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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1962, p. 6

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IlTe Ceaadian StatesT Mayors, More Hei During A His VWorship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, reported to Town Couneil at the meeting in the Council Chamber recently on the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves Arinual Convention xvhich he and Reevc Sidney Littk had at- tended in Port Arthur dur- ; mg the previous week. The objective of the organ- ization is to co-ordinate and centralize the efforts of in- dividual municipalities and deal %vith common problems. Mayor Hobbs pointed out, j The Prime Minister of On- tario, lion. J. P. Robarts ad- dressed the convention, an I j stated that the type of eou tion received by the provincial governiment from the Mayors arnd Reeves Association has proved to be a valuable guide. His Worship to]d Bowmanvýill,- Hie also referred tri thý M N EY A~ VAILABLE IFOR MORTGAGES JONES & GREER RALPII N. JONES THOMAS IL. GREEII 130 King ýst. E. Oshawa ROYA Thurs. at 7:30 Lasi Comipiete Fni. 'Everyfhin( kMI( ýKEY ROONEY. - AI- "'Week-end - Excellent Con Sun. - Mon.- Tue EXTRA: Mon., July FINAL Trip to "Fix the Mix Good I MiIks important nmote growt h and goi the 'shole fainilv. CGlei Rac Dairv iU bot), food value and flaw i'lost satisfying by it mnakes everything taste beti neyer outgrowv Your needf PHONE MA 3-5 FOR HOME DEL: GLEN RA 98 KING ST. W'. man, E3owmanvflle, July 25, 1061 sÇé. r£ on Jack Wootdwardardb- IF u U. of T. Students BA SE~ MN %aster Steven TurnbE~ Srvi c wee hed hr hs-M ~iîss Judy Battams, Sauna ents. \Ir. and Mrs. James 9gin, is spendirig the, ee R e v e al f rsridac r hol d hurc B flS Rd., spent a few days visiting Bancroft. Newington. While wit.h his grandparents R e e C a i f rweek. Mr. Don Whitbred of he grandparents Mr. and Mrs there they also visited her aiid Mrs. Sam Battans Oshawa was the speaker. H1e!Bn fMnra Cnd - rPa Sam Battams. Master Ray Bat- brother Mr. and Mrs. Allen' Maple Grove WonsI- sos-Mr. andMs .Mude' an fMnrelCnd 7Ya ltams. Elgin, enjoved a wveek's Bancroft and uncle and aunt stitute sponsored a bustpo son-in-law. Centennial Scholarships each The current 16 awards are holidays with the' r adMs.Cito hvr,:Tues., July l7th. They'iie lp f o r v n eMiss \Villa !Nu:drew arrivad'worth $1,500 have been NvOf part of the second phase ofi Mr. and Miirs. Bill Kolenko Lunenburg. the Alexander GraaBl l taio yo n strsraldtdyn to phovve bah-aide univers- od Wilson and Mrs. Wilson's an extended tour of Europeat Mohia k listittte and ei ~nn al o n c av eremoved fromn the cuts in her 1 Announcing the awards ta- adian students. In this phase, awa, were guests of Mvr. and companied by Mr. R. G. Geen, !the Adelaide Hunter od ýn n a l C o cl veface. We are pleased to know day, the bank said the third- 'each student will receive a Mrs. Clifford Wilson on the Oshawa. ýless Hormestead. foundero h that her injuries were no year study awards w er e total ot $4,500 provided they occasion of Mrs, Kolenko',s \Ve are ail verv sorry to W.I.. ail at Brantford.Ths speh ienb io re .Services Commnisoion," h e worse than they were. They axnong 16 scholarships going mnaintain goad grades- $1,500 birthday. knio\ that Mrs. 'Mabel Bell- enjoying the outing fro ti issec g iv n ioner0f Mn-i. might have been killed. ta some of Canada's brightest for 1961-62. 1962-63 and 1963- Miss Delibie and Nlaster:inett is a patient in Oshawa commlit3'it includfed; r. r cicipal Affairs, whose tapie was;l "A resolution called for the M%.iss Beryl Thickson is va- students ail across the coufl 64. Dannv Dunk, Oshawa. spent ýGeneral Hospital. thur Gibson. r.Hwr ientitled "The Ontario Plann- 'provincial gaverniment ta payvctoigi ineoa TSty Thus the plan develops pro- ten days with their grand- j Mrs. Charles Noland, Camp- Crydürmian, W.I. mebsn nd ing Dilemma". Mr. Cass pre- 100 percent of the cost of Civil along with a couple of other[ Winners are. IMichael A. gressively each year, and will parents Mr. and Mrs. Hwd'beiod"-saSna ale r.Sm Btas .A 1dicted that by 1981 Ontario Defence, and for the deduction teachers fram O.C.E. IChurch, Dawnsview, an arts culminate in 1967, the year of Cryderman xvhile their pater- with Ni-. and Mrs. A.. Bariies Barnes and Grace. 1will have a population Offromn income tax of expendi- Mrs. Howard Quantrill is :stdent; James D. McGhee, the centenary af Caxiadian nal grandmother. Mrs. Dunk, 'and Ted. MNr. and Mrs. li' c amY 9,00J,000 people. tures for building fail-out spending a week with Mn. and Thornhill, science;, Judith Mil- Canfederation and the l5Oth was on holidays. '.U. anid Mrs. Ilarold Wood- and Mr-. and M,%r, LloydSnv Building for the future is sheltens. Another for the pro- Mrs. R. Plunkett o! Toronto lington, Willowdale, arts; and anniversary of the founidation Mr. and Mxll'. A. Bîrnes, lward, Toronto, were weehend den, MaIPle Crove, aies d an economic necessity, the vincial government ta assume at their cottage on Lake Che- Cathernte Reid, also froin i l- of the bank in 1817. Grace and Ted spent a feiv guests of lier parents, Mir. and ing a fe-w drzYs at a sm~ miitrstated. He stressed a greater share of the cost of mong. lowdale, arts. In ail, the sehenie pravides1dayý, last weck with hler pair- Mrs. George Coomibs, their cottage this we(ýek.- minste god pannng - Dstrct ourroois uchas undy vsitrs iththe Selection wvas mnade by a for a total of 124 awards, rang- the fact that odpann DDsrc orrossh.a uia itr whte five-mnan national cammittee ing upwards fromn 48 awards good economnics. [lis Worship oi -s. The largest nymber of Quantrills were Mns. Plunkett lunder Dr. Frank Wetmore, U af $750 scholarships in 1960 1said. resolutions deait with educa- land farnuly, Toronto, Mr. and lof T associate dean o! arts, as for freshman-year study. fle told of MIr. C.. conten- tion casts. Discussion on this ;Mrs. C. Quantrill, Oshawa, ichairman. He commen ted, Gaut tde tion that planning responsibil-, took up a large part o! one iand Joan Elliott. "During the year, the bank Gaut tde il ies in Ontario are ttwo prong- afternoon and the next morn-i Mrs. Ceeil Mercer bas gone students have emnerged as At the conclusion of the pre- ed. Local municipalîties are ing. ta Oshawa ta visit with her scholars in the best sense of sent three-year phase in 1964,i responsible for setting up Mayor. Hobbs stated that daughter, MNrs. E. E . Elliott. the word. To make it possible eight o! the 16 B af M-spon- planning facilities, and t he many delegates felt that the.i Mrs. Berdina Elliott and for theni to continue their de- sored graduates wilI be cho- provincial governiment is res- government shauld pay the Miss Freda White, Oshawa, veloprnent, without interrup- sen for three-year fellowshiips 0 ponsible for the legislatian to entire cast o! education, others are visîtîng with Mrs. C. tian, is ta encourage true schol- 'O! $3,000 a year for post- make this pos;sible. Mr. Cass tîîat it sol tasuehlProuse, Osaca. Mr. and Mrs. arship and is the best kind o! graduate study anywhere in emphasized that the Ontario entire cost, but that it should ' E. E. Elliott matored thein investment in the future o! Canada or abraad. Government's job is ta, assist grptin Then, in 1967, the twa final à~ cipal ~~pa aoe n n nt m faPP r lla tt r iew Mres. . t hickson sp n a da." ss D r c o r il eat local planning boards. pam uarnr er p rio.i-' o n on S t rd y an d . Canada Centennial awardLý U~~I~~l~I~~; ernnmt-nt to take over cOinp])e- d,ahter Mis. S. Moore and' wreA e n4 oc S ea ainsti e Ir4,coif,ýence. - and inan cr. s cost le wold be Mr. -Moore. io! $5,000 to bcused for fuiîl"tas e other vwn.v possible.crsdh epand Miss Joan Elliott, Oshawa, ___ _Y study anywhere li the world. Mno-Hobbs inforni e u Flis Worship said that it. wîth Miss Gloria Quanitrili A . ILN '" q lie ' olut< counci ht21 nucia iti5hd been a stiinulating con- aven the weekend. Chartered Accountant iS are affiliated with the As'ýoc- t ejtion with intex-esting top- Mr. and Mrs. W. %ildre, 3 Church. Street tation of Orturtu Mux1or.ý anu3 es discussed Hie thanked coun- M~r. and Mi-s. L, Muldi-ew MAi-ket 3-38 oJLutions, but manv were Little the opportunity o! at- bred and baby, Oshaw-a, were Accountants - Auditors OI vcnc ab- groupcd as they dealt %vith terîding the Association of Oni-,at Sunnyside, over the weelr- HTrustee in BanUkW H TEî-uNptcy 4 9 prooknis of the same nature. fana Mayors and Reeves Aii- end. S uteeWi75-953 . kq i:z 1,1 Some( of those of special lb- nual Convenîtion. and stated, r ndfl E ole n SieBLST Bt u-Sav .c! cOfv akiii Iipetd 5oz h cal interest deait -ith subsio,:' that it vas a va luable exper- 1fa5-ilyLittleCentreD an(Ot npce ao JI foi- snow - enova]; a salary ience. daiy. at Bowmanville, Sun- M .il OGN comarale a hatpai woksChartered Accountant In the year 1830, on Jut wokrgfor a town and gea- cr Nrno, r hm frLbrr uidng t(HUM orna ayb-, jer inai1cin of 1heFlç1q_)iý11 ESTL TON the weekcend. Ruth bas been Cor. King & Temperance'Sts. name-d Williani Treti. O FO ( u ________________ aviig- lier liolidays and went Phone MArket 3-3612 __1BS U '-Sv ,c lR' AC 8o.ti Mi-s. 'Wesley Campbell is on a ýtnp ta the states witîî - At the tender age of i ETfU" Sîe1e -CAKSFNV4-z ii .,pencing tisis week with hier friendis. TALE, FRIEDLANDER years. this boy came ta Can-' sWýGrn Campbell and' Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Pea- ada with bhis parents, and the )UN U5589 so Grt & COMPANY family settled in Danlingtlon * randdauglitei- Karen whlile ,cock left for the World's Fair'ýMvnhJ n ince L... 13ONVMANVILLt Mrs. Campbell and Ronnie and litt'Seattle, Washington, onV Chartered Accountantm ciwshpli po ere tu TMOJU C2f49 Rikyar vsiig n arnt.Saturday. Mrs. Vernon Pea- Lcne Trustee in Bankruptey Trewin. Fri. and Sat. at 7 paniesi hler son Gilber-t ta Ken Trew is keeping Shawn 164 King St. E. 728.7371 Wli a Trewin was united, FEATUIW: - Save 17c!- and Sat. 8:30 pn. Perth ta visit witli Mr, and ,anid Miss Mary Powell at Mr. Oshawa, Ontarioa .1 o Darling-ton, and born Mrs. James Ferrier this wýeek. and M , M Walker's is keep- MNET OTlUIt hsuinwr iltcud in- the ttvîns. ET O lH t hsuinver ii h1î- 1 'rs.Emeto viite oi;ýMrs Wilia) alkr, ali .RIEHL & CO. ien, Sîlas, Alice Maud (M\,rs. Mres. Emerton istd Mrs. Wilim alerHli 135 Sinicoe St. N., Oshîawa Fred Sinith). FAitli Ann (Mrs. ENw i h P r4 f 4 9 Mî-Nls. Russe] Sanguines, vwho, isM28nda7 (evening.liai Smih.,tWllia BUDUV ITACKETT visiting lier from. California. Sîpah s xene a rtisrý en7~57(ry, Wiliam Smili) Wilia These thre ladies al attend-walker family in t h art es erSde on ir ETBJ!-S'ele L RLA Thee treliedes deaten- Hon. J. W. Moniteith, F.C.A. Pearl (Mrs. 'bx- c [su e~~d tihe Head Sehool on Scu- otHaibelte WliMr Walker ay A. 13. Monteitli, B. Cons., C.A. and Eva MUav.2 fo 7 c su - ~~gag Island as young girls. &aiutn r Wle ty .W. Rielil, C.A., R.I.A. For many years thse brhi 11 Mn1erly !WIfam ed at nr. and Mrs. M.. Wal- (Licensed Trustee) tesadsses îhter?1AF IS I o 9 Mr.Fenle o WllimsP kers while down here. G. E. Tretliewey, C.A. fhram irs, lbrted G rdA I with Lulu" canducted services and Miss1 R. F. Liglîtfoot, C.A. familes, bira te rn- înedy Conbo - Nancy Rowland o! Torantol Itne o -twei)fte' tdvi h omSv t ODN51. b s T xvas guest saloist at the Pi-es- 1 Itnddfr atweR vI8oN & BUEEOWS of -a pienie, and on Sundav ti-Sve6 -fL 5l. Bag BUY! - Save 8 byterian Clurch on Sunday Sunday Sehool was heid as CateeAcunats July &th, 1962, at Little Býil 'marning. usual. Our cliureh services 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont,.anPracsnm l r I o d ~ J ~ I us- Wed. at 7:30 Finsv 1lb iry tv ere at Canton andMi-. Walk- ates Williami Smithî, one daui ter- hl w UA 9 & A nîends wiAthull ber.OtY aer from sPort Hope spoke. Mrs. Edgar lhorn ('re- eanttAthrHleths On Wednesday evening the Ronald F. D. ý,Vilson, C.A.'%vn, grancsîirep ,great- s- ',< 9ù - îD Wl& ' Large Btls. UCEN MA iifOhaa b is sister Mrs. .. met at Mrs. Howard G. Edmond Bui-nusvs, C.A. grandchildren, nieces, nephi bNHENblA DOeNahnad n ah.Ms Quantrill's. Mrs. Trew presid- Phmone 7M-7554 ews, and cousins o!f 11d dae oad ad Grant ed. The minutes were read ___- and Annie 'rrewin once again if l Mïîlfmt ~lams onldand metve.Ms onnp~ and a very enjoyabe t-n, U U, < uu .r Thompson have beeri caute,1 Mrs.C.îoo I nd to tHý he--- r ascsce.t,.2o .fn 4 OTHE Mrs. M. Emerson, Mrs. R. question oft whether we have G, EDIVIN W1 N, (t'LX veingç*ats ern o aned î T u'S .~VA-~2q0fo ol ___________ Davison, Mrs. V. Hudson, Mrs. enougb boys and girls In the Office: Chiropractor b.rae ndsportsWreorgaedh Mrs F Dyes Ms.A.Bea frmd n te ai o!eihe ýMA -59- s- Jane and n oothe W A X P PE R49 FRESH IBKEDI KSamnels, Mrs. G. Bowers, con -nity ta have grottPs 15E giiSt., cor. aof Hurses-st 1R2prsens ndtieCI cock and Mrs. G, Thonipsan Explorers or wliate'ver age Office Ilouî-s: Dly Appioinitiienit wir, Art and June rre-win, 6 - MJMDR )staUA T A I R E I enjoyed a bus trip with the group that was required, and ____-d. Walter and ya Lr.eSH R A I F ES Blackçsfock Women's Institute. they agreed ta ]ead themn. The .My i-:- S geU ~ R X&LIA10 YNQU UNI£ tu t u Places visited were the Ham- next meeting is ta ie August i e ntail s-i.g tse supper heu ,* IESTON or SUNBEAN h mton Botanîcal Gardens, Dun- îst. We also agmeed ta, quilt si, - gret- t Majst's haelo! heMo a ultonJuDits. Rwl'. M. LUI>LtLL, 1u>.S. ,e'enone sgn gecîg es. So kSalmnon 4 9 dun. ate S.Pu' Her baultin the framst. te iht 75 Kinsg St. U. P,w1i)nnt-ille get-well cai-ds for tliree sll-.t- H1Z1 ~tn a~ 75,5k hlaw-ks of the Six Nations In- before. Office lloum-s: inS, Mrs. William Smith, ÛQ n ýiRU- Savse ù - L1EZe c dinB.nNitnca o- *rs. Stayller, Co.bourg, 3rd f .î ta 6 pin Lý att-a, Mrs. Clarence Aver-e 2c Claî50.e15d ias Ban HstrialSo-alOa l ~icay Pleasant Pol'nt, ansd Louis P A______________ iety, the Bell Homnestead and vice president o! our s;ýti~lo ff- 'oi \' 51, nfSc hliens1T 'N il -- ~the Adelaide Hoodless Haine- ai tse Cobourg Presbytéry,1îuP uiàîm -Yecat a, Toroxnto. 1 f ~ fr ave c 10 _1üs iite e-csler l1BEST BY 0,7:30 On Stage ;stead An enjayable bot supper wislsed ta, visit us and we have O'FEAyR! avP,1ozROSE BRAND -vras served by tise St. George invited ber ta, do sa an Sept. Oit.1E W. iiS4JN Af er , the ca ounite wonsen's Institute members. . î2th at our meeting. Soimel ofic iD.s.,1.)r.S I he oni ng p e ar ommtewaXs L'-S'. in(R NC 4z DRAW M1 al a:dad:eietwi:nd nnM~ bir{WSpeiel Kernel Corn 3 for 49c Q MARGAloRINqEe Mr.Douglas Davison. Mn. see if we miglst be able ta go! Of f m . t[adil e , sayanecretar a 11.5--Colo. Siees Clarke Williams was the Cap- for a day instead of the week. ý >9ia.111. to 6 dui13,asrn;Ry nFMr EATUR! av e 7e- - LIBBY 1-z is -b km able M.C. Earl Bawers read We plan to sll i sns lase W'Veinay ± a'S nLod Fan miSnth, o N assau the:addness and Mi-s. Ivan card: again and Viviafl sta iDk,(X ' V. t, F utoc ta l2f r 9(J fo f Y ceneuspresents eaprse one-o trea ae. n"latt oCloel:tmmu.adSusaFrue 'it OZI'.N F000 r4 9 c t-ncee. OMusi as poie Ld-by wIirmH. ey, " g ueprt Tlpiia fieM -49Ot E"RS 'RdRp n ulo uc aiySz l oentoand.iMn. andt Mns. Canim a nolmay. xvi *aa,i ÂV L o. t irN- 1 ThonhilLindsay, visited Mn. and Mrs. Vernan Pea- MISS APHA I. RODGINS -ans, Patti and Gordie are , 1"F resh Picnic Style" (Slioulder) INr adMsTGat hmsonnîsilaeindngafe dy Barnister, Solicitor Ispendlng twa weeks at Fene- , >~ M. ad Ms. ran Thmpsn. oekarespedin a ew aysNotary Public Ion Falls. ntiriets ro.Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Wiî- with Mi-. armd Mî-s. Alan Pea- 14 Frank St, Bowmanvillie Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Down liams, Janice. Scott, Steven cock at Kirkland Lake.__a od health for : and Dale left via cabin trailer M. and Mns. MeAllister . IAR LO KI fand !amulylettspateeP II K RU AIb . J ta holiday at Bancroft witil and Linda asd N. Powell B.A., LL.B. fr the West where they will IlPR OSIb Mn. and Mns. Ronald Williams 1 were at Strat!ord necentiy I Barnister, Solicitor vîsit relatives. 43' for the -%%eekcend. They wiîi I Mr. and Mrs. H. HoldeniKing St. E. Newcastle Mr. and Mns. Jim Bryans "tiiolce l'lurnp I oung" lki isrich i) cotinuealong he SteftwiandtCarau seldayanforIa.,PhonLEGS0 or THIGHSThrslb.fo49a 0 rence Seaway coniing- home'ain Is. C. Quantrili, Osh- Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., o-i montb's holidays in the Old TI 1k isric coialon ht.BLaw- a n iara, Geli an n hne246ICauntry. Pnion ta their fliglit, U K Y LG r T I b 9 ~~our! vi a N n dh Bay. V c o al.1 t -all, S e t S n a v w t u n from M alton, M . and M s. * oMn.and MndMs. corMi TNiluldets o±01o r ftga ge s IBryans were guests o!fIsonor "'lime Brand Famous at Rcd & lVhitel"(Sliced 8-oz. ' P. cotad Ms.Don- TisverMe rev o shawa ga ag auygteigi , aid Tîsoiisipsoîs attexsded the , wrdo'w'îs Mn. and Mrs. S8DIE HAMILTON - O Peterbo lrogeh, wygher t h en lIer: io, hib-ed and Caroline, Osb- Phone I r 16 Peeboogh heet yT END CO O KED HA M 5 9c ur Swa t rnnanSt were at Mrs. Walters'. first Mcrtgage Funds wre presented with a gi!t o!f i Speeîaîîy Blended l or Nleat Loâ.ie for ,nilk! * ~ tmî'day. ~Mrs. Jiun Muldrew is spend- Residences - FarmeThIm diefa- r 1% ioc nwr r. 1igafi aswt e itr uiesPoete ffimle cutting grass %vith a ngafwili . lly, their six childnen and their " ~ pwc mave, Ms.Arthur Mrs. A. Sa3's . hn îe,;Popris familles, met at Mn. and Mrs. j 1-ylaxîd had the mis!artune t is îtts.Mrgge Loans B3ob Bryan's home ta, bid fane: i'RO UN D BEEF CHUCK lb.5 9c ~~444 ~~~~have a splinten o! glasso leTo ostoi, n e 'Montgomery, Prompt, courteous service eîadpsnttniit jExr Ieu -WII'lnmd'atsBtwlhLa 54Tootspent the weekend HIAROLD C. PEDWELL la gift o! maney. ifAmasTner-B-TBcn"(rs lcd 'Pierce ber ankle. She is in wlith fe Thicksons. 1 elEtt n 1v n n.Jh oei jAtasTne IT rsyBcn(rs icd Doctor's Hospital, Toronto, t10 MissSuanealksn as Motae Baked Rni Vancr ouhanvefr a ' have it operated on and !iends' sSzneTikO aý Mrgg Boe rn acue rie o hope she is soon able ta returaia Miss Jane Foster's, Kendal, Nemwcastle Plaone 3'5one-day stay befone motanin39c urnin ii'OK CHOPS lb.65c BEEF LIVER lb 3cj h orne. frth eeed.- to the east coast. They retuin !Il _______________________________________ vMsited rvs. la oha Mns. Bowman, Mrs. Charles Mn0îd r.E Fwe pi o M le r , ter this week to take up du- VieAxia ndJhnofWi Sunda\' nîgît. Iis on the Courtice charge. bywr Stra vstrswtKEITH A. BILLETT ,O 'Induction service will be V u rice', effective at the Iisted Red & Wbite Food Storei, oti% bytvreStuda vstos it'Misses Gwen and Ruth Mer-1 Optometrist ' July 27, at Ebenezer. flA ID V families. Mi:ss Noreen Prouse, Tootlffice Hours: By appointrnentiMemnonial Hospital, Bownian- IMr. ansd Mrs. Jolsîs Veale for tise teeker.d.1 Telephone bArket 3-3252 ;ville, following an accidenst M P E G O E M R E a l and John Jr. o! Sauit Ste.' Mn. ausd Mrs. C. M'%ercer Mýon - Tues. - Thurs. - FrJ .wîtii bis tractar. Extent o!fHS A K T hi. . . . rn BOWINANVILLE Marie are spcxmdng two weeks spent a few days w;ýith Mr. and 'rbursday eveningii injuries are usat kniown at (ORNIS M R E90 9 Or iaainwith MAr. and Mrs. Mrs. Miîsis at a cottage hack WÇed and Sat. - 9 12 I resent, but his legs i ere Chiare Faili. north lut week. 0 a-M. to a p.i Dadly cut.

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