--tesses fom a bridal shower at, the fOriner's home on Fridav'TeCnda I ). rght in honor of Mliiss Berniece ByonFml i C,, aIr>, j Larmer. After al the guests O B TA RE I ~ , /'~esott had asecrnbied, the bride-to-beBrsn Fm yTeCadai ttfm. wmv1eul2,Ul 7 i1 as asked' to pull a ribbon BAPTIST GARRAMONE !ý%fRS. A. MOFFATT RICHARD LITTLE Holds Picnic fT RN adon the end she founda After a illness of only fiv2 Ille death of Sadie Moffatt' The death of Richard Little, Tean l if: ctLMr..Fnda, hohl. ofPke.gBahwh ae PhoneMA 3 3303poern of which she flVJst com-dytedat fBpirû ere nu.a, uy5 8uBowiianivil!e e ysn utal (,teld inn.M. MsT.coymo.-ng Ms.R.Vit donc told her where she would at St. Michiael's H.~:l Tor- M<Inifatt was in her 63rd year 1962, in the '\,'iiorial Hospi- 4. Ovr uinîm 5Of Normain Cox, Stoufil.vst r n r.LryRs. JMr. and Mýrs. G. WVilianson thelr Pigeon Lake 1otg r it hs eetdUl ff t cf ancover, .C ,were ~î- ere M. WeetageDe fil algif.Ts repeadu n ,~ nSna, uy1,1962. ar3 i rd been ii for two and tè,1, Bowmanville. He was ii h anl .OtpCtt.e ~ ec co.va'adLr .nCahn Ste i. M.S G hatan r. Mand M'.rs. RoW. A de ateeï oacls. cto n Iah.î ,msac ElnCag hBt-Nlo ve Ter.aXTholl-in <au cLena Ta orpi ct t orndthe s igo e r r r.A Usvst Mr. 'and Miret. J d up 1M rs. D.oo H , Way e n ayr,* C.lte i are h f te lte cs t E rned nn i sb Ei klen . ailie wha b or einKe de im . ~ Mltr( cr h e u ah r r . V E w rs d M. a d M s od n H m n d R o e n î r v a t c n l d : . t u n e o n T u s d v f o î a e f l f i le d f r t a n k s h lo -w n - U I d r e t h eR r h s e ,t e l a e A O n t . , f i o c h a e a t r % î s t n l e r e o f ~ - - W i a d .a d s n s n n s p e ain g e r hp i d aie a t G at' -n S h is leyof s e v era T o w a n dw t rs c o 0 r Mrs. B r a n dT o r ntof r 42 yv c ao e rs th e fr m Ec f att d e C a s e h e %r.Litt n le Sa s a h l n g za :f t r k e r ar nt a c s w cean hi: , 1M r . . d M at o a d o - o nH n sat e d dJ cl oe HuvNecr oaB) rewn e of Meticale. r AteNelaivle uncs he ongeital a tail r hch trade hý7edu was auhero te aelhe aomfli hwmnv di tîht . ' LiPýs (nec DandeYuE)of w ipth r. Foec ct, ls aud Sca . M . adaM sily h1avendd lonFo -f M .tnfor i-th e cllolg o e pcato ein for v erIn li50 Ie ar s enTh en suClrar S e at Nel n duie ed ulc SCOa)Pte-bro ii ceie ia n a il i S .t n ae lahry hs S m th f0 M. nd r lI.ad M s 'iK,ý, ()ie ,ayn per an d av re- qc I2R e oraiýn eant Jaet A iethe rmehrr Eirn;IvC - ed cio in E s llen l1-d1. o;- l e "vabi n tiundi aw ,ent ~ pifin ad evvinthere- a rtherne e e hMr.o Wilan ewlAd b s o 7 r anrelLv3oH _d eeidind in Ie.rthiusutndntpa sing ofebis fa- Beach Laka ~ lag . The home -ard m'j or ure ". ae o rîua s ed r s.i our vea s-,vase w s theniVSonr or t e ood e a Tie A p if atn e le~N r i ~ i î s. L ~ d A l h r i. S d c e e l Mis ar a i en tnp -as m de vi tf wa av W o nr. angd h ee s n Torontio o ar e K oo ferm hib . ni uab rC42pa y a a c nd ced U M . an rs '- a a t anndat nd t f nrSaerreah h li r n Aoki f c1naafmid'7lMs.H S in ovrcBrp- "T s y Wekes N w "doerd. H w sae)recftTeeuerl Secee ai ar pnt e lertireti in 14. nilzr M inlula and i.,d M Hs toW, kPl ne r e- Mc to - n ero nr n Kllen ati risn:ay. f se cxteded sitwith M is. GbIlMrlwred"A lelssuive -rhî te orI itcia Cael Uied Chrh n 8oînn o ti -iraa. .\nog dn a Tiit niet huch om as Stodf Hill P r n On S and rs, T"- m. e'l Mîs. Flr - Akey anorot Maar reltnoC F aygha ,cH l e nontr , Th ad bis dau~rr , r s. d ce e e. A . adn~ Mr. Litt ie a:arried the Ifor -, iwm Sa e M .i '\rs-. x-, h Lar- i ia vi n th tin M- dcd at aie ac m ai onto, was a Saturday iiG:'. iro J Misa. E rAk Pey i lan ni Jyaivw stecn, na- i ch ard r akenb2h rg A neli a z f B i-nnile nem n t e ovisae i ha'kle toisrest r liv(ne priet. nd e fwihMr s. F. . Ban euntic irril ecet r .Ih.is a rns, Mi.en--(as]es ls weed h s.rjned b ac Drel o mavle -a nte url pl t a.n HPce aoo:h la 1. Set4eJnie Colaui so n c orl. fl'ktt a. A. auneis. avele Rd ltters i e -,and brteFr- M san foree".Th- e chaivn ran- e quioem -igorh M50ass tra heton eietey. redeaed i n cber and Mtis. Hantj - v <'oPt homr. Anet Thrdv n ht b Bek t, o navil t a- MrHnieN cshl .lw n .and Uprs.CGandaMc- awe .Lc o r hra ie a hej eA ti-ed ofat S t A Mnt s Pbarn Ers e r eessns, 95i. B t-and all e rvfi-e v t 1 ulan ta M lton irpoi affe tendehe L sseandecke t wed Darch ut ScafotheL Th -omeww n yîc a ne. coTun.aity an d fter a f o urch, Tro cno, onie husda-' a-li---Knd uins rrv Faro , d' nis rvvc b mr i 0f laflwhvîiin . ad Ms olyda t te Slain A &str-a--ts, '1. Wltr ->~l0trip e Ilibaria OttMws. M D- hoopv cuple nt acept n,ýthe e rn i t Wa rrewn . lCo sok Gi ffOý i n, Av d W 1n Suy a nd^ i\ R u- N en Comu v as (Th ci-t ue YfîI r tî . an Is.'ter eand M urh e-udy eeo es la"- M. ad NB- Jck Me S r. . TS. Wcildovr n o ibîNany"lei a rbsy Part errati'sîu ,- &t-srvie w s tî'.ner.H e ft retid fo meNrsinae 1940. o utk ia s trpen e u ri tt t e wU eos-, orchesa d A ebountiful St. AnThe oats h c Miss Ma:l'o.î - onTec1 ,Juy1, r I -tuesa ers be tes flT r-I NfIchm :l li '-oc:ain fau -tet.Tei i-l othrv -e-.i Mn.and Mr. H C.An er- liabt te adltliray wJaws. Sa% siie îcî tret Petrbroo sori Dou ani Do of eaue- b ope et the suel heus pi, fxe7d atnde froi' ttyOnt. i n thele. Pîidd-, Junek'y paireeQuenarcxith Mis. ifh is. Mcrtiîr la harg . G bertnk, Sndrl ad AdOcHed s tureday, July 14. !theOMA F i>Neral CVlL e v. W . HedC uhin Plo%-, pait)i,1- 1-ni h Bowmanviand c. lin theY Peterboraudgh Cicin lias t l] itv Jothn Ciai-cj Anieso' prets r.ani Viitrs wth Mn at Ms. hee asalagea td- p ital She ha n l a . hof iTe Jî-ewasfBo mxî oneonute ht Ïuo Mr. iicsi1~ Pesna es Mn Wlac . hat, 'rot- nt an ie, e1cstl ,j. ho'ponlMs.PhlisSU- orei S iCa Flî, nt, eny itietbi hme'l-iaebarrs w re es: cfcisviitngbs iser s.aniMr. lod atUn evy iclirr i.B azhGnt e1leant o u.212, & h anti Wiert, s ti \Ir.Ju Li'192.K tt hcleta, i o c-Sm D. . Mi'iisn, oncssin N I r.ley Drs- a, M r s. SMines waaacndJ w in i n c o~ a vl is 8 ter hîe'eoî -lr-s ar St, siîa hsawft s iiig rauinhm ad o e, dbaheognstMs ar- cnRica of Smifhs Fg Ahl nti N.Jwl stesn) fO Hý aro i ht- Sh aln a e'reatvhpeen. tc-on £in he. siste-s.in Victria, B,Ç. Jamters -atRobent Boe Tn-doang STrongsan';etthbTfrer Charlotte Mon +le rneerafeceWilliam aain Charlotte t&l anti Gt mdBubakCli. nf, n ati Mi. erg LoRreiquiBemrnn." 0l f L nttion. M s heJeeva t-s hi i pD-Thiei.ie CIealto LEnADRMIDR Mr. anti Mrs. CrM - l r'. aîn ro er, ibM. ent, c P Roeni sokel ttedet shoo at Shnes rre e % 17. lesss 9 59. BoWILLIAvile. . ite. AIE MarinettadtitheAi So-'- itanteMs.GrideMe ite' ot'sLeeisne o Apro Ot.,an etcrgrdt.Ai-onv's ta lic ingStretMr. andc, Dt renon eao artiar-Lon XVinaipeg, an ., Mofi. an M ois.vlmue syandanent a f bapiCroeT o arng on "urse at ie arrietiKingdarrS atilr, ho heFlloiùgan dils sr cf tb1en ibri tedn sawth fmos evn olen en W tlok nt Al,stisumewas exnins tered t ~the uv 9brockvllc en erlsn i --'le'decavled hJela'149. dys, lic eeth f Wilian la snd, eY. rfe i ;iîeii magaifi-. own. tedLouis1,1bby daughtr -f' te where sIe graduatti as a chtd m ntain t-et-flc MrotiFni M.a i s. Hupe em-y Buma.t e rtfc usn sitat ' +Js-l frî-i l ere Boy Avcry,49, 0f TII f,- aie i e'L nA cf ithe Eilwo iy ulc Ter -sa mi te-15 ian,'r.retss inzie1joined Oshawa area for saine tîxne, bury, oMr.nreti et Chatha:n M o lit! adMsrubx- AliP.dwcMS.til, l'or- th lEii- ney FLY -an HaveyFuX ent, atenet th Wrglf-B'.- Lbi-rVE1Iscut CiyPa. ne a ce t he Jui meeing fnusngsaf fth efrer fr CemefiTroeewhr eGna o pia,llon 'Mrstx- iaysP1,,-coLghýIsbrtia s-e»Iaddln.g i0 T in.- UNIe tydbc eis i gt marlaryn:e Sf.groh nd W.A.dThrstie e-r-oughnivic ospitl whec sIt ho --as ad'air' fa m'îer lie uly 1962 S c C u -c . is oh A cr , th d ce s of onrcd aeattentfietish p i PtUniong spn-r- rplos.Muic orda LUSTRE th f CREME--îîutýs ndilist, , cvinc a, Ktcîîo-th g t , thrersboîe n d ile H te on Tte lftheasPrese.-nti Lli h r esden, w es oin he . y M-s.1MceIS 51.essary ta give. j mosq-iîitoes aadri iito ý A, l lw Mr. an M Irs. bJ'eack ti- e m o- i tv ntiî il e s eti ono at t-ar. ûsi u- The deceti w-eýIs e m m oi ila ,o yoe ne Mroi ois no oet baby Ian cf atelt, ~ prchse f bcks cAer d ba. i fr t1 b rbi ffi ehl P neofa rte, alsful unhshewa. blli rver 2 940 Hs ifc ie u meIi . Brn -o f Nult-eek n iSte st tue .0 - gokp at imiletiwitlîhe wo-a dsus enr.M Xtu Cuc f S itsFU :dstogatsns ot n ters moti~r Mî-. H itI v nane f fic pt-sn t wh s r ed. h e . ied s ca e- H whih e r K n i 7 e tkn i do: iMu:".el, of Tis For t e l JCae , B ±îîý C ALetnz A I- N E O I NRgn(c3 c~ 8 1 Merisand r-anH.f.otlî e r.,e t the adulf l ib a '.illtie , aftreds-er tten e ugîon truts lPteboough, Ont.isbi if r.Jv; IecastiledFr sid ed Tii-n ss-ill lie p taeti ucs i ua . rasrr niSusireser-Scol echrsreiieî cRithr at t- ises.Wndo. HesaKa.ahn Uts ma y î-i:is nt bui- A i'nle gf' ani ia e ai-y r ep-ti. Mi.isnaor the Pouterboropu's g ni za- Tîe rniins retet eot f i T id ied pUnatedt iu wrt M is u e Ba e o D y k nes acqua ntcs, Mr. i ýV v t o ihMr' . Cnd Nlryls et h eeigwlh r3-thnat, aloasstt il Mîtsî-nes' Fuea ai ]e op for15 yearsthe ~tapv t ban sat i. . P~ardn Cub f Elsvt~l('is-. et- Ie wct-ce rn a tt ck iete DSey acat enIo n Bil le oe ,, Ohs S-a Te re wavW e beocfh Drel6csz 9 Niîc"R ick E . e olLr ty, r dois . aid H fritn w(fluMr,on-c-aein oeUtedi. Sh nýeboh o lth e unintfliesun- sL-vi2c lnte caoel ar- eMoffat Uite t Curcs i-l__- Ptlac e. c:.rf iana: n d utl: eîc Mrin Ja m a ý Sd Twntt-tlrc Cu 's a nti '9b ttts Wieh eo-dyJi-2. mfriet bratSftlccar i odk Vrcrm a satitacoiv uîures 1H \l~ the- :te r. 100 W. Ja::es maser .obî'tEtiie.As~ste T harogse cisM neti to h o o vlaflc sl-.sa Unon ae - sd:Bw a l e me r of te FIL M Mir. l le . p reaides nieiNewîoicia t'il.s' Cub ner Ger.e Wlfcs i- bactin la th loc allsrOnet fl v d.', ie seîs-iccs'oas con- Ca ladi e rsOrder o estiV 2 rV 2 rV 2 o 9 O E W I Weekntisvi tin ir s ~t he a emerotbat.og la ir, e rB-- ladelners r s Ho- Curc. 2dr92,îcdteti b-'ild y Re-. l-r-18 l, G WaK1t lkcrs-î le t,38, teilbury d D.R. JMtmc r.î:ilConces fion dS ely iraa-ls-M.n, ese ancin, oicait eidslirpaet st i îrnser ocfJflic NoD.thnà n StîLi estBingClbthUitHarLL Vi Syn Craal-o. izo$3, St, ile--swiei-vii ngFrn Bngam an Cl Eenýd bte r ani Lst iccMcso- sX-vzivetiofy Ss-oth erals, D.'idt'dr. hurl, Oshe soa ofi aod a tIieAnglc an Fis- e rn - - __________ he itesi Vcoi, ..,-ae adRbrtBysfTr. o Sr flic s kag."Le tptea fornAmKer attie W it- +ar Breteand 206 0f teiyl C adBah, Lif.AtoCNr.an MS erge , KLoer hli:tespe at in-ýn-A.f aa nt MSaionoh , el.__e _ 'Bolig eaue atiof nEinNE TS ndENOYI Mr ad rs oron C ati, erymorAle t rev Ps- Firil siît, fi e y; es o so sisters, Mis. DO USep . , 878RaRT 19 inLeic24ibu, etTnton o ' at cfil vU andIe vla n' ifo l l ." 'npise sarano t sceeof eog oe Ie> fVr-ba<f ogasDn Acyi s cdb1i ho i of \i WiH n ipegau Man.tIc r. ndux ate h a'rCus fillti tedantirs ubnt orsu- Kýhc, IlineryAfor Merunaids H a glass of milI make aofdc- sod a ty Tir- sdnv es-oe nT om lr eIÇt On te Biandorti an iea smeeken d misth careacteIv t e o (F Glorae ifera os B pedca-to n, in 194 9.ulcrft ari e dathon, Ca llAiseM icoslmleicloi Haws. Garoni îoIle gca us tfi Mhwk rfic poluwse, h w-as adher o rnalwers Tui rauareseei as a Street swe, occreit il SeGeriig e tîAesist4rs an ii cetdmnsrto. h ueM.ad r.HnyOua es-ldnusn sssat' I enaa arel lfospm if i i1M ildiei, O slîawea Ciaarne fy av nq S EatuIng'clreJayt ar M isr s - ct T c S er'Iti 1 on__ of nth e ll hlorA ty the Bna ti n luTh e e arI . M s El la tn d- Ba 1 952rite m e n i s e d t h ai l c a l 1 h a f o ' yu k t n N r i n o vr a î ,- t'î M e îr:. i ~ it t i C C o n: Hi tot le l S î-' ts ~ t- nt M r . S l e T etn of tinursi g t 1f6, e p rît. iii fic past i:-: tflîs n. vi llýe e liaHo s tld, B rk on r antiy - te sted-rcft e c: Act-irs seuin it, P a ., lot- acnolitetitestsforswnr.i g fh CivPacostal whCelue le vqa(ar are l uy3 92 thtea iteck ri T r. Dty e '. bu' l e a o io. 'rite St. Gen e'j-S t.pr oiin's bl adgehs, at te Sx lt s l' il, ani - S I n SM. B i- oona o n a E .~ E f of T othe lat e M w.and ODAV e . able - -----u g or po e n i a n - o l u e r a c t - i t e s o ï y i e e W o m e ' s n s t i u t e s e r e t i f o l o s i r î g C r . s s v n o u e c s s - -u cs e n yi R op. l l e n F . e a - r m i sil ineO n a i - e , a 1 8 4 a drp e d e c a s e i bl t h c e î - o t-o f t h eI C N N E R I Chrhadtercpin a ftelaeD.Go .cms nýý,.Mr.Mcrhr c-e hrl.ïrs CJohn, Arte ce ats-~- ~ i theme rs wnatm'.llA. d l ý eicirs ft ia rsnt teper a fîi:fl i-chnt Dumf, gBnian Le e, n, as o fte cuea- 'sfi a:e lelteJhlisat urne d w tri Sa nee" r is moî'.21- tl. , uti nicpitp a e te xCluovflic B oi e e evSsana- o i on oeIi". er psr of i c -iR.m are ig ehtoolm r h ome e-o EllwoodCit-v nd willbe use pCrioL and payanti Lawa Bowling iem- C'r~p a St Chrstolie, Juy Te eecutve f Crtsvig~.f e-r îglt. amp losti -lfhzniste Pi'sbyaman ofurl'.irgo Aferoradutio, M.ICîîb onaionsfo hieHoan - .,'4i 'Mrs. Wlan Ma o t-Io n- d the raneth nneâcnas ap-. ude is-erinlns r ztnues.er, Carl'es, of Osawantif eO ruu19st iey Jui suSNr-AS ho-tes-s f umte 3 la it at foCrtw c:hose f T o ksti . Aes.lrtan sd ent r orf te - ber ofst34ati liPncoîynl w-nt a i onr o c and:y m moral ersice wasbBranldMca- ram gren en mveetin vsis'if i lith-o p 1-+-s, Blckoftki eti ChurchOvi,.eare tor îp, -he e h e îrisa servich oe as t awekig uonit 1 je a eea f-tmran1,.uFertihy e v. P.15 me nil. 4 the M".Lewi and Bt-ens rati he tncr :0 m. li -u la tie.S uns et" ac ti a s un g fnef r ar<' -a Ie P'lb acr -ie i iott Pi - ~D E T l I s.eipfmie pang ani i A th na oi hanti j he l i rl s M. atiis. ae d Prror.. rly Mi.E. Kni lîdeseit l eDa ian -s -iim twlc, lr e a c. ,pNie r t tari aî Cîlre!Cpy.129's.,,. P.-nb Tayl4or be. Kig cîtl-Wtion. An ul ae in'g affer bflue :es-- ant su ire ad Kingsfon, e sge-gch eel -a nie s-c niof- Pak.NroD 'Avr, rohîrinaw M -- V r R I L Trs lnte7riesn.ganhepfAiYt vsit cver iyone baieforiae 11-YeP. ated. M vrs oasIuomeahi Youtrng o ie' ries- nnTheste- amis- cf B tew ist an iy SeatedonanisDol- TwoistreBaNe"woD r y stsShae'i o î riess trou'i. "Wc ks ýv fe'uUs Sh ndweak o;at eiî n pn usdyl ti wadligse ae v cf mens-le, anti î:- 194r 15e on oiree. Foîlss-ng fic ddrJs a h-v am l. i t Bbe n Snd C (ify ha ý-s t e masf tCisg, .with e. ay s edeaonrIgby er t l i-.)%z-a erow-si Fnc ro M S R IU E LK1 5 tenp est Idicussn svsMrheR.i. atrenead of tak te o v. s ni r . Philipr inen n t i e ter word eacdetitaBw-l oeNLW M-.Tieews ,a mme o h Dre sz 9 Tle neulai usinss esiongatm apriat flc Bib hle hz'. e .is, aIl wthlio n'. ste a in c Cl-isintenoraAlianu- .Mfa nie hrh i Streeprayer, ate îic btible -4'I ý fo r .e euiche';an mthen Mis. el usn an o, ýr l"noV ti hmuatiLlaoiii s Whol'.-n ue ilemF E svns eltiantimcetîig1ces!lee in -Peterstange." I pnits M.1.iliertMarImsnad hUontattatherhristsndeknfwltheI choisrd bvhisKodakack, ged 8, ocunt-tPan Batisactol- te îae Dr Ceù W. JLies miser n Oer Ean--, Asflict bdougtlîlecfotiLiîed.t btluuî'liE.shI - UTUFT FLEXI xasalsoaUFTbe"OFFt" hots erei a eitos-lag tfo rens 'IodCt lafoî' s ,CrerNe .stLeaa aer.edlafe aSaThie min theloral Pgif sa ter. h'liere lscO.ý,ate re oftice, 3 esn F R Si( 120TorP 1Ho RT CUV2Ef ebden end e o'.t e aches erof bsmll ortin i ter ýý etaerscttgea r evidenChuce ffu îil sen Gilhert (Eîlenoî.mand _Ilo. d aîl y 10e 6, 192.ie lth "(irm Filiêr" oc On T esda, Ju+ lih, 3 o rihews l' sech he Prî.anti lve hi slîiclu ite w-RoKbeîn flu te (Cobee n ati athtî' c lc lae M- Fais ejyd Te Wie' e ain r lmna o ns . H riTln- hl-L.rt e idsliyeailw-ric tsicw lie, is n Ons, iffr ogisa:d an wi ng Clsu-,rtee Unfic-: Bomb I . J Y o.o. i Intiue ri np îain Pr eucfon aniliertîn. l E nl J.g, sp;vent a fcv days .p Paivbrers -ciboe rWilr. UTonite huc, sia a .eeed n -esnflicafn ie n 61rac 208o _eRoa _n plns.Le' eo h eten-tn lC el: lK Dnl ta lyST iiî- Nni-thiei, D UGLAuJS, D. B IiiTO boaiaf eIpsss Tilbu ryoi. E~ - ar. amlfriBoanca Gr-ieseste iri nt a-vn a vo-iie fle et, Li-s Jme M c, ornt, ona ti Jac A tey.Hoie fr ois-ee Tesia:,latiani ttnet epis-t i unteret C tur slof thaie lihe'diblte Senfart, Rn, io er p .A.das ys-it ucc tsite' nGereCmIeti -s lu al ui-1,c2pn ot-. W. J. r.choo ryfiteî'e.e b Ii beatiulfltsetsroke-s, ,<rre±. ei Lalol1 . HeCeuber, aîtsFeru.iGootisîva, of Di glasit ecto -1wOie;N avenub e 1, 1904,nah Arnis'in et Drîduna Casbi Mis.edwat e ahîci'. atl "M""eshaiantibonfillete a- n-. nd ra bhar .: rltrririlu"'.eof 9 lStro.t-hua rie aetsnCle, 12. Ç EAIASiN NA IO A dat-sh h m o NIs Hr, lis- ween iti aya ctflueir oml,,say, w(1erc Snîd ofcdiErs t n et-.vrCos nea figlln-' SB R A N DSry f r er 4old Týi-.Aav MGoumdiOn Mars-atLori axîti- sanilengMrs. W.rW.s steCa and. Mis. A. J. Co k, Br tlin,'gar tntiAMr.aRderelrSpit s MJt.G. nukc l HApial.Hr rsduî a Tnît 1)r sujet 1 C n1- a Bel Hu e tU pst fue -k. r.Eldî,îi le O la a smt-lM s .D c fles Wni Flusiacle B k~ Ni Malerluis.ail- ! Mis. Irna l r ie unt iad A een i 111:-uc--. or -t-.enrk cato o-rni meail-fftC U? E a c upl linan Mnran. m-s Fi:,: (c>:- Bonliu us c{î ier i sc- 4> leLt5 r t, I 9 fago, StanueyLake. j Mn. Wyne16, a2pn, iKtghe Bayuniv8,162 kese e t-iinc f onî tville, Is hol9daylng w-itli her Mn aand Mil. Bruce Mountjoy, flic deceaeets fors flue fortrBethL!ns. Simmick is sur-siveti fto- "T heMl" itete o raiuis ndSndyfîe i atndd riyG'eernwas an in En- Tbyhe' o roiu ntiHe%a.«; LETTot at eg 158c 2fr11 Rev. A. . llardig wllI peach Kateine adgCnaensu, han SnsFlgspicnd mwao-shsareiGoreroi;ti ~d.Asscri-aMs ray, Ci-ess-sveîl, ar iilg 1nto. e 4 ' thein grantiparents, Mn-, anti A charivari for 'Mr. a::d- husbanti. b Etiglarît, also, surs-is-es-. OSKd e I brs ovt Mr. ra Hmlonw held1 Before coming ta Boýwaîan- Besidles lber- bit, sIte wiiIunit wih Trnit in rinty Uitc Chuch, Mr. Melvîlle Gniffitu anti his at their home Safuidav nighfli. ville. MiýTs. Brooking bc e-Was ais-o piedeceasetibya Joh:u arnvisitv'.ththeiiMrs. McnDorgaity UniFRUITCS LTr..,- teg. $119 - an broter ohnarevisiingtheri rs. ac ougldMidianti, sideti la the Port hope e aatait daughfer, Elizabeth; th, ACORDIAL ¶ELCOME TO ALL sisf ci et Sudbury-. ln iss lMai-Ian Ross, Science t r 36 vears. She w-as a mcm, - youngesf anti las-t survîvor of E O F UT S L Joan .-'-'-;. and-qNadia Hil, were w-eekendeti of ber o? Triaity Untledi Chcifamily cf Ceight chiltirea, _________________________________________Schw.sartz are atfc-dng a <ja-! Mr. and Mis. Glenn Lariner, Bow-unaîtville, anti of Triatty Mis. Sin.nick ssas pretieceasetid-A - Rg 9------3 c o 5 __- frai leaders' camp of rl antiboys. ' W.A. by foui brotliers anti tuire X L 1Rg 9 ~~ Grîities e~t Doe Lake. Mi. anti Mr is. Grant Fengul. Mis Bioking la sur,-i-d sistors.sevc w- H L - eg6c Ses-ora fnrn lien-e a*tended' son, Ian anti Mary visifeti LIn. hy ses eiýlch:ltien, e iiiaIla St. JohnsAuvic aîO S AMO59 R EHOBOTH CHRISTIAN 1 the We:rv piee t Hampton'aud is. Lloyd'Wrilht andi (MrF. H. Dat-ke), Port HîýeC hurch on Thursday, Juilv 12,. HLVH MP O Saudv anlSunday, Nomr. n fBowauauîville: S'u MEr~ r% PLIn~I fLiss Doren VenuCamp, whoMr. ant irMs. Art Ruîskinî of Tony Hill; Eva (MNs. E. ed'acoutdbyR. Wl- dn ia-n V i Herbet. It f svt as ii RISJeg1.25IU CI R\./I\Iv E.J r l .>I'I.RFlPrafc-î g aaChristian ýîntiboys, Part Ciedif, slet e iaaaFeVOn.;E-DoRInvieCeeey College, anti ..Jack 5w-ainthte weekend ntth lber nuother, n n-s, his. I.Hale), Toronto; PlbaCîs ewce esi. Scugog Street, Bowmanville ofWaeo Coilege, spent theilMus. R. Ford. ýAlice(Ms R. Riaek), Bof rns ieas Bran, Jack Living,ý PALMOKeg. 65e rea Re lr Joh C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D..'Irnî'sîer ~honte'- 'anti boys, Oshîawa, visifeti Roy N. Dan), Wýhifb. a Robo-f ies, D easleu-i fA 'I.Er orl sspendtag, andti IIl erguson, Sunnay. -iAiso surnviving are abn-o.TA a fers davs n-itlu bis brother- Mr. an-d Mis. Theodon'e Waf- then. Titeo Gneenaw-a' cf Cr,-- anti Bob Williams. R--1.Si J hl son, ynn ad Brdley f stL CitAi-îouig te lovely floral tri- T M A WOASIIP SERVICES 'IliMda~.sn ynat rtlva -a iy, Man., 21i rand- bu tes eVitience cf the esteern- ____ - _-----_______ Il ,\rs. BortStifu Toronto, Camieron wor e Wednesdas- chiltiren: 55 great-grani chilti- in svhîleh b deceaseti w-e - -- _____ 9:00 a.n. 0I1iaisd Marilyni anti Jint Archer, guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Eaenni: anti ses-en groat-gre-het,-auetrmUeLd* *Wlitby-, splnt Tlhursday wlfh' nadburn andi boys. grand-chhlliea. ct iels xle romta the Roal S RP IO SIDA. R M DE 11:00 aî.-Englislî '%Ir. an3 M'\rs, W. Archer and Mr. anti Mrs. Adiam Sharp,' The fumerai service v,-s CAnaiarytothLeylgicC IP I NS... 7:30 p1 N EîgisiIrM. Den. ;Enskillen, were S un tia v 1eltt the Morris FumeraI ___________ V 1 Mn. and 'Mrs. Arthrur Vau-, guests orf Mr. and Mn-s. Leifh CiChapel, Bow'maas-ille, on 'Weti- t'oeuiiî,~ tre Whle Coinel o~(~dJames 'VS u î rU B Ena G bsn,Bow-nan-, condlucted bs- Rev. A. W. Rr- G i C sh T yA L E X 9 M c G R E G O RD "DI.ritanti Mis. Ken Dunsi n ti Mn anti Mis. Mers-s-n Ct-e- nient n'as la Welcome Cerne- For OId Apine BakTo UoQ Hour" nroaQcasis sperrttheMr.kand iMrs ryrn.e pn afwdy ihdngc Bemavyl Ine plianes 4 King St. E. (Formerly M hJsSh .Soe Dut-smnooi anti Kevin, Osltawa, t On Sunday MnI. and 1Mss.' Paîl-beerers wsere six grand- shiiougb CKLB, 0.0haiv. et 9:13 p.'n. every Sunday J tere Sundas- guests, anti Beth Reynolds anti Mis. F'ianks, sonts, Hlomard Bioolting, Bes-. 1 iA I E S ài. A80W A ILE - P O E A 3 5 9 ('KVlIl, Toronto. at 7 a.mi. J toni e istthefi latter foi Peterborough. bronsght Mir,. Dat-ko, Ken W'ilcr-, E 1 t o n C L A S 8 1 V i E D b L e hoýliday-. Leslie Mountjoy home atten a Brcck, Douglas Hale andt Bob Phon30MArket 3-3303 J IMr. and 'Mis. Howard Lamb f hice weeks' visit nith thenu. iTuerIL Phone___________3-3303