Return to Lamplighting Wow YOUR Family with Whopping Home-made Historic street lamplighter returned to Toronto nn July 3lst to take part in officiai re--opening of Mvackenzie House, restored to fit the period when the, city's first mayor died there in 1861. Oakah L. Jones, Presidcnt of The Consumers' Gas Company' - -whose! service men re-installed the old gas lights inside andi out, and added a modern natural gas heating plant - lit an old-fashioned lamp on Bond Street rïear thel front gate. The Iamp will burn 24 hours a day.1 Tforonto Historical Board, responsible for- restoration. of the famed landmark, announced the accurate repro-1 duction of a typical Toronto home of the 1850's willIý be open to the public a.s a national historic site andý mnuseum daily except Monday, 10 a.n. to 5 p.m. Ju1y, .Ist ceremony was bo mark the re-opening, and tb! recognize the cooperation and assistance of Con sum- ers' Gas in its reconversion to gas lighting. 1I Darlington Council Gencral accouints et $19,- the Comimittee of Ad Iustnient.' 431.92, roads accounîts amoun*t- This wiil now be a [ive mem-' ing to $24,54j.32, and a special ber committee instead of aý âccount of SUÏ, wcre passedi three memnber on1e. for pavmcnt at the meeting of; A Bv-Law to arnend the, DarlinÏton Township Counicil Zoning B-a No. 2111 wasý boid in the Township Hall, givon three readings anid pas- 1lampton, on Thursday. Reeve sed. The firsitwo readings, Géarnet Rickard and ail other wei'e p a ss e d nanirnous,;'.; inmhr of the council were Tiiere was a recorded vote oni present. the third readiiîg. which w-sý Counrillor H. C. Muir ,&-s as foliows: Reeve Rickard,! fippointed a delegate 10 the Depttv.-Reeve A. L. Blanchard. Ontario Munic ip al Associa-'and Councillor Fred G. Smnith t ions Annual Convention. Il voted in favor, and t hose who) -wili be hoid in Niagara Falls voted a.-ainst weî'e Couincillor, from August 26th tb August Sidney Cornisii and Couincil- 29th inicluisive. lor Muir. Fivo tenders xvere opened The Amendment to the Zon - for the building of three con- ing By-Law xvas signed, seai- croIe structures. The contract ed and numbered B v-Law No. was awarded to E. F. Marston 2221. First reading was givon: Construction ConîpanY, Port to a Bv-Law to appoint a care-, H-ope. taker for the township dump.ý A By-Law was passed ap- It was then held over for fur- pointing twvo extr'a members, thet' sîudY before being given' S. E. White, T vrone, and Mrs.,second and third readirîgs at! Ronald Ciemens, Hampton, to a future counicil meeting. Know That Poison Ivy Berrics rod, have no dread, however, be a thick stemnmed! Bernies white, poisonous, shrub, up to ibree feet lîigh.' siglîf. The plant fias an extensive, Leaves thrce, quickly fiee. :crceping root system. by which, 4This vcry bad bit or verse:il spreads, along with someý Is not so bad as the plant it propogation by seeds. attempts tn descnîbc. In fact,' Ail parts of the plant, in- if touches on ail the important cIiding the roots, conlain theý identification eharacteristies of poisonous substance whîeh poison iv,,'. causes the severe skin irrita-ý The bornies are îîever red, tion. accordîng to the Fieldý but higrey tri whitc and, in ]ate Crops Branch, Ontario Depart- fall, yeloxwish brown. The ment of Agriculture. Con- keaves arc alxways alternate on'tact can be direct, or from! the stoem, and each loaf is ai- conîaminatod shoos, gardon ways nmade Lip oCthre bat- tools, pets or clothes. Tho lots. and are usually inclined vapors from a bonfire of poison Io droop. The plant itseif is ivY vines, ronts or leaves. cati îîsually a vine, which nîay also cause the rash, blisters, * (rcp along the ground. or and irritation in sensitive rnav ('1mb fonccs or trees. porsons. When il clinîbs. it is support- TIliorOuIgili xvdSbing Wv i t Il cd >'neiaI oui% t ia .stron1g soap iniidial i' atter contact na>' prevent infection K EDRON o eueils seeit,_ In evernt T1hC bovs fi ovo tihe 21lt visit to the doctor mvpro- Scout 'lroop xvho spent a evnt a lateilx sit to the h>s- iii camp rocontIv had ('amp) pili. Samdac ini Ialibu r1oiîaiIlu1o P'eveiîlion is imuulb betîci' themiselx os. hii ncure. This ciii>' v1nvolves Mir. Rov. Robinison, Mr. N. iecognizing poison iv y, and Wngland Mnr. Bob Coi'nej avoidiiig il. At least one in ix oeotho leaders who slaved every scout camp, picnic, fisbi- -u veek with ebosanin part\, or golf foursomne, MVr. William Werrv. Mr.' il ýshouild bh o onpelent to 1'ccog- frel Paseoe, and *Mn. Fraser nize an d point oiut this plant fi -xtd -tii x c tieir triail mcmhcrs of lis group. Poison iv>' grovvs on i'oarlsides. The h box wnCiilci AE. vodîands, beces - ,->es anri vjndeî' ca ivas i i :pi te of a fev even i n ie rotîghi on sonic ,'ainiv davs. The ('amnpers vere gQlt courllsesc- liînlo Dlonald Wci'rv. John Rose. D,-- ratos top pr-iorýilv in al sum- vid Hooner. A 1 la ii Wr-igbh', mer rosorîs, bu t sonie nman- Dou-las Pascrie. Jim Fraser, agos 10 survive, andi abxva>-. Robert Soti, Te Hunking. someoiîe xalkis through il, 1.arrv Sir'ank, 1.-i'1- Flintolf plls il. or rosIs in il. Il lias Rnd Teddv Broek evern g ruoxw n tunrecognizod - amiong rock gardon plants. %\ith disastrous resuits to the C.N.E;. EVEN1'S uxvner. lu auîunîiî. the ]cavos Soîne an di n u tl u ru del îght fui colours of rioval Canaclian Air Force ai"' orange, eIolov and red, andý At,,ig thie 90 momnbers of the; lompt the iininformed Iu add 10 Ilîcir collectioni of autumn * NORAD C o ni tri a n d Band evs u-h:ch xiii ho tatiired at the CNE this x'ea-. The band. or- Fotunatelyý. poison ivy c(ati g-nnized in' 1959. includes ('are- be conlrolled by readily 'axail- fîillx' scicted bandsmen frontiaole is bosî for .ano l Ilir U.Sý Ar niv .Navv andAi-tizl sbtfoaonap Forer, and the RCAF. Ai plicalion Irealment. Brush- 'ýn ntielvnwforat iaskillers are excellent but max' .\nontrei ne fomatbasrequire a second clean-up ap- hccn designed for Ihis veai-' Spliation. Silvex is also highbv flower show ;il hie Canadian effective on poison ivx'. Choice National Exhibition. J a c.k wibl depend on the product Perdue, manager of the agi,- mosl readUv a'.ailable, as anx', culture deparîniont. said th,' cf tiiese matcnials wil culmin-_ lavottvouid combine natural aIe the menace. Fobloxv direc.! heautv xith man-made 'Pcc- lions on the label. and spray, tarIe. any time up 1o late September.1 Ebsie the Cow and her Farrn To avoid walking in the vines' Friends will bc back alt he it helps tri have enough pres-i CRJ thîs vcar ' d housed in sure on the sprayen so îlh-tt s;pace prcx',iouis!v used for OM .%,ou cati spra.N front a goodý MacDonald's Fai'n cdean quarterrod awýay. * Specials Save Cash * ECONOMICAL, - CARNATION SKIM MILK FOR WRAPPING SANDWICHES AND ETC.1001 Ft.Roll WAX PAPE R (UT RITE 29C EXCELLENT FOR SANDWICHES OR COLD PLATES 12-o, 'Fiin CORNED BEEF BOVRIL4 9c SERVE CHILLFD! STOKELY F'ANCY 48-oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 2 or47c I'ENLEY CHOICE - Serve Nvith Ricunîello Ice Creanm - 20-oz. T«i1 FRUIT COCKTrAIL"'2or49c SEACLI FF 20-o','Tin Whole White POTATÔES 16 for$1 .00 DOMINO CHOICE TOMATOES BILLY BEE 21. Container CREAMED HONEY4 9c CANADA DRYI 0-o',Ti Cs of 24 HI-SPOT Soft Drink 12for89c 1.75 KRAFT CHEESE SLICES Old English - Swi s's - Pimoîîto - Plain 8-oz. Pkg. 29 C plIain -Pinient If;-q>z. Pkg. Values effective at >"our Domninion Stores Limited in Bownianville, until closing tinme, Saturdav, August lltb, 1962. - e) OId En'glislh STORE H( Open Thurs. and Fi.]1 for your shopping *Guaranteed Qualif y Meats* CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNM ENT BRAND STEER INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BEEF THE BEST TRIM IN TOWN BONELESS ROUND Full Ctit - Round End Rump Roast lb. 93c Doniinion's Owni Faniotns Cortied BEEF (UTS lb.59c STEAK or ROASTIlbo Freslv -iMliined (Ideal for, Barbecuie) Ground (huck lb594 Tender and Juiey - Prime Rib Steaks ib.93c *Fresh Produce Specials* CALIFORNIA - SEEDLES G RA P ES 2LBS35C SOUTH AFRICAN - VALENCIA ARGE SIZE ORANGES 51b.bag ô5c ONTARIO GROWN- FRESH Peaches Arriving DaiIy * Frozen Food Specicis* POLAR KING CHOPLETS - 8-oz. Package Beef m Pork m Veal 3fo98C DOMINION - FRESH FROZEN - 12-oz. Tin ORANGE JUICE 3for98' D)URS : Ail mechandise sold at your Dominion Stores Limited N'ghs untl 9 p linconditionally guaranteed to give 101%/satisfaction. convenience. DOMINION STORES LIMITEDI 3-11). Pkg. _ _ Powdered 8Ct 20-o'z. TFin 6 for $01.00 1