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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1962, p. 2

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Thor Canadian Statesman. now.manvilr. 2.1.uh ,i Walker Manager 1 r' '4 c~AGE ONE, 1-as ano0thor store un Wund5zor that is nI operated under the Walker name but is callod thî, C. H. Smith Company'. Thi' r-tome is about the size of Eatou's at the ' shavwa Shopp- lng Contre, ho said. Discussing the Waîker bus'- nICSS in Ibis town, Mr. Hutch' inson explaincd that ail goods h landled b>' the store are pur- ('hased b>' a group nf 10 bu>'- crs inu Walkrr's Toronto Oif- f ice. TPe>' box' the initial on- dem in tPe spr'iog or faîl, anud we ne-ordor as the occasion cails for and as indicated bv Or records." Pc added. TPe speaker stresscd tPe im- portance off the intricate re- cord system in use in the Wal- ken Stores, and tPe groat as- bsistance il is in tPe stocking cf different merchandise iti pleaso thie rostomers. Trends; in fashion are aiso indicated b>' the records, ho assertcd. major volume in wearables of ail kinds. In this respect mvT store is about hait. and half ead îers due to the limited space prob- lem style goods cannot b -c PROM rAGE 0NrE shown to advantago. We are ina n "%otor Hotel to honor wvorking at present to cotinter- Pviss Cole and Miss Bunner on act this situation. their retirement. In a compl 1- e Mr. Hutchinson also saici mentar.v address, Paul Chan,, that the Walkcr Stores for- chaiman of the board, com- mer!y had compîcte over the plimented Miss Cole and Miss rcouniter sclling, but have be- Buniner on their fine recordz come inecasitigl v self-selec- as educationalists. The sec- tion stores. Previousi 'v ther.- retarv-treasurer, S. R. James, was compiete store seIlection, on behaîf of the board pre- of mcrchandise. and now n k1,;.sented the twn retiring teach- aim ost completelY centrai-jors each with a suitably in- Sized. He added that in addi-1 scribed silver tr'av, rnatching tion Io monthly charge ac- île cream jug and silver count.3 and lay away plans, sugar bowl. the Walker Stores have add- Thr Supervisinig Principal cd budget plans and oiption ar-ofte B mailePbc counts.Schools, A. M. Thompson, io An intcrcsting description of his speech praiscd the out- how the stock in a Walkeristanding work accomplished Store is kept absolutely uo)-!by both Miss Cole and Miss! to-date was given by Mr. Hut- B1unner A. A. Merkiey, Prin- hinson. He also spoke of a cipal of Vincent Mas s e y new category that his store'School. Tom Turner, Principal' wiil have 10 serve al the fa- of Central Sehool. Merle Sîrîte. shion aspects and dcmnands of Principal of Ontario Street. ynung adults and teen-age School, and Miss Marjorie girls for smartlY 'stYlikh cdo- Couch. Principal of Lord El- thcs. gin School, also spoke. Maigistrate',s Court Hield in Bowmanvi le XXcc'Roid. Oshaxna. ap- Bow'mauîville. art", 19. xx aý iquion in Pi.s possession iun a peaneul befor Magistrate R. convucîed off a chîarge of ban- place other than Pis esidence. B. Baxter bn Bowmanvillo ingc consurmed liquor xxhile un- Both offenses took place on Magistmato's Court on Tuios- :don age. The offense wias coni- Jul3' 21 on No. 2 Highxvay at day. Ho was charged wrth 'mitted li Newicastle on Jul>' TrulI's Road. Mn. Keli>' xvas impaired driving and witri 21st. Hoexxvas fincd $20 aîd S$3 fiued $50 and $3 rosis on seveuîi driving wPile his lîcv>nso xxas costs, or~ fine dans.Arcase da>'s oui the first charge and suspendod. TPe rase was ad- agaiuust James P. Tbicksonî. $10 and $3 costs on the second. journed to Julv 31is. anîd bail algo 41, Boxxinnville, xx'ho was Evidence xvas gixen b>' Con- for Mr. Roid was sot at $500. chared witb assault.\vias ad- stable Peter Deni Hoed,. TPe case off Erniest Terr.\, .aurned to Jul>' 3list. Johin Denuis, age 19, xxas Bowmanviile, xx'bo was char--lerman Schmnid Newcastle. finîed $10 and $2 costs or fixe ged with iînpaircd dnivîug, pleaded guilîx' and wxas fouîudi days when connxicted on a, was adjourrned b>' consent un- guithy off a charge off speeding charge off Pavnng c0nîsumed! tiI Septemben 4tb.. Emmersonu oui JuIn' v21st uni Newcastle. Be_ý liquor- while tînder age. Conu- Elhis, Oshawa, was chîangediwas iiuued $10 and $2' costs, on stable Bruce Tilson. OPP. with impairod drivinîg in Bow- fix'e days. Anîdre Generoux. gave evidence egarding tlic manvîlle. The offense was said Oshawa, %vas 'onvicted on a offence which ocurred in to have taken place on Jul>' speeding9 charge and was fin-',Newcastle. 21st. A blond sample was cd $90 and $2 casts, or fivo Two mcii xxere echi fiuuedg sent ho a laborator>' ln Toronto,i days. The offense ocrurned on $5 and $2 0otI, or' fine days.] and tPe report Pas not yet!401 Highwa>' lin Darîingtouî nue for driving lis car withî-1 been received. Terenîce V. Toxx'nship on Jue 2911î. ont a mufflor ,ard the other Kelly, Oshawa, is tPe lawyver" Two nuen wcnc cadi filîed for unnecessar>' nois>' driving. for tPe defonce. TPe case was,$iwfi$ oss ri eal set ox'er to August 2ist and ý vt $ aîs nii-eait'__ five davs xx'Pn each xxas cou> Mn. Ellis was alhowed bis froc- vctd "lWe have found through our 'Il iiinsnfo iid exceientIY. Miss Marjonie Colo taughtleton. "g ' tor x'ehicle xwith impî'oper ~~ records that colors have a HucisnfrbsecletGrade a Central Sehool for John ShBowarkleton. a78, Ilights. wThleodoi'e Romas, Tor- Ms e.A Sot sa cyle nd thtthyrevert address was movcd b ' Ken 28 vcars. Following her grad- rotirged w mavileIo aono .a ie i n Misses Louîise and Maroril backever six yr.hs Kelly. President Gicen Martyn uation firom Normal School ragdwt alre1 hox otor fiv'e daYss wherî fouundi McIntosh, Whitbv,, were Sa> baeontînu sixyForTisi aiso expressed his appreriation Peterborough, Miss Colo irs-,jhaif the road to remain froc guiîtv of bavirîg exeddteîna tagtesofMn coninuusand oxactîng.Fo to Mr. Hotchinson for his in- taugbt for a %car at the Cour- ýwhen diving on the Carl - spee ceed lii nN. t ihe' rs. teagco. w r M.n rolor this yeam, again inportantlormative classification taik. tire Sehool. Thon before join- wî'ight - Manvers Township xva,à oniJ on Not.15 ih-Ms'e.Iwn ed xvould ho showing the Swimming Team Mivîns îng the tcaching staff of Cen- , LinooniJulJamesFrak Glass Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs.i tral School here she was a borgen, R.R. 2, Janetville, tes- a xîlfrid am oves xdenol Potts, Mary and BibI>', lias *same strength and ho the nom- Congratulations wci'e mcciv- teacher al Woodland School, tified he was driving south on :w,1a Poi itd fadonxxere Sundav eveniin ber one seller. I am talking of cd by the Bowmanville Lions StChave baf hýi roa frc xbeIo i fahin olrs fotthe whites, Club Swimming Sem t . at atherines for 12 years. ' this road, when his car wa~ hre0 uvn ald1 visitor at, Me. and M' .C Ta htstruck by one driven b'Mr. diig hsca'o onyPothick's and Mrs. E. Strutt. hlacks or beiges which are won the Championship at the Miss Colo is a daughter of!Shackleton. RodN.n Darlinti Mrs. W. C. MUrrav, Torontu itrong every year scasonally,"; Newcastlo Lions Carnival on tbe late Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L.:Teaciet îppnd a o Npo 4Jnc 2at.lie ccmane rs ho stated. Saturday. The members of Colo. She was born in Hamp- 7:h0 accdn apnda onhpo Ln ý t i copridM.adMs "In the last Pi1 years 1 have. the team were Dr. Ivan Wool- ton and neceived her earîy 1:3 .m. and the weather xývas fined $10 and $-) costs . or .1 Ormnistoti and Ronald Foi- Reen many changes in the Wal- sey, Ken Kelly, Jack Mundav! education in the local Publice'wasd. etsry, Mr. G abee s iedys. xbtteWi'ypinrû ker Stores from a General and Colin Birtwistie. It was School and at Bowmanviiie e d. iHo ta seed ta of 0mlew ostbePaC lrt-a SatLnndav al.-lampton Park. Dry Goods Stores speciaiizing announcod that it is planned High School. The year she et]- idrvîr ngd a sdof .he ilh ell, ostabbestCi hatat apo,'-n i loia- Jn piece goods, linons and dom- to have this Championship tered Normal School hem farc- pr1ou,2ndwa0n herihtVii. OPP, tc 2StidI hiae I atr wdi S ' yn esties, we have become Junior Swim Competition become ait ýil>' moved to Bowmanviile. Ah- sdeoftP rad on leel1251 am.on ls2Lst o Hatn. LIspan lr holda Departmcnt Stores vthounr annual event. bort E. Colo, secrotamy-troasur- gonda*hetp(i i R dvN o n Tbu ooon ein lxtit. oga uî li s Mr Sbackleton's car vasRodN.4i Troewhno. The birthdas' of Dr. E. W. or off the Bowmanville Piano- M.' 'k ipt Mr. Evaden's uîorthboouud car Mr. anîd Mis. Fred DLIrbIanl HA PO~Sisson was ceiebrated bYIlusjilg Board, is Miss Colo'sbro-bl, liebboundomiî p t e dhinrnto veer sharphxrIo O0haw-.Mix and Mi .Arf Womkman was a gucst ailMî. Glasbergen 1ttedet.uar patriclc J. Relis, Oshaxwa, toirs nt Mn. and Mrs ..S. iRt Mn an Mrs.Harod RaIon dnner eetin, an as te Prion 1 berretiremenît a the left front of ]lis car was vilsforigubt'fiupardPtck. tokMrads. H. arlsonto a- oss nrmeti, thondubs Lion!surprise party was tendered 'tuk yteletsd ofM. uinini guîdwa lsu oxucîcpard isSily xn'sc 1 lbspian- Miss Colo 'in the Home Eron- Shackleton's vehliche. le teF- oiacag flaii a i veeî ton Airpomt last is in Europe. Mrs. Work- omirs BRoom'at Central School tified ho eft blis owuî car cx-01acag fhý t rnorning whcne sho boamdcd a man played tho pianio.accom- bv the lady tearbons of tie :actîy where it had been wheilMs oetWisnî iel jýht for Vanct ouv o ier 5hich'was led scOrMis Coo toceved, and that M . Slackle -Jo nR e I o r cottage, Chandos Lake. wili ~~vll O-beautifu-il corsage of rose-, arîdto'sJaoinso elooRe Mn)aî Ms.F.Doiaî wit Mo an Ms. lhi T>'-bore.gypsophila. A handsome rur- ,ditch and was puiîed nuit ho- Mn. aîîd Mrs. E. Wright anid I or and famil>'. On motion of lrutennatioiîal koo dlock arîd a hanrge box orf one the poic officer arrive.. .... ....,..Mn.-.A. Oke, Miss,. Elsi"ý Gene Balson and Banirv Cie- Councîllon Hcrb Goddard, sec- chocolates were also prosent- al the scene off the accident. 'Oe n n Vn.C xe~ f mens are spenduîîg a w*eek a' onded by Ralph Aines. thie cd to miss Cole. Eidnc ws ivuMbr.Cn and aniix aCendd terO,e akStPee.accounts whuch had been readi;ale PC Ginger Balson ks spendîngb'heertav bVj- Miss Coyle's Grade i pupils stal C Harte-Maxxvell. inea, rn ak J% week at a Girl Gutide Camp barils, wcre passed for pa>'- gave ber a loveîy stsnrling sil- OPP, Iliat the road was 20 T,.LA-C. Mosisn o Hwve Il5. aI Newtonville. mont x'ver br'oocb and matching car- foot Wide ai the point off im- Mn pc.sbneo oi rinsa cp nd auer arîPct, and thal, liere was a aysfo wxeeks, many other attractive gfs cre rjog. off nine foo i Miss Colo was particuIarIly'the oad 100 foot soutli of ihal iMssP."ls oelTo- Constble arteMax nto Western Hospital. -peît ploased with the lotters of ap-'plae. CntbeHneMx . P ekn tle oe b preciation slîo received from well aiso testified regardino W. Il 0W' Il' S om ething N ew ! ~ ~~~~~rnanv of the parents off ber 'skdmrikshon the ronds anda irO Boiîne n A uniqu prescrto ea-stand and stated that lie had wr iioswt r.F skin uioiuoi'set aMn hcltn to u eieMs dCx siuî wa et oMs boon driving for 50 years wt- 'Tuus Coeb>' Mrs. H. Hamiltonu, the 'out an accident. 1-e said that Mn. and Mi-. Flos'd Beckett, tormex Miss Mary Stevens, ýthe oad had recenthy boon Wyeaî aiacmai stffo Cnra thte bill ho put bis car mbt sec- William off Bailieboro, ai-: li cho Ir frseealln Aa adwa roedtg endied Ilue Beckett - Lesse]< C O.TC yas.Th easinbrdwa!i but20mle ilîour -Iweddîn- ngcpin nIl maeb h sio t ort' Mr Glassbergen's car Salvatiouî Arnm C i ta cd e 1, Creates new and exciting decorative mceatncnt ;Chimo, Ungava Bay', Nothero come over the hill. 1 arn sur'e Belleville. Qubc hr r.HmloI aonm w ieoffIl Miss Alice Steenuson. Miul- ini kitchens, false chinincys, fireplaces, etc. noxv esides.AfBuie. road. but lie bit me." Mn Mr. Rapltt owdaîo. xisited Mn. and Mrs. 'Miss, Vivian l3Buinîern ka Shackleton said. L Es.-Ioapply . sclf-adhcsive . . . cagtno teht o. ud ConAton> lr>'Dey-1,L Lnb Q.gtroftelt Rv n, C ., pAtoined onlhiai Miss 'Velniîa Dickev, Boxx - Mrs. Williamti fre B n ian, Qrîuanville. utpeiatMra few danst ('hohc of several designs. She xvas born at Ameliasburg, Mn. Glassbergen's evidience navle pn ewdv * * * * *Ont ., near Belleville. Her' and tPe physical oxidence al, Hoxx-e & Petons, Beaitors, x'th bei' gnandparnrts, Mr. ~TIDO SHA.ESfather rcturned to bis homp the sceno of the accident are pleased to aniiuoruce that and Mrs. M. Stairîton. WIND W SH DEStown, Bowmanville, when ho agrced. Magistrato Bax t e! u Mn. Ralph Stutt bas joiîued Mn. and Mrs. Elwyo Dickes, rctired from the ministry. 'bond the defondiert gubît * thîcir' firnr and will ho xvorking'ý Bowma.uînille, anîd Miss Voînua Sizes :16 x 70 - Available in thrce gr'adescla as cbarged, and imposedl a fine ýii the Bowmanville area. Prev-! Dieke>'. Mn. and Mrs. C. Staiiu- Foilowing hen gradui ion off $10 and $14 costs, or fine 1louis to entening the real estate! toir, Mn. and Mrs. M. Staintonu * * * *fnom thîe Facuit> off Education, days. ýbusiness, Mr. Stutt was cm- ail enjoyed a nunînu'triponi EX ERO P IN SToronto, Miss Buniner taught Valentirie George Davis, Fpioyed b>' thue Canadian Cari-:Suuudavý and caled oui Mn. anid EXT RIO PANTSfor' one yoar althte Momisih Ponlypool, faced two charges. neu's Lhd., and xx'as for 15 yeans Mrs. Don Lamb and familv. WALLPAPERS FOR EVERY ROOM School, Hope Township, two 1. Failure to report.ail acci- plant muaniagernin Bowmarî- Bailieboî'o. ycar's Brork Road Schooi, dent, and 2. allowing a persouu ville. Mr. Raiplu Stutt look, Mrs. lx'a Walker. Miss Diane noan Pickering, anîd one yoai not licensed to drive to oper- forward tu agaîn scrvnig lui Walken Mn. Hlarold Deanu, Mus. ~~~~~~at the Pickering Continuationi ato bis motor vehicle. TPe ac- mnany fuieîuds iii Bownuanvi[le Ens aleDîpieau *&B ER NI I *SScbool. She thon spent tbree cident happened on a Counit>'anud the sunnounding :'unal Joarnet* lkesouubuin wcnrd t 3 ig ANTaudWALAPRteaching staff off Hampton n- on June 3oth. MA .3-36,2. Griffin>is and atterudcd tPe, F~ 3 Kin S t. W. IMA 3-5431. stitute, a sehlool and ('ollege M.Dyaîsao ta sGifi ic]eatCnax0 for- negroos in Hampton, Vin-Mn. Davis was taken fi Liuud- Barlex' Park. ginia. sa>' Hospitali iinmediately aften ccident Mrs. W. C.Max. Roiuald Miss BtiIiuiucnr eîuunîd Io tPe accident to bo treated for Accde tForsythi Mn. and Mrs. R. . Canada ho accopt a teachingthe injuries hoe had sustained, Omso eeSna alr position ini Bowmanville. Sho tPe defendant had heen ph>'-v T e r p f rCentral Schooi for' 31 yeans report, and that the ons fora and for the iast three years3 doing so, thon was ou ilthe dnin-M îdMs.DnWa 'cent Masse>' School. TPe teach- ter' thon dismisscd the finst -v d-ohîerofMnaudi ~Wecknd itrs tA ors at V nrent M a sey pro- charge against M . D avis. H e T e nu M aste r_ 57 B i o w n W a n s A L E Dsenecihon with a beautiful ýwas found guilit>'off having al-' Srem e Pousa nau nno Te- po Mn. aîîd Mus. Clanence Stailu- Eca rystal v'ase on the ovelowcd an nnlicensod driver Iofon lo mn O u oixx'cne Satuirdas' uallens oui 1, off hon retirement, and she ne- ciperate Pis car. and xx'as fîuucd da'safen-oa a ' rnclu Mr. arîd Mns. Fr«aik Locke, cebved a number off othen Ion- $10 id $3 cnsts. xx'lueu she collîdied wili a ian. Osîla\Aa. ci>' gifts from ber puipils. Rober't Huhen. Oshawxa. age Thue little girl was i iduîg fPeu'a-l\i elolc 1,a mechanir's appreuîtbce, bicycle wet oun DurinSIu t.. Mis-iix igYhlowee xças found ont guit>' offia and file"u uode onto Ontario xvitlî Miss Bettx Wigbt. LONG AUL(onsabe J. A. W.- Shutz, witbî a car diveuî v Penny L. M". and MI'S. l'cd Werx'v were 1 B l O n tP.P., t7 c ar e sif ce h l ie d Hin ciS at lwe, she 2 co l _ : ed M is M rs ' at M r.a n q Mn. A. T. McLagganî.. Nhîui - heco ootified al midoiglît oui)xville. Ms o e .SLl i Iaadjle ccmaic uy22nd of ant accidenîton Foî'tuînatel., tueuuîI i i"Ma ie Mi.Alex i'veLaggan, Portî Peu- the Oshawa Town Line south receix'ed PI' Ki uu xasa tI Ms.1."ui xasai'nit rto Pus cottage al Keswuck of tPe Fouî'thu Conucession off lien Icft bcg Peloxx'the knuc". tea gucst off Mr. anud Mis Ru latFnidayý. Darlington Townuship. Ho said Tbîe laudîebans of lieu' biu'vclc sel! Steele. Pui-ple ih11 Oui Mn ad Mr. F G. m 1-l.eoanived althte sceno at xxeu'e Pent ouIt of slua;'. Cou1- Suuîdav she accouîupaunied Mrif adMissa SndM.KGSnî i 'isie12: 1>). TPeronad tiero is 20)staible Les Riu'aiub of the Bo,,x'-- aind Mus. Llond Slemnouu I ýad is Gac inthviitd et Ihre iucles \vidbe anud iuianx'lle Pol iuce Upartntuîu (lh oti, xxlu x'cr'etea giwuIs otfin Mn. Johîustouu Kîdd n Ux- paved. Th'e specd liuuit is 50) uuuestigoýted tbe acnidenth. Mn. ad Mi's.RuisseGi brt, bridge Hospital lasI Monda>', miles per hotîr. Corustahîl" Oui Suidax at, ':18hip.iii., Boxxwianille. foîowig ni io oenaiou. cbutzstated that lie ffouod a Wvilluau'n Caîxen. :14 DL[ke St.. Mn. auud iVîs. Wallace Gi if- Mn. aund Mrs . Jneluiter car on ts igbt sîde iri the cash x\vas drni'ug luis car xvuthim i ri, Ileatliern ud DaleMius C AUGUST 6 THROUGH il satuîrdaxv supper' guests off Mn. Huben, who was there, admuit-F Street, souithuoff the Middle Russell Gniffin attended tPe aîîd Mns. James Sawdon. tedbehstedîe' eau-Rawîu le tr'ailen' hit'l-1 Griffio picoiu al tPe Creaun of ~ Just imagine! A treasure trove that includes xiew and Misses Lorraine Fie t c i e cd. came tîndonle. TIhe trailer anud Banlex' Park, Bowmanx'iile, w m used farm and utility equipment, grandfather's cdock, and GaiDoke, Regina, Sas-rTPce policg offiri als ga'e Padt weo ito tPe magdieu Snda>'. maybe even grandniother's rocker . .. any of it yours for katcliewanî. are spending .1nidnce 'dingsi îdli oet'e ae Mr'. and Mriz.l'un McQniiuîîi ftexu' x'oks' holidlay with tie nîarks, arîd gouges indicatingto the t railcu- anîd boat wius Sthe prioe of a winning sealed bid. Starting Monda>', i onmc's gnandiparents, Mn: tPe driver- had tunned bis lcss tbuar $1 00. Constable .0111 and famil * , Mns. AlIoîu Mark. August 6th, we're taking sealed. bids on many items in land Mis. Gardon Fletcher. Hlehsap>.H dc htBr vsteiueîgtugo-SuoardslarndMnand Mookin it appcared as if the car hadi ficer. Mr.wand Crn.ocluanfr, rol 6'~our stock of new a.nd used tractors and equipment . i-M. Shanîcv Flecher icft nollod rover as ils noof was Emrnirsouî Ell1is,R R 'i n.1a, r. r efe>,Pr Sa real opportunity to get your machinery needs nt a Sattîrda>' afternoon on.a ina-, damaged. Bwauulx'sdiia Pis Pmnx, Miss Hecather and Ma.ç- - Ï ICI r: 1 or i t BSlaght ¶xCeckbng BROWN'S Mr.n and MrF. T. VW l.,;oîî neccîitîs'cnîtertairîed Mn. anid Mrs. Ellswor'th Caswoll and Elaine. Part Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Rahume, Bow- manuville anîd Mn. anîd Mrs. Joseph Seager. before tbciu' returo Io Duuluth, Mion.. xvhene ho s sialiouied ith tP R. .C. A. Mr. anîd Mns. Muit Doxxis and Steenui Tonoiîto, spent Satuî'da>' îxiili lien sister, Mrs. :William Cal]. Mn. and Mis. Etussel McNeil. Oshawa. anîd Mn. and Mns', Glen McNeiI, Winnipeg, Man., visited Moudas' ex'ning xx'th Mn and Mus. Vxelliuugton Fan- Mn. Jini Nesbitf, who is xisîî- iuug xvii relatives Iîere in Canada froni Florida, Pad diii- nrin on Monda>' xx'ith Mr. aod Mns. WVellinigtonîFiu'x' Master KennîcîliBoyd cii- iortaincd a niomben' off bus xvouîng friends on the occasion off Pis sixth binîlida. Masterrnadley Wilsonîx's led oui Tbunsda>' wilîlushi auint, Mns. Cecil Malle>' aud Masien Douis Malle>'. Mn. anîd Mrs. William C'ail1 and lamih-v spcnb an cojoyable das' on Sunîday witlî Mn. aîud Mn P. Cuill Toonto, is x isif' iîg tîtese past two xx'ceks wii bu his sou Mr. aîud fvrsý W. Cail and farnil>'. Mn' and Mrs. 'T'.Wilsonî anîd fanil * , Mn. and Mrs. Doog. Rauniue, took in thîe Aur Shuow at'lTruenton A il-Poilunil Sainr- Mti-. anud iVIn. Pu'nxv Affin anid tanjîxv shîciftlinue da>'s last xveck hîolida>'inut ai lîir ClAN! k of Our fines t Lumps'E. Plus Great Savings on our remaining OUTDOOR FURNITURE Fe A. KRAMP Ltd. F~URNITURE an~d HOMIE FURNIS'iINGS 37 King St. E. Qjwitnanville PROCLAMATION, HOLIDAY It is ierehx, p rclainicd by the Ton oif BowNianillei, tliat Monday, August 6t1 wvill 1)0 ohserveid as Civi*c Holi*day Ciilis ar'e r'cqrucsted to govern thenmscl'es Ivan M. Hobbs Mayor Il L~. mo'rT - VENNING Venning, only dAughter nt PRMPAGE ONE, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas injuries et Oshawa Generai Whitc delphiniums. re-Pal Venning and Mr. James Allani lHospital. The twins were de- lilies and shasta daisies form- Mott. The. groom is a son or., tained ini hospital. cd a lovely setting in the Uni- IMrs. E. D. Mott of Belleville Poue ai te Sagt arted Church. Biackstock. on1 Ont., and the laie Mr. Ernest Poasc eastoudothe S6t cn- aturdav. Juiy 14. 1962, for Davd Moti. cession and the Reddings ve temrig o ayJa The officiating clergyman hicle westbound. The crash for t he double-ring ceremon v occurred ti the westbound \was Rey. Philip Romeril, pas .- lane about 12:05 a.m. G e~o rge s tor of the United Church. Mi4s The Reddings vehicle. plic Catherine Baiiev Blackstock, ead lnvstigapting officershe- W v t paved the weddinig music and sad wavs comptely dfiemoshe- W n 1-* r Paso accompanied the soloi, pressed amazement that any- Mrs. Harold Kyte, Biackstock one got out of tl alive. TlîeFRO PAGE ONE, xvho sang "The Lord's Prayr'* slaghî car \,vas extensix eîy second to even the sc-ore. before the ceremony* and -O damaged. George's went ahead 5-4, after Perfect Lovc" during the sign- Siaghi, xx itnesses said, xvas wo xvere out in the fourth ing, of the register. walking aroundattecn, and added aanother in the Th-c bride. given ini marriage, loliowing the, again after the first two hv hori father, wore a floor- W. G. Y. Grant of Brooklin, batters had been retired. ]èngth gown of white silk or- ordered hirn to Oshawa Gen- A sixth inning home run bx' gania over taffeta, styled ori cral H-ospital for examination. Timi Cox made it 6-5, but the princess linoes with short si ýcA1 He was dead n arrivait at the winners plated two in the oes and scoop neckline. Bý hospitai. seventh Io withstand a two of lace applique extended fri1 Constable David Onilock and riin raliY bY the Hiotelers in~ the neckline to the hem. Hco" CpI. William Warner, of the the bottom haîf. threc-tierod finger-tip veil or Whitby detachment, OPP. in- Burgess settled down.' ai- tlle illusion mas caught in vestigated. lowing four safoties over the a tinY crown of pearîs and Th~ cce sed is urvved b>' last rive frames. white waik- ihinestones and she rarrird a Thedecase i suvivd b, n« two and fanning threeo cascade bouquet of pink rose- hispaens.Mi. ad rs Wl-Losing hurler Bill Osborne buds and stephanotis. liam Siaght. and one brothier-, 0avýe up four hits. issued five Thle maid of honor was a WiliamGeoge.FunralSOifree passes and struck nutten sister of the groom, Miss Ann(-- vces were hield Wednesdav, phe Hotel madc five errors to Mott of Belleville, and ýlie July 25, at 2 p.m. ai the North-oe yGog'.risnadivc MsBtv cutt and Smith Funceral lIom',0WbGog' M. h ridais css Bettyn Bownîanville. lntermnent Boxv- Cox aiso conti'ibnted a Single Mcrhurn iackDst,Fart manville Cemeters. *'l'ilmes ,ithOsbrnebelinga pair, Wof a. h r yteo lnî doubles. .Jack Par'ker driliodWila.TcrSet- ngl txxo singles to lead the win- dresses xvere of deep pînk or- 11 V r S. anza over taffeta and werp onte t nrs.identicallv rdcsigried with fuit Con es Gaie WMed. anîd lnr skirts an*d short sleeved lace iîights. poink. hr carried bouquets of pnkand %\hite daîsies. t'UU 9flTci hald'ssswerc tin-,, FROMPAGEONEYELV RTOhlaîf crowns ot white daisies. adveienlv ade hei \vrlýMr'. Robert Mott of Belle- a bit hardler for two wecls (luitenderi for last \viele't ville xxas bcst mani for his bro- whenleteis ver let ou nfMissJud Roinso an ther and the uishers worc Mi'. vhenbeterswereief on rf iss.Ju>' Rbinon îîoWayne Vcnning, cousin of the he anagramis, to confuse the Vlaster Claî'e Robinsonî spen t bie lcsok n issuec still more' We do hope this pasi week xvith the Gorional aistoe o, SndeMr hose who participated cn.joc-_ doit lHendersons at, Midland. Creek, Ont. ed tlîemselx sanîd xx iii b" Mri. a nd Mrs.Mrav Mal - Foir the reîepton iî Caîri- cdv for a îînthi" cn t. n and fani ly, Mi. aîd Mrs x gtRcoainCnr h 1hi ieC um g'.Bu uu c> as eu bride's nothor rcceived wcar- T'his bas beeîi nne of tire riio'4 leri anîd Miss Belli Chîapmna ni nu a Street length gown of îpn tlar Flic slattsniani be. s1ttenîdcd the McLagblin iiifam - Pale b I e Silk nrganza ov,'r ponsor-ed. iv picîlîr ai Cartwright Tlowni- bliîî' flowered taffeta witîh Tlhe hi, Iigl~it is sliil tii cîîiîir Ship Park on Sondav vxxhite accessories and corsage next Monda ' \- iui It1ic !A* oln t pin]c i YevertnOh f xhbi te feat bcrcd ca rnation,; Royal, al. 7 :30> . a ndrl cieîile congregatiOrîs ianîd pi nk rosebîids. She was one coupon xi l] be draxx i lo iwed b>*' Chnrcb service asb;isted bv t he groom's mother front the mari\, thouisaiîds ini (open air> was hleld at the wbn chose beige lace over pale th ontest..'Fle persiîî xxhose, pond of Mr. aînd Nrs. W"ilsOn green taffeta with bat of aime is on tlia t particula r ileasli p on Sonda ' . beige andr corsage of whit e (OLI)Otu ilii receive a trip t Mir. and Mrs. Bort G;ibsýon feath e r e d carnations and Nassaui for twxo pcople.Te iîd witil Mrs. Mvirtlfe Me- peach roschnds. Iligbt xviii ho on one of tbc Gi ll n Fenelon Falls Snav. For the honcymnoon trip i hg BOAC plane.z anid the wi:i-' Mrs. Mabel and Miss Annie points east, the bride donoed cers wili stav ai the Montagîî Tiowaîî en oe aivpc rs fhack and white Bech [Jote] (one of the besi t) ic xvith Mr. and Mrs. Rich- .sil< with white accossories ' a week. Sevoral local peo- ard Rowan and family of En- and corsage of pink and white le who liave takon Ibis trip. niskillen on Sunday. roses.On their return the con- ir a comparable one, savy thal At a recent evening iîet- pie %vil] be living at 1720 Pariq txviii long be rememnbered. irig of Yolverton Uni t d St., Sudbury. Ont of bowri If vonj are interested iin be- ChUrch Womon, Mrs. Glenn guests attended from Mont- ng present al the Roxai whcen Gibson was presented with a reai1, Cornwall, Conse c o n. he draxv takes place, the pro- vase- a fareweli gift how-, Boileville, Brightorn, Napanee, nietors ,viillwelcomp voit, 1,vxver helated. 'l'lie GibsonsToronto. Stoney Creek, Water- )rovided, of c'ourse. \,oiruîr- h ave made their home in Port 'ion, London, Picton, 1Rurkp- -ase a ticket at, the wicket Prr' since departing from 'loi Port Pcrry, Fort William, hich xxi lso_-ixve voit an Ibis i onLn t Y. Lindsay, Markham. )porînunit.v of .sceing: a good: how. No coupons wi Il be ac- -ete after Sain1rdav 0of this ý:~s ~ . Honor civic

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