but If wai thilW..who kept Thfe CanmcdîRn Statsi .~waxi1e u t.16 the pJectliv,' in the rr'- munity until its completion.__ nero oWorld War Il nriswr MrshJaes r Riharseor otetalt n aan M agistrate s Courtcn!£~ee the Womens Institute did her Mr. a es E ihads EhtrAnci i0 sts igHeId in Bowmanville work acioh plhedulicShols Tuesday. August 7, 1962 make sure that the load. wet %vorker. living a reasonable START PRIMINIfyu hikh se rki Mr.~ndMr. W Noma Noma Stnso. nfild Mr cotae narButermlkFaE. ven before the P Dlepa mncVncnoAnodBrto,20. or dry, conformed tb the lic life. X'len vour are walking a backbreingjb -usold'ac oa Porter spent [ast week at Nîa- and Mrs. Murray Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittie"of Agriculture began to sponi-,Orono, was remanded on bail enise he had or suspension o r riding witb somiebodv. else primiers at i Ikhu fe hu. T pc h gara Falls. famnily of Newtonville. of St. Mai-vs xisited Mr. and sor scbool tai-s. this Institute of $1.000) to September Iltîr. could filw. ou should remember %vh" Mr-, and Mrs. Hariev' John- Doretta Challice and Moliv'Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on Sunda.'. sponsored verv successful fairs 1962. He is charged with abo- Cecil Miller. 22, Newcast!e, \Oiu are. Tliat is tlic reason bottom Ieav'cs oftetoacilatlsthvw ston. Toronto, were ,veekend Newman with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Bowen of Nia- and donated the prizes. Later ducting an unimarried female Pleaded flot gil to a charge for vour license SLspension ." around the fiels Pim g snw npoge. guests of Mr. an-d Mr,. Geo. Harvey Aiken. Millbrook. gara Falls spent the vveekeiid vears. xcben the DeparimenitLinder the age of 16 veargs of Dangrerolus Drix'ing. T-fe Vwas Steplian Albert Smith, 46. apparinl.ofln v ftetbcofrsi b Moiton. Congratulations to Mr. A. with her roother. Mrs. Fred .bleld the;e fairs. they continu The condition of the rernancî fined $50 plus $28.50 costs and 82 Wood St., Osbiaxxa. pleadod cI ountv' hcixiiaai rdc rpi MissGloia roms ad M John Tan'blyn of Brampton Bowen. ed to co-operate with repre- is that he stav awav froin the bis license to drive Va-s sils- guiltx- to driving bis carxx'ile Durhamn worthseea miio. Sme ufrd iss B reen Ofornson '"- who celebrated his 801h birtb- Miss Patsv Jones spent tle sentativE s. hel place exhibits. gi-l and not conirnicate wiln pended for 6 moniths. iiipaired. It was bis flhlst rlf- GeorelWaBoeefnN ofa Tofnontoe as inededt darnage recentlvdin a lr. ~I-.an Ms.CciiGrha. day on August 2nd at the long weekend wlth Mr. and lbad a bootb. and added rnucb hlerGebld le W'coourut ea ingc.tiand is linedS5 pas s M . and M rs. eciMiraham . hom e of is daughter M rs. W . M rs. O rville C hatterton , C arol o hIe success or the d y.R al av., 8 4 1 tsn l intire o t hle a fr - pe,ýs ndd f r 3 m n h F A C .L I" IN - îk O ho ne se vi e ta i wihM-.and Nrs. WG. KiklofBowman and Mi-. Bowman. and David a he-cttg fil May 1917,thie first school Street. %vas renîaîîded ho hue nooîî of Juîîe 3th.and]tii-n William Belcb., 1.54 wil- a igadSuo sieevn 'î c otypooMr efhand Str davIl OfEnfield. Among the gueshs near Bolsover. comnmihtee of thr-e %vas ap-i Ontario Ilospital a, bl. eadacrbi up a' imStObw, ad5K0 fx'ig adi -n antpo tn t Wes.yntram Orono were Mrs. J. D. Mi-. and Mrs. E. Dent and pointed. one eacb for Port for a period flot r exceeding 60 saw a car leave the road wvbeîî a cblarge of being drunk ln 8 fwia lit a motr trp tothe est. Brown, Mi-. and Mrs. Milton family are on a trip ho Michii- G r' a n b v, Nextonville and davs. Ile is charged with at-ilodrlmkth IIV ~rs. . W. bompsn an Tambyn, Ms. Fed Tablyngan.Crooked Creekl Lakeshore No. empting to commit suicide or'Wt OiiÂdiParkeIltbaeliinrx-ea u l G.plaie.w o 1 48, Qh-ueroe.nino r 1L. Crawford of Fortý Mrs. Russell Best, Mrs. Geo. Fitteen scboolm-ahes of the 2 xvas added in 19.18. It wa.ýScu'gog St. on Aîigust 5îi. filtho ndark. t he -avele iSt.,Ila ol G. R nabv chargQueTenlvi cnrlnd asrnC Frarlics ieurned borne by Jet:;Carson, Mi-. and Mrs. Jim Newtonvi lie Public School i ie durtv of eac to xisit Leoitard Staff. JanehvlIt.ciossed tbe road aîid iarrow- or Cauisiing a Distirbanre bv wM e atter spending a montb wihh[lTamblyn and family, Mi-. lvi-lthe earl\ 1900's gahbered al h ool uiide lier care and i-e- ?3 , as acqîîitted of a charge J\- missed a hvdî' pole. >boiîhing and sxveingil on Aui- Mvrs. Hector Bowen. son Tamblyn and familv. the home of Mrs. MiVlton Tani- port wa she thouLgbt -%oLIIl of' assanilt. le jinped mbnt a car \Vîth, gust 2nd. T-li* said he 1 as 'lred lorprtivsaei io onto is visiting Mrs. W'm. Sey, and their guests, Mr-. and Mr.,oflast week wben anl inter- and pupils. Donations ri ail Road î'omparcd cw,-ihh 1alo6.d Ii. gvesrr% elid o i btil: 1 i-nou r. Richard Scott of Brantford ý esting lime was enioyed ibY flie wav froni îowlv mop, pail,; panY pleaded gîîiltv b tbrnchastetiortlî on Mill St. al 6(0: bad beeti drinkting and lie \vas O iri0 atcr ibotu Mr. and 'Mr5. A. .1. Tamh- and Allan Ardi-on, spent a tew i ail. Scbool photograplis were soap. toxvels, to gifîs of books,! changes tiiider thbe Ilglîwav ho 7( miles per hioli. Tbev' giving bis landlidadeîn i Jov n NaSohNe lyn, Brampton,. Miss Myrtle days at the Ardi-on Cottage at passedi, prolector sldes of Pi-travelling tibrarv, flag, money derfei ct.braev pad$13 fo* ait- ed th et be car ackedo fro andBi'ow ri t o ibrvS. Tonc e-e akn opelnnrv stahs Tamblvn, Toronîho. visited Mr.1View Lake Ibis week. vious gahberings were showi tfor- piî'nii's.hable ' oo wik-dfcieba-s 1 o al e.Teifl a akdfonBonS.t ,bc.,Ow, and ns. J. ambyti n I i-. valace . Sîson.for andanecotesrelted.Lunce,îg hols. lavgo-n equ i - n hahvba-ethe rer lieiie dXndî roniWaloîîanddsed -le cas ivenasdu s it ris7 ete'boîoiîgî Ci ic Hospbaerotal1o6ugppe exorl Saturdav. merly of Oronio husband of was senved bIl the hoshess anud îîii.pîbi' pa Ing adlatson1 -rbîic, anîd 1$28loff.l'Tie tho Waltoîs chas;edl $2_9. followîng ai) accidt ouwevaîe ah8.470 ii and dkgbhter Kathie' are ah away at bis residence in Sauît1 reunioni. Ladies were preserit tee was discortiniîed ln 1940), A. J. Derooii. 4 Diindal1ý oii MbilSht-eeh, west o11 Itigilu.8 Flett St., \vas reîîiaiided in Elizabetbx ille ahl, prno Mr-. J. C Clemence of Osh - eral vas at Cburch of Prie- Bowmanvitle. Oshawa. 'l'or- iv oi'galiized lionne and SclIOoJ ol' courtitai becaus of flice %v'e- IuIpu - iîui'bl on Beîinehh's side l figures aailablest - w00henJoh Bkeh.2 awa spent a tew davs with b 3cious Blood. Interment in Ilol" ýonto and Oroni.-. Tii' \vas t-t Clubs. Iloxvever. a genei'oîis o f bIllesud, bilx'eigiecronit, aI 8,r) îî.p.li.. and tbenl 'oesrtv ucr'bok-PtOfis siser Ms.C. . owrs at'Sepulchre Cemetery, Sault I St.tbii-d annual gahberitig. uuaii xsgieiNfoî 20 .mr uif i-m le le-arbecaneienvolved in11-i- ie sirb -B ide r a brookPosiOlie. rsiifrdattltaîi a 48019o cbarged witb. Riax iîîinail offefîached riglîtand isI n a-mr la 1200 ha î week. Marie. Mrs. Richard D. Moirtonjilile Scehîul for, a piano r-vsd o l.llsim futaîîidib hNo Il"ba-ie e op n n îîub >d rae kîe.ad is asegr,1-1,,atiiccesewas. Miss Mir eKeiàt. Newi-as- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Motta. (lie new organish and chion1945 and lie\\ drapnes for- lire 'Ilie O.P.P.utu tere i-t tIi. \y% 'aui( ia e ._a1e2 -OOafn ia- tPublicî ['i i al Gil moi r.31,-utGado tle, Mrs. FrdIl 'a mnblt -',- sbed, Katliv, Ga i], Chas. antdileader ai Oroîîo United Chlir n ,,-Iolin10. l- .ilha ve \xva nîîcd ti ilt Lt htMlerr.itoiain.Bue 1I IHillI aeae i and Mrs. Ca rlos Tamrbvîîi, Mi e Ji-. or Simcoe xisihed ch. Rev. A.- W. I lard intg ot CIa'ikeT fv AtaBai n (ies fei tiii s b vpe of lbailand cion43uif ttrea nildv reîîîa iîiecîfn- thie tr'uck in xvbicb l yx't- ae nîui-lîlteîîa Sharon Tambl-ii and 'Mn. B;lliMrs. T. Wilson. Bowmanvillcis in charge o f came inhu bciiîg. a iilînuer cOfflhicev do tînt semb 'ih Codle anud hhîi- folloux-filî,b iSpeme hh.nrtxing. otie of the fiaibho x toiî's ttnosco Mns. R. R. Xaddelspenticotîductiîîg blcxvot's(iphw.ii t cvîih i w's a îi htiin oýixtIiS'chion 4:w. ( Sectioni 4:B31iia12 pei-Ipeue uri-rytgfa'nbsbet eîcd oa ni Tambly-n speîîh Civxic Holiday bhseeren wih i-madn, of Newiitonnvdihii lle acout ot 'a, \sîo reds:\Aîaon îuavanet et it iha cia f raeîinr'ismetatohie' îe Ilpaedf.08,00bcusrrey ai, Lake Simne. thse weîe Alen aithpi' uuîiMr.l as lus rc':poiî. itheti te tii(xv ibinî -naît avpu oîD îiiîli iganbt.î- deniidvhcl iacre aaus «1.00ls Mns. Bruce Gusargave a1t 'i0 aiWro 97 o1:1xhîoni ic fîtîds cornrntih aduin uleplace auîd!, ta,ýlgtI baby showei- for Mrs. Jac-k,____________________________o____________ ne of theiu' uerobers serx'euh ii-uubte offctice.:'u vio,%,is tiiied sui plus 5 sq [f slig te Merceri on Tuesdav evenina nteBad setI uingsgnd. deiPlubHe %a ie itlAýLtap.ii rks Mrs. Floretîce Banrocb uit '~~~~~~~~ 43 6 ieads: 'Atîvoiie max' a'- ia i-cittbtAgs ppytî rks1w tic Mr.Foec arc f192(0oie ut ture iembers gax'e Ludge. Cobui JhV.. Aîîdeirso vntetofcnno n rle Carievale, Sask., Mn. and Mns. a papier, --Onîtario's Bigges! Smi h o o atux.Wv -etiiioî vitatapron ý Jid h ordnine,,61. Miltontd xvhce Milon rroao ,nableenaidlipt'ura-PJamesh GooddoîiinFitante ,ici3,oooerIseverale andniiesoconieverlgtome M i.tond Chalut-e. it I b i-o o k R e p or os robl niàl er Ru-a P blc - e an"u d Tworkî ii iiî,abhe g i'oLItid s ; lie belie xes ( ) R R . No. 3, Co bot-te, uas fi- est in the dith . Mi-.andMrs.Keib Trgunna.Storge nd Thepoiiedia. uas conîuîîibhed a c-uliîiial or-ied $11) aîd ('osis for pnoceed- Both metn were trei db Oshawa, visitr-d Mr-. and Mrs. Aîotîei' projuj-t xvi iiiblok svstenî buldinîg, Newcastle:! fetice and, (b)I s. (1) escap-'ing againt a red liglt ai Kinîg Dr. llobbs in Millbook eo Orvilte Challice anîd tamity.f inj' I iaix x ,,ars f' lab uxvusGenet'at Motors. Oshîawa: Mii f'îuaî I>feut-puî -'and Liberux' Shs nAtubetgtkn( h optl E!N O VUSO Mr. and Mrs. Mar-shallChat.- ivuflefls Inst~itutes hi-cet tigits foi- fiexiîîagýe. seîîuî,Parlianieiîb Buiildingiss i' in nbu-. 1)ersoiswo av ui a :5 .n l w-st IluOP Ctale IckMd- HIEtheOI VNTY beiton enjovedi a niotor trip tri li De(emýber* 1936 a c-îumit-,Dort Mîlîs and Golden Mile lawful auii v ho arrest uiatli-ohlisiolu w-ihli a parie] ruck, gan wsas bbe invcshigaigu-FAAEPL Uppcr Canada. Ottawa, Reu- bteeivas appointed ho look in Shopping Cuintres. C. N,1. fi-ew and PIl Inah xx ek.('ornplled bv r vOeuId xxats showst-i. W lie ht, i>le niather of streeh light- atîd Casa Loma, Torni-to: A- persoui, i (rivetu k' Donald R. Brooks.'tic-eu'. Visitors withiMu. and Mus. Mils.Agnes Burlev vorid Wat' 1 bioke ouitheiiiin,. Infornmationi xas gleaîîed lniLculttîue Colge.Guielpht . W n o ii a-ie n sopd o he e igt D). G. Hool rvere Mr. anîd sochety xvas Only hxvo veaus olîl fri*îi roesourîces, a tanvas W-aintcoe t. b rio"g Nilrbfr lel a rvnnrhwt l Mns. Frank Werrv, Mrs. Rusý- The Women'*s Institîtt as but met the challenge weII. takcîuand thieiuaituaIpetitio'u of oi oneis usihh'b iiiig îlhlrbfoe uc a'dnvt tot wt hed utuMs.Rîal cit oii u f ngdy ab ny eod o i ls igi -i'-lteh hexoC01h-u1i1ohaWodu ap-ca or. Said bIle coîtru, "UJnden'green light, by William K A pplieppr( Mi-. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone. died because oftihe wîd2-1teen nionths of wxau' work are toîiiid theiîiselî-es in the <.n- ion foi- 0111 lov-ai frieîîds w ii ngtho punsîte c2ivilians Mi. ine odbc cut. leE Mi-. Otta Madsen. Mi-. and Mis. sl;piead ignorance in the hand-1 available but xve kriov$ 1:09.- ire of lhiotiîonrov'esx.Ii fail-- lîelped n s t-hbrou.gbouît fl o rtnt Iru ivJas r.Fily odte or i G lenn H o cgson an d son7, lin g of m ilk. F o itunatel y fo r 26 w as aise d fo u' C a adiat îîss o ail, il xas îflot s Il îu î 'e r . D LIni uî V r d W r xh îî he e l v a emias a ad h bit o phc ig îp ipc e d ILI 1 ndIf l]worenof hecoi- nîited a cirinaI offeuice. In litclî-hiket-s. lie saw thisi 13owmanx'ille. file woi-ld the cbild's mothhct-,!Rcd Cross as iveil as donaý- opipositioolighitsof-rftle pav- adItihwîe fhh oibis case this goes tai' bevonui hitch-liiker ontihtecor-ner andBe S Mi-. and 'vus. Bohb(jilmrer Mrs. flondless did not washe lions io Britishi Red Cr-- iltfoi- thîm. bîth athiert' hiemunihx*'vwotked int1iir ~~homesa-elsi rvig oirar- oneedwetu-hBwn e allier ef Caniex-ale. Sask.. arrix'ed b', time in self pIy or biiterness.: Pisoners Fuuîd, etc- Also ho obt1ectioîî av i taxation bas- ho ielp thie Wl.huirti Ont thitrCrls rvn.ýi r odrdwehrh ati plane on Ft-idax-for a hwori Inhenersorrow, heu-sympathy iHamtlton fOr 'PPuippx- la' nS id otn assesý;ricuîbit Il as feli wot'k. Oui va-oîus pt-ojecis th.igl a;ca Lit ie eddntslteta-Cnd' pl.co days' surpisie visit w-iuui ber was deepened and shc resolv- of tf'uit (o soldiei-s Buxs x îluî tîa al rapd iauietrdd eagea dal u utntrumug tia auuîr dtîeistcmigallertan b bi te ad'sapleerp Ibb parents. Mr. anud Mis. RIl ed that other mothers mi ere sent, ho local eiilishŽd fsainie briieit atnd te lrge- ho CO1CSoiilti. ou ohi ulc etneKapcr uîiî haantexporh opportunhities. h u UR E EVC ~~arrabalI uifot lose their babies needhess- box'skntiied ai-tii-les atdîf ssessrnictsSIîîîîld floh be ai- W atotlecrau:'t iI udliceuirese aniouifo ll- hl curbfilîcîî vee redox'neuo saite ndctd Mrs. D. N. Mvle.s speui thbbc 1v. Suc spent ber lifetime ty un - - . ii h e o cArte a-vears withotît leariiii a feuxc.xii u xa'iî to bchittg he tpc rosday ii a fruit crop appaI~LtL IL y- uitsii tîeniktug.cdbuber uelage share of ibeuchtirait if Miller is cbat'g- vebicle. weckend witu Mi'. auîd Mi-S. ina ho t'aise bbc standard of One itws a t'y-aPi filssouis.-Oi.c- etleouourudcîoîTeîi-î'eoht1ca- woie ad ult nigig n lip.tu e tt it u frAverse weatheri-asobsn Lly ye tddiiuterv lýivitig for ail farm wm adqitbign nnîouîcy-foîr bile Xotieu's hIisýtitu[te Coîld àsamietvleaicdbiail sdic il îtg vhile utoder stSPetîsii. ,utuder h1e-Highay___affi Whitby. cblidren. In Ibis she was bind- war work and thie quilt iself oîulv waih. SliC.id uot alte tîdiîîi-d blvr-igh 'rb uewil ( aulAcer stl b amn Mi-. Fred Giauii. Newi'as-lened by bbe very ones xvbo sent ho a conîvales-entîh ospi- lîi- er eiuniutatiouîhit hia frll erad iiiuit trifnîauîkîuîd. l' vil o t o utaellid hie of$34 Cote b adîo ncd i t tle, Mr-. Wm. Reid, Ii r'bn! sbould bave been alive to bbc talInb Eîgland. Thle mahrnu village tlaxe ligu bit, btied At a t a GCi-don \Watson auîd Mr> lai-situation and tii-st ta help reported that this qîuilh Wî0s ho idrsîtad u ait iuiititatili takes lime ho niake a tuai i titiaie a good i ca i,,4:30 p.n S old Allen atteîîded tlie fliierallright il. Out of ibis srugglecheangcd fnom bcd bo bcd anud teripers cîuoîeîl. a îtt iui d - s simiple c-hanigc ii a c'oinMIuuui- et the lahte Mi-. J. Loi-uc D . Mc-ltbc tiist Women's Instibtute tbc Canadiaui box-s spettnatit-la ngecl atd du ffet-eices irtoui-tv vti viet ilt xxofld appear, OBJTUARY(r dt U inVnLdPr c Kcnzie. father of Dl' A. Fi-a-, was organrized iii S i o n e Yboîtrs shiidviig nairt culd Otut. '[ie lighîhs wei- tnn abeîcittoai. Iieenn sen McKeiofieutOiornu. in Creek, Ontario, and lahtet'car- lacl doili151 us iteitimes whîeuîa societ','cati otulv R Trinity United Clîi-clu. Smitlî i-ed ta Enighand and bhen to v-r fe rtîu ut uii mark lime, keepiuig ite goaIl Fall, o Modaý. ithe i-est ef thc world. DuiuîgWorîd 1Wai' Iti, l ale' t iiia lxays fit ie xvliersu-If huit '[')ie f tîîIleu' al scrvice forFo m d a 4' :it.ons wibi Mr. andd Mns. The Newtonvilîe Womeni'.ïnthtlxs iie u itiitso l sati'dfied buojîtst pil alonýg. Chiarles Stire of Bowmnille Roewr r.Jln Central Wau- Cbarihy Fîuuîd uof Siuîce 191- ture Wolîîel's fl- __________________ "t>'y owewee Ms. ouîî nstitute was onganized on Womcn's Institutes of Ontalio stithte lias; beti lielpitigthe who died TIhttrsday', Jul 19GBOW I DS Sï _w, Judy and Jeffney-.ufý May 31, 1912. Pil oi- hbis and the Newcastle Red Crosz.COmmunitv Iliait commihîe "For QUALITX' Cars 1962, ifil theBi-ickv Ilce Plyar UantLan Kleinbuctrg. M i s s Catherntelthere wal; a W.I. ai Starkville Mebr a ucesd o -pi'arhdco'h udeut iaI IHospital x%as held Sahur Lynch. Torotnto, Miss Jane organized in 1906 but as most Mmeshdiiesdtrpî n ecrt n q ii evcldv Coryeîle and Mi-. Bob Mario b ebrswr ehnfonhv, so rniaie wor'k x'as dotie ihfiec îd Royal 'Fcnplei'sfIIM. adSeýi"l .ul' 21 , aithie Moi-ris Oui Tuesdav. Jtî 31, Good- Agafikthec arices auu "lîs lîelis ouetewtoogn - SE -fIerat iCitaPel BoW1u-1 a n-x'a'emplovees uere presci-T AGSL D R quis, H-amiltoun,lm rS. Shan!,ville wonien it was decided ho -qulits eiedmarticboes sr dnire iasoint car parties.iMle.Ie vas bou'uî 2nyear-God wt cil- ohanver to TeC Payne, Bowmauîvillc. Mi'. andi organize in that village. Ils sent ho ail local enlisted boys. und actutal labourit'ile build Ir Sie a or ea:odya (omnvleMCe Mn-s. Harrl Lynch,. Brampton. Chai-les H-ancock, at iha limneý As mor'e boys enlisted this be- iuig; hodax îuîis is tir b hVIIVULLR Fiserville, Ont., anîd was Ilie dit Untion Lhd.'B O l DW Mi-. anîd M's. Hlugui E. I.. living about iwo and one halI eacmuiyefr utoepoet c U E on of fhue lahe Nicliohas auîd At the meetinîg a board or Dvke'ý nid daîîglîteu' mov-' miles nortbwest of the village, [cameia counmtiuiyeffotr ut oul'le MOT ng,\vALLhOwiChi rstiua Stine. Jo 191-9 Oc directors, a SupervisonyCin ed inn! bthe aparhment ever met Miss Hayeraft of Bow omepa's ansled oîîîes.51:d Te foldîow i uîu inter~0x estDof a me tiiOshawua and worked;nltthee and a Ct'edit Commit- the lawvcr's office on Monday. manvillc, iben president of lbsP f ac and snd ooes.ontheW1 il ut VII C'Foia ieu'ltoipfrs îni h 1943 ,\,rei or.fvi:ams hewasPrn-ookeds Drha DsttOtcai t'u'uLI en f s îhtîhe. or a ee 'ere îeced._____ M i- D y k e o us b ie n e w P i n c p l W st D r a D s r c , t b c n e m b e i-s ' k itc h e îî sto v e s b \, r i î e f v a s t c o e I I E l e t li o h p f i n i g n a - J.a c k D u un w a s il e e d P re - etO-n Pbi cbo. ad Canadian Norbbeu-n Ontario pca oenetfl --crid naVlV LCSI _1 Bownîanx'iIle. lie rebired from sîderut, AltStiîSevenîs Vice- Miss Alnma Cîuteli. Mu'. arud station at Shankville and droeseia oenmn ehe e ai-e t avr'sîcesu Mrs. Er-nesb Dent. and familv' by horse and buggy to New- cipes to withsband ail climate, Grii-s Work. BeSides tuer joir Eni MQcn >rs aiutoi n15) .d nîvd-Pu'sidenh, and HarrY Saun - rough hancliugto219.INGerT. Ecetai-v-l'reasuurer' ahendedthem-ae of Mu'.1tonville whei-c tbcy organizc d ttg Otdiig io I0 fo rtlev s u'ibiîohîinuititaesn\-RNGST ' le married fi(ieformuet' Alie A Credi Utlon iis a grouto Dent's nclicýý. inlýrl cri he new soiety in henu]lilo. es sudlwasiaent. placesl-eg 211dILLal)F' pacesriOrMNiILL1918.I Socipi-cdc-18.uf peuple ofvpooalgrec horsaxo ca-i S a t'trda x. Metbodist Sundax' school roam.' Besides ber vxar uxork ui tliiýo-Iouiu Canada. Thli fol- Arîthorized Dealer for ceased liiin 19410. Mi-. Stir-~ togetuher auud ]end eichothî 'c-[ " l r~iI Wcekeuid visulous xv ihMn Mrs. Chai-les Hancock was vcarly doniationîstho chlarihies' luxu'iiuîgworbç vas doue wîvtbilii as a mrrimbei-of Itue Baw- nmorfil at a reasenable intetr' ai-d Mrs. W. Normian Pou-tei elected president, Mns. M . for which sOc feels responîsible. ci' ouv- ri uul of DurhamM G PRSC nnii ruîho O oa s ate. lb is a legal co'o.~~I w-et-e Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Camîp- HI-olman ist vice, and Mns. G. sOc Oas liad scieraI pînjecis anud Noniîurnbetlauîd: Dons- MORRIS - RAMBLER Canadiauî Lcguonî ation clîartencd under bbc law'~ _ heil. 1-anci-. TV70r. Waîtcî W. -Jones secrehary-treasîîîer. ox'crbue i-cars. On(,e s uloslytionis luCauîadîauîRed Cross lîx T-h re decessed is sitnviicd by as a lin profil oi-gani-zatioui l-iowe', Detroit, Mu-h Mu- To the best ot eut- knowledge inked uibith te xvai-r vi-Park <'ounitîce, restirooi M -:156mie sou.,IHerbert ut Bri o oserve imembers onlu .-_______ Vera Stinsîîuî 'Toronto, Mu'. Ms. G. W. Joncs, Mrs. LoLie thiatofrbuie cane or tue uionui for'Bu'iiuvle local Lake- ville: tour buothers, Nucholas Gilmer-Smitb, Mrs. G id dut smeub. Tue miotnnmentt uxas fi-si-ku Cerne t cl r v, Childrerî's ni ~aud Fredetick of OshawaFd- Joncs. rtow ot Bowmanviîle. i-aised bv cut'nintuuitx- effort 1 heiu oxîuxil -îi UI 96 ronLlacs uvard of Dasbweod, Oit. anîd and Miss Lorraine Milligyati,:hotîour Capt. Wmn T. K. 5Wi- lI boxes for Cobourug Mili- 1I'wo to ehoose from., one Ernes)u DeiMhtan ive People nox'o Lnsaar hetur ignkiîd tKînihidp.bnIal ospibal. artifieial lirinh coach. one sedan, hoth un Iwo sishci-s, Mi-rs. Chrtsttna uemaiiiing chai-Ici- nber-s.'Sonh Africa. sud uiîvciled "'. foi- local bov. sud gifi ho local top condition. MacDonalhd of MiticellO, 0rd Mrs. Sowden, eonccted for May.30th, 1902, in bhe nîuds: box' lîulrtiniiitraffie accidenth- aud Mus. Lillian Maddox ut iniToîtoo drgeawydIosbeuiuindingo ,anin n1127-, lr eretivQîîeuuElizabeth. Hclninig un Mi. andmi- Mui auuli Liltie quaI'- Zcppicri of Rfl 3. Bow- was asked ho wnube the Di-xouia- i in Wuild Wan Il . I'E HAV'E A VERY 6001) and LIauruc. Campbellford; Mn. mani-urile Tourist lndustry Comm utee rartrnent of IFbghxvaYs ancdStudY ut lauxý' fob?! V )' ARIETY 'OF 1957's AND and Mrs.M. HallowelI an-i BowmanvileOPP rah BRIEFS INVITED if antiiig ouîd bhedn.lbzationu outfeeblr ni inide-l. INVARIOUS Mweme cdinoc 9I- gtss ment Wbîch in'esigRled g01Ç'an On Fashen SLindax- uiniorniiig ii îhcIlpinî linznatiedital irîsper- MKSANI) MODELs a nt. .Lleiv liailowx-cIIs lassîacctdent estîmalcd ttubaiIncldsSRES x'eek. pu'upcrty damage ;tf5321)0. ____________ The Ontario Ecorîamic Couicil has appointed a Tourist Mai-ch 1943. thiF pi-obleni ion inu' hnol aidtig ImotbcI- Mosb uiteo e cru"haie M.Civ' 'iîu-suî_____________________ Indusbry Comnîîbbee la sbudy the present and future ri@ solî'ed wheni a trnusport anîd i cliii'iiother's aliwance eeu ulnru Mr.cîe'cd C cî-eai Ohîlo. a -;hiv ofîthe bourusi induîsbry in the province. a eaeinovn u u adgf utdele xrioil thOrough ouui-shop and crtivryTIA~ accidertt and thc base nof the furi -theccue came u,, cphui u ouvr ii Quiaitv Used Cit- M.ByiKaiBuîe nUIU.L 'T.h9 purpose o0(the Comnuibîe s to asses:&ail aspects monumetthuai hîad Iooked si)uvlli uvell bahu' ili'îi. pulio GLaranteu. Ai-thong McK,- ay. wthM.r iIRTIN MN. IdacTAGGART " a e tePB o eC net ions conceruîtrug hcap of ruibbîr. Forîîuuisatr&. Cci'.-aiasSenior- wuicu 24-Hour .Mr. Ait Grahanm, 'Ioruttu, lTle deatb occuru'ed suddcu' (lucre ixas nuoIloss out ite.an'd cn,(i-tai neirIn shi i-ilîs ne * ,enîi a ft-w davs ah Miss Non- Iv al. bis home, 19 Yorkshire Ol 1. The relatixe eftecîiveiiess ai corrent goveromrreot as- lablet and shati weu-c stx'd. ceiu-ed gifts anid cards. piî-tîc Towing Service ma HallowcIl'sý. Road. Scarbonouigh, un Tues- OI w ek o sistance ta and participation in the bourist industry. As sooti as the xuvorIcn stop- ai honie ut bliuîd and decat xx'o-ain M -40 ý.adMr.Cifr Fnd , uv3,162 fMri 2. Au evahuatuan, ai strengths and vweaknesses wiîhrn ent as a mnacrier he' started - maniand h10 uospuldIIbaaar Aliter Il p.m. -MA 3-5645 Pe-eawa.v an iolidavs. M. McTaggari. He was in Visit our B.P. HOMEr nPR W YCEC the inustryitsel.umen a410menac thevsSub-DivAriclesn, Lopbcrty Strcehiz 6Southr.SBb-manviolleb tOcindstr (sIntu peabca etoi-s l r-oc îi-ser-un utantquS. pgutus le are now 'a recog'nized Mn. and Mu-v. Gondrur 'l'iî TOc deccased us sîn-vc y Public hcarîngs wui take place un mid-September in lu again in a ýsafer Plat-e F'!"Sîtt Goldenî Plouig Lodge, flat! member of N.A. L. and fanîuîY are spendîrîg 11o1i- his wife, the former DorothbV Contact Peter Kowa elEttoi xlsv t lîad ho Oc cshablished xx in fort'Gi-I Gtudesz. iardball ieaui. days aItueur' cottage au Lake uhlict; a daughter Diane. and varicous parts of the Province. Indivduels and organi- wa res,-ponsible for iis i-t- donuationî and ditîneu L'ebhei Our Silil'IIStNrrvice Station DaIr--mpIc. a suri James . Bowmanville Agen,(r(rhrifrain zations interested un submîisstans bo the Committep ci-ecîloru. Athough nii-c - sent bru Dcnartinctil ot Highu- i >>-idîv îîI -. Mur. and Mrs. IiuigO Wcst- Alsu sunx-ivinîg art thrre s!-- should submitbsix (6) copies of (heur briefs as Socin as spensible for' the accidcent, tbue vaîs re takung dnwvii of .i is30 diytitlIlpr.hîusci xvio have been hanete ers, Mrs.A. Moasel (Jenote) U~ lV D P O U T possible before September 15, 1962 to thé Secretary of truck companv gave a gener- mule per rboi- 'dans for vil- CONTACT: tu'om B.C. on îiîeui- oncymoon and Miss FIons MacTagga-t, the Committee. ous donation auîd bbc Dcpart- tlar. reucivcd "u>-vwat i fouiuvc r i-e gun a pa rty aI the home both of Scanbonoughi, and Mns. SH W ment ut Higbîx-avs gai-c a îhild-cîî' si-. b-nehe- foi EarI 3McQuneer of bis parenbs by about sev.A. Acres (Mabel). of MonLIITE W. H. Cranstoni, T. C. Clarke, Secrelary, smail partci ut land (hrOcri îa:rX P-'i-eccrIF foi-r ila ' îlon Browvn cruty-frvc fricnds and tueigb- Incal. and tOi-ce bi-others, John Chairman.formcil- hart stooci Ciar"- fitrc. floatr-u o" tîvunh:l ons last ww-ek. Tuiey both Sp- of Sca.-nave. Donald of Bow- 11) Tephn oSev V Cama.Roomn 286 Britton's bakeshopl 'l'he shunt' Ceuîtciîuial. exhibits tot' Oroulln Bud I"ogg pnecuated the lovely expu-es- manu-ille, and Andi'ex of Son- OshawaOfieadSoro Parliament Buildings. was erectecu on a cec'niti. ast-. and Port Hcipe fairs. studv' cil Ac Richards suon for 10cmr happiness and y a Taronto <Teephn.385-1948) nat as prehentiniu:s as furst nie- Durhaan ud Nanthumbci-lauiu( the Iovply gifla. Hugb sbnwed TOc fumeraI serv.ice uwas Oshawa ShoppingCeteP ne7817 moiual. but silîl ont-ofut uch it;oi-x Jini Crombie colaurcd pictux-es ot places he bt-Id aI the- Giffen-Mackr Fun- \vu - in be mnudAIl 1iii; , : -\ - .'- 1Iul, t ieruV-e hl'-'i.Jack Ricard T-us berii shatioiiFcd un B.C. eral HomeA. Dantorth Avenue, Main Office and Shwom Cuti5-7811 -iX i'eanc o IîouînXO P1u'- tour-n Del ava I plirît. Peter-,'v-ithtOec RC.M..P. tncîuding Toronto, Thuri- ' ugush 2. Bw avle-7811 jx.Znt -6( lic spirîued nment folk 'racked 'inuu'nu"uli. Victoria Ha'I. Gen- Sales Ter-acc an i Aloi-t Bay. They Joterment W a E un !MeNeul Bw aivle 2 i ite wamnen in tOis endea-ot-, eral Foo)d,, United Counties I left !or B.C. last Thursdaý. , Ceetry. Wick, Ont. t_ _ __il_ __ _ _ __ _ _ -