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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1962, p. 4

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'Igtlct s C0O/l 7,11 bdÎjounlasi, we elive t s, owmnvfleari th fremn hreas s dne n shaa b - A fortnrght ago. I spotted opposite, and I nfed;ed hîrn sort nonrgh triwant1 belive t is Bomanilleandthe fIreen ereas i doc i Oshwa c-ihe death notice of Stanley so annovinglY ' ihat. le firrd me food parcels, oversE surrounding district wvi]1 soon be facing cause therc ai e no permanent men on Walter Ashrnan. Troronto. bro- me three trnes in Ille ;ix 1 declined, %vlth thari a problem vhich many other com- dutv day and night. Also. if Ihs ther of Alberi and wondered weeks 1 worked for hini. but r anse il didn'i sern- mnunities have encauntered and over- be 'an aiasrvc.a ifmeîs il referred to Iwo chaps of Stan told me flot to quit bh-- b acccpt bis hospitalili corne in a wide variety of ways. irasrie rcet ol hat namne wth %vhom 1 had 'cause the nId "squjaie - head" I \vas doing mrv darn Bah ocl ndrakngesabis- have t0 be work-ed OLut with SUrrould- been acquainnedi a long tiine always forgot wxho lie bian il of somre of hisC menîshlav agreed tdiscnetine lo- i ng municipalities. The police in some ago. when we \vorked at. th fired- and so il tînrned ouit. kn-folkS vidng ambuaneervo icntinueh ran districts take care of the ambulance samne Place. In fact. the Ia,,î xxýcfk that Strange. howx a ter:e varc bua ct ncae se oreless t akn sriebt ete rfo h In November. 19l':, when 1 1I\vas there. hie raisrd oiY sal-in a hack page of a me arcacitzen hav moe o les laeil servces bu. \ýhetcr r- nt ial.w as a callow vouth 0'f eigilt- ary one whole dollar, but iltarn paper mniocked m for granted over a great number of c'oulId be arrangcd is for îo%\n council ren, 1 xvas working for- a build- still didn'b rmatch ni\-nexv of- cioor. in ]i fie glance >,cars. in~~~ deterotine. Joi other sections, a local e r-' ',upYcma in Tor- fer. When xvar did corne. P a-c'd throiigh the ye, Thsdeiinwic a îedîv~ iindertak-cr or-nîlier business establish- onto andI because the mari- .few months later. ho xxaý;s sometlingi alniiosi forg Thsdcsin hchcnradl rager wasn 't content in mert- 1~l1'i~IBigi~ understood, bias been brought about by ment is subsidîzed hy the municipality, IY exploi me but wanted 10 rhanging conditions, including the ex_ tri continue the service. heap exploitation on top of: tremely high and constantly gi-owvii Now, the time for- decision b\' Ihose exploita t jiln.1 suggested SU G AR costs involved, the need for- having in authoi'itv lbas corne. Theirs vvill bc thus became unemployed--for qualified personnel on caîl around tht' a major problem and xve wislî them two whole wvecks.a d rlock, the many accident accounts \vcl] in their efforts I solve 11151t one AI this timp, 1 was sweet on which neyer gel paid, etc. more c-OMPlexitv coioee vî a girl riamed Thelma. whose' Sa, what cornes next ' Th c Job ernmogtfis communritv. birthday wasgavemet osi de S IPICE o cf sending hier a sif itl Irem e dousW II ob <av cake xith "Thelma' inj rrrnk icing on top, so rambleti - OnSna w ondhudeso hv laedoiInbc-e--ed;tc o William Unsers Germait Bvy il Smiley P On unaywe oîedhuni'dsof av ceand uibbc( ee bc atiBak-ýr:'. 410 1Blooi' West, 10 There is sornething replv loxvs a; ort the sîng-son picnickers wvha îook advantage of the conistrtîrîed dams Io make the s\vim- place the order. Mr. Unser en- comforting to the' huiman spiri'! giev: sient. wý,atchirj superb new facilities available alI i quired if 1 was employed; if in rire. Whether irs a log in derp cd of flic hottes' Kîwanis Park alang Jackman's Creek ming holes deepci., and so on.filn;a Jknew lîhow fo handie horses: the fireplace. chlinc7kliiig cheer- of the' fire. as; il burnei al, the north end of the town. And oui' gigantic efforlihibatas Irarsfor-mod.C a if I had rver been a delivery lliv or burning xith a slowm. et This lreck]e-faced wilneressini anidel pcni ara. box .if 1 xxould work for hir'.'dream-makîng flanre a boirfirf, wii hebbchi ronc>es a complete and sincere thanks went out der Thb a delpcncaea re aisswer vva' no. ves. yes. on the beach pus-hing bacik th(, whift" treth and file Io those enterprising and enthusiastir We nii% hopp the expense and N'es5 fie follownng morning 1 darkness, orJusli, the gleami andI armas was sitting brsid members of the young Kiwanis Club work inx'olv ed \vi1l I nl be rLimoed by "' Utnser's new deliverv! varrnth f rom bbc kît cheir six. She pot a bit dnpey, boy; expected f0 deliver al'fire soothes and renexx's the againsi mx'v shouler, ar wvho have gane ahead with this project. those who appear to delight in destroY- baker>', and lue creamr orders; inner self, asîccn 1 didn'i move which already has pravided so rnuch ing something which bias been buit foi.r feed. groom and ofhenwîse act m1iiir hnsei uin x ~îte' rn a Pnloyment for citizens of the commun- their benefit. Alr-eadyý,,thete lbas been as dry-nurse tb Prince (the bbc îiet lni I it il ih- ýP heplelinai ty. ~~~~some damage b\v thoughtless on horse); keep the hanness and cade hrsbrnal nn Ne-Nb day, 1 propos, wang gon cdean and in my spai' rea ande hrd ho ugln Pliai' îiheivn i oa One cannoi. be Ioo eomplimentary people. but sleps vei'e laken 10 i i ime fy out, en anbreaî ondfotheoira\ih hlhsae eahod to these -men who have taken time oui. in the bud, witb the parents of tlîose mrke ce ci'eam. by band. sot ile\elwgn ftr\ad1Nsof%71ur from regular duties and employment involved being informcd. Il is hoped 1,t xvas in thîs exclusive bak- i. nit ie xell1wgloxcre vardI's.ofwm br clear out the underbrush, canstruct t here xvi!] be no further need for such t'.'> that 1 became acquainted adebsden.IUIinIrr 'as wibh Stan Ashman and bisi ifthe)' nex'cc(-orne off agaIi M N'1aruIci' fia ne anderet pcni tble, istal waer ctinbut tii Iis day and age. 0ne brothen'. Stan %vas the baker. At the moment. annd iii iv' rnlir' "lnniriles. purnp, lavatory facilîties, garbage cans neyer knows xvheni someone or sonne Albert, hîs assistant. Both'10d 1 \)Il101cniinGravDE and saofln, while leaving lthe trees ai- group wî]l decido tri "get their fun" l'rv wr'e a few yvears c ider Iatraetlr eaniil lo 'ntlih. 'liex md hoxvlsi rnot itac topreerv th naura tv'ecing tx'eks<ifbar wok b 1Iand wxvci'Iwco ice chaps,.file lighis on thrclxa. v 1e Palnn"11w ori, mos, ntat o pesrveth naurl wec-in weksorhar wrk y buti 1 Iiked Stao the better of t'licpoxxrn t hf 1puni tS e11rooli uins a 'ri tflain beauty of the huge area. They thought- public-spirited t iti/Cris. Parents should thl wain. Thex' xveî'eEngiisb- Niagara alis. anîla lit i i iiiioigi 11w' r revies fully have brought in sand where the he continualIv on the alcrfi h \varol- orni-aid had* migrated l bulb personaival ii a flinel ciurde siîxe.'l'he onilu smaU yaungsters cao enjoy lhemselves iogs bin heir offisprng aparosl such Canada 1-o vears previousit. by' Thomas Ednsoln. n "ln .drp. drîp for hours without. being harmed. They actions. Stan Nvas lot oiy a elever lw% a brave. smaill. <d r'îghtern coung ft>'erso baker. but possessed a warm, <andie. left over from C(hrist- a dozei natinrs lt siler 'tiendlv, engaging pcî'sonality' mas. There are only about xcalchll te irceliglît <lai i Aftcr working al Unser"s three inches of il, Ieft, and in the' xcalhý. A MacDuff Ottawa Report for- si-, weeks. 1 qurit. to stanf an hour ibl willlie lust a "le are tif a sinrgle Ianother job al an increase or burned-out randle. Buît right lEsua pe, lNonie arIl(. I hree buckis pet- veek. This flow it hrinzrs nie romfort, () r es A thiiek. .iuicvlrie oiut t be my last job companionship and memore.No. t i>'eai]l isteningi n Toronto because a few ls flame brirîgs acba ilii' cIv in hai "drip. drrp" F o o t all o r A l I and raining for over- as a child. ai tht' cofi î&grin hookd 1pmn tI le tv OTTAWA- Emphasizing the, inter'pretauionî orfteficoipoli-tionii 1insix ritil, .Halifax, ceas service. Prorm the time I summer. Snîrggli ciin xx o 11d(e0-i1g if Iht' potafe rift between the publicly own- 'tics" ban. "lie nîcxx's hboani- !moii'al, Oba T ro'ntlefitJUnsei"s, urrti ilbwo weeks witb mrrIv 'cîrnog Ibuohr lenInditr's pn'udîueinig xill od Canadian Broadcasti ng :cast was aired on tiîe salti-I Winnîipcg anîd VanICOLuvor'. Thiç ago.I1 had no idca of tibe watcb hie .grotesqut' sîiacîoxx lut drt-in ini e for lbe Corporation and the Govero- day before the Motnday elec- s pari of bbheî'oasoni foi' flic xvbeîeabocuti; or tht' hîotheî's fIicked ovrx'cthit' .ulnl>"n'r art. mient - appointed Board oflion day. Accordingly the BBG cietei'iorafinti i r'lations bei- Ashniaiî. Fort>'- egt(,ar ntrorb'tirereuuefarn .'inn s brui> a Broadcast Governors, the lat- ;awai-e of tile dissafisfactiorîinru x'ecn the CBC and the'BB. a long finît' buit I stil î'emei- os. Brui bnex s n n 1rn Jîir rs oobbint be1SanAbmn vfbafe- onn Ie'en dIna pu xxanu tIi. cxcithie ler taok off the gloves for a the iîîdusirv geî'allv ox en Tht' echaunnian of the' BBC. Dcri. rSa sha uhafe-lo ne ri lpiilg- tiri nn's -t ghov-down fîght in its latest ýthis 48-hoi' ban bas docîded lAndnt'w Stewarti'ecenb]y1 sug- Lo.1trS e fwif public anrîouncement, T h e nItoseek an interpretation of the:!gested there ma>' bave to be a' 0cm .boss.,'Nilliani Ulisci. onthe orer'uI tliepr wil lcsuSt uderilis inîfl ..get-tough" attitude of the sectiobu of tbe Bi'oadcastîng efcicoce b parliamieit. How- was quite a ebaracter He xvas titiort, ni ' t-Ieîls Ilall d ni înc mn g'aîdotiîeî 13BG sbook the broadcasting'Acf iinposing flic ban. Thc 'exer Mn. Ouimetr. îscalled bor i n Gei'maîî>': had servi>d bt' oxpee u toiles îtJn f ccx'vif thc etefprofil îndustrylm ntePrsinGad:Ietl vato ifs founidations. ItCBC ih in agreement thaf thbc loi' a major Sfcndy <if flic xhole lm bcPnsiaiGads eot'lafbcîusnllco i rgnîxax ingagînatrun flatly declared that it would courts sliocld decid,', broancasting .systcrni. bad rnirîated to the U.S.A.: upen fine. The ru! îilampa uliýneIruýIan id idealistic. compel al TV stations in Cao- ,Agaiîî. a Its lîcanings fbli The CBC s novv fightiig for leanied bis fiade ini PhîladeI- <ast a seid'.oa i(M glxx Wrlaxe conie a Ioný Ada- CBC and privately-owiî- openî Aug. 13, tht' BBG Nvill ifs lite. If is a desperte lifelphia; maî'ried a girl of Irish fliat chased thluepinig shd- tr'onî t'eîax's x'îer our ed-- to carry the 1962 Grey leceive au application froni'anicldealli sfruggle goiîg coniextrac-tiobi. opened a higb 'oxs. T'F' pbirn -cni me nîeaor cou Cup football telecast Dec. t. the CBC foi' approxai of ftie benrafli bble surface of bnoad-i arbae>iiiTnot îd 'tht' bull bebînîd Itîe' nîrtai loue( alfine ini acavt', 13y this declaration it stepped ýsteps rîecessar fo rplace flic, casting operatiorîs acioss Cao- eafeî'ed toa al] wbobad Ille c'alled bis cr'lfn o(Idlligîlxxurtrcn-ng xx'iabxvas loto the middle of the feudin' txvo Englislilugag ai aa.1ed> c ule isprice for bis fast> cl'cations i And T drfted uîi 'i î xc-ilî rekas.Wedont woar l4iid fightin' that lias been go- ,networks of the Corporation declared bliaibtie impact of the 'Or the subject of war between a serîse ot Seu-r i nI*"e i'Î il Vil ]or t'. WNe vai'b iiîg on befwcen the CBC andl(Dominioo anîd Trlails Cani seconud ebxxock andc stafloîls .Ger'maîîy and Eng]and. be'was hbad sinie. fau.d >1î'apless bras. Wt' CTV and said in effeet it was adal b>' ouîe eonsolidated oct- oni CBC commercial î'evenues p.iv'hbbe ru:wulDt ardetoii einnkiilupepleîîiexnllî a cluk fi'ed of the scrappiîîg. xxork. Negotiatioris boîxceeni's a maffer' of gr'ave troiceirni . gxe t'ie Iiincvs onie awful me of tht-sifinite T te Ii uni cWfr lise bush-bu This meanîs that ail TV ie,--Itie CBC aîîd prix ate statnoin ' b flose clîîgdwîî e sbeilacking. on tht' same sub-:Iove, ilb xas a inige bonlîrc., 1 dn' n'onreefue works on thaf date will carry' fowards conîsolidatin of Ilii spoîs'ibuliy of open'ating fbe:.ectI, rmv iews ;Wcre the exact was 11. Afleî' the ni aisinial- a ne killed animal ar blie Grey Cup felecast and netwoî'ks have beeîîcider'- IationIal public service. ilioti andi aw anîd tuic, nlothing else. But the Board wav for some finie. Ie lias xaniîtd tuai tie CBC titreh a poîrîîru aîd ' left the door slightly adjai'. I the proceedings drected ti- iusb obtaiiî compensaf or v " dnry rr d gristîx. witb on isaid it would hold a publie .wards consolidation of th,- funds fî'ombthe public punse Rot Bt fit'elight bas the hearing on the question Aug. Inrshv asd sut rpeaefrada n the D>.t~ll magie for us. after al 18. Then if. will hear submis-irelated to the distributioni of qua!if>' of pnogranîmîîîg sfand- p rogress, as if had roi &ionis. tlie national radio service, au-iiai'ds or- quantit>' of seriîce. orf-~.iî. ancesto'.. Siob the ('av Meantimne the Board has un- cording ta the BBG Tt ias bath. ClearI>' flic CBC mari- an IL('aai ae the bitter dfer consideration the prob- ý pointed out that unden fliciagemeîîb feels tbe tîme has from ar-ound a woman's r lems of finding a permanent ,Broadcasbing Acftflie CBC is corne tri Lake a stanid tl and turîn her into a Mai isolution f0 the broadcasting direct]ly cbarged xitb bbche- But bbe Federal cabinuetis stan.L.~L t P .aSL. 'in 'I7-shirt. ftcan put a tof major çvents across Can- sponsibilifv of openating a ma-:iin no înaod tr i exv wrbli sym- of sheer helleî'y toto ai ada. I1, lias said it would wel- ýtional bcoadicasting service. pathby bbc problems orf lue I"rnm 'lue statesniaiîl"1,iles manis eyes as lie looks conne the co-operation of the Tlie Board bas scrggested 'CBC. Thr arc those amnngt flc flame and sers is retworks in finding a solution. t' hat the CBC <onsider getrig 1btce niiiîori t v Conseivative lie %vas 50 years ago. lit may be the answer lies inatioainalii vobeiv h coveî'age as ci-G>enncî vî tlr' le25 'IEARS AGI> 4q VEARS .Ad;( Il ncrî nd be a sorivrcia sRssuning non - exclusive, con-1 cumstanct'a permît wîfllî CBCY coverage duruug bl 1,191 .'i'.nianuinifutlit' niai, sornE tracts for television rights I more of ifs; own stationrs raflu-irlectioni helpecidenl i lie M Rt2,193r thlîc îal gîfi of fie. Ir .At any rate that in the Zao- er than î'equiring prvateit - 'Toi'y'majoriv eynodrîx'. >insF Gt;A Drueý- ni i Vil nennnî nî'ir. xcrx t'c. m' proacli the Board is consider'- cwnedi stations tri foin the lercnl'aiouîtdas nieniben of lîeOoffice staff Of day'iîg Pa i ln n-n'. nnnînu1nuilei în~~~. ~proposed nexv nofwork. 'Flc teî'îby pr'ogram wil appiy fatueR . -olngba1om HîbbDisrni. 'Frnn 0h10 eobnnngia tmenlegg sabnd Thr Boaî'd'i oî'deî' COalal TV1 BBG is rcady Io earrnark r'adio the CEC as Weil as tr other pan>,, w'as flic W'iiiie'riof theý stations Ib carry the Grey Cup!trequencies for',nnu hnexu ont- ageii(ics Il wil rîîcrbe BDdg oue feîedaote MissWniim ) r' R. \ ticî ui nnitoobk-eggs ohroadcast in tantamounit 10 a'lefs. 'ma alalatfoc flic, flie îgr'and fln/e at bbcRotary Car- xîiin irs'tc>c h ii'rîlrnnn cs u Osbn 'îî. lvtolmuanliaitn . ix xx crunînlI i Inîn thle challenge tn bhe authorify of , The BBClias alsrr pîlurel>' bcuîg on iuts proposcr iijor nival on Wedncsday nigbîg the CBC. The latter has dis- ýinfoi'mêd the CBC -i xnl capital expenditrmes, lb also ' Mi'. and rs. Fred C. Van- Mn ' Her suilîml Doni lu. VnWw nd e lcînrxe u played a reluctance Io carry give 'continuing eonsîdeî'a- wîll presuiiabty have 10 pare tone are oui a mobor tnp iiiit'g, Mon, ni 'n.-niv litsi- - the Grey Cup telecast in view I îioîî" ta problems coîînected ts costs rît onenatiorîs Econ- fhî'ougb flie Adiroiidacks lallier s, Mr. Do> ci Dai'l of the fact the CTV private- : ifb bbe CBC aîîd other appli- onu xxill bc the kcvno)tc But F'red W. Nelles. popîiar Mmss a'a'rn "ebi n network has the commercial ications foi',îrexvTV stations, tht' CBC doms fiîo xx ont Io culi , î teigoc'.bsoc isienrîtdtonxnlnule rights. Attempts on the part !This îs belîex'ed b be a ne- back tlxxanis miore rmoriey alin ena7i hssoe hs.i i.Ms D raii, <if the CBC and CTV to reaclu !fernce tbothe CBC protiosal1s. xx'nlî>linhclîir in ax'for Ifs prb- ; inn f2 eeograan. Conni. Durhm Corîn.~ G~tn )"nsmntn' '-'umnrul is'> Joy'ce Ea'lx' bas ne- Crnimoni L~tab1îhed 108years oru in lnl mmmd bo brîsine;s in Tonontoi Mrs. Fi-. R.(reu no Estbhsed 08 ear aq) i IS ffem aicxbenîdenl holiday at Mastcri' .nne T.' (rPm)-n auie .,qq 0Bowmaîivillo Beach. vîsuing fm îcîîds uni rlo n Also lncorporabtinq i N1iusaBetty Edgeî' and Miss Musas>ne M nng11v, HERE'S I T'hé Bowmanvlie Ncwa q Glen Mohr, Lake Sîmcoc. Lodge. Boabn'geoui hoNewcastle IndependettMisses .jeanî Bel! and Rate Mis5efý l'ablrI Pin(lru ,mnid l'h, 'xî~~~~~oore enîo\'ed a halidav'tpMrae orrn us n NlâPF h. Osono Newa \ ~Wto Newx York City, N.Y' n'epted positior-,ial] xx reaIeý f c'1, L is F 1R Graham, Public millînen> somesirn 'lo oni I "Akuthonnzo es os snd CI=&aMail hb. e ost OtincoL'op'. c'0ttz. ,u '. nf- u7.'e.i t ýf ealili NLii'se s holîdayîing ai Miss Jirîna Siîiela I - , r'-('es n" Sudbury'.onto, xvlio ha> met mîiriîccifi )mIil 1 e D" Produced every Wednez5dav I.,,'.\I' and 'rrsGe-orige Lock- a two monflia u tri nilie,"' o~ode 1'H~ AMES UBLISING OMPAN LIMIrED ngtoii anid famil>'. L o n g West, spent bbr c 'ckcmud x\ th a- i în~- THEJAESPULISIN CMPNY 1111EDBraiich. r'efunned home Sun- hec sister, Nlrý. A Chrristiernyee. PO. Box 190 day' affen bolidayung wibh ber, Mn. Wm. Roenigk. Lundsa' . Contest Ne. 2 62-6 Knq S. W. Bwmavule, nl-înnparents. Mi. and Mrs. Wm. was in toxui last we'cl,. 626 igS.W omnil,0ýiv)Mayna.rd.ý A big snap tii nl-aean j JOHN M. JAMES GLO0. W. GRAHAM ~ Birth' N'esbitt. - Ab Port club bagsala uut"' _ NAME......... Perry Hospital, nn lMonday,:%vindoxv. youi' choîce tforn Eono.a-PUlilXNEADVTr.. ANAcrLrîO ,MG. August 2. 19.37, ibo Mr. and '$2.613. ADDRESS ........ ~U'SCRPTIN ?TESMrs. Charles H. Neshîtt, Nes-' Mrs. Chas Lx le Penerbar - SUSCIPIO RTEfleton, a baby boy, Charles ough, is vusîtîng Jn...ohni l S4.00 a lat, atntctly in advanc. a Yisointhe u t.Uied Sfabea Gant' lin ........ Zîin i Mss oaîiMo'r4îhari Mi bliiL.ixlason. la' e: ber bon-'ul,- rnio\rd nn ~Thun'>- port [;a -n-n.:hin.- h c, day. ther, Mr. 5. W. N1aon-.Le fn itend PROTESTS BEACIR cas., but REMO VAL nka. be- 'cricket" 11.1 West 1Beach, ty while Tht' Cave. udest btRiitnuant'ilJe, Ont. Germnan Dean'Sir: si notice As one of tlue West Beacul tfrpoi tesdens wlîo pmofestedl the .emors excessive samud r'emoval and e back- cîltimabe destr-uctioni of btie. sans. f0 beacli.T shcmuid lîke la ai- Sin11.s; wîr cri r',nv n'axe muen - - - 11lb . - - - - - 1 î'neaftedrinegarriil.g the situa- ti Iies, explained lial, the plamuet xa,;slîrourded b>' doiid lion, formations and scpi'bNvtrr oe, specilatinig(n thbiri Tht' getier-al x'ie\A ,incluîdiîg contained intelligent liutc, blrhacîtiffnt "e cing Star" bhab of the Statesman, seems has fascinated me. 'la be that ve are "trouble- Becanîse of lliis, h fnuuîd bbe bipx'clng uibrai'>, un r iiiakiiîg summ-en' residents*" Saskatcliewars village drrg aboie, a socurce of xx'oi dfr;er, bert, on ca.sing emîîbarî'ass-, iment and mîîconveîîîemce ta the l Iighttng mosi in Edgar Rie Rirnî'ougli's (author of"Tza Town Counci]. Because of Ibis I of the Apes"> serres on the r'ed îulanct, Mars. In mv niind we wisb la make, certain fada I applied ils vivhd description inf space traxel, vegetablée kxov.and insert mnii, amîd homo sapiens inocatnu'v abili>- ta adapt We aie lowuî taxpaYeî-s., ta the envmîonment, to Vencus, bemng sure blial Mars wa.i ';who, in addition les paying nofhing hut a dm'ied up planui-s bigli taxes, on sîroumer pro-ý )ng, wc pertY sperîd a comisilenabîr Ab fîrst 1 eormld liai-dix bliex e my'rnod fouitfinle.'I'n ng the amounit of moncve in fown. bbînîk ibab ail Ibis bernifre bitrb'abnu'e hadt brerin« iîg 1 d nîow- In tht' pasî ilxvas genîciajîx' ianound. fre, foi rc an-S. anud 1h adllît lia id aulx afrtteiJou t :d girl'scupposed! that tht' arcaknowu it. and trie als tht' Cove. West Beach, wasn g o ld e n C i'o w n i L a n d . A s s u c b, ilb x o u ld c u u a l . h 'a u i c l o t ' l o n e d r b - p m o ' - ide me., bc public, ouid theT"own would 1ýrdaf o11,iliF ILl-plo.d leaned bave tlie nighi,nmder ihe ' book,,, luke "'FliFve Litle Peppetrs", "*Pohyanîîa" and nd fell Beach Protection Act, to i'C1 "Little 'Noniemi " But ive alxua>'a tm'ied tIn kecp informed ov grvlfiifoxmrd'jabouit my finaIlolve, tuecbî'îghît planel Ve'nus, snd bavp 1' in 'piovided scclî valwas benaletnael' m'ished sind elated a7 comîtlictmîg scientific ~e nexabiou of the inîteuit of tlle reports abolit if wcre pcublisiîcd, "'Flc clouds consmat <ir unutuain, - ci ' Wc clam d fthai. t" Oi o SOnoî fc nîne." conditn ,,; on Venus w i ld fv r lite, nutae. unde bOhis aSSLIinptioi. Ihý.as-we-kiiow-mt" asim s O [ oeTowvn ad ovem'stepped lis en forright as gi auied byv tbe AcI. N'ocu'd link tht' iest qtbiil)lîîibus t hîx e tlnîxsben y brmnîga Bcbwecn 501 and M i ec' of tuould bave me ail agog. lnisiead 1 sluuddem ab tlli lonit, pcisorî beachi are wei c excavatcd, r and pî'efor In go on wonrng. cember. leaviiig an cmmsgbtly aud This Icurbabaci us(flinc 10tri t lue dî ,Sîllusriunr1 leciupPn ocut of damigenocus drop of up f0 5 fceb .gicen mn me Liv a fi.S. cnrîpe.of ilîcir ireuî itnirutir iglt nu, in certaiîn plalces; 'cgtfafion 'fi os r ota ie shin- anud trees Were 'ctllesslu ri p-fiecïs o l-a,of thet' iofrc. and tlic short' hue tii 'l'T'y' xx'me fa rfluem ion11hnu i lnu Ilu cle un ncie oand Souîîd mmi suefs a d mgraceful nrci - saw bfluecunîdniglu suisnu rcde t lie s x x'ti itl lr <lu()l ho1bi11uoaon9s1aingselinnîg.And Ilîcîr slip .sfopped i PaIl ic th itileillge Of haîf place ai ami alai'miiig rate dur'- !i h jrs(ln lec entand';n Pch ninr fo'l'bs-e evillages are iruaneessahît' lu"andc, so bhlilia- Irce onil Recauise of thiis c'onditinteýhp\a e i le iir 1lg lrc -,v e crîdeî'book to c'beck ouithe in'Ibb shux'arnblc ie nlcettag atal' 1iiiid îIegahiîv of Mbis miniing opera-, fioi'd. lourd 1tion. Tht' resulis of wbiclî shoxu As ui r,> vbalkrd, uisiomnsor natives nunsclis unrnk- ste1ak" 'ibat blîis ns a oi'ivale beach iiks.slioepua-k.a;aand beaccr ni-smiocd der'iskuns,. cri- antim-sd lias ait'aY.a beeni sinucr e cdne.-htati-l, hugi,-tiin leo pmai- o riginal patenît froîn 1tIle b- ce i.'Vla rl 'Iiuoilt,'crm nghm nt nie Sf1j Il Crotx'ii l'lieTow'nxn Conucîîc'n skii-rit n'vviizatomci cunîg tlle natuxes ai fi rsi uîanic.' e, aîîd, . iutliocît inîxestîgating befont-- 'F'liossn abrp iai pii'kerdi tit a niat ie gin I xcici cia er- 0 'biS'- lianîd, moved unand desn'ov'cih rout oî Cioventry,. fliccar- mniaiti i urrg cru-tri'Cof Fngloiud, be ltbpmmx'afe propeif>' b>' munni'tIo nmet lier fianmce. art n Emi maluu utiSb lnad rexon seri Pa e New approxrmateîy 50.000 l <ubic' t'ardý of sand. Iflxvould mdcccl car, Ici ajonc a trauin on.huma. hIs'-be an iniuucai person tclo As I becanie boi in i îîîpli i n o blie iiagnc"..iglut.q ýl liglîf uoruld uuob ob.îer'î trisuii'b in stor e for fber I1lieai'd bue fld Bn> ac\, 'Wio i dsstuc lnnk p'chat<- violat îomî of bis or lier rmglitsnlie' ngmes 'Fli fIueuce. ' il esîdents wliose puni- N ud ld sel]1pent>' bas beemi damageci aie Prababl>' lins-cisionsxxcneor a dexwvv-Ypved "Dai3v rs imtitasumpi>' asking Ihaf the beacu tl wvcnc be meplaced b>' diawiiig sand t\lae" tb" pe. anddtic boped ib bave biîem giaphucalx' rcsi- 'esni s from bbce Lake This snmnel ' ' fmrmed. a t'en>'modenate eu'ccest whcnu Ilgave nie sortissatnsia inri avoe lui.squestion g wxo>sine î'omsideî's flaf -the Townî wrdh iewie vnlapi1 a pae ywi rpnim- Co unnil lias p Iaced ibselr iii a'aîwee bvbe itvnbacg tasauaeh wa ed be- positiou wbert' legai action carsb h said, "Wb'. slip was cr>'ati'ney dresscd mn iliq di bch taken agaimsilu. lalest styles, svith a herbive bairndo. In tant, ail ie gigI f o i. Sunuc'e'ely >'ours, who canme downIu o tbe docks iooked lîke a page onut or 'Vo)g4 , biskinis H T1. B. H-limsobu. teased hair and aill don'l IEd'sz Note. 'lule Stesman t " hn an>' lias nover beid, ios- Express- Nnrw I knîaow ow Anrîcrn'auîîi 'ss 'is uit o when )utIoîs. ed tht' viexv bliat tht' beach buhe v arrive homeP expocting in bind coui-emnirs-rîci-bois, Marn ouf of resînlenIs w\ere "tn-orubIe-mak- fies and lndiaîîs. Am tenipfed lageltcrut, mv morcasing. in aie rs."w ear featîeî's sud bu'aid mni\' han'-foc- bbenu, sO lIme> wtll i nd cal il somefbing qoainb, morafleIasi. nîmnois, on their trip. 4)HiClub I was molifîed, oiewh'at, in learu Ihalthti us salne -H Grain Cl aicopIe hadtbr'eakfast mn Nau'wax ou icke abe n trohets rd fisb bol tienomgh. oe man .r 1mnI rsi hope thaf space c<'U fzzIe xvill oi tn h vesilnevufabletiposîpaneinb' r olie n.vtbemanned missionu tinVenius, pî'evîous>' sn'heitlet-d adnaL n ud ing raniîairdacs. r'ck W'o'lmouand comm baooks Rbves, ms un n îg nia m'aes. ýs ioto F'or flie lii1' nmeeting, tbe i dont .ibunk I 'oruid sîand il. [elf qS Sourtb Durhîam 4-H Grain Clnub and cuflien cl ub.-,.îoined Dumr- a>' for lia r C ounty' v C Iop and BoIs D pi. af A gric'ultr nm' o L in d- . b le i î g n f f ur a o s i.,lox,, Association in flîir town (-,i Y explained soil types anîd 'easns were gîveni By .3 pou. n file.Jcuiy 26, and pai'ticipabed in their ntsc iii genoeral n'rop pro-iresulba were aiinouined.thern rh t'he !and .Judgiîîg Competutron. ductions A good example of nali pri/es anîd soul test tiibeýi I lke Sfa'tng aI m.Ei'i bwced <'ontral witli attazitip:e wom' awarded. idwicli. Sxxaîn's, Blackstnick, wc sfcîd- uwas nobcd atong tbe moning 'ibe liglî cntriestabtin lbe -)eci s led and c'ompared sevcral plotsilotir, <'rmpeftiain fan blle enn hydro 'ot v ýarunaranetnes of grass'F'llic Land Itjdgiiig noîpt-erms.cbv an xvas Bih pmc'kle, and clavera. Mr. H. E. Wright thon tooli place. after nîooîî alt Otan. Congr-aful;itioîîsl.anBOIl gainý 'SambaSpecuahisi fî'n n )narru Mi. Gien I.aumcrr's fatm af- ami lus finec acc'ounplishmenl' CatinYod Fund ThE YEFtRIRPi flv Ruth Wightniatt 1 knov it*- mran of nip, but l'mi gladi the U.S. spacp. ('iafI, laLilched b erxplore ihp. planet Venus, fizzled imb the ocean. F-P bren disillusiotned enior'gb for otir week. 'u'-yeSi ta 't F<c;ienh Cycle "uitrmes Co"'idolLtd. "52! rdfctete. tpfc 'usftvnih, ýs h uýgs ILBeyON ..oyGirl . 25 SONO-LITES e, ,h GI1VEN AWAY EACH WEEKI Mail before Aug. ISth 10: S ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING ST. W. TORONTO 1, ONTARIO I - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - w ~ - - ~ I The icCnadlan Statesnan. tommani'le. Aug th,11-12 Tf ur information is correct. and Likely to Lose Our Ambulances caninot x*cr.\ well be îurned over to the

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