taî'ry Club fer living theni the Foliewiîîg a discussion nîeet- \wonderful opportunity to af- Jiag dealing xifb tue address, tenîd the semnîar. a motien pictirpe etitled Ti Rex Waîfers iniiiîîîov iîg a War e! Waiit" WaS io . vote off tbarîks te the voling Thle film depicted tbe poverCi.- peakers said fliat after I isteiî- 1l-y, disease, aîîd ethnr difficul- -iîg te îbheir i' îil calibre ad- ties prevalent lu the under'- dresses, it w'as ecasy te uinder- rievcloped nations, Miss Wil- stanîd whvrtiîeY had been sel- liams poiiitvd oui. She refer - ected te represeît ,tIb e i r> red In tbe UN ýýprogran iof aid seîîooîs. Piesident Keith BiL- ta these counines. Medical, lefi aI"o expresed appreciation agricuititral, and tiîiasa- te botb. le presented a (-op", sistancc s ;bein,[4 give'i. of "Seveîî Pafhs te Peace' te Miss Williams aise .spnke of âMiss Williams, anîd mîade thc thfOL1 noi'rsfOld Fort 1fient- ' vpresen tat ion o! a cep>' of the, eîîevd th Ie stiîdeiuts. la- saille iîîspi 'i g book to M:i% tfer ini the a ftrrii onu the tu- Bre'ît. dents xisited the Royal Mil;-'l'un Paînici'*. thE, Att eidaiico taî'v Cellegc - wliere t Il C V cbiriîîail. a nnotiiiied fliat a wafciied experinients ceucerii- 15 Ye/ar Perfect Atteiîdaiîee ing setiiid waves, I iquid a'!" Pinî bad bee i merifeci h [t and others cricernin.- lectni- p. Bickabx'. a past president ('îl*e. ,Sioc aIse described tuhe of the cI Lib. Later President Contents of tiie R.M.C. Mii- BlietI presented fis award Seurn. Afîer a refreshing swim te Mcý Rickaby in Memnorial ini tOe cadets' pool the visitingioptlweeheiaptiît s'tîulents 11 re iniess ! i Doîî Morrison, tOc secretary. coliee aidinier. ead a îîunber of grateful let- Wediesdav evcinuugas oii teî's fro ii crippied childceu o! tbc liighlights of the semi- whe lîad written te thaîik tOe' nar, th O :locici scctuv ouni- vils werc hold, There were vight. earlh oe u ntainiflg a reprosentative of Chilc. Chini, How to save on your insurance . in one easy step! Çl*, e4ie"i cair '\ ing ie, theft and pcr'.onal îlihiliî>tin- ,suraice in 'ep.iric policies mcd 1like tevshooih'x e can prohai' v ctlet a ivn sial .av /114 o'n ýouî r i îîsîrance jrieniitm, in il'thrii nbîma. eco:- j(* Iliicai I i , c ie \,c' te buy ouqr î~î îc STUART BR JAMES INSURANCE RE.N Bû Kîm; St. K. Office MA 3-5691 Graduation Party HeId At Mitchell's 'l'lie g'ad ua ioîî paîtl v ut l'vitch'lls Curnier's Schlîidxs hled recentiv bY thfl omne aiid School Association. 'l'lie chair'- mnvas Mris. Ronald Sucee, assisted b v Mirs. G. G. L. Reed. Mirs. llenrv Aistein, President 0 fthie Association, welcorned the students ai-id glicsts. The addî'ess te the graduates was given by Mrs. Lloyd Couctice, School Board Trustee. in Dariingten Towvn- ship, who was introduced by Mcs. RalpO Cooke. Reply was made by the Senior Stu- dent, Abigail Wismner. ?%cI. Murca ' Griffiths. princi-i pal. pcesented the following students with graduationi pins and dipiomnas: Melodv Cooke, Janey Fisher'. Susan Fountain, Donna Helferty, Liîîda Hoxves, Patsy Keilar, Alice Killen, Linda Rd lac, Sharon Tweedie, Janis Scott. Roseiai'ie Sîce- man. Abigai Wisir, Wayne1 Hazelton, Clifford Cliamber- lin. Brian Teîrv and David Nemis. The Field DaY tropliies x'.'re pi'esentedi by Mrs. Lionai iai't. Field Day Chairman. te tOe following childcen: Peny Jor- don. Ralph Sucee, Diane Tweedie. Bobbv Howcs, Ray- miond Frank and John Jankei- w iry. .L ESTA'IE A hatoii solo vas gi\eeîlixh Lesivavr Chaninerlin and reci- Wwmanville tations b ' Joanne Hardie. "TOe Bonnevilies". a musical: quactet played Iwo selections C ùsidrncr anîd later playcd for thc danc- ,19 1fhankced the entectaîners. A bu ffet luachecon was secvcd: followcd by dancing.j Bowmanville Rotary Club to' sending them te suînn-er camp. The guies:s ai!h~e ',icheon meeting wece N-r. and -Mcs Francis Williams, Bowman- ville. Rex Wynn. Brantford, and Robert McLellan, Miami. S A VE 14 YELVERTON <Tnended for last %veek) rmav wvece callers at the Ra-, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowan Robinsons when visiting thei*" Elizabeth and Linda are en- son Kenneth who is still con- ioying a pleasant respite fcom fined in Peterborough Hospi. the daily grind this week aF tai. the.v motor t0 Eastern Canada Two x'erv interesting anI for a change of scene. "Uncle' close softball games wece Billy Steele is acting choceboy. piax-ed this week by' the Janet- The Fred Stace ' s wîth fam- ville vs Nestieton COF. ilix are enj;oving1 a second teams, wiîth Nestieton dlaimn- hone «vmoon f0 Niagara FalŽ ing the first victorv and Jani- for a few da ' s. etville the second. each bx- a Mrs. Clarence P 1 u mn t r e ( one-run m a r gin. Janetvile,, visited with hec inother, Mrs. meets Peterborough on Tues-ý rPerrott of Little Britain, whc day evening for the iast uamne s;uffered a si ight beact acne 'of -the schedule. nM.aster Jirnmv Pecrott is stay%-: Mr. Elmer Wrighi of King- ing with the Piumtcees and ston called ai Malconia (ýn iassisting Ra 'v Robinson at thE Satuirda * w h il1 e holidayin- lhaying operation. with bis sister, Mr. andi Mrs. -Mc. and Mrs. Norman Le Rae Malcolm of Janetville. IWitnesses WiII Attend Convention Ail members of the Bow- manvilie congregation o! Je- hovah's Xitnesses xii be leaving this acea shoctly to at- tend the "Coucageous Minis- ters District Assembly" at Civ- c Stadium. Hamilton, August 3 te F,, it was announced today by Mr. Robects, presiding min- ister o! the gcoup. -n atte ndance of o vr 12.0.)o is anticipated,'* statedl Mr. Roberts. "Delegates will corne from Ontario, Queb(eç and nocthecn states of th:ý United States. At this time when there is such fear in the %vorld, it is imp'ortant to re- affirmn confidenc? for human- kind under Chri;t's Kingdom. The 'Courageous Ministers District Assembiv' is an ex- pression of our faith in the promises of a com-ng govern- ment where people can live on this earth in happiness and security in place of the exist- ing uncertainty." The keynote of the conven- tion is a special lecture to be held Sunday, August 5 at :j p.m. entitled, 'Take Courage-- God's Kingdomn Is At Hand.' The speaker wili be E. D. Ro- sam. Ir., supervisor of the work of Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada. Everyone is invited to attend the sessions, but the public is especially urged to attend -the -public lecture. ylksq,.tra's 77 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI [LE Foods 1riday, 9 a.ni. to 9 pin. - Sat., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. seZ OUR COME AND GET YOUR FREE TICKET ON OUR GIANT BIRTHDAY CAKEj One Free Ticket With Every $5.00 Purchase BUY 2 PKGS. OF Voortmans COOKIES AT THE REGULAR PRICE andi Get Your Third Pkg. FOR ONLY l OC GIAN BIRTHDAY I I CAKE ROLLS9 S A HENLEY'S FRUIT COCKTAILI 5 15 OZ. TINS $10oo DELICATESSEN MEAT DEPARTMENT 'SPECIALS FINEST IN QUALITY .- **., **. Large Variety: Liverwurst - Polîsh Sausage - Salami smoked Hamls ,Snîfoked Beef - Spiced Bec! Spiced Pork TIRY BEFIOE VoU BUY. l"I1IE SAIXMPLI'S Premiums Wi'tlI a S3.00 1>ichase DUST MOPS ONLY 7Oc Regular Retail 31.19 DUST PANS ONLY 20c Regtular Retail 49c LEMIT ONE PER CUSTOMIER SXBRAND BOLOGNA 3 LBS. $1 -.00 PRODUCE Special DEPA RT MENT ORANGES SAVE ! SAVE!1 I S X BRAND MINCED HAM ONLY 6cLB. BONELESS LEAN ROUND STEAK oit SiRLk.OIN--STEAK ONLY 79 C LB. Discount Specials Ansco Films 3 rolis $1.00 Sizes No. 120, No. 127, No. 620 SAVE 62e SAVE AYLMER TOMATO SOUP only 10c a fin SAVE ! SAVE ! L EA N STEAK ROAT ONLY 79 9C LB. IIUG I)EIARTMENT Discount IPrices John son' s Baby Powder 49c SAVE 26;c SAVE GILLETTE - Save 20c Super Blue Blades 49c Bromo Seltzer 49c SAVE 14c SAVE BRYLCREEM.only 49c SAVE 24c SAVE ilI OBITUARY MRS. ELIZABETH LARME1{ The death occurred. Juiy ttth, 1962, at hier residence. Lot 15, Con. 1, Cartwright, of Elizabeth J. Larmer. The de- ceased has been in failing health for eight months but oniy bedfast for ten days. She was in hier 93rd year. Born and raised in Cart- wvright. Mrs. Larmer was the youngest and iast surviving member of a famiiy of nine of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johin Engiish (Margaret Hooey). Tu October. 1892. she wvas miac- ried to James M. Larmer, who predeceased lier in 1956. Of a quiet cetiring nature. the elmost 70 years of liec married life wece spent on the facm whece they commenced wh nmarrieci. She is survived hy one dat- ghter. Edea. at home. three sons, Hdrold anîd Russel uf Burketon R.R. and Walton of Toronto: eleven grandehilo- rcn and six great-grandchild- ren. The ftncrai survice. whi was hieid in McDermott-Pana- bak'-r Chapel. Port Perry, on July 1Oth. was conducted bvp her pastor Rev P. Romeril. Interment \vas in Union Ceme- tery. Cadmuits. Palibearers were six grand- sons. Donald Larmer. Kenneth Larmer. Allen Larmer. Lauir- Crice Larner. Rav Larmer and Grant Larmier. Tlhe large attendance and beatitiful floral tributes testi- ticd te the esteern in which deceased %vas held. II~ _____________________ Varity COTTAGE BRAND TOILET TISSUE FRESIILY GROUND LEAN HAMBURG 3 LBS. 89C VALUABLE COUPON Bring This Coupon and Get a Lb. of No. 1 Creamery 4' BUTTER OLR 49c lb. ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER FREE CANDIES TO THE CHILDREN acc<omj>anicd hv thcir parents 1 -À le