rà The Canadian Statesnian, Bowimanville, Aug. 8th, 1962 BETHANY I BURKETON l'were Stinda! usso r o vneo.fadn 10ptrn stic rorecust i "d Mrs5. GordoAer.Lti r.A atrsetadi 'Mr. end Mrs.Loxd aplCad ,,)report *,at Mr.Or-Britain. uot 1swckihre stick and ftamilx of1,hi dp r u i e s c iitte-Gi-eer ý - di,; MrS . -C. Hx. %'t.Mi ie ndfiu v. îth U niq e \ialures _ sited wih Nlr,. I1IIroIieWe ý Russell Spinks.Ob, .wr r adMs ntrAas therilt and Charles Weather- i Sun rcvry .Hd-,andusso r ndMs ootMr xdMsFv Inclu e Unque eatu es u ~ e thev. ekend Gi venf by B of M Review ngt HI.Argeadfml n r.~dr~rn.~ad In ~~~jp~> S(1i('c>I IV 1igcizines ~ were v.eekend guests %with iu M ar Ll'ecozion xic x-iciuctors th e immediate outlool- and.~ c~î î îNMs Darlenc aDndOhhn-cfr.ndr. l w c o l Mg z n s ýadMs alWeatherilt. still point upw auds and -orne hoth Can~ada and the Un ited Mr Ad luHbbard w-aewre Sixd~~~Aau Yr~ In Parne spnt ev-further expansuon of business States, busnessmnen aire no-, t '- uez ~N-s. j..,~Mr, and Mrs. B ubr, M- ebr atn u There are many publica- and friends, to recapture stu- '"This Vear's edition is rnost eral iayslat wv.- braCtivitv il) both Canada and x-erv ~niu~ to allv S',i::u akcwMr., and Ni-.Miklfa.UAclldo red tien, bu Hih Seoolyearden day fiied ithinte- rrnaikabe intha flo ony 'bothe an siser-n-Ia, ,.îr.theUS. aflstil beeer tthe U.t sg.eS.a cx-elin OUtllNî axd Mr. Oix-i li b- on nd frniv, Cturice.wer un luexilkgc n Mod.1 aco-;uiLz lethe Bink of Mon- busines ctxvity' " id s:x-.Ms lv1b ura-g.~sc i-adNr 'na ~l~>o1h books are ln a special category. ests and high hopes. ma- it be read but it may be and Mrs. George Wake at ýleKc1' jI - buuesRxiw.vre atr ard. OCarnduv. Ssk ay lhewan Georaýýgeslon aii~ 01 u a: hrhWr -In them are recorded sehol- Bov.-manville High School's heard. This is known as.the Ajax. Va C re actorues 1-a eur, CrIv <- uff.S '5 of MergeNx .u;l i rs.A .Tuk hoe 11 n.Ti i AIsEoin the future it 15 PaS- tator for 1961-62, the first edi Isound of noteworthv, or ra-iliouuu tou- the liolidait. - eek--cor n bcu Si- T an t e t rs, t he rUS., for cinstne. Ii 1 i-id Mrlu soJn .T urilbekendanto f:iMi ible for a year book to be a tion of the latter, are of re- ther soundwor t Ih y',eveuits end xxith the fanul gtein oexe.the"don tf-aH ion tS, oerointestc, d- kh ni1 p, Jni-sthex-fr Siuuand '.and .Hr1 Myi~aJ i trn iesi vaubl ensfrth othmrabyfneclbr.Te hoghu heya' h einlg hl ute suum-mn aspi-deucuie CIniktn tedrodecin te i -sok, and M_ Fr, ic Mr. - onldand fM i .Bxrnn hichhl nTuusa-e- of the present, their families, editorial and business staffs picplsmessage stated. horni of Mr. and Mrs. Brtuc' dnilha an.o o p i- poratind profits. inhcra- L . r N-. Glen Low-rle Donaldre and .is c ci- t1:0po ugî (4 -fboîh i-c de5,erving of con-, As president of the Students B yley oui Sundav. 'hogrotup mi ru uuîtli t h e io nunfuedi- oain po.terate f- 'ýA d u M rs ltivreýler i ~raa~ n~. prliCuat jDon 1 fascersouu gave unclucied 11P. aîui Mîthe('cdl . me vto- areu.îîîaton 1a -are holudaý-ung with Mu- Greta Bale.-Nr-Bn IOf\ada. comnainfrtheir mark- an accounit af the years MeGiili Pa t t Ternuni-. w-n l:d'eeca-]sflnadpice t lr1ativeýZ inPicton. ML. Alden Hbadw-bia~aldo I' n r comnuendation or b- a hugh lx-el aI con- dstriall mandria ac eak i- Nr n r.HrldLrnrSudx tus fM- udMN .Hcu.Sna cd succesS. Bath these bocks t-'-.nts. ile ahso extended bus Mu-r] lAi-ctiiand Sandra Ah- sunuex- en< ilev os conustilng :nedae.ek M.an aol arir u aebeing exceedingly enjoyed gratitude Iotahle students of ren, Toronto: Mr-. andi Mrs. ta sst0tin thxe current expan- naw. and will be treasuured in BHS for their support, and Gera](] Staples. Lakefield: Mr.. Sian un Cla"nteoie ad h the years to caine. ta the teachers for thciî' co-anci Mrs. Terence Staples, T Cenado, the bank ad,1s. 'n lue oth eraud, theore The Screech O0w1 Staff operatio. H-e also thzankcd r1.ouant0; -ssel -i uMeKuuug rn i osu a I fL.Cairo,ýh SUdlt oucl l-ncr during ftue pasi two years theaintrdlucesuuer Se luS corn poised .Cmrn u tdu oni enenon, 1M-outreal: Mr-. and ig Mrsotd vrii- e~.cdftor iu-chief. and assistantfor their w-aik. Vincu-nt Ta(-k,;On and their NIune:iacoonvaspndguprtdbriuu I- edîars Biaug an Roual: M u-ove "tui-ugha uuil i'ee- levels cf personal inicarne," the each;J. ouh adS.1 Other membersoffflie Stu-lsons Jolin and veRoei-ti)O no a iiid rup- I bank says. 'Furthermore, the, tee:B. dve-tiingComit-'denit Counicil xwere J. DeJong, iund Mrs. Bruce Rvlel, on i i prcdof in tnatnenn arîrt G. ac dxu sig .Rcards.R. duos eeG i:o ud lavn .hih i cn(nuiin tn o alownce te niteil ~ f. buy Writing Cormittee: J. Bainu,R[epi-esenta t i v e s weur: rînî ndM-.Crl R-ilav the break in secuî-itv ighr usiness speuîdiuîg on" haveeutetuuned 1i-r uices on i-vend stock tnuaikets. uuIcw niant und cîîuxn. Wise ~f. Betties, J. Humphreys. L. H-ey-. o-ie u\cutuon spent iuî mutai- ae - -1___ i Aitosontfie asvesas wit Miller, D. Oke. The strugtea-,D.MirsD ngho Port Axtlwu- and Fou-r sdqusunsý. thie hervei-sv satred and white cover de- 'SevrD ors .Pal- Wiîîîaun. aise x-îsitng ixu Nîpi i L clim a s i-i P-îTîî l s o ye la kDe . . Hat i rsa- , M.au tr. - gon. IM arat hlo , Sa ult St e. B u s in e s s V ire c io r yl ik -- effe t f C a uada 'S i it ~ aw wasby P Thonpsa. lsh, K. Russ.u. aes, .EuMax-je.North BFay. Sudbui-yI --,aatrit easures. Howec- pCtuan tis eraan' diotio ihe , K. Rssei. D.Jafucc0Glenlcairuu Nia o u anIn C y the B of M beioves thuat h-NV, pitrsi ti erseiinga alBrantford, Raka , - a Inew externali-%-aine for th' E___ re n~t and credit is dtue 1tog. B. Depew aind DO.-Me- hk Fuîsau Mut c f a- G INGEte Phatography Counmittee Feeterl.K---- A . )a1G Caaindllrsal p-- ISSpec'iallxSelected' 'Valite Chee' IIe rIltIiuu G.MaDcga ad isasIs n Retrospect" s the titlii "Chiaitered Accountaut !vide a "definite stiunilus il! MEI.Mcogladhsas- cf thue aucctuuux. of 011e of thue!Ms Robert Gilioir ail 93 Chutreli Street export indiustr-ies. -wýhile the, -more flaverants M. English and A. Plurn--c -ermTrereortr ws M -most lhistoie ceveuits in BI[S' ,sou] l'eiiY cf Mttnal-e visit- NIAiket 1,8lIteniporiry surcharge on loi-Sek -more sparkl. mr.gfThe nrfepartv-s ecl:iiiauals, the pi-escutation cf a: uug or a w-eek xwith lher lgir-- EN AE ROKS'ports shiould a1qe cad b- oin- G.re Guke n l pi nd the s taff d prinia. -u teli-tSu e n L- iiR uic eux ac- -i -morefor -creB. Mtten and . ie-scluýrshiip li Ma-, 1'1 ut-, Mu'. and NIi's. Ross Cari-. Aroîuutuut 'tl, - - -Moire for were B. Mutten and .NW-s.'tr1961t Loî1 1 bil IhtAuditars (iOdSC(l produxctmon ; L W.mDipel]. ty.ret-r-n 1 -- CEret a i ad elr Trxustee ii B ikruptcy v if certin fifllues. w-lU a cu i-a .', " 14t\. Sute2,M'25_9953 sequeut licu-cuse in empa; ko s -adCoutu- i meting ast all hauiax~" ie'xer Mr ii. 1Ohula-a Slîppilif, Centre cnient ON viser, adothers who Ctuu<l nt ____ The exteuit and du-at li oo - bttedta te scces cftuenanue of the L. W'. Dippefll!and iMrs. Beatty F'ee cf Ita on - _ publicaton the ueCircta-he olr l -schne a Utricp TOtu Vlinii-i, B.C. W31 . .il. (OGGINS f uchli uiciease jiicixl u- pec'ulI selected" ale hue clI( JBn]esU tiuuCuniteth rasinclude filuevord 'Meuuurial" cWn ie andlW-iy 1 ou (hatudAcunax vi. fCusbe îleiî-h c iilC omnte, h rd Seconud Flcer bmft-flî fidîîr,îe piie Conmttc te ierryCx T-hle accounit xxitteuu for tepi t l, ps i-ickwli leui N Libu-aî" Bnildiuîii-cp es m mte e tn c o i n e s e r-, o u i e l i thieu i e ( " v 'N îî C r i u g T - î u p e - a e e S t . i d t r s . P IFt if e r u u o i e . i , -,R c that grh u:puuempli . li aJUP 1l îittee, the Typing Ccuuuiit c-ec w eupGszdaeorge Wilson ax i Ieluuf- " ~~epusca' fui -ui !oFahfoe tdns w i ls tempered b'.' ofisex'fiscal and1 sentativeS. Onewuand hosed sti-u, ad le aleuits i 17L 7) , natre hc r i-visfre -.ig r lM d! L. Liucas,thue principal un bis i Ve a rlaxi - N i a ( ed îth lerfoxuuly f'Ian, N I:Ri ear a ),r s of 'huich ie-eJea fo Stfug r QUARTS-let, 2 FOR 33C publislcd message pointed out, en Cua 'se r qeu shu'.- p.iciaeu hefcei'rofiul- ' u- f heeuur-Brbcuug""'ld .aoxe 'anrd TRIîn r th- six 12 01.BOTTUES 41C cthat of ahi the scbool eveuits Vahcdictory is given a place xe-iî î~~ uqdFîi îd&~geliicyprelgralus luali iu:-d tu lii- Lean - eatv j T E Dimgiry><h uo noUSe gives rîse . to greater ex- cf houarinflxicfue bock. The nha ve us<d beie ixuni B-'.- C h<larte re coufftntns :uull er5iken iun c-iruce ffle PLU DPOITnon6cieie thanthe aunual ap- i G-ads ;sect in cuntuiuapc'-inssd . uein.CuIadfai 1ii-.'PORK hSA&USA E S ac h Sereci wlpluotograpîs and biograplicau . -,NIs, Laiu es . Tronti'o, LcBcuîuute i Rikruptcy ____________________pearance ofthe Sicc sec f ehuofft le67Ar- iuted wfîi NI - uîuud -, iVu W l- C A D Ifii, - l deuîux Gi-adi-ates, anud aise ni tc- Ntlseii- ti. ' -tk-i 4khu t 371 - P RERI SmulLn 'g lr tult ùcioeo th 13Sno Co - Pte. JolinusJack,oii oî Cauîip OfaxuOua ~ sa~s~nir oin Bideux was haine iýirilte -MNE T! MNTE ITIN1 ti-t~ie nuu b.6 3 c 1b. 55c3fr69 ~~ ftON~~*MAN~~~ li eca îtti- vted we( keiid x'.-îfhhis îîaur'uxiý ir, i-.Nîar- xi >Mu.dM M0 ihslaue uutt nd'r.Viieu ~csu.-I ~~ " '.EWhieshoieveu Tue'.- R W0 A I I1 -5589 iîîg discripticuis aof1 t Mrtand - - a . i\c.cobiltalitsJeuE.i i hia n e-cii n\cccuiîauuts _________________________________________Oa-,Twirp Seasoxu, Odds andh uugs accom-paicd MI-. anxd stu,701- pesided. W'enscdthe M HU RS. at 7:30 - FRI., SA T., 7 & 8:30 VaietNighitandthis -ear-k otc)J. iia tîp ang t;ici ouiýJ , W. Ntuetf, F,CA. eea lnt efrsneo r s r d c At. IHome, ui Seîwavbuuf-'A, ,.Menitih. B. Ccxii C.A filieclasses We chîauuged the At nheSi--eeuiert uugh peu'C:uadaVilageafGW' Ilielul. C._A, I X u-il nSept. to filue 130% I CBII~-N ILreHa FREE!.. -ith i Fornu i-vshas fine photo- Nniu ai-1 s oso toip 1Ilng c (Luc-oIsed 'î'rusteei ,o thuu McF. Staxi-cer of Ce-" ~.r cdlsso.' c ras o fîs e liech cliîss, anî1OCiiichtuthuF~< . Treflîe-ey, C.A. b)Ourui ghth be aeî MAGIC -MOIOW teeare aIso pictres of the AsRc,:e- xilFapu- n.l.Ligîtfoot, C.A. uur af-.xS'hehsuue-E T o x «N A LE CO IC S1 M d eli Clix, Stanup Clahb, seited lu Mis.,,Do nnua P xtr - -fîx li' tise 10t11 ai-d Il11u.' BU ad bcCuSrehcat the houeîof cf Mr..flulu-rt WLO IRW Shie is aveu' aur area of tueo ROMAN - '~ ---------' OwI Cornuuittees, Art and 1Puhx i ssa c'nFrda1ril g, 4.iii ClharterreJ Acco u1ntauIts CPie rc PiesLxyteu-'.- U.C.W' G.-M hi- I w- r. J. cf I~~~~~~~~siitz a mîuiiee sLih uîu' c tl u iii. la- . -o<axaa Jif S af*tG M iC li-e b erui a s ed i cli. î t J i O Lga1cn .U O S -ie î.ina P~his Second Featlrue OcShtaf. CT<-ati taff, Ill'. Sep -ilti-- >:c.t., anud i-ieplan te do se.E RS 5fo 9 s'il - i ~r'li-ý1(f*Ai(iti Clmuli. T l -.uaih .WluC A. Oruci-alivtlindîi t gint s anWr ' 50 G udîou ibîîi C.A jp-uuutr7 -were tlisctussed and auo. 1 - 10 lb. bag T L ~~~ the contents cf the Lta-.e h-ci i xiclt-t- --l XI ,Plli îe-72_1h -7à7)l>4-uuu:îttee xioiîinatedt to astc___ T h e Section '.iulî inî-xuci'-s v- - cîp. touicîl l-ilutueu-ca---is -- tlr iie and get, soie plan: Iri css h, îunuaoreus pi tre auuu(Oil eîl.e -read h bas andîti ee C ro r' fçfur saine. Ouri- ext nIeec-fut N EW Pu A 7O Sec EU I I * joer. Marked aru iîc ftalent!' uatîcfoufra cu Jce-oi-. '.--xirsE l 1e mPt Mr..NMorris' s'u t - ci- ____ MM -is ex-inced 1.).,hIle sph-xudid cl. Pitfe M.i i:tiuic ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ic~ lri unrl i----- - ---- - m -m or reprud-tu ions iet fioir pic- ' . ,'i - i-A. '.udu ,ivihs Mr. an-d u. H ew.n t * * * ) ** )trli'udtîalKuti 1: Pi îi:ckrt Torotot, at flueir cnt-, 14 IVLRI "SV E 9c! 16-wo Jars JV JL ~'êIIh ~ Colr - RchardTodd Gardziuîska. iiarîr Fui-an, Bei - NI us. halpis l>I-esýI) eur-ad Ilue01e- _____________________________________________ ty Lixtexi auud Pauul iVitte ,ttii -t-1ii ti ccatiu1Itioius -.îîd 13Eiuu I iiIlnc lr' tn e Cesug i*i T l ~I U MX D9 f . Tht- part cf thue Scr-ech Owi O)t x -e.-sit 1 uOft'- - \ b iNij1tiln hikûu u 1 'Nil, uî',', x, ing i1îfri-end, at fi-ant- Woe oSorscris atliri-l id M-~Sso,-f î:.,(lanîd Niaoara FaIls o'..ti-AylmerP@ickles 2for49c Ploie Sa 5 f U .t E. U . 21e73 ,. calendof the poisca-rents ssIi'g î p'siuui FiD n :he tflcli- weekcend, ~(1IFEI AE)Rg Iccc in iitfs field. Pictures show Iluee .na - il-s wiila ,\ltclrev lia-ýr ie- Fid D:îv Cheaixiuen -BII cThe Ms- ii t-Yu:t i - i in aLong Isiandi. NY n. î S~AVE 21cu B o ch e b r F Ici t Mari-ii- Teim, Footbuall Cheer- licuthier si-.uu -ih-uiîci11.~M >î.,-rKL \' lt -oz1,uis B-aaches.l:îk-tFlat ienti-ilu-Vi-i;ti leîiie- - 5Kf: i-î 'u.i:iux'.S,-L.:t', le-eaIIusuLYSl'n I)oîui-î f)'xnSenxior 'Fototballci lc Ii dMl- -c' i-isitiug fin, Sudblir,; ic o a o u c a e Terry-Thornas, Tuesday VeId. CeIesietIltiil Ilitrauunual P'nelball ClIasu OinaDi- KUE U om t Jic fr 9 Excellenut Concdy - Color duIt Entex tainnisnt m u.1ei:rFt;icl:ciTrI huu ti - i iiAl.ie le (fcii iiinl i ~îlatter ,\cL ,V- iolext t i -sentSA E BautamRuiketaulTeaui.i~'c lS Mss oilr, flc - j i cl -\'.xxi-, - : -1I11 »I~ltt M lulcîoetç hoIelC ýJELLL0 - Fam'ily Size 6-oz. pkgu. RZNF DFE UEs - - - - pions. Senior Girls \Vohci-bal I sOcial luntur co' Ml ixs,,P-ai-- » »INViila Muludi'cw's c-ar, ns (;Olt 1Car Vasfi Car Ligliter ITeau, Gis Selni,iBasketla"ll ItiIoii iisau x'.ue4it e I fc iiýJ- 1 1ti.. :'f- IiýN-îîrlN-s lrîutIlan udig or6lSta beres 2foN9 Bails Urnish i L'smluhu Fluid Teauîu, uandrGirls Jn(r-I-l'h te i I riuBau FusciI iiNs 31iI hu.iiîx--sIît' d' -i I.d 1 1lt 8o.Ja A s4! VIîIs aiI i' '2 for 880 99e 88e 1i for 44e ktualTu-amui.- - -- - - l- c, c 6pn i ci"rboreusl h tbi.s week. I S _____________________ c Nli11oo uth Meucer is NS ANT (OFFEE 99C GR P JU E2fo39 SO.INXTABLETS Btîlint Caps 79c, 98c, Liq fiee Hughu Schooi Spuitaxer ljVre-eu -La Ciiappele. K i li-c s-- eheu ha is Na 3S U -h k An aid e ~Ice Sxunrtc - iespcctfuly dedicated to Louis 1Ii-puy i uîi J. Zax'i5vst. !~-i. f1,3,'. 11101.u S,( .1ci-r huo i e i î Uiupslf Ani a0-%Siiniae - W-DI ppe ,- primucipal - f1H.- J..-peIs tIl'u-ugs.,c 4f- Iloi 1S . 11nti, o- arc- C Bon 13EST c lie tuicitCtuxcl ~ut5-j ekrtot~ rzul u-giil SfftS.uMISS APHA 1, IIODGINS Iaîudi fanily speuit thue w'eekend J tîve i-ias coumposc-:l c. f Lois - --- Baxrister, Solucitor itl Robert Kllîeuî's. E T c! Ashton, presidnut. S. Chiaska- i Notai-v Ptubliec iJh Gir\,mr .1. SV vichi. vice- presi denit, Janine Wi'r:sP, FxîYseuîg, 'lor- 1 xulankSi, on c leGIS(Mi-s. Jon enxa .~ AIETBY retno e o~)l c akg Sicilliûu. t -asur-l Sttueit begins tis of .îî, cl a tvo- 1 E. IUCHARD LOVIRIN ;visitetl M s. J. F we'uu .i-îit Whit- IMu 3.5695RLUG TO REwere B. Mtchell, L. Stabiton, Canauiiaui National Exlibiton, c 8 ru-xster. Solicitar me t'ftCie-'. ut.- ____________________________________________________ B.__ Burtan. C. Liptay-. M. Btu- H-e ,uîcct-cled lini-s- Puce I.uuîg St. E. N exi-astie Nirs. Mai-y 1Leucih Oshawac______________________________ __ - - ul~~~~~~~~~ai, D.eaiac11llauuuî. F3. fcis-Toronto -ins,;i-rance executixe, iPhionue2246 cbs speuîduig a fexi-'days nt Nor-.TS P E E VN I E!F'X IE - 5 !I P C II - - Ruuns'9-5:30 - Wed,, Sait., D.- inan beau-lus. IS P E E VN I MALCOLMTHEMIL___- Mrs. Alex MeMlaster, Joauî SimlI - doz, Mced. - doz, . E AES! UlBE MA CGLM THENMRLAMANDA IR YKý,dRssatne teNe. -- b GL N R EM o ri1g ag e s i e iiil elca JmsN MASON JARS $1.43 $1.69N W OR dï- - -Niistel 's, ?,-iîb-ook. oui Sunî- prm3- . PLOMREI<i ...TNI$ iW BY GRWIN BG N SDI PAhLoneOrON16a PICKLING SPICES -2 toi- 25C* U Ç I.Sz J DMLKPJC< CAW .TPNf,.MM? .S'W/6! e- Plouge r 16 Mi-, and Mus. Chou-les Hall leWILL GIVE yS EVER W A/NAuseRF-s argaeFu" and sons fi-oui Nova Scotia vus- Sifto 3-1b. bag i"Esctr 7A WrWL.Resudenees - Farnîs Iited nt Noruiiauu Leacli's PCLN AT- 2cEEYA O RCS - SW/NE IN 7OWN/ >'OU~~~~~~ MAK~~ ~~ l3uiness Properties i.aî is inSanoî ULWIH 4o.Lae Ni\onu gage Lcais and souns are oui holiday tlîus CERTO LIQUIO AN 33CS- LIE IIAIOLD C. PEDWELL iMur. and Mu-s. Torn Lec and ET RSAL ks 3 Real Estate and , famuîly, Toronto, visited nt o lIa-CYTLS2pgs 3 - lortgage Broker bei-t Killen's. ELAWX- ks,3 New'.-thm- Phaune 38b6 Mr. and Mrs. James Anu- SA--A ks 3 brose bt-came the parents oif RUBBER RINGS 2 pkgs. 25c 0 p o rn etr y Itwiu daughutens tw'a yeam-s agîx _______________________ __________________________ anti last Thursday becanue the - ~KEITU A. BILLETTI O0.D. - Parenits of ti-vimi sons. Quite a Prices effective at the listed id&Wut Fo trbol Ai' <. ~~O.-<ptamerid Irecord for this community. -~141 King St. E. - Bow-manili Nirs. Reta Nivens and Mrs. *f For Prompt De1iverýy Office Hours: By appointment Florence French, Bowmanviîle,:M PEG O AR For Prompt DeIi't'er~MiIk Bas- relepione Mauket 3 - 32952 visiteti ot Russell Perkins.LEG VE M R T .M pe Gov AE ~tula. -Tues - Ihuxs.1 Fr. "Mn, and Mrs. Wes Camei-oîî. . WA334 igS.N -.ed. and Sat. -q - 12 Caxieron and faunily at St. O NS M R E 9 a.nt. ta à pm. ;Geor&c on Sumiday.