4 Let the Rest of the World Go By Therp i-, an cnld --"' î l i- tracts me. In i, one ir dsa ee litle nesi so0iret ~eWs.aî lets I her rsi of i lie 'wo 1 li ~ Thbe diffictilivi\ lî.t i l-TE' est uof the 'vot IcI s oitt ncnhtil b <ifi) i th 1t. <'anadmans h' e iii \\ hitIlte ci ornic expertis ier 1lna> aniluuc econlornV, If ilheir ' of tie wold decides tri po bh' . \we ho,ýrabouti ene(- fi fth oft <utr buisinesý,s Wv cou Id 'gft 8 long 'vithbot i Ne busines ;iftwe \vvit %villing tIlivr a less affluent ll ite 8are tnt, Wr al] want mnot e a nd insîsi. Pl) gettîngn.1z i. W aiccu? tpreCpaTîd 10 take a lower :standard rif living. so t bat s'etliti le nest idea. w~hile, il sowiid., attractive, isn't piactîcalI A.- a ntit oni, '«e air'iin sorncwhlai thle sanme Ipositioni *:a f a m i1v that bas establishied a high standard of living, but xvoild lîke b I IracI a quieter lite. Therv canne? h lave hoth, 'vi-tes Ambrose -illîs. Mosî of tlîem. wben the chips arie clown, vrciain the bîgh living standardc and do Nvitlh- imiit he quiet life. If we wanted tb sîniffif v ¶hii ns fo-r Canada, we cou Id isolate oî'e\e iom i lie world, but ve WOUIld have Ic0 lake mui- r conomic Ilumps for- coing il. 111 19)40, the Rowell-Sicois repor-t listed iis as onme oft he leasi self-sufficieni, countries in the world, We ma v have împroved our position a bit. but \Vve1 e Ft il] \'eî'v much at the mei'cv of ilbe ývor]Jd. WP bave been ir 'vîn g inhave il hif ways. We bave been foî'ming a Fort1 rifwelfaî'e state. Nice. but c- bîetisivr. Ili cost has been adderl ontri Oi- goods and s'ervices. The test rof flie world is tint inter-esîed iiipan for. ail mir social seîx'ices. ('anada bas bhen beipinz otirr A MacDuff Ottawa Report (-ItitutIfrS finaniciallv and ba.- brrn ccon- irîibu tillgrather beavil N, Ioward i be de- renue of Ille Wsenxol. WY Iiciii îi- as if thbrie were ait unend- ii niZ c'ononîic boom for lis Io ii.ioxv Thie gl'iroment \we elocet alinot corrru(l Iibis situation b v passing a set ot ]a\\ s Ilt cati help b 'v i igbtermînig ils own heilt but Ihat is about ibe l111111 f OS abîîv. ' cMUS1 Pgct bîîS v oisie.as c it i ze ns. 1) 11sîrmnssmcvn, laboîersand farnrs. Io make Canadia Bouncing Tomatoes Um'iied Siates aiiuliu Idepaî- miieii las c-onic t i i N an astounding rltscuusety, auto' loluIlie \,ijiwaatkep VU.S.A. 1 .lctial. If a lomaic is c] ruu)pped on a lia id su iface il \\'iII i le d-aniiapecI more thIaiî if it is dî'opled on fuam rumbbr. F-il tî lieiio ~sa vs Illie lctirnal,. a precss 'clase aîinouniesflic estilîs of a sI i dv uton bruisiiig 1ii.1 ilr"es t> i ora i ce 'i itiriv sas foui îd 1-lo eAcm- ulai ive . . . thlai isn \v heu onmtor.s \vc-t'e dioped iwuî or mute limes. I e rlaiîage 'sas fuimid in exteitid iii niîuî'e andir m iiemiteiruîalI pais * -\A tom-ai o droppec] <ilf? i IIOgLI.P1bec-OMrs -,iiedibîe. Thîis ail souîîîds imasonable. Anîd tlic laim is t liai itle infor'mationîis of s-ieîtsific vaWri Tue hle expeiimctii vas rmîduçted in fir] oui t busv tomatn(es v'ani iesi hiepa-k'cd Ioarrive <on Je c-cutriitable ini t ie est possible s ha wf. 'Tlicpt'ess itelrase cd îti i'îuvide mite piQu of iiîfot'natîiouî IIiaxîiav- eus igli hlieint.ercstcd inî: Wiat gî'dc- (Coes a scietits have ino maci in (cuvil ;4,-vi\'i'ehein,.(, he'.s r titic ici hîîîtîuîî'eci Itîmaictcs? Confusion Cornpounded ODTTAV'VA-'viwritf-t'is'c t iotmsatuîcl vol ers in the rastei-iiOui ario vronstit îics cf't Sor-mcnt ad a tîniqume oppcut'tiniitv fin July 16. Deposititir, Ii rîr ballotsfouur ss'eeks tiitle day after tIheir fellciw ('aiacîians had liît the Couiîtî'v svitli a niisîî-maslî Var'iîarent of ToriesGiis. Sourdus anîd socialissdte people of Stoi'-îoiit îos- Iessed thîe powerin bgive mpouîaîît, ltî'ectiritn îatiîonal affaits ai a cnt tuaI JWiP.,Ilites ssoutd liai e enioîtsirufi ci Ihlat Primme Mitîust cr Diefe-nba k er% ai si iity ro- a ut iiliad ic-c-ilue ehas auîcoau f unîpleasauît i cf aI ai esunaiushi i p desigîuech- Inui îull Ie (oîi t'îcit rcf ils e<'onniuuiiic i iup. R " i'.t-'itl iiuii clc(-u'sts ýi' ni fi\it if lie lierai e, iesmouîiilinhase u'itccuu 'ugec Ilit- îîîaîor oppositiuonupa u'i v iirruk tllie Coiserutoieuit'.3 defcat 10in lie Coni ciotîs, ic biing uîuîanothrer cclt îîuîanîd finis-himie 'l'lcy'had ithe oppti ittv lnelrcta ,ýociaI u'edur, wichi otuhl liha set'eun - Aou'u'-cIlle fond hehuet'nf MlatPartsmi tit in, ai lougig st. lin Mrc m'adi Innaitotua tpcuss' trIc ilie' couîdha% i cikeciOP lie tîlsi photogenie cfthie fourc<cddae.a minT- Ic" 1iufe i'unning oîn itNe Ne'ss Deniocrat te tuoke, o emphîé a ru,' Ihe tchs e uti fuir thcetImm nid paril anaud the, Socri c adira l. cf the ighi. 'UNe" rhno-c tri rdo one cf T'e .'nie non decuvehing ihcv nid l a lio eninhauze ibat ithe 5tcs f atco tintoAi teasi, the <'nusersal s'esand Liherais arte Iithtthepeople'.echocce in r leu (wnuttrs'. RBut f the .plnier parties f"lt te îc- PHt, i Nee 'sas I iUlc cauuue for reInitelug i filc eTs' anid GiicanipF. 'ihe Luberal!;c-ouutd ok iack toi a jnnz bol n-'o tuccesseF:in i- l ic i-t, brcukriu cîtiyih' Ny arinis < onn- tai uc ;i - i i'lie upsets'eau's of i1925, i.1130 taîud ie lhuefcnbaker land5lîdecf i1959. %INtIilite Ide ilum mog sit'oig-inTTuthii i as uit iit N-at, atnd a pcr'souiablecuandlidate-. tlies zhtouldliavse îîoitcalls Vlan Cusu"am e ctsrl s ii t oujeli jw& ii le i'duig's Paars si-tes; tîig ini ton jçrclc- efotu' the vsit hainoi s'a iiîuilu' <-cii d sns'- Pi-tu ilaul I'Nc Sonieds îîeam s;hi île uscinlsiii i a kînd of a cht'ani ssot'ld iiîif-beliesîig "lhiula sputmklîg ut Real C(nuiuîttî'.,11." i t te l'uî<sttuc's' (muidld ui a i e'uutd of 304tr re Icuun i uto one of V&urtui s. -Prbaps thîe nost realistir rot thp four lunics ssas ibe NDP, ssIi&uîkn w it ro dii'b 7. un but figumued i w as ss oufh Iilie lix in 4)it I ie Partyvfon uIe iiap, l-Camie eccIion nigit, aind filic- \iP'5 osc i ot'-k tnlecioge ix a- liu-irc-uiît(0111 li - sch ('aiiciiclaeM'. 5pt tueBilpitc fcîî cc 1h l1ii.00t0 'voieS. 'heSoc'u'u'cisnia'-ked I icit cisea tipinut tîîroîtlii îîoîtîug oniit hiat thit'\Suite of tu-i idîîlt t,300uît t'pt'c-sciitech a 40tt0 eie iiipt'oi et on <ithe i1958 rjenis Fii le'Comuesasves and ArhIc tli c-tai; . îrfli io tlilît'suluptuise, ii'uidil ttitcu a nilff-Niget' tuial s'uîuî'i<edclutîTIhie ast Poil 'pu'eh Atici1tneI ie 1e(,îli t s n -uclose t liaI itle 'I'ot us rc'lpcd i nî- li eslp-so ns Inato lea-ieîîîclfrotîStîi'- mîonît ate legucuîu Rintperiîapu itle niosi iîlprMcica At tAi i rifIlt M S nue dpt'essecl 'i etft'îu tjic tîg au-e suauconufîscd anuit thecîttocimnti 'f('auadîaîu lilliu'a affaît'-; wa hl- iuu'tgiluuî'IinL'flini llîc <'o- If auîî thîi Illie Stiî'iîlonit 'esui 1. ,ltilild 'ci l tte auclliof fini pclitic'iauiasi'io fanu' l nrt rIluîi l tu n11Pe el-o<'aie<ut a cia iai e 'leTh icsuxeeiciidate ulit)îîil; F'i t i-i i y sI:i tli2 sisîig oiulr i i,,iciciuoilt i of Il1or eihkc'sai. terditnrcasîîî e;atdich hi has-is eattack lie faumi Ifu'oîu i lerando'tcl iTiiNDP tirg miW2. Rut ihîr i;qiýci li-t jt - Iliat th c iot lind id Oi Il li 5fot- u'oîmng secondîci i ru; k itîdciif t ac .t\nidlhe lhcfenhhkpT Gos - c-t'itîeii'i iiagTi, aahmdi prenaruoiix Tii O sc-ltill Fas csut The l,ilîo<'nIls iiîfi tic- lecriellis' jmuidintg <ii i lieu i- H-oiiseof ('orni otlîi; con1- ltigoit triînau -elu10 u8111lueuriiahultts on diicil trcî i a bîatiîiivLhclcuti- si utîîeuun's atd IJIîtdPt SUiChi pucupît unrn- iiîtiiiu- itatcs, hîoî id tIo nia ke Ari Nîpa use anid Pinuk litfor" îeapmg ln anhi îouîîchatechaI- -irue ltc aîuui liet.C tur c-îîd o'uutest. Social C1tcriit ws; h cmwIr;îli,-. if il openis lt; c'ýssiliat ils diSjiil faîiuuc('1ut iiliie tf('or chnslitl ites Splaiu à iniic sgiîftni f<or i nthe lotîg î'îîî, thînt a rîissletugainîs iiotie paît of Qilîhc' '%nid thle N DP ducl i îcd u'îîîmid utg.ccais Clat0thîad imlntoat ai hiosisuippuit li il., in tial s Ciîltic- as a inationmaili Volî ('tii ad-' as a ss'lolc-. Stot nîoî t ciiîpluIasi /0(1 s lîastc i udecî-suoîî ssi îîuî ii gîtt li 1 ttîa /c Ii sis \a' 'l'liîe (cui-criali ise ;A.( i 1 dei l ci'tî t uuîuîublc. iit tllie i iit"I's n-ilve ili .\rt tuths Icitîer lheit faliIl i IlIte InNotlý; lu si cc ilulw 'The conutfîsionîji hlt c' Iln -I.ei t:ui:îui hu'til:thni)tune fleii'aps the lu'-t tii ug luit Ilut' îniin)iî. miii t e ilsc"ionîti îtiouti ît oU M du w"tinch tîn itk îîuîî' ic' ls, ist l i e foi.un r ii pohiîlt - infa i;n i tI ~lec ln e10 uitk anîd put as lPIieu iiLiliî' of anTTcal s tc-în'î tlatlih ' ito s loi)u ucî uîîî 'lî t i e doclu e ii su n l lmi icTi fîrlrhc i îîi-'u.on on i)clitii ttiz, ltit0ri oî~1 ~(rrrt Jrym 1IV 1-!jîrnii Fmolhllushpd 108 vFnt.ýzugo(o1 ThA BOwrnitnvip Newi7- ThP Newrostla Indpp(-nrient Thp Orono News* "Aihr~d i,~Sp'~ I i.~ T10,Ili v ho. Pni Oice. pln oltl..." , -t fr've u i.M rn.;tqmo intnut Poducectl every Wednesay bv 1HL JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMIIEr.-.) P0. Box 190 b266,King St. W.. Bowmanvîlle., Onînrir JoHN Pm IAMF$., 1 l. OtI'PNBJLI SMER (--1,'.W. GRAHAM AoVTîi. MANsAn..Eu G'OP. MORRTfl SUBSCRIPTION RATE,- t4 no m yArax. înrtlv in advrmnt "%,!i m Yom n t h@. iJnî te, Automated Meter Reading ý- , 1"" ,. I [nislanîaneous (;as Meter Readings from Inca- iions 10 tI 100 miles awa 'v arce bcing î'ecorded bv this clectroîîîc huain ai the Consumers'(;as Company office mi dow n 0w n Toron to. Ma rjorie Tudhope tele- phones il) \Volland, Ontario, listens for- the connection ilion presses a btittoni. [n seconds the machine records onteeype th li time of ia y, meter location and cLrrentg: crad i n v. Consumiersl Gas, Transitel International Cor- poration <who dcveioped the 'brain") and Bell 'oie- phone ('ompan *v of Canada are c-o-operatinig in thle first North Aerran trials of the new method of reading remioe an(] 1maI tended nai oral gas meteis. I SPICEF SBý, Bill SM leYj i iorldrl ilo\ tlie xu cMlirwhen .r nvhodv else p ,,ioold -01oi-P chocngs wi1h ' d)iii fi" 'Tk Plapse -le cp an (Plal fOenlire i slior.fori c\faiiip. 'The incat in four miutes flit and olderi \ou gei l iho hootr id Ne oui ithe door aga iii. He coider. the .sillinct ges. can drink eighi hoties of pop \ a guii \ i s P,1 (l ISuiid eat four ice-cream r(ones t 0( id sOhouil 'st . Sl i tloît uioiî a liair. Ali. nior str llet he aîînad for i- ~ woîti Y i ilbe granîd Io bp e ri e thO 0fiteh..~ 001~. lîi ga . b, soimmer lasts for-ý 111b(iî N' le-i ug of atil verani s a lwa '-s lu*i" foi r boî 1 c i si 'l olle, If, 0 i la ; . d i..r.. ý. l Thm (,Anjqtlip" '11-11- "M. jýstj r1111, rt' t Mle l 1; IN the est r al p1)0- Single mîons Iii lhe ssorid. SubIe ages for a boy. 15 1 I-lef clisiita' sha ie looks probabla the svorst. Especialy d r sves h u n Io i h ou hbcs o f li k, HFe dcosuî't lhase 'anY'in summer. If his parent, are suicide, (') moey of Mwhuc'h isork l do. Giri-, duîî't inter- flot wsell off. he bas to wvork. he nevpr lias e-nough: anîd (dui WESLEY VILLE c-st hiiîti ii tul .;Igiteipt lHe and lhe envies hitterlv tbe rich gmnm.s uummier is purec iortuu'e <'Oîencîeclfor last wpek-I lis 's lit a s; otîcler.flll 's'old ii ikidg wsha ean go off ib %umm,, for this bird. who ios'aiiabl's' ,astMnda 0vening ,thp sic 1,11' c 'le liuidatslic'îvetweî camp )or family cottage. If bis fahîs ceepî.vlI los0e sylîlisomctie pacheus andi exerutive ot bbc fata IIct falla . S' o iiroix ail parents have lots of money. brown-legged gilîcu ti-,jus'i.unda colmti h urusuap ' ]îîîc'ie resents having to go to Visiting for- a couple of'wes > Sho e o bi the ottge.-,%her. teres n- ýH% harlis rokn -en cii urub tînder the c-bauumaii- bb cttge wheethres Rs îa'tics bu'okc-o ss'heo sh cf M,\urriaz Payne, super'- lie ail or olir, titilhodY but. iomen and IitIs. and lea t'es, nile rts lier ned tidscsthbu- lie ' ipsituefoclai- his ie heenvies the Iucky kids who Sreint'seniental lelters d tne, 1 iscus t bc busu c-s's (u le in le cii its ve a summuler joli, foir Ibue weeks afier schootu""S:; forth 'mn tre t hi iie gt'ass anicI s;a tçli Ati i5, tllie a sciage maie us -Ri' thelie m oe thle uIaj] a_-îricc sas plauiocd lentativ- l'eIitpluiu. sou lîs i01lie "ilan'uî,aîls\ascace of bat girt;. inliFîsi _-el,; tto h in- ca 1i'civ' -fou' Ittîs 281h, ai Ausio's pla\ all il I e h itiiiip >tti (Il i 1, c i p ex on, h cIl lt i tes, tj ,Il e1 s tîe Beach. lîl li IlIl 11 Nuccîuîguun lit iu conioen'oe hEd g a r Rarrowcrloughlibas agaîuî a fie tiug. 1-1uS cmli -oniplaini is thai l t'a o long beeuiniu Port Hope ehospitai enough I-le works hau'd and since Itil.v 9th bcbng treateci p 1 ii-c E)iS wic'e as hai'd. -le foi- a beari c'ondition,. n h i thd tie ?,00')miTie.,10 fisior ni, eigibouî-5 belped by taking îîla\,s 116 bioles of golf' ou- lits truick and Joad of stock to and dancesa ail nigbt. w'thouiti;;il.\v Tor'onto fliese Iwvo weeks. noliureablc decuease in ttani- Muis. 'l'tti wbo lias been ho i na hospita I bor-some tillie s iro- e e pu-oxing and 'sse are happy Io D istantL PaS t He lias;bbc(svnu-ld i Ii he ýaY Suzannte Eyden i'etuyurncd 1>4*bail, aà<'au on a dosco payment. home lasi weck afîcu a stay of I-rom Thpitatpsann IiIps bhrec girls wsvbn ink lhe.s the almost foumu ss'eeks ninsi. tcîning uuî Ille tiank, Marie and Bomie Austin and ilbe moueii lit bs lîcac I ffthuceînd of the week for 'l.'t îx S A4> , it19 EARS AGO except an excelleunt oiono~ ifcamp Qci-Mo-lac wbeu'e thes' lliurself. Suriînerbuie su a s sili art as courilors fora i Jul~19,19:b m.uly~î 1911made for Iiim. youi iger gu'oup. ticiî (su ci ufRwnsciaui- i adie'rr'ini uhcer- N'owý. lets look al i îinî10 Carotyn Ashbs'o! Detr'oit ta Vi <le. %n'astiliciiluerof Illlitotiof ufficeus esul ted as sear-S abel. Nh ai «2J'liait'S viSuttig lierunls ftlle .50Olu lfir-tir oc 's'îai a fîoss's I-bu on.Puesideuit.--Mus. ronti irn? Nc i liaI it i nî, hag- in Port Brila ho diriuîgthe ,;ta% sic-1Il atlr'îurlech St . oscpii's W Uk.Mal tory: Piesident -gard (or fat. fiabbv' fehlos' Iiîce of lier Grandmolhbcu ('lîîî'îlî l'auis u iial ociii F'- lYls. ..A.M('teIliaui: Sec Y c-omnug borune ît'oîîî ssou'k ouia age' ch.\as s<iil I u ntarc Park. Musý -las. De ' ion : I'Ieas. su unner ev'euî îg ssii hisl shirt Lasi Monda" evellintiuîg a Viîc iVIr ul:\ r. Ir. MsC'. 1.Ancrsocu : MVatch a uî siuck lIo hiiii anicIllie of Wesieyviiic'x foirmer rp-À. I1 titi)îpliît os rtî'uu ed home 'oiiiiiee Mesdiames E. S. mau'byi"s look ou irlim face' dents passeci awav in Bow- Wcdo-e clas cý-ii'uutg. tiîev sere Scîîklec. G C'. Roinve(asîle(. A. Watcbhlm as hie picks ul it ami uic1-ospital. Sbe waq suitîn1o , In dcist'ivet'thiey S.'îtethé tricycle and thc sand pail Mus.George Bi-ookiiig svbo liacî 1111 îsîîîsslo s'whio iwi ht' NoruTiauu F, ieîuuîgs 'n g on tbe front %walk. sur- had l\ed wib membeus of lieu- sochue usort of ON t uiguushi-or Poiil ope.'. ssuecl ucatuses ;'eys the la wn mournfuullv. banîit'lin owroanvilte Most Stl s iinîhad slîîî<'îcî ta <oeW'duicsda> cldrags himself imb bthebouse cîf tue veais siuice br bs ui <uie of t1ici t fî'nist ts isIda Putîchi lias.- "titu-and beads straight for bthe,'e- banci'.; deathi io 19'26. Oci Mu 'N'ci me \Vocucl s tîili trotii 011 Atîeasatît "'iSît 'ý tII frigeratoî'. lt's thc samne char- uuighboui's ier hlappy Iob cla uîgfi Ntus-cîiauis ak -frinteu itiiT'oronto. acter, alil riht. Only now he's have bliabeu' sî',iih tbem agaiti e- Elîut ln sisou uMi-t.' Yluand Mus.6<-ci Pirigie, in ,hat lisknnnnas "tlePweim hp spenf rnuchtinte iui Mu Mur'.NIsiots. et.u an tic her relatives. Thar means Ne ha5 kuchs. a Dauke ho Pou-t Britain in re- hie oMrq GA.Sellar- and Mi's fi-st and second tîîoîýtgagc ouic-coi yeaus. The wvoî'bh rofa Nlstc uauiui Sestiott ; is alph C ook aui îss'nsoui-. tuîe bouse. andci ghb paYi'ents gooci wooan is beyond nica- Ii Illin'Sik('h litreil'n- In- (Chiicagou [Ilt, ai-e cusitilîg hi go oui thetar.HeS ai Ille suie ald members of lieu' tam- lta t, Toroniuto. i. uceîgoung ain theur tinoblîcti Mis.E.'1.Car-age îhiere lie's -"gebîinîgestab- il-'yanîd nmain v fuieîîds wbereveu' upcilo Murn. Yl Dasvid cI ili. -Janet- lliicd" in hi s career. 1ui <illi- thic ttsed scere cnriched by n N ru V." Suis cîcu h-A n - iII lu', losi t Ns'x atuabhle hioga ert. 'ouds. hîe'as work itig lîitisei f lier' ic)uîg luife or os'er omet .y uI i l ins) t'1t1lin'ii-il' c i sii hs i <h sscie sut'tiCk hi' iglit- sui]\,al bis joti so rtli lie cau a u-s Es'eu at, thlaiage we uc- Mr .Il. (LubI uuuil ii1 i tii >. Su tda s : t lies' ss'eeecp up thie pas uîîeuus ii l ima 'ei icisas' fai'îetlbt meii - tiis IaIs ( orlu Illthe frInutclh uddhc-cit ogetiie riihilleiouse so tiat lie(caiti come Ou-s',of siclia peu'souîcontinues minv os t i<n-t < tpliii 515 va ~fldl hionte ai niglît anîd ssork hîiuî- to blessa M ts.'A. C.\ iuu and 'i lssel f ,silI'v unosýiuuugIlie ls'u Foi Iowsitg a ditscussionî ai bu u n ui Xi tn-('ii l smd F oretîco Allu ti Nave bpeeti silti - ssecdiiîg thie gardenî -pailil thi2ile Stutdai' Schioohn'eetinig. a .< ind J.\uand smuu-iniiirelative * liBratntforud and thbbc ru r huildinîg Ille patîio. cetei'minect effort ssas made M: atietîdu ug thie sedd iug uit'a For a big culicitauinduit dea h u Sid s 'onhi nd1ho <'n .l t- et rt îîesIN ck uali ivue t lîcu'e Missa Al linlie rail ta ke 1he fari'nmlvfuir avasstartecl on tinte.Valcrie 55 uni tii.sang a soho itn Bi-atît As'e. bllie dris'e anîd hui tl'en' A ustiii rcad tbc sc'ruptuî'e les- Mii' V 0. Nn ic-uanîd Metliodist Chtîrcli, Stitida.\ c-e u-eam c-olles. Al i i' sage son. Bevcris' Adaroson, Vickî ýmms n iiuîua Ic. ( tliiri aunclEu-uc Mr. Chas. W'eks. Tou'ouio. il doeso't matter tiinL]'h vhieth- I)arke of T oroobo anîd Karen uIc lîu cIia vuiug at, Atilittcii, ,;petitSuncha ' alniropl. er us wMilîter ou-stîmuner X5akeiy of Poit Hope were Lo;ke Iiîuîuîun Mr Granit LUionîîsiîteul lus vs *,.S Nlis Ri wil Ari- isq G ,ra e U ion Wh n j mai p ts nto bis Sescuai fuorn W esleyvill liui.u io,101luciax uug sciti lieu' Wiiitbs', Siida>' picl shxt ts, scummer should blc atînd Port Bri'rain sibendec theI fliiit btlabel <olî, andi Darltngtoo Couull(ii-it ilelime orleusuu'c and Pleasuu'e Memnoîual Day ser'vice un Zio riîihî c u'ti\e lieue M60 un sheep daiiages at .1141v B' thien, be shonuld tic ablein on udyatronadw Ii.s.1 t-ni 1-uI Il wias Jet - seoýsiouî take plentti'or holudays. go on unday aftseunoon anh(>,ct'e ccl fion ii au -miiatile uiolor Mu- pl amnilton, fisbing ss'beîîcs er licfeels lîke p uprcsstedgroundbh b ap ti-,r' i t loicl) tic Ma rituies sprnt Sundai at Nisagu-atîilhi.or Just sit ouitbbc veanda Iao hefot h rodwbnut ,,ild Np Elilan Staes. -nohoiýs, Ms anies Kiligbit. aîd t-oc-k. I 35 yrar's lie has tilsrcamto.Mmes ,/îclNe; Ligamrl taes Lake Shiore Fat-nilearneci boss' t-hauîdîe lit; wife~~u'c mtoo ebr Msse; h)ou otluv ,Edget, Mar- MI'r and Mrs. JR. ilcer nd is ire<o- shuldhave ýor tbe boar'd and aIt îvbo belp., toue uat uîdEselînGoci- ,,îd ultdreti. Oshiawsa. auîd Rus c-ildrcn havue gu'own lip cc at-e Io be congrabulatert durdtftSut tdavs fou, Balha.it11Mi ss Theressa Mc'.Caff r P -. andc are liv'ung in tec-ts' Mr. Loiu Howartb of Wes- Mistuika du-lT uit, fou t iîî l' sîasa. aie visifiuîg al Mu- T Sunîru- slid be a lime of ton su sited wutb bbe Harold anatuonu Bottrels. drows * peace. .- Austin tamil 'y and other rela- >lt;'cs Ru ia Ru'uuuîctî anîd Chauncelloîr T, P, os'e. S o i;hat doeç hbP £et., tives oui Satut-das' andi lefi tVutiiie lauut'azec uit' The Mus. Boscles and Mussa Vcua.Grandchildren. Horde s of daugliter Mary Loi bei-e for Stu -nîînîîii staff. are bliiiav- Toroumto, and Mr. lames Dec.-' them. It's ton bot in the citv a few days. Har'old and Roy: ig atWiluiam-, Poinut, Lake it, Blackstork. rec'cutlYv isit- for the littie dartUngs..s rmrati and Paul Austin and sulgog. cd at Dr. J.C. Des'ibt's. mntummy brings tbem up to Ron Dinumer spemit bbc week-C Miss f r 1 -Boriicithu R unua Stie Miss Bessie Walshî, daugbter visîf their Cranny. [For ~the end ai Red Stone. aîtc'uuced thîe Yitic-tIl - Brook oifMu. Jas. Walsh, Libett St.lKvhole. horrible summer. They Hayung us cropletcd on sseddig Iut St. CierocitsNoith. passeci suuurssfuIIs' tbe:tear up grampa's flowerbeds. mosît armî and fail whcat 1.9c Cliuu'eî. 'Torontoîc. oui Saturday.,Normnal Schlool exams, taking'dbsturb his siesta. wreck bis almost ii-pc. Mur.laspcu sinibli lias ac-.a Second Chass Tnterimýpower mower and malle hhm A belephotie rail thon (il ceptc-c a posution i ssitb radio Teacber's Certîficate. drive themn out for çwhms . onba\,ca distr'ict on Sunday nt- stationî CK'IB lit St. Catharines Mu. andc Mrs. Wiî un. n,îdays when tbe sun wvould stun ing began witb It a diull asý lt'auîstiiuteu cî perator. Mirs Berthia Cauinu. ti iosso. an ox. mom'niuig, isn't il *" Il was any- Mus. W'Il. Carrublieus lias and Miss Colville, Orono, left ' Yep. the menfoîka baa'e tbuig but dull bere. but lb roturneci fuoni Pasadenîa, CaI.l McndaYv on a trip 10 Eugland ibteur ups auîd downs ii sturo- baci been raining heavily ini ascouiipanied lib lieu fatbc'u, Mu.1 Master C;arneî Sy'rons lias mer For- women, o! -oui-s, that district for- bhc previous RoNt H. Rggs. , lumuLý-neci froro atumpptin Mont- i's differenmi Tbev houe suro- tbree nigbts and bbe ground Or'otoiM 'Nvsa Raine,rcaî. mer. Whethcu' Ibey're tlîree ssas flooded. Fieldsala home R N. Torontoo, sîsuteciheu Pa"'- iMu Cari S. Biowte, B.A., or 83, tbey go around withilieue aire io gî'eab need of c-ituS, IM. and Mus. Robet't V,,kieek Hill, bas been ap- practically nothing on,' reduce, moisture andi even in the Raties'. pour'tcd Matheuiatical Ma-ter thie -ooktng to soup and pea-,woods, wuld beu-ry hushes are Nos bttumle' NIims Helen of Boss'mans'ullc Hizh School.1nut tiuttrru'sandwiehes. Andcitirs ing tuup fou' 'wart o!mous-t t îrce-eî oicl Tnd icsHamiîl- Nîrs. Normnti etimai and,'las c ltthe i-sts un tbbc uiol of I t-e Ihuit heu-e us-us oui-(uitn- <oui, ulic-nb SluiidaY sitb lieu' Ihrup cidreui arc hoJida"ing ibe hluse sshilc ubeuir maies solabuomi, J-IY waf, a mbanscl- j i pal ent:'.lai, Windermere. Muskoka. ' arc out doing batie. 0u3 mofithi for haying. Tal< abouît an eocho out <of somund. lttîer. According tri the pasi' Lasi week, -Ier scuttiebuti. he had mereivý Mem'cer, svhio lives in the Keni- buzt'ed off for personal rea- dat district, handed nie a sons whiclî. of course, is none newspapeu ctipping, b r o %w o'of our- business. I-is former wvith age and spltched vvithlhomne is nowv occupied by Mei, oit. tbat he had found on i vin Bowviins. jusi north of Cai- barn floor. l- Mercer iîa4 scadden School, two mite.-as ]ived thete for a quarter oif a 'of Pontyporil. ceilturs'. tneer saw the clip- On the opposýite side of fil- ping before, and is rnstified ciippîng iq an accotuni of a as to hoss il camne the in filcwedding. harn: perliaps t. became dis- A quiiet weddingwa sol- todgedi froni wlerever it. hlod tmni,ed ai Smithdale on *iulu been piaced. nmail'v vears ago., 2nd. wlhen Elizabeth Eva (Bes- and feill 1 the bain flooi. sie), daugliter of Mi% and Mus. There is no indication of what D. Smith, wai married Lo Wil- newspaper it was clIipped from i aro A. Bcetlîouu, son of Mr. but il interested me because L. Brethour of Lindsay, liv the of the tinie, place, and inc:- Rev. E. A. Stemnin, Duntroon. dent quoted. Here's how tl The bride. who was giveii read: awav bv lier father, wore a $%,5 Rw gown of white silk cî-epe trii-ý 'Thle alyjse i'ewai'd witt op emda with milk-white beads.ý adatulle veil with orangeý paid ~ ~ ~ ~ I fo9ifrato edn biossonis. She carried a cas-i to the location. dead or alive:caeobrd]ossndfn.' of . H Cascade, afarieiThe bridesmaid was lier sis- of Pontypoot. Ontario. wi'l e.MisM-eSrib h ieft hom .e on lime 51h, 1919,l. Mis azeS th o fo r Toronto. anîd also stated wo r0le here, the account ends Iiai Ne intended visiiîg Mi- so we\, witi neve- know whai ton, Ontario, to piirchase c at- Ndig. oneraiBerp iey ai"' ttc. From ihailimie nottiing odrwepte r blas beeti heard of hni im 10., Desripion 4 vrrs f ar: Righi tinder the wveddiig weiglit. 175 Ibs.: heiglit. .5fl. anucmit sapcueo 9 hoches: bitie ce es: dark liai i: a fiee fat cow, with a rathe, clean shiasen: suiburnî rcom- large Auder, :dvertising -Hor- weu'ngan las' ble suut. s ng, digestible. needs no cork- wearng nav ble sitPa-iii"' safe for infants, invalids. namna bat. and brown boots. and rwniide. lwF WVrite or phione infornmation fi)i rowing chiiltd reni.Ila Toronto Detecive A g P.iic pr oabrn. mated mulk thfii nlîn. 70Vitri Sret dr tiiev are puetty sm-art, but was a picro ayigoodheood-hev tou'n coslow in 1919. Wasa pctue o a oodloo-wh .en s'ou notic(e wliere Llip uuîg chap iin a dai- suit and Hriks iwa wspae "vig'colla i. o-i-' i-ad w s p ce 1 lever Nad tlîeptclastuî'cof a c]aSssîcexamrple of atuto- k-tîowýiiig Mr Ca rsc'addruii bc, geturî raiige ie efithePntt\-ol Auî ndd feature o! the sved ara on 'Ili eip ihe P919.' jPOOl dtng s4or s' filitnomnîtionî ahirea otî s .ituefrtlî ii. u wa-, made of the bridegroonî'c val oneeuî darn l iefoje .11 ar' îu'oilîer. Also. wh rsSnmutho occupued un til 1946. btut 1il a c'nt-on t-meiemberhesurlit hs disap- rurioouta thai uri \-ttlva ,vMem.orIal H-ospital the grapev'iîe we liad 10 'ekl raloor TV. andc few teir- W e l Report photies lin tliose daý\s didti t uîeed stuch gadgets as long as. FroîIlte wckof lii ~ ss',e Ilad tbue conuItri' ioieoiip'Li0( aîî -open-' igi, voî.t roi,:. ýA 61s:i~ tIotiglit bliai if lihw.;goiuîg Birtlîs. 4 fenmale i to porIChiase CaItie, 1he prob- Dslags69 ahl.v sas i'arts \ing a sizeable MIat)"OtOpratiOjîsq wsad or nînne\. hlad beni Miîor opeu'ationF 9 bnimî;ed off. anî obd . bltEnici-getîci ti-catments 3 il t.- oic-e o hie abte fi) report Visiting lioiu- .1 - 4 pr. fiat he iiiîutod titi.safp andi and 7 in 28.,0 p.ni. 'E:at." said ilie Ou-I ov. ', At1. h mid Ne wn1vrs loii ooi sure s;hai lie oic-anui iIliai last ii, And 1 u afî-aid lIl geti îuvolved fir 1ak, i suppose hli maguiepF 1 mil t Iuitru dnrink if 1don t ral. Yoti srn e i uai het ivcd of hîcaruiuir lînws'as;ful il t;, In pueparp vouir favnri fond <hprrp shouteake And Oeil noi Pal any- of i. becaimsofiherucloriues. Wliaie er hlie fnt I gave uuî xitîimt a stuuggle Aund atr. 1(-aruî resist àautivtnr hutit teuliati nu 'i'nt'd tluink I'd be salisfied in (cal oiie'uresthe îît LoMiunieirided ibern in lie caieTi fi esl. t as;'and ins isbedl. During the berrv seaszouu Use eateuî ail Icao tuial wav. 1 c-an aiso cal tbcm on cucaiai Ptheakfasi. ss tIi sugar andr cream for dînner, and licsi (if a11, hNeîrcc; ;iictcakrl nur dtunplinged for supper u ita m>N ifae tn t kr itlic mort faiieniog recipes besi 1 My appetite for lic-r Cv s uîuilsal iabic. Es'ers' s car. atfier onîc siuuuuinl)iiigtlontii i chaihi7n. ;aI? itNe i ecpes come ouut Rcurheurs lmiisiiit . lerr pus anid mon berrypuiddiuigs.NotIn10 TiOutiotuuthiiru' su udasil On top of ahilîuhs inmakc- galluons.(if liirrî Janis as long as the seasouî asi.. WP e scte ucis"d n i h irni Sask t clisruf, isier herus'u'e onso scamthilai ticryi îî ci lot ic rpuT clasrd pi itlic box. excepi fci ur bucrîs. ssi cli ii ftici, a naltive c'of Ontario. tnsusteci oTica itig l ii ck iclirrvic'n 'l'o xpaun tebrn npri ougi. c-set rîniteI 'ld Roy aniditNe k ics abouti thle "Nuli utc- ani. nri dcalse col il ai]. cou wil sas. VV i fîur uuciHu Pniîed ln 1< a nuuiut n f Hrcw bcuriusSaskatoon hcz r~si < si s ne urna-hîg nelîluje- beru-ls a nd hlia s goocd. aic and lciHies il s - eI uîcký sic wnuî d wi uîcl up 'sithicuoui gli for oTic ,zial lu of herte;P for rcd Tienibel cfr thc-faTîillu Fou ipar.' wsic i red tnfind icc-ni;_h icwil s aoli-re foi' jq uiu'hlî tîca u' of. hîîî i c-s'eu t an- ccl li > aaut licru' ,bihecak,- .Audîclai ast s esuicc'eercd 'I'no(In -n sce Nad hî'ai'ed a na:,tilTC i lc-Tlr khii - cl huui igu ,cl anudrthe fnrbu](deu tanid of a fat oic-i îhn, utia h àiakeF a lot of huintitig aid tiunz Tgiinlî'Onmi<'non gh- .5l id st sbetrtea for si asi'hierri'siirta krc. 1 pa use dia ni a lal s liete nu ici' '>10r\ . '11117 ijes;liriu', lic î'îtiauî of the pucce "'lue Mille 'M'an-' uuturiin.îleFhii ruiddPui 17 niîles on hi s tim ic lle, î iti, for uîî s' fat lieu in i uat i <crs. or soulîi liTg. Anid ile "Mutlle Maru' ia" . dfou dinu er, li-inpu ig zthle niniuiet uiniosai dosnI io 'csei 'I'hîe sake ss'as rtts'tded iuo eu2ht puu'u'e; Jach unea secs'd one potlin tas'ug tue cuiihlîi iin îau';plcndnr n th Necentre of tb lte, d tT ipputip iliidcl îcuo us. sugtzarv, Recuse lic ss'aa uuguet. "lue Mute Man" WaneRt5'Pf fu us crack ai thle ouily sePc(iud iTel ci mg. Kuglrgxl sstled ou Iimn foin rt'eils s he e hd hy i' puu rsed Ii s. lie lnok t. IP uhîiidreuîneveu'fl ouga Pi e hi.uu \Nos eu We dudoi't 'ueoi pas much atituntio I)oIephiitfi tue nexirnelie eau'op. And ibats viii t las e hig lhîiîi ahouut eshotrake, the kin u rdnoltn ificîmlp 'tuI's s; lissic-sehiereat uog 'aspberri' shouicake luke îîîad ail is rIn. and bIn hpck i't he M'rt es. unduvudîtal ,'utoi'if'akPs tici onsmaî t îonîuat "MiMenMc-' t134 cuipesîficci pasti' fho",r4 tsps Nnkiigposuder tep. sali. 12 uup suigar. (1tt0ii i s ps ,lînt'tcillng. add /c'î mîilk and i-uop unto aicasec iluffucuIlis RaPte i450 dAg. about 12 mt(mîtCIOlîusrîutiisin hlt'aî.n srrh ss'uh tcai butteru. Fuil i s'uh r'uislid suigareci heuries aund top ith bue sae, eie ot. (Mates 12 Jauge c(ake;'. Top Teen Age Driver "Tbe tcîp 'uren-age drrivr-c iii C )t t.ar-in "l'li'a t 1vasý the hoîîour uvotn hv\1 8-vrai -clcI erîîa'rl Rot'schkPý of Leamingtoti, Ontario, sylietiie , -deigcrh cuirnaî'Iv 50 othcc contest.ants Ioî svuin i hefinals <if a province- wide sate driving emîmpeti iii belinir 'l'il lscmnbuîî'g This big sal'e du'msiîîg duuutcsi, clesugmuer]1 moa ke .vîuhfuî drivers moi-e safc(t.vc'cnîscucîus anîd save lives, was cuuntî 'v spcînsor-rd b ' vithie'li sori bu îg .1 uniov" Z'hambec uit Commerce anrdI rilOi Lumibed. Second [uiize %viîiîeu was .Jouin Il u itc-u, age 19, of Drîyden, Ontaio, wbile I)avc' Sutînul, age 19, cf Fort William funisbccl t dý h e t'lc ruic io f împ wiîmneî's will compete rithie natuinal drîving finals later tbis ycar. The winn-r c'balk-ed mu p att amaziuîg sc -oie rof 51i î pouints cut of a poc.ssible' 565 and wxas bbeT'cipicnt ot $100 anti the Essu "u'cphi'v. pi-'csu-mîc b'-d v J. R. VleKeozie o not I o n licha If <if Imperia I Ou 1Oui!>' vgîirI ccuutesl.aotin Iithc-finals. Maui-eu lendeuson of Sm. Catbarmnes. made a cummendab]e bhowing but failer] o inifumsh iii a pru/c-wînning siot. In makîng the pieseniatiotiltrieb winners, Mr'. ýl-Kenzte pointe! out thlai sii hi a i apid inrrease., îîcuî h i a fi ru mon th intut 'a îau'a* 'g oi ciintg populatlion, liueîc is aà t'eateu cefd <if tatu' andl caution aiaIll times. I i R ,îlh ihtman cille 3i4ý4 loü&