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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1962, p. 1

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Take Part in Ail-Star Game :* t "- . -1.l ', a m ' Sevurial rf>f ihe rost familiar hockey players in the NHL were here on Saturdav-, ni,,Iit Io laite part in the Kinsmen Carnival's feature attraèétion. AI- thouah the MIL Ail-Stars were \'ictorious 4-0, the local players held them very well. At lefi is tue "Biy M" Frank Mahovlich of the Maple Leafs. one of the mnost popular visitorýs, mrd ati rigb>t, the Ail-Stars bat boy, Pal-l Gardner, 6, son of hockey î ,reat, Cal darcîner. Succeso.sf mI Kinsmen Ca rnival HeId NHàe on Saturday Night Expect to %Realize Over $4,,OOO Bovniaîîîv il1e's CIlub he(',d o nftlhu cesstuIicarni%-l o, torv at eita I'i u rday ' on . Xvi indicate Ithe ýl h vil proxiniia,,' v ,,4, o 0 0. it xiii be oinu imeit cicfî'uiýetin which tire": ' 'm ) ponsc tuin S'ut ,a t, W011 bv fil. Schun Wiiiners of t1lweKimn w'crecNl ;on Cnuier, St., .koe ticuci n w'on lin ia liluihti nuii o h;, i r, .1 (- i AI1i iln. Prine ilnot stuv- Stîne»(t. c u K tranjsjstor- 1unur his- '<aclîn \vîh tic-k('t uinber [;. on Sal.- 2J 15. e. ilnia es l'lie v(vent hecian w a haI Il -'t a i ,me a t fi clock bei wecen then althoual'h Nul..Ail-Stars anud a lrami heinre a rcJected on an All-Star hasis et -Innu itle Boxvniin vil le Tow'n I agiie. This ;, nie is describ- t ni itil lelr. S No sonner was t h e amni ciwIntided1h an ithe mai* rît iv (î~.Ili the lige crowd of seVeral ino'tlîousaîîd noved 10 the booth, holihI anct bciawoliderit-i lune tr.v- iin' ou t t he va lion Sgu i n's, W iiêe Ille vnnîigsters took rfuila andc Two A utos Mi ssing Bottie In Sunday Muriatic Acid Poses Threat NWBIDN Sonieont' init lis coifmun- it3' has a prize possession, just wvhat the.v needed. a gallon jug of inuriatie acid. Last Thursda.i., a masonî'y <ontractor. i'io ias doing some repair %vork at the'îlle Ilote, lîi( the bottle of acid ini the grass beihind the hotî'i. lhen he corne 10 <checki onIIitlater, th-~ acid had ht'en reinoved. ,fe imrne<iatt'ly reporte([ to police and ('hief Be'rnard Kitney issued a -warning in daily nwpa sa nd over th- air. The tiIl liilî <oiored liquid w~as being ivscd ho cdean up sont(- brick- ~'ork and is so strontt, that it is diluted 25 parts of w%%ater to one part of acid. W'orknien nuisi vemr ruhher glov'es hiie appb jig it 'usih a stiff brîîsh. "Ib wouicb dread bto tinik wia vo,îld i.piieilIob a <'hild if somfe ofthbe .uid spiled on hini or lie drink l." said ('hief Kitncy. As of %i'tdnesd;t. rnorn - iný, no trace of the înissing avid had beeti Inunîd. lPai- ents are iiuirzed tiiitn their ehildreài. Witlui n a short 1ie T[i e Stalesman wuill be sportuîîg a iuew building nt the rear 10 r(-nlmt-, P f ri. M 1 , tir trhue rncket ride and the i erris iwlueei whiere there was la101 loillhe a p tor a rouple o[i lion r:. Approve Ziquor Vote OcL, 17 be 4an izn hd[ema Durhamt County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 108 12 Pages BOWNIANVILLE. -ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1962 MAYOR- Fire Industrial m -mwý m BREAKS ýmý n lIE VOQTE In Surprise On a motion of Councillor Ken Hooper,-, seconded by Councillor Wesley Fice, at the meet-i ing of Bowînanville Town Council on Tuesday Old otel evcning in the Council Chamber, a vote of five to four terminated the services of K. N. Morris as Industrial Commissioner. Councillor Hooper stated that last y'ear %vhien he was president of the Bowrnanville Rate- payers' Association he bad asked what benefit or use to the town were the services of the Industrial Commissioner, Mr. Morris. Kennetlh N. Niorris 10e Per Copy NUMýBER 3q2 Commissioner Move, Tuesday Fls to Make Way for New A & P Supermarket "A delegcation addrýessed theý Board of V'.'rks and t was: 'decided to kcep him for theï present. After 1 was elected' to council 1 was pleased to be: on the Industrial Committee, this year," Councillor Hooper! said. Chcecked Ail Contacts "In the past, reports each month indicated that three orý four contacts had been madel by the Industrial Commission-1 er. There were flot as many: this year. We investigated the contacts that had decidedý flot to locate their industries' here. "Out of 37 oiily three didi flot locale here because there was flot serviced land. One of these was a partnership' deal, the second was of iun-ý known origin, and the thirdý was through the Ontario Gov-1 eroment.1. "The salary paid to the Iii du striai Commissioner jr $4,500 a year plus $500 for a' - TURN Tri <PAGE TWO, "lie draw ntaics tii ai u brief address ironi Presudentoteers W in Series Osborne Williamns and ne-__ -- - ma11rks b « %11he CuO iivii Cnair- a-4 Oe0f Bowmanville's oldest landmarks fell by years the hotel has been owned by the Trimble family, nian D eatu Cogneil7 k. the waYside last weck when it was removed to make with Ed Trimble operating a community store on the AIl in al, it as a trerneîî-Z ea LII G oreI 9iw av for- a new A & P Superrnarket at the corner of corner for many years. The Eastern undoubtedly had dnus rffair froni stan t tofin-ý ish ~~~~~~~ ~i -illèeyn n~ln'i on inalv days as the Eastern House or Thos. shipments to the USA fromn Port Darlington's harbour, %veatlieriauu for holding <off, L udic's 1lotel iu honor of its poreo for- many when grain wagons would be lined up from the lake the iiai n xhiclu threcaten.'d ai!; cars. Earlîcst records available concerning thts to King St., wailrng bo have theit' cargoes unloaded. ,ndninl o th exîinu T'hree fonrth inniuig errors xvio tagged Osborne. but Elli, building are dated 1857 when its name was incluueu Il only took afwdy o'acae eea rcs J knocked George's Sales outibeat the throw 10 first. There in a director.. I a Statesman article in 1937, the tractor and a few men ho bring this building to the tof the playoff picture Tnesdaylmight have been four Out at late David Morrison Sr. recalled that the Eastern was ground. Contraclor for the job was Herman Van de D aiiageu Inight - two by the piayers'this point. Ron Pollard ak an n yteupr. c n ntekyPa inone of the finest hoteis, with a magnificent bail- Beit of Hampton. assisted by a crane supplied by ant S'Triln 31 nigmbth Au pppd oseon, u romo the third flo. Just when this top floor was Oshawa firm and other equipmenî owned by Earl fourth, Bowmanville Hotel ' TURN TO PAGE TWO,î removcd has iiot been determined. In more rccent Bottreil, also of Hampton. A ccident splurged for seven unearned runs with two outI b defeat Cuni 'l'wo cars vcre extensiveiy George's 9-3. Bill Osborne C ucl Business darnaged and nîinor injuries was safe when rival pitcher were sustalinec by drivers in- ,Ted Hoar ficlded his bunt d~ u4 ~ pPi day morning in an accident on first. Tom Pearson popped 10 hndFodurtcsuestion s lîeon Bl o Manvers Road. approximately second and Bill Ellis grounded' NEW COAT - A few hundUWWWWds est fWtW ville.mletuthnBo an 0scnbaeauimCye overhead bridge on Highway 2, a fairly large *I rer *ic a woo'i structue 'Flec velu ies iii cols n t1a t"eaeliu10(01 \viere ienb'yMai et i Two Accidents Uuicttauat'i'onMnihîda' Harnden, Cab 500 driver, 143' ýKing St. East, Bowmanviiie. O e W ek n Iliugiu1theL raitu caile amd'Damage was estimnated at $750Ov r W e k n flooded wluai reniaiuued of the 10 the Netten car and $1.000fBwa)ilC o]d eclfîîe. also threatenîig b the taxi, a new Pontîac Bomnil WPP cetach- 1with about 3,0001 îîules'oni the ment reported t wo one-car soie expetusive maclincrv accidents during hue weekend wi clwas uniside. Fast actionspeedomQter. resulting in boilu drivers be- iii îacîg tîpo iiclluc Provincial Conîstable J . ing in.iured. cdSda' blînkets saveci it'heiu officer. Thue first ocre ud on lue Tyrotue Road' Pouice kms ay tlhe driver, Grant B. Ev- Juy' ~en .~w toeans of 16:3 Ceunai Park Jur 's O p n N w to e Boulevard South, a', sul- NI WI OCXTIO - Jl\ &Loxel s it, Sto ee lconcussion mter luis cuir NEWLOCTIO - ul v Loel's rugStoe wnt out ofcioturol amdro- muade the big movo as predicted ovci the xeckend d over ini a ditetu. to theit- new location at 2 King St. E. (formerlv the Dominion Store). While there is silîl some stock tb be tu-aîsfeî'î'îd, th Le majo rit>'otf it is ali ead ' v rposin- on tiie beatîtiful tiue\,sheli ig. On \'Vedniesdav rnorniiîg, a huge. bright sign xvas being iîstalled on the we'st side of the building. il. stui'es Continue bo erect such briuiht senit \vin t be lon e uni il tlie tovni can tuirn off tlie ai c't Ii Lusuptown. Thie.\- on't be nieedcd. Thue secotud accidlenit <ccrir- red ciii I-ighway 401 t tearthue Duiluanu Coctnt LiUe. Jacobl Nijethisis (;i 8;) WiliaiuSt.. Brauntford, vvas treated for' lac- t'rations to his leit cuir anud alionider by Dr. R. K. Patter- soli Police said dun uag' ton t le Nijeniis s cuir c, as at $1,000)). Truck Driver Hits the "Doggy" Jackpot John Landi-.îtîi. sheuwn ai riglît. caine ail the way from Locust H1.near Maî'kham. 10o enjov the Kinsrnen Gai-nival on Stuî'dax'. and lîad a field dav, winning fout ut tlwse litie dobs ai une booth. He is a truck driver who "loves carnivais" and is unmarried. Mrs. John Werrv helps him to set up the dogs on bbe side of ber bocîfi. racoon Iay dead on the side of lte road, Weclnes- day morning. Il apparcntly had hectu killed cross- ing bhe highway. Anyone in the market for- a new fur coat would bec vell advised to hut'î'y b the scene before someone cIsescsers Iie possibiliiv, of using this animal's peît. BOAT BUILDERS- An officiai larîîîcliiui1g look place at Bowmanville harbour ox'er ihe \veck- end. Jerry Heal of Wellington St. and John Bate, Manvers Rd., have been workin ' ,cverv' spare minute since lasI faîl, eaeh building a cabin cruiser. They complûed tlîem recentl 'v and successfully 1pul them in the \vatiî bre. Both floated wcll, but during the hea ' v siorm n I 01o n - day, look on considerabie waicu r frn ahove, flot be 10 w. SWTINI TESTS Red Crossf i i<t, letri swuim tests for Beginners and Leai - Ioi - Swîmn boy s' groups will be held August l3îiî ai BTS Pool and Aug. 151h for girls in the same classes. Aug. 14th, tests foi' bolh boys and Iginls in Bl3giniuers class will be held at Cream o f Bai't (, .veî 200 \ut îg stvimmeî's will Participate. HOCKEY SCHOOL - An Ainericatu iliasitn wxill bake place starling Aug. 95th xvhen a hockey sehool for Rochester area youngsters in the Poe Wee and Bantam age groups will ho held aI the' Arena. Local young players will also bc, allowed Io attend the school. George Caxvker will acccpt Bowmanville registrations. The sehool wtill ho run by Dick Gamble. head coach of the Ruochester Americans. t ON SCHEDULE- Woî'k oni the ueo.' ocational wing aI Port Hope High School is prooeeding on schedule and should ho ready to accept pupils at the beginning of the faîl teom. it is undlerslood that quite a number of students f îom this area will be travelling to Port Hope hy' bus euuch day to take the new courses available. THOUGHTFUL - The Statesman rcccived a cali from an appreciative citizen who took advantage of the Kinsmen Club's thoughlfulness in setting aside space at their carnival for those unable to move about easily. Several who would flot other- wise have been able to sec the carnival \ver-e accommodated .. and thankful. CLOSE TO HOME - Herb Knapp wýh()se îow trucks are quite frequentîv presenl at accidents found himself not too happy about one cali he received last week. He bad the flot toc pleasanu. task of taking in his own car, considerably damaged. I o be bubmifled to Voters A plebiscîhe utuder 11w e r jýýE.ý Eliioti, pi'csîdeun ofluhe "'fle Flying Dutchmnan Mo- Liquor License Act of Ontario Flng Duichouat Moton Ho- l or H-otel and Restaurant have xvill bc hcîd in Bowmanvillo u tels, ihla such an clection bo always shrîved to mainlain oui Wcdncsday, October 'i7th. 'hold, and that fout' questions,'tlie highcst standards of oper- At the meeting hcld intu he 'a women's beverage room aation, and a licensing 10 serve Coutueil Chamber on Tuesday' men's' boxeragc roonu, a din- beer, wiîue, and liquor ho our evening, Bowmanvilie Towiuu ing lounigo licees. and a guesis will appreciably help Coutucil decided ho grant a-loungo license, bc scibmitted ho nuauntain and umprove these 'xvrihien reqctesl nuaide bx Wml- in the voters. TUiRN TO PAGE TWO) Drawing the Car Winning Ticket Lucky winner of the new MG sports car at the Kinsmen Carnival on Salurday was H. Schumann, 504 Glen Lake, Toronto. Unfortunately, Mr. Schumann will not be coming to Bowmanville to collect bis winnings until this weekend so Statesman photographer had to be content with this photo showing Donnie Ellis drawing the lucky ticket. Looking on are, left to right: Osborne Williams, club president; Don McnGregor, chairman of the car draw and Keith Conne]], carnival chairman. Mr. Schumann bought his ticket at ILakefield.

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